#p1h fluff
blue-jisungs · 5 months
texts with bf intak
author’s note. i love him so fucking much literally stop :( also i found a new way to make texts so ENJOY!!! also tis is for my zanzan @slytherinshua i hope it’ll make you forget about your cramps at least for a while ☹️
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masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @litepowee
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xzinbdg · 4 months
p1harmony reaction to "i have some tea"
pairing: p1h x reader
author's note: hello!! today we have some p1h! I am kinda running out of ideas but I might start like "bf texts" with individual members! stream killin it!! have a nice day/night! byebye!! 🤧🤧
p1harmony masterlist // my masterlist
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slytherinshua · 4 months
genre. fluff. slight hurt/comfort. warnings. exams/exam stress mentioned. crying. brief mention of drinking/partying. light profanity. food (cake hehe). mentioned that reader wears makeup. intak cheers you up!! pairing. intak x fem!reader. wc. 1.4k. request. no. a/n. for my kyo @blue-jisungs <33 ilysm and i'm so proud of you, ik you've worked so so hard <33
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By the time your bus was almost to your stop to get off, the tears had dried on your cheeks. You felt absolutely exhausted, and there was nothing you wanted more than to get home and just sleep. Exam season was always stressful, but the past month had been a living hell.
You didn’t exactly do great on your midterms, despite studying almost every second you were awake. It frustrated you. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t seem to get the high marks that you strived so hard for. Your friends seemed to pass so easily, some of them not even bothering to study in advance. While they had all gone out drinking or partying now that it was the last exam day, you were prepared to study more tomorrow in order to retake exams next week.
You had cried all day— after one of your more stressful exams, after getting a bad mark back on an earlier exam, at lunch when your friends asked you how you had done. It was both embarrassing and exhausting. You were so, so tired.
You felt numb and mindless as you grabbed your bag and got off the bus. The air was cold and sharp, but the breeze was welcome. Even the shiver that ran up your spine as you stepped onto the pavement wasn’t a bother. It allowed you to breathe. The dark cloudy sky seemed to be mirroring your mood, and you found a small comfort in that. 
You didn’t bother to knock or announce your presence at all when you reached your apartment. You didn’t have the energy to talk; your entire body feeling sluggish and slow as you dropped your bag on the chair and shuffled out of your boots.
“Fuck- Did I not set the timer?! No, no, it’s okay, it’s okay.”
The voice of your boyfriend startled you at first before you registered the familiar tone and relaxed, a whisper of a smile even playing on your lips. He hadn’t said anything about stopping by today, but given his love for surprising you, you should have expected it. You weren’t quite ready to show yourself to him, though, so you made your way quietly to the bathroom, still able to hear him talking to himself in the kitchen.
“Chocolate, chocolate… melt for… 30 second intervals? She likes chocolate- so 2 packets? Yeah.” 
You wiped off any makeup that had survived your many crying sessions and washed your face of the tear stains and exhaustion of the day. Once you changed into pyjama pants and one of Intak’s stolen hoodies, you finally felt at ease. The weight of exams and the thought of retakes still looming over your head wasn’t something you could ignore, but just for tonight you willed your brain to not focus on it. Just for tonight, you deserved to rest.
You shuffled to the doorway of the kitchen, still trying to be as quiet as possible. Intak had his back turned to you, and didn’t notice your presence at all as he worked near the stovetop. The smell of chocolate cake and cherries reached your nose, and your chest felt warm. Intak always knew your favourite comfort foods and the best ways to cheer you up after a long day. 
You didn’t realize until now just how much you had missed him. As you watched him scurry around the kitchen, completely oblivious to your figure in the doorway, you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face. You missed his hugs and his kisses. You missed your late night talks and when you would game together where he would let you win on purpose. You missed telling him how much you loved him and watching his eyes brighten. 
Given how busy you were studying and preparing for exams, you barely had time to see him in the past 2 weeks. He would send you encouraging text messages in the morning, and you would text him during your breaks, but most of the time you had to keep your phone far away from you and on Do Not Disturb to keep your focus. 
You missed him so much that it was almost hard for you to keep watching him silently when you knew that he would hug you as soon as he was aware you were there. But he soon turned around to transfer a bowl to the sink, and his eyes quickly met yours and froze. You watched as his mouth formed an ‘o’ shape before turning up into a big grin a second later.
“You’re back!” He chucked the dishes into the sink and practically ran over to you, capturing you in his arms and lifting you slightly off the floor. “I thought the exams would swallow you whole, I missed you so much.” He mumbled in your ear, prompting a smile to form on your face.
“Me too.” You sighed in content. The feeling of Intak’s arms around you was one of your favourites in the entire world. From how close you were, you could smell his woody cologne as well as his gentle natural scent peaking through. He hugged you tightly, swaying softly from side to side until you made moves to escape his embrace.
“One sec!” He rushed to the other room, coming back with a bouquet of pink and white flowers. “For my academic weapon of a girlfriend.” 
You were going to protest about the academic weapon part, but with his cheesy grin plastered on his face as he held out the flowers to you, you didn’t have the heart to. You knew he wouldn’t accept any objection from you anyway. In his eyes, you were nothing less than perfect.
You ranted about the past week to him while he finished decorating a chocolate cake, discouraged by the fact that you would have to retake some exams. But Intak would only say how proud he was of you for making it through the stressful month.
“You worked really really hard, and I’m so proud of you, baby. The scores don’t reflect your self worth, okay?” He reassured you, pressing a kiss to your forehead after you had told him everything.
You wouldn’t have believed the words coming from anyone else, but he was your boyfriend and you knew he wasn’t even capable of lying to you (after all, he had tried in the past, and you had caught him every time).
Seeing Intak’s smile and hearing his words of encouragement gave you back energy for almost an hour, but you felt a crash of tiredness again once you settled on the couch with him to eat cake and snuggle.
“Don’t fall asleep on me yet. I’ll have to carry you to bed.” Intak joked, watching you sleepily blink with love in his eyes. Despite being worried about how hard you had pushed yourself, he knew the best thing he could do was just cheer you on and let you recharge with hugs. He wouldn’t care even if you fell asleep on his arm and it was sore for hours the next day.
“You’re comfortable.” You argue in a mumble, only melting into his arms more. You were practically a puddle on top of him— letting your entire body relax and trusting that Intak would let you sleep.
“My girl is that tired, hm? Are you sure you don’t want to go to bed?” He spoke softly, brushing your hair out of your face and making sure the blanket covered your shoulders.
“You’re more comfortable than my bed.” You whispered, already teetering on the edge of consciousness. You heard Intak scoff, and though your eyes were closed, you could picture his adoring smile perfectly. You were half asleep by the time his response fell on your ears, and entirely too tired at that point to comprehend his words. You smiled when you felt him press a kiss to your temple, and finally allowed yourself to slip away to your dreams after the long day.
With Intak by your side, the stress of your life seemed to lessen, and your mind stopped racing as much. You let yourself relax and just enjoy being with him, as if nothing else in the world mattered.
↳ p1h taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @amara-mars,, @nyukyujs
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sugawhaaa · 3 months
hi!! i just read your skz reaction abt their s/o being insecure abt their body,, and i was wondering if you could do that same thing for piwon??
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!!P1harmony reaction!!
