#park jongseong
jaylver · 13 hours
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synopsis: having to deal with a four year long situationship was hard enough in the first place, but when your favourite situationship texted you on a random night after a year of no contact, it was a much harder scenario than imagined. what happens when he brings up that old pact you made about getting married in 5 years and you start rekindling a relationship that was lost?
pairings: non-idol!jay x afab!reader
genre: ex-situationship to friends to lovers, second chance romance, angst, romance, pining
warning(s): profanities, drinking and partying, slight violence
wc: 6.5k
a/n: after a month of not posting, here's a very very belated jay fic that was meant to be for his birthday (scream). please leave a feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! muah xx
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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Park Jong Seong was your roman empire. There, you actually said it.
He was a thought that constantly hovered in your mind from time to time. Whether he was a ghost that lingered to haunt you or a sweet thought that remained, you couldn't tell. All you knew was that he had changed your life for the better and the worst.
A lesson you'd often tell others is to never get yourself involved in a situationship, worse if it's with your best friend. Unfortunately, you were speaking from experience which involved Jay, your ex situationship slash best friend. Look how you and him eventually turned out.
An almost four year long situationship with Jay that took an absolute toll on you had ended the year before. You agreed on no contact with him after, trying to create a peaceful life without him out of your life, yet it was entirely impossible when you shared mutual friends that reminded you of your good times with him even though he wasn't around. 
You hate to admit it, but losing a person who was your best friend cut deep into your gut and heart combined. It was, at least, for the better. That was something your friends told you that you gradually recited in your head. It wasn't very effective, however. You still thought about him, quite often actually. But you supposed that was the haunting and painful part of having a relationship with someone that was almost a lover but never became one. 
It was the same exact night you were thinking about him when a text appeared on the homescreen of your phone. You stared at the notification for God knows how long, debating if your lack of sleep was finally catching up to you. The contact name was unmistakable, there it was, Jay's text. Jay, your Jay? 
The strength you had trying to act casual, but in reality, you were dying internally. The hold that man has on you was unimaginable. 
jjong: you up?
you: ?
jjong: did you delete my number?
If only he knew, he would've probably laughed. You never deleted his number, nor did you even change his contact name. His name constantly stuck out in the list of contacts, just like the memories of him in your head.
you: no, i didn't. what i meant was why are you texting me at 2 am?
jjong: i thought of something, something we said four years ago
you: okay …?
jjong: you said if we're both still  single in five years, we should get married
you: you took that seriously?
jjong: should i not have?
you: dumbass, i was tipsy
jjong: you didn't say that when i brought it up after you were sober
you: it's stupid
jjong: it's not. come on, y/n, can we please start afresh? i miss you.
He missed you?  
jjong: i'm serious. can we please meet up?
you: you swear you're not going to pull something?
jjong: no?? the most i'll do is pull out an engagement ring but who knows
you: cut the crap, jay 
jjong: don't act like that didn't make you giggle even the slightest
jjong: meet me downtown. the usual place we go to :)
How could he act so nonchalant when bringing up the past? The usual place that you haven't been to after cutting contact with him was something he still recalled, but to you, it was a place you avoided up until now. 
It was hard to sleep when your mind was filled with thoughts of him, except this time, instead of missing him, you dreaded him and the part where you're going to meet him for the first time in a year. What was he going to say? 
The wish you wished upon the lone star that night was for Jay to finally set his feelings and emotions clear. But whether it will come true or not, the truth will soon befall on you.
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The day you planned to meet Jay was a cloudy one. It was likely a foreshadow, but you chose to ignore the overthinking you constantly did.
You were the first one there in the cafe, specifically sitting at that table by the corner which you and Jay usually hogged. Being there early due to mostly the anxiety, you got to calm your nerves down and prepare yourself to face Jay. 
It shouldn't be hard to meet someone you already knew, but why did it feel that way? The unspoken feelings and those that were left hanging, unaddressed, was what haunted the both of you. You supposed this meet up with him would hopefully change that the slightest bit. All you hoped for was that he didn't become a stranger to you.
You failed to realise his approaching figure as you were sitting with your back facing the entrance, it was your usual spot anyway. Not to mention, his footsteps were quiet as ever, a thing about him that was unchanging. 
"Y/N," you heard his voice before meeting his eyes, watching as he slipped onto the chair opposite of you, the warm aura of his never failing to provide a sense of comfort for you. "Hey,"
The change of his hair colour grabbed your attention first. The silvery colour that the light bounced on suited him well. He always wanted to experiment with his hair, and you didn't expect him to really do it. Other than that, he had the same features, same smile, same warm colour tone eyes and skin. All in all, he was the Jay you knew, the one you loved.  
"Jay," you spoke his name as if it was a foreign taste on your tongue. His irises flashed an unreadable spark at the sound of his name coming out of your mouth. You fell into silence, not knowing how to start the conversation whereas he seemed rather speechless instead. 
He shook himself out of it, a slight frown etched onto his lips. "Thanks for making time to see me. I know … you probably didn't want to, so I'm glad you came," his tone contradicted the way his texts sounded, the initial confidence was currently wavering.
"It's no problem," you shook your head softly, a secret hope you had kept shouting in your mind where he would fix everything. 
"I didn't want to leave us at that, Y/N," his sudden confession surprised you, but it left your heart beating in both anticipation and anxiety. "The way we left things, it wasn't right. I wasn't right for doing the things I did,"
You knew what he was talking about, or at least the obvious one out of the bunch. That night at his place where you were tipsy and he was holding you in his arms, you accidentally let out the secret you've been holding in: you loved him. As expected, it obviously strained the relationship as he insisted on it being nothing serious. You were stupid for thinking he would've reciprocated it, but all he did was leave you stranded on the empty space of heartbreak alone. 
"I'm sorry. I was an asshole, and I was an idiot for not realising how much you meant to me until you weren't there next to me. You carved a hole in my life and my heart was moulded for you," his gaze fell to the table, an audible draw of breath from him. 
Jay glanced up to lock his eyes with yours again, the twitch of his hand that was holding itself back from reaching over to you. "I'm not a religious man, Y/N, but every night I prayed for God to lead me back to you," he swallowed thickly, "I know I fucked up, that's why we stopped … everything. I deserved it, but I really want to fix everything,"
You opened your mouth to speak just to close it after a passing second. He said exactly what you wished for him to say, but why was it so hard grasping everything before you? Was it the shock? 
"I missed you, Jay," it was the truth, an angering truth that you held onto for ages. "I really did. I think about you a lot and the mistakes we made. I wish we could go back to the way we were. You're my best friend," you knew that word wasn't just what it was, it held something more than that. "And I just want you back,"
The softening of his gaze only exposed the vulnerability on your face. "Can we start again?" He said quietly, seemingly testing the waters. "As friends, and we'll go slow,"
"I'd like that," you nodded, never leaving his gaze. You didn't say it, neither did he, but you weren't putting away the chances of something more than just friends, an unspoken hope that you kept. Maybe this time, everything would turn out right. 
Before you parted ways with Jay and left for home, you shared a simple conversation in front of the cafe. Just like old times, the conversation flowed naturally as if time didn't separated the two of you in the first place. 
"Can I hug you?" 
For the first time in many months, you felt the warmth and touch of Jay's that you missed. It was familiar, comforting, a band aid that covered the crack on your heart. This was the first step to heal that broken heart of yours. Closure. It was for the better. 
