#obey me beelzebub x mc
mammonsrockstargf · 2 months
a/n: hi fellas, i have hypersomnia, which basically just means i fall asleep a lot so here’s the brothers with a very sleepy mc.
At first, the brothers are kind of confused. Demons don’t need as much sleep as humans and they’re baffled by your excessive sleeping. Do all humans sleep so much? Why are you always flaring your teeth at them? (They later learn that this is called yawning.)
Lucifer initially thinks you’re lazy and it honestly bothers him. Simultaneously you remind him of a certain brother, so he also lets many things you do slide. He'll just sigh when you fall asleep 45 minutes into one of his lectures. “I think they understood my point,” he says, before turning to Mammon and continuing his lesson for a good two hours. As you get closer, he understands that you aren't lazy and he even lets you sleep in his office at R.A.D. whenever you need it.
One late evening you trudge into his office, blanket in hand. He looks at you with a raised brow. "Bed, now. You haven't slept properly in like 3 days," you say, while pointing your finger threateningly at him. Much to his own surprise, he finds himself in his bed with you snuggling into his side. He supposes you kind of complete each other in that way, where he sleeps too little, you sleep too much.
The first time you fall asleep during one of your hangouts with Mammon he’s annoyed. He lets you sleep it out because you just look too cute when you’re sleeping, but when you wake up he’s crossing his arms and pouting. “Am I really that boring, huh?” Luckily, we all know the great Mammon can never stay mad with you for too long, so he warms up to you again within an hour or so. If you want you can always speed up the process significantly by giving him kisses or a big hug. It works every single time.
Once he realizes you don’t fall asleep because of him, but because you’re just so damn tired, he stops getting bothered by it. Instead, he just tugs you in, covering you in blankets. He'll even scold his brothers if they're being too loud around you. This just causes them to make fun of him, but always at a lower noise level.
Leviathan is also hurt at first, especially because you fell asleep during an anime marathon. He’s a bit harder to make happy again. He’s absolutely convinced it has something to do with him. No matter how many times you tell him he doesn’t believe you until one day when you fall asleep in the middle of a conversation with Mammon. The sight makes him laugh so hard, he almost falls over.
After that, he doesn’t mind anymore. After all, if you fall asleep around Mammon, then it's probably you who's the problem, not him. He lets you sleep with your head in his lap. He’ll even tread his fingers through your hair, but he’ll never admit that to you when you’re awake. Once you wake up again he’s happy to give you a recap of what you missed in the episode, plus an analysis of the dialogue and the hidden meanings of certain scenes.
Satan doesn’t mind at first, because he likes how it bothers Lucifer. He even helps you get away with it. When you fall asleep during class, he’ll put a book in front of you so the teacher can’t see and he’ll answer the question for you if you’re called on. He even begins to write notes for you. Later it just becomes a habit of his, he does it for you without thinking.
If he’s reading aloud for you and you fall asleep, a smile will tug at his lips and he’ll just continue reading for you. Because of you, he begins researching human sleeping patterns. After he reads that certain foods can make you more energized, he begins to carry fruits and nuts with him, which he offers you whenever you get sleepy.
Asmodeus thinks beauty sleep is very important. It’s only natural that someone as beautiful as you should sleep a lot. Besides that, he’s probably the one who wakes you up from your sleep the most. Too much sleep can be bad for you as well! Besides that, he can't wait for you to wake up to share the insane gossip he just heard. You need to hear it now!
Like with Lucifer, you remind Beelzebub of Belphegor. A lot. His chest hurts when he finds you sleeping in the living room and he carries you to bed. When you fall asleep on his shoulder, he pats your head. He likes just looking at you when you sleep. Not in a creepy way, you just look so peaceful. It soothes the ache in his chest.
If you get too tired while you're out on a trip or assignment, Beel will often offer to piggyback you. Beel is a big guy, he could carry Diavolo around if he wanted to. With you on his back, he barely even registers your weight. His arms hook around your legs and sometimes his fingers will dig into your thighs. He likes the way you wrap your arms around his neck and the way he can feel your breath on his ear, while you whisper things to him. Most of all he likes when you fall asleep and he can hear your soft breathing.
Once you become friends with Belphegor, he’s excited to have a sleeping buddy. You come up to the attic to have your midday nap with him and he immediately opens his arms for you. “I’m serious, Belphie, only one hour,” you say, while setting the alarm on your D.D.D. “You know I can’t sleep for any longer than that.” Belphegor just nods sleepily and traps you in his arms. Once you're asleep, he grabs your phone and turns off the alarm.
When Beel comes to wake you up, saying it’s time for dinner, Belphie just laughs when you slap him lightly and complain that you slept for three hours. After that, you refuse to nap with him anymore until he swears that he won’t mess with your alarm again.
One time you mentioned that you have a hard time waking up in the mornings. The constant night of the Devildom is really messing with your brain. That very same day, a new bed lamp is ordered for you. One of those that imitate the sunrise in the morning, slowly lighting up your room as you wake up. You’re a lot more energetic in the mornings after that, a sight that makes all of the brothers smile your way at breakfast.
thanks for reading! you can find my other stuff here. <3
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devildomwriter · 1 month
Can we get a kiss count?? How many times have the characters kissed mc ?