Your insecure about your body
Warnings:: talking about body types and insecurities, the hyung line are the only smutish ones (obviously I'm not crazy)
Genre::fingering, doggy style (theo) blow job (jiung) oral f/receive (intak) hickeys (soul)
A/N:: sorry theos is rlly personal 😭 I have a hideous birthmark on my lower back and I've been insecure about it since I was like 5. I've grown out of the insecurity for the most part but it just went along with the fanfic too good. And once again sorry some are longer than others I'm trying not to be biased but sometimes the stories change the length of the one-shot ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
(Body hair)
You sat on the side of the pool with a summer hat, sunglasses, and a cover-up that hid your entire body. Not a single speck of skin could be seen from a considerable distance. Keeho in the pool swam over to you and put his arms up on the side of the pool.
"Why did you come if you're not gonna swim?" Keeho asked half genuine half teasing. You scowled at him. "Oh is it that time of the month?" He asked genuinely in a low voice.
"No," you shook your head and took off your sunglasses. The bright summer sun lit up Keehos face.
"What is it? If your shy there's no need to be. It's just me and the members," he put a hand to your thigh and you bit the inside of your lip.
"The party was just so sudden I didn't have time to shave," you explained as you looked at the water. You looked back at keeho to see his eyebrow raised.
"I get that you're insecure about that...but c'mon baby, you know no one here cares, and even I have body hair pretty much everywhere," he explained as he gestured to his body. He hopped up on the side of the pool with you.
"But your a man," you explained and you could see Keehos blood boil at your words.
"Listen. I don't give two flying French fucks if you have body hair, man or woman. It's natural okay?" He explained and you finally heard him out. He put his hand around your waist before leaning in to kiss you. Soul then sprayed Keeho with a water gun. Keeho shot a glare at him before turning back to you. "If you don't want to swim that is okay. But me and all the member would love for you to join us," he smiled before getting back in the pool and attacking soul.
You thought carefully about Keeho's words and caved in. You took off your hat and cover-up and set it on a bench on the deck. You jumped in the pool with a splash and Keeho smiled at you from the other side of the pool while drowning Soul.
(Body hair, scars, acne, birthmark)
Theo looked at you with a small grin as you panted on the bed, tired from your past orgasm. Theo sat beside you playing with your hair with his fingers that were not covered in your arousal. "Hey baby, I had an idea," he said in a soft, low voice. You look up at him waiting for him to continue. "How about we try a new position? Doggy style?" He proposes with a light smile. You are just about to say yes before stopping yourself. He'd see your back the whole time and your back is not a pretty sight. Lots of hair and pimples plus the worst of all an ugly hairy birthmark.
"Sure just let me get my shirt," you said leaning for your shirt on the end of the bed. Theo grabbed your wrist.
"Why?" He looked at you with a serious expression but his eyes were soft and twinkling.
"Uhm..." you had to quickly come up with an excuse on the spot. "People say it makes it more pleasurable," you lied with pink cheeks. Theo raised his eyebrow at you.
"What's the real reason?" He asked with a light smirk, his hand still wrapped around your wrist.
"Fine, I'm insecure about my back," you explained looking at his hand. Theo was taken aback. He let go of your hand but you didn't reach for your shirt.
"Why? Is it because of that birthmark?" He asked in an unimpressed tone. You nodded and Taeyang sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you I don't care," he pulled you onto his lap. "All I care about is hearing your desperate moans as I pound into you," he whispers in your ear and the butterflies in your stomach fly down south. "Harder Theo ~" he says mimicking your voice in a whisper. "The way you beg for me and my cock. You're just so obsessed with how good I make you feel~" Theo continues to whisper in your ear and your face turns red. "So what will it be? Will you let your insecurities win and I don't get to fuck you up, or you let me win and I make you see stars~?"
You finally had Jiung right where you wanted him. On the bed, his back against the headrest, and his dick standing straight up. You wrapped your hand around his length and looked up at him. One of his eyes squinted shut as he looked down at you. You thought for a moment.
You wanted to give him a blow job but your glasses would get in the way, they're so big and would slip off your face if you bobbed your head but you also want to see Jiungs face and reactions. Jiung noticed your thinking face and patted your head drawing your attention. "Something wrong baby?" He asked in a sweet voice.
"I don't like my glasses. They're ugly and get in the way. I can't even give you a blowjob," you sigh and put your hand to your chin. Jiung chuckles before gently tucking some loose hair behind your ear.
"Your glasses are adorable," Jiung smiled. "And don't worry about going too fast so your glasses slip off. It's fine, take a nice pace, and don't worry about me, I'm sure it'll feel good," Jiung smiles with his eyes. You think before smiling back at him. He always knows just what to say to make you feel better. "Plus when I cum it won't get in your eyes," Jiung laughs and you slip your lips over his tip. Jiung whimpers and covers his mouth. "Fuck that's good," he smirks.
(Going down on you but you say no bc u didn't shave)
Intak pouts at you when you refuse. "Please~ you always like it so much when I eat you out why are you saying no all of the sudden?" He asks with doe eyes. "Are you on your period?" He asks as he looks between your legs at your underwear to see if there's a string or pad.
"No!" You laugh and close your legs.
"Then what wrong?" He asked sincerely, looking up at you eagerly.
"It's just...I didn't shave there yet. I was going to yesterday but I ran out of time and-" you explained but Intak cut you off.
"How many times do I have to explain I don't care! If anything I like it better when you don't shave. I get to bury my face in your little pussy," he said with a smile as if he was talking about puppies or something cute. You blush and shake your head.
"But isn't it uncomfortable?" You look away and close your legs. Intak sighs before opening your legs again.
"No, now let me eat you out~!" He whined and you finally complied. You kept your legs open as he slid off your panties. He did as he said and buried his face into your folds, attacking your clit. You arched your back and grab his hair. He pulled back and smiled. "See it's not all that bad," he smirked.
There's no doubt that you probably have the most innocent and cute-looking boyfriend ever but he doesn't always act like that with the girl he is head over heels for. He was lying on top of you as you played animal crossing on your switch. He noticed your low-cut shirt, his cheeks dusted pink. He hesitantly leaned down and kissed your chest, leaving a small purple hickey. You whimper very softly and looked down at him.
"What are you doing?" You whisper. You don't want his parents to hear during your first visit to his house. Instead of replying, he kissed your neck, sucking on your skin hard. You whimpered softly and sat down your switch. You put your hand on his head, feeling his soft blue and blond hair. "Shota..." you said softly as your face grew hot.
Soul grinned as he backed away from your neck. He leaned into your lips and you planned on just giving him a peck on the lips but he wanted more. He tried to turn it into a make out session but you put your hands on his chest and pull away. Soul instantly apologizes.
"I'm sorry did I take it too far?" He says softly with sympathetic eyes. You held your fingertips to your lips. You shake your head.
"No, it's just..." you look at him and he seems curious as to what you'll say. "I'm just kinda insecure about my lips and my kissing abilities," you chuckle and Soul tilts his head.
"How are you insecure? Like I mean your lips are plump and..." he blushes as he stares at your lips, "and I mean skill level doesn't matter, it's just how you feel," he smiles and you can't help but giggle at his innocence.
"My lips are always chapped and I often forget to brush my teeth and tongue," you explain and soul chuckles.
"My teeth are far from perfect either," he smiles and shows his crooked teeth. "And my lips are always cracking," he explains as he runs his fingers along his lips. "But I still give you hickeys with these teeth and I still kiss you with my lips," he smiles. "Because it feels good, it makes me happy," Soul grins as he hugs you. You think for a moment taking in his words. "So, do you want to feel happy or leave it as is?" He asks eagerly.
