#old web imitation
rainbxw1derland · 16 days
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Chatroom logo (2023, using microsoft word 1997)
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magz · 1 year
the way people praise overly inaccessible web design, as good
and something they want replicate
kinda giving ... an impression.
"you do you" but
want avoid people that do that anyway, as use those unkind design physically painful
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good things so far:
allows nsfw content! that's a big one of course
said nsfw content has a separate 18+ filter
following and sharing (equivalent to reblogging) work similar to tumblr
you can do funky css things allowing for MUCH more creative posts than here
asks like tumblr, i think
you can check who you follow based on last updated
can change your main account!!
tag filtering and content warning filtering, and blocking people: all three do exist
CEO is not transphobic and is not stalking people and threatening them
bad things so far:
you need to be manually approved by admins before posting, and this wait can take a few days
there is no queue
you can't see how many total notes a post has
can't tell who i'm mutuals with
only one color scheme (there's light and dark mode but it only changes posts themselves)
site culture is, at best, drowned out by tumblrinas trying to imitate tumblr culture and history. there are no heritage posts, there are no ten year old memes
ui is a bit confusing at times
the site is very slow
your notifications, instead of being a popup menu like on desktop tumblr, is a separate web page
in general, missing a lot of tumblr-like features
discoverability is a fucking joke
the place feels more like a largeish discord server in a tumblresque format than anything else
how admins handle personal disagreements is completely unknown. hoping for no carhammer2 scenarios
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soaricarus · 8 months
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also this nightcat is seperate from my invterator askblog nightcat. for clarification
id honestly consider the cut arena scug 4 an oc at this point. it deviates so much from the One sprite we get. oops
seperates + Not So Line Lineup under cut AS WELL AS DESIGN NOTES woooh boy. MIND YOU its really long
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the Not So Line Lineup
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survivor! scar on snout is based on one of the cut arena sprites for player 1, it has a little.. scar? notch? line? there. survivor passage symbol on head as well and freckles :) some brown to match monk sorta. spikey fur!
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^ what the scar is based on
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overall more rounded than survivor, to reference the monk passage symbol which is also on their head. a little dewlap to reference gourmand - i think gourmand and survivor and monk are related. lighter yellows to reference survivor!
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third sibling!!! the little orange line on their head is actually karma 7 (i realized survivor is karma 5 and monk is karma 6- so why not go with the theme?) and a sorta partial saint symbol on their head, missing the middle line. yellow/red accenting color to reference monk and survivor sorta. blu :)
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sorta pinker. based on one of my old draft designs, just made a little better. green accent color to match sig. a little fluffy and sharp. ear tufts cause theyre fun and a tufted tail. hunter passage symbol is also on tail teehee. sig's head symbol is also on hunter. the scar is also green
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nightcat is some sorta weird echo thing. to me. little wings for the fun of it. i dont have much on this design honestly other than i used dodge A Lot. the accenting pink on the dark purple parts was originally an accident but like? it vibes.
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wanderer! cause actually why not. the white symbol on their chest is a half of sig's symbol, i'd like to think sig helped suns make wanderer. if you put its head symbol together with nightcat it makes the scholar :) blue accenting color is close to the negative/opposite colors of nightcat.
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i dont have many notes for this biggol guy. sorta looks alike survivor and monk i suppose. feathers! theyre sorta rose colored i think. idk. it looks nice. simple patterns cause gourmand is a symbol guy
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artiiii. i wanted to put an accent color on arti but it was so Hard because i was Stubborn and Needed That Damn Cyan on it. markings based on a siamese cat except for the ones on the arm and legs, theyre sort of tabby based?
green pup is tabby based in markings, pink sorta looks like flower petals. blue pup is siamese cat based in markings and the yellow? idk it looked nice
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RIVULETTT. i love rivulet. i made the bright sunset gradient contrast by adding some darker but still vibrant blues and purples to the design, as well as a cream. there's also actual gills udner the display frills (which also got a color update to match instead of being an offbrand bi flag). also webbed fingers!!!
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vibrant fuckin purple because it looks nice actually. made it have some cream-pink-purple thing as underbelly instead to make it look nicer. head markings are based directly on suns :) biggol Orb Eyes to Stare In Your Soul. accenting colors sorta match rivulet? idk? they just look nice without contrasting too much. also whiskers. and tall. and thin with long ass grabbers
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i kept getting "portal colors" and "aroace flag" and like YEA YALL ARE RIGHT ACTUALLY i just wanted to fit blue and orange on it though lmao. anyway pretty simple body markings to make up for the Six Fucking Accent Colors. three forehead dots are yellow while there's an x on its back and head thats blue... to imitate the rot :) why? figure it out yourself
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inv!! not much has changed since honestly i just saturated the colors a bit more i think. idk. i like the yellow on inv though so i make it more prominent sorta? just a guy. still an iterator that turned itself into a slugcat. to me.
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originally based on this cut arena slugcat
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then i uh. accent color and scales and um. um. im so normal about this slugcat holyshit curveberry my beloved.... anyway the scales were originally a dark teal? then i hueshifted them and Oh Fuck Dusk Colors Holy Shit. its so good i genuinely love this design so much i doodled it lmao. the scales are based on a pangolin. i actually have ideas for this if it were to be a slugcat campaign...
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another cut arena slug! this time this one. i tried to keep it more in line rather than go a bit silly ehe. i still like how this came out- i think the accent color is nice. it looks like bingus to me actually. bingus slugcat
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iggy projection slug. weird thing with lines under its eyes
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to me this is another of nsh's purposed messengers. the lil guy that sent the distateful message. whatever it was icr the exacts but. him. boy. the darker pink is like armor like a centipede. looks like ham to me
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iggy projection slug that had silly little small ears so i thought i'd include them
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i was having so much trouble with this design but @pinkavtomation actually helped me out because i was. Struggling so hard and i was streaming doing these designs in vc (for 9 hours straight... voids) 'n it sent this and honestly. yeah. funky vitiligo cat to me.
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colors r sorta based on vanilla and chocolate icecream???? thats what i was thinkin when i was lookin at it honestly. just a lil guy to me
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Such a backstabber
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The general mahamatra asks al-haitham to uncover 'your web of lies', he accepts immediately. When he asks you what the symbol means he gets an unexpected answer
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He should be eating dinner and getting ready for sleeping right now but he is forced to sit through an 'emergency meeting' with the general mahamatra 
" What might be the issue that is so important that it couldn't wait until morning?" The grip on the freshly brewed coffee was just strong enough to not snap it in half
Cyno doesn't blink nor does he get comfortable in the seat, if al-haitham didn't know it was serious before he was sure now.