The rest of your day was only filled with thoughts of him, till the point where it had you lying in bed, awake and turning, wondering about the fate of you and him. A second chance was about to make or break everything.
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The next time you saw Jay again was at a party his frat brother held. 
Ever since that day at the cafe, you didn't stop texting Jay. You realised at one point that you had fallen back into your old self once more. Giggling at his messages, anticipating his notifications, calling him at odd hours. All of which didn't go unnoticed by you, and you wondered if you should be horrified or nonchalant. Given that you and him were on better, speaking terms now, you brushed it off as nothing.
"Well, isn't it my favourite girl," Jay had his arms wide open the moment he approached you, that smile of his glowing from a distance away. 
You smiled back, you always did anyway, letting him embrace you into his arms. "You smell like beer," you scrunch your nose up in distaste, pushing yourself off of him, but your arms around his shoulders remain.
"But I'm sober," he casted a wink at you, ignoring your eye roll as he took your arm from your shoulder and slid his fingers into your hand. "Come on, the guys are over there,"
To think about explaining this to the rest of your friends was going to be interesting to say the least. They already knew from your continuous text screaming for bloody help, but for them to witness it in person? You couldn't help but wish to cower into a corner out of embarrassment.
Heeseung was the first to raise a discreet eyebrow at you when you approached, hands intertwined with Jay, the same guy you swore you cut contacts with. That's a lie, apparently. Jake and Sunghoon seemed impassive, but you could tell from their several exchanges of glances, they thought the same as Heeseung did. However, both you and Jay were their friends, and no matter how messy it was, they were just the people stuck in between.
Jay eventually excused himself from the conversation to get more drinks for himself. You had a feeling he was about to be drunk by the end of the night no matter how he denied that. You knew his patterns through and through. Once he was out of ear shot, the boys turned to stare at you accusingly.
"Did you guys kiss?" Jake was the first to be blunt. The other two were eager to know the truth as well.
You practically jumped in your seat, as if a bullet had shot through your chest. In that way, his zero filtered question had that effect. "What? No! We agreed on being just friends,"
"For now," Heeseung chimed in.
"You were literally holding hands with him," 
"It's platonic,"
"Considering your past with him, I think that's the last thing you can claim as platonic when it comes to Jay," Heeseung quipped back, making a valid point that you chose to ignore.
"Whatever. We're currently friends and we're not rushing into anything. We don't want to ruin it," you rubbed your arm uneasily, the thought of your past recurring saddened you. 
"Then when are you going to actually get together?" Sunghoon asked, sounding rather exasperated as though he's the one in your position. At one point, you wished you could trade places. 
"Ask him that," you leaned your head onto Jake's shoulder for emotional support, the question from Sunghoon was a second bullet to your heart. You had been the one sending signals from the start, but when it came to Jay reciprocating it, it was rather bleak.
"You're still hung over him? It never … went away?" Heeseung leaned his body closer, increasingly immersed into the conversation deeper.
"How could it go away when I've always been in love with him?"
The words stuck to you throughout the night. The truth and reality of you loving a man that threw everything away was a burden you carried. The egging thought of wondering if Jay even reciprocated the feelings after a year crept into your head. He didn't reach out to reconnect for nothing, did he?
Just as you've guessed, Jay was truly drunk out of his mind by the time the party was ending. Your friends were trying their best to haul Jay into his apartment while you trailed behind, wishing you were more of help than this. Jay was eventually dumped onto his bed, slurring out random sentences that made zero sense to you.
"Do you need me to drop you back? I didn't drink," Heeseung turned to you first once all of you stepped out of Jay's room. 
"I'll be fine. I didn't drink much, so I think I can drive myself back. I also want to stay a while more to make sure he's fine," you took a glance back at the open bedroom door, seeing Jay still awake and turning uncomfortably. 
"Will you be okay? I mean, you just started talking again, I don't want you to be uncomfortable," Heeseung placed an assuring hand on your shoulder, concern filled eyes boring into yours. You hadn't even thought about this before, the emotions you had whenever with Jay. 
You smiled at your friend. "It's Jay. I will never feel that way about him,"
Heeseung reciprocated your smile, seemingly more relieved. "I know."
Your friends soon left, the loud sounds of their drunken chatters faded into the night, leaving you in a deafening silence. A deep intake of breath was what helped you regain your confidence back to finally step into Jay's room, facing a dazed looking Jay who was sitting on the edge of his bed. He seemed a tad bit more sober from the multiple cups of water he had drunk. 
"Are you alright?" You took a few steps forward, holding onto the doorframe.
He glanced up, the dim light provided by his desk lamp illuminated his face, the sharpness of his features contrasted the tears he had swimming in his eyes. It was unmistakable, but it weighed you down onto the ground, not knowing if you should be taking another step. 
"Jay?" You called out cautiously, swallowing thickly. A quiet sob broke the short silence which followed, the glistening tears made their way down his cheeks. It was your first time seeing him as vulnerable as this.
You got to his side, knelt on the ground, trying to search for his gaze which persisted to run away from yours. He tried hiding his face behind his hands, but you were quick to stop him, holding onto them tightly. It was then he was forced to finally meet your eyes. 
"I'm sorry," you heard his weak voice utter out, his hand that you held onto gripped yours. "I'm sorry," he whispered tearfully.
It was your first time witnessing him this broken, crying nonstop and leaving his emotions out on display. For the first time in ages, you couldn't properly read him like you've always done. Was it your fault for making him feel this way? Was there nothing but pain in this so-called relationship you and him shared?
"I miss you," it was a confession, a painful sounding confession that he's held onto for a long time, the look in his eyes told you he meant it, but there was something else that he had: grief. "I'm sorry,"
You didn't know how long it was that you stared at him for, the thoughts in your mind had been long gone, the shell of your body remained. His words and the emotions behind them were heavier than you anticipated, it hit you hard and rough. You sighed, lowering your head for a second. "You should get some sleep, Jay. It's late and you're buzzed. I'll talk to you in the morning,"
Jay was silent. You could tell there was a hint of disappointment from him that you wished you weren't the cause of it. You got up to your feet, staring at the top of his head as he fought to avoid your eyes. So be it. As you turned to leave, you felt a hand around your wrist, pulling you to a stop.
"Will you stay?"
You've heard this one too many times. Yet, you were always a victim to it. Unlike most times, you knew this was different, letting your heart guide you to him instead of your head. It might've been foolish, but you were willing to be a fool that was persistently in love just for him.
"I'll stay."
That night, you barely slept as he laid in your lap, sound asleep. Your fingers traced the sharpness of his features, smoothing over the softness of them. You wondered to yourself whether reconnecting was a good idea in the first place if this odd feeling of yours kept cutting deep into your heart every time you're with Jay. 
You would never wish to leave him once more, but did he feel the same as you do? Or will he be the first to let you go again? 
Maybe, just this once, you'd have to be the first to let go, even if it's a small step, it was something better than nothing.
With one last apologetic look at Jay, you closed his bedroom door and left his home with a heavier heart than usual. By the time morning comes, you hoped both yours and his memories from the night before would be a fever dream. Something so intimate and vulnerable, how were you to forget quickly? Even as you drifted off to sleep in your bed, you could still remember the tears on Jay's face, it being the last thing you remember before waking up to your doorbell ringing.
It was as if your thoughts had manifested Jay to show up at your doorstep. He wasn't a figment of your imagination, but actual flesh and bones. No matter how you rubbed your eyes trying to get yourself to be more awake, he wasn't disappearing away from view. He was real. 
"Can we talk?" 
