#polar tang
mayhw · 1 year
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wachinidad · 3 months
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If I'm a pagan of the good times My lover's the sunlight
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kuzmich-isterich · 6 months
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Also here is the cover i made for @darkwaterszine :>
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bonncy · 11 months
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«Open your eyes... Your journey doesn't end up here.»
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nomercymaster11 · 4 months
Two-way dilemma (Chapter 2)
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@SuuNemuii WC: 3,296 | Law x y/n, afab!reader, continuation of "It's complicated"
A/N: This chapter certainly exhausted my brain cells. I wrote it in between my office work, drawing inspiration from various pictures, accompanied by the music of Taylor Swift or Coldplay, and reflecting on some of my past experiences.
The Polar Tang hummed with the routine buzz of activity, and the confined space of the submarine felt both comforting and stifling. A day had passed since the confession, leaving your eyes heavy from the weight of your tears. The sting of rejection lingered, but as you rose from your bed, you took a deep breath, determined to face the day ahead with renewed strength.
Freshening up, you stood before the mirror, reminding yourself that time would heal the wounds. A slight slap to your cheeks was both a physical and mental wake-up call. With newfound resolve, you opened the door to your room, only to be greeted by the unexpected sight of Bepo standing in front of you.
"Bepo?!" Confusion etched your features as you questioned his presence.
"Good morning, <y/n>!" Bepo's infectious grin welcomed you, his demeanor bright and cheerful.
Closing the door behind you, you inquired, "Is there anything you need?"
"Ah, nothing. I'm just checking up on you." Bepo's smile remained warm and genuine.
Walking side by side, the two of you strolled through the submarine's corridors. As the minutes passed, a realization dawned on you – perhaps Penguin and Shachi had shared the bittersweet details of your confession with Bepo. Deep in thought, you mustered the courage to ask for a favor.
"Bepo, may I ask you a favor?" you hesitated, your eyes searching his.
"Yeah? What is it?" Bepo responded with curiosity.
"Could you help me get more duties here in the submarine?" The request hung in the air; your eyes hopeful but uncertain.
"Hmm? But... that's for the captain to decide," Bepo replied, his expression thoughtful.
"Oh, okay..." Your gaze lifted, lost in contemplation.
"Sorry I couldn't help you out... or maybe... you could ask the others if they need help," Bepo suggested, offering an alternative with a genuine desire to assist.
"OH! That's a good idea!" Relief washed over you, and a smile broke through the clouds of uncertainty.
Reaching the common area where the hallways split, you bid Bepo goodbye with a wave as he headed back to the control room. Determination filled you as you embarked on a quest to find other crew members. If additional duties could serve as a distraction, perhaps it would help mend the fragments of your aching heart.
"Let's do this!" you muttered to yourself, a mantra to guide you through the uncharted waters of healing and self-discovery.
A week had passed since the fateful day. The subtle change in your behavior had not gone unnoticed by the crew. You threw yourself into your work, exerting energy across various tasks aboard the submarine. Cleaning, working, taking on any duty that came your way—anything to keep busy and avoid any potential encounter with the captain. Even your eating schedule changed, either aligning with others or sneaking off to your room to dine alone, distancing yourself from Law.
You seemed content in your efforts, but the crew began to notice the change. Concern etched on their faces, they gathered in the common area, Shachi and Penguin at the center of attention.
Ikkaku, one of the engineers, voiced the growing worry.
"Is there something we need to know regarding <y/n>?"
Penguin, feigning ignorance, gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
"She seems like she's trying to always get herself busy these few days. Did the captain scold her or something?" Ikkaku questioned, the concern noticeable.
"I bet something's going on," Hakugan added, echoing the sentiments of the crew.
Concerned voices overlapped, and the crew crowded around Penguin and Shachi, eyes wide and expectant. Penguin tried to calm the situation.
"Hey! Calm your horses! Chill, guys!" Penguin raised his hands in an attempt to quell the commotion. He sighed, gesturing for the crew to come closer to hear him out. Just as he was about to share the details, Shachi spotted Law approaching, bent down and crossing his arms.
"Captain?!" Shachi exclaimed in surprise.
Law questioned, "Am I not allowed to hear what my crew has to share with everyone here?"
Penguin, seizing the moment, anchored his arm to Law's shoulder, leading him away from the crowd. Shachi motioned for the other crew members to disperse while Law was being distracted by Penguin.
"Cap, there's nothing to worry about. Relax," Penguin said, tapping Law's shoulder with a nervous laugh.
Law, squinting his eyes and frowning, asked, "So... you are talking behind my back now?"
"NO!... No..! That ain't true!" Penguin responded nervously.
However, before the situation could escalate further, a loud thud and a massive impact shook the submarine. The sudden loss of electricity plunged the hallways into darkness, and emergency red lights began to flash. Crew members lost their balance, grasping onto whatever they could find.
"Attention, everyone! We are being attacked by a sea serpent!" Bepo's voice echoed through the submarine's speakers, alerting everyone to the imminent danger. The crew's attention shifted from internal matters to the external threat, uniting them in the face of a common adversary.
With a swift activation of his devil fruit ability, Law, accompanied by Shachi and Penguin, teleported to the control room in an instant.