The air grows thick until cyno spits some words out 
" The third grand sage, YN, is highly likely involved in the usage of knowledge capsule, and possibly trafficking " his red eyes focus on the scribe
"Why do you feel inclined to accuse them of such a thing?" He already knew the reasons. It would be easier to believe a person consumed an ungodly quantity of knowledge capsules than a natural prodigy.
" Someone popped out of nowhere with seemingly all the knowledge of the world and you pretend to act as if it was normal?" It's obvious it's hard to believe 
"And you should know by now, the third grand sage was originally a feral child that learned by imitation and their innate talent" he bit back with the rehearsed answer he had given to everyone before and would most likely keep giving to the public 
" We both know that this is the PR version of the story" he leans over his knees, his eyes hardening " there seems to be some relationship between a dealer of knowledge capsules and the grand sage. I believe i don't need to get further into the conclusion"
"Weren't you the one to stand by the counter effects of repetitive usage? To me they don't seem to suffer from anything similar" that was one of the reasons he decided to look over your history, you not only knew a lot but seemed lucid enough to answer quick questions or riddles about the subject. 
He looks over the window, leaning against the side of his green seat " and even then they seem to have a relationship with a low level trader."
" We both know very well that the akademia has been plagued by lies and scheming, the capsule scandal was only the spark that lit the fire. It would be better for the people of Sumeru if the new grand sages don't have interest that could harm them." Cyno keeps his ground, his tone unshakable and strong " you are one of the few people in the akademia that I can stand, al haitham, it would be a shame if I had to judge you for helping the grand sage hide their whereabouts"
" Well then " al-haitham throws his hands over his shoulders " I'm sure the  general mahamatra don't need my permission to start an investigation, do you?" 
" We already intercepted a knowledge capsule dealer, it seems they set off to the desert, as of now they deny everything but i found this with him" he grabs a book from his bag, it's a very old thick book 
Al-haitham stops drinking his coffee, letting it almost burn his tongue before he swallows " is it really that book? People have been searching for months now"
" 'symbology of the primordial language' it was found in his bag, we have to analyze the capsules but we believe they have these contents"
"I just need you to help me out" he drops the book and a page on the middle of the table, a somewhat simple symbol in the middle  " ask them what this is. It seems to be a kind of recognizement between  knowledge capsule dealers. If they genuinely don't know what it is I will drop the subject for now…" 
Al-Haitham grabs the paper and analyzes it before sighing "fine. Just let me go to sleep."
The sun is shining obnoxiously for it to be only 6:00, Kaveh drank all the coffee in the house so he couldn't get a drop and he got a couple too few hours of sleep that night. It would be short to say he wasn't in his best mood.
Even your voice mixed up with kaveh to give a punch to his migraine
"Sooo~" you call from the table while eating some concoction that looks spicier than the last one. Even if he doesn't dislike certain seasonings he honestly thought you poisoned his food the first time he tried, turns out you just like food like that. " What kind of questions await me today?" Looking at him smugly
" Today is just one question" 
Total silence fills the room "One?" You look at him as if you were about to laugh " what happened with fifty questions a day? Mm? Going soft on me?" 
" Today is a special request"he pulls out the page that was neatly folded " what does this represent?"
Inching closer you turn around your head, trying to find an answer "I'm not sure" He watches, your blinking seems stable, calmly seated and not much moving around compared to before, no hands or clothing to hide your mouth. It seems you aren't lying?  
" I'm sorry haitham, i truly don't know" 
" We have a while, try for a bit more please" 
" Can I offer you something to eat meanwhile? you always come here drinking coffee and calling it breakfast! It's disrespectful to food!" You stand up before he answers, already looking for a plate on the shelf behind him
" Some people are busy, you know? If anyt-" suddenly there is a big crack behind him, the same sound of breaking a plate, turning around he looks at you, eyes wide and mouth slightly open " great sage? Are you feeling bad?" Thinking you might have gotten dizzy or gotten low blood sugar he grabs your arm waiting for you to blackout 
Before he can ask more questions you only say something in a very small voice, almost a whisper: I can never outrun it…
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 days
watched the mad woman in the attic. maybe i’m babybrained cocomelon brainrotted or something but why is this legitimately better than torchwood like?? or at least equal to it in complexity and subtext.*
but jesus christ… what a message about possessive friendship and the inability to let go — the parallels between eve mind-controlling the homeless people to do her bidding because she “just wants friends”, sam doing the same to rani (thinking she abandoned him after he stopped being her only friend, and trying to guilt-trip her into coming back) and rani doing the same to the bannerman road gang (becoming overly paranoid and gaslighting herself into believing she’s not good enough for them because they dare mention maria). THREE LAYERS of mirroring… “maria’s the new sarah jane” being salt on the wound of rani’s aspirational “sarahjaneification” … parallels with martha’s early-s3 complex of being unable to live up to rose, too …
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^the ship interface is saying this about eve, but it can just as well be interpreted in a metaphorical sense: rani is a child trying to be an adult, rani is trying to become sarah jane, and it will hurt her. funny how the ghost of doctorification haunts the narrative even in his absence, it’s that powerful. The Doctor is a sort of memetic virus that is passed down from mentor to student, and although its intensity diminishes over time, it can still be fatal. gwen wants to imitate jack harkness. jack harkness wants to imitate The Doctor. rani wants to imitate sarah jane. and sarah jane wants to imitate The Doctor
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^eve’s Not-Regeneration — proof of convergent evolution among time-active species? river song’s existence says “yes”. potentially, exposure to the vortex itself gives you the “golden energy emanating from your outstretched limbs” perk
also, from a lore perspective… eve’s species are fascinating aliens. a time-sensitive AND time-active people that’s not connected to the timelords in any way, we don’t see that nearly often enough! as for their backstory (being subject to a genocide as collateral damage because a race that can see the outcome of a conflict is dangerous to both warring parties), that’s definitely a main-show rather than kids-spinoff type concept. wonder what they were doing during the War, not the war on their planet, but the universe-spanning one. judging by the capabilities of their spaceships, the time technology they used is pretty advanced. eve may have been lying by omission: maybe the species that genocided them were none other than the residents of a certain planet that tries by all means to maintain a monopoly on time travel. they don’t like other species messing about with the web that they so carefully wove… ah, now THAT’S a plot seed for a short story in a faction paradox anthology if i ever saw one
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Old Rani’s plot was also all incredibly 73 yards. the more i watch, the more i realise just how intertwined ruby sunday’s story so far has been with various callbacks and parallels to sja… it’s gotta mean something? something something trickster pantheon something somehow one who waits
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*i almost hesitated to post this because the internet Hates people that analyse kids’ media with any degree of sincerity (im usually toeing the line anyway; the main show isn’t really Aimed At Adults either. which we sometimes forget)
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hugheses · 8 days
these are just some thoughts after seeing ur post on the hockey thigh thing btw, and i hope you hear me out. you being a lesbian (im bi and i have a gf currently), which is something you emphasise a lot, and not being attracted to these dudes doesnt make this whole parasocial archive any less weird or creepy. i'm not here to shit on or invalidate your passion, because obv its something you care about deeply from how much your scour the web for all these old things, even of their mother when she was young. and genuinely, thats pretty cool, i work in archival and i have a lot of respect for that with the effort you've put into it.
