#pro-hero hana shimura
Writing practice ( 22 / 04 / 2024 )
#2 Version — Writing in Spanish and translated to English.
Context: pro-hero au.
Tenko succeeds in catching the bad guy who generated the leak on the sewage systems and the heroes' effort confined the explosion to a small zone. Unfortunately, Tenko didn't have the time to get out of the sewage before the explosion. Now he's stuck underneath as the other heroes search for him.
    Move move move move move—
    Part of him would always respond to his sister's call. It was something intrinsic to him, a kind of compulsion that took his body hostage when Hana's voice rose to the heavens.
    Sometimes Tenko found it hard to believe that they had survived the shadow of a villain like AFO. If he closed his eyes now, he could imagine that he was just sleeping and that at any moment he would wake up in another bed, another room, another life just as his as his own. He would walk to a deserted room to shake the fantasy of his dream into dust on the trash can. He would go to the bathroom, wash his face, and not recognize the young man standing there. Only his red eyes would give away his identity.
    All was a dream.
    It was time to stop playing heroes.
    He knew that he had done his job well because his whole body hurt, yet he was alive. Tenko had managed to contain the explosion to the smallest tunnel of the sewage system in the middle of the evacuated area. Hana had surely redirected most of the gas and dissipated it appropriately on the surface. He knew this because the explosion only knocked down a couple of walls and sent him flying into the bars on the west side of the tunnel.
    Deep inside, he just wanted to curl up against Touya's jacket, lay down on the floor and take a nap. He must have had a concussion. He couldn't feel it 'cause everything hurt the same, but Tenko always took his paramedic classes very seriously. Check for contusion. Check to see if he kept the rest of his body. Even without visibility due to the smoke and the giant block of cement covering the exit, Tenko knew that he would see nothing but a firmament of starts blinking on his periphery if he tried to open his eyes. However, Hana was calling him. There was not time to rest.
    No good. His voice sounded beyond ruined. If he had heard Hana, she must be somewhere around him, he reasoned. Tenko had no idea of the radius of the explosion, so he had to do his best to help his sister locate him.
    "Hana..." Think, Tenko.
    Could the piece of rubble in front of him be safely removed? When the explosion sent him flying, the separating metal fence saved his life by stopping a large piece of debris just over a meter away. He couldn't see anything because of the way the tunnel collapsed. On second thought, he couldn't put it down. Tenko wasn't sure if that would bring him to the surface or let more debris rain down on him. He had not survived the explosion to die buried by his own impatience.
    "Here..." to your left. Damn, he was running out of oxygen in there. Was that normal? How come he could hear his sister perfectly, but he couldn't feel the slightest draft of air against his skin?
    Panic struck him suddenly. He couldn't be hallucinating, could he? The concussion, the lack of oxygen, the feeling of being swimming in air... If he decayed with his quirk that piece of debris and there was something on top of it, he would die. If he did nothing and he was hallucinating, he would die. If he rushed to make a decision and it was the wrong one, he would die.
    Ironically, Tenko could only think about his conversation with Touya a couple of hours ago.
    I promise not to die in your jacket.
    Wait... Touya's mask!!! He had it with him!!
    When he made it out, Tenko promised he'd pay for Touya's new jacket. For lending it to him— and for saving his life by doing so.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Everyone @ Gran: You have been assigned the role father. I imagine Nana comes home to that and sheepishly smiles at him until he asks and she's just like: "I have another child" and holds Toshi up to him. Gran you cannot escape fatherhood. (Or grandfatherhood for that matter, when a young boy with Nana's smile and Toshi's bounce with stars in his eyes or a boy with ruby eyes and Nana's hair and your cynical nature or another that looks so much like her you sometimes look twice)
Okay, let me expand on this for a second, in the context of a Nana Lives!AU listicle. This list is subject to future edits considering Nana Lives!AU isn’t even fully manifested, but suffice to say, it is very “ohhh you meant fix-it like MIRACLE fix-it” in vibes:
Kotarou is first in the family, no matter than he’s younger than Toshinori.
Toshinori is adopted as a Shimura before Sorahiko even marries in.
Kaina is less of a granddaughter than she is a niece, and she’s more Nana’s protege than Sorahiko’s. But she still counts as a member of the family because it looks like the Tsutsumis are more or less indifferent (or deceased) in canon.
Hana is the first actual grandchild. She is just as much of a red bean fiend as her grandpa, who indulges her antics terribly.
Tenko comes next, and he’s initially a shy kid that Sorahiko thought would take after his own temperament, but then he’s out of Hana’s shadow and chattering away at a mile a minute.
Keigo is plucked out of the illegal training program Nana only just sniffs out with Kaina’s assistance, and they’re so busy ensuring it doesn’t happen again, Nana entrusts Keigo to Sorahiko, who just retired from U.A. and is having empty-nesting feelings. Because Keigo’s origin still revolves around Endeavor, Sorahiko obligingly encourages yet another pro-hero dream.
Izuku is pretty much the last grandchild. He’s 100% Toshinori’s, even if not in blood, and that makes him a #nanahiko grandkid.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Ask Game AU Masterlist
If an AU from an Ask Game receives attention, it is named and tagged for easy finding. Untagged AUs can still be found in the Ask Game tag
Current AU Count: 333
You may notice that this is more than 250. That is the limit of links that work on Tumblr, so this post only works on Dashboard view.
1-B AU
Midoriya is put in Class 1-B
Acidic Heroes AU
Ashido asks Yaoyorozu and Midoriya to tutor her
Adopted Mei AU
After the death of her parents, Power Loader adopts Hatsume
Akatani AU
Midoriya is AFO’s son, and he and Inko enter witness protection
Aldera Uraraka AU
Uraraka is Midoriya’s childhood friend and attended Aldera with him, while Bakugou was in Mie Prefecture.
All For Classroom
All For One is the homeroom teacher of 1-A, and they have to take him down before graduation.
All For Hero AU
All For One is also a Hero
All For Inko AU
Inko is All For One and determined to raise her kid well.
All For Support AU
Midoriya is coincidentally born with All For One, and goes into the Support Course with it.
All Of You Might Be Adopted AU
All Might adopts the future Class 1-A after rescuing them from All For One
Apprentices AU
Everyone in 1-A is a Legacy Student in some way.
Aura Guardian AU
Midoriya has natural Aura abilities inspired by Aura from Pokemon.
Bakugou For All
Midoriya mysteriously disappears, and Bakugou’s efforts to find him lead to All Might choosing him as a successor
Bakugou Himiko AU
Himiko is Katsuki’s cousin, who ends up being taken in by Mitsuki and Masaru when they notice the Toga’s behavior.
Bakugou Izuku
Inko married Mitsuki and Masaru instead of Hisashi, Izuku and Katsuki are brothers
Basilisk AU
Mongoose Habuko has One For All and is in 1-A. Midoriya has a shark Quirk
Batfam AU
MHA and DC setting fusion. Midoriya ends up part of the Batfamily while training for OFA
Bladestorm AU
Midoriya has a Quirk that lets him turn his body into blades and is scouted by the HPSC.
Blaze of Glory AU
Kamiji Moe, Pro Hero Brunin and sidekick to Endeavor, is secretly the eldest Todoroki child post-transition, trying to surpass her father the non-homicidal way.
Blizzard AU
Rei is a Pro Hero, and Enji is a civilian.