You kiss his forehead and he blushes. You smile at him before kissing him, his tongue sliding into your mouth. You moan softly into the kiss. He then bites your lip and tugs on it before letting go.
"Feels good doesn't it~?"
(Flat chest)
Your prepping for a date with your boyfriend. You look at yourself in your mirror and put a lip gloss on your lips. Jongseob quietly opens the door a bit watching you get ready. You have some music playing and you hum along as you put mascara on your lashes and curl them. You start singing along and Jongseob smiles as he admires you and your singing.
You brush your hair one final time before looking at yourself in the mirror. You turn to look at yourself from the side, your chest is still as flat as ever. You sigh and run your hand along your body. You adjusted your bra trying to make your chest appear bigger. Jongseob looked confused and continued to watch you. You put your hands on your hips with a grumble. You put in some bigger pads to your bra to make it look more full but it still doesn't look right. That's when Jongseob knocks on the door and you turn around. His elbow on the door frame as you look at him.
"Can I come in?" He asks as if he wasn't already basically standing in your room. You sigh and nod. He walks in and closes the door. He sits on the edge of your bed. "Do you think I don't notice?" He asks with his arms crossed.
"Well, you're supposed to notice!" You raise your voice but Jongseob is unbothered. "I do it so I seem hotter! To enhance my feminine features, make you like me more, make butterflies in your stomach go wild," you explain but Jongseob continues to go unbothered. You step closer to him. "What do you think all of this is for!?" You grab your concealer and gesture to it aggressively. Once you are finally close enough Jongseob kisses you. You're taken aback and fumble over your feet. Jongseob pulls back from the kiss and looks at you with doe eyes.
"That kiss was for you. Not your make up, not your height, not your hairstyle or color, not for how big or small your ass is, not for your chest, it was for you. My girlfriend," he stated before smiling and you look down at him surprised. "Here, why don't we wash up, change into our pajamas, and cuddle up and watch a movie?" He says as he caresses your cheek. You think for a moment before sighing.
"Your right..." you look at the floor before smiling at him. Jongseob smiles back and you can't help but laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" He asks pretending to be mad.
"Ever since you kissed me my lipsticks been on your lips," you laugh and Jongseob looks at you surprised before wiping his lips. He looks at his hand to see glittery lipgloss and pink lipstick.
"Why didn't you say anything!"
"Because you were being so serious!" You laugh.
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luvkyu · 9 months
sleepless ( yoon keeho )
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keeho x male!reader
keeho helps his boyfriend get some sleep.
content : 0.5k words, fluff
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"baby?" keeho called softly while stepping out of his shared bedroom. it was almost one in the morning, and he awoke to an empty space beside him instead of the boyfriend he'd fallen asleep with before.
keeho looked around the common room of his apartment before venturing into the kitchen. he finally saw y/n with a cup of tea in his hands, the male stopping in his tracks upon seeing keeho in front of him now.
"oh, hi," y/n said tiredly.
"no tea for me?"
"wha- no! i-.. you were just sleeping, and-.. babe.." y/n groaned. keeho laughed before turning the kitchen light off.
"relax, just teasing you."
y/n clicked his tongue at this before taking a sip of his tea. keeho took his free hand to begin leading him back to their room.
"couldn't sleep again?" keeho asked.
"mhm. i thought tea might help."
keeho frowned as he watched y/n take another sip, then setting it on the nightstand to get back into bed.
"do you want me to get the melatonin? i'm kinda getting worried.. you need more sleep, babe."
y/n shook his head and pat the spot next to him, waiting for his boyfriend to climb back into their sheets.
"let's just try falling asleep to a movie."
the corner of keeho's mouth tilted downwards. he decided to oblige and get back into bed, but he was definitely planning on keeping an eye on y/n's sleep schedule in the future.
"what do you wanna watch?" keeho asked as he turned their tv on.
"mm.. ponyo?"
keeho nodded, not surprised at the answer. after setting up the movie, he let his boyfriend cuddle up closer to him. their arms fit around each other, content and snug, while the beginning music of the movie filled their bedroom.
keeho's fingers drifted over y/n's skin softly, rubbing up and down his arm. he could already tell y/n was getting sleepy - keeho's caresses always seemed to lull him to sleep faster.
"..go to sleep, y/n."
"you go to sleep."
keeho looked at y/n, giving him a side eye. "you're the one who has work tomorrow, not me," the former countered.
y/n frowned.
"what if i just call in sick?"
"..your choice, i guess."
despite the evasive answer, y/n could see the smallest grin twitch on keeho's lips. he laughed quietly and hugged him tighter.
"i'll be irresponsible and spend the whole day with you then."
keeho clicked his tongue at y/n in disapproval. y/n didn't mind though, especially when the other was still unable to shake his smile off.
"goodnight, keeho," y/n said while planting a small kiss on his cheek. keeho couldn't help but blush a little now.
"goodnight, love."
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rockstarhaechan · 3 months
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pairing: bf!theo x gf!reader
warnings: pure chaos, fluff, pet names
note: do we want more p1harmony content? 🥹
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144 notes · View notes
niki-phoria · 1 year
⋆。°✩ p1h reaction - sweet moments with them
includes: established relationship, mentions of reader being athletic, mentions of migraines. use of jagi
a/n: dedicating this post to the lovely @sunoooism <33 ty for helping me get into piwon bestie. i'm still debating whether or not i want to start taking reqs for them but i've had this idea for a while so i figured i would post it
feedback is always appreciated <33
gn reader (no pronouns used)
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⋆。°✩ theo - waking up together
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(word count 203)
sunlight streaming in through your windows causes you to stir awake early in the morning. you shift to lay on your side, smiling at the sight of theo curled up against your side. his arm remains gingerly laying against your waist the way it was the night before. 
you reach up, carefully adjusting his fringe so the hair is no longer in his eyes. the strands feel soft against your fingers despite the years of continuous bleaching and dying. 
theo stirs slightly at the feeling, making you freeze in your movements. to your relief, he lets out a small sigh before his body relaxes against the pillows once again. you softly smile as you continue to carefully twist his hair between your fingers to pass the time. 
“you’re so handsome,” you finally whisper into the quiet. “and you’re kind. you’re the most important person in my life. i can’t imagine being without you. i just… i think i’m in love with you.”
“i love you too.” you freeze, eyes widening as theo blinks awake. he softly smiles, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. he strokes his thumb against your skin before he leans in to pepper fleeting kisses against your skin.
⋆。°✩ keeho - he sings for you
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(word count 193)
“babe?” keeho asks as he slowly pushes your bedroom door open. you simply groan in response, body still curled up underneath one of his blankets. he furrows his eyebrows as he enters the room, carefully shutting the door behind him. it does little to block any noise from echoing throughout the dorm, but you appreciate the gesture nonetheless. he sits down on the edge of the bed as he carefully pushes the blanket down just enough to expose your face. “what’s wrong?” 
“migraine.” the word is little more than a mumble. you wince; your eyes screw shut as another wave of pain hits you. 
“i’m sorry honey,” keeho whispers. “can i do anything to help?”
you shift just enough to make room on the bed beside you before patting the sheets. “sing for me?”“anything for you.” keeho stifles a small chuckle as he slides underneath the blankets, propping himself up under his elbow. he gently rubs his fingers against your temples in an attempt to soothe your migraine before he softly begins singing. “‘cause all of me loves all of you. loves your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections.”
