juneotg-blog · 10 years
[ accurate image of how june gets close to peter emotionally but shown physically ] [ maybe peter's true reaction after he confides in june? ] but really she just thinks he's the cutest person on the earth and wants to help him learn how to love and makes his heart grow bigger like the grinches 
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lucaotg · 10 years
[ this is luca talking about his roommate peter ] 
[ this is luca talking about instances when peter asks for romantic advice ]
love game is too strong for these two nerds
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josieotg · 10 years
incredibly true (ノ◕‿◕)ノ i have this feeling that when they're drunk she asks peter to teach her latin and they end up on a lot of bathroom floors together with him throwing up into the toilet and josie talking to herself/recalling the events of the night like she's still a part of her hs mock trial team and this is a court case
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rayneotg · 10 years
Reporter: So Peter Rowe has admitted that you are his background wall paper on his phone. How does that make you feel?
Rayne: *types ferociously on phone* Done! Peter Rowe is officially my wallpaper too!
Reporter: Don't you two ever take photos together?
Rayne: Ugh no! That's weird.
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josieotg · 10 years
yes i am so in favor of this!!! and josie's just like um hello i'm a newcomer too stOP we're all in this together (see what i did there). also she has definitely dragged him to an after party or two on multiple occasions in an attempt to teach him how to be straight edge ("i was going to be a lawyer, i know just how to fuck with liquor, my friend")
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juneotg-blog · 10 years
AW but they were in Squartters togethaaa and basically since then june calls peter her soulmate and sends him cards in the mail with eyes of hearts and tells him to come visit her and mae EVERY FREAKIN FRIDAY 
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rayneotg · 10 years
<[ Rayne ] [ Always ] [ Sends ] [ Selfies ] [ To Peter ]
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josieotg · 10 years
HELLO KIND SIR IS THERE A REASON YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE THAT??? josie tries to give him compliments all the time because she finds it entertaining to watch him struggle (in the best way ok it's endearing)
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rayneotg · 10 years
Sobasically....[ rayne expects this ] [but then she sees this ] [ and then peter does this ] && now all they do is play flappy birds trying to beat each others score ^.^
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juneotg-blog · 10 years
jasmine [ sometimes ] [ i get lost ] [ and find ] [ shit ] [ i don't expect ]
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