Blond Swap AU
Monoma is in 1-A and Bakugou is in 1-B
Bloodright AU
Toga is All For One’s successor and Uraraka has One For All.
Bloody Bullet AU
Toga’s parents sell her to the Eight Precepts while she’s in Junior High, and she does her best to protect Eri
Blue Blazes AU
Iida murdered Stain at Hosu
Blue Sky AU
Shimura Hana lived and became a Hero
Boogeyman AU
All For One is a myth invented by the HPSC. Yoichi, on the other hand, is very real and has been desperately stealing bodies to keep himself alive since the dawn of Quirks.
Brass Knuckles AU
Midoriya meets Knuckleduster and learns from him
Can’t Stop Twinkling AU
Aoyama stays Quirkless and in France
Captain Midoriya
Midoriya and Melissa are given a super serum in the same vein as Captain America
Challenge the Game AU
Midoriya has a Quirk that gives him access to an RPG stats manager
Chameleon AU
Midoriya with a Chameleon Mutation Quirk
Changeling AU
Toga is given to the HPSC at age 4 and put through the same program as Hawks.
Chaos For All AU
Nedzu takes an interest in privately teaching Midoriya
Chesire AU
Based on the original plans for Haigha. Midoriya has a copy of All For One and stole a lot of Quirks from him. He has no idea about this.
Childhood Friends AU
Bakugou stayed Midoriya’s friend
ChimerOFA AU
Every One For All holder before All Might (not including Yoichi) had a Mutation Quirk. Midoriya got them all during the entrance exam.
Chuuni Dabi AU
Todoroki Touya does not exist. Dabi just thinks that’s who he is for some reason
Class One AU
The Hero Course consists of a single 40-student class
Class Vill-A AU
Midoriya radicalizes his entire class into secretly being Villains. Well, I say secretly. The teachers are helping because fuck the HPSC.
Cleaner AU
Inko used to be an HPSC assassin alongside Lady Nagant. Together they brought down the HPSC.
Clone For One AU
All For One is a body double made by the original 200 years ago. The original AFO retired, having forgotten about it.
Cloud Nine
Midoriya has a Cloud Quirk like Shirakumo’s
Combustion AU
Hisashi is a Pro Hero
Convergence Event AU
A fantasy setting beings encroaching on the main MHA setting through reality-warping phenomena, resulting in people and places being changed significantly
Cousin Kota AU
Kota is related to the Midoriyas and comes to live with them instead of the WWP
Cousin Rumi AU
Miruko is Midoriya’s cousin, and he’s inherited the family rabbit mutation
Cousin Shoto AU
Inko is Rei’s sister
Curiosity AU
Curious as both a Hero and a UA Teacher
Dance of the Fire God AU
Midoriya is the descendant of Kamado Tanjiro from Demon Slayer
Dead Engine AU
Stain killed Iida
Deika Civil War AU
Re-Destro resurrects Destro. Destro doesn’t like what he finds.
Demon Adoption AU
Iruma-Kun Crossover. Hisashi sold Izuku to the demon Sullivan. Inko ends up also adopted by Sullivan when she broke into the Netherworld looking for Izuku
Demon Midoriya AU
Midoriya has a Quirk that makes him look demonic and lets him control fire.
Dequirked AU
Class 1-A is exposed to a gas weapon that temporarily removes their Quirks
Descendant AU
Midoriya is also descended from the original Destro.
Destro Lives AU
Midoriya finds a stasis pod with the original Destro preserved in it
Destro was the Third Holder of One For All
Dichotomy AU
Midoriya tied with Bakugou in the entrance exam, with nothing but Rescue Points
Digital Haunt AU
Midoriya’s Quirk lets him possess technology
Divinity AU
Yaoyorozu is an actual goddess and Midoriya is her High Priest
Don’t Fear The Reaper AU
Midoriya has a necromancy Quirk and ends up with OFA.
Double Agent Shigaraki AU
Kotaro was never abusive, and Shigaraki is plotting long term revenge against All For One for the death of his family
Double Expulsion AU
Both Midoriya and Bakugou are expelled during the QAT
Draconic Hero AU
Getting One For All caused Midorya’s latent firebreathing Quirk to manifest… as a fully-fledged dragon mutation
Dud Explosive AU
Bakugou isn’t allowed into UA because he didn’t earn a single rescue point.
Early Cowling AU
All Might has Gran Torino teach Midoriya after the Entrance Exam but before classes start
Early Meeting
All Might met Midoriya at the hospital after his first AFO fight
Early Retirement AU
All Might retires from Heroics after the first AFO fight to be a UA teacher.
Eight and Nine in Time
Both Midoriya and All Might are sent back in time. Neither of them is aware the other also went back.
Eighth Nana AU
Yagi and Shimura Role-Swap
Elementalist AU
Midoriya has a Quirk that lets him manipulate earth, water, fire, and air.
Emerald and Sapphire AU
Inko and Rei used to be a Vigilante duo and their children are picking up the family business.
Endadver AU
Midoriya is Endeavor’s secret love child. Something neither of them are aware of at first.
Energy Conversion AU
One For All turns Midoriya into pure energy to keep him from breaking himself
Engineered Solutions AU
Hatsume, Midoriya, and Uraraka fall in love with each other at the Sports Festival
Enter the Rat AU
The story of how Nedzu escaped experimentation, performed several Unpleasantnesses, and became principal of UA.
Equivalent Exchange AU
Midoriya has Overhaul Quirk
Erased Singularity AU
The Vestiges tell All Might that the Tenth Holder will get the previous users’ Quirks, so he and Nedzu have Aizawa hold on to One For All until All Might can find his successor, so they will get Erasure.
Eraser Midoriya
Midoriya has Eraserhead’s Quirk
Eri Escapes AU
While Midoriya is in Junior High, Eri runs into him and Inko at the mall and they rescue her.
Eri’s Precepts AU
Overhaul uses cell cultures instead of tearing Eri apart ad putting her back together. This backfires when Eri rewinds him to childhood, wakes The Boss, and becomes the next heir.
Escaping Gravity AU
Uraraka is All For One’s daughter and on the run from him.
Exciting New Problems AU
Midoriya’s deadbeat dad starts working at UA
Expelled AU
Aizawa expels Midoriya to Gen-Ed at the QAT.
Explosion Midoriya AU
Midoriya has the Explosion Quirk and Bakugou is Quirkless
Extinguished Flames
All Might saves Touya at Sekoto Peak
Failed Foresight
All Might dies in the first fight against AFO, leaving Nighteye with One For All
Fanboy Aizawa AU
Midoriya gets Blackwhip at the entrance exam, to the delight of Number One Lariat Fanboy Aizawa
Feral Fluffle AU
Miruko is the one to save Midoriya from the Sludge Villain and mentor him. She’s also friends with Gran Torino.
Fire and Ice Midoriya AU
Shoto is Quirkless and Midoriya is born with Half-Hot, Half-Cold
Flame On AU
Midoriya has a Quirk like Human Torch
Foretell AU
Inko is Nighteye’s brother, and Izuku has Foresight
Forum AU
Midoriya befriended several Pro Heroes online as a kid
Free Tsutsumi AU
Lady Nagant escapes capture after killing the HPSC President, with as much evidence as she can carry
Fresh Start AU
Hisashi and Inko were in an arranged Quirk Marriage, and he took her to America. He ends up arrested by Star and Stripe, who gets with Inko. Izuku has a powerful Spatial Manipulation Quirk.