but i think you are encouraging others to imitate this blog and culture, when it comes to other players who aren't as in the media as the hughes family. like i agree that its part and parcel of the job as athletes who represent a multitude of things like ur franchise ur family etc, but i feel like we just shouldn't proliferate this. i know people on twitter are unjustly harsh and oftentimes critical to the point of meanness, but i think some points they share are valid. just bc its on the internet, doesnt give us the permission to do stuff ykwim? like imagine just going up to the hughes and giving them a scrapbook of every media moment from their mothers childhood, to her college, their dad, and them as kids and now as adults. thats just straight up weird. and don't even get me on the sexualisation, i get they are adults but isn't that just basic respect?
i know having an internet community is rlly important to some, and im sure ur followers would still give you that support u need even if you dont constantly supply them with these media things, or dangle ur secret archive like a carrot over them.
hoping you have a great day
you clearly put a lot of time and thought into this, so i will give you that same level of consideration back. i think you have some misunderstandings about me, hockey fandom, and fandom culture as a whole.
first, the lesbian thing. admittedly tumblr search is very broken but according to it i’ve mentioned the word lesbian twice on here, as a disclaimer for why i might not be the best person to understand what male attracted people find hot. it's possible it's come up a few other times but it’s definitely not something i "emphasize a lot". it's somewhat ironic that you bring up you being bi and having a gf in what reads to me like a deflection on your critique that i say i'm gay too much, when you seem to think me saying i'm a lesbian is bc i'm trying to deflect on sexualizing these guys. which admittedly is the most confusing part of your entire ask. is this solely about the thigh ask? if you’re worried about "basic respect", hockey fandom is probably not the place for you. i know i don't like seeing 500 reader insert posts every time i open anyone's tag, which is why i have related terms muted and block people who don't use them. however this is very much a part of hockey fandom and i’m aware of that. on the flip side, the unfortunate reality is that hockey players are some of the nastiest misogynistic men on the planet who generally do not see women as actual human beings beyond mommies, maids, and holes. if i WAS sexualizing these men 24/7 i would feel well within my rights to do so, and could make an only slightly ironic argument for it being feminist praxis. if jack hughes can ask girls to flash him, i can have a little sexualization, as a treat. 
calling me weird and creepy isn’t actually negated by following up with saying you're not trying to shit on or invalidate my passion and you respect the effort i put into it. if you think i’m weird and creepy, you’re allowed to feel that way, but actually own it if that’s what your opinion is.
you imagined this scrapbook scenario and then say that it’s weird. i agree, that hypothetical thing would be weird. good thing i’m not doing that, will never do that, and take many efforts to have a strong fourth wall and keep this blog separate from the people it's about. i am a firm believer in keeping fandom private and secluded! that's why im not tweeting all of this and tagging them. 
it’s a big leap for you to assume that i do this because i "need support". not that it matters, but i do all of this because i find it fun and i’m being generous with people who do not have the time/resources/know-how to find this stuff on their own. there's nothing wrong with finding a community online, but i had one before doing all this. in fact, all of this has been really more trouble than it's worth in terms of harassment vs kindness lmao. some people on here have been lovely to me, but i’m beyond the age where i need virtual validation from strangers. you’re right about one thing, i do dangle my secret archive like a carrot, largely for petty reasons because of a few specific assholes. 
you seem to think i’m the only person who does stuff like this. update/archival accounts are very common for musicians, actors, even like... tiktok influencers. were you not online when people hacked an airport security cam feed to watch one direction sit and do nothing? everything ive ever posted on here has been available to the public. i’m just good at finding stuff. even within this smaller sports fandom on tumblr, i have been inspired by OTHER BLOGS who were doing this before me and go way harder than i do. i didn’t invent the concept of collecting information and images about public figures like you seem to think i did, but thanks.
if you want to critique fandom culture as a whole, go right ahead, but i ask that you keep the sanctimonious lectures out of my inbox, especially when they're based in assumptions. any one of these things could have been questions i would be willing to chat about if you were actually curious about me and what i do. i in fact have lots of opinions that might surprise you on many of these things you mentioned. but i will have those conversations with other people, who talk to me with the respect and dignity that i deserve.
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lewis-winters · 8 months
"Sharks don't have hands," Web tells him, in a tone that is somehow both condescending and giddy. One he only ever adopts with his young students, who actually care about all the inane fun facts he has stored away in that big head of his; and everybody else in his life, when he forgets that they're not actually his students, and he's not actually in school. Which happens far more often than Web is willing to admit.
It takes all of Lieb's strength not to roll his eyes and say something snarky in response-- and even then he fails, miserably. Not that Web minds, grinning mischievously at Lieb's muttered; "Yeah, like I don't already know that?" All the other man ever did was bounce back from Lieb's sarcasm with double the amount of enthusiasm, like maybe Lieb's sharp edges made him happy, somehow. Like he knew something about Lieb that even Lieb himself didn't know and was endlessly amused by it.
The idea is so idiotic to Joe, it cycles back to being endearing.