In the OG game 82 times
1. Lucifer/Beelzebub (12)
2. Satan (11)
3. Mammon/Asmodeus (10)
4. Leviathan (9)
5. Belphegor (8)
6. Simeon/Solomon (3)
7. Barbatos/Diavolo (2)
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Demon inspector : How many people live here?
Beelzebub : Me and my 6 brothers
Demon inspector : So , 7 people
Beelzebub : My sister-
Demon inspector : 8 people
Beelzebub : -died
Demon inspector : 7 people , you wasted my time there
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
When Beelzebub fell, an emptiness ripped itself open inside of him. A vast chasm in his soul where his sister, his home, and his understanding of the world once was. When all he knew was torn from him, when his brothers were all he had, he felt like he had become nothing.
His sin manifested because he was trying so desperately to fill that space. His hunger is insatiable because no matter how much he eats, something is always missing.
Beel can’t replace what was taken from him. He knows this, but he can’t help trying. And the loss itself becomes that hunger - his body supplying him with a need to keep him going.
It starts to change when Beel gives you some of his food for the first time. It surprises him, that he would willingly hand over the one thing that’s meant to make him feel less empty.
It takes a few times, but Beel can feel it and he realizes. He gives you his food because you make him feel full.
Your smile fills the cold abyss inside him with a warmth that he knows has always belonged to him. A cozy heat that had gone out the day he fell, reignited by the love he feels when he holds you. He wants to listen to your heart beating so the sound can replace the craving. His fingers twitch to brush against your skin rather than to find the nearest snack.
Beel will always be hungry. He knows he can never fully repair that piece of him that he lost. But when he’s with you, the ache lessens. When you say his name, the hunger subsides just enough. Enough for Beel to remember who he is, who he wants to be - a beacon of warmth for you, for his family, and for himself.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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kittievampire · 1 year
ok so i was on nightbringer and i get beel as a surprise guest.. and idk what they put in him for this game , cause one of his reactions was “You wanna play huh?” and i GASPED.. i mean gasped. dirty dirty thoughts r running through my mind right now. some of them being , does nightbringer era beel like brats..
does he like to play with bratty mc
and how would this line escalate…😫
immediately came to u cuz luv your writing 💞💞
Now I ain't gonna sit here and say this didn't do something to me because it fuckin did. I'm jealous nowwwwwww
Where's my "You wanna play huh?" WHY CAN'T I HAVE NICE THINGS UGGGHHHHH
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if you wanna request
"You Wanna Play, Huh?"
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Warnings: Smut, Brat Tamer! Beelzebub x Bratty! Reader, Fem! Reader, Spanking, Overstimulation, Creampie
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Beelzebub was always so innocent.
He was the very definition of a gentle giant; He was aware of his big stature, but he was always careful with you. That was what you loved, what made you fall for him.
You would try to subtly drop hints that you liked him, but he wasn't exactly one to catch on to non-verbal cues or innuendos. This, along with your shyness, led to you concealing your feelings and lusting for him in the privacy of your own room.
Every now and then, you'd walk in and catch him next to your bed, panting heavily and sweating profusely. When asked why he was there, he'd mumble something about a delicious smell and shuffle out of there with a blush on his face.
Once you got sent back in time, however, you were met with a slightly different Beelzebub. He was still innocent with a black hole for a stomach, but something was off. Something you couldn't put your finger on. Maybe it was the way the atmosphere changed when you teased him in private; Maybe it was the way he'd stare at you while at the dinner table, drooling, right after you'd finished masturbating.
You weren't entirely stupid, you could put two and two together, (Belphegor also made a good wingman when it came to stuff like this) and you knew that the Avatar of Gluttony had fallen for you. Not only that, but you could tell that he wanted you as well. Thus, you'd tease him, purposefully.
Perhaps that was your mistake.
When you offered to accompany Beelzebub to the gym for a nice workout, he was ecstatic, to say the least. He could finally spend some time with you, and you'd be doing one of the activities he loved to partake in! Maybe the two of you could go to Hell's Kitchen afterward for a nice meal; The thought made his mouth water.
There was also the guilty pleasure of seeing you in your workout clothing, which just so happened to be short shorts, a workout bra, and tennis shoes, that he got to indulge in. It was a win-win!
Of course, he didn't want to just gawk at you the whole time, he wanted to be more respectful of you, so he decided to busy himself with lifting weights, so he wouldn't be tempted to look at you. However, that quickly backfired when you offered to video him.
"Oh, I had a friend who worked out all the time. He'd have me film him working out so he could see what needed changing. You should start doing it, I heard it's really helpful." The way you batted your lashes at him while you said this made him melt. Surely you had no ill intentions, right? It was just filming. Maybe it truly would end up being beneficial.