Friend Shaped AU
Midoriya successfully befriends many things he probably shouldn’t, from gods to Noumu
Froppy Style AU
Asui interned with Miruko
Frozen Legacy AU
Fuyumi has One For All
Frozen Pyre AU
Touya has an ice Quirk, Fuyumi and Natsuo have fire Quirks
Full Throttle AU
Midoriya can use 100% of OFA safely, but can’t use anything less than that.
Future Aizawa AU
Time Travel Fix-It Aizawa. High-octane crackfic territory.
Future Asui AU
Time Travel Fix-It Asui
Future Bakugou AU
Time Travel Fix-It Bakugou
Future Endeavor AU
Time Travel Fix-It Endeavor
Future Eri AU
Time Travel Fix-It Eri
Future First AU
Time Travel Fix-It Yoichi
Future Inko AU
Time Travel Fix-It Inko
Future Izuku AU
Time Travel Fix-It Izuku
Future Kayama AU
Time Travel Fix-It Midnight
Future Kirishima AU
Time Travel Fix-It Kirishima
Future Kurogiri AU
Time Travel Fix-It Kurogiri
Future Mei AU
Time Travel Fix-It Hatsume
Future Miruko AU
Time Travel Fix-It Miruko
Future Monoma AU
Time Travel Fix-It Monoma
Future Nagant AU
Time Travel Fix-It Nagant
Future Nedzu AU
Time Travel Fix-It Nedzu
Future Peace AU
Time Travel Fix-It All Might
Future Shigaraki AU
Shigaraki goes back in time, kills AFO, and sets out to be a real Villain on his own terms. Unfortunately, this is a crack AU and he ends up a Vigilante instead.
Future Shimura AU
Time Travel Fix-It Shimura Nana
Future Shinsou AU
Time Travel Fix It Shinsou
Future Stain AU
Time Travel Fix-It Stain
Future Star AU
Time Travel Fix-It Star and Stripe
Future Toga AU
Time Travel Fix-It Toga
Future Yoarashi AU
Time Travel Fix-It Yoarashi
Geist AU
MHA but the dead eventually form again as ghosts. Destro’s Ghost becomes a poltergeist.
Gen Ed Sweep AU
Quirkless Midoriya in Gen Ed organizes his class, leading to no Hero Course students making it past the first round of the Sports Festival
Gentle Whisper AU
Midoriya joins Gentle and La Brava when he’s unable to apply for UA. They become phantom thieves.
Giants AU
Kodai Yui has One For All. Midoriya has a Gigantification Quirk.
Midoriya has a Quirk that lets him become living electricity
Grand Debut AU
The League attacked the Sports Festival instead of the USJ
Grandfather For One AU
AFO is Hisashi’s father, making him Izuku’s grandfather. Izuku ends up with a copied version of One For All
Grandma Nana AU
Inko is Nana’s daughter and Izuku has Float
Grandpa Torino AU
Gran Torino is Inko’s father
Ground Zero AU
Bakugou’s lethal attack at the Battle Trials lands. Fa Jin revives Midoriya.
Guardian Spirit AU
One For All is sentient.
Gun For All AU
Tsutsumi Kaina gets One For All and goes to UA instead of the HPSC.
Hagakure for All AU
Hagakure gets One For All after the entrance exam
Hair Trigger AU
Midoriya is the son of Lady Nagant and inherited her Quirk
Hamster Ball AU
Midoriya has a force-field bubble Quirk
Hatsume For All AU
Vigilante Hatsume gets One For All
Heart of Steel AU
Midoriya is an AI made by Hatsume and Melissa, attending UA via android body.
Heirs AU
Izuku, Momo, and Melissa are childhood friends. Melissa is Cathleen Bate’s daughter. Inko is a famous lawyer.
Her Acid Heartbeat AU
An examination of Ashido being aromantic
Hero A Hero AU
MHA crossover with Live A Live
Hero Abroad AU
Midoriya decides to go to an American Hero School instead of UA.
Hero of Legend AU
Mild Zelda Crossover. Midoriya has the Triforce of Courage
Hero Overhaul AU
Yagi adopted a young Chisaki instead of the Yakuza
Hero Twice AU
Twice as a Pro Hero
Heroes and Pokemon AU
Mild Pokemon Crossover. Midoriya’s Quirk creates pokemon based on who he touches.
Heroes May Cry AU
Devil May Cry fusion. Midoriya is a descendant of Sparda. Demon incursions happen from time to time.
Heroic Cultivation AU
Midoriya is a Spirit Cultivator
Hive Mind AU
Due to a Quirk accident with Midoriya’s latent Quirk being overcharged by One For All, it’s shared with all of Class 1-A who are permanently mentally linked.
Homeroom Teacher Bubble Girl AU
Nighteye’s agency closes so Bubble Girl goes to work at UA
Homeroom Teacher Miruko AU
Nedzu challenges Miruko to be the 1-A homeroom teacher and she is surprisingly good at it
Homeroom Teacher Nedzu AU
Nedzu decides to be the 1-A homeroom teacher to see why Aizawa keeps expelling people.
Homeroom Teacher Torino AU
Aizawa disappears before the start of the year, and Gran Torino becomes homeroom teacher of 1-A
Horn Buddy AU
The Midoriyas move to America, and Izuku and Pony become childhood friends. OFA!Pony.
HPSC President AU
Midoriya joins the HPSC so he can change Hero regulations so he can be a Hero. This goes horribly right.
Hustle and Bust AU
In his quest to become a Hero, Midoriya becomes the world’s greatest con artist
I Am Speed AU
Midoriya has a speed Quirk
Ice, Wind, and Fire AU
Yoarashi and Todoroki are cousins
Iida Himiko AU
Tensei saves Toga and she ends up adopted into the Iida family.
In The West AU
Midoriya chooses to attend Shiketsu instead of UA.
Inhumans AU
Everyone in Class 1-A, including Aizawa, isn’t entirely human.
Inko/Cathleen/Kaina AU
Midoriya Inko, Cathleen Bate, and Tsutsumi Kaina get married and have Izuku
Instilled Idea AU
Midoriya has a mind control Quirk
Internal Affairs AU
Hawks betrays the HPSC, leaking their crimes.
Into the Unknown AU
OTGW AU, Midoriya and Eri are in The Unknown
Inverse Copy AU
Midoriya has a Quirk that gives him a copy of the opposite of someone’s Quirk
Inverted Ratios AU
Only 20% of people have Quirks
Iron Melissa AU
Quirkless Hero Melissa Shield
Izinogre AU
Midoriya has a Quirk based on the Zinogre from Monster Hunter
Izuku Phantom AU
Mild Danny Phantom crossover. Hatsume and Midoriya gain halfa powers in a lab accident.
JTA Hatsume AU
Hatsume is part of the Joint Training Arc with Shinsou
Keys to the Kingdom AU
Kingdom Hearts Crossover. Midoriya gets a Keyblade
King Explosion Murder AU
Growing up, Bakugou is bullied for having a Villainous Quirk
Kismet AU
Mild Ghost Trick crossover. Midoriya has the Powers of the Dead
Knife Fight AU
Midoriya accidentally convinces Stain to stop killing people and teach him to use a knife.
