#platonic madwise
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2am posting byler + max ponies
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will80sbyers · 17 days
In season 5 Will finds her when he's going around Henry's mind and they bond on screen
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ronancebyler · 15 days
Elmax headcanons?
They're both always holding hands. Like constantly. It's all they do, it's incredibly soft and adorable.
El thought for a solid day that Max was the person Will liked (platonic madwise!!!) which Will immediately corrected that notion with immense panic. (El didn't get why he kept insisting that Max would never like him, Will just knew about their crushes and didn't want any dumb misunderstandings to get in the way)
El gives cheek kisses, Max gives hand and wrist kisses
Related to the first one but they are just always touching. it's a grounding agent for them, it helps them from panicking and reminds them that both of them are alive and okay.
After Max wakes up, El does not leave her side for weeks. She knows Max is quite strong and capable, but staying next to her all this time gives her a sense of control since she's convinced she was too weak to save Max last time, this time she won't be weak.
Max immediately calls that dumb and tells her she's the strongest person she knows, both by physical and emotional strength.
They both are obsessed with tracing their thumb in circles on each others skin
Lots of soft looks when the other is looking away
El is more of the "ohmygod she's so pretty and amazing and cool and I'm obsessed with her" kind of simp while max is more "she likes waffles" but in an extraordinarily soft voice kind of a simp
like max talks about el doing incredibly mundane things like she saved the world again
they slow dance together when they're alone
will is so fucking tired of hearing the two of them talk about each other
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autistic-katara · 1 year
fic where Max is best friends with both Mike and Will and they both came out to her and rant abt their “unrequited” crushes on eachother to her and shes going insane because oh my fucking god u idiot he likes u back just kiss already! and she cant even get anyone else to help them see sense since theres no one else theyve both come out to yet
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callithecreature · 3 months
MadWise (Platonic) headcanons <33
-They are secretly best friends
-Joyce and Susan know each other well because Will and Max used to organise sleepovers before the Byer's moved
-Johnathan sometimes drove Max to school with Will because her house was on the way to the Middle School.
-Max wrote a long letter to Will about their friendship
-She also wrote: "P.S. At least try to find someone who could treat you better than Mike"
-Will came out to Max as gay so Max opened up to Will about her being bi
-In S3, when none of the other's were around they would go to Scoops Ahoy just to talk to Steve and Robin and get free ice cream cones.
-They normally fangirl over Lucas (I love being a multishipper) or some actors they like
-Max taught Will how to skateboard and Will taught Max how to paint
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lesbians4yoohyeon · 1 year
does anybody know which specific stranger things comics these parts are from? i want to get them but idk which exact one they are bc there's actually quite a lot 😭😭😭
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starsarefire824 · 9 months
Chapter 15: Pulling the Fences Down
"Hey, Will,” Someone says from behind them and then Max stands next to him, so close she’s almost brushing shoulders with him. She smiles, and Will can tell she’s trying to tear her eyes away from Lucas. Lucas sits frozen at the end of the table staring at them.
“Hey,” Will greets, knowing the look on his face is probably complete confusion.
“I’ll be your partner?” she asks with a raise of her brows, pulling her hands out of her sweatshirt pocket.
Will looks to Lucas and Dustin, widening his eyes in question. They both shrug at him. He blinks down at her. “Uhm, yeah–yeah. Sure…”
“Cool!” she says happily, something like relief coming over her eyes. She smiles knowingly up to Will, and looks at Lucas for far too long, before she tugs the puck out of Will’s hand and rests it on the table. “Will and me are going to end you fuckers.”
“You’re on!” Dustin says with a challenging squint.
About eight rounds and many quarters later, Will’s feeling delightfully warm with whiskey and the puck slots right between Dustin and Lucas’s paddles and clatters into the goal.
Max and Will shout, jumping up and down for joy while Dustin and Lucas groan in defeat.
“What the hell!” Dustin cries, slamming his paddle onto the table and walking in a frustrated circle. “This is bullshit!”
“Aw, poor babies,” Max mews at them and wraps her arm around Will’s neck. He grabs at her hip and they celebrate, and it makes Will realize this is the first time that he hasn’t thought of what happened on Tuesday since it happened.
“Best out of 10?” Will suggests with a grin.
“Hell no!” Lucas gripes, taking a sip of his drink. “I have self-respect!”
“Well now what?” Dustin asks, glancing at them. Lucas smirks and then pulls his contraband out of his pocket sneakily. He wraggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Eh?”
Will holds his cup out to Max. She raises her eyebrows in question. “Just sip it,” he says and playfully shoves it at her face
She takes a long sip, her eyes light up after she tastes it. Max grins up at him with whiskey damp lips, then laughs. “Byers, I’m scandalized!”