⋆。°✩ jiung - him waiting up for you
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(word count 210)
you quietly enter the dorms with the spare key jiung had given you. you slip your shoes off by the front door before walking further into the dorm towards a small light source. 
you find jiung laying on the dorm couch; his body is sprawled out along the cushions and an unfamiliar drama plays on the living room tv. you stifle a small chuckle at the sight as you walk around to grab the remote and switch it off. now immersed in darkness, you kneel down next to your still-sleeping boyfriend before carefully shaking him awake. 
“jiung,” you whisper. “jagi.” 
he startles slightly as he wakes up, blinking rapidly in an attempt to help his eyes adjust to the darkness. he rubs the sleepiness from his eyes before he squints at you. “y/n?”
“hi honey,” you chuckle. “what are you doing out here so late?”
jiung sits up on the couch, slowly stretching his body out. “i was waiting up for you.”
you softly smile, reaching a hand out to help him stand. “you shouldn’t have.” 
“but i wanted to.” jiung smiles as he leans in to press a kiss against your temple. 
“thank you,” you whisper, pulling him into a sweet kiss. “come on. let’s go to bed.”
⋆。°✩ intak - playing soccer together
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(word count 212)
“hey, look!” intak startles slightly as you eagerly tug him along with you towards a field near the park. a soccer ball lays on the terf in the center of the fake grass, complete with two goal posts at either end. 
you momentarily let go of intak’s hand - much to his disappointment - to jog towards the ball. you laugh as you begin to kick the ball around, easily maneuvering it with your foot. “you wanna play a few rounds?”
“okay,” intak shakes his head despite the way his lips quirk upwards into a small smile as he jogs around to the opposite side of the field. “but don’t hold a grudge when i kick your ass.”
“whatever you say,” you laugh. 
he slips his thick hoodie off before setting it on the grass beside the field. you begin running as you kick the ball along, aiming for the goal post. intak is quick to react, blocking the ball before he kicks it towards your side. to your dismay, the ball effortlessly rolls in before slamming against the back net.
“yes!” intak cheers, throwing his hands up in victory. 
“that was only one goal,” you playfully huff. 
intak snakes his arms around your waist, tugging you backwards into his chest. “loser,” he teases.
⋆。°✩ soul - playing with his hair
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(word count 212)
you quietly enter soul’s room, carefully shutting the door behind yourself. his body lays hunched over the small desk in the corner; his head rests on top of his arm. a few of his korean textbooks have been pushed to the side. a dim lamp in the corner is the only source of light, casting a gentle golden glow across the small space. 
you softly smile to yourself as you make your way over to your still-sleeping boyfriend. soul stirs as you rest a hand against his shoulder to gently shake him awake. “hey,” you whisper. “jagi.”
he tiredly blinks up at you as he sits up, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck. “what time is it?” he mumbles.
“late.” your hand just barely ghosts against his back as you coax him to his feet before you guide him over to his bed. “come on. let’s go to bed.”
soul nods, all but collapsing underneath the covers. you slide under the blankets beside him as he curls up against your side. you softly smile at the sight, slowly raking your hand through his disheveled locks. he lets out a content sigh as you twist the strands between your fingers. “i love you,” he mumbles.
“i love you too, soul.”
⋆。°✩ jongseob - he teaches you how to skate
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(word count 211)
jongseob smiles as you grip onto his hands before taking a shaky step onto his skateboard. he intertwines your fingers together, letting you lean against him for support as you begin maintaining your balance. “don’t worry,” he says. “i’ve got you.” 
you bite your lip as you glance back down at the ground - a nervous habit jongseob had noticed after knowing you for so long. “hey,” he whispers, catching your attention. his hand slips out of yours momentarily to carefully lift your chin up so you’re looking into his eyes. “i’m here. i won’t let anything happen to you.”
you take a shaky breath in an attempt to calm yourself down before nodding. “okay.”
jongseob carefully steps to the side as he slowly begins to roll the board along the sidewalk. his hands hesitantly release yours the further you go until he lets go entirely. 
his happiness grows when you look up at him with a bright smile of your own, waiting for the board to naturally stop before you excitedly step off. “i did it!” jongseob chuckles as you step off of the board to pull him into a hug. 
his arms instinctively wrap around your waist as he presses a chaste kiss against your cheek. “you did it, jagi.”
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newestq · 1 year
hey !! i loved the p1h as boyfriends headcannon u wrote keep it up <333 i was wondering if you could write something like attractive things p1h does in a relationship. thank uu <33
so sorry this took so long to post ! this sort of turned turned into things that you and piwon do in a relationship, lmao.
⋆。゚☁︎ attractive things p1h does in a relationship, requested
゚☾ ゚。⋆ lowercase intended, send in your requests
୨ yoon keeho, ୧
ꕥ always takes your pictures, .5's all the time, funny lock screens of each other, he loves to blow raspberries on your stomach, always puts mandu in the middle when y'all cuddle, sends you random youtube videos that pop up for him, likes to bite your lip out of nowhere when y'all cuddle, tries on your clothes and takes a photo shoot, sends you like $250 and just says "treat yourself baby ;)."
୨ choi taeyang, ୧
ꕥ cleaning while listening to disney music, good morning/good night texts, sends you pictures of his plants, giggles while kissing you, he is a sucker for photo-booth pictures + he tapes them on his mirror, sings to you on face-time, bath and bodyworks spree, tweezes your eyebrows, face-times his mom and you three talk for hours, will bite your foot if it's by him.
୨ choi jiung, ୧
ꕥ paints your nails, nature walks, writes little notes to you and puts them in your bag every time you two hang out, learns new recipes to cook for you, loves hand holding and cuddling, plays piano for you, dyes your hair for you, romantic baths together, kisses your beauty marks.
୨ hwang intak, ୧
ꕥ buys you flowers, lets you play with his hair, face masks, refuses to watch ahead in the shows you guys watch together, helps you with laundry, coordinates your outfits, takes pictures of you while you're sleeping for blackmail, sits on the toilet and talks to you while you shower/bathe, spontaneously buying fish and a fish tank.
୨ haku shota, ୧
ꕥ makes you ramen even though he isn't the best at cooking, buys squish-mellows for you every time he sees a new one, mcdonalds dates, lets you wear his clothes, sends you funny snaps about his day, is shy to say 'i love you' so he taps your arm in sets of three throughout the day, minecraft plays until 3am.
୨ kim jongseob, ୧
ꕥ lets you rest your head on his shoulder when he's playing games, shows you how to play games, fixes you tea when you can't sleep, dedicates songs to you, creates playlists full of songs he's heard you listen to, watches rom coms with you, roblox tycoons together, pierces your ears together.
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blue-jisungs · 13 days
Hiii how are you? Did you eat?