League Saves Eri AU
Twice and Toga kidnap Eri from Overhaul, leading to Eri becoming a member of the League.
Legacies AU
Izuku is a Legacy Kid, the son of a line of Pro Heroes like what Tenya is to the Iida family. Inko/Cathleen
Little Mouse AU
Nedzu raises Midoriya
Longshot AU
Lady Nagant as the homeroom teacher of 1-A
Luminary AU
Midoriya has a photokinetic Quirk and, as the popular kid in Aldera, helps his Junior High classmates excel into UA
Magical Romances AU
By staggering coincidence, every single person Inko has ever dated is supernatural.
Mahoudoriya AU
Midoriya becomes a magical ‘girl’ while in Junior High.
Manager Midoriya AU
Midoriya in the Management Course
Manager Toga AU
Toga is a Management Student who starts working with Midoriya as part of his curriculum, and because the teachers are hoping to find evidence that she’s being abused.
Marvelous AU
Midoriya with a Quirk like the powers of Carol Danvers
Maybe I’m Perfect AU
Midoriya snaps in middle school and starts actually weaponizing his analyses. Bakugou is very afraid.
Media Scrum AU
The Press catches CathInko and assumes that Izuku is Cathleen’s son. Izuku does his best to make this true.
Medic AU
Inko is a nurse at UA, and Bakugou and Izuku have some medical training because of it
Menagerie AU
1-A is a special course for Quirked animals and similar.
Mentor Fat Gum AU
Midoriya goes with Fat Gum after the Sports Festival
Mentor Miruko AU
Midoriya decides not to put up with Nighteye’s shit and goes with Miruko instead.
Mentor Mt. Lady
Takeyama spots Midoriya and All Might on the beach and ends up as something of a mentor for him
Mentor Nighteye AU
Nighteye actually does his job during Work Studies
Merry Go Round
MHA/Lonely Castle in the Mirror AU. Junior High Midoriya ends up a guest of the castle.
Midoriya Shoto AU
Shoto and his siblings run away from home after Rei scars him, and are taken in by the Midoriyas
Midoriya Tenko AU
Inko finds and adopts Tenko before AFO can
Midoriya Yo AU
Shindo Yo is Midoriya’s brother
Might Tower Intern AU
Midoriya is hired as a part-time intern at Might Tower during his 10-month training
Mighty Vigilante AU
Yagi accidentally became a Quirkless Vigilante. Twice.
Minamorphosis AU
Ashido has a Mutation Quirk, and at the end of Junior High undergoes a slow, monstrous metamorphosis. She thinks it’s rad.
Mirage AU
Camie has One For All and goes to UA
Miss Direction AU
Compress mentors vigilante Midoriya, who acquires an AFO copy. TransFem!Midoriya.
MLA Bakugou AU
Bakugou is expelled after the Battle Trials and is recruited by the MLA
MLA Yaoyorozu AU
The Yaoyorozu family is a major part of the MLA, and Momo never attends UA.
Momnight AU
Midnight adopts Izuku after Inko passes away.
Monoma Friendship AU
Midoriya is childhood friends with Monoma
Moss AU
Midoriya can control plants with his Quirk
Mr. Yagi AU
Instead of All Might, the new teacher at UA this year is his secretary, Mr. Yagi
Musketeer AU
Midoriya unlocks All For One from inside One For All during the entrance exam
Mustafa Monster AU
Midoriya has a Quirk that lets him adapt to danger. This unfortunately catches AFO’s attention, and by the time he escapes he no longer looks human most of the time.
Mustafa Private Middle School AU
When Aldera refuses to help Izuku, Inko transfers him to Mustafa Private Middle School
My Super Robot Academia AU
Quirked Animals have posed an existential threat to humanity since the Dawn of Quirks. Instead of Heroes, society is protected by mecha pilots, using frames that imitate their pilots’ Quirk
Nao AU
Shimura’s child that she gave up for adoption is a daughter named Nao. Kotaro is All For One who marries her
Neighborhood Vampire AU
Toga attended Aldera and attacked Midoriya instead of Saito
Nen User AU
Midoriya (and a handful of others) can use Nen from Hunter x Hunter.
Night Might AU
All Might becomes an Underground Hero instead of the Symbol of Peace
Not So Ordinary AU
Ippan Josei gets One For All and is All Might’s teaching assistant
One For Ashido AU
Ashido gets One For All when All Might sees her trick Gigantomachia
Oracle Cell AU
MHA/God Eater/Code Vein crossover. Midoriya agrees to join a special unit made by AFO to fight Aragami, and accidentally stumbles across the Humanoid Aragami known as Eri
Orcinus AU
Inko married Gang Orca, and Izuku inherited his Quirk
Others AU
One For All and All For One are conduits of eldritch beings. Cathleen Bate is an eldritch being.
Paradise of the Strong AU
MLA take over Japan about 40 years before canon
Pegasus AU
Midoriya finds a Pegasus (Quirked animal) and partners with them to become a Hero
Pixie Dust AU
Midoriya has a fairy Quirk that lets him make things float.
Plus Ultra AU
UA staff are all extremely overqualified.
Pokemon Legends Mustafa AU
The MHA world is the distant future of the Pokemon world, and they return at the Dawn of Quirks
Portals AU
Midoriya’s Quirk lets him create portals.
Princeling AU
DFO. 4-year-old Izuku accidentally stole all of AFO’s Quirks, killing him. Izuku has no idea this happened.
Problem Child AU
Everyone in 1-A is somehow a bigger headache for Aizawa than Midoriya is
Profane Torch AU
All For One is a Hero, and the OFA holders before Midoriya are all Villains.
Protégé Swap AU
Togata gets One For All and in response Nighteye starts trying his bullshit with Junior High Midoriya as his chosen holder.
Psychic Stockpile AU
Midoriya has a Psychic Quirk that grows stronger over time.
Public Knowledge AU
Everyone knows about One For All and All For One
Pyrrhic Victory AU
Dabi reveals his identity after the Hood fight, and succeeds in killing Endeavor before dying himself.
Quasar AU
Inko has One For All and is the Number One Pro Hero, Quasar
Quirk Swap AU
After a sleepover, everyone in 1-A wakes up with someone else’s Quirk
Quirkier AU
Emitter Quirks are rare, and secondary Mutations are common.
Quirkless Quartet AU
Yagi, Midoriya, Aoyama, and Melissa as a Quirkless Hero Team.
Red Flag AU
Aizawa investigates Aldera after the Entrance Exam
Redoer AU
Eri is given to the HPSC instead of to the Eight Precepts. She is raised to be an asset like Hawks, codenamed Redoer.
Reflection AU
Midoriya has a Quirk like Flect Turn’s
Relocated AU
Rei takes the kids and goes to All Might for help, and he hides the family in Mustafu, where she meets and falls in love with Inko.
Renegades AU
AFO is dead. The League of Villains are a completely different organization.
Reversal of Fortune AU
Midoriya manages to lock AFO in a vault and doesn’t know what to do next.
Royal Hive AU
Instead of being a Villain, Queen Bee was experimented on by AFO and Garaki. She escaped and ended up bonding with Midoriya between the Entrance Exam and the start of school.