Anyway. Sharks don't have hands. So they can't really touch and investigate things like other animals can with their antennas, whiskers, or hands. Which, according to Web, is a downright tragedy, since sharks are so naturally curious and so terribly blind. Therefore, in order to circumvent these downright mediocre evolutionary mistakes, they use the only body parts chock-full of nerve endings available to them. The tips of their snouts. And their teeth. "That's why they bite so many things," Web gestures with his fingers then, a sort of chomping motion with his index and thumb. "Little test bites."
"Maybe that's why you bite so many things," Lieb says, to distract himself from saying what he actually wants to say, which is you're so adorable, shut up and let me kiss you. He pinches Web's arm, an imitation of his shark gesture, just to be annoying. Not too hard, though from Web's scandalized reaction you'd think Lieb'd managed to draw blood.
"No," Web huffs, literally smacking Lieb on the wrist in admonishment. Then a few more times. Just to be annoying. "No, no. Sharks bite things because they're curious. I bite things because I like them."
He wiggles his eyebrows at Lieb, then, clumsy and so stupid looking, it has Lieb snorting out a mocking laugh in turn, though it certainly doesn't stop the crawling heat he feels inching its way down from his cheeks to the wine-dark love bites he knows still litter the months-old surgery scars on his chest.
Rolling his eyes, Lieb paws at Web's neck, shaking the other man gently, affectionately, until Web finally gets the memo and lies down, slotting himself into the cradle of Lieb's body with a small, tired sigh.
"Alright, professor," Lieb says, reaching over to shut the lamp off and cocoon them both in darkness. "Go the fuck to sleep."
"Yeah, yeah," Web huffs. Then momentarily, gently, sinks his teeth into the ball of Lieb's shoulder. Just a little nip. "Whatever."
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rainbxw1derland · 1 year
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"BLINKIE COLLECTION" requested by @sunbedo.
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hollowsart · 1 year
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[this is my only context for this]
The Spider-Man of this world had been taken out. Gone is he and now the villains have taken over. Mysterio had finally gained wealth and fame and recognition.. but it was all for not. His time in the limelight was not exactly how he had hoped it would be.
With all this in his grasp, he had no need to keep up and use his life long skills.. his true passion for art and performance, for special effects. The other villains were stealing and wrecking everything, anything that could be used for making. Quentin Beck did not approve of this. He had no intentions of really harming anyone.. yet the others.. They weren’t so forgiving, so merciful as he was. They were destructive and careless. The ways in which they acted, he had seen it before when working with them when Spider-Man had been around. But this? This went too far.
If only there was still a Spider-Man to take them out, then perhaps he could still have what he wanted. And that was it. Quentin knew what he had to do. With the real Spider-Man gone.. there had to be another to take his place. He hadn’t been the first to pretend to be Spider-Man, nor was he the only one, but this time.. He would do it again. This time, he would do things differently.
He had no powers, no superhuman abilities, he was just a man in a tricked out suit.. but that’s all he really needed to help him get by. His time spent studying Spider-Man for all those years they had gone head to head, he had developed his own imitations to replicate the powers that Spider-Man exhibited. His helmet fitted with radar to alert him to his surroundings and more, he had developed special gear to walk on walls, jump high, lift heavy objects, punch and kick through solid walls.. and even a gun to replicate the webs that Spider-Man could shoot. Yes, Mysterio was a master of the art of props and robotics, engineering and replication. He was also a master at costuming from his time working in the film industry long before he became ‘Mysterio‘, he had gained a lot of knowledge, repairing his costume time and time again. Putting together various disguises and alternative costumes over the years.
He can do it again, he will do it again. Redesigning his ‘Mysterio‘ costume, adjusting the screen inside his helmet, remaking his gauntlets and everything else. Quentin remade his image to be reminiscent of the late Spider-Man. Fitting himself out with those tools to recreate what Spider-Man could do. He would use them for himself, to take out the other villains and reclaim that glory he desired. Along with his own tools to help even the field in his favor.
At first, many had found his new appearance and name rather tasteless and ridiculous, they had already thought him insane. A crazed theater nerd putting on yet another mindless show, but for what? No one ever really knew his bizarre goals, even when announced aloud they occasionally made no sense. But that didn’t matter anymore, not to him.
Picking off the villains that lacked any powers, petty thugs included for practice, the new Arachnid Arcanum worked hard to capture and do away with them. The civilians of the city were afraid.. but they were not harmed. That was good.. He kept his focus on getting rid of these threats to his name, to that limelight. The color of which began to shift, from one of selfish pride to a light of selfless sacrifice. He began to flip his reputation, turning how the public had seen him around as the time passed.
Quentin Beck had redeemed himself in the public eye. No longer was he stealing money, gaslighting and tormenting innocent people, no. He was helping to protect them, fighting off the new Sinister Six and more. Using his smoke and illusions for the greater good of the city.
And he liked it. He loved it. It wasn’t easy, but he got creative with his methods, using he prior knowledge of his old villainous friends against them, to take them on and take them out.
This.. This was the fame and glory he had longed for. His name recognized and his face known. Not with hatred or fear.. but with reverence and acceptance.. Quentin Beck had finally found what he wanted.. and he would do anything to protect it. Protect the people who no longer hated him, protect them no matter the cost.
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nobrashfestivity · 9 months
Re- Stephen Ellcock
I'm being asked about this and I don't want to start some war or gossip-fest, so I'm just going to shut it all down if it becomes that, but in the interests of not be cryptic, I will explain. I want to say upfront that I am not mad at anyone or accusing anyone of anything and I can offer supporting evidence for different scenarios so if even Mr Ellcock reads this I don't imagine he would be offended.
Stephen Ellcock is a popular social media blogger collecting images and even publishing them in a book. He's got a very loyal following and his content I feel is good.
But for many years on instagram or when I was on facebook, I would see the same images I put on this blog and casually wonder if an image had come from me directly or indirectly. Certain images seemed like they were from obscure sources and the timing seemed odd for two people to discover at the same time, but you know that happens all the time too.
Today I checked his Instagram and scrolling through it I would say 50-70% of his images have been on this blog at one time. That too is not necessarily meaningful but it's a large number.
The trouble with tumblr is that people sources images of often from the same places and even if you're careful (and I try to be) not to get tumblr images, there are many ways that scans populate and get spread around and so someone may post something of yours they got anywhere but where you might imagine it (or pinterest where attributions go to die).