I was wondering if you could write enhypen or p1h finding out their significance other still sleeps with plushies as you already did their with seventeen please
Have a good morning afternoon or evening
Lots of love A:)
you still sleep with plushies ♡
# author's note ... hehe hi anon! thank u, i’m good and i did eat (omw to eat some more actually :D)!! hbu!! i decided to choose p1h since i don’t have much written for them yet (this is a first reaction for them actually:0) i hope you like it and have a lovely day as well<3
# warnings ... mention of being drunk in theo's :P
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┆彡 KEEHO [ 기호 ]
girl why would he judge, he has a lot of plushies too
he thinks it’s actually really cute that u n him have a similar hobby:(
will deffo buy you matching ones 🥹
loves when you come around and bring your plushie…
… and then leave it (accidentally, you swear) so he can cuddle w it:(
is a proud father ™️ of them!!!
also loves falling asleep in ur bed because you have a huge collection and it’s just so warm and cozy 🥹
he lets his inner child heal completely when he’s with you
(and your plushies)
((deffo has a fav one of yours but swore not to tell you, 'so the others don’t get jealous' ❤️‍🩹 ))
┆彡 INTAK [ 인탁 ]
he’s very neutral about it 😭
won’t tease you but won’t get really excited either
however will gush over how cute you are when you fall asleep with a bunch of plushies in your arms:(
also will suport your little hobby no matter what
you’re broke but want a plushie? he’s already paying. there’s one that you’ve been eyeing and it’s back in stock? he’s hyping you up as you buy it. wanna dress the plushies? oh don’t you worry, he will help you
i believe he’d be also like an old dog like 😭 he’s sit unbothered while you place the plushies on him and then takes photos :(
┆彡 THEO [ 테오 ]
taeyang and you had some wine when he stayed over at your place and it’s not like you told him before that you have a bunch of plushies…
but that man was so drunk that he yelled out upon seeing them
"that’s a whole ass army, what the hell? can i hug all of them at once?!"
yeah he’s very much in love with them
even cuddles some to sleep
but then when he wakes up he pretends like nothing happened
stacks them on you while you still sleep…
and when you stir awake and ruin his tower, he smothers your face in kisses
"what? why? are you still drunk?" you ask sleepily and he just grins against your skin
"your plushies are cute… but not as cute as you" is all he says
(will definitely randomly pretend to get into a staring contest with one of the plushies)
(and then has the audacity to fuss that 'the soulless state of the plushie' made him lose)
(whatever you say, boss)
┆彡 JIUNG [ 지웅 ]
you’d invite him to sleep over one day and while you goofed around n had fun
you totally forgot about your plushies
so when you laid down in bed, you heard jiung shuffle a bit
"can i kick the little guy off? he’s getting in my way and i just wanna cuddle you" he asked quietly, a bit unsure and you let out the loudest gasp
"yeah, just put him away gently" you giggle at his cuteness and how he cared abt the plushie:(
jiung thought it’s really cute that you have a lil army of plushies hehe
and esp how your cheeks adorably dusted with pink when you spoke abt them
loves naming them ☹️☹️☹️
(even if they have names already but who would care?!)
┆彡 SHOTA [ 翔太 ]
i mean come on he’s an angel 🥹
he would get so excited if you told him you have plushies n still sleep with them:(
would love to know everything about them, names, where did u get them from, the material they’re made of, which character they represent…
and if you have pokémon plushies???
girl he’s ready to marry you on spot
h o w e v e r.
he steals them.
the first time it happens you’re like "well maybe it got lost in the laundry? or got kicked off the bed?" so you brush it off
but then more and more go missing…
and one day you see YOUR plushie on HIS bed as he is facetiming you
"i can’t sleep without them" >:(
and mf woukd either go "the ransom is a pokémon card pack" or "then come over and sleep with me"
┆彡 JONGSEOB [ 종섭 ]
you were a bit nervous when you invited him over for the first time, especially since you decided to tell him about your secret
seob could sense something was wrong but he assumed it’s just the fact that you’re gonna have him over
so he tried to ease the tension and pointed at the plushies on your bed
"you still sleep with those?" he asked, half amused, half… oh.
the second he saw your smile drop and eyes turning away in shame, it (kinda) clicked: you were stressed to tell him that
"sorry, i know it’s childish… i can throw them out if it makes you uncomfortable…" you murmured sadly and his whole world collapsed
pampers you and showers you in kisses, reassuring you that he doesn’t mind and he was just joking:(
it takes him a while but finally there’s a smile on your face
treats them extra gently and protects them from falling from the bed:(
but he’s just a boy man after all and he just gets this… impulsive thoughts to punch them when you’re not around 🧍‍♀️
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @litepowee
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louscartridge · 10 months
I do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit.
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Cw- making out, very little swearing, reader and jiung call each other baby a few times, grinding/dry humping. Honestly I don't even remember. Lmk if I missed anything!!
Summery- a sleepy, somewhat steamy start of the day with your boyfriend jiung, exept you both have places to be.
a/n- ngl this is a request that I wrote a few months ago and I completely forgot about it?? I think I thought I already posted it tbh. So to whoever requested this, I'm sorry and I hope you see this 😭
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you had started it, to an extent. the two of you were watching a movie a few hours before the both of you had to leave for work, so it was pretty early. 
you had noticed jiung was starting to fall asleep- result in neither of you sleeping at all yet- but you knew it wouldnt be good for either of you to fall asleep so close to when you had to get going. 
you grabbed his hand and brought it up in the air before swinging it back down again, letting your hands hit his thigh. 
“hey baby. say awake, yeah?” you said quietly but sternly, earning nothing but a “mhm” from your boyfriend. 
shortly after, you feel his head fall onto your sholder. you look over and see his eyes slowly lolling closed as he fights to keep them open. you look at him for a bit, admiring his features. contomplating if you should just let him sleep. he looks to pretty to deny him of something that he despretly needs. his soft breathing, puffy cheeks, bare face, cute nose, lips slightly agepe. god his lips. they were so kissable. he was so kissable. 
you seddel on waking him up again, knowing that yourselvs, your staff, and your groups will be upset with the two of you if you were to miss work in genreal, but espesially cause you were sleeping. 
you relese his hand from yours and grab his face, his lips forming into a pout. “jiung i mean it” you say louder and sterner then before, looking into his eyes. 
“i know baby im trying.” jiung hums. 
you burry your face into the crook of his neck, and start placing soft kisses along his neck. he shifts with a sigh, giving you more acsess to the side and front of his neck. you pull the neck of his t-shirt towards you so you can litter kisses to his shoulder. you move your one hand to his upper chest, rubbing side to side on his collar bone with your thumb and your other hand, down to one of his thighs. 
your soft kisses form from being soft and gentel to gradually rougher and a little wet. jiungs hips buck up slightly and he lets out a quiet ‘shit’. 
your kisses on his neck get stopped by jiung pulling you by your hips and up onto his lap. your hands go to cup each side of his face gently and his hands stay resting on your hips as he pulls you in for a kiss and you feel yourself slightly grinding on him. he licks your bottom lip causing you to let out a breathy moan at the unexpected feeling. he traps your bottom lip inbetween his, sucking on it and nipping at it with his teeth a little from time to time.
you guys are also pulling away every so often to catch your breath, but those breaks dont last too long. 
jiung grinds you down onto him particurlly hard this one time and you feel your clothed clit harshly rub against him making you gasp and pull away from the kiss to rest your forehead against his as your still grinding on him.  
“shit! jiung-” your hands fly down under his shirt just about where his butterfly tattoos are and you feel his abdomen tense from your touch and he smiles slightly into the kiss. he also moves his hands down under your shirt and rubs his thumbs softly over your skin. you quietly giggle at the feeling but as he continues you start laughing more. you take ahold of jiungs hands making his movements stop and you pull away and lean foward, resting your forehead on jiungs sholder. 
“what?” he laughs.
“nothing- sorry, that just felt funny. kinda tickled” you laugh back.  
you guys spend the next few minuets just talking to eachother. sometimes there would be a bit of silence and it would just be the two of you soaking eachother in, you still on his lap. 
you guys got inturruped by a panicked keeho and the rest on guys comming into the livingroom one by one. 
keeho quickly handed you and jiung your coffees. “yo! guys we gotta go or were gonna be late. i wasent keeping track of time and apparently neither was anyone else.” 
you get off of jiung and he stands up. you give jiung a peck on his lips, with a slight pout. “m’sorry. ill make it up to you i swear.” 
