#polytope info cards
knotty-et-al · 6 months
Polytope info card of the Truncated Cuboctahedron
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Today I finished this friend-shaped archimedian solid.
I drew the tiny drawing in the down right corner of the card and resized it with my printer.
The drawing:
I drew this Truncated cuboctahedron in an isometric projection and used my beloved isometric dot paper.
To start with the truncated cuboctahedron I started to draw a cube (with pencil).
Then I altered the cube by drawing a cuboctahedron in it (with pencil as well). I truncated th vertices of the cube like in the depiction below:
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Then I altered the cuboctahedron drawing with another truncation - resulting in the truncated cuboctahedron shape.
[For clarification: I later erased the pencil lines of the cube and cuboctahedron, because it became messy and these lines were just there to help in the drawing process.
For the photo I laid pictures of a cube and cuboctahedron besides the truncated cuboctahedron drawing to show the similarity between these shapes - and present the principle of truncation visually.)
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knotty-et-al · 6 months
New challenge (to establish a daily routine): Creating one new polytope info card after breakfast - each day.
(That is the first page of the list of the polytopes I want to make. (92 Johnson solids will be very very much, and I have to stop myself from thinking about those many solids. but eeeh. we might approach it step by step... )
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So, I started the polytope cards project some time in the summer of this year.
I already made all 5 platonic solids,
some regular 4-polytopes (the 4D platonic solids plus the 24-cell that has no 3D sibling),
and the first 4 archimedian solids.
Today I created the truncated octahedron card:
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Yesterday I made the truncated tetrahedron card:
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- - -- ---
The general template of the cards is as following:
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This project is still in progress.
Furtherly I want to add:
General explanations/index cards/summaries
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knotty-et-al · 5 months
Polytope card of the Truncated Icosidodecahedron
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knotty-et-al · 6 months
Polytope info card of the Snub Cube
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Today's shape was the archimedian solid "Snub cube".
The snub cube has 38 faces in total - 6 square faces and 32 triangular faces.
It has 60 edges and 24 vertices.
Each vertex is met by 4 triangle faces and 1 square face.
A snub cube is an alteration of a truncated cuboctahedron.
The drawing:
For the isometric projection drawing I started with a truncated cuboctahedron, and continued to alter the truncated cuboctahedron's octagonal faces into square faces.
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knotty-et-al · 5 months
Polytope card of the Icosidodecahedron
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knotty-et-al · 5 months
Polytope card of the Truncated Dodecahedron
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For drawing the graph I started with drawing the graph of a dodecahedron, but exchanged every one of the 20 vertices/dots with a triangle (alias three dots and three edges).
(Graph/Schlegel diagram of the dodecahedron: )
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knotty-et-al · 6 months
Polytope info card of the Rhombicuboctahedron
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knotty-et-al · 5 months
Polytope card of the Truncated Icosahedron
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It is the shape of common footballs.
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