"Bepo! Status report!" Law's stern voice cut through the urgency in the room, embodying the seriousness of the captain in the face of danger.
The radar emitted a rapid beep, and a rushing, flashing red light revealed another sea serpent fast approaching the submarine. Law, quick to take charge, commanded the crew in the control room effortlessly, enabling the submarine to avoid a direct hit, though it was slightly scratched at the side.
Law's keen perception led him to notice something amiss.
"Where's <y/n>-ya?" he questioned, his eyes scanning the control room.
Penguin thought of her, realizing she should have been in the room.
"Captain! I'll look - " Penguin began, but Law swiftly interrupted, issuing a chain of commands:
"Penguin, take charge," Law's voice was stern and calm.
"Shachi, call on the others and have the submarine checked for repairs."
"Clione, prepare the torpedoes and await Penguin’s orders.”
"Bepo, prepare to resurface. Alert me once we're above the sea."
"Aye, aye CAPTAIN!" The crew responded in unison, saluting Law as he left the control room, katana in hand.
An abrupt silence enveloped the room as the crew exchanged surprised glances. Penguin and Shachi, sharing a knowing grin, found delight in the unexpected action of their captain.
"He went out just to find her!" Shachi exclaimed with a sense of delight. Penguin, equally excited, couldn't contain his emotions. The room seemed to lighten up for a moment, but reality struck with Penguin's clapping of hands.
"Everyone, refocus! The ship is in our hands!" Penguin exclaimed, bringing the crew back to the urgent task at hand.
With newfound determination, the crew immediately returned to their stations, the emergency red lights casting an eerie glow on their faces. The atmosphere was tense, yet their unity and commitment to the mission prevailed as they navigated the submarine through the dark depths of the ocean.
In the engine room, amidst the humming machinery, you conducted your routine check-up when an unexpected thud reverberated through the submarine. Panic seized you as the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness. Disoriented, you lost your balance and collided with a nearby beam, the impact sending a sharp pain through your forehead.
Sitting down, you instinctively reached for your forehead, your hand coming away wet with blood. The emergency lights flickered to life, casting an eerie red glow in the confined space. The sight of your own blood on your hand made you feel lightheaded, and white dots began to dance across your field of vision.
Aware that you were on the verge of fainting, you took deep breaths in an attempt to steady your nerves. The metallic taste of fear lingered in your mouth as you struggled to remain conscious. Every move felt like a monumental effort, and as you tried to stand, fatigue threatened to overwhelm your system.
"My bad luck continues then..." you whispered to yourself, your voice weak and filled with resignation.
Summoning the last reserves of your strength, you began to crawl toward the metal door. The cold floor pressed against your palms as you moved inch by inch, each movement sending waves of dizziness through your weakened body. With determination in your heart and a throbbing pain in your head, you navigated the dimly lit engine room, the emergency lights casting long shadows that seemed to taunt your feeble attempts to reach safety.
As Law hurried out of the control room, his thoughts were filled with concern. The Heart Pirates had undergone rigorous training to navigate situations like these, given that the Polar Tang frequently submerged into the dark depths of the sea, encountering various threats from sea monsters. The safety of his crew always took precedence, and with the submarine under attack, Law's immediate focus was on ensuring your well-being. Noticing your absence at the station when sea monsters struck, he suspected that something might have occurred on your way to the control room.
Law had complete trust in his crew, instilling discipline and ensuring that everyone knew their responsibilities. He was well aware of each crew member's routine within the submarine, and any deviation from the norm would catch his attention. However, he had observed you taking on additional work, attributing it to your way of coping with the rejection. Though he noticed, he chose to overlook it, feeling a tinge of guilt.
Remaining calm, Law swiftly checked every room, his mind calculating the potential dangers the crew might face. At a critical point, a thought struck him – a feeling that urged him to check the engine room. Law considered every worst-case scenario that could involve you and, without hesitation, descended straight to the room.
His steps were purposeful, his heart pounding with the gravity of the situation. The emergency lights flickered as he navigated the dimly lit corridors, each step bringing him closer to the engine room. Law's expression remained stoic, but underneath, a sense of urgency and concern for your safety fueled his determined stride.
You managed to reach the door of the engine room, your body slumped against the cold floor, the last remnants of your energy draining away. Your vision blurred, and as your eyes began to shut, you uttered a weak plea for help, the words escaping your lips almost inaudibly. Desperation fueled your attempt to stay conscious.
"Help, please..."
With the little strength you had left, you reached out for the door. As your trembling hand made contact, the door swung open, hitting the side of the wall with a metallic thud.
"<y/n>-ya!!" Law's voice echoed through the room as he flung the metal door wide open. His eyes quickly scanned the area until they landed on you, slumped on the cold floor. He ran towards you, swiftly placing his katana on the side, his immediate focus on checking your condition. The trail of dry blood on your forehead drew his attention, and he spoke to you, his voice filled with concern. However, disoriented and weakened, you struggled to comprehend his words, unsure of who was addressing you.
Before Law could use his Devil Fruit ability to scan your injuries further, Bepo's voice echoed through the submarine's speakers, bringing news of the submarine nearing the surface. Law faced a dilemma – torn between tending to you and dealing with the sea serpent threat. Reluctantly, he carefully lifted your arms to wrap around his neck, sliding his left arm behind your back for support. With his right hand, he retrieved his katana, lifting both of your legs to facilitate the carry.