Those three words immediately brought dread for you. Jay's face was impassive, but it was evident that he was tired, restless. You nodded, moving away to let him in. It was easy for you to let him in, whether it was your home or your heart, you've always kept a space for him.
"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" You stepped closer to him, seeing as he hadn't taken a seat and feeling something odd shift in the air.
"Us, Y/N, us," Jay breathed out, strained and hoarse, as if saying that word had pained him deeply. "I don't like this, I hate it. The 'us' that we are now,"
"We can't keep continuing on like this. We can't keep pretending everything's fine when it's not,"
It was too early for this, too early for you to be feeling burning internal rage. "Are you kidding? So what are you going to do? Leave me alone again? Go no contact with me again just because you don't want to face me again?"
"No!" Jay took a step closer to you, eyes blazing with equal fiery as yours. "I'm not ending things again, never. I can't lose you this time," his voice wavered, his hand reaching for yours and you let him hold your hand. Was that your first mistake? "I'm in love with you,"
You wished those words hadn't left his lips. For ages, you thought him confessing his true feelings would've fixed things, fixed you and him both, but at that moment, you realised it wasn't that easy, the cracks on your heart remained. 
"I know when you look at me, you see everything that went wrong, but when I look at you, I see the person I'm in love with," every word pierced your heart deeper, the desperation in his voice was clear, a saddening tragedy was imminent. 
"You don't get to do this," you whispered, backing away from him and freeing your hand from his hold. The hurt that flashed across his eyes didn't go unnoticed by you. "You don't get to tell me you're in love with me out of nowhere after we stop talking. It's not fair,"
"Am I … too late?" His voice was quiet, in the midst of the hurt was a pinch of hope. 
"You're not," you didn't want to lie, you knew your feelings were the same and unchanged, but you just weren't ready to cave in and accept his feelings that fast. It wasn't fair. "Time. That's what we need to start afresh,"
Jay nodded, jaw clenched, face stoic. There was no denying that he was hurt, he didn't hide it anyway. "I'll make it right. I'll fix us."
Was it possible to mend everything?
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Attending a party to get drunk was probably the worst idea you had in a while. 
The thoughts of you and Jay haunted you like a sickening plague, the conversation you had with him was constantly eating you up from the inside. You were pushing him away, you knew so, you were becoming like him in some ways. How ironic it was. 
That was why the moment Julie invited you to her boyfriend's house party, you knew you had to have some type of getaway, though it wasn't the most ideal. The only problem you didn't appreciate her not telling you earlier was the person you wanted to avoid most was standing with the rest of your friends in a corner playing pool.
"Look, I didn't know they were coming," Julie defended herself, leaning her body close to your side. "What's up with you and Jay anyway?"
"It's complicated,"
Julie sighed, shaking her head. "Of course it is, but how blind and dumb could you both be?"
"It's obvious you like him and he likes you, why can't you guys just—I don't know—get together?" 
"It's not that easy, I wish it was. I think we're both hurt, or I'm the coward this time. We … talked, he finally said he loves me, but I can't accept it just yet,"
"Why not?"
"I gave my heart to him, Julie. For years I willingly gave my heart to a man that constantly blocked me from his heart, which was why we ended things. Only then he realised his true feelings and right now he's asking for my heart back. I just don't think it's fair," your eyes dropped to the carpeted ground, gripping onto your plastic cup tightly.
"Then would you rather regret it?"
"Would you regret after pushing him away and never becoming something you've always wished to be? Constantly think about the what-ifs? I know I'm not in the right to say anything since I'm not you, but the only thing I wish to say is to go with your heart," she placed a hand on your shoulder. "If your heart yearns for him, it'll always stay that way."
Why couldn't you stop your heart from yearning for Jay? It was as if Julie had read you like a book, even in those times where you and him stopped contacting one another, you never once forgot about him. It was true, your heart was yearning for him. 
Meeting new people that were introduced by Julie and her boyfriend momentarily took your mind off Jay. Their friends were people you probably wouldn't meet again, so you didn't mind when you were left alone with one of them. 
"You come by here often?" Juyeon, one of the guys, was by your side like a leech instead of being a good company. His presence was screaming red blaring signals to you.
"Not much," you chuckled awkwardly, wondering when Julie would return with the rest of her friends.
"Can I take you out some time?" Wow, he sure knew how to cut to the chase. 
"I was wondering if you'd like to come by to my place after this?"
Oh, this was your sign to run, wasn't it? "I—well, I have someone to meet—"
"Come on, give me a chance—" he grabbed onto your hand right before you could successfully leave, this was when you remind yourself never to get involved with frat boys.
"Sorry—" you didn't have the chance to finish your sentence when your hand was forcefully ripped away from his hold, another familiar feeling of someone's hand on yours instead. You turned just in time to see Jay standing beside you, visibly fuming.
"Leave her alone, man," he placed himself in front of you, shielding you away from Juyeon. 
"Look, I'm just trying to invite her over. You know what, she's nothing special anyway—" the sound of Jay's fist clashing into Jueyon's jaw stopped him from continuing on. You were too shocked to comprehend everything happening before you, even as Jay lunged onto the man, you could do nothing but stare. 
"Jay!" The shouts of his name clicked in your mind, breaking you out of your shell-shocked state. Every one of your friends rushed to get Jay off of Juyeon who ended up scrambling away, leaving a crowd of onlookers. 
He was hesitant to turn around and look at you, you could tell so from his stiff shoulders, but you stayed hoping to see his face. You reached your hand out shakily to touch his shoulder, yet, before you could actually do so, he turned around, eyes avoiding to meet yours.
There he went brushing past you, not a single word spoken from him. The slamming of the front door snapped you out of the hurtful daze you were in to follow him out of the house. He was standing on the pavement, unmoving. You approached him carefully, scared and paranoid of executing a wrong move.
"Jay," you walked to stand before him, feeling a tinge of hurt when he took a step back away from you. "Jay," you repeated his name, this time with a bit more desperation. "Why did you do that?" There was no answer, only a sullen silence which blurred into the night. 
You shifted your attention to his fist, the forming of a bruise and some cracked skin decorated the fist he used to punch Juyeon. Your hand absentmindedly reached for his. "You're hurt," you were about to touch his hand when he pulled away, avoiding your hold, a look of hurt flashed across your features, but you tried to hide it.
"I can't let him talk to you like that," he whispered, looking anywhere but you. You wished to grab his shoulder and forcefully make him look at you. 
"Jay, it's okay,"
"It's not!" He snapped, finally having the nerves to meet your eyes. His change of tone shocked you, your feet took a step back unknowingly. "It's not okay. Not when I feel like I'm going insane thinking you're going to get yourself in danger,"
"I'm sorry—"
"Don't," Jay heaved a breath in, voice shaking slightly. "I should be the one to say sorry for acting this way. I'm sorry," 
"I'll see you around. Get home safe." You couldn't even reach him and he was already gone, leaving into the night. There was a twisting feeling in your heart that was unbearable. Was this the end of it all? 
You felt even worse walking back into the house when the rest of your friends asked you about Jay and his whereabouts. It was awkward staying there after what went down, so you ended up going back home too, throwing yourself in bed to forget everything that had happened. 
Jay, the fight, Juyeon, you wished those three things never happened that night. You wished you and Jay never happened at all. 
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"You're just going to leave it at that?"