Runaways AU
Midoriya gives One For All to Eri after being mortally wounded at the Yakuza raid. Eri, with her trust issues, runs away, aided by Midoriya’s Vestige. Don’t worry, he gets better.
Saiyan AU
MHA/Dragon Ball fusion. Inko is a Saiyan and the Number 2 Hero. Izuku is half-Saiyan. CathInko
Sarka AU
The Midoriya’s are distant royalty in the small island nation of Sarka and suddenly forced to take the throne
Save Eri Speedrun AU
Midoriya grabs Eri and runs the first time
Second Amendment AU
Lady Nagant flees to American after being labeled a Villain. Kaina/Cathleen
Secret Love Child AU
Midoriya really is All Might’s secret love child, not that they know that.
Secret Rat Society AU
There’s a hidden part of the written exam at UA, and those who pass it are put in a secret after school club run by Nedzu
Seiai Academy AU
All of the UA Girls go to Seiai Academy, including TransFem!Midoriya, who is a childhood friend with Intelli.
Seraphim AU
Midoriya has an angelic Quirk. Yes I am aware that Seraphim is the plural of Seraph
Shadow Twins AU
Midoriya has a sentient Quirk powered by his emotions
Sharpshooter AU
Tsustumi teaches Midoriya to use a gun
Shattered Masterpiece AU
Todoroki is expelled to Gen-Ed for refusing to use his fire.
Shifting Sands AU
Midoriya has a sand Quirk
Shiozaki for All AU
All Might passes OFA to Shiozaki during the first fight against AFO
Shirakumo Lives AU
Exactly what it says on the tin
Shoot the Stars AU
AFO attempts to steal New Order years before canon, only to be poisoned by Inko and lose. CathInko ensues.
Simple Victory AU
Midoriya uses martial arts to win the Sports Festival
Simulated Agency AU
After Midoriya impresses Aizawa with his analysis, Nedzu creates an assignment for the first years to simulate working at a real Hero agency
Singularity AU
Midoriya starts hearing the Vestiges the day of the Entrance Exam
Skyline AU
Uraraka is actually related to the American pro hero Captain Celebrity
Solar AU
Midoriya has powers like Superman thanks to the HPSC.
Somnambulist AU
Midoriya has a Quirk like Midnight’s
Spark of Genius AU
Mild Girl Genius crossover. Midoriya and Hatsume are mad scientists at I-Island
Spider AU
Midoriya has a spider Quirk and One For All
Spiral Energy AU
Hado Nejire receives One For All early in her first year
Springtime for Todoroki AU
Todoroki is trying to get expelled, and failing
Spy x Class AU
Everyone is a spy for All For One
Squad Swap AU
Ashido, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari are the Dekusquad and Uraraka, Iida, Asui, and Todoroki are the Bakusquad.
Star For All AU
Cathleen Bate has One For All
Star Spangled AU
Midoriya is a bigger fan of Star and Stripe than All Might and moves to America as a kid. CathInko ensues.
Stars Won’t Burn Out AU
Star and Stripe helps All Might defeat AFO. CathInko ensues.
Start Again AU
Teen!Eri comes back from an apocalyptic future caused by Overhaul’s Quirk-destroyers being mass produced.
Stendhal AU
What if Stain was not a clown?
Stepmom Joke AU
Inko remarries Ms. Joke
Stepparent Trap AU
Cathleen Bate is the amicable ex-wife of David Shield, and Melissa is her daughter. When Izuku and Melissa meet at I-Island, they unofficially adopt each other and decide the obvious solution is to hook up Cathleen and Inko. Hilarity ensues.
Still a Hero AU
Ragdoll refuses to retire after having her Quirk stolen
Still Life AU
Midoriya’s Quirk brings his illustrations to life
Stolen Explosion AU
AFO steals Explosion from Bakugou before he can be saved at Kamino
Stopwatch AU
Midoriya’s Quirk lets him rewind time
Stray Cat AU
Midoriya but even more Feral
Sumo AU
Midoriya has Fat Gum’s Quirk
Superheroes AU
Class 1-A was born at the Dawn of Quirks and since Pro Heroes aren’t legal yet engage in secret vigilantism.
Support Bakugou AU
Bakugou wants to be a Support engineer in spite of having a Heroic Quirk.
Sweet Dreams AU
Midnight has One For All
Symbiosis AU
Midoriya volunteers to bond to a symbiote that is an artificial Quirk.
Symbol of Peace Nana
Shimura killed AFO. Yagi became a Quirkless Hero.
Tamama no Mom AU
Midoriya is the son of Inko and legendary kitsune Tamama no Mae.
Tarrasque AU
Midoriya has a Quirk like the mythological Tarrasque
Teacher Assistant Fuyumi AU
Fuyumi is All Might’s TA
Teacher Swap AU
Vlad King teaches 1-A and Eraserhead teaches 1-B
Terminated Contract AU
Aizawa is fired after the Kamino Rescue Team saves Bakugou
Thorns AU
Inko is an HPSC assassin who trained Izuku in her skills
Time God Uraraka AU
Uraraka’s Quirk awakens and she gains control of time and space
Toontown AU
Midoriya’s Quirk lets him run on cartoon physics
Torino Tenko AU
Tenko is found after the Decay Incident and taken in by Torino
Transferless AU
Midoriya has an invisible Quirk that means that he cannot have his Quirk stolen… or be given Quirks.
Triple Cross AU
Midoriya’s parents bought him a Quirk from All For One, and now he’s being forced to spy on UA. He’s not about to take that lying down.
True Foresight AU
Nighteye’s visions of the future are suddenly accompanied by a future version of himself
True Liberation AU
What if the MLA were actually against all Quirk discrimination?
Turn of Fortune AU
Midoriya has a Quirk that manipulates luck
UA University AU
UA is a University, but the timeline is otherwise unchanged, meaning the Sludge Villain attack is in Junior High, etc.
Uncle Cat AU
Sansa is Himiko’s uncle and adopts her
Uncle Might AU
Inko and Yagi are long-time friends, making Yagi Izuku’s honorary uncle. Pro Hero Inko.
Uncle Rappa AU
Kendo Rappa is Izuku’s uncle.
Undercover Heroes AU
The League of Villains are spies for Nedzu
Underground Todoroki AU
Todoroki chooses to spite his father by becoming an Underground Hero
Uraraka Wins AU
Uraraka defeats Bakugou at the Sports Festival
Class 1-B are the ones at the USJ when its attacked.
Vampire Lord AU
Magic and Quirks coexist. Midoriya awaken his latent Vampiric lineage.
Villain Assault AU
Shigaraki doesn’t accept the AFO Quirk and kills the doctor before launching a full-scale assault against the HPSC
Villain Natuso AU
Natsuo recognizes Touya as Dabi and secretly becomes a doctor for the League
Villainous Activity AU
The League goes out and commits crimes to get more experience as a team
Wayward Bakugou AU
After the Sludge Villain attack, Bakugou ends up on the Infinity Train
Weaponmaster AU
Midoriya’s Quirk makes him a natural with any tool or weapon.
Werebeast AU
The Midoriyas are werebeasts.
Wildcard AU
Midoriya has a Persona
Wingman AU
All Might and Izuku try and set up Cathleen and Inko
Wings of Salvation AU
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin crossover fusion. Midoriya is the Rider
Wonder Duo AU
Both Bakugou and Midoriya are Quirkless
Woomy AU
Mild Splatoon crossover. Midoriya’s Quirk makes him an inkling/octoling
Yakuza Inko AU
The Midoriya family are a part of the Eight Precepts. Inko killed Overhaul before he could start anything.