Many examples of this are places like auction houses which have good scholarship and photos, collating sites like PDR review, brain pickings other social media sites as well as non functioning old blogs or sites that once did lots of scans but have disappeared. I feel this is fine, most people do not do scans and those who do usually do not scan 100% of their material, it's about curation and creating a blog that reflects your taste.
Sometimes people are imitating you. There's a very popular art blog on instagram that was 100% taking my content every single day and in order and until I joined instagram, I had no idea.
So yes, I have wondered about Ellcock and not even specifically me but just tumblr because so much of what he posts would seem to be the kind of thing you see here. I have certainly seen Nemfrog's posts everywhere, you know, these things happen.
But, certainly you can have the same taste as someone. I have definitely posted things I later found to be on other blogs that I simply wasn't aware of and some that are ubiquitous, and it makes little difference, but I did not source material from said blogs, it just happened. You know, you discover Harald Sohlberg, look around for his paintings and there are not endless number of sources so you're probably getting it where someone else did.
I inadvertently posted scans by the great 50wattsbooks and I have seen many other that did too. Now I credit them but it was because of their scans turning up in a huge number of places uncredited. And I am not surprised as they have an amazing book collection and great scans. I have seen my own scans various places but I don't think it's malicious.
So my conclusion has been that many of us find the same things probably from similar sources. It seems like big coincidence with Ellcock but then again some of those astronomy pictures are public domain things published on the web by a lot of different sites since they don't violate copyright and I am pretty sure who originally scanned them is fairly obscure even when you try to find out.
Today, I just mentioned this in passing and someone mentioned some kind of thing about deathandmysticism and Ellcock. I don't know anything about it, but it was, somewhat conspiratorially, interesting.
And if he's getting it from tumblr, thousands of others are too on facebook and insta and twitter etc, I think he's just well known and now profiting off it and it makes him a more noticeable figure.
I hope this answer is even handed, I intend it to be.
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tsukiyadori · 10 months
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard: "Tsuki no Hikari" (Clair de Lune) Web Short Story Translation
I just read the short on Nanako Tsujimura's website here that was posted in May 2023. It's called つきのひかり which directly translates to "moonlight".
And just felt compelled to make a translation immediately, because it's just such a beautiful little piece.
Timeline-wise, it's probably set somewhen after volume 10 and before volume 11.
Suggested accompanied reading prior to it is the Extra Case "Moonstone's Affection". It's included in Seven Sea's English translation of volume 4. In Japanese it can be found in the ebook version of volume 4. (In print, it appears to have been in a booklet extra handed out as shop-exclusives.)
Moonstone is all about hilariously playing the classic line "The moon is beautiful" by Natsume Souseki, something that by now is so worn out it's probably as well as become a cliché already. Moonstone has Richard giving lectures criticizing how the line gets wholly divorced from its original context and sentiment, as well as giving ab abstract roundabout what it was supposed to be about. A feeling, a peaceful mood, he says, but there isn't so much elaboration on it rather than just implication yet.
I'm kind of shocked I didn't expect it to get back to it and with what's effectively an illustrious applied example essay in prose on the subject while at it, when the whole series is all about nuanced takes on variants and expressions of "love" and beauties already. But here we are.
I tried to imitate the translation style of the official English translation.
Clair de Lune
I was sleeping amidst flowers.
When I woke up, I confusedly wondered what happened. Flowers were blooming above my head. Flowers painted in a faint colour between red and orange. Probably red puppies. It was a completely different scenery from napping on my bed or the sofa. The sky expanded itself above the flowers. It was clearly outdoors.
"Good Morning."
The sky, the flowers and Richard.
While I was thinking that something about this was rather poetic, I bewilderedly rubbed my eyes. When I raised myself, leaves fell from my head.
A garden and a pond. An arched bridge. Ah.
"This is… Henry's new residence."
"It feels so impressionistic, erm, this is…"
"…so that means France"
Right, Richard answered. Reality caught up as the details gradually came back.
I and Richard, we came to Europe a week ago in order to participate in a mineral show in Munich. Munich is in Germany. That was seven days ago. Afterwards I met Shimomura who was on a little trip to Austria and learned about Henry's new residence. Somehow he bought a new real estate and restored an old building and how about we dropped by. Somehow it was amazing, somehow it left a deep impression. Somehow a lot of somehow impressions. That was five days ago. After that I joined Richard again – of course bringing a Sachertorte with me – and we headed towards our business in France. It was just a small trip by air. That was four days ago. By Japanese standards, it cost only a domestic travel fare to get from Vienna to Marseille. Somehow I wound up making Bouillabaisse at a regular customer's place, three days ago. And two days ago we got a message from Henry.
He contacted us, because we were apparently nearby, asking us if we wouldn't come over to his new residence.
Richard was a bit perplexed, but honestly I was already in Europe Mode – basically the mindset about travelling through countries in an absurd speed. It usually felt like this on the continent – it was a sort of let's go somewhere!-tension. We've even talked about taking two days off and watch some soccer or such. But honestly, I and Richard, we were a bit tired. We didn't have the spirits to watch soccer and drink beer with cheers. Our physical stamina was doubtful to last as well. To do such a thing after working a week every consecutive day, it'd be difficult unless you were in your teens or your early twenties. We have both passed that age bracket already.
That being said, the place we've been invited to, had its own set of issues. Giverny. It's somewhat in the neighbourhood of Paris. By plane, it would be just a hop away, but from Marseille it's a five hours distance with the train. Of course, it was in the same country as Marseille but, somehow, like this, the place didn't exactly feel close. It seemed about as exhausting as the soccer watching plan.
But Richard said he wanted to go.
Prefixed with a reserved 'if that was all right'.
If that was the case, things were clear for me.
Let's go. I also want to go.
And that's what we did.
We rented a car at the airport and headed towards Giverny. Right upon arriving, a bunch of security staff looking people clad in black came for us and guided us with their black car.
The place they brought us to was a house surrounded with a garden and pond and looked straight out of a fairy tale. Flowers in all sorts of colours bloomed in abundance, boats floated above the deep pond and a gracefully arched bridge hung above it. However, this version of Seigi Nakata, who recently made strides in becoming more sophisticated, understood. It was a masterpiece of impressionism, this was a residence built with the concept of Monet's paintings in mind.