Will blushes and shrugs, then glances at Lucas and Dustin. “You want to come?”
Max bites her lip, her eyes flashing longfully at Lucas.
Before she can answer they’re interrupted by the sound of the door bell ringing. Will and Max look up in unison.
“Shit,” he hears Dustin say quietly behind him.
Lucas slurps the last of his whiskey and coke loudly out of his cup.
Max suddenly tenses up and bounces on her heels. She looks nervous. “I would guys, but—I can’t tonight. Sorry.”
With that she bolts away from them, zooming through the crowd to meet Mike at the door.
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ziggggg · 1 year
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First post hi hello
I’m super scared to post art on here but uhm here-
Constructive criticism welcome !
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skysmadness · 2 years
i like to believe that max and will are the only ones in the party with a decent music taste
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toystoryfan · 1 year
They're friends your honor. I don't CARE that they've never had a one on one Convo in canon. They're besties your honor.
Would've could've should've is Them coded real.
Dedicated to @andiwriteordie !! happy birthday, I say, knowing it's not your birthday. Happy early birthday??? Bc I think it's soon??? Ngl I was gonna tag you and say happy birthday no matter when your birthday actually is--
Andi ily thank you for kick-starting me into actually Making this!!!! It's been on my mind for a while and I finally did it lol 🥰🥰🥰
Also!!!! Congrats to Noah for coming out!!!!!!
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jaegerisim · 11 months
PT. 2 of my HP x BYLER AU
The summer holidays passed by in a blur and between homework and hanging out with Will, Mike had been pretty busy.
Now, in "Platform 9 and 3/4" Mike buzzed with excitement to hug Will. Although they'd seen each other barely 48 hours ago, Mike couldn't help but feel like they'd been 48 days or years. So he moved around with his trolley until he spotted a familiar brown head sticking up in the multitude.
Mike pushed his trolley forward and grinned at Will, who still hadn't seen him as he was focused on something or someone else. That person was Max, who was babbling excitedly about all the new curses and charms Robin was going to teach her this year, while Will nodded along. Meanwhile, Will's mother fussed over how Will's hand-me-down shoes were already displaying holes and his tie was all crooked. Jonathan had his arms wrapped around Steve Harrington whose cheeks were a pretty red color.
Will turned to look at his brother, who stuck his tongue at him. Max grabbed Will's hand trying to draw his attention towards whatever it was she was saying. Will slapped her hand away playfully and she said something in mock offense.
Mrs. Byers was watching the whole interaction with an amused face. Finally, Mike reached his limit and marched over.
"Will!" Mike called "I missed you!"
"So, did I," Will laughed as Mike pulled him away from Max "but we saw each other 2 days ago! It's been weeks since I've seen Max!"
Mike frowned, they'd seen each other during the summer, without The Party? Worse of all, Will hadn't told Mike about this. It was outrageous, they'd promised to tell each other everything! This was all Max's fault.
Not only that, but the red-haired girl he got on Mike's nerves because she seemed to go wherever Will went, meaning he would no longer have Will to himself.
Once in the train, they bumped into El, Lucas and Dustin. Who invited Mike, Will and Max to sit with them. Much to Mike's dismay, Will sat next to the window and Max took the seat next to him.
So Mike sat between El and the door. El was acting weirder than she had last year, she was constantly red in the face and stuttered a lot. Mike almost thought she has a fever, but apparently that wasn't it. Anyways, seeing Max and Will share inside jokes and swap food provokes something really ugly inside of Mike, something burning and painful.
Since Mike was too focused on his own jealousy, he failed to notice Will's own frustration and longing stares while Mike seemingly "flirted" with El.
As the days passed Mike felt he and Will were growing distant from each other. Will hung out with Max and Robin more often while Mike felt like El was the only one who truly understood him.
"Mike!" cried Will, one cloudy, spring day, as he rushed into the courtyard where Mike sat "I tried out for the Quidditch team and they accepted me! I'm a Beater! Training starts tomorrow!"
Mike wanted to be happy for him, he truly did. Yet, he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to genuinely be happy for his best friend. He couldn't fathom his sweet and caring Will playing such a dangerous sport.
"Will, be honest, do you even like Quidditch?" Mike asked, with a skeptical frown.
"Y- Yeah! I do. It's a great sport and Professor Creel says I'll be a great Beater!" Will sounded defensive.
"Professor Creel? You trust him? Will, he's not to be trusted!" insisted Mike
"I'm sorry?" snapped Will "He is not to be trusted? Why? 'Cause he's a Slytherin, right?"
Mike bit his lip, he hadn't meant to say that.
