#pines family
colonelbaconbits · 12 days
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Trying them in my style
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gromhellscream · 4 days
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gf-seasons-zine · 3 months
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The GF Seasons Zine Interest Check is now officially live! The form will be open for two weeks (from the 23rd Feb to March 8th at 11:59 EST). 
The zine will focus on the Pines family hanging out and enjoying the four seasons of the year together. Do you want to see who would win in a snowball fight between Stan and Ford? What the Pines family would get up to on a rainy spring day? Or perhaps you want to see the Mystery Twins jumping in piles of autumn leaves? Whatever you’re thinking, fill out the form and let us know! 
This zine will be looking for moderators, artists, writers, and merch artists to come together and depict our favourite family having fun! The amount of contributors we accept and whether the zine is digital or physical will be determined after the interest check closes. More information can be found on our Carrd.
Please fill out our form and reblog this post if you’re interested! We would love to make this zine a reality but can't do it without your help.
Alternative link: https://forms.gle/WZJuzpESfX24rkbf9
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
----------Thank you for the reblogs! <3----------
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badlyblurry · 7 days
Hey hey I liked the anons request of the stans accidentally turning into kids again. Maybe we can have the pines twins reacting to them?
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you literally read my mind, I was thinking of drawing something like this :)
Edit: Anon is referring to this post-
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lison-animation · 2 months
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I just love Gravity Falls, the perfect mix between Twin peaks and Over the Garden Wall
@gf-seasons-zine you will see my application soon :)
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claychai · 10 months
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learning the hard way :(
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megline · 1 month
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Dipper, you don't think we'll turn out like Stan and Ford, do you?
Well. What do you mean?
I mean, they used to be best friends, but then they got all stupid. Can you promise me you won't get stupid?
Not stupider than you, dum-dum.
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cryoalliums · 9 months
Something i never saw anyone talk about was how the trial in “Escape from reality” wasn’t only for Mabel, But also for Dipper.
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People tend to brush the trial off as “Dipper reasoning with Mabel” but isn’t only that, it isn’t that all in my perspective.
The trial serves as a way to remind both twins of everything they’ve been through together. Reinforced by the fact that it shows bad moments from both of their lives.
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Yes these were shown in Xyler and Craz’s speech to prove their argument that fantasy is better than reality, but it proves the exact opposite to Dipper.
I actually think this speech was constructed in a way that would allow Dipper to reach the opposite conclusion, probably influenced by Mabel’s subconscious — her subconscious desire to go back to reality weakly fighting against Bill’s hypnosis — as we know it affects the entirety of Mabel-Land
No matter if that’s true or not, it still helps Dipper build his own case, as we know he didn’t even have an argument ready previous to being put in trial, as it was completely unprompted, and even worse provided him no attorney ,leaving him to fend for himself.
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We know for a fact that Dipper’s argument was constructed based on Xyler and Craz’s case as it shows him holding notes, ones that he probably took mid-speech.
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Being faced with these memories reminds Dipper that whenever reality got rough they were always there for each other. I think that at the start of the trial Dipper still intended to take Ford’s apprenticeship, and this is the moment he decides otherwise.
This is the moment he realizes that he doesn’t want to be holed up in a lab, that he wants to grow up alongside Mabel.
After that he shows his conclusion to Mabel, which subsequently brings her back to her senses. This trial was meant for the both of them, to bring back both of the twins from their own respective fantasies by making them realize how much they actually suck.
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Mabel realizes that staying in Mabel-land would mean never actually growing up, being trapped inside a dream-like state forever, leaving all her friends and family behind. It would mean never being able to see her brother again after he loses the trial since he would be banished.
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Dipper realizes that taking Ford’s apprenticeship would mean growing up too fast, being trapped in his studies for his entire life, leaving his friends and family in favor of acquiring knowledge. It would mean losing his sister.
They both leave these fantasies behind in favor of each other, and yes they might be scared, terrified of what’s coming after since weirdmaggedon is still going on after all. But they know that they will always be there for each other, it’s the one thing they’ve always known.
They know it will be okay because they are together, since they will go home together, no matter what.
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berrybanana-arts · 5 months
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“…Is it good to be home, Stanley?”
“It sure is, Sixer. It sure is.”
Some fluff to make up for earlier’s angst ;)
The Stan Twins come home from their adventures for the summer and are delighted to see the kids waiting to greet them.