Yakuza Princess Eri AU
Chisaki Kai becomes an honorable Yakuza like the Boss, leading to Eri becoming the Boss’s heir
Yami AU
Midoriya is possessed by Yami from early Yugioh, back when it was a horror series
Young Heroes Camp AU
Class 1-A met as children for a summer camp.
Youthful Heroine AU
Recovery Girl is rewound to her prime
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A Different Hand, a Different Fate
A different hand, a different fate by bug orsomething
A 6-year-old Shimura Tenko manifests a quirk and kills his entire family. He's alone, he's scared and all he wants is someone to see him and do something. Someone does.
Words: 842, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko's Parents, Shimura Hana, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Kid Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain, Abused Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Murder, Child Murder, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Time Travel Fix-It
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44150818
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aarcanevillains · 2 years
Multiverse of Chaos
Original Characters
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Name: Izumi Midoriya
Alias: The Quirkless Hero; Jackal
Quirk: Quirkless
Age / DOB: 19 / July 15
Looks: Link | Link
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Other Features: scars all over her body
Family: Inko Midoriya, Hisashi Midoriya
Height: 164cm (5’4”)
Enjoys spending time with pro hero’s Necrosis (20 y/o, Tenko Shimura- Quirks, Decay & One for All) & Phoenix (22 y/o, Touya Todoroki- Quirk, Blue Flame)
Izumi managed to befriend the two people who didn’t want friends- Monoma and Shinsou
These two boys became her desk mates and team mates for most of her schooling years
Hates quirkism
Lived the same life as canon Izuku just older and as a female
Izumi is skilled with hand to hand, knives and parkour
Izumi is extremely flexible and strong and likes to show it off when sparing with her boys
Izumi likes to make fun of Touya and Tenko because she’s stronger than them (par when Tenko uses One for All)
Name: Tenko Shimura
Alias: The Rescue Hero; Necrosis
Quirk: Decay, One for All
His quirk allows him to decay anything he touches with all five fingers
One for All allows him to have a strength augmentation and float (at current) - this is referred to as Decay and Superpower to keep OFA
His has great control over OFA
Needs to wear special gloves for Decay
Age / DOB: 20 / April 4th
Looks: Link
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Family: Nao Shimura, Hana Shimura, Grandparents (maternal), Nana Shimura (deceased), Kotaro Shimura (left) & Nao’s new husband
Height: 175cm (5’9”)
Tenko got his quirk at 4 years old
Decay only ruined the backyard gate
Later Torino paid them a visit- and introduced himself having known Nana Shimura and offers them any help he can offer … before Toshinori joins the fray anyway
Kotaro had left about a month after Tenko got his quirk and about four years later his mother started dating again
Nao later marries a detective haven’t decided who/ a name yet
Tenko begins being trained for One for All by All Might when he turns 10 under the watchful eye of his family and Torino
Tenko and Touya met at a meeting All Might had invited him to join with Endeavour there
From then on both of the boys saw each other a lot and became friends much to Endeavours annoyance
Name: Touya Todoroki
Alias: The Blue Flamed Hero; Phoenix
Quirk: Blue flame
Age / DOB: 23 / January 18
Looks: Link | Link
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Family: Enji Todoroki, Rei Todoroki, Fyumi Todoroki, Natsuo Todoroki, Shoto Todoroki (deceased)
Height: 176cm (5’9”)
Touya is the eldest of three former four - when Shoto was six he got sick from his fathers overworking and harsh training and sadly passed
After that incident he became near overbearingly protective of his siblings and often ignores Endeavour in favour of Rei
Rei had fallen into a depression after Shoto’s death but kept a strong facade in front of everyone par Touya- because he told her not to (she’s feeling happier now but visits Shoto’s grave every week)
Touya takes special care to not burn himself much with his fire but that doesn’t stop the singeing that occurs with the help of Kotori Ando (The Witch in 1163)
Touya has a bit of a temper but chooses to use it as snark rather than be like his sperm donor
Touya is the one who comes up with the idea of Tenko, Izumi and himself making their own agency (which Monoma and Shinsou are welcome too but the three originals are the bosses)
Touya is skilled in hand to hand and “Quirkless” fighting and in the beginning was the one who gave tips to Izumi besides Aizawa and the other teachers
He chose Phoenix as his hero name as a homage to Shoto (who when he finds is alive in 1163 (W.I.T.C.H) almost cried)
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rcbcllixvs · 2 years
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Indie BNHA Multimuse ft. Canon Div. & OC muses. Penned by Aspie (25+, she/her, GMT+1)
Touya Todoroki: Pro Hero AU (main verse), Quirkless AU, Twins AU, BSD AU, Genshin Impact AU
Hana Shimura: Alive AU (Vigilante main verse, Hero and Villain side verses, Yakuza AU), YuuMori AU
Hyousuke Nekoda - Hero Student Verse, Vigilante Verse (main), Underground Hero AU
Reishi Amano - Homeless Verse (main), Yakuza AU, Vigilante AU
Edgar Allan Poe: BNHA Verse (BSD Verse available on request)
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ao3feed-todoroki · 1 month
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 years
playing the hero
by FallenNiji
After a client comes knocking on the doors of the Armed Detective Agency, Kyouka is assigned the case. She must infiltrate U.A.’s Hero Course – all while dodging suspicious teachers, making friends with her quirky classmates, and surviving the high school experience!
(Or: Izumi Kyouka, reformed assassin and ex-criminal, infiltrates a Hero school and more or less willingly surrounds herself with well-known Pro-Heroes and other such law-abiding citizens. What could possibly go wrong?)
Words: 94711, Chapters: 19/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Life and Times of Izumi Kyouka Part 1 of bsd crossovers that exist
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency (Bungou Stray Dogs) Ensemble, Higuchi Ichiyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin, Port Mafia (Bungou Stray Dogs) Ensemble, Shinsou Hitoshi, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Koda Aya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Todoroki Fuyumi, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Shimura Hana, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Original Characters, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One
Relationships: Armed Detective Agency Ensemble & Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Akutagawa Gin & Izumi Kyouka, Armed Dectective Agency Ensemble & Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Class 1-A & Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Shinsou Hitoshi & Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka & Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka & Koda Aya (Bungou Stray Dogs
Additional Tags: Infiltration, Dazai-Typical Suicide Attempts (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka-centric (Bungou Stray Dogs), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, It's For a Case, Canon-Typical Violence, Established Relationship, Class 1-A Friendship (My Hero Academia), Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Slow To Update, Possible OOC-ness, Implied Relationships, Team as Family, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Quirkless Discrimination (My Hero Academia), BAMF Todoroki Fuyumi, No beta we die like Oda, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, possible crack?, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, A LOT OF THINGS ARE NOT MENTIONED IN TAGS BC SPOILERS SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/22835458
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Writing Practice ( 21 / 04 / 2024 )
#1 Version — Writing directly in English.
Context: pro-hero au.
During a city-wide coordinate villain attack, Tenko hears that the villains plan to use the sewers to leak a gas and make it explode with a timer. Hana worries, so she calls Touya to help get some sense into her brother's brain.