A bottle of alcohol late at night with the company of your friends without Jay was what you needed after a rollercoaster of a events. The amount of shots you've taken wasn't enough to blur the image of Jay's tear stained cheek or the hurt in his eyes when he told you he loved you, not even the time he avoided your touch. You wondered if love was meant to be this painful. If it was, why were you so adamant on it?
"I … don't know," you set the glass down, chewing the insides of your cheek. "It'll be too cliche and stupid to say it's complicated, right? I think I'm just hurting him. I still love him, but I can't let myself to do so. It's weird, him reconnecting after a year and suddenly telling me he's in love with me out of the blue. What does all that mean?"
Sunghoon let out a hiss from the shot he took in one go, then turned to you. "Jay might be a dumbass for realising his faults and feelings a little too late, but there's one thing I'm sure about him, and that is how much he cares for you and loves you. I remember after you guys cut contact, he had trouble sleeping for months. He said the thought of you leaving haunted him,"
"I know it's unfair to you how he's only realised his true feelings now," Heeseung interjected, pouring another round into your glass. "But I think you're just hurting yourself more by pushing him away, just like how he did to you. You love him, don't you? Don't repeat the same mistakes, you've wasted a whole year together, don't waste a lifetime regretting what could've been."
Two stubborn people walking in constant circles, that was you and Jay. Too scared to face your feelings, hurting not only the other but also yourself. 
Being absolutely emotional and pissed drunk only resulted in you crying your eyes out, which made your friends worried out of their minds till the point where they had to call the person who would know how to comfort you. However, they  failed to realise in time that the same person was the cause of your tears. 
"Where is she?" You heard his voice from a mile away, it was something you'd never forget. The others were slowly leaving your apartment after hoisting you to your bedroom. The process of which involved you sobbing and your drunk friends trying not to drop you. 
The thudding sound of footsteps filled the silence in your home. It stopped right at the doorstep to your bedroom, the hesitation was evident when he entered after several beats. You laid on your side, facing away from him. His approaching figure made your heart race, you felt the bed dip beneath you upon him taking a seat next to you. 
"You're awake, aren't you?"
You glanced up at him, the dimness of your room casted a shadow across his face, but he was still the most beautiful person you've seen. You slowly sat up, trying to move your body a distance away from him to make everything less surreal. The silence in the room was overwhelming, neither of you knew what to say first.
"Do you hate me?"
"I was the first to let go this time," you chuckled dryly, doing everything but meeting his eyes, maybe you were the coward all along.
Jay let out a breath of disbelief, shaking his head. "How could I ever hate you?" It was a question, it was his truth, his dying truth that he held onto with all his heart. He glanced down, staring at his hands, the bruises from the hard punches thrown were healing. "I shouldn't have lashed out on you that night. It wasn't right for me to do so,"
In the midst of your hazy mind, your brain functioned well enough to recollect the memories he mentioned. Oh, that night, that incident. "It's alright, I know you didn't mean it, you were trying to look out for me, I get it," you averted your gaze, letting yourself smile a little to lessen the tension. "I think I was just scared,"
"Of what?" 
"Of you leaving again," 
Jay's gaze softened in the darkness, his hand reaching out to hold yours and it was one of those times that you let him do so knowing how your heart felt like exploding. "I'm never leaving, nor do I hate you. I hate myself for pushing you away, for realising everything too late, for hurting you," he took a deep, yet shaky breath, "If anything, I love you,"
The drowsiness you were experiencing somehow disappeared in a blink of an eye, your mind blank, all you could hear in the back of your mind was those three words which Jay uttered. The air around you and him had shifted, the angry tension dissipated. 
You felt his hold on your hand tightening, just the same as your heart tightening at the sight of Jay's heartbroken smile. "I love you," it was a confession, something ever so freeing to finally be able to say to him knowing your true feelings were reciprocated. "I'm sorry for running away,"
Jay moved closer, his face now barely a few inches away. Everything was a blur, how his other hand travelled to cup your cheeks, his breath practically fanning your lips. "I should be the one to say sorry," those were his last words before pressing his lips on yours.
It wasn't your first time kissing him, but something about the kiss was unlike the times you've experienced.  Despite all those playful, lighthearted kisses you shared with Jay, you knew this was different. Jay was pouring his endless unspoken apologies and devotion, a mix of relief, sadness, longing were hidden behind it.
Even as you pulled away, you could feel the palpable longing between you and him. It was as if years of silent desperation, confusion and pining had melted into one, finally being addressed at that moment. Neither of you spoke a single word, just holding each other close, admiring one another. It was intimate, something you couldn't recreate with someone else. 
"I will never leave you," he whispered, his thumb stroking your cheek reassuringly. "You're a piece of me and my heart, you make me whole. I would be a fool to ever let you go again,"
You stared at him as if he was your entire universe, the effect of his every word carved a space into your heart. Eyes closing momentarily, you let yourself melt into his touch, smiling softly. "I trust you."
That was all Jay needed to hear before a small smile spread across his face. You could hear it in silence, see the look on his face and that spark he has in his brown irises, you knew what it was, he was in love.
That night, he stayed with you until morning came. You held onto one another tightly, as though scared that it was the last day to be together. Little words were exchanged, but you were content by him holding you close. 
For the first time in a while, you were able to fall asleep with no lingering thoughts, and for the first time ever, he was yours, and you were his.
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Telling your friends you and Jay were finally together was a rollercoaster of emotions that you'd never forget. 
It has been months since you and your best friend officially got together. The reactions from people around you were nothing but relief and support after knowing how much hell you two went through. For once, you actually believed in the 'forever' that was promised.
You didn't question the sound of keys unlocking your front door. It has become a habit for Jay to stop by your place every evening, almost just like before and it felt as if everything was falling back into place. Every visit of his came with something he prepared to surprise you, which was why his cheeky grin gave it away.
He pressed a kiss on the top of your head before joining you on the sofa, the playful smile of his never once left. "I have a surprise,"
"Chocolate cake?"
"Okay, something not edible," 
"What is it?" You couldn't help smiling too, nudging your boyfriend in an attempt to get him to reveal his so-called surprise.
"Close your eyes,"
"Are you serious?"
"I'm serious. Come on, close them!" He was giggling, egging you on to go along with whatever he has up his sleeves. "Now, give me your hand," You complied. Not long after, you felt something cold and small making contact with the skin of your palm. "Open your eyes," 
You were first met with Jay's anticipating gaze, then you looked down, seeing a ring sitting on the palm of your hand. "A ring?" You were surprised, picking it up to look at it closely. It was beautiful, simple yet so intricate in detail, as if it was customised for you. 
"Don't worry, it's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring. I know we did make a five year deal, but we're still taking it slow," he picked the ring from your hold and gently took your hand, slotting the ring into your ring finger. "Maybe in another five years time, I'll actually get to fulfil our pact and replace this with an engagement ring,"
This was the closest you've felt your heart exploding. Heat rushed to your face, heart beating nonstop, you were suddenly the person who's first developed a crush for Jay all over again. "Since when did you become so cheesy," you scoffed, a small smile rested on your lips.
"Only for you, duh," it wasn't a lie whatsoever, Jay never hid himself when it came to you. "Let's call some takeout and stay in,"
"Are you staying over tonight?"
"Only if your bed is open to let me in," he made himself comfortable next to you, throwing his arms around you to pull you closer to his side. 
"You know it always is."
Jay didn't say anything, but his smile was enough of a response. No matter if it's your bed, house or heart, you've always reserved a spot specially for him. He made up a part of you just the same as you were with him. He was your home and safe space. You were glad you made that stupid pact on one drunken night that led him back to you.