Feel free to send asks/requests! :)
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rangerbarbz · 7 months
Losing Bets
Disclaimer: So this is not a Ford fanfic because I need to show my man Stan some love. Sorry about that. Also, I’m going to post the whole thing just to tumblr and to ao3, so you won’t have to click on a link to read it. This is a smut btw
Summary: Reader bets that Stan can’t go a whole day without touching them. It’s a win win situation 😉
If there was one thing about Stan Pines, he was a handsy man. You had been dating him since you first got a job at the Mystery Shack working the check-out counter when Wendy wasn’t working. There wasn’t a day that went by where he didn’t squeeze your butt as he shuffled behind you or grab your hips while you restocked. You didn’t mind it one bit, though. Stan always made you feel sexy and loved. He was a good man, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. However, you also knew he was a gambling man, and you were looking for fun.
It was a slow day at the Mystery Shack, and you were putting snow-globes on display when you felt a hand snake around your waist. “Lookin’ good, sugar.” When you weren’t expecting Stan’s voice, it always managed to give you butterflies. You smiled and set the one in your hand onto the unsteady wooden shelf in front of you.
“You talking about the snow-globes or me?” you teased, looking over at him. His eyebrow raised as his hand moved from your waist down to your ass. He cupped one clothed cheek in his big hand.
“Both,” he answered. “I love these shorts on you. Can’t help myself.” He had a devilish grin on his face and was staring into your eyes. God, he was so handsome. He had an almost intoxicating aroma of cigars and cologne that you wanted to drown in.
You giggled and patted his chest. “Stan Pines, you’d still find a way to get your hands on me even if you were handcuffed.” You picked up the empty cardboard box at your feet and carried it to the check-out counter to break it down.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Stan purred, following behind you as you flattened the box. You shot him a look that caused him to chuckle.
“You need to behave,” you playfully chastised him, bending down behind the counter to get your to-do list out. You set it next to the register and checked off the box next to “Unpack Snow-globes.” “There we go, that was the last thing I had to do.”
Stan set his elbows on the counter across from you. “Ah, I actually added something else for you to do. Should be at the bottom,” Stan stated.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? Really?” You picked up the notepad to see “Stan Pines” scrawled at the end of the lined paper with an empty box next to it.
Stan burst out laughing at his own joke. “See. I put my name there because I want you to do me,” he explained while you rolled your eyes.
“You’re so dumb.” You couldn’t help but laugh with him, though. “You know this reminds me; I have an idea for a bet. That is if your up to it.” Your eyes glimmered with mischief. You and Stan were always betting on trivial things, so this was a normal request.
“I’m all ears, dollface. Shoot.”
“I bet that you can’t go a whole day without touching me.”
Stan’s head perked up. “I better get something really good if I have to go the whole day without touching you,” he grumbled, crossing his arms.
“If you can go a whole day without touching me, I will do that thing you’ve been begging me to do for an entire week,” you declared.
He gasped. “You mean you’re going to cook me stancakes naked every morning for a week?” he asked incredulously.
You chuckled. “Yup, but if I win you have to come to karaoke with me at Greasy’s every Friday for a month.” At that, Stan groaned and rubbed the part of his nose where his glasses sat.
“Jeeze, you had that one ready didn’t ya, kid?”
“Oh, yes,” you replied. “You accept the bet, old man?” You extended your hand towards him. He flashed that million-dollar smile at you before shaking your hand in agreement with the bet.
                                                                                ~ The Next Day ~
You looked in the mirror at your outfit you had prepared to tempt the “Man of Mystery” himself. You were prepared to play dirty to get karaoke nights with Stan. You were wearing a tight t-shirt that was tucked into some daisy dukes. You also were wearing some boots that went up to your knees that you knew drove Stan wild. He was a confirmed leg man for sure. You fluffed up your hair and applied some light makeup. It was nothing too crazy but just enough to have you singing BABBA with him Friday night.
When you were satisfied with how you looked, you walked out of your bedroom and down the hall to the gift shop. Stan was giving a tour outside, so he had no idea what you looked like just yet. You went about your job as usual restocking the freezer, sweeping the floor, and pricing new items. It was about thirty minutes later when Stan entered the gift shop with a group of tourists behind him.
“Step into our gift shop and marvel at the quality of the Mystery Shack’s merchandise. Such beautiful craftmanship is deserving of your money, so make sure to spend a lot of it,” Stan’s voice echoed throughout the room. Some tourists “oohed” and “ahhed’ at the new shirts you had just hung up on the wall while the others piddled about the store. You sat at the register waiting for customers pretending not to notice Stan ogling you from the other side of the room.