For some odd reason, the way you were walking around him slowly with a D.D.D. in hand made him a little nervous. The sweat that had started to gather on his brow was not only his body's reaction to the exercise but also his self-control slowly leaving his body droplet by droplet. It wasn't only the fact that you were sexy, but also the fact that he loved you. You cared for him in a way that was different from the way his brothers would, a way that made him blush and feel less hungry. Hungry for food, at least.
Beel wasn't one to question your decisions or your actions, he always knew that you were intelligent and knew what you were doing. That being said, the sin couldn't help but wonder why you decided to climb on top of him while he was on the weight bench and start straddling him.
Now, he was in a tough spot. He shuddered a bit, struggling to keep a solid grip on the barbell. "W-Wha—?" You batted your lashes at him once more, lowering the phone just a little. "Keep going! I just wanted to get a better angle!"
Beel, even with all his self-control, could only manage to do a few more reps before he felt himself become increasingly tense in his nether regions. Thus, he carefully pushed the barbell back up and onto the j hooks, sliding down a little and sitting up. You jumped in surprise, a small pout forming on your lips as you paused the video. "Why'd you stop, Beel? You were doing so well, I thought you were gonna do more sets," You asked, placing a hand on his exposed chest as you leaned forward, pushing your body closer to his.
The Avatar of Gluttony jumped, swallowing a lump in his throat. "I'm hungry," He managed to sputter out, lifting his hand to help you off of him. However, his hand landed on your hip and you gasped, pushing your body against his, breasts squishing against his chest. Beel flinched once more, clenching his teeth as he felt his cock twitch. You placed your arms on his shoulders, looking up at him with your doe eyes and making sure he got a nice view of your breasts from above. "Beelzebub, did you mean to touch me there?" You asked softly, a blush present on your face.
This caused Beelzebub to go red in the face, turning away from you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Can you... get up? I wanna go to Hell's Kitchen." At this point, the sin was desperate to get away from the situation, praying to Diavolo that you wouldn't notice his erection pushing up against your ass.
However, Beel was way too big not to notice.
And, unfortunately for him, you seem to notice this. You flinched and turned your head to the side slightly, pushing your ass against the bulge in his shorts. You could feel your brain going a mile a minute as you began to process his size. Biting your lip, you looked back up at him through your lashes. "Beel, what's that poking me, hm?" You asked softly, hips slowly beginning to move in a circular motion.
Beelzebub immediately gripped your hips to still you, causing a whine to erupt from your throat. "H-Hey! Why'd you—?" "Stop messing with me," He interrupted, magenta eyes peering down at you as his voice dropped an octave. You were a bit startled by the change in atmosphere, quickly taking a glance around the gym to see that there were only two other demons in there, both with earbuds in and focused on their workouts. The demon before you saw that you were distracted and immediately pulled you closer, the intimacy making you whimper. "I'm trying so hard, MC—" He pulled your hips closer to his, leaning closer so that his lips were next to your ear. "To control myself around you, but you just have to act out in public like this, don't you?"
You scoffed, turning your head away. "I don't know what you're talking about! You're the one with the perverted mind, not me," You said, a little too much attitude in your voice than he liked. He quirked a brow, pushing your hips down so that your clothed cunt would grind against the bulge in his pants. This made you gasp and whimper softly.
"So, you wanna play, huh?"
Now, you were pretty convinced that Beelzebub wasn't as innocent as you'd initially thought. At least, not at this very moment.
Loud moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin bounced off the walls and right back into your own ears as you lay there, face almost completely buried in the pillow as Beelzebub pounded into you from behind. He was so fucking huge, your poor little pussy was struggling to take him, but he thrust into you at an angle that made any discomfort unimportant. He held your hips in a vice-like grip, saliva running down his chin as he heard the lewd squelching of your soaking wet cunt in response to him drilling his cock into you.
Beelzebub grunted, halting his movements for a moment as he lifted your hips up toward him. "Keep them up," He huffed out, pulling himself out about halfway before slamming back in. You squealed into the pillow as you felt him hit your most sensitive spot, hips shaking as your legs were nearly giving out.
"P-Please, Beel, t-tired," You moaned out pleadingly. He lifted his hand slowly, bringing it down and delivering a hard slap to your ass. "You wanted this, didn't you?" He asked mockingly, squeezing the flesh of your ass that had gone red from his own hand. "Need more of your cum, MC. Gimme more." Beel delivered another harsh slap to your ass, right cheek glowing a bright red. Tears began to well up in your eyes. "Beel!" You cried out as his heavy balls slapped against your thighs.
The Avatar of Gluttony was drooling all over you, wanting more, needing more of you. He wasn't satisfied with just the one orgasm, no, he needed more. Three rounds in, of course, you're tired, but he can't stop.
You feel a shudder run down your spine, gripping the sheets below you as you feel your walls flutter around his length, another orgasm hitting you like a wave. Beel grunted as he felt your juices coating his cock, his thrusts becoming quicker with the additional lubrication. "Beel," You whined out. "B-Break, please?"
Beelzebub buried himself deep inside of you, tip pushing against the spongey spot that made you see stars. "I didn't cum yet, MC," He said, a playful frown forming on his face. "You wanted to be a brat, so I'm treating you like one. Brats don't get rewards, MC." He leaned forward, nibbling gently at your shoulder as you let out another loud cry of ecstasy. His pounding was merciless, your legs hanging on by a thread, just about giving out at this point.