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
☆ permanent taglist (open):
@silentkarnival @strvlveera @freshsaladbowl @bejewelledgirl @fakeuwus @yenqa @hsgwrld @ilovegyuvin @enhacatalog @aishigrey @shinrjj @kgneptun @ilovegyuvin @hyunniesvlog @eleanorheartschishiya @nanabbg @letwiiparkjay @teddywonss @classicroyalty @run2x @yannnnaj @jakesfurry @gyuwooboozle @nylajp24 @usedto-me @vernonburger @simjyunnie @haerasblog @rikizm @jakevascaino @sunpov @ms-no1kpopstan @jiawji @rikizm @cheerrxy @kimsunoops @heelariously @thesassy-mia @shawnyle @cloud-lyy @aposjsj
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sunrenity · 2 days
attention ✶ enhypen
s  —  they want your attention on them.
p  bf! enhypen x fem! reader  .  g  fluff, est relationship, comfort  .  wc  562 (0.5k)  .  bookshelf
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이희승ㅤ✦ㅤlee heeseung
heeseung notices you deeply engrossed in your phone, a slight frown creasing his forehead. he slides closer, nudging your knee with his own. "hey," he whispers, his voice soft but insistent. when you don't respond, he tugs at your sleeve, leaning in until his face is inches from yours. "what's so interesting over there? don't you want to hang out with me, your boyfriend?" his eyes twinkle with mischief, and you can't help but smile at his playful persistence.
박종성ㅤ✦ㅤpark jay
jay sits across from you, watching as you scribble away in your notebook, oblivious to his presence. he drums his fingers on the table in a rhythmic pattern, but you don't notice. with a sigh, he leans over, doodling a goofy face on the corner of your page. you glance up, a laugh escaping your lips. "really, jay?" he grins, his eyes meeting yours. "just wanted to see that smile. come on, take a break and talk to me."
심재윤ㅤ✦ㅤsim jake
jake plops down next to you on the couch, noticing your attention fixed on a book. he leans his head on your shoulder, letting out a dramatic sigh. "i'm so bored," he murmurs, his voice a soft hum in your ear. you feel the vibration of his words against your skin and glance at him. "jake, i'm reading." he pouts, wrapping an arm around your waist. "but i need attention too. just for a little bit?" his puppy-dog eyes are impossible to resist, and you close your book with a smile.
박성훈ㅤ✦ㅤpark sunghoon
sunghoon watches you from across the room, your concentration fixed on your laptop. he decides to play it cool, picking up his own book and settling beside you. every few minutes, he glances your way, waiting for a sign that you're noticing him. when that doesn't work, he leans in, whispering, "did you know that the human brain is more active at night?" you look up, slightly confused. he grins. "just thought you might find that interesting. but you know what's more interesting? spending time with me."
김선우ㅤ✦ㅤkim sunoo
sunoo sees you hunched over your desk, your focus unbroken. he quietly heads to the kitchen, returning with a plate of your favorite snacks. he stands just out of your line of sight, holding the plate tantalizingly close. "guess what i made," he singsongs, waving a cookie in front of your face. you finally look up, eyes widening in delight. "sunoo! you made these?" he nods, a playful smirk on his lips. "only if you promise to share them with me. deal?"
양정원ㅤ✦ㅤyang jungwon
jungwon watches you from the other end of the sofa, your attention glued to your phone. he scoots closer, his hand gently covering yours. "hey," he says softly, his voice filled with warmth. you look up, surprised. "what's up, jungwon?" he smiles, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your hand. "just wanted to remind you i'm here. let's do something together, okay?"
西村力ㅤ✦ㅤnishimura riki
riki notices you zoned out in front of the tv, a distant look in your eyes. he stands in front of you, blocking your view. "riki, i can't see," you complain, trying to peer around him. he starts making funny faces, contorting his features into exaggerated expressions. you burst out laughing, unable to keep a straight face. "okay, okay, you win. what do you want to do?" he grins, pulling you up from the couch. "anything, as long as it’s with you."
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© sunrenity , don't plagiarize, steal or repost my work on any platform !
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heeseung-min · 3 days
Can you write about Yandere Jungwon being rejected?
"I'm sorry but I like someone else."
Jungwon felt his heart crushed so bad after heard what you said to his confession. Had he read everything wrong? Didn't you like him and was too shy to admit it?
"What do you mean, Y/n? You like me right? You are just too shy to admit it. I've seen you stared at me in the class."
You were flabbergasted at what he said. It's not really wrong but it's not 100 percent right either. True, you were staring in the class but not to him. You were looking at the person beside him, Sangwon. Jungwon read the situation wrong and now you felt guilty because of it.
"Jungwon, I'm really sorry but it's completely wrong. I was staring at Sangwon not you. I'm really sorry if you think it was for you."
Not only Jungwon felt embarrassed but he also felt angry and mad towards his cousin, Sangwon. Why does he got your attention? Why would you want to be with his cousin when you could be with him. Thankfully, the class was empty so they can't see what is happening between both of you.
You wanted to say more but Jungwon already went to his seat without even looking at you. You too went back to your seat when some of the classmates started to arrive. You saw Sangwon came and asked Jungwon why his face was gloomy but Jungwon just shook his head and do revision instead.
You were having a date together with Sangwon. Few days after Jungwon confessed to you, Sangwon came and asked you out in front of the class. Based on his expression, seems like he didn't know that Jungwon likes you. Probably, Jungwon never tells his cousin about it.
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
Sangwon stared at you curiously. He was excited to know that you like him and asked you for a date but now you seems like not excited about it anymore.
"Ah yeah yeah I'm okay. I'm just a bit nervous."
The date went smooth but you still feel nervous whenever you looked to Sangwon's eyes. His face is similar to Jungwon so it kept reminding you to what happened few days ago.
Sangwon dropped you off after the date's over. You thanked him before went inside your house. However, when you came into the house, the strong smell of blood went through your nose.
You felt hopeless when you found out your dad was lying down dead with his stomach got stabbed. The strong smell from blood made you wanted to puke. You were taken back when you saw Jungwon was sitting beside him.
Jungwon turned to you while his finger still fiddling with the knife that you believed he used to stab your father. The sight of him smiling with blood stain on his face made him looked so creepy.
"Oh y/n, you are home. How was the date with Sangwon? Was it exciting?"
Jungwon asked but you couldn't say anything when he was looking so creepy. He stood up and started to walk closer to you.
"I can't stand you with someone else, Y/n."
"You are crazy."
You stepped back to get away from him but Jungwon was quick to hold your shoulder. At this point, you can only cried and begged for him to let you go.
"Jungwon, this is wrong."
"If you didn't reject me maybe this will not happen, Y/n."
"Are you hearing yourself?! You killed my father just because I rejected you?!!"
"And I will do it again to others. Until you don't have anyone anymore."
Jungwon said as he caressed your hair like he was assuring you but instead he was threatening.
"I will make you depend to me only, Y/n."
You don't know where you got the courage but your hand moved by yourself and instantly punching him on the face. The impact is strong and made Jungwon lose his focus. You quickly ran away from him and throw things to slow his down.
"You think you can escape me?"
"Shut the fuck up, Jungwon."
"It sounds sweet when my name coming out from your mouth."
You ran to the kitchen and picked up a knife and shoved it to Jungwon. He smirked at the sight of you.
"You come close, I will kill you."
"Really, Y/n? Can you do that actually?"
Jungwon took one step closer and you were freaking out. The knife you shoved towards him didn't scare him at all.