Henry showed up looking like Snufkin coming out of a Moomin house – a security staff personnel was behind him like a matter of course – and welcomed us with a smile. Piano suit him, but at that moment I learned that an apron suit him as well. Not an apron for painting, but the sort for cooking. With a light brown one hanging down his head, he looked like an ordinary, a bit too skinny man.
"Recently I've been doing all sorts of things. Working, pastimes. This place is for recreation. It's very good for a change of pace."
'Work' meant the Claremont family business, an 'insurance company for an insurance company', as well as several finance-related businesses, apparently. Jeffrey handled them until now, but lining up with his vacations, Henry took them over. Richard and I were mostly kept in the dark about it, but achievements of big companies could be checked on in the daily internet and from the looks of that, they were doing pretty well. And in order for continuously doing well in any sort of work, you needed to take a breather or get a change of pace from time to time.
For this purpose this place here in France was established.
Indeed, it seemed like a very good place for a change of pace.
Henry showed up this hyper gorgeous summer house – it had a combined kitchen and dining room, as well as a reception room with a grand piano in it, a jet spa bath, a huge cabin filled with supplies neighbouring an enormous garage and all kinds of other things – he personally treated us to nice fragranced tea as well as some not wholly uniformly shaped cookies he had just baked himself. It was a perfect reception and everything tasted very well.
That's why it was a little bit exhausting.
Henry was nervous throughout the whole reception. He was his usual self. You don't have to be all that nervous, Enrique is what Shimomura would always pester on about, but that was his special privilege. Neither I nor Richard had this sort of skill.
In the end, all three of us got tired in their own way.
Henry withdrew himself to the studio to be alone for a bit, Richard departed with the car to get some snacks for the evening and I…
I said I'd take another stroll around the garden.
I was looking down at the pond from the bushes on the loosely slanted slope.
I doozed off a bit.
It was early summer. When I looked at my wristwatch it was 3pm. I probably doozed off about 30 minutes at most. It was fine now with the sun all up, but if I doozed off until evening, I would certainly have caught a cold.
"… Thanks for waking me…. Uwah, there is dirt on my shirt."
"Fortunately, it's a washable shirt."
I laughed a haha. True, if it was a dress shirt, it would have been a tragedy. That's why I only wore such wear on special occasions, like being invited to some lakeside castle party. Sometimes there are such times through.
While I rubbed my eyes, Richard looked intensely at the garden. Or at the pink and yellow flowers behind my back. Or at me. Then he suddenly started talking.
"I understand a little bit how artists feel."
"Artists?… You mean impressionist ones?"
"There is no denying that your shape with flowers nestling around you is wealthy with elegance."
"Easy mode please."
"I somehow just got the feeling of wanting to draw a picture."
"… of me?"
"Of what else?"
How weird. The owner of features that millions of artists would want to paint was, somehow, saying he felt like drawing a picture of me.
But it also made me happy.
When I playfully tried to pose as Mona Lisa, Richard sighed and politely corrected me that that was from Da Vinci. Then he started a brief commentary over Monet, the master of impressionism. Listening to it in this garden that seemed like out of a painting of his, was enjoyable and beautiful, sometimes wistfully so.
Henry, Richard and I, we enjoyed a great number of France's famous items from the supermarket and small dishes à la carte. Pâté de Campagne or cheese were the apéritif. Riding a Japanese food boom wave of recent, even Kinpira burdock was available in square packages. There was sushi as well, but Richard, who was used to Ginza's sushi in Japan, didn't seem to itch for it. Henry made a bit of a disappointed face, as salmon rolls were a secret favourite of his.
After dinner Henry played the piano for us.
France's impressionism wasn't just limited to paintings. In music there are also various artists summed up under the genre. Debussy, who is famous even in Japan, is one of them.
What he played was "Clair de Lune".
It was music filled with peace and beauty.
Outside the window, a half moon was floating about. It was reflected in the pond, and flickered as if it was drawing the picturesque design of a mosaic of light.
I wondered if that was the 'impression' that artists remembered.
Not the real moon, but something like the shadow of the moon. Something that tingled your imagination, something that allowed for an in-between.
Like how I would associate the moon or ocean to Richard's beauty whenever I remembered it.
If that was the case, I felt like I understood a bit of what Richard had called 'elegance'.
It meant to 'love' something very much.
Very much.
The sounds of the piano carried on. Tomorrow's plane would depart at noon, but we had to return to Paris and return the rental car. It was about time to go to sleep. But I wanted to stay up a bit more. I wanted to look at the shadow of the moon.
The flickering golden light somehow resembled Richard's voice, when he was right by side when I woke up.
(TL Time 116min+40m QC/formatting)
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gloombeauty · 6 months
halsey music is really bad. i tried to listen to some songs on spotify and it's hard to do. the only song that's nice is the tradition, you asked for this, drive and gasoline. manic is a terrible album/ how did is sell well is a miracle. i found this from the archive link you posted. interesting how she talks to fans. her vip packgaes is now close to $1k. friends with trump. nice.
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The picture of Halsey's brother and dad golfing with Donald Trump:
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Further proving that her family was anything but poor. Feigning poverty was part of Halsey's schtick. That's why she had that picture somewhat erased from the internet. Try googling it and you won't find it. Where you can find it is at Pretty Ugly Little Liars web archive page.
The DM between Halsey and her fan was disgusting to read. You don't talk to anyone like that much less the people who helped make you rich. Granted, fans can be a pain in the ass, but she's better off ignoring them then talking to them like that. Truth be told, VIP packages are exploitative and disgusting. I have zero respect for artists who do this. How do they sleep at night taking more money from their fans? Gross.
As for the songs you were able to like, they were written and produced by Trent Reznor and Lido. Trent did two of them on her last album and Lido did the other two from an earlier album of hers.
I heard one of the songs Trent did for her at a friends wedding. I thought it was a new Gwen Stefani song. When I was told it was Halsey and it was produced by Trent, it made total sense. What didn't make sense is why Halsey needed imitate Gwen Stefani's voice. Then again, Halsey copies Gwen's 90's wardrobe, so no shock there.
Manic's success (or non - realistic success) was due to the only hit song Halsey's ever had in her solo career - Without Me.