You couldn't think straight, couldn't even hear or see properly. All you could think about was how roughly Beel was taking you and how much you absolutely adored it. If he could take you like this all the time, you may have to become accustomed to being sore.
"Are you getting distracted again?" Beelzebub asked, pulling his cock almost all the way out, the tip barely touching the heat of your insides before fully sheathing himself once more. It felt like the wind was knocked out of you, and your mouth dropped open, a silent scream escaping your lips. You heard him start to grunt and groan, hips stuttering as his thrusts became more and more desperate.
Beel lowered his hand, beginning to rub the bundle of nerves that he knew made you squirm. "B-Beelzebub!!" You whined out, walls squeezing his length ever so tightly. The Avatar of Gluttony began to pound into you even faster, grunting the phrases "Cumming" and "MC," over and over again like a mantra.
Before you could even register the approach of your climax, you felt yourself cry out the demon's name, feeling as he pushed himself deep inside of you, tip kissing your cervix as he came. You could feel his seed filling you up to the brim, a broken groan coming from the sin on top of you.
He thrust a couple more times to ride out his orgasm before slowly pulling out of you, his cum spilling out immediately as his cock left your cunt. Shakily, you allowed yourself to collapse into the sheets, closing your eyes as you felt him snuggle up behind you.
New knowledge of kinks had been discovered, maybe you could use this to your advantage. Well, that was something to leave for another day.
Now, you were attempting to figure out how the hell you were able to satisfy the Avatar of Gluttony. It was a nearly impossible feat, but you managed.
Perhaps you'll reward yourself with some sweets later.
"MC, can we do it again?"
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Hope you liked it, anon!
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Obey Me!
[How the demons react to you touching their demon form.]
I tried my best to find the owners of the picture but failed. I forgot to get the owners and tried to find the pictures again (since I deleted them in my gallery) so do not hate me 🥲
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He declines immediately when you asked him. His pride would never let you touch his wings/horns...until you 'accidentally' touch his wings.
He wants to scold you. But on the other hand... "As a reward, I'll let you touch my wings...and horns perhaps." And pamper him.
[He just wants you to touch him]
He brings you to the bedroom and sits on the bed letting you stroke his horns and touch his wings.
He wants to lean on you. Oh how he wishes for you to keep going like this.
"Keep going...hah, just like that. Hngh-....I have work to do-" He walks away. It seems that you have found a new side of him. Congrats!
In the past, if you're trying to do it while he's working, he'll say "Stop bothering me....fine, you better make this worth it." Looking at him now, he whines at the loss of contact, grabbing your wrist to lead back on to the bed.
"please don't go just yet.....stay."
[He's begging you.]
He said those words while he puts his head on your shoulder. He sighs in relief when you rub his wings and kisses his horns.
[He'll put away his pride just for you]
Now if any other people ask you to do it for them, well the next morning. The person disappears. If you do it to them, wanting to do it, he will drag you away. Scolding you that you shouldn't trust any other people so easily. He just wants you to do it only for himself.
Now if you want to put accessories on him, he will say it's unreasonable. Well, the next thing you know! He will be acting like a doll, letting you put accessories on him. Maybe put little feathers (any color) accessories on his horns.
"You look way more beautiful than a ruby, even the most famous painting. Perhaps are you all beautiful just for me Luci?" You tease. "Stop with the teasing already." If you had paid enough attention, you'd see a full-on flustered Luci trying to keep his composure.
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"H- huUuUUHH?! Y-...Fine! Be grateful that the Great Mammon is allowing you!" Looking away from you. Well, the thing you didn't expect was when you touch his horn, then outlined his wings; He became greedy.
Welp, now you're stuck with a demon who is trying to be sly and make you touch his horns/wings. So, the moment you touch him, he will be addicted and snuggling onto your hand.
[Don't let go.]
Drowning into your warmth, when you tried to let go. He frowned. Not letting go, you sighed. When you stopped striding your fingers on his wings, rubbing the base of his horns. He started begging, for your touch, warmth, and praise for how fluffy his hair is.
If you hadn't touched him for a week, He'd start throwing little tantrums at you. Then when you finally started to do it. He would be saying so many muffled apologies.
If you started doing it to other people, even just playfully bullying them by messing their hair. The next day, the person didn't want to get close to you. Flinching at the sound of Mammon's voice.
Accessories. He would be delighted to have jewelry on his horns/wings. Especially when you chose them and put it on him.
"My little treasure, no amount of money can compare to you!" Patting his head and gliding your hand through his fluffy hair. He was stuttering about what you just said. Falling onto the floor. He looked away blushing.
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"W- WHAaaAaA?! I-....alright. B- but! Can you please wear Henry's outfit in exchange? (The fish)/Ruri Chan outfit in exchange?"
(If you have a built body, do. Not. Flex. Well, if you do. You will have him having a nosebleed. No matter which outfit. The Henry outfit or the Ruri Chan outfit.)