"Well, guess what? I'm Slytherin too! Does that mean you can't trust me either, huh?"
It began to rain and at one point Mike didn't know if the droplet he felt against his cheeks were tears or the rain itself.
"That's not what I meant!" Mike sobbed
"You sure, Mike? Professor Creel is a magnificent teacher. Just because you're Gryffindor and don't like him doesn't mean he is bad. Not every Slytherin is bad, y'know? Although you Wheelers seem to unjustly despise all of us!"
"That's just not true!" Mike scoffed, why was Will being such an asshole about this?
"I'm leaving! I'm gonna go find Max and Robin 'cause at least they'll be happy for me" spat Will.
"Will, you can't leave!" Mike tried desperately "It's raining" but it was hopeless, Will had already left him.
For the next few weeks, things were awkward between Will and Mike, their conversations had become stilted and forced until they stopped completely. The catalyst for this was Mike hearing rumors of Will and Max dating. Rumors he thought made sense, they were always together, they held hands sometimes and they were super protective of each other. Another reason why Mike felt betrayed by Will. Will hadn't told Mike he liked Max, how were they supposed to be best friends if they kept secrets from each other!
By the last days of school, Hogwarts buzzed with excitement.
The Quidditch match finals were just around the corner. The 2 Houses competing were Hufflepuff and Slytherin, which meant the 2 Byers Brothers were up against each other.
Both were quite the players as Will was pretty bold and didn't think twice of hitting the Bludger with his bat while Jonathan did fantastic saves as a Keeper.
Begrudgingly, Max invited The Party to come see Will but by the first part of the match, El had become bored of the game and told Mike to accompany her back to the school grounds.
Mike accepted since he thought Will wouldn't even care if he wasn't there, curiously, Max shot him a furious glare when he got up to leave.
Both him and El talked for hours, walking around aimlessly. El told him that her Dad had began to date Will's mom and that Will and her are going to be together a lot this summer.
Then, when the sun was almost down, they sat in the courtyard and El grabbed the side of his face, her cheeks were a rosy color and her mouth was in a shy smile.
Mike felt paralyzed, he knew what was going to happen. El was going to kiss him! Yet, he didn't feel that fluttery sensation his sister told him she felt when she kissed her best friend Barb and her ex-boyfriend Steve. His hands weren't all sweaty or clammy like Lucas described he feels when his near his crush. Nor was he a rambling, stuttery mess like Dustin! What did that mean? Why wasn't he feeling the things he should?
"Do you want to do this, Mike?" whispered El, softly
"Um, uh, Ye- Yeah. I do." He can't believe it took him so much willpower to want to kiss El. No, to want to kiss a girl.
El began to kiss him and he kissed her back. Still, nothing magical happened, it was the most boring thing ever. He was just kind of there.
He heard a noise from behind him and he turned around to find Will and Max staring at them, shocked. Max balled her fists and angrily stormed away muttering curses. Will on the other hand, stood there, mouth parted, tears welling up.
Mike knew he fucked up. He'd abandoned Will's important game to kiss a girl. He shouldn't have done that, he knows that.
Will turned around and left, wiping his face with his emerald Quidditch robe.
Mike didn't run after him, Mike turned to face El. She looked slightly sad but mostly confused, she didn't understand what happened.
The last day of school, Mike went over to the Slytherin table at The Great Hall.
"Hey, Will." he began
He felt Max glare daggers at him and Robin give him the stink-eye, several other Slytherins snickered. Billy, had a sneer plastered on his annoying and punchable face.
"Hi?" answered the smaller boy with confusion l
"I wanted to apologize for our argument, ok?" Mike apologized using his softest voice
"It's ok, Mike, really" Will dismissed with a small wave.
"No, it isn't I-" Mike insisted because it wasn't ok it was wrong.
"I said drop it, Mike" the brunet snapped. He did that a lot lately and when he did, he looked eerily similar to his father. It made Mike shudder. Mike shrugged helplessly and left to meet El and Lucas.
Lucas was blushing and El frowned at whatever Lucas was saying.
"So then me and Max kissed under the bleachers, yesterday and it was awesome!" Lucas gushed
Wait, Max and Lucas? Weren't she and Will dating? But if they kissed that meant that the duo were just friends and Mike had misunderstood everything. He'd fucked up again and Will was obviously not fine. Maybe the summer and spending time with El would help.
Mike ended his second year at Hogwarts wondering where exactly he'd gone wrong.
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ronancebyler · 6 months
pt 2 of flip au has been posted!
