#one of my late adult nephew's pet peeves...
*Rolls eyes.* Just holy freakin' poo! I just came across on my Facebook-roll an advertisement, using an image from the Fallout TV series - the characters standing together - advertising a service to filter out from Netflix shows all of the "profanity, nudity and objectionable content" for people who do not want it / to make things family friendly... Well, putting aside that Fallout isn't on Netflix, it's an Amazon show... I looked in on the comments to see if it was a joke and I saw people saying "I'm a Pastor and this is a godsend!" and "what a great service!" - Probably bots. But anyway... WHY Fallout used as an example for censorship? WHY. JUST WHY??? It's like, excuse me. That show starts off with a nuclear explosion and an entire children's birthday party getting thrown through plate-glass windows and then cuts to a young woman living in a Vault putting in her qualifications to be a breeder and talking to a friend about not wanting to do "cousin stuff" anymore!!! And there's a (clothed) but very rauncy sex-scene right on (you do see man-butt, but he didn't wait for his bride to get out of her dress). And shortly afterward, the bloody violence starts... And there's people losing limbs and heads and a man having every player's reaction to their first meeting with a Yao Guai (mutant bear for those non-Fallout heads reading this): "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!" "Family friendly Fallout" is NOT Fallout! They're games / a series designed for us to lore-dive into an objectively horrible world, to explore the limits of ethical-questions in such a world and for those of us who are sick of Humanity in the real world to harmlessly let off stress by blowing fictional NPCs apart with rocket launchers, k? And if there's anyone out there who's like "But my kid plays the games and wants to see the show!!!" Um... do you pay attention to what your kids play? Mature rated games are rated mature for a reason! Children and the easily-offended are NOT the audience for Fallout! This ad had to not be for real. Probably links to a damn virus or something. False advertising at the least. I mean. Nope. Just no.
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chronicallychristina · 10 months
WARNING: Lots of WE, I, OUR, ME and YOU in reference to myself.
Dear Me,
I know you wish you had your mom here to talk to. But we can get through this on our own. Technically, we are not actually on our own. We do have two grown children, a husband, nieces and nephews, friends, and a lot of adult children we didn't even give birth to. It's just not the same. If my mom was here, she would tell me what I needed to hear. If my sister was here, she would just listen to me ramble and hug me when I needed it. If my dad was here, he would remind me of how strong I am and remind me who my parents are. I have to keep it together for everyone else. It doesn't seem fair. That's just the way it is.
I'm trying really hard not to make this sound like a pitty party even though it's only for me. I don't want to be that person. I know things could be worse. We all have our trauma. We all have our pain. This one is mine.
I'm just tired. I'm tired of being in pain, I'm tired of being exhausted, overweight without even eating much, I'm tired of not being able to eat like a normal person, I'm tired of going to the doctor, I'm tired of certain doctors not communicating, I'm tired of not sleeping, I'm tired of sleeping too much, and I'm tired of feeling like I am not worthy of my disabilities. I know that the last one doesn't make sense. Let me explain.
When you look at me, I don't look disabled. I look overweight and out of shape. But I don't look disabled. When I park in a handicap spot, I feel people staring at me. I know what they are thinking. That energy they send me gets in my head, and I feel them watching me walk towards my destination with judgment in their soul. When I'm late for anything (Being late is a pet peeve of mine. So, this one really gets me). When I'm late, I feel I'm being judged and looked down on. I promise you, the Capricorn in me HATES being late anywhere. I'm only late due to whatever chronic illness is battling me at the time. The same goes for canceling plans, not talking on the phone, or responding to messages. I'm seriously in a battle with myself, and if I let my guard down even for a moment, it's going to win that round. I can't afford that. Back to me feeling like I'm not worthy of my disabilities. What I'm saying is, because I mask and put on a strong act, people mistake things that are out of my control as being a bitch or rude. Why? Because they can't see what's going on inside my body battlefield.
If I took my mask off or if they could see inside me, not a single soul would judge my disabilities again.
I don't like having to always be the strongest.