He looked away embarrassed. Flinching when you grab the base of his horns, lightly stroking down his tail. Now, if you do it while he's playing a game. His focus is all on you, the contact of your hand on his tail, and the other hand on the tip of his horns.
When you let go, he will start crying. Saying if he did anything wrong, did he? He holds you tight. (Even when you have a big body. Not in the sus way though) feeling hot tears on your back.
[Please continue. If you wont, he'll be sad!]
He's the demon of envy! So of course he's gonna be soooo jealous when you do it for other people. The next thing you know, the person looks like he has been through a whole lot. Flinching at the sound of water, and doesn't even get near you.
Accessories! He would let you do it. Nothing too flashy. Maybe make him wear the Ruri outfit just for fun~ or maybe put little bows on him to make it look even cuter!
"Awww, such a cutie. Don't be shy, let me add the one last bow." You said smugly, wrapping his tail with a little bow. You also had wrapped a bow on his neck and his horns. He was blushing so hard, he was even redder than the bows!
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"Is this perhaps a new kind of torture? Hmm..I will participate then." You chuckled. You griped his horns then tugged his tail. He flinches. Wasn't because of pain, he was quite enjoying this.
You would scratch the base of the horns softly. Then stroking his tail lightly. Do this especially when angry or maybe stressed. This can distract him from doing destruction and chaos. He would enjoy it even more if you do it a bit more rough.
[Maybe in bed too.]
He can last about half a month. (If there wasn't something to trigger his wrath.) But if you don't do it for too long, he WILL. Knock down your door, dragging you to his bedroom so you can pamper give him with your love and care.
If you refuse to do it, he will crack. Having frustration upon him, he destroys everything in his path. The next day, you have no choice but to do it. Because he knows that you're too soft and kind to let any destruction that hurts life.
[So, please keep pampering him.]
You can't even do it to anyone. The moment that there's a sign of it. That person would be gone. No traces.
Accessories, you only let him have soft, not-so-harmful ones. (Since even if it isn't supposed to be harmful, he has a way to make it harmful.) He loves it because it's your choice. You had thought about him.
"Hello, my little emerald." You are trying to not laugh. He was surprised you called him that. Even though it seems he was calm. He was malfunctioning.
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He won't even hesitate. He loves when you touch his horns and small wings. You treat them so gently, like an artifact that can break even a single mistake.
[He doesn't mind if you go rough]
You would take care great care of them with the first contact with his horns/wings. So now, it's in your daily schedule to take care of him. At first, he didn't really like them. But when you came into his life, he now has a reason to like them. It's because you are the one who put great care into it for him! He usually feels lust. But from you, just filled with love and care!
[He would be delighted if you have some lust for him]
If you don't take care of them, even for 1 day. He will open the door and launch on you. Whining about it and how he misses you! The way you touch him so gently. If you leave, he will get on his knees. Begging for you to not leave.
If you do it to anyone, the next day. The person feels like his energy and life force is being taken away and later withers away.
He would love accessories! Any accessory will do. He will ask you if it fits him well. Maybe put some roses. (The picture is an example)
"You look so pretty. Even without it." He smiles, hugging you and you hug back oh so lightly.
[He loves when you compliment him even without anything on him.]
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He doesn't mind. He actually appreciates it. It distracts him from eating everything in the fridge. Happily basks in your warmth.
Touching his horns, gently outlining the shape of his wings. If you stop, he'll frown. Asking you to keep going. If you refuse, he gets even more sadder and now he barely even touch his food!
If you hadn't done it yet, he will go to you and ask for more. Snuggling onto your neck. Hungrily wanting for more.
If you do it for someone else, he will tell you that his heart stings and has the desire to drag you and keeping you in his arms so you can only do it for him. He felt guilty, frowning. Thinking he was in trouble. Nope, you just ask him if he wants to eat with you.
He doesn't really find it in the use of accessories. But if you're doing it, he wouldn't mind. That's just another excuse for you to touch him.
"You look like a chipmunk! How cute." He doesn't know if he should be flattered or embarrassed but he just smiles sweetly.
Or maybe
"You know. I can just eat you up right now!" You smiled. He was still processing what you mean by that.
[He hopes you keep your promise]
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He was too tired so he just nodded. He jolted when he felt a hand rubbing the base of his horns and the other hand was playing with the fluff on the ends of his tail.
He was about to quietly yell at you until he found it...soothing, comforting and so relaxed. So he just bathe in your warmth and sleep
Well, for a few days now, he has been asking you to do it since he found out he cannot now sleep without you doing it.
If you refuse, he will be cranky and throw small tantrums. Day, by day. It got worse and worse. So you just agreed to do it. When you leave, you hear a whimper. Tugging on your sleeve, leading you to the bed, and laying on your lap. Expecting you to comfort him. Wrapping his tail around your arm. Teasing you with the fluffy ends of his tail.
[In hopes of you grabbing it.]
If someone asks you to do it then later, the person suddenly cannot sleep and if they do, they will have terrible nightmares.
