fshfish · 3 days
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brothers under the sun
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cryptidcr3ature · 2 days
I’ve been trying (and failing) to upload this all day but we’re gonna try again because I ain’t a quitter.
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burdock-root · 1 day
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John Marston Character Models
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sazibobo · 3 days
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rdr2 doods
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jacewy · 13 hours
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targetf0rce · 2 days
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"Second Chances"
i spent way too long on this drawing but i needed to give this the detail it deserved and has been why i havent posted any drawings for a little bit. I think about the Marston's daughter a lot and him getting to be a dad and making up for what he missed with Jack due to his own foolishness.
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RDR2 bad ending if it was written by Vivziepop
Micah: "You're fucking not fucking better than me, Morgan!"
Arthur: "Whatever you fucking say, you fucking bitch!"
Micah: "Fuck you!"
Arthur: "Fuck us both!"
*Micah fucking shoots Arthur in the fucking head and then fucking laughs and fucking spits on Arthur's fucking body before fucking holstering his fucking revolvers and fucking walks the fuck away*
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ryavkin · 2 days
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Chapter 1: Colter
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jamisonrivv · 3 days
meowston ❤️
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ripjimmilton · 10 hours
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Fuck is bro smiling about
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b44hsh33p · 2 days
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Thinking about that one guy 😋
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cryptidcr3ature · 17 hours
Remember whose month this is…
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burdock-root · 1 day
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obsessed with bandaged dad bod john marston
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slicedmayonnaise · 2 days
I love escaping into aus bc the events of rdr/2 make me wanna violently throw up
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arthursdolly · 15 hours
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“𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊'𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒆.”
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓡𝓔𝓐𝓓! creds to @lazypapers . inspo for this . low honor arthur morgan . arthur if he was an o'driscoll. usual rdr2 violence
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parley. that's what pearson called it. hosea called it a trap, micah and dutch were happy going to talk to the o'driscolls to end this feud between the two gangs. finally.
the o'driscolls and the van der linde gang.
arthur was on watch, he was ready to shoot at any danger. he was a distance away, watching everything go down through his sniper from a higher point. just in case they tried anything, u could never trust an o'driscoll. and after all that, hosea was right.
this was a trap.
the bullet to the shoulder, his ears ringing, his mind blurred. he was weak and vulnerable. he wasn't a religious man, but he hoped to god that his gang would be alright without him, accepting that these were his last moments. he was practically on death's door.
all those days, all those days waiting for dutch to come and rescue him. to help him out, to save him like he always would say in his speeches... arthur's hopes of being rescued were dying each day as no one helped him. he was left. no dutch. no john. no hosea. no one. nobody came. and arthur held onto that as a grudge.
dutch van der linde was a leech. a snake. nothing but a parasite that infected people with his sickening charm of manipulation and other things used to get his own gain. he was one cunning man. and god, did he know it. he prided his self in that. he was proud of what he did, morally good or not.
days later, arthur woke up. his eyes adjusting to the sun as it was shining over what he didn't know was hanging dog ranch. he proped himself with a groan as he felt all the bruises and slight pain, which was... weird. he thought he'd be in a worse state, almost dead, even. “boss, he's awake.” he heard from an irish man.
arthur then knew where he was instantly, with the o'driscolls. goddamn. and then there he stood, colm o'driscoll. “looks like someone ain't such a showpony no more.” he says with a chuckle from him, arthur gave a slight nod as a greeting. “ain't surprisin' that dutch left ya to rot.” which earned a slight eyeroll from arthur. because why would he ever listen to an o'driscoll?
and then it began. using such words of gaslight and deceit, colm was working his way on arthur. with his snake tomgue, he knew what he was doing. with a man with slight on show from his injuries, what would be better than to manipulate van der linde's most trusted man?? and with his intimidating size... he could be better. a weapon.
he could be an o'driscoll.
and arthur's attention was grabbed, colm knew that he was thinking about his words even if the intense gaze on arthur's face said different. so colm continued. “wouldn't leave my boys like that, especially if I knew they're almost dead.” he continued in that condescending tone of his. he knew what he was doing, and he was going to get what he wanted.
“clearly he dont appreciate the way we do... ye would fit right in here. wouldn't have some betray that big man ye are.” he added with a slight chuckle, knowing that arthur took his words in carefully. colm was feeding into arthur's self-esteem, his self-confidence, and his ego. and that's when colm realised that he was thinking. about himself, about the gang, about dutch. dutch goddamn van der linde.
and then something snapped in arthur.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ׄ  ۪ 𓂃 ੭୧ 𓂃 ۪ ׄ
arthur was even worse. it was like he had no sense of morals left with how ruthless, merciless and selfish he was now. hes never been so... cruel now. he was greedy and vengeful, in his head thats who he needed to be. he was a weapon of mass rage.
that's who he was now. after the o'driscolls got into his head.
he didn't have any empathy once he and the o'driscolls had caught john marston, arthur's "brother". they planned to have john in a way to lure them into their demise, and it should be easy since mr marston was the new showpony ever since arthur "died." either way, the plan worked because john was here. “arthur!? yer alive? dutch said ya died back there, i-” “marston, i knew ye were stupid but not this stupid, dutch lied.” arthur snapped.
nothing could prepare arthur for the amount of seething anger and resentment once they saw mr van der linde came to save john. why didn't he do the same and save arthur?? why did he abandon arthur like he meant nothing??
the sight of them two erupted something in him. especially once dutch looked up at arthur. “son? i thought you-” “oh, don't give me that, dutch. y'knew i was alive this whole damn time.” arthur barked back, giving them both a stern glare. arthur. god only knows how resentful he felt. he didn't understand why dutch left him for dead. he needed help, he needed the saviour and guidance that dutch always gave him. and them, he didn't. he saw him like a wounded wolf and left him.
only then arthur realised that colm o'driscoll was right. john was the golden boy. always has been. always will be. growing up, dutch made wrthur that he was important, that he meant something to him. but clearly not anymore.
the moment that arthur morgan became arthur o'driscoll.
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feuer-bluete · 13 hours
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Tried to match Arthur to Chapter 5/6 Sadie, what are we thinking? There is no neck thingy in her color for him but I found suspenders in the same color, together with his black neck thing I think it works out pretty good!
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