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summerspn · 5 years
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Captain Marvel (2019)
Random movie review...(and rambling)
(Minor Spoilers)
It was great!
I can’t tell you how it feels to have a movie resonate so much with me... I suppose this is what it felt like for many people watching Black Panther.
It just...it was kind of beautiful.
People talk about representation but that’s only part of it.
It’s about getting it right.
I was lucky enough to have some strong role models growing up. My parents were/are great. My mom is independent and strong and vulnerable too. She shows me being strong can mean many things.
However, when see movie after movie of women being assistants - helping men & being secondary characters it does put a little nagging voice in the back of your mind that makes you questions things.
If in life women’s jobs are mainly second fiddle to men...and if they’re like that on tv & in movies then it must mean something. Right?
Growing up I’ve always been told what I can’t do - MOSTLY by men & boys. Women usually told me to ‘give it a shot’.
I guess these are some things I started thinking about after the movie. All the times I’ve been told I can’t do something just because I’m a girl.
I couldn’t play baseball. I wasn’t allowed to play with my brothers friends (my brother didn’t mind) because their parents forbid them from playing with girls because we’d get hurt. Never mind I later ended up on the school baseball team...
I was encouraged by high school guidance counselors NOT to go into design & technology despite the fact I had an A average and my highest grade was Drafting (at 98%).
I’m always told by random strangers to smile because it makes THEM feel good.
I’m always told that I need to help male coworkers out but they don’t help us. They talk over women all the time and don’t even realize it. Meetings go on for hours and we can’t take washroom breaks because the (male) bosses don’t need them (FYI women have 1/3 the size bladder than men do and holding it can result in various health issues...). Getting up and leaving the room would make us look weak and we could miss important information...
I’m not saying this to bring up a debate or to annoy. Simply that there are countless frustrations we go through our lives as women on a daily basis on top of the everyday frustrations everyone goes through.
One of these frustrations is that there was very little attention paid to the idea that a woman could be strong and even less that she could be a super hero. The past ten years things have been improving but at a slow rate.
I was lucky enough to have seen some female characters that are strong and intelligent on screen when I was in high school but I don’t remember any before that. Unless you count The Care Bears(but I never thought of any as having a gender) or Miss Piggy from The Muppets. But humans? I can’t think of any.
However, even in the 90’s these strong women often become damsels around men or have to have a romance going on. Why? Tons of movies with male leads don’t have those.
Even the show Buffy The Vampire Slayer (I still love it) had a massive focus on romantic relationships. It was forward thinking and progressive in many ways but it too had some flaws. It took several seasons for Buffy to show her intelligence and for the women on the show to stop competing for a mans attention (Buffy & Cordelia). Don’t get me wrong it was for the part really well written but I could never understand why there weren’t female characters that were smart AND strong. It was either nerd or soldier (slayer).
- While I am grateful for all the complex, layered & strong female characters out there they often fell short for me. Even back then...Decades ago.
- Why didn’t anyone do Wonder Woman until a couple years ago? The tv show tried back in the day but then there was very little effort until recent years. Why? And why were there no attempts at Captain Marvel before? I mean, how many attempts at Spider-Man have their been? Or the Hulk? Are there even female characters in the cartoons? (I literally have no idea but the commercials never show them...).
So, seeing this movie tonight I went in expecting the same entertainment as all the other Marvel movies and by the end I was thinking...
Finally they get it. The creators, the powers that be, everyone who put this beautiful movie together. They get it.
From the subtle facial expressions that Brie Larson & Lashana Lynch has to the more obvious snippets showing the sexism women experience... to how the girl (Akira Akbar) tries to lift up & encourages her mother and embraces someone different. Showing the nurturing side of being a female as well as being brave, strong, intelligent & complex. It was done wonderfully.
Showing a few instances of Carol Danvers (aka Captain Marvel) rejecting the idea of being put into a box while trying to discover who she is can resonate with so many people.
I love how Danvers discovers she has power instead of being a tool to be used by someone.