Jungwon watched you fell down to the floor and passed out. He catched the knife so it won't fall and hurt your face. There was a little blood on your temple as a sign from being hit just now. He stared up at the person.
"That was good, Sangwon."
"You should not question the home run hitter, Jungwon."
Oh, how sick both of they are.
You thought you get with a good guy but no guys actually are good to be with.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @huggyuvita @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @eeunoia @rowretro @soireegurl
I did this while I was in hiatus so it's a bit boring but I hope you guys still enjoy it 😚😚😚
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hleevrsworld · 2 days
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wonnieluv · 3 days
IKEA date
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Building IKEA furniture with enha hyung line
You needed a new shelf because of your growing album collection so when you asked Heeseung to go with you to IKEA. At first he probably said no because you caught him in the middle of a gaming session but when you mentioned you’d need help carrying the boxes he was getting his shoes on so fast.
Once you guys arrive home with your new shelf he’s prepared to go back to his games but you stopped him so fast. Of course you could most definitely build the shelf yourself but it would go so much quicker with help so after some minor begging (with kisses) and a promise to fund his ramen for the next 2 weeks, he finally folded.
He was surprisingly more helpful than you thought and the shelf gets finished in no time. Now you didn’t tell him what the shelf was for so you told him to go back to his games while you decorated. Let’s just say he was obsessed with the result
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I feel like you’d mention wanting a new desk but you’ve just been too busy to actually go out a buy one and build it so one day you’ll just come home from work to see Jay wearing a tank top and sweats halfway through building the frame for your new desk.
After gawking at his exposed arms you finally move towards him.
“Oh! Darling you’re home? I was almost done with your desk.” He’d say with the sweetest smile.
After washing up for the day and putting on one of Jays comfy hoodies, you move to the living room to go help him but of course he’d refuse and make sure his princess doesn’t lift a finger so he gives you the assignment of putting something entertaining on the TV
Once he’s finished with the desk, instead of moving it into the room, he just leaves it standing in the living room and goes to snuggle up with you on the couch as you finish the most recent rom-com you two have been meaning to watch
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The two of you have built a number of Lego sets together so when you brought up the thought of building a new coffee table for your apartment it didn’t take much convincing for Jake to agree to help you build it.
Now this convincing included you basically calling it an oversized Lego project so of course he was on board. When he realized that this Lego set required screwdrivers and hammers, he was a little less on board, but he still helped nonetheless because he wasn’t gonna let his baby do it alone.
He convinces you that doing this in one sitting wouldn’t be a good idea and that you guys should take a break after an hour. You disagreed however because it was relatively simple but Jake had ways of convincing. After an hour he went and sat behind you and basically clung to you like a Koala asking for cuddles. You know Jake, he’s just too attractive to say no to so you eventually ended up wrapped in his arms on the couch for 30 minutes.
Luckily most of the table was done before the break and you were able to complete it rather fast. You were able to swiftly finish the table before crawling back into Jake’s arms on the couch.
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You didn’t want to take too much time away from your boyfriend’s day off since he’s been so busy with his schedules these days. You knew you needed (wanted) a new wardrobe so you decided to go buy one from IKEA. Once you got the boxes hauled into your living room though, you realized you did not have the drive to sit and build it yet. So that’s how you spent your Saturday, lounging on the couch with unopened IKEA boxes sat in front of you.
What you weren’t expecting was a late evening visit from your boyfriend with takeout and ice cream.
“Hoon what are you doing here?” You greet him with a hug. It’s not that you don’t want him here you’re just surprised. “I’ve just been missing you.” He replies as he tightly returns your embrace.
After you two settle on the couch and finish your takeout he finally decides to ask about the boxes.
After explaining he decides to get you to start building the wardrobe. I feel like Sunghoon would be unexpectedly handy and he’d be super helpful. When your hands get tired he’ll take over and honestly the whole thing would get built pretty quickly.
Your favorite part tho would of course see your buff boyfriends exposed arms flex as you guys work to get the wardrobe down the hall to your bedroom
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facethesuns · 10 hours
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nom nom nom 🥢
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shuenkio · 2 days
Break 💔 up ? | OT7
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Paring: Enha x male!reader
Genre: soft angst, fluff, crack, obsessed
Cw: nothing or?
Summary: You want to break up with them but-
Non proof read ×
Crd to all pics&dividers
Lack of perfect words.
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Lhs: The moment you said, you wanted to break up with him, he went silent. Instead of speaking, he closes the distance between you into a small gap, eye piercing sharply at you before pinning you against the wall.
"You can't break up with me without any reason mn, now tell me is there something behind it?" His gaze went dark, as he looked at you like you were just committing a crime.
"I— I can't handle you anymore you're just too possessive I wanna take a break," you said, with sweat soaking your forehead and dripping down to your cheeks. You should be brave to make this decision for your good but why did you suddenly feel so numb like this?
"Sit on my lap, it's not my fault you're drop-dead gorgeous, not only you feel better but also pleasure" He smirked, cupping both of your cheeks, pressed his lip against you let the tension take a turn.
"Try to leave me again, I'll make sure you won't find anyone who could make you feel like I do!"
Pjs: The man would be speechless on the spot after you said you wanted to break up with him. What's not good enough about him? He's overthinking if he doing something wrong, something is not right for you but as he dips down into his mind, he can't seem to find any clue what's wrong with himself. Having no answer, He uttered with his shaky voice, asked you why.
"I fall out of love I don't feel the same way as before Jay, I don't know what to do besides this decision" Your tears begin to break down, shattered from your eyes as they pour every drop into the floor. Jay saw you break down, his heart broken into pieces as he immediately went to pull you into his tight embrace. Let you pour out all of your sadness in his chest.
"There's always a solution, I know it's not right to force you to be still in our relationship but— please give me a chance I swear I'll make everything even better for us"
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Sjy: Not only did tears appear on his face, but he would also drop down to his knee buried his face in his palm after you said it was not a joke. You thought he would just be unable to speak however seeing him being like this, stunned you. You want to comfort him, telling the truth why you want to path away from him. But your mind went blank at the moment, you feel like he's not the only one who's hurting, and seeing him shattered makes you want to swallow all your words back. You lean down slowly to his level and press a gentle kiss on his forehead before wrapping your hand around his.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" you whisper to his ear. He responds with his hands wrapped over your small waist, snuggling his face on the crooked of your neck.
"Don't leave me!! Please don't I just can't let you go"
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Psh: At first, he would give you a silent treatment. He looks down at his feet, holding back his tears, stopping his rushing emotion. He leaves you alone without any words, not even asking why you want to break up with him, not even a simple "why"
You let out a heavy sigh, regret at what you've just done but nothing crosses your mind to stop him from leaving, you feel a part of you think, he deserves someone better than you, who's prettier, more socialized, and talkative than you. You also thought that two introverts in a relationship would be nothing other than Boring.
Late at night after everything had happened, someone came banging at your door very loudly. You went to open up and revealed a friend of Sunghoon holding him, he was wasted at the sight, which make you feel a ping of guilt washing over you.
You take Sunghoon in, still acting as a couple, before saying goodbye and thanks his friends for taking him home. You put him down on the couch gently, take off his shoe and jacket tuck it to the side.
His face is reddened, and tipsy, probably from all the alcohol he's pouring down to his throat because of you. You slowly pressed your hand on his face, carelessly on it softly. Cupping his cheeks your tears break down without you even notice.
Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist pull you down on the couch with him, holding you close to his chest. His hot breath hit your forehead, sending a shiver down your spine with a mix of sadness and nostalgia. His warmness, his hug, and his sweet gesture toward you can't seem to leave your mind. As you regret breaking up with him for your stupid reason this morning.
"Don't speak... We'll never break up and never will, I know what's on your mind mn, you're perfect to me I love you"
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Ksn: Your words feel too unreal for him to take. He would question you again and again with his forcing smile, holding onto your hand tight, you then explained why you wanted to break up. He instantly becomes a cry river, he'll cry while smiling like a manic at some point because everything just feels right from the beginning but now you want a break it's like he had been fooled by you.
His face went swollen red from all the crying and sobbing, he didn't want to let you go this easily, after all the memories both you made together. Never, he'll do anything in his power to keep you beside him, which he's turning into his new side that you've never known before.
"Being the sweetest is not enough for you mn? Then you shall see my other side, I promise you'll never leave me again! Hm?" He hums under his breath, with an unexpectedly stern deep voice. As your body goosebumps, gulping down back your saliva unable to make a sound.
"I- I'm sorry I... Don't know anymore"
"I'll take care of it, if you get bored of my playful side, I'll show you my new side, promise to don't break up with me again alright? I'm drowning in you already!"
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Yjw: He rarely cries. Even after you said you wanted to break up with him, He eventually left you alone, keeping you hanging without an answer. You try and try to give him a reasonable explanation, but in return he just stares at you emotionless, buying you unnecessary gifts, and gives you free kisses & hugs out of the blue. As a result, you gave up and just accepted your fate, even though your break-up reason is kinda silly.
On one fine day, you decide to play it harder, so maybe he'll open his ear to listen to you, by threatening him that, if he continues to ignore you, you'll leave the place.
"Try another step baby boy! I bet you'd crawl back to me again~"
"I do that on purpose mn so that you won't break up with me, yoi love me, I love yoi, and we're in love why should we break up?"
And he knows all along, you just want to break up with him because he forgot your birthday, and he's ignored you because he knows he's wrong and couldn't apologize probably.
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Nsr: He didn't react to your words, everything that you just said was not serious for him. Similar to Jungwon, he's nonchalant. He shrugged it off, just doing his daily routine normally as if his relationship with you was about to tear apart. And that's also one of the reasons you wanted to break up with him, you can't keep up with his attitude and behavior. Someday he's sweet, someday he's dry he's like a robot.
However, you and him still living together, in your shared apartment. One day when he's about to go to work, usually he would press a goodbye kiss on your cheeks before moving forward. Today was different, after he placed a kiss on your cheeks, you wiped it away aggressively, not enjoying his sweet gesture anymore, which made him turn his head toward you slowly, in a way that made you feel something bad was going to happen, nevertheless, his gaze remains the same.
"Did you just wipe my kiss off?"
"So? I said I wanted to break up with you, why are you acting like I just spit nonsense thing?"
"There's no reason for you to leave me, you'll need me anyway I'm doing your work myself"
"I'm so tired of you!! We're breaking up no matter what!"
"Try it, lol you can't even go a day without my presence, now go to sleep if you're tired of me"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ I did not realize that I write Sunghoon longer than the other 🫣
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wonryllis · 3 days
OH. MY. GOD. the visuals???? the vocals??? JAY IS CRAZY AMAZING HERE LIKE the amount of times i have watched this scene right here is insane JAY FUCKING PARK IS INSANE FOR THIS he's amidst veterans and he's doing soo good??!?!! collabing with a band he has liked for so long like his determination to achieve his dreams is beyond admirable! anyway back to hoeing .. jay jay jay Jay Jay Jay jay jay JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY JAY Jay Jay Jay Jay jay jay JAY im going mad right now he's so hot and so good looking so cool so rich guy coded and THE EXPRESSIONS HE'S PULLING THEM OFF SO WELL HOW IS HE REALLL??!#+-"!-&&#- his outfits are so hot too— im gonna descend.
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blue-jisungs · 6 hours
warnings. alcohol consumption (wine)
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[ 7:34pm ] the bittersweet taste lingered on the tip of your tongue, even after swallowing the burgundy beverage.
jay hums and leans to pour some more wine in your glass. you watch him and your heart melts when he stops, knowing exactly how much you want even without wording it out. he remembers.
then he proceeds to fill his glass up and sends you a warm smile, reaching out to intertwine his hand with yours.
staring onto the panoramic view of ever so lively seoul at night, you enjoy the comfortable silence and jay’s reassuring presence.
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,,
@weird-bookworm ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ocean-minho ,, @eternalgyu ,,
@haecien ,, @nonononranghaee
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sultrybaby · 16 hours
[TRAILER] A memoir of love lost [P.S.H]
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summary🦢 In which a cluster of old letters stand as the only testament of sunghoon's love for you, from birth to (quite literally) death.
genre 🦢 romance, angst, some fluff
pairing (s) 🦢 sunghoon x reader | reader x unnamed background character
warnings 🦢 main character death, MAJOR ANGST obviously, not exactly forbidden love but more unfortunate circumstances, domestic abuse, mentions of bleeding and punching (most of the above don't feature in this trailer, but in the actual fic)
w/c 🦢 approx. 500
a/n 🎀 I have read over this like 100 times because it's been so long since I posted smth serious. If there is actually some kind of typo here that I just missed I'm going to cry. Also based on the reception for this trailer ig I'll decide whether to continue this (I'm so close just some edits) or just stick to headcannons (I HAVE SO MANY GUYSSSSS) or maybe I'll do both??? 👀 Anyway I hope the trailer gets yall a bit excited heehee esp yall angst lvrs heehee luv u cutie wooties <3333
"So apparently, this house belonged to a young bachelor once," explained Mary to her all-too-curious daughter eveline, who sat wide-eyed like a little lamb on the floor of the new house the family had just moved into.
"Yes, baby," Mary chuckled, running her fingers through eveline's (or evie, as they lovingly called her) hair to brush the strands away from her face.
"Where is he now?"
"Oh I don't know sweetheart," Mary sighed, lightly amused at the disappointment on evie's face.
"But maybe there are some clues around the house! If you ever get the time,  you should explore. Who knows, you might find something…"
Evie's eyes twinkled in excitement at the prospect of having an adventure in this foreign pile of bricks that she now had to learn to call home. Perhaps this will create a sense of oneship with the house.
Determined to uncover the secrets of the mysterious young bachelor, little evie started on her mission to unearth every corner of the building. After toppling boxes, crawling through crevices, and occasionally bumping her head on random walls, evie finally uncovered a rather absurd looking block.
And that is the story of how Mary was gifted this curious looking box by her exhausted daughter, waddling excitedly to show her the discovery.
The box had an old-fashioned grace to it. It was clearly disintegrating; cheap, fading, yellowed white  paint hung off the corners, all dried up, waiting to be chipped off. It seemed as if there was some kind of locking mechanism in the front of the box which has long been broken. All it took was a simple motion for the mouth of the box to open wide, revealing a neatly stacked set of what one could assume were letters.
The first letter was different to the others. While the rest were prettily folded, this one had a texture much more rough- as if it had been crushed and then straightened again. And on it, in extremely feathery ink, was written,
Dear ____,
You are the sun and the stars and the rose and the beautiful sky. You are made of the serenity of heaven and the tempting evil of hell. You are everything created to be beautiful, and you also make anything beautiful by association. Every day and every night, in light, in darkness, in life, and even now in death, you make me realize why Orpheus would go to the deadly underworld just to get Eurydice back. I understand his pain and longing.