"Hold on tight," Law commanded, your head resting on his left shoulder. Adjusting his grip, he twisted his left wrist, palm facing the floor, activating his Devil Fruit power.
"ROOM," he uttered, and a light, thin blue bubble film enveloped both of you.
In an instant, the surroundings warped and changed, and you were no longer in the engine room.
As the submarine emerged from the sea water, Law's "Room" ability teleported you both onto the deck. Gently placing you on the floor with your back against the metallic wall near the main entrance, Law ensured your safety. The sunlight filtered into your eyes, and the sea breeze brushed against your skin as you inhaled deeply. The realization dawned on you that Law had been the one to rescue you from the engine room.
Opening your eyes, you took in the scene around you. It had been a while since you were outside the confines of the submarine. The tranquility of the moment was interrupted by two large splashes, reminiscent of exploding bombs, as the sea serpents chasing the Polar Tang emerged on the sea surface.
Your gaze followed Law as he walked toward the sea serpents, Kikoku, his katana, in hand. Activating his "Room" ability, he carefully drew the katana from its scabbard. The sunlight cast a glow on his skin-tight black shirt, revealing the flexing muscles on his back as he executed swift, clean attacks on the sea serpents. Each swing of his katana was decisive and precise, the fight seemingly slowing down in your eyes as you focused solely on your formidable captain.
Your admiration for him was undeniable, but the memory of the rejection suddenly crept into your thoughts, causing a frown to mar your expression. Despite the internal turmoil, you couldn't help but be captivated by Law's skill and prowess in battle.
With a series of clean, calculated strikes, Law dismembered the two serpents. As the fight came to an end, the metallic door flung open, and Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo rushed out, their expressions a mix of relief and urgency.
Using the metallic wall for support, you did your best to stand up. Though you managed to rest for a while, your breaths remained deep, and the effort showed on your face. The three Heart Pirates finally noticed you, their surprise evident.
"Why are you here?" Penguin asked, his concern evident.
"Did you also engage with the serpents?!" Shachi followed with worry etched on his face.
"No, she's with me," Law answered, redirecting their attention to him. The trio's eyes followed Law as he walked toward you.
"I found her in the engine room. I didn't have a choice but to bring her up here," Law explained.
Law extended his hand to you, and you glanced from his hand to his face.
"Can you walk?" Law asked, offering his hand to assist you.
You glanced at them and the trio behind Law grinned and stuck their thumbs up in unison, expressing their approval. Your thoughts raced with a mix of amusement and embarrassment. With no other choice, you accepted Law's help. Instead of reaching for his hand, you placed your hands on his right arm and gripped it. As Law guided you, the trio watched the scene unfold with delight.
Before heading back inside the submarine, Law looked back at the three.
"You two, clean those up," Law's stern voice commanded Shachi and Penguin. The two sighed, glancing at the remnants of the fight scene.
"Bepo, come with me," Law directed his attention to Bepo, signaling for him to accompany him.
As you walked down the hallway, Law was busy instructing Bepo about fetching various medical supplies and medicines to bring to your room. Bepo, eager to fulfill the tasks assigned by his captain, nodded and quickly left to gather the items. Now alone, an awkward silence settled between you and Law.
"Don't push yourself too hard," Law finally broke the silence, shifting his head slightly to glance at you. You responded with a simple nod, looking down, your voice barely audible. Thoughts raced through your mind about how things ended up this way, how a week's effort to avoid him seemed to crumble in an instant. You sighed, resigning to the exhaustion that consumed you. At this point, your focus was solely on your well-being.
Upon reaching your room, a sudden growl from your stomach echoed through the hallway, and you felt a tinge of embarrassment. Law sighed; his concern evident. He opened the door and gestured for you to sit at the edge of your bed.
"I'll go grab some snacks," Law stated, leaving his katana on the side of the bed before stepping out.
As soon as he left, you took the opportunity to lie down on the plush mattress. The comfort it provided offered solace from the chaos of the day. Staring up at the ceiling, you couldn't shake off the frown on your face. Puzzled by Law's sudden change in treatment towards you, his evident concern left you wondering about the thoughts racing through his mind.
"I don't want to overthink this," you murmured to yourself. Adjusting your position on the bed, within a few seconds, the weariness overwhelmed you, and you fell into a deep and fast sleep.
Law knocked on your door, holding a tray of light snacks in hand. Not hearing a reply, he entered the room and found you peacefully sleeping. His gaze softened at the sight, and he carefully placed the tray on the table before sitting at the edge of your bed. Law lifted your left hand, placing two fingers on your wrist to check your pulse. Using the back of his left hand, he then gently pressed it against your forehead to gauge your temperature. A nod from him indicated that you seemed to be fine.
The door creaked as Bepo entered the room, carrying the medical supplies. Law hushed him.
"Sorry, Captain," Bepo apologized.
Law inquired about the status of the ship as he started cleaning and tending to the wound on your forehead with ease.
"The ship needs minor repairs, and the supplies are low," Bepo explained.
"Okay. Have the ship docked at the next island," Law's voice was surprisingly calm.
Bepo observed his captain performing first aid, his eyes shifting between the both of you as he awaited further instructions.