When you finally decided to give him your attention, you gave him a coy smile and a little wave. His mouth was slightly agape, and his eyebrows were raised. He looked you up and down as he approached you.  It was go time; you got him.
“Y/N, you look smoking!” Stan exclaimed, his hands reaching for your hips. They stopped just inches away from them. He frowned and let his hands drop to his sides. “Damn. Forgot I can’t touch you.” He sounded disappointed. You were about to respond when one of the tourists got his attention by asking him about his newest taxidermy creation. This might be harder than you thought.
You exhaled through your nose in defeat. You couldn’t ponder on your plan too long, however, because a line of people had quickly formed in front of you. They held fistfuls of cash and novelties waiting to be paid for. It took a while, but finally everyone had picked an item they wanted and purchased them successfully. You couldn’t see him, but Stan had been eyeing you all over.
Once the last person left the shop and Stan reminded them about his “No Refunds” policy, he turned the “Open” sign on the door to “Closed.” You tilted your head at him and walked from behind the counter towards him. “Stan, why are you closing the shack? Are you-‘’ You were interrupted by him quickly turning around to face you and throwing you over his shoulder. You yelped in surprise as he bolted down the hall to your bedroom. You were not expecting this. He kicked the door open and dropped you on the bed.
“You like to play dirty, don’tcha?” Stan growled, grabbing your ankles and dragging you to him. “Dressing like that in front of me knowing I can’t touch ya. You’re such a tease.” His lips crashed into yours, his beard tickling your neck. You moaned into his mouth, letting your hands explore his thick, gray hair. The passionate kiss turned into a hot, open-mouthed one. Stan’s tongue slipped past your lips as you gripped his back. You grinded against him to get some friction going but to also see how hard he was. He was rock solid, his bulge pressing against your thigh. You wrapped your legs around his waist to bring him closer to you, earning a groan from him.
His lips parted from yours and he began to pepper kisses along your neck, stopping to suck at your collarbones. “Stan…” you whined.
“Use your words, baby,” he murmured against your skin. “Tell me what you want.”
You felt Stan’s lips curl into a smile. “That can be arranged. But these,” he tugged at your shorts, “will have to go.”
You looked him in the eyes. “Then why don’t you take them off for me?” you asked, grinning at him.
“With pleasure,” he responded. He removed your boots before undoing the zipper of your shorts and pulling them off. You lifted your hips up to help him get them fully off your body which revealed lacy red underwear. He wasn’t a huge fan of any particular color, but he loved red on you. He let out a low whistle. “Sweetheart…You shouldn’t have.” Stan’s tone caused blood to rush to your throbbing clit.
His hands slid up the side of your legs to grab your thighs. “God, I love these legs,” he whispered, his thumbs rubbing into your inner thighs. His long, calloused fingers were splayed over the side of them as he admired the way they dug into your flesh. He adored the softness of them.
“Can’t wait to have them around my head,” he breathed, moving his hands over your underwear and under your shirt. “But first, I gotta get this off. Been wanting to get my hands on these.” You blushed as he pulled your t-shirt over your head. You were revealed to be in a matching red bra that pushed your breasts up to make a delightful cleavage.
“Fuck,” Stan said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Come here, sexy.” His hands found your waist and guided you to his lap. He began peppering kisses on the top of your breasts as his hands fumbled to remove your bra from the back. He eventually succeeded causing the straps to fall down your shoulders and exposing your hard nipples. His pupils were dilated and filled with lust as he gazed at your body. He took his time, letting his eyes wander.
Stan slowly exhaled before letting his lips make contact with your skin once again. His tongue licked across your nipple gently and cupping your other breast. He massaged the tender flesh and let his thumb drag over the nipple as he began to suck the other one. You hissed, raking his hair between your fingers. He repeated the same action but on the opposite breast causing your hips to instinctively grind down on him. You were so turned on you were becoming light-headed.
Stans arms encased you as he lowered you onto the bed, kissing in a line down your stomach. You knew what was coming next, and butterflies were already beginning to form. “Mind if I take these off, doll?” Stan asked gruffly, his eyes meeting yours. You nodded your head in response. His fingers hooked around the band of your panties and removed your last garment of clothing. He began to bury his face against your thighs, giving them little pecks. Your eyes rolled back in your head from how his mouth and stubble felt against such a sensitive area. He then removed his head away from your core to look at you.