I know we parted ways hurtfully and there is no action I regret more. And in my attempt to tell myself I hated you, I failed in my life's purpose- to truly let you know how much I loved you.
This is a memoir of the love I lost, a love that was but a bubble in air- shining briefly with all the most beautiful colours, then popping abruptly. And this is just an attempt at preserving some of that wonder and beauty so that when my heart aches a bit too much, I can cry to the essence of your soul (which is funny, because you are too much, too great, to be put into words).
Yours yesterday, today, and forevermore,
Park Sunghoon.
A love story- a tragic one, was etched in the letters following. In that little white box was the history of Park Sunghoon's love for this mysterious woman to whom he had devoted his heart entirely.
And so Mary started reading…
Tagsies <3
@gloomysunny @thomas-the-tank-engene @goldenhypen
@soobin-chois @one16core
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yeonzzzn · 2 hours
Sooo, I had a thought. What do you think is Enha Hyung line favorite thing to do to the reader? Like if they had to choose between eating them out, fingering them countless of times, fucking them in different positions, or getting a hand job from them, or cock warming, orrr a blow job. Like what would they choose? In case you can’t tell, these last few days I’ve been extra delusional 🥰🥰🥰
OHHHH HO HO HOOOOOO gosh this is making me delusional
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for heeseung I 100% believe his favorite thing would be to just straight up fuck you and it doesn’t matter the position it’s all of them. he’s confident and knows how to work your body and get you screaming and shaking and begging for more. def would leave you not being able to walk properly for DAYS.
for jay, homie is a certified pussy eater™️. he knows how to work his tongue against, in, out, and around your cunt. man will get you squirting and shaking just from his tongue alone. obvi he’d rub his nose against your clit for that extra stimulation while his tongue slides against your walls. and he wouldn’t stop until you cum on his face multiple times.
for jake I feel all the above but more specially blow jobs. as much as he loves fucking you, eating you out, fingering you and receiving hand job, there’s just something about receiving a blow job from you that gets him shaking. he’d fling his head back and grip the bedsheets, not being able to hold back his moans as your head shifts up and down his cock. there’s just something about the way you take him whole and wrap your tongue around his shaft as you suck. drives him insane.
for sunghoon it’s def fingering. like have you SEEN his hands?! how pretty and long his fingers are? man knows how to use them without a doubt and knows how much you love them too. he’d pushed his fingers in and out your cunt making you cum multiple times and overstimulate you solely because of the fact he loves how you shake underneath him and the sounds you make when he hits all the right spots repeatedly. would always be saying “come on pretty, give me one more, I know you can do it.”
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filmbyjy · 2 hours
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SYPNOSIS > Wanting to start a new stream series with his best friends, Jay had a bright idea of playing some simple Minecraft with them. Everything was normal, until he realises there is another person in the call with them. He quickly learns that it was ni-ki’s older sister, (name). Watch how streaming a simple game of Minecraft can dig up some interesting feelings between the main leads.
THIRTY-NINE – lump of meat
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a/n: welcome back, MineStream! hopefully I gave time to edit this once again💀 trying my best though😭
taglist[open]: @bldelaine @velvtcherie @shalkeren @kgneptun @yenqa @dammit-jjk @sionshiii @enhaz1 @mrchweeee @ncityzenz @autumn583 @okokok4 @ariadores @n1k1mura @kwiwin @drunkdazeded @justkatey @thatsroug @auesoooo @bunchofroses07 @j4ysluv @heeseungwifeyyy @smouches @bubblytaetae @dimplewonie @brachioanton @blackhairandbangs @heestrawberries @amesification @rizzshimura @y4wnjunz @rainyjy @pkjay @simjyunnie @imtoanonymousforyou @jungwoneez @jeongingf1 @astrae4 @heartswonn @pinkishyngs @heeseungsbabyy @in-somnias-world @ramenoil @wantmatthew @leehanascent @kayyssw @allisonleannn @kim2005bomi @saurxcream @urmomssneakylink @zyvlxqht @honeyboobear @ddazed-lhs @bee-the-loser @sunkislove @glassesyunjin @eleanorheartschishiya @jayjongie @woninluv @artstaeh @jwnghyuns @junissy @svmjaeyun @clairecottenheart @onigirik1 @woniejjang
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reikkouch · 7 hours
hi! could you make an enhypen ot7 mb that gives off dark vibes, mafia vibes cause i'm writing an enha ff and it would help me a lot
thank you so much :)
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 ✩ 낯설어, who are you? 내가 사랑하는 넌 누군지? ꨴꦼꦂ
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here is the mb! I hope it helps you dear ♡
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puppyjakeowner · 2 days
How would Enhypen act as a dom/sub,
A/n:This is fiction,it's not meant to reflect the idols irl,if you have a problem with that then leave and don't be a bitch about it
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Lee Heeseung:
As a dom:
Mean as hell,as rough as well.Out of bed he treats like royalty,but in bed you essentially become his bitch.Lots of spanking,degrading and edging.But he becomes soft in the after care.
As a sub:
The complete opposite of his dom side.A single touch from you will make his whole body tremble.He wouldn't necessarily be treated like a hoe,but he would like to be degraded as well.He is also very vocal.
Jay Park/Park Jongseong:
As a dom:
Treats you like royalty,though can also tease you quite a bit in a mocking manner like "Aw~ You feel good~ hm?~".He constantly toes the line between soft and hard dom.He also offers amazing aftercare.
As a sub:
He doesn't sub often,but he becomes a mess when he does.A lot of whimpering and what not.His face also becomes very expressive in that position.But he isn't as pound as you would think.
Jake Sim/Sim Jaeyun:
As a dom:
He's a little shit when he doms,you have to beg on your knees for him to do anything to you,or else you'll just have to do it yourself.He likes to praise and degrade you at the same time with that aussie accent of his.After care is ok.
As a sub:
He's one of the most perfect subs, he'll accept anything you do to him.He quite literally screams in pleasure when you overstimulate him (which he loves btw).He quite literally whimpers like a puppy.
Park Sunghoon:
As a dom:
One of the softest of the group, he'll constantly be asking you if it feels good,if it hurts,he just wants to pleasure you,even if he doesn't feel any of it.
As a sub:
He's a simple guy,when he bottoms,he becomes a pillow prince and a whore.Though not very vocal until he's on the verge of his high.
Kim Sunoo:
As a dom:
He doesn't usually dom his partners, but he would be willing to give it a try.Similarly to Sunghoon,he would be a softie just wanting to pleasure you at the expense of his own.
As a sub:
He's a mixed bag,one day he'll be the most obedient sub known to man,and then the other he'll become a total menace.Wichever the case,he always ends up screaming your name at the end of the day as his body becomes mush.
Yang Jungwon:
As a dom:
Another one that usually doesn't dom only if his partner asks him to.But he always ends up being a pillow prince.
As a sub:
Similarly to when he doms,he's a pillow prince and very vocal,he also loves being treated like a prince.
Nishimura Riki:
As a dom:
Also a soft dom plus a lot of body worship,though he also has his mean dom moments,but it's quite rare for it to happen
As a sub:
He doesn't sub often,but he is very sensitive so he cums easily in a few minutes.
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hleevrsworld · 2 days
Jay Is So cute Waiting For That rice
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bamboobibi · 3 days
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Photo Sketch📷 (weverse.io/enhypen/media/…)
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