"I guess I have to go, Captain," Bepo said with a low voice. Law appeared deep in thought.
As Bepo opened the door, Penguin and Shachi tried to peek inside, stretching their necks.
"How is she?" Shachi inquired.
"She's asleep. Captain is tending to her... but," Bepo began.
"But... what?" Penguin pressed for more information.
"I think that is the first time I saw the captain like a completely different person," Bepo answered, leaving the two curious Heart Pirates outside the door with intrigued expressions.
They were deep in conversation about the recent events when, out of nowhere, Law suddenly swung the door open and addressed the trio with an annoyed expression, his brows furrowing.
"You guys sure got a lot of time talking about me, huh? How about I add more workload to the three of you?" Law's voice was stern, and the surprised expressions on Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo mirrored their sudden realization that their conversation hadn't gone unnoticed.
"It's Penguin's fault!," Shachi quickly pointed his finger at Penguin, deflecting blame.
"What? No, I'm not! It's Bepo!" Penguin retaliated, slapping Bepo's arm with the back of his hand.
The trio engaged in playful banter, trying to shift the blame onto each other. Law, unamused, shook his head at their antics.
As Law walked away from the playful banter of Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo, the door closed behind him, leaving them to settle their dispute among themselves. The hallway returned to a momentary silence, disrupted only by the fading echoes of their friendly quarrel. Inside your room, you continued to rest peacefully, unaware of the amusing chaos that unfolded in the corridor. The submarine sailed toward the next island, carrying the Heart Pirates and their shared adventures beneath the surface of the vast sea.
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ai-sun · 7 months
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The twenty two crew members of the Heart Pirates and their beloved captain
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melancholitas · 4 months
The Polar Tang being named like that is actually so hilarious, tbh.
There couldn't be any better name for a vessel carrying around a pirate doctor.
Tangs come in many different shapes and colors, but the yellow one is also dubbed "somber surgeon fish"
If that's not befitting for a certain captain, I don't even know what is.
Even his crew's names are marine.
It's like Law pulls science puns in every breath he takes.
Combined with a giant declaration of "fuck you"s in the name of his dead guardian.
All while nerding out to the max.
And he has absolutely zero shame about that.
With all the decor he basically called his sub "sturgeon of death".
... I'm shedding tears---
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tinycurlyfry · 1 year
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The Polar Tang
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frogfemur · 13 days
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Heart Pirates home decor because I moved a few months ago and my walls are bare
I'm completely normal about them, really!
I might buy some smaller canvases and paint the other members...
Added some progress pics too!
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li-louie · 4 months
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… In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea And he told us of his life In the land of submarines So we sailed on to the sun 'Til we found a sea of green And we lived beneath the waves In our yellow submarine
… We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
… And our friends are all aboard Many more of them live next door And the band begins to play
… Full steam ahead, Mister Boatswain, full steam ahead Full steam ahead it is, Sergeant (Cut the cable, drop the cable) Aye-aye, sir, aye-aye Captain, captain
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nikosama13 · 3 months
"Mind, heart, and body." (Law x Reader!)
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Description: It was a rough and stormy night on the Polar Tang. You were a new recruit on the Heart Pirates. Law let you join the crew because he knew the amount of power you held and.. well.. beauty too. Eventually one of the thunder strikes woke you up. Making you head over sleepily to Law’s room, falling asleep on his bed. Then what happened? That’s just for Law and you to know..
Side Notes: Hello my wonderful loves!! Please enjoy this fic, I spent most of my day fixing this up for you all. <3 (Probably spelling mistakes + My requests should be open!)
Consider following..?
It was another rough night on the Polar Tang, waves crashed against the ship which indicated a thunderstorm. You had just recently joined the Heart Pirates and Law had chosen you because of your amazing fighting skills and maybe your looks too..
The thunder and lighting grew louder and stronger, half asleep you wondered if the ship was really going to be okay with this many waves and chaos.
You could hear the screams and yells of the harsh ocean wind against the small, glass window over your bed. Another ‘bang’ sound came from the outside thunder, this made your eyes snap open.
You wanted to hold something. You were actually feeling scared over something so simple.
Then you noticed a small light seeping from under your door, the same light you saw before you slept.
Law’s room.
You assumed that Law being Law.. was still awake, and that he was working on whatever Law works on at this time of night. Probably studying some medical books or what not.
So, you decided to sit up on your bed and walk over to this room. You weren’t really thinking straight because of your sudden awakening from the thunder.
You knocked on his door and didn’t hear anything.
So you just decided to barge in.
“L-law.. you in here..?” you said scratching your eyes slightly, standing in his doorway, scanning the room.
You saw Law on this chair, head deep into his work.
Law turned around on his chair and stared at you in shock.
“E-eh y/n-ya..? What are you doing this late in here..?” Then it hit him like a pile of bricks, you were in his room, at this time of night, alone.
He felt a small burning sensation creep up on him. He was blushing.
“I dunno.. I was sleeping and then the thunder woke me up..” you stared at him innocently.
You began walking towards his bed and plopped on it, still dizzy from waking up and walking abruptly to his room.
“Y/n.. y-you shouldn’t be in here..” he looked down on you, wide eyed.
“I know but.. It’s scary..” you mumbled and began getting comfortable in his bed.