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kyokopi · 1 month
Ok so idk if anyone requested this but what about piwon dating idol reader and like two groups having some activities together?? (I'm so uncreative 😔)
IM ALIVE I had a lot going on this week but I am working on asks sorry this is so late 😭
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Oh my god Keeho would be a little more outgoing than normal knowing that p1eces would just see it as him being excited to promote with your group. He’d forget the idol image for a split second if the host makes a comment/joke towards you basically telling them to back off then slide a little teasing comment towards them.
Theo would definitely be lowkey staring between you and the scoreboard when the winners for MCountdown get announced he knows how hard you and your members work and how long you stayed in the studio preparing for this comeback hoping for your first win (mostly because he promised facetime until you left the studio) When the MC announced your group had won all of piwon and him on their way off stage clapped and as you passed each other you landed a double high five causing immediate panic your members and the rest of piwon following suit and high fiving each other not to make it suspicious.
You both would not even know the other would be in the same variety show and the moment he see you on set his normal competitiveness is getting upped to 100%
to the point where the hosts have to tell him to calm down. He ends up winning a prize and shares it with you as an ‘apology’ for trying so hard but to be fair your annoyed face is just so cute
You two are paired for a collab dance stage and while filming behind the scenes you two have to turn down the real chemistry you two. You end up taking more of a stern non bullshit persona during the filming leading up to the live performance causing worry amongst fans that the chemistry just isn’t there leaving both of your fans shocked by the actual performance and how sensual the choreography had become now with the lights outfits makeup and the sheer adrenaline that comes with performing with your secret boyfriend. Ending pose consisting of close eye contact with his hand on your back. You spent the entire time in the makeup chair praying that Intak’s muscle memory of groping your ass doesn’t kick in like it did so many times during practice lucky for everyone it didn’t
While promoting for your comebacks your group and piwon get a joint segment and you two happen to be standing in the back next to each other…Yeah Shota straight up would pretend you’re not there just not to cause ANY speculation between you two which makes you giggle to yourself knowing that just 1 night ago he had fallen asleep in your arms exhausted
Your group and piwon are sat together during an award show you’re known to be an outgoing and friendly idol so it’s up to no one’s surprise that you’re having conversation with him and the other idols around you at one point after coming back from the bathroom you almost trip and before you could fall Jongseob catches you with a quick and genuine question of if you’re okay and leads you back to you seat Luckily fans and media focused on how kind this gesture was and netizens shut down any shipping or rumors into the relationship.
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yyawnjun · 29 days
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choitaeyang x reader; summary: two best friends in a room, they might kiss? ; warnings: mention of alcohol and cheating (yn gets cheated on) (not theo !!); best friends to lovers ; the urge to write theo's pov is real now; 2.7k wc ; @kflixnet; biggest shot out to my fav girl, supporter and proofreader lia ( @sobun1est !! ) ; her comments and energy gave me the will to post this, the biggest thanks to her <3
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Endless tears poured down your cheeks as the hiccups, a sign of your near panic attack, took hold. You tried to rationalize what you saw while attempting to figure out where you could go now, with the bowl of ice cream, tears in your eyes, and a broken heart.  
On that summer evening, you ran away from your boyfriend's (now ex-boyfriend's) home. That evening, you had confirmation of one of your worst worries and doubts that you had been attempting to ignore for far too long. 
You had been suspicious of his behavior for a time, but you had always tried to ignore your suspicions and trust him. But your trust was brutally shattered when you witnessed him carry a girl out of his car and kiss her.
Your heart had jumped, your hands trembled along with your entire body, and ultimately, your head had almost unconsciously directed your legs to move as far away from the place as possible (not before dumping your water bottle into that boy). You then turned to go.
At that exact moment, you let the tears flow and turned towards your place, where you feel most comfortable of all: your best friend's house, from your closest friend Choi Taeyang. 
During the walk, no music could distract you from the overwhelming sense of betrayal you felt. You promised yourself that you would bear this exhausting pain. But in the end, in that moment of misery, what happened to those empty promises?
You repeated it to yourself as if it were a mantra, persuading yourself that it wasn't that bad. You intermingled insults and sobs, but you attempted to remain calm as you walked with your head held high and your cheeks as crimson as your eyes. You arrived like this after walking for almost an hour in front of Taeyang's door. At that point, the shame became obvious. Your conditions were awful, the ice cream had melted, and it was 11 pm. Maybe he wasn't even home? Maybe he went out with friends, or maybe he was still at the gym?
While these thoughts tormented you, your hand was moved by an unknown force and rang the bell. "who's this?" His voice was enough to make you gradually collapse. 
You just started crying while trying to say your name. You were tempted to hold back your feelings because you felt pathetic. However, it was too late to back out. You were slowly sitting on the floor, hoping Theo hadn't heard you so you could think straight about what to do. But before you could touch the ground, you listened to the door open and saw his figure approaching you.
"yn? are you ok?" He questioned you in a worried tone after approaching closer as soon as he could. You looked up, and as soon as your eyes linked, he spotted the blush on your face. He didn't notice your runny makeup or messy hair. He realized that there was something deeper behind the tears, some pain that was less obvious than what you wanted to show. "Let's go inside," he said without giving you a chance to reply. You stood up, gathered your belongings, and followed him into the home, your gaze lowering. Only then did you notice that he was wearing short black pajama trousers and a huge white shirt, and his hair was soaked. 
Could he have just gotten out of the shower? You confirmed your theory as soon as you entered the flat, where the lights were brighter and you could see his shirt clinging to his chest. It was almost transparent because of all the water that it absorbed... allowing you to see his rangy figure and his well-defined muscles... You instantly shifted your sight to his face for fear of being caught staring at him too long.
However, you also lost yourself while looking at his face. He was busy putting his wet hair into a rash ponytail while he wondered about what would have been the best thing to say. You were sitting in your normal seats, facing each other at his small kitchen table. He had silently given you some tissues and a glass of water. He had noted that your breathing had returned to normal and that your lost look was now more apathetic than the anger and despair that he had seen previously.
Minutes had passed, and none of the you two spoke. It was a strange silence in which you had a chance to not think about your pain and leave yourself vulnerable in front of him. "Do you want some cereals?" he asked. "Cereals?" you ask confused. "Yeah, I bought your favorites as well," he replied. You remember the ice cream that you still hold in your hands, and you gave it to him. "Ice cream soup, yummy," he said, mocking you. You smiled as you looked at him placing the ice cream in the freezer.
"You want to talk?" he inquired as he arranged your bowl of milk and cereal. "Milk first and then cereal," you said, pointing out that he was doing the opposite. "Come on, let's discuss seriously. It's cereal and then milk," he said, raising his brow and shaking his head. "We'll never agree on this huh," you stated swiftly before launching into another fight over that existential topic. So you sat down to eat some cereal at 11:30 p.m. during that summer Wednesday.
"Sorry I know it's late," you said at one point, coming from your thoughts. "Don't be sorry yn..wanna talk about what happened?" He responded to you with sincerity and empathy. "You were right; I left him. He cheated on me You told him with a faint smile.  
"That bastard," he murmured impulsively, nearly spitting out the food in his mouth. "You warned me, and I didn't listen to you."