“Let’s see how much I’ve riled you up,” Stan said, letting one of his fingers enter you. He slid in easily due to your wetness. He let out a shaky breath. “Shit, baby.” He began to pump his finger back and forth. You cried out in pleasure, letting your nails rake along his muscular forearms.
“Oh, God, Stan,” you whimpered. If he kept going like this, you were going to cum before his dick was inside you.
“As hot as it is to see you like this, I just gotta taste ya.” Stan muttered, removing his finger and lowering his head back down to your bottom half. “I’ve been craving you all day.” His tongue slid into you as his big hands held your legs around his head. He moaned into you as you gripped the bedsheets behind you. One hand travelled upwards to play with your breast as he used the tip of his tongue to manipulate your clit. Stan continued to lap at you, bringing you closer and closer to an orgasm. He knew you were close too. You were bucking your hips on his nose to help relieve yourself. He loved it when you did that; he wanted you to use him to get all the way.
“I want you inside me,” you pleaded. “Please, babe.” Stan stopped what he was doing to give you a sloppy kiss. His mouth and nose were covered in your slick which was now partially on you. He stood up to unbutton his shirt while you scrambled to unbuckle his belt.
He laughed cockily. “Someone’s eager,” he teased, waggling his eyebrows.
You glared at him. “Shut up,” you retorted, taking off his boxers to see his painfully erect dick. You slid off the bed and onto your knees. You started to suck on his balls and rub along the bottom of them. Stan moaned loudly; his hands were now in your hair. You licked a stripe of the base of his dick to his tip before taking him into your mouth. You went slowly at first, creating a suction with your cheeks.
“Y/N…” Stan breathed, pushing your head onto him, wanting you to go faster. “Okay, okay. I can’t go anymore. I wanna feel you,” Stan interrupted, holding your face. “Put your boots on. Those were so damn sexy.” You chuckled and put on the shiny, leather boots from before. You were entirely naked other than your feet.
“Alright, hot stuff, you ready to ride the Stan O’ War?” Stan asked, throwing your legs on his shoulders. A boot was on either side of his head.
You giggled in response. “Yes, captain,” you answered.
He lined up with your entrance, and finally was inside you. He stretched you out painfully good. He wasn’t the longest, but, God, he was wide. That’s how you like it. He held onto your boots for leverage as he pounded into you. His breathing became ragged as he went back and forth inside you.
“You feel s’good,” he groaned. “So fucking good.”
His voice sent you over the edge making your body start to quake and pulse. Your legs shook around his head which, in turn, caused Stan to cum. Your convulsions were enough to make a “dead man come back to life” as Stan would describe. As you both rode out your highs, Stan laid on your chest as you twirled his hair. You laid in blissful silence until you remembered something.
“So…does this mean karaoke Friday?”
His face scrunched into his signature grumpy frown. “Can you just let me enjoy what’s left of my dignity until I lose it all?” You giggled at his answer as he laid his head back on your chest. You kissed the top of his head and leaned your head back on your pillow. Little did you know, he was more than happy to sing cheesy songs with you in public. He would just never let you know that.
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magurosnacks · 1 year
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azlanzaa · 11 months
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Pines Family!!1
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gf-seasons-zine · 2 months
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We are so excited to announce that the Contributor Applications for the GF Seasons Zine are now open and will remain open until May 1st!!! Check them out below:
Artist Applications
Writer Applications
Merch Applications
We have had so much wonderful feedback from you all and are looking forward to seeing all of your applications. Don't forget to check out our carrd with all the application info, our q&a, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Your enthusiasm for this project is absolutely awesome, and we're so excited to have you be part of this next step!
Stay weird, and see you soon!
The GF Seasons Zine Mod Team
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
@zineapps @zine-scene
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blackchrysalys · 11 months
Dipper: *sneaks into the Mystery Shack at 2am*
*Lights turn on*
Stan: *on the couch* Care to explain where you were?
Dipper: I was with...Great-uncle Ford.
Ford: *turns in a self enhanced swivel chair* Try again.
Dipper: Uh, I was with...Mabel?
Mabel: *also turns in swivel chair* Try again *continues spinning* Also You have try this Dipper! *spinety-spin* It's really FUN!!! Woohoo!!!!
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stinkyeggbow · 2 years
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mistery twins
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rincolonthree · 17 days
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:] i love puns :3
as a braces wearer i have all the right to make this joke hehehe
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