Law shut his medical book, pushed his chair in place and walked closer to you.
“I’m taking you back.” he said firmly.
He didn't want you to get him wrong.. He’d love to sleep with you in his bed but.. There was something about it.. He couldn’t commit to it.
Then he placed his hands under you and lifted you up from his bed, your feet dangling in the air and your head in his chest.
As he walked to your room, he opened the door and placed you gently on your bed and shut the blinds of the small window, his body hanging over you.
Then you, in your sleep, grabbed his clothing. This pulling movement from you made him stumble and fall on you. Not hard enough to wake you up though.
At this point he was completely bright red and hopeful you didn't wake up to see him in this state. He slowly got up from his position, careful to not wake you up.
“Law…” you said his name in a quiet and adorable voice.
His attention snapped to you.
“I want my good night kiss..” you smiled with your eyes still shut.
Law was speechless.
He was stuck in between following your request or completely ignoring you and walking out. However, at that moment he knew that if he didn’t follow up on what you asked so kindly for, he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about you.
So, he slowly leaned in.. he was still contemplating what to do. But this mind, heart, and body were all fighting and racing a million miles an hour.
But then..
He kissed you.
Your tender lips collided with his, it was a solid second but for Law it felt like forever. Then he pulled back, seeing your face smiling unconsciously in delight.
He decided to see himself out before this escalated.. meaning that he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back from continuing if he looked at you longer.
He slowly walked out of the room and shut the door. He was smiling, this mouth going from ear-to-ear and blushing like a mad man.
He’d never really got to experience this feeling.
Then Law entered this room and also shut the door, he laid on his bed and was happy, proud, relieved, and worried.
Now why worried you ask?
Well, let’s just say he’d have lots of explaining to do the next morning..
The End~
(Comment below if you’d be up for a part 2)
Consider following..?
Thank you so, so much for reading my fic and have a wonderful day! <3
Edit: \-> Part two here /
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apirateslifeforbudgie · 5 months
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This man is always tired
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moxie-girl · 8 months
♪ we all live in a yellow submarine... ♪
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bonncy · 9 months
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nomercymaster11 · 2 months
Through Law's eyes (Chapter 4)
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WC: 2,993 | Law x y/n, afab!reader | continuation of "We should talk" A/N: My attempt of writing a first person perspective, Law's POV, reminiscing the days before that one fateful day. It's been about three years now since she became part of our crew. I remember the day she barged into our lives like a storm, all fierce determination, and pleading eyes. We'd just finished a mission on one of the islands in the North Blue, and she'd been instrumental in our success.
But when she asked to join us, I wasn't exactly jumping at the chance. See, it's not that I had anything against her personally—it's just that taking on new crew members is a big decision. Let alone another woman, aside from Ikkaku, to join the crew.
But as Penguin—bless his chatty soul—filled me in on her background, I started to see things differently. Turns out, she wasn't just some runaway trying to escape a bad situation. She had skills—mad skills. Not only was she handy with medicine, but she knew her way around basic mechanics too. That's the kind of resourcefulness you can't ignore on the Grand Line.
Penguin had spent some time with her while we were sorting out the aftermath of our mission. He couldn't stop talking about her, which, coming from him, was saying something. But the more he told me, the more I realized that she belonged with us. She wasn't just looking for a way out—she was looking for a purpose. And maybe, just maybe, we could give her that.
So, despite my initial reservations, I welcomed her aboard.
At first, she struggled with sea sickness, poor thing. But she didn't let it keep her down for long. Despite her initial queasiness, she threw herself into life aboard the Polar Tang with all the gusto of a seasoned sailor. She had this tomboyish vibe about her, fitting right in with the rough-and-tumble atmosphere of our crew.
Watching her adjust was like seeing a flower bloom in the midst of a storm. Day by day, she grew more accustomed to the rhythms of life at sea. And when she finally donned that crisp, white overall suit—the same one worn by the rest of the Heart Pirates—it was like she'd always been one of us. The crew welcomed her with open arms, and she fit in seamlessly.
I often caught glimpses of her shadowing Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo, soaking up their knowledge like a sponge. They took her under their wing, showing her the ropes of ship life, teaching her the ins and outs of the Polar Tang. They made sure she knew the rules I'd laid down, and they filled her in on all the little tricks and quirks of submarine living. And you know what? She took it all in stride, like it was second nature to her.
As they reported her progress to me, I couldn't help but be impressed. She was a quick learner, picking up skills that took others years to master. And every time I nodded in approval, it was like giving her a silent pat on the back. She was proving herself, not just to me, but to the whole crew.
I remember that moment vividly, like it was yesterday. I was making my rounds through the submarine when I noticed a faint glow emanating from beneath the door of my office. Curiosity piqued, I approached quietly and peeked through the small window. There she was, surrounded by a sea of medical books, completely engrossed in their pages. Her expression was a mix of fascination and concentration, her lips forming silent words as she absorbed the knowledge within those worn pages.
I knocked softly, not wanting to startle her, and she jumped, clearly caught off guard. As I entered, she stood up quickly, blinking rapidly as if she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be touching these," she apologized, her voice tinged with guilt.
But I shook my head, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "No problem at all. You're welcome to borrow them anytime."