He only accepts soft accessories that are quiet or a necklace that doesn't easily get tangled with anything.
"Goodnight belphie. Sweet dreams." He smiled. Snuggling in closer while you cuddle him.
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leviscrybaby · 1 year
The Demon Brothers finding MC asleep in various places around the House of Lamentations and moving them to bed.
I feel like you can 100% tell who my favourite brother is here (if my url doesn't give it away lol)... sorry if it's a little repetitive.
The last thing Lucifer expected when he walked into his study was to find you, curled up on one of the chairs by the fireplace, fast asleep. You were still in your RAD uniform, and were it not for the serene look on your face, he’d be worried about it creasing.
You’d been having a rough time of things lately, there were one or two subjects you were struggling with, but somehow you were keeping on top of things at RAD. Your homework was always submitted on time and your grades, while not stellar by a demon's standards, were still very good, considering you’d never studied these subjects before.
You must have been exhausted.
Still, it was hardly appropriate, nor could it possibly be good for your body to sleep here, all scrunched up in that chair. He should wake you and send you off to bed, but your sleeping face was so sweet, he just couldn’t find it in him to disturb you.
Instead, he crouched down in front of you, gently tucking his arms around your shoulders and behind your knees and lifting you up.
What he should have done, was carry you to your own room. But, his was so much closer, he reasoned, and with the pile of papers on his desk, it’s not like he was going to be using his bed any time soon. And, even if it was just to himself, he had to admit, the thought of you spending the night in his bed filled him with a comfortable warmth, regardless of whether or not he was there to hold you as you slept.
With his mind made up, he carried you into his room, pushing back the covers with his foot before placing you ever so gently upon the mattress, and covering your sleeping form. He gave your head a few soft strokes, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Sleep well, my love.”
Mammon was so used to waltzing into the common room and vaulting the couch before dropping himself onto it without needing to check for sleeping humans, that he very nearly landed right on top of you. Sure, he might have to be vigilant of a sleeping Belphie, but if his brother didn’t want to be sat on, maybe he shouldn’t sleep on the couches in the common room. You, on the other hand, he was a little more worried about crushing.
“What’cha think you’re doing, sleeping here?” he grumbled at you, folding his arms as he plopped down on the opposite couch.
You, being asleep, didn’t answer him, opting instead to groan and turn over, facing the back of the couch.
“Oi, don’t ignore me!” Mammon snapped, his voice raised just slightly. He frowned when you gave another disgruntled groan, curling in on yourself.
He should wake you. Shouldn’t he? Sleeping there couldn’t be good for you, even with the fireplace lit it wasn’t exactly the warmest room in the house, you might catch a chill, and then what would happen? Humans are so weak, after all. Can’t they die from being cold?
But you looked so peaceful, and he didn’t want to risk upsetting you by shaking you awake.
Okay, maybe he didn’t want to wake you. I mean, you were tired enough to fall asleep in the common room, so it would just be rude to wake you, wouldn’t it? Besides, you looked happy and comfortable, and waking you would just bother you, and maybe you wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep, then you’d just complain about it to him, and that’s too much hassle right now.
But he definitely couldn’t leave you here where anyone could just wander in and see your adorable sleeping face. Err, I mean, anyone could just wander in and disrupt your nap.
Maybe he should just take you to your room? It’s the best place for you right now, after all. Ah, but any moment now, he could almost guarantee one of his brothers would be around to demand your attention. You were too tired to deal with that.
Then, it was decided, he’d take you somewhere where you’d be able to get some decent sleep. That place being, of course, his room. It’s not possessiveness, he just knows that no ones likely to bother you there!
Lifting you into his arms with your own arms over his shoulders, he manoeuvred his way through the halls, taking special care to avoid anyone he may encounter. Once he reached his room, he faced the real challenge. Those damn stairs. Honestly, he’d always thought having stairs down into his room was pretty sick, and never factored in the possibility of having to carry an unconscious human down them.
He took careful steps, keeping you clutched close as he very slowly descended into his room. It took longer than he’d have ideally liked, but eventually, he had his feet on the floor of his room and he could lower you onto his bed, expecting you to relax against the soft mattress, which you did. What he didn’t expect, is that you wouldn’t let him go!
Now he was stuck, hovering awkwardly above you with your arms holding him in place. Shit, this was gonna look really bad if you woke up.
As gently as he could so as not to wake you, he began trying to pry your arms off him, eventually managing to de-tangle himself from you with a sigh. “You’re gonna be the death of me, y’know,” he grumbled, gently brushing your hair out of your face with a fond smile.
“G’night, ya nightmare.”
“I’m home,” called Levi, tightly clutching an Anidaemon bag to his chest as the front doors closed behind him. Honestly, he was glad in-store only releases were getting rarer. Going out was too much of a hassle, people were too loud and it was impossible to talk to anyone without ending up a stuttering mess. Still, he had to keep telling himself it was worth it for Ruri-chan.
He moved into the house, ready to put the day behind him, when he spotted you, stretched out on the couch that sat in the entry hall, sleeping soundly. What were you doing there? Why was there a couch in the entry hall anyway? Who sits in the entry hall?