"Not your fault, yn." he told you. He felt the anger mounting, but he didn't want you to notice: it was his turn to be strong for you. "Do you want to stay for this night?"
"Mh, are you sure?" 
"Of course! Stop feeling embarrassed yn. we're best friends right?" As a result, you nodded, removing the remaining doubt. "Yeah, you're right," you continued. Perhaps you were in a state of weakness because of what happened, but you still felt an unusual sensation in your stomach, you smiled and returned your gaze to your best friend. Many bright stars glowed in his eyes, and no words could express the feeling of peace that he was able to give you with just that glance.
The evening ended with a great video game in which your competitiveness kept you awake until 2 a.m. When you both agreed to declare a draw and fell asleep on the sofa. The last thing you recalled was him gently stroking your hair as you fell asleep.
And by that evening, you had proof that a day can be significantly improved in just a of hours thanks to the right person. What a sweet and comforting thought, mhm? 
It is, till you find yourself on that specific night dreaming about that starry-eyed boy who confesses to you with a kiss...
The dream was vivid, and you clearly remembered Theo blushing and handing you a bouquet. Confused words filled the air, and the next thing you knew, the two of you were caught in a passionate kiss that you both craved.  
And so you chose to die - leave a part of yourself - and then be reborn in his arms.
You woke up astonished in the middle of the night, opened your eyes, and looked around. The room was dark, and you could only barely see Theo's face, which was dangerously close to yours. You were lying on the couch near to each other, and you both fell into a deep sleep. You were still confused by your dream, but too many emotions had worn you down. So you opted to go back to sleep. You bent your head towards him and laid it under his chin, close to his chest, gripping you as tightly as possible to make him feel at ease. You unconsciously started counting the boy's breathing, like children do with sheep when they have to fall asleep.
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"Do you have a dream about someone and then fall in love? or does the appearance of someone in your dream imply that you are already in love with them?" You asked Theo quietly. 
Two weeks passed since that day when: you saw your ex cheat on you, when you were in tears with your best friend(so as not to forget the dream of his confession...) 
"I would say first you fall in love, and then you dream of them"
"Ohh," you muttered, blushing slightly and looking away. "Maybe I'm not drunk enough for this conversation. Do you want anything? It's on me," Taeyang said as he stood up to head to the counter to buy some drinks. 
"The usual, thanks."
"Okay, pretty," he replied casually as he walked away.
You gulped loudly at his statement. Since when have nicknames become so serious in your friendship? When did insults and jokes stop being acceptable? But who knows? Maybe you misheard due to the loud music.
What you did not hear incorrectly was his first response... first you fall in love, and then you dream about someone, which is especially true if the dream includes a romantic aspect. What the hell does this mean? Now will you ever be able to naturally tell him your dream, or would your flushed face continue to betray you?
While you were thinking about this, you realized you were looking for him in the crowd, and that the space was becoming increasingly busy, and you no longer felt comfortable sitting at the table alone. So you got up and walked through the people to the counter to find Theo. Shortly after you recognized him, he was about to take the drinks. At that specific moment, you observed how captivating he looked.
He had the wallet in his mouth, and the drinks in one hand, while helping the bartender to clean up the liquid that had accidentally spilled on the counter. He had his hair partially over his eyes and was frowning as he grabbed the napkins to clean up. Soon after he finished, he turned and your gaze met. He grinned at you and moved to approach you. 
You spotted the stars in his eyes again, and a feeling of spinning pain filled your stomach. What was that?
"the air was getting oppressive, do you want to go out for a bit?" you asked him. "Sure, I am going to tell it to Keeho and the others, and then I will meet you outside," he said, offering you the drink and smiling kindly at you. 
As you approached the exit, you thought about how lucky his future girlfriend would be. You reminisced how he had stayed close to you for such a long time without ever being pushy or complaining, instead listening to your words through your emotions and thoughts.
You were sitting in the garden hammock, focusing on the sensations you felt and what was going on with you. Soon after, he came from the house and sat next to you.  
You two continued the conversation about the meaning of dreams, and he seemed confused as to why he had asked that sudden and random question. But you lied, telling him that you had dreamed of your favorite singer. He appeared disappointed; why did he expect it to be someone else? maybe him? or you were already too drunk to think straight?
Your conversation quickly turned to the general topic of dreams, and you started to feel the consequences of the alcohol. Tiredness came in, and you collapsed on the boy's shoulder while you were psychoanalyzing his dream, in which he confessed to a female whose identity "wasn't that relevant".
Once again, the last thing you remember before falling asleep was him lifting you on his shoulders and carrying you to the taxi while giggling about how happy he was in that moment.  
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The third time you noticed the sparking stars in his eyes was on the last summer night before starting college. Months had passed since you first felt your heart flutter for him. 
Yes, it took you two months to realize that you were in love with your best friend. And you weren't stupid; you knew the feeling was mutual. All the tiny things he started doing for you, all the little gifts, all the sweet words, nicknames, all the times he told you he was thinking of you or that something reminded him of you (also thanks to Keeho, who openly told to you that Theo had a crush on you for at least a year and that he was head over heels for you).  
You were fastly moving to reach the boy's flat. You were supposed to be there already, but you were late because that day you chose to spend a little more time getting ready. It was supposed to be an easy outing with friends. But you were determined that it would be something more, which is why you meticulously planned every detail of your outfits.  
While you were imagining how the evening might turn out, your legs had led you to the boy's home. When you rang the bell, he answered the door and urged you to come up because he was a bit late too. You entered without asking any questions and made it to his front door. A few seconds later, you found the boy in front of you. He was wearing a white shirt, baggy brown pants, silver necklaces and bracelets, and a black pencil tip under his eyes.  
He had used a brown pencil and an eyeshadow of the same color for his eye makeup, as well as a brownish lip balm that made his lips shine.  This makeup suits him so well, you thought while looking at him with a lost gaze.  
To say you'd been watching him all evening is an underestimate. That simple image of him was enough to warm your heart and brighten your evening. "Who are you making yourself so beautiful for this evening?" he said after countless seconds of staring at each other. "Look who's talking, huh?" you replied, glancing him up and down for an excuse to admire the beautiful boy in front of you once more. He chuckled and allowed you in. You sat at the kitchen table while he was finishing getting ready.
You sat down and ended up thinking about all the possible scenarios; what would your confession be like? Would you have had the courage? How would he react?
"Yn...," you heard. You quickly turned towards that voice, which was both familiar and soothing. As soon as you turned, you observed him standing, holding a tiny bouquet and keeping his attention on you. "Did it happen like this in your dream?" he said as he handed you the most fragrant and magnificent arrangement of flowers you'd ever seen. "How do you know it was you?"
"Oh, you told me that while you were drunk," he said nonchalantly.  
"So you knew I liked you!" you replied. 
"Do you like me?" he immediately asked. 
Silence fell, your eyes widened, and your hand moved to cover your mouth. to discover her immediately afterward, when you once again recognized in her eyes the most beautiful starry sky you had ever seen. “Well, I had not expected my confession to be like this," you said, giggling and walking closer to him.
Only to move it right away, when you saw again the most gorgeous starry sky you'd ever seen in his eyes.   
You both broke your closeness, and a sweet kiss changed the mood. "if you gonna break my heart, this is a good start you know Theo…" You muttered to him between breathless lips. That boy had witnessed your whole trust, vulnerability, and entire existence. You had allowed him to see and experience that aspect of you, but you knew you'd never regret it. "I saw you, I knew you, and I loved you yn. Allow me to do it, and trust in my endless feelings for you. The beginning of us will never finish."