Her face lit up like a child on Christmas morning, and she grinned at me eagerly. "I also brought some medical books with me when I came aboard the sub. Can I keep them here?" she asked, gesturing to the stack of books she'd brought with her.
I nodded, touched by her enthusiasm. It wasn't every day that someone showed such genuine interest in expanding their knowledge.
And so, our impromptu study sessions began. It was the only time we were truly alone together, just the two of us surrounded by the wealth of knowledge contained within those walls. And as we poured over the books, exchanging insights and ideas, I couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness growing between us. She wasn't just a member of my crew—she was a kindred spirit, hungry for knowledge and eager to learn.
This isn’t something we do on a regular basis. During those rare moments when our duties aligned and we found ourselves in the same room, engrossed in our respective books, I couldn't help but steal glances at her. There was something mesmerizing about the way she immersed herself in her reading, her brow furrowed in concentration, her lips moving silently as she absorbed the words on the page.
One particular night stands out in my memory. We were seated across from each other, the soft glow of the lamplight casting gentle shadows across her features. As I lifted my gaze from the text in front of me, I found myself studying her with a newfound curiosity. Her long lashes brushed against her cheeks with each blink, and her eyes darted back and forth across the pages, devouring every word. My gaze trailed down to the delicate curve of her nose, and then lingered on her lips—soft and full, like petals begging to be kissed.
I shook my head, trying to dispel the sudden wave of distraction that washed over me. I couldn't afford to get lost in thoughts of her—not when there were duties to attend to, and a ship to command. But despite my best efforts to focus on my reading, my mind kept drifting back to her, like a ship caught in an irresistible current.
What are you doing? I chided myself silently, forcing my attention back. I couldn't afford to let myself be distracted—not by her, or by anything else. But as I stole one last glance at her, her beauty illuminated by the soft glow of the lamplight, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to reach out and touch her, to feel the warmth of her skin beneath my fingertips.
But such thoughts were dangerous, I reminded myself sternly. We were pirates, after all—outlaws on the high seas. And as much as I might have wanted to, I couldn't allow myself to get too close. Not when the stakes were so high, and the dangers so real. So, with a sigh, I forced myself to turn back to my book, pushing aside the tantalizing thoughts that threatened to consume me. But deep down, I knew that no matter how hard I tried to resist, she had already captured a piece of my heart.
That moment of distraction was like a brief flicker of light in the darkness—a glimmer of something I hadn't felt in ages. But I knew better than to let it take root. Emotions were a dangerous thing for a pirate, especially someone in my position. So, I buried those feelings deep down, resolved to concentrate on the current task.
I threw myself into my duties with a renewed vigor, strategizing and planning with a single-minded intensity. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and before I knew it, a year had slipped by like sand through my fingers. We had crossed into the treacherous waters of the Grand Line, where danger lurked around every corner and the ocean itself seemed to rise up against us.
In the depths of the Grand Line, the challenges we faced were unlike anything we'd encountered before. The sea monsters were larger, fiercer, and more relentless than those of the North Blue. Every day was a battle for survival, as we navigated through storms and dodged the attacks of creatures that seemed intent on tearing our ship apart.
But despite the dangers, I found solace in the chaos. In the midst of battle, there was no room for distraction or doubt. Every decision had to be made with precision and clarity, every move calculated to ensure our survival. And as the captain of the Heart Pirates, it was my responsibility to lead my crew through the storm and into calmer waters.
So, I pushed aside any lingering thoughts of her. There would be time for reflection later, when the seas were calm and the danger had passed. But for now, my only concern was keeping my crew safe and steering our ship toward our next destination in the unpredictable waters of the Grand Line.
It was on one such stop at an island that another incident unfolded. As I stood by the dock, mulling over our next course of action, she came bounding towards me, her fiery determination evident in every step.
I couldn't help but let out a sigh as she stood there, her lips set in a determined pout. This wasn't the first time we'd had this argument, and I had a sinking feeling it wouldn't be the last. She was stubborn, that much was clear, and when she set her mind to something, there was no stopping her.
But as much as her defiance grated on my nerves, I couldn't deny that there was something undeniably endearing about her fiery spirit. Even when she was being a brat, there was a spark in her eyes that I couldn't help but admire.
I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to quell the rising frustration within me. "Fine, have it your way," I relented, knowing that arguing any further would be futile. "But on one condition."
Her eyes lit up with curiosity as she leaned in, waiting for my terms. "What is it?" she asked eagerly.
"If you're able to land even a small cut on me anywhere on my body, I'll let you join Penguin and the others in their sparring," I replied, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips.
I told her that she’s supposed to be a support and not someone who fights on the frontline.
Her expression faltered for a moment, a hint of doubt flickering across her features. "That's not fair! You're way stronger than me!" she protested; her frustration evident.
I shrugged nonchalantly, not about to back down. "Then give up, easy as that," I teased, hoping to quell her whining once and for all.
But instead of conceding defeat, she squared her shoulders and met my gaze head-on. "Let me practice first," she declared, her determination shining through.