Now, Levi was faced with a dilemma. On the one hand, he wanted to be your dependable senpai, and part of that was taking good care of his cute kohai and putting them to bed when they fell asleep in the entry hall like a dork. On the other hand, his mind was screaming no, don’t touch them, leave them alone, that's creepy!
Although, he only wanted to help. I mean, surely it can’t be good for you to sleep here? It’s pretty breezy, and there’s probably people coming back and forth a lot, so you can’t be getting any level of quality sleep. You’d understand him wanting to help, right? You wouldn’t hate him for moving you? For picking you up?
The obvious answer was just to wake you up so you could walk to bed yourself, but just as he lay a hand on your shoulder, he hesitated. No. He couldn’t do that. Just look at you, looking so cosy despite the draft from the door. You just looked too cute, he couldn’t wake you.
So, he was back to square one. It looked like the only option he had was to move you himself.
You wouldn’t be mad, would you? It’s not like he’s moving you for some weird or gross reason, he just wants you to be comfortable and safe, and the entry hall is not the place to accomplish that. He’d just have to move you to your room.
Yup, he’d just have to pick you up, and move you… Just have to pick you up…
Nope, couldn’t do it! He couldn’t just… I mean, it’s weird, right? Even with the best of intentions, just picking you up like that… He’d have to touch you, and you’d probably hate that, wouldn’t you? And what if he dropped you, or bumped you against something, or someone saw him carrying you and assumed… Ugh, no, it couldn’t be done! You’d just have to stay there. Sorry.
But… it did get awfully chilly in the entryway, and humans got sick so easily, it was cruel to just leave you there… Or, maybe he could get you a blanket or something?
No, no, no. Then, you’d be covered and warm, but you’d still be in the entry hall, where anyone could disturb you. The only option he had left was to… to pick you up and… and move you…
Mustering all his courage, Levi hung his Anidaemon bag on his arm, moving it up into the crook of his elbow, before crouching down. Okay… he was really gonna do this… and you can’t be mad at him…
Slowly, he eased his arms under your sleeping body and gently lifted you, holding most of your weight against his chest. “Ohhh, don’t drop them, don’t drop them, don’t drop them,” he muttered, clutching you as tightly as he could. Honestly, if his muttering didn’t wake you, his shaking might.
Now, he just needed to move you as carefully and as quickly as possible…
He did, very briefly, think about taking you to his room so you could get some more sleep – no one would look for you in his room, after all – but quickly quashed that idea. Absolutely not! He felt creepy enough moving you at all, he wasn’t about to hide you away in his bedroom like some creepy yandere.
Levi shook his head with a frustrated groan, and started towards your room. When he arrived, he struggled with the door for a while before finally managing to get it open and hurrying inside, kicking it closed behind him.
As gently and as quickly as he could, he placed you on the unmade bed and pulled the covers over you.
With a soft sigh, you stirred, stretching your body before curling yourself into the downy bed.
Levi smiled, watching as that sweet, peaceful look settled on your face. Would you be mad if he… No, he couldn’t! No matter how much he wanted to kiss you right now, he physically couldn’t. It was just too much. Besides, did he really want you to be asleep the first time he did that? No, instead, he settled for gently brushing his thumb over your cheek.
“Sweet dreams, Henry.”
It wasn’t the first time Satan has found you asleep in the library, nor did he suspect it would be the last. He had to admit, it always made him feel a little warmer inside to see you curled up with a book on your chest, particularly if it was one he had recommended.
Today was no different. You were sat in your favourite chair by the fire, with your legs tucked beneath you and a blanket over your lap. You neck was at an angle that Satan was sure couldn’t be comfortable, with half a cup of tea waiting on the coffee table, cold as ice by now.
Kneeling down in front of you, Satan gently pried the book out of your hands, marking your page with your bookmark and placing it on the coffee table. He removed the blanket from you and folded it over his shoulder, before scooping you up into his arms. As he moved passed the coffee table, he caught sight of the half empty cup. He probably should take it out to the kitchen, but you were his priority right now. Besides, as petty as it was, a cold, half empty coffee cup left in the library was sure to rub Lucifer the wrong way.
As previously mentioned, Satan had found you this way many times before, and each time he’d done the same thing, carrying you to your room and tucking you into bed. Initially, he’d intended to tuck you into his bed, but when faced with the cluttered and hazardous reality that was his room, he decided it would be best to put you somewhere where you were less likely to be buried in a book avalanche.
He carried you, as planned, to your bedroom. He placed you down on your neatly made bed, pulling the blanket from over his shoulder and laying it over your sleeping body.
Part of him wished to join you, but he restrained himself, knowing how disorienting it would have been for you to wake up, not only in a different room, but with him at your side. He gently stroked your arm, before tucking the thin blanket further around you.
“Enjoy your nap, kitten.”
When you invited him to a small picnic in the garden, just the two of you, Asmodeus was already planning how he’d arrange all the photos he was going to take on his Devilgram. He was thinking maybe scenery shots first, then pictures of the snacks you’d prepared, then selfies.