"I need to go under."
    Tomura tried to catch his breath, looking right and left for the alignment of the sewage system underneath them. What type of leaking were they creating? How fast would it travel down the tunnels? They needed to seal each and every entrance for— what? How many blocks were they talking about? How long until the timer stopped? How—
    Tenko felt first the shove, then the pain as his ass bit the pavement. When he looked up, he had to squeeze his eyes to see anything beyond the sun angled to blind him.
    "Hold it," that snarl he knew. It wasn't the day looming its heat over him. It was a man with thin threads of smoke floating around him as he tried to calm down. "You're not doing shit."
    Tenko spat, wiping his mouth with the back of his gloves. Ah, he thought as he searched for Hana, to no avail. Touya waited for him to move or say something.
    Standing slowly, Tenko took care not to look at him.
    "That might not be up to you." Where was Hana anyway? It'd be quicker if she could float him to the nearest sewer entrance. "Go now, Touya. You cannot be here."
    If the villains were planning a gas leak on the sewers —and they were, Tenko would bet his life and some on what he heard earlier— they didn't have time for Touya to get stubborn. His fire quirk was a hazard at best. He must know. Hana must have talked to him on the radio while Tenko was trying to recall every late night at the agency he spent studying the prints of the city.
    Even with so many villains on the loose, there was no case on staying there and waiting for the ground to explode. They were a distraction. No one saw it coming. No other fellow student or pro-hero was catching on the actual plot. Like it or not, Tenko was their best bet. He had the training, he had the knowledge—
    There was a hand closing on the front of his suit, putting him impossibly close to big blue angry eyes.
    "You're gonna get yourself killed." Tenko wanted to protest, but Touya was not having it. He shook his head in disbelief like he knew exactly what Tenko was about to say. "Where's your cape, moth?"
    It was getting annoying. His cape was—
    Touya's gaze sharpened as Tenko realized what he was being told. His cape was wrapped around a little girl on paramedics ground. His suit was fireproof, of course, but not as sturdy as his cape. Without it, if he got caught in an explosion on the sewage, he'd—
    You're gonna get yourself killed.
    Fuck, Touya was right.
    Tenko raised his hand and Touya let go of him by instinct. Even gloved, people knew to keep their distance just in case. Tenko landed already twisting on his heels, spotting his sister on the mouth of the alley. The sunlight had moved from its previous position.
    "I have a plan."
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
(Spoilers for season 5)
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Everybody Lives au: Hana is showing Izuku pictures of Tenko's first hero costume
Hana: "His highschool costume design was all hands. It was. So bad."
Tenko: "Everyone's a critic."
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souldraggedmuses · 4 years
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“Do you ever mess up your job so badly that the only reasonable solution is to overthrow a government?  Yeah.... Yeah.”
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Hana by xlyrenia
After accidentally overhearing a 'top-secret' conversation about One for All, Izuku's existence is brought to attention of the Musutafu Police Station. An absolute nightmare for Izuku, who has spent the last months in hiding, hoping to erase his existence from the world entirely. As more concerning circumstances are brought to light as the pros interact with Izuku, they realize the rabbit hole is deeper than they ever could have imagined. And they realize just how wrong they were about this kid.
Words: 3701, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Nedzu, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Okuta Kagerou | Giran, Kurogiri
Relationships: Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Nedzu & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Nedzu & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Tsukauchi Naomasa, Midoriya Izuku & Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Midoriya Izuku & Nedzu, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Okuta Kagerou | Giran
Additional Tags: Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Possible Character Death, Sassy Midoriya Izuku, Traumatized Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39544206
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codenamesazanka · 3 years
Shimura Nana died when Yagi Toshinori was 18 years old, but by then she had passed on One for All.
It’s hard to say when exactly she did that - when she was fighting All For One for the last time, she no longer had the quirk, only the ‘leftover’ power from it - much like how All Might was able to keep going after giving OFA to Deku. It took about six, seven months (January/February to August) before it was completely gone, so we might be able to say that, based on this range, the earliest that Nana was able to give Toshinori the quirk (and still have enough power to fight AFO) was when he was about 17.5 years old.
But— All Might’s gradual loss of OFA could’ve been accelerated by his chronic health problems. Or: All Might’s lingering power was actually a case of prolonging, since he has it for so long that it “truly became his quirk” (Yoichi, Chapter 304). So we’ve got no idea.
In any case, let’s assume Toshinori was 17 years old when he got One For All. He would keep it for the next 40 years (Yoichi, again, Chapter 304). That makes him 57 when he finally hands over the quirk to Deku. Later that year, he turns 58 in June; and now nearly another year later, Yagi Toshinori/All Might is about to turn 59. Old man.
We know that All Might left for the United States for college after he graduated UA. If he had stayed there for the 4 years it takes to graduate with a bachelor’s then came back to Japan immediately afterwards, that means All Might would’ve been 23 years old when he first made his debut as a Pro-Hero. For the next 34 years, he became the Number 1 Hero and the Symbol of Peace. The massive thorn in All For One’s side for 3 whole decades.
Meanwhile. Shimura Kotarou, Nana’s son, was 32 when he was killed by his own son, Shimura Tenko, age 5.
That makes him 26 (going on 27) when Tenko was born. (Kotarou’s birthday is in July, Tenko’s in April.) And anywhere from, what, 22 to 25 when Kotarou’s first child, Hana, was born.
The average age an HeroAca parent is when they have their firstborn is age 25.
Assuming, too, Nana was 25 years old when she had her first and only child, that would make her… about 72 years old if she was currently alive. In the canon story, though, she died at age 31.
In Chapter 93, Toshinori Yagi is in what looks to be a middle school uniform when he first meets Nana. For ~symbolism and parallels~, we’ll say he’s 14 then, same age as Deku when Deku met All Might.
So Nana would’ve been 27 when she met Toshinori and took him on as her protégée. Her husband and son would’ve still be alive, Kotarou being age 2-ish. Likely Toshinori met and got to know Kotarou before the little boy had to be relinquished. Toshinori definitely was there to see Nana’s grief over that.
Summarizing all this up:
Shimura Nana: Born ~72 years ago. Likely died at age 31. Probably met Yagi Toshinori when she was 27.
Shimura Kotarou, when Tenko was born: 26 years old. If alive, would currently be 46.
All Might: Currently 58 years old. Hero Debut at age ~23?
All Might’s Reign: 30+ years. That’s a whole generation and a bit more. And regarding that…
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chuuyanakaahara · 3 years
vigilante au part 2 (pt 1 here)
Aizawa Shouta; vigilante turned pro-hero. Was expelled from U.A. at sixteen for reckless endangerment and excessive force after the death of Oboro Shirakumo, aka Loud Cloud. Became a vigilante on his own, and got his hero license at 23 after being taken in by Hizashi Yama, who was becoming more and more worried about his safety.
Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic. A U.A. graduate and popular pro-hero with his own radio station. Understands the system is flawed. Has worked a loophole into his radio station, specifically; because of his status as a pro, all of his employees at Put Your Hands Up Radio are eligible to apply for a hero license evaluation, which is how he got Aizawa a hero license, and later Kyouka Jirou and Fumikage Tokoyami.
Toga Himiko - a member of "the League", a circle of anti-heroes thought to be led by Tomura Shigaraki, who is still regarded as a villain by popular media. Raised herself, but close friends with Denki Kaminari and Hanta Sero.
