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businessmemes · 7 months
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Self-care is important for the discerning human resources professional, and mandatory.
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I have redundancies at work just announced. Confused as hell. What can we do?
If you have a recognised union (or even an unrecognised one) that you are a member of, get in contact with them immediately. Odds are, if there is a mass redundancy, they will already know about it.
If there are more than 20 folks being made redundant, the redundancies are in one establishment, and the redundancies are being proposed in a 90 day period, then your employer is required by law to hold a collective consultation. Of course, quite often your employer will not know the law around this, and its worth arguing that you should have a collective consultation anyway. The consultation wont necessarily stop the redundancies, but it gives you time to plan.
Additionally, if anyone who is being made redundant is either pregnant, on maternity/paternity leave, or on adoption leave, then your employer must find alternate work for them if there is any available.
Your employer can only make people redundant if they have no more use for your role. If your employer is looking to use contractors, or alternate provisions to fulfil that role, you can make a fairly good argument that the dismissal is unfair or wrongful. Protections are weird in the UK around this if you haven't worked at a place for at least 2 years, but again with all of this, argue the point anyway.
Your employer probably wont know any of the law around redundancy and it is good to push that fact as a strategy. It is also very useful to be talking to all your co-workers in this process. Make sure everyone knows what is going on, their rights, and what you can all do collectively.
Ideally you will have done some workplace organising beforehand, but these things can happen unexpectantly.
Finally, if you do not have any union representation nearby, join a union as soon as you can (*cough* IWW *cough*). They may not be able to help you with something on such short notice, but it is another strategy to scare the boss shitless if they think you're going to be a problem for them.
See also: https://www.tumblr.com/tips-from-a-tech-worker/725120769477214208/how-do-i-improve-my-workplace?source=share
All of this information is available on the ACAS website, and you can contact them free of charge. Also recommend Citizens Advice as well. Sources used: - https://www.acas.org.uk/redundancy - https://www.acas.org.uk/your-rights-during-redundancy - https://www.acas.org.uk/redundancy-protection-for-pregnancy-and-new-parents - https://www.acas.org.uk/collective-consultation-redundancy - https://www.acas.org.uk/dismissals/unfair-dismissal - https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/work/redundancy/check-your-rights-if-youre-made-redundant/
Hope this helps!
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NPR host today: “The original ‘Avatar’ made a worldwide profit of three billion dollars -- that’s billion with a ‘B.’”
Okay, you don’t have to tell us what “billion” starts with. It’s an extremely well-known word. No one ever said, “I know it made three billion, but what does that start with?” If you use a wacky made-up number like “squijillion,” then hell yeah, spell it on the air.
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obamousse · 4 months
Before they became lovers, Osasuna found each other very interesting people.
Suna was interesting to Osamu because he was a lone wolf - someone who did not give a damn about what the world perceives of him, who will go against it to follow what he wants and what he thinks is right. Osamu, meanwhile, thought everyone needs approval from others, everyone needs to get along well with one another and socialize. He was intrigued: how could Suna be alone so well, like he was born for it? How could he be his bitter, sarcastic self without getting hurt by people or caring about hurting other people? How could he be so uncaring, about anything at all, not having any passion, anything to love? He had never seen Suna cry in any of the matches or show a genuine smile. Osamu was plain confused -and curious - because Suna was so emotionally unavailable or mentally tough, but he could come in handy when Osamu asks him for advice on whether he should leave volleyball. Until he peeled back, layer by layer until he found a vulnerable boy behind that heart of stone, a boy who also loved volleyball with all his heart like his brother, who was as willed to win as, or even more, than anyone else on the court.
Suna found Osamu interesting because he was a walking contradiction. Everyone sees him as a nice person - until he flips his brother off and anyone who crosses them. He's calm, mature - until he has to compete with his brother and becomes a 5-year-old. He always seek advice from everyone - until he decided to quit volleyball, something he could have an entire career and secure a wealthy life in, to pursue what he is truly passionate for. Suna has always thought Osamu would pursue volleyball as expected of him. He heard Osamu's reasons to pursue a career in cooking, Suna wonders at Osamu's determination, passion, and way of thinking, which even Suna would find utterly foolish. He is impressed, because even though Osamu appears not as brash, passionate, stubborn or strong as his brother, he has strength and fortitude that certainly makes you curious. Suna better saves Osamu a word of gratitude - because the moment he spiked to the other net for the last time in third year, it all clicked in to him those words Osamu said. He knew it was a calling he could follow even though he was blind, how Osamu would relish in his love for food at the end of the day, no matter what their parents expected of them, no matter how everyone convinced them and tried to pull them back.
