rogueddie · 1 day
Steve is definitely rambles when he's nervous, just as much and as bad as Robin- the difference is, the only person he feels safe enough to be open and vulnerable like that with is Robin. At first, she thinks it's just him picking up on her quirks. It takes her a while to realize, no, they really are soul sisters.
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little-bumblebeeee · 9 months
oh you write Steve and Robin as friends who only kinda tolerate each other and Robin has no interest in Steve's hobbies and they're only friends because they're traumabonded? Oh... that's cool... anyways MY Steve sends Robin his noods so she can rate them on a scale of 1-10 before he sends them to Eddie
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
Headcanon that stobin refer to themselves as we because Robin made a joke once about how they were practically the same person so therefore they shared every experience.
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rainwaterapothecary · 2 months
Steve and Robin are sooooooo drift compatible
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rogueddie · 5 months
Steve, who didn't come out to Robin when she did in the Starcourt bathrooms bc he didn't want to take away from her moment, entirely forgetting that he never came out to her and subsequently gives her the bitchiest look when she almost chokes to death at his casual "god I want that guy to rail me"
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rogueddie · 9 months
bestie culture is ignoring the girl you're interested in because you just heard a reference to an injoke and you have to share The Look™
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rogueddie · 8 months
Steve and Robins lavender marriage wedding looks normal... at first. Steve is in a fancy tux, Robin is in a pretty white dress. Dustin is the best man and Robins dad walks her down the aisle.
Those not in on it start to notice things are a little odd when they realize that Robins dad is giggling, not crying. Then, in their vows, they never make any romantic statements. Steve calls her his "best bro forever". They don't 'kiss the bride', they do a handshake.
Robin carries Steve across the threshold. She calls him her wife. He calls her his husband. They never wear their rings. Eddie and Nancy move in with them but it's fine. They're all just good friends.
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rogueddie · 8 months
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rogueddie · 4 months
Everyday I remember that Robin canonically wants to fuse with Steve into one person. That she canonically thinks they're better together. That she canonically thinks Steves positives compliment hers and that they're both better people because of it. Everyday I smile.
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rogueddie · 2 months
Robin having a kid through something like IVF is so much more interesting if it's with Steve and no one else, let's be honest with ourselves. Like, what made them go with that route?
Maybe Steve isn't in a relationship, he wants kids and is starting to worry that he never will, worried that he's getting to the age where he'd need to adopt.
And Robin has been quietly itching to bring up having kids herself, not sure how to say it or if she should, knowing that Steve first and foremost wants kids with a woman that he loves.
But Steve does love Robin- not romantically, but so much more too. The idea of having a little baby that's a mix of him and Robin? He's almost sad that he hadn't thought of it sooner.
He's immediately trying to think of names that they could call them that are in some way related to "Robin" because if they're having a mini-them then he's definitely making sure they're more Robin. She's the best person he knows! He knows there's no better role model.
Maybe at first Robin is a little worried too. Maybe she worries that Steve is too on board or, with how fully on it he is, that she won't match up.
But then Steve comes down that morning with a little book, strategizing with her on how they'll make sure their babys first word is "mama" because he's so sure that they'll love Robin more than him, that it'll only embarress them when they're old enough if their first word is "dad".
Then when Robin is finally holding their baby, shes crying because she can see so much of herself in them; her eyes, her mouth, her ears. Steves nose.
It doesn't help when Steve says "oh, she looks just like you, she's beautiful" with so much awe.
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rogueddie · 8 months
Witch Nancy trying to summon a demon to make a deal and bring back Barb, summoning Steve. But he's more... half sex demon. He's not the 'bring your dead friend to life' kind of demon. He offers as much help as he can, which isn't a lot, but he does ease her guilt.
But Steve is bored. He's never been summoned out of Hell and he doesn't want to go back so he just... hangs around. He wants to see what all the fuss is about and thinks it's funny how Nancy keeps trying to scold him like an irritated parent.
He thinks a service job might be fun, but quickly learns it's horrible. Robin, his new co-worker, thinks he's funny bc he keeps insisting that Scoops Ahoy is worse than Hell- and he would know!
The last thing he expects is to become best friends with Robin though. They become such good friends that, when Steve is about to be dragged forcefully back to Hell, she doesn't even blink; she makes a deal that Steve will stay with her, in return for her being able to be with him in Hell after she dies.
Nancy tries to scold them both for being idiots. They're both too smug about being able to spend eternity together to listen.
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rogueddie · 1 month
and what about the band geeks adopting Steve bc of Robin?
what about how all of them collectively deciding to adopt him bc Robin sort of announced him as her best friend like she was showing off a new puppy and he looked excited to just be there with her?
what if he's the one who can get anything done in seconds bc he has this new lil network of people who see him as their lil guy? and Steve never taking any of their offers bc he'd rather use it as an excuse to hang out more with Robin?
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rogueddie · 4 days
Stranger Things should be set modern day just so Steve and Robin can send each other weird texts at 3am that range from traumatically deep things that cause a crisis for both of them to a picture of a snail with a hat photoshopped onto it's shell that Steve names Rupert
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rogueddie · 4 months
Steve and Robin should be allowed to match their outfits like the twins that they are. Steve always goes for the lighter version of whatever outfit they choose, pastels or pinks or bright yellow. Whilst Robin always goes for darker colors, maroons or navy or deep purple. Their fave go to is a simple white top with a jean jacket and matching jeans set with lil hearts on them.
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rogueddie · 6 months
The fact that Steve and Robin have only canonically held hands one time should be a crime. I know those bitches go everywhere holding hands, fingers twined together, squeezing each other for reassurance and tracing secret messages on the back of the others hand.
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rogueddie · 6 months
Steve and Robin meeting before Scoops but it's during a party game that Robin is forced into playing and the pair end up forced into a closet for seven minutes in heaven. By the time their time is up, they're sat on the floor having a pointless argument (grinning the whole time) and yell at the others for disturbing them, slaming the door shut again.
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