And so you chose to die - leave a part of yourself - and then be reborn in his arms.  
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sugawhaaa · 4 months
Soul x reader
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At p1ece
💋Pairing:: bf! Soul x keehos sister
💫Genre::fluffest fluff to ever fluff. Like I'm actually giggling and kicking my feet rn
💋Summary:: your keehos little sister and recently you started dating shota. It's not that Keeho doesn't approve of your relationship he's just a little protective.
💫A/N:: If you're not Korean just pretend that your keehos adopted sister and that's why he's so protective. If you are Korean he's protective because...he is idk LOL
💋Word count:: 850
💫Warnings:: none(?)
It was late in the night and you were scrolling through your phone. Suddenly you got a message from soul.
Bae: why u still awake (°3°)
You chuckled and opened the message.
You: I could ask you the same thing
You replied and instantly you saw three dots pop up on your screen.
Bae: smh
Bae: thinking bout you //^-^//
You liked his message and looked at your brother on the other side of your room. Fast asleep in his bed.
You: Wyd rn?
You wanted to sneak into his room but you needed to make sure he was okay with it first.
Bae: sitting in bed (,,°•°,,)
You: can I join you :3
You hesitantly sent it to him. Your heart raced as you waited for him to reply.
Bae: doors unlocked :3
You crawled out of your bed and snuck past your brother to the door. You carefully opened it and crept out into the dark dorms. You looked across the hall to see Soul's door open a Crack. You grinned and went over to it, carefully opening it. He looked up at you and smiled, waving for you to come inside. You shut the door and hopped on the bed. He had his switch in his hand.
"I was wondering if you wanted to play animal crossing with me?" He chuckled as he opened the console. You smiled. Playing animal crossing with him was as comforting as being in your nice warm bed after a long day. You brushed back his hair with a smile.
"You know me too well," you said as you put your head on his shoulder as he opened the game. The loading screen illuminates your faces. You strummed your hands through his blonde and blue hair like a harp as the clicking on the buttons echoed throughout the room. His plushies made a nice throne for the two of you as you snuggled against him. You could hear his heart beating softly as you put your head on his chest. Your hand rested on his stomach and you moved your hand up and down slowly. "You're growing a lot of muscle here," you teased and pinched his abs playfully. He giggled with his fang teeth poking out, his cheeks turning pink.
"Break dancing really improves your muscles," he explains as he continues to play his game, your hand under his tank top. "I don't work out hardly ever, it's just dancing tones your body," he smiled softly.
"I see. That makes sense though," you say as you watch him change his character's outfit.
"I see you're growing in certain areas too," he teased as he looked at your revealed chest. Your tank top hung low and was tight-fitted. He kissed your neck softly.
"Perv," you said as you hit him playfully. He laughed before you heard footsteps in the hallway. You covered his lips and he blushed, his heart skipping a beat. Your body was pressed right against his and the feeling was so overwhelming to him. If he was in an anime his nose would be bleeding and hearts would flutter from his head. The footsteps went back into their room before the door shut. The two of you sighed simultaneously before chuckling. You snuggled back down into the bed sheets and wrapped your arms around him.
"I think I'm gonna try to sleep now," you hummed as you closed your eyes.
"Oh do you want me to turn the switch off so it's less bright?" Shota said as he turned down the brightness manually. You shook your head.
"No, it's okay. Watching you play is calming," you explained as you cracked your eyes open to watch him play.
"Okay baby," he said as he patted your head. You blushed and grinned cheekily.
You sigh and melt into his arms "I always feel at peace with you…"
°☆° next morning °☆°
"Why were you in Soul's room last night?" Keeho confronted you as you made coffee.
"Huh?" You said tiredly as you poured your coffee into a Pikachu mug.
"This morning you weren't in your bed and you and Shota came out of his room. Also this," Keeho stated before pulling out his phone. He showed you a photo that Soul took last night. You were asleep on him and he took a selfie and put text over it saying "Got your sis in my lap :p" you blushed and noticed in the photo there was a little mark where Soul had kissed you. You covered your neck and blushed.
"Soul!" You shouted as he crawled out of the bathroom. He made a little hum noise as he came over to you. "First of all, that's a very nice photo you should send that to me," you said as you gestured to the photo Keeho held up on his phone. "Secondly…" you said before your voice went to a whisper in Soul's ear. "You could've told me that the "kiss" you gave me was a hickey!" You whisper yelled and Soul just shrugged poking his tongue out. "You're lucky you're cute,"
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jongseonvs · 21 days
P1HARMONY as your EX!
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warnings: none!
would completely ignore your existence:
he wouldn’t do it because he despised you, he would actually do it for the completely opposite reason. he was still so in love with you that he felt if he even looked your way he would fall in love all over again. protecting his peace was his priority now that you weren’t together anymore, and if ignoring you was his way of doing it, then go you, taeyang!
would also do it because he knew damn well he still loved you. your breakup didn’t end on the best terms, and he was afraid seeing you or talking to you would make him break down completely and that’s the last way he wanted you to see him like. If you did talk, he knew he would end up hurt again, and that was not on his list.
would act as if you never broke up:
you were together for too long to let all those dates, memories, and time go to waste so he wasn’t going anywhere until you got tired of him. of course, he would be happy for you if you found someone else, but dont be surprised if you get stupid instagram reels sent that he thought you would laugh at. also you’re still being walked to class and yes he will still show up unannounced at your door step with your favorite take out food.
man is still head over heels for you.
shows up to all your games, screaming the loudest for you, and showering you with gifts. “are you trying to make me get back with you ji.” you ask as he hands you a box of chocolates. “nope. that’s for doing well at your game last night!” he shines you his gummy smile innocently. UGH he just won’t let you forget him!
the “i miss my ex” type of guy:
is CONSTANTLY reminding everyone you are still his number one and no other girl
can compare. sometimes soft launch posts himself out with girls on social media ( you only know cause you stalk him) but posts “i miss her chat” in his close friends and his back up account. you get happy when jiung tells you that your ex posted that, but neither of you have the balls to reach out bc you both know you wouldn’t work out again.
type to text and then ghost you:
hear him out! you were his first ever girlfriend and it hurt him so much when you broke up. he texts you every 3 months with a “hi” and when you reply, he goes ghost because hes afraid and doesn’t want to make the same mistake again :(
[a/n 🩰:] if you made it this far… thank you!! feedback is always appreciated:) this is the first thing I’ve written in a while 😀 so im sorry if its a little rusty…
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seobstarr · 11 months
bf!P1Harmony texts !!
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prompt: taylor swift just released her new album ‘Speak Now (Taylors Version)’ and you need to share your excitement, luckily your boyfriend is always up and ready to answer your texts!!
genre: fluff, a little humor but mostly just fluff :)
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keb notes!: Oh hey guys 😋 this was just a little drabble i came up with while waiting for speak now tv to drop and was having trouble deciding to post it or notttt😭 i love taylor swift and piwon so why not put them tgthr lol this is also literally my first time doing one of these so PLEASE DONT BE MEAN IM TRYING MY BEST 😭 and no i didn’t do this to distract me from the depending doom to post another on the court chapter…i would never
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tsumskz · 2 months
Could you do needy and fluffy fake texts with Keeho from P1harmony?
˙ ͜ʟ˙ keeho needy texts
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