Tomura Shigaraki, or Tenko Shimura. The leader of the Leage, operating as an anti-hero and taking in who he can. Formerly All For One's apprentice, but after the man's death, was taught that not everything is destruction. Raised himself, as Kurogiri never existed.
Oboro Shirakumo, who died in a building collapse at sixteen. However, his corpse was preserved and put in stasis for years, supposed to be for a Nomu experiment but was never used due to the damage his body had sustained. Through a series of transactions, his body ended up in the hands of the yakuza, meant to be an experiment for Kai Chisaki to test his quirk and its limitations. However, it was stumbled upon by a then two-year-old Eri, who didn't know what he was - a preserved corpse - but that it was creepy. She panicked, and in the process, tripped; touched the corpse and her quirk accidentally Rewinded him until moments before his death. Seeing as he was a miracle, and part of the reason Eri's quirk was exploited as it was, he was released from the group with state-of-the-art warp gate technology "to repay him for the trouble", although it was hush money. He's since tried to continue on with his life, but he's 16 in a world where he should be 30, and so he toes the line of vigilante and villain dangerously trying to fit in. He's spent the last 6 years making the most of it.
Dabi - Todoroki Touya. Better known as Burnstrike the vigilante, he's far closer to being a villain than any other League members. Entirely driven by revenge, he'll try to kill anyone in his way. His respect for Tomura mostly keeps him stable, as Tomura's willing to help him get his revenge and doesn't take his homicidal tendencies lightly.
The first time he encountered a runaway Shouto Todoroki, age 15, he nearly killed the kid and was stopped simply by the fact that the kid put Endeavor in the hospital. Since then, the pair still resent each other and are acidically volatile, but they're a deadly duo in the field and are considered a vigilante duo by many.
Hana Shimura - Tomura's older sister and granddaughter of Nana Shimura. Only surviving member (save those two) of the Shimura family. It was her survival that planted that strange seed of hope in Tomura, although his amnesia made it so he didn't remember her. When he regains his memories, they're altered to think that Hana was one of the first to die at his hands. In fact, she ran, and she ran, and she ran, and she ended up with a woman named Lady Nagant..
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 years
Hana by xlyrenia
Izuku Midoriya has a troubled past that has been carefully covered up by people in power. He lives a hard, but manageable life on the streets, until everything changes. After accidentally listening in on a conversation not meant for his ears, a group of pros and policeman take interest in him. They try to save him before he falls back into the hands of the people he's been running from his entire life.
After overhearing a conversation about one for all between Sir Nighteye, All Might, and Nedzu, Izuku accidentally over analyzes and blurts out his exact thoughts. The analysis skills initially draw them to the boy but as they get closer to him they realize hwo much danger he's really in.
Words: 3695, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Sensei | All For One, Class 1-A, Nedzu
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Nedzu, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Has PTSD, Midoriya Izuku is Not a Hero, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Character Death, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Implied/Referenced Torture, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31911757
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prismatales · 4 years
@purplefairy221 asked: Headcanon where Shigaraki has a little sister who was found by the heroes and is in class 1-A. Also looks similar to her grandmother Nana. Bonus points if her quirk is the exact opposite of his.
uh, would you look at that, another sister request! Me likey!
This will contain spoilers of the manga, from Shigaraki's childhood and the Meta Liberation Army Arc to be exact. Also i'm going to use a bit of the Traitor theory.
As for her quirk, I'll call it Ameliorate, and being the opposite of Decay it can fix anything the user touches, it's literally like Crazy diamond's power.
-The first time Shigaraki sees (Y/N) is during the U.S.J. attack, he doesn't recognize her at first, but there's something familiar about her, something that makes a feeling of dread and anger course through him and he hates it.
-He'd try to attack her in the middle of All-Might's fight against the Nomu, at some point he managed to grab her by the throat, cracks starting to appear on her skin. Before he can finish her off her own hands grab on his, their quirks end up neutralizing each other. he would attempt to reach out again just for Snipe to stop him when he shoots him.
-Both Shigaraki and Kurogiri manage to escape, but every time he thinks about her that feeling of rage comes back, making him scratch his neck uncontrollably, Kurogiri's considering putting a cone of shame on him at this rate.
-After sending people to investigate about this girl all he found out was her full name was (Y/N) Kan, she had been abandoned at the hospital after her birth, and was shortly after adopted by Kan Sekijiro, also known as the pro hero Vlad King, who changed her last name.
-and then he saw her birth name: (Y/N) Shimura.
-The shock nearly causes him to disintegrate the bar. That girl was his sister, but his whole family was supposed to be dead!
-He would end up watching her from afar, she had a normal life with her adoptive father, who would often end up sulking by the fact his daughter wasn't in his class. The way her quirk works was the total opposite of his, he destroys with contact, she can restore anything and anyone she comes in contact with, but she can't use it on herself, she was lucky Recovery girl managed to heal the wounds on her neck.
-He'd tell his double agent to keep an eye on her progress.
-If he finds out about her before the training camp he'll kidnap both her and Bakugo, trying to convince her to join the league, just for (Y/N) to refuse.
-It would be AFO who breaks the news about her real family, leaving (Y/N) in shock, her brother was the leader of a criminal organization set on destroying All-Might and the hero society as they know it.
-It's until the fight against the Liberation Army and his fight against Re-Destro that his memories start coming back, and with that the answer of how (Y/N) managed to survive.
-He remembers an hospital, and a baby sleeping inside an incubator, tubes and wires all over their tiny body. It was her...it was (Y/N).
-Tenko Shimura was only five years old when his mother Nao gave birth to her third child, (Y/N) Shimura, unfortunately the baby was born a few weeks earlier, as a result she had to be kept in the hospital for some time after her mother was released. Tenko and Hana -his older sister- were only able to see the baby a handful of times.
-He could only count the days until his little sister was able to come home so everyone could help take care of her, but faith anticipated something different for him and his family...
-The day before (Y/N) was to be brought home tragedy struck the Shimura household, Tenko's family, his sister Hana, his mother, his grandparents...and his father had all perished because of his quirk, leaving the young boy alone and traumatized.
-By the time AFO had found him and adopted him the memories of his baby sister had been forgotten, and on that faithful day Shigaraki Tomura was born.
-He realized why he felt that anger the first time he saw her, she reminded him of Hana and his grandmother Nana, part of the reason he ended up being harshly punished by his father on more than one occasion.
-But (Y/N) was not to blame for that, and he would make sure to let her know that. He would reunite with his sister, one way or another, and no hero would stop him.
-And if she refused to join him once again, then he wouldn't hesitate to reunite her with their family instead...
Bonus Update:
-During (Y/N)'s first days of class All-Might went rigid and coughed up blood at the sight of the girl, for a second he thought his mentor was standing in front of him
-Imagine his freak out when he saw her with the same half-up-half-down bun as Nana during a training exercise, not only that but the fact she had the same mole as well nearly ended up giving the No.1 hero a heart attack.
-"Are you ok sensei?" "Ah...yes, don't worry about me young Nana" "...Who's Nana?" "Shiiiiit!"
-If by any chance (Y/N) also has her grandmother's floating quirk he'll scream before fainting.
-Get on your sister's level Shigaraki, she's killing the symbol of peace with her mere presence.
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