All in all, they were hooked onto each other, though it was only a light, tingling feeling of curiosity at each other's character.
TLDR: Osamu and Suna are foil characters of each other, and they realized so when Osamu confessed to Suna he wanted to pursue a career in cooking, which made Suna realize his love for volleyball he had not recognized for years.
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willcodehtmlforfood · 10 months
Digital skills academy CodeClan goes into liquidation - BBC News
"Scotland's digital skills academy, CodeClan, has gone into liquidation with the loss of nearly 60 posts.
CodeClan called in liquidators from Quantuma Advisory after struggling to place students into employment."
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apocalypticink · 9 months
Time for a new arm.
She reaches to her parts wall
Robs another corpse
Obsolete parts are not built
So she must steal what she needs.
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toweringclam · 1 year
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chickensauras · 2 years
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Forgot id been workin on this w.i.p. last year- its my favorite scene from The Neverending Story (book not the movie) ch. 9 Spook City
I got 12 pages sketched out but still never got to Gmork revealing what the creatures of fantastica turn into in the human world, but its such a good chapter
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animemaniac21 · 8 months
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zaryathelaika · 1 year
Mirroring to Cohost
Going to start mirroring our Tumblr posts to Cohost. Feel free to follow. We're currently at #4537 in queue.
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We're also backing up the posts on GitHub and GitLab.
Downside of Cohost is that while it's Tumbler-esque in aesthetics and usability, it's more like a privatized Mastodon or Misskey with unlimited character count, than say— something like Posterous or micro.blog. The latter allow for pages to be created separately from the feed.
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fartfisttheorc · 2 years
All intelligence is artificial.
I may steal my own car, then report it stolen; just so police won't pull me over. ~Fuggin Fisty
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j-august · 2 years
For some in the St James's Street offices of the Security Service, the final weeks of the war, when they were no longer faced with any serious threat to national security, were an anti-climax. Hugh Astor, formerly the highly motivated case officer of BRUTUS and other double agents who had played a key role, found himself becoming bored as his case-work ran down. So did Guy Liddell, who wrote in his diary on 4 May: 'The end of the war is falling rather flat, and VE Day is undoubtedly going to be a colossal bore, with no food and no transport. The only thing to do is to tie a Union Jack to the bedpost and go to bed.'
Christopher Andrew, The Defence of the Realm
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Backup Your Backups:
To rely on a single source of anything is a prescription for disaster. It's a single point of failure. To take it a step further; to rely on only one backup for your primary source is still a prescription for disaster. Here's a personal, real-life example for heating my house: I use electric as my primary source of heat. If my grid-electric goes out, I have a hybrid (gasoline/propane) generator that can run my electric heat. If my generator runs out of gas, I can switch it over to use propane. If the generator propane runs out, I have a propane heater in my house with a separate [large] propane tank. If my house propane runs out, I have a kerosene heater and, lastly, I have a wood stove and plenty of chopped-up wood to heat my home. If the chopped wood runs out, I live on a wooded lot and can start taking down trees (after using the ones that have already fallen). It's doubtful that I would need to resort to emergency cutting down of trees but I hope I've made my point. I have six backups for heating my house if the grid-electric goes out. I also have [battery and electric] fans and a portable air conditioner if my central air conditioner goes down in the summer. And I'm constatnly working to improve my solar and wind generator solution as an alternate power source to grid electricity. The same goes for my income (2 sources of retirement, a part-time job and a hobby with the potential to make money) and investments (cash, bank accounts, precious metals, real estate). I frequently backup my computer on 2 devices and keep them in 2 separate places, taking one with me, with my 2nd laptop computer, if I need to go somewhere. Food is another example by always having canned and dehydrated options/backups. How about bottled water and water filtering? Never should it be assumed that things will always be as they are and backups won't fail. Jobs are lost, vehicles break down, electric goes out, weather can stop us from getting to the store. It's the prudent thing to do to think of what I need to live and implement/purchase methods that will back that up and then come up with a 3rd [or 4th or 5th] backup option. As a Prepper, I not only prepare for emergencies from external sources but also for when my own preps fail or are depleted. Redundancy is one of the high marks of being a prepared person. [Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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Ugye megszűnik a munkám, utolsó miting klienssel "gratulálunk, és hova mész tovább?"
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adyophene · 3 months
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screen time
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