Without Me was released as a solo single in 2018. It wasn't part of any album. In order for Manic to come across as a success, Halsey and Capitol cheated. They took a two year old song released in 2018, and put it in the new album (Manic) which was released in 2020. How shameless is that? That's why Manic "did well" because they took all the streaming numbers and digital sales of Without Me and added it along to Manic. It's cheating. Plain and simple, it's cheating. She also used digital bundles for sales too, which now, Billboard no longer counts as sales anymore. It was ethically wrong and Billboard stepped up and said no more.
But Manic's main "sales" and "streaming numbers" simply came from Without Me's success.
Music journalist's notice too and wrote a few articles about it. Regular people on twitter too:
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Can you imagine Lana taking her song Video Games and adding it into Lust For Life for sales and streaming numbers? That would be cheating.
Imagine Jack White putting Fell In Love with a Girl into Fear of The Dawn for sales and streaming numbers - in order to make Fear of The Dawn look like it sold more/had higher streaming numbers. That would be cheating.
Thankfully, Lana and Jack have integrity when it comes to their body of work, and couldn't care less about sales or being #1.
Manic would have flopped hard like Hopeless Fountain Kingdom and If I Can't Have Love - Power etc.
The sad part is, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross did a brilliant job with If I Can't Have Love - Power etc. Even I ended up liking one of the songs at my friend's wedding. Mind you, I never liked Halsey. You couldn't pay me to listen to Halsey. Then here is one song that I liked because the production was so good and I thought it was Gwen Stefani. Damn you Trent.
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Imagine had Trent and Atticus worked instead with Grimes or Amy Lee of Evanescence? Even with Sky Ferreira. Can you imagine how brilliant the results would have been? Imagine Trent Reznor + Grimes or + Amy Lee or + Sky Ferreira? Anyone but fucking Halsey. What a major waste of time of Trent's talent. What a damn waste. And all for what? If I Can't Have Love - Power etc. bombed/flopped so hard. It was all a waste of Trent's time and effort.
To make matters worst, Halsey allegedly doesn't even write her own songs. She's always had 6-12 songwriters per song in her albums. She allegedly lies to reporters with her "I write my own songs" hogwash, but she has a bunch of men in the studio writing her songs for her. She gets songwriting credits right along with 6-12 other people. Prolific songwriter my ass. All the songs credits can be easily googled if you're interested.
At least Trent helped her get nominated for a Grammy, which she lost. She would have never been nominated without Trent Reznor.
I'm sure the next album she's working on for Columbia Records will bomb too. What trick does she have on her sleeves this time? Is she going to throw Without Me in the new album too? How many songwriters will she need to hire to help her this time around?
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medlabmech · 4 months
I made a thing, yayayyyyy!!!!
So, a while ago, I saw that the creators of the Whinnie the Pooh slasher wanna make a Pinocchio horror too. Annoyed with the constant influx of shitty shock value horror, I wanted to write our dear P beat this thing up.
And my writer's block took that personally.
Now... I cooked!!!!
Hope you like it! Tell me if you'd like to read more! (I got continuation plans for this fight scene)
Tags: P vs original creature, violence, silent protagonist, action, horror elements, slight body horror
“I suppose this is the place” chirped Gemini with uncertainty. P held his gaze at the rotten carcass of a manor at the top of a winding hill path. The light from the Monad lamp being of little solace.
It wasn't long since P’s lazy night was interrupted by a survivor. A woman, screaming hysterically of a hellish puppet of wood in the old Monad manor. A place so forgotten, even by those who built it, that it now looked completely foreign to Krat.
P half expected the woman to be exaggerating, something that was sadly taken out of the question with the unmistakable iron scent of blood hitting his nostrils as soon as he stepped into the house’s domain. Feelings have been more intense ever since his fully realised humanity…without that being always a good thing.
P gripped his weapon in hand -the two dragons sword, to ensure ease in combat in case thing went claustrophobic in there- and started pacing deeper into the maw of darkness.
“Eugh! I’m…I’m sensing something!” Gemini protested “It’s…it’s like Ergo but…ugh..foul…like…something that shouldn’t exist..” P almost sushed him in anger, before feeling it as well. Something in his heart…like a foul stream of poison mixing up with his Ergo…Something is definitely here…
a muffled sound of a thud was all that was heard, but it was enough to make P rush to it’s source like a hound. There in a horrible parody of a workshop, he found it. The crude wooden puppet of a boy, swinging a tool up and down with stilted movements. The tool’s target was a mass of flesh in the vague shape of a face, each thud a squelch that sent prickles of disgust up P’s skin. The woman was right. This really was the mischievous puppet…Carlo’s favourite tale…
The thing twitched and imitated turing around. Despite the boyish frame, the face of the creature was more fitting to a Carcass. Razor sharp teeth affixed to a permanent grin, a crooked, dark branch for a nose, and strangely organic, bloodshot eyes.
“H-H-Hiii-iii” it huffed. “I’m lo-oo-nelyyy…I wa-aa-nt…friends to br-br-aaaaaake…t-t-toooys to k-k-k-k-k-KILL!” it mumbled and rushed P, tool raised. The Puppet of Geppetto simply huffed, and spun his sword into a defensive stance, the creature hitting him exactly as he guarded, shooting it back and allowing P a diagonal slice on his opponent’s chest.
The puppet screeched in pain and stumbled back, exposing a pulsating, reddish webbed material through a cut on its torso. “I-i-iiii just want FRIE-EE-EENDS!” It shouted and it’s nose seemed to be getting longer and more crooked. P switched to a crafted weapon, a massive saw crafted onto a glaive handle that offered rocked boosted strikes. Insulted with this thing’s mere existence, he wound the weapon back, feeling the booster of the handle heat up. He was determined to end this here and now.
With just a blink, the puppet was infront of him, screeching and flailing wildly, P barely managing to raise his weapon to guard. The monster’s attacks were relentless, forcing him on the defensive, unable to find the timing to swing his slower, but more powerful attack.
The puppet’s next lunge had it cling to the the massive blade, its teeth grinding together in rabid frenzy as it shouted “We knew you would come….we were expecting you, f-f-f-friiiiiend…” it spat the words at P, alongside a tar like goo. The puppet made the mistake of trading its edge in combat with horror. With it finally being still, P struck the back of his metal hand across its face, knocking a few teeth out and making it stumble towards the edge of the saw. P wasted no time in firing up the booster glaive, spinning around with the monster still lodged on the saw’s teeth. With a mighty shout, and the aid of the booster and his puppet strength, he performed a spin of red light, faster than a blink, cleaving the mischievous puppet in half.