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parkitaco · 1 year
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mike is rly fighting for his life out here huh
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bylerpolls · 4 months
favorite platonic and/or familial will dynamic?
a) willel
b) madwise
c) byclair
d) byerson
e) willjon
f) joycewill
submissions are open:) send us an ask!
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starsarefire824 · 9 months
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Demons of Change and Wildflower Eyes: Chpt. 5
Before Will can say anything, before he can get too lost in the feel of Mike’s thin thigh brushing along his, Max holds up her drink dramatically, knees going to her chest as she rolls into a sitting position, her feet almost knocking Mike in the head. He ducks back and turns his attention to her. 
“I love this stupid fucking song!” she shouts and stands up. She puts her drink on the floor and Will likes the way her hair is ruby-colored in the purple light and fog machines. “We’re gonna dance!” she yells through the jumpy pop synth that’s turned up so loud it vibrates Will’s chest. 
Will shakes his head and sinks further back into the couch shyly. He peeks around quickly to see if he can spot any of his friends. Maybe they’ll rescue him.
“Max!!” Mike groans loudly. 
“Come on you idiot!” she screams, and jumps into his lap again. She knocks the breath out of him and he bleats in pain. She squeezes his face between her hands and shakes his head. The skin of his cheeks and his lips twist in her grip. He wraps his hands around her wrists and tries to pry her off. “Max!” he complains again, but Will can tell he’s smiling.
“I demand as your best friend that you dance with me right now!” she growls at him, then hops back to a standing position. 
“Alright, alright, alright,” Mike moans, standing up and shrugging the leather jacket off his back. He drapes it over the back of the couch and is left in his thin white t-shirt tucked into black jeans. 
Will crosses his arms over his belly, trying not to stare at Mike’s attractive waist or broad shoulders, and waiting to let them go. But then Max catches his eye. “You too!” she says happily, and tugs him up off the couch with a surprising strength. 
The weed and the liquor hits Will all at once when he stands and he falls into her and Mike a little. Mike takes hold of his arm in a strong grip and stands him back upright. “Sorry,” he murmurs.
“Don’t worry about it,” Mike shrugs with a bleary-eyed smile on his face, and that’s when Will realizes he must be as far gone as he is. 
Suddenly, Mike’s torn from his vision, jerked away by Max towards the dance floor. Before Will can realize what’s going on, Mike takes hold of his hand too and pulls him with them. Max shuffles through the crowd of people and they find themselves enveloped in dancing bodies all around them, some jumping, some in groups and some hanging off each other in slower, intoxicated dances.  
The three of them end up in a circle and Max raises her hands above her and starts jumping, shaking her head and her hair whipping wildly around her shoulders. Will can’t bring himself to look at Mike, but sees him moving in his peripheral. He closes his eyes and falls into the quick beat of the song, the sweet drink in his veins mixed with the cloudy focus of the weed lets him attune his body to the sound of it. He lets himself fall. Up and down, back and forth, the music reverberates through his chest and he finds the sway of it in his hips, forgetting everything else. His mind goes blank. His hushes his thoughts like a lullaby coaxes a baby to sleep and all he can think of is how his body moves in time with the beat, how Max pulls him closer and how he can feel the heat of Mike’s skin next to him. 
Max raises her hand in a fist and screams the lyrics to the ceiling. “I say, we can dance if we want to we can leave your friends behind!” She looks at Will and scrunches her nose, blue eyes lit up in the flashing light. She grabs both their hands in her fists and jumps with the breath of the music, their bodies thrashing together. “Because your friends don't dance!” she wails, and then pushes her face towards Mike. They press their foreheads together and Mike joins in.
"And if they don' dance. Well! They're no friends of mine!” He sings with her and then they separate. Mike throws his arm around Will and coaxes him to jump higher, their bodies colliding and sweat starting to drip at the small of Will’s back and along his cheeks. He finally opens his eyes and meets Mike’s gaze. Mike takes hold of the back of his neck and sings more lyrics to him, and the rest of the room fades away as the three of them disappear into the tune. It’s a dumb song, something Will wouldn’t ever listen to on his headphones, but somehow the beat is enticing and he doesn’t think he’s had this much fun with anyone since before he was stolen by the Upside Down. 
And Will finds, in this moment, he just doesn’t care. It’s as if something’s opened up inside of him, and all his nervousness, all his pain, all his worry storms out of him with every little movement and slam of his foot on the floor. He’s enjoying the way Mike and Max’s skin is slick against his, how his sweater is starting to stick to him. He tugs at his collar and pulls the sweater over his head, quickly pulling his undershirt down where it rides up his back. His makeshift hat falls off with it and he throws it in the general direction of where they'd been sitting. Mike smiles at him then, and suddenly the music changes. 
@wheelersboy thanks for the song help 😋
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