And in that moment, I knew there was no stopping her. Whether I liked it or not, she was going to find a way to prove herself, even if it meant facing off against me, her captain, in a battle of wills. And as much as I tried to resist, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride swell within me at the sight of her unwavering determination. She may have been a handful, but she was my crewmate, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
As the crew gathered on the shore, forming a circle around us, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins. The air was charged with excitement, and I tightened my grip on Kikoku, its weight resting comfortably on my shoulder, while the other hand remained tucked inside my pocket.  Beside me stood <y/n>, a few inches away, her movements fluid as she stretched her arms, cracked her knuckles, and warmed up her legs. The intensity in her eyes was unmistakable; she was dead serious about this.
"You can still back out if you want to," I offered, my voice laced with a hint of warning.
"Why? Are you scared of me?" she shot back, her voice laced with playful defiance.
A chorus of cheers erupted from the crew, egging us on as we prepared to face off. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her cockiness, unsure where her newfound confidence was coming from.
"What's going on?" Shachi whispered to Penguin, his curiosity evident.
"It appears that the two had a deal, something like that," Penguin replied, his arms crossed as he observed the scene. He had assisted her briefly in honing her swordsmanship skills.
As we squared off, I caught Shachi and Penguin exchanging whispered words, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. They knew something was up, but they trusted me enough to let things play out.
"Just to let you know, I won't hold back. You wanted this after all," I warned her, my grip tightening around my sword as I began to unsheathe it slowly. Truth be told, I was bluffing. Landing a small bruise on her would be sufficient—I had no desire for her to harbor any ill will towards me. But perhaps teaching her a lesson was necessary.
For a moment, hesitation flickered in her eyes as she tightened her grip on her own sword but then she squared her shoulders and advanced towards me. It was easy for me to anticipate her moves, to parry her attacks effortlessly. Despite her lack of experience, she wielded her sword with conviction, her determination evident with each swing. But there was something different about her—something unexpected.
"I thought you're not going to hold back? Why are you on the defensive?" she taunted, her words ringing in the air.
I couldn't help but smirk at her audacity. With a swift movement, I vanished from her line of sight, only to reappear behind her, ready to strike. But to my surprise, she anticipated my move, twisting her body to block my attack with her sword.
Her movements were fluid and precise, as if she could see right through me. And when I attacked again, she parried effortlessly, her eyes locked on mine with a steely determination. Testing my theory, I attacked from a different angle, only for her to evade once more.
"Since when did you know you could use Observation Haki?" I asked, taken aback by her newfound skill.
"I wasn't sure," she admitted, panting slightly from exertion. "I started seeing things differently."
She was full of surprises, that much was clear. But even as we continued to clash, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to her than met the eye.
"The deal is still on though," I reminded her, my voice firm.
"I won't back down," she replied
She may have been a novice, but she had the heart of a warrior, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of respect for her in that moment.
As our sparring continued, I couldn't help but admire her tenacity and marvel her progress. Despite her initial hesitations, she was adapting quickly, her movements becoming more fluid and precise with each exchange. The cheers of the crew egged us on, fueling the fire that burned between us.
But as the minutes dragged on, I found myself growing weary of the fight. With a final swing of my sword, I sent her weapon flying, causing her to lose her balance. Her eyes squeezed shut in anticipation of the fall, but before she could hit the ground, I acted on instinct, hooking my arm around her to steady her. Our eyes locked in a moment of shared intensity, breaths ragged, chests rising and falling in unison. I could feel the warmth of her hand against my chest, the beads of sweat glistening on our foreheads.
For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still, the world around us fading into the background as we stood locked in that intimate embrace. But the sound of applause from the crew jolted me back to reality, and I quickly helped her to her feet, trying to ignore the strange fluttering in my chest.
Retrieving my sword and sheathing it once more, I took a moment to catch my breath, removing my fur hat to run a hand through my hair. But before I could even gather my thoughts, she was already asking about joining the others in their sparring sessions.
"You didn't land a scar anywhere on me. So, it's still a no," I replied firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument.
Her face fell instantly, her lips forming again to a pout that I couldn't help but find endearing. But I refused to let myself give in to her charms—not now, not ever.
"Rules are rules. You know that" I reminded her, furrowing my brows in a gesture that I hoped conveyed my seriousness.
But she wasn't about to give up so easily. Grabbing my arms, she examined them closely, searching for any sign of injury. She squeezed my hand firmly, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. Then, she cupped my face in her hands, her touch gentle yet probing. She moved my head from side to side, inspecting me for any hidden injuries, her eyes scanning my features with unwavering focus. I stiffened under her touch, caught off guard by her sudden gesture. A whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirling within me.
"Stop that," I scolded lightly, trying to mask the way her touch affected me.
With a resigned sigh, I watched as the crew began to make their way back to the submarine. But even as we parted ways, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of something much bigger—something that would change us both in ways we couldn't even begin to imagine.
Chapter 3.5 | Chapter 4.5 (Almost at the end)
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thebunnednun · 15 days
I NEEEEED law from one peice to fuck me nasty style (I’m sorry)
so could I request a cheeky reader x law nsfw? Pls and Ty?
(Again I’m so sorry 😭)
Make you mine!~ Trafalgar D. Law x Cheeky~ Crewmate! Reader
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Trafalgar D. Water Law by yra-to-life on DeviantArt
I have never written full blown NSFW EVER 🤧 so we're gonna get as close as we can, mi corazon! (I am SO sorry if it sucks!)