The creature stumbled back in panic, dark, pulsing viscera spilling from its stump. “Th-Th-Th-Theeee-Theeere are n-n-n-n-oooo striiiiiiii-iiings on m-m-mmeeee…” It mumbled as the viscera became more rigid, more akin to thin spider legs… “B-B-B-Buuuuuuuuuuuut-t-t-t, there will be-be-be on…y-y-yoooooouuuurrrr-” the wooden body was more like a suggestion at this point, looking more like crudely put together exoskeleton, the creature’s maw cracking-”COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRPSEEEEEEEE” it screamed and lunged at P. He barely managed to switch to the two dragons sword and guard by raising his metal arm. The monster bit into the arm, denting the metal and causing P to sharply exhale in pain.
Gritting his teeth in rage, he rammed the sword through the monster’s jaw joints, and pulled down, completely uhinging the mandible and freeing his arm. The creature simply yanked the now useless jaw off its face with an annoyed grunt, like one would toss a cigarette on the ground. It roared, and thin, tendon-like strings shot from its forearms to grab an assortment of nasty tools from behind it. Cackling with malice, it wildly swung its arms around, unleashing a flurry of unpredictable strikes at P.
Some he deflected with graceful swings of the sword, others nicked and whipped him and for some more he had to feel the dull pain of when they struck his blade. P’s breathing became slightly laborious, hoping the monster gives him a chance to dodge away and pop a pulse cell. The chance he actually got however was much, much better. The creature wound back its arms and shot both strings forward, aiming for the sword and successfully wrapping around the blade. P gasped, and as soon as he felt his opponent tug, he tugged harder, spinning around and stabbing the sword deep in the floor. With the strings immobilised, he pulled out the grisly, gargantuan live puppet axe and dropped it in front of him, its sheer weight cutting of the fleshy threads. Throwing his arm back to switch to his own puppet string, he used the axe’s handle as a pole to spin forward and shoot the string at the monster. The tip speared through its eye, earning a screech of pain out of it, and the last thought it could possibly have, as P traced himself to it and jumped high to the ceiling, the combined force of gravity and P bringing heavy metal on the mischievous puppet, cleaving the monster vertically in half.
the horrible heart at the center spat out blood, its sinister glow fading as the halves slumped to the floor. The creature was still scary to look at, but now the malicious spark of its life had faded for good.
P held his hand to his heart, the metallic pounding of the P organ calming down with each passing second….the sourness still leaving a foul aftertaste…
“sigh..not to be a jerk….but I don’t think this is over just yet…” Gemini admitted with a heavy heart. P replied with a silent, slow nod of approval. Whatever this is…is merely the tip of the iceberg….
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nostalgebraist · 2 years
How should we assess the performance of generative ML models like GPT-3 and DALLE-2?  What baseline should we compare them to?
The two popular baselines are “humans” and “earlier ML models.”
Here’s another one, which I think is potentially useful: search engines.
Imagine taking someone from 1980, teleporting them into the present, and showing Google Images to them.  They’d be amazed, wouldn’t they?
Until very recently, no one had that kind of instant access to a world’s worth of pictures.  And not only can it show you a picture of almost anything, you can tell it what you want to see, and a picture of that thing will appear!
(At least sometimes.  Sometimes it doesn’t quite work, but even then, you can usually see what the machine was “thinking” when it chose the images it did.)
Now, imagine showing DALLE-2 or Imagen to this person.  The reaction would be pretty similar.
Indeed, most of the gap here was closed by Google Images, not by the generative models.  In 1980, you couldn’t access pictures of anything by typing descriptions.  If you wanted a picture of something, you had to go out into the physical world and hunt for it.
In 2015, you could type a description of almost any picture (that plausibly exists) into Google Images, and it would show you a picture like that.  From the vantage point of 1980, this is basically an image generator.
Sure, the images have to already exist in the world (and on the web, and in Google’s index of the web).  But that’s a weak criterion.  There are billions of images on the web.  Have a new idea (from your perspective), go looking for that idea on the web, and often you’ll find it already there, waiting for you:
Back before we had global access to the written opinions of morons, this was a rhetorical fallacy: the straw man. Making up a bad argument in order to refute it was generally considered unhelpful, since the purpose of discourse is supposed to be to reach some kind of truth, not to show how good you are at discoursing.
It’s unnecessary to refute an argument nobody believes. But with 316 million monthly active Twitter users and 500 million tweets a day, somebody out there believes whatever. It’s the old saw about monkeys and typewriters. If you want to be right for a few hundred words, just think of an awful argument and search for the Twitter user who expressed it.
When we use DALLE-2 or Imagen, we come to them with eyes already jaded by Google Images.  So we mostly ask them to make really weird stuff, stuff that would probably not already exist somewhere on the web.
A time traveler from 1980 would not have our biases, and might be confused by our narrowness of focus.  Yes, DALLE-2 can generate things that Google Images cannot “generate.”  But Google Images can “generate” so much just by itself.
Much the same goes for text-generating models.  In 1980, you could not find any kind of text you wanted just by typing out a description of it.  In 2015, you could (usually).  From the vantage point of 1980, Google Search itself is already an impressive “conditional text generator,” not really so different from GPT-3.  (Except the text usually makes more sense.)
DALLE-2 and Imagen were impossible in 1980 for the same reason that Google Images was impossible in 1980: the modern web did not exist.  These models are trained on massive web scrapes -- the exact same stuff you’re searching over when you use Google Images.
To make it possible to train these models, we had to first make it possible for a single person to access billions of pictures with associated text.  For the models to exist, their training data must exist first.  But if the training data exists, then you have it too, and you can search over it as an alternative to using the model.
The models do two things: they imitate their training data, and they “fill in the gaps” in it.  (Some things really aren’t on Google Images, but sometimes DALLE-2 can still make them for you.)
Using search as a baseline subtracts out the first of these things, concentrating only on the second.  Search is already powerful.  What do the models add on top of that?
As a way to evaluate models, asking “how does this model compare to searching over its training data?” has the interesting property that it automatically gets harder as the training data grows.
It subtracts out the growing “power” of the training data itself.  The model doesn’t just have to improve with more data, it has to squeeze value out of the new data that wasn’t “already there” to be found using search.
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