And the fact that women can be strong, intelligent, brave and a million other things is great. But what many...many...MANY shows & movies have done lately is take power FROM men. They say they’re feminists and bash men. They become just as cruel as the people they want to take down or be equal to. That’s not right. This movie does not do that. It’s about discovering your OWN power with or without magical abilities!
I absolutely hate when I hear people say they’re for equality and women’s power but then bash men. I have a lot of great men in my life and I’d never want anything to happen to them. It’s unfortunate there are still old fashioned ideas that people have (even by men that love us) but hate is not going to lead to change.
I love how this movie treats the male-female interactions and relationships. After I saw this I let my brother know he should take both his kids to see it. My niece would love the strong female super hero since she hates the princess type movies (which at her age is about 90% of the movies female-led characters). And my nephew would find it funny and cool. He loves super hero’s. Plus it won’t make him feel bad.
Many of the so-called feminist stories/programs I’ve seen in the news, on TV, and even movies say men are the enemy. They’re not. My biggest pet peeve with that is...well, just think about it. How would you like to be watching a show and have the women bashed and told they ruin everything and that they’ve caused all the problems in the world? ...right...there’s an entire movement to stop that. So don’t do that for men either. Just lift each other up and pursue equality without trying to take power from anyone else. I’m very happy to say my nephew can watch something like Captain Marvel without having to feel any shame about his gender - and the EXACT same can be said for girls or any other pronoun one chooses to go by.
As far as plots go, it was good. Acting was good. The writing was good. It was entertaining and fun. The special effects were great.
I heard some bad reviews about this movie but that’s total BS. Ignore those. I find movies like this some people go in thinking it’ll make then run out of the theatre going ‘its the best movie of all time’ and it’ll never hold up to that hype. So some people will simply like it but still not consider it good enough 🤷‍♀️
As far as comparing this to other Marvel movies, yes you will enjoy it just as much, if not more than some of the others. It’s fun, entertaining, and has a couple twists. Don’t go in thinking it’ll change history or anything. It’s just a movie but it is a good one. Yes it resonates with me but that’s because the world was overdue for stories like this. Go into the movie to simply enjoy it.
I do however, recommend this to people with daughters & nieces especially. Especially if they don’t get exposed to strong intelligent and complex women or watch a lot of strong characters.
Do you have any idea how many shows are out there where the girls (characters) are idiots? Too many. And trying to buy toys for them - almost every box for toys about building, engineering, technology or science have boys on them. Boxes with girls are only for jewelry & perfume making. Hopefully this Christmas there will be Captain Marvel action figures instead.
So think about it. Why does girls’ confidence level dip as they get older? Maybe because a million messages telling us we shouldn’t do this or that while internally we want to. It’s an internal struggle that gets exhausting.
What am I trying to say?
Girls need to be exposed to good characters in different formats.
But seeing an intelligent, funny, female super hero right there on the big screen - magnificent and powerful...it’ll make girls feel powerful! It’ll give them ideas. Inspire them. Maybe they’ll want to be a pilot like Carol Danvers...maybe a soldier. Or maybe it’ll simply make her feel like she can go off and climb Mount Everest because she can do whatever she wants. She doesn’t have to listen to everyone telling her she can’t.
Seeing this as an adult I loved it because it was entertaining. My best friend also loved it but afterwards she said to me that it felt like they ‘got it right’ and she didn’t have to explain anything to me. I get it. For a thousand reasons I can’t seem to put into words.
One part of the movie near then end, I got teary eyed. I just felt a strong sense of pride. Not at the movie but at myself. After everything I’ve been through in my life. All my struggles - big and small - I’m still here. I get knocked down but I get right back up. I may not be a soldier, a pilot, or a super hero...he’ll, I’m terrified of spiders. But I am strong and I’ll always get right back up. Because I’m human. It’s what we do - all of us. And this movie is the first time in a very long time where it made me feel proud to be a woman.
And THAT is why Captain Marvel is going to resonate with girls & women everywhere.
Thank you to everyone who worked on this movie to make it happen. All the actors, the crew, & Mr Stan Lee (RIP).
FINALLY another step forward.
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