This man does things for me I'm not gonna lie. I have a whole secret series in the chamber for him.
At the time of this being posted, 5/18/2024, there is a poll ongoing for what, you, the lovely readers, would love to see. Be sure to cast your votes!!
On with the show!!~
The Heart Pirates' submarine, the Polar Tang, hummed quietly as it cruised beneath the waves. The crew was busy with their duties, ensuring the smooth operation of the vessel. Among them was you, the most mischievous and cheeky member of the crew, and Captain Trafalgar D. Water Law had certainly noticed you.
You had always had a thing for pushing Law's buttons, loving the way his eyebrows furrowed in frustration or how his lips pressed into a thin line when you made a particularly bold comment. Today, however, you decided to push things further.
After finishing your shift, you found Law in his quarters, poring over maps and documents. You leaned against the doorway, watching him for a moment before speaking.
"Captain," you purred, your voice laced with playful mischief. "Is there anything I can assist you with?"
Law looked up, his golden eyes narrowing slightly. "I'm busy," he replied curtly, but you could see the flicker of interest in his gaze.
Ignoring his attempt to brush you off, you sauntered into the room, closing the door behind you. "You work too hard, Captain," you said, your tone teasing. "You should take a break."
Law sighed, setting his pen down and leaning back in his chair. "And what exactly do you suggest I do during this break?" he asked, his voice edged with annoyance.
You stepped closer, a sly smile playing on your lips. "Well, I could think of a few things," you replied, your eyes locking onto his.
Law raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued despite himself. "Oh? Enlighten me."
With a boldness that surprised even yourself, you moved to straddle his lap, your hands resting on his shoulders. "How about I show you instead?" you whispered, your breath warm against his ear.
For a moment, Law seemed taken aback, his body tensing beneath you. But then, with a growl of frustration and desire, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer.
"You're playing a dangerous game," he muttered, his lips brushing against your neck.
You shivered at the contact, your fingers tangling in his hair. "I like danger," you whispered back, your voice barely audible.
With a sudden movement, Law stood up, lifting you with him and carrying you over to the bed. He laid you down gently, his eyes burning with a mix of frustration and desire. "You really have no idea what you've gotten yourself into," he said, his voice low and dangerous.
You looked up at him, your own desire mirrored in his gaze. "Then show me," you challenged, your voice steady despite the rapid beating of your heart.
Law didn't need any more encouragement. He captured your lips in a searing kiss, his hands roaming over your body with a possessive intensity. You responded eagerly, your own hands exploring the contours of his muscled form.
As his hands found the hem of your shirt, he paused, pulling back to look at you. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice softer now, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.
You nodded, your breath coming in shallow gasps. "Yes, Law. I'm sure."
With a nod of his own, Law resumed his ministrations, his hands deftly removing your clothing piece by piece. His touch was both gentle and commanding, his lips trailing hot kisses down your neck and across your chest.
You moaned softly, your body arching into his touch. "Law," you breathed, your hands clutching at his shoulders.
Law's response was a low growl, his hands moving to undo his own clothing with practiced ease. When he was finally as bare as you were, he pressed his body against yours, the heat of his skin sending shivers down your spine.
"You drive me crazy, you know that?" he murmured against your ear, his breath hot and ragged.
You smiled, your own breath coming in short gasps. "Good," you whispered back, your hands exploring the hard planes of his back. "I like making you crazy."
With a final growl of frustration and need, Law positioned himself above you, his eyes locking onto yours. "This is your last chance to back out," he warned, his voice strained.
But you were far from backing out. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. "I don't want to back out," you whispered, your eyes filled with desire and determination.
Law didn't need any more encouragement. He thrust into you with a force that left you both gasping, your bodies moving together in a frenzied rhythm. The room was filled with the sounds of your moans and gasps, the intensity of your connection driving you both to the brink.
As he moved within you, his pace quickened, each thrust more powerful and desperate than the last. You clung to him, your nails digging into his back as waves of pleasure coursed through you. "Law," you cried out, your voice a mixture of need and ecstasy.
"Say my name again," he commanded, his voice rough with desire.
"Law," you gasped, meeting his demand as your body shuddered beneath him.
His eyes darkened with lust at your compliance, and he leaned down to capture your lips in a fierce kiss. His hand slid between your bodies, fingers finding that sensitive bundle of nerves and applying just the right amount of pressure. The combined sensations pushed you over the edge, your climax crashing over you like a tidal wave.
Your cries of pleasure echoed through the room, and Law followed soon after, his own release coming with a guttural moan as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. His body tensed, then relaxed against you, both of you riding out the aftershocks of your shared ecstasy.
For a moment, the two of you lay there, your bodies entwined and your breaths mingling in the aftermath of your passion. Then, with a sigh of contentment, Law rolled onto his back, pulling you close against his side.
"You really are something else," he murmured, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin.
You smiled, your head resting on his chest. Fingers traced over the deep ink that marked his pale skin. "And you love it," you replied, your voice filled with playful satisfaction.
Law chuckled softly, his arms tightening around you. "Yeah, I guess I do," he admitted, his voice tinged with affection.
As the two of you drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and belonging. You had pushed Law's buttons, and in doing so, had found a connection that went deeper than either of you had ever expected.
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have a Sabo x Marine! reader posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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