He was really looking forward to spending some quiet time with you, eating some sweet snacks and taking some good selfies. However, when he joined you in the garden, he found you curled up on the picnic blanket, sleeping soundly with petals from the surrounding flowerbed in your hair.
You looked so sweet, and so… aesthetic… Part of him wanted to take a picture of you like this, asleep among the flowers, looking downright ethereal. He didn’t know if he’d even want to post it to Devilgram – he knows his followers would adore it, but he wanted to keep this sight for himself.
He didn’t take the picture. As much as he wanted to capture this moment forever, taking a photo of you when you were asleep and vulnerable was a little invasive. He’d just have to hold this moment in his heart, eternally.
At first, he didn’t want to move you. He sat down, cross-legged beside you and just soaked in the peace of the moment. It wasn’t until he lay his hand on your arm that he realised he couldn’t leave you here. You’d grown cold in the chill of the early evening.
“Oh, dear,” he muttered to himself, tucking his DDD into his pocket and easing you into his arms. “Let’s get you somewhere warm, before your skin dries out.”
He carried you into the house and to his room, where he placed you on the bed. He folded the duvet over you, keeping you wrapped up warm. He joined you on the bed and began running his hands through your hair.
It was a shame he wouldn’t get to enjoy the picnic you’d made for the two of you, but spending time with you like this was good, too. And the picnic wasn’t going to go to waste, he’d make sure of it.
Fishing out his DDD, he sent a text to Beelzebub.
'MC and I left in picnic basket in the garden. It’s yours, if you want it.'
The reply was instantaneous.
'I’m on my way. Thank you.'
Asmo locked his DDD, tossing it gently to the foot of the bed, before turning his attention back to you, still sleeping wrapped up in his duvet, warm and cosy.
“Dream about me, my darling.”
When Beel found you sat at the dining room table with your head in your folded arms, his first instinct was to make sure you’re okay. While he couldn’t hear anything, you did look a bit like you might be crying, and he hated to see you sad.
He lay a hand on your back to try and comfort you, and that’s when he noticed your soft snores. Beneath your folded arms was your Devildom History textbook, your slightly chewed pen resting between your teeth. You must have fallen asleep while studying, he deduced.
He was glad you weren’t upset, and you did look kind of sweet, fast asleep at the dining table like that, but sleeping hunched over like that couldn’t possibly be good for your spine.
Beel was used to finding Belphie asleep in all sorts of positions, and even he got sore after sleeping hunched over like that. Humans were far more delicate than demons, so he just knew your back was going to ache like death if he left you here.
With his hand still on your back, he gently shook you. “MC, you shouldn’t sleep here,” he called, but you just whined quietly and turned your head, tucking your face into the crook of your elbow.
Beel smiled. Yep, that’s exactly how Belphie would have responded, too.
Alright then, if he couldn’t wake you, Beel reasoned that he’d just have to move you himself. Ever so slowly, he eased the chair out just enough for him to wrap his arms around you, taking great care not to let you fall as he gently lifted you up, your head resting on his shoulder. Balancing you on one arm, he closed your Devildom History book and notebook, dropped your pen beck into your pencil case and tucked the three under his arm.
Beel wrapped his arm back around you and carried you through the corridor and into your bedroom, where he placed you gently on your bed before moving to leave your things on your desk. As he moved back over to you, he pulled a fleece blanket from the linen basket at the foot of your bed and draped it over you, placing a kiss on your cheek as he tucked it around you.
“See you in the morning, sweetheart.”
A five minute rest had turned into a thirty minute nap, and Belphie was late. Nothing new there, he was often late for this exact reason. But this time, he was late for plans he’d made with you, and that was the only reason he felt guilty about it. You two had planned to meet up in the planetarium twenty minutes ago, not to do anything in particular, but even so, he felt bad that he’d unintentionally stood you up.
“Sorry, MC,” he said as he walked into the room mid-yawn. “I didn’t mean to—” he cut himself off when he opened his eyes, unable to see you. He sighed. You must have gotten bored with waiting for him and gone to find something else to do. Understandable, he guessed, but it still pissed him off. You could have come to wake him up, after all. Anyone else he’d get mad at, but for you (and Beel), it was okay.
He turned to leave the room – might as well go back to sleep now – but stopped when he heard something. It sounded like a soft whine, and it was definitely your voice. He turned back around and scanned the room once more, finding you stretched out on the floor of the planetarium, fast asleep.
He smiled. At least you’d both been asleep, he supposed.
He knelt down beside you, dropping his pillow just above your head before gently looping an arm beneath your shoulders and lifting you just enough to slide the pillow under your head, and laying you back down.
Leaving one arm under you, he settled down beside you, holding you close as he pressed a kiss to the very tip of your nose.
“I’ll see you in my dreams, starlight.”
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trinidaddy888 · 6 months
Fridge Mission
Lucifer needs your help. Beelzebub has been eating everything from the fridge and Lucifer trusts that you can stop him. You try and give Beel something else he can eat. >;)
Rating: Explicit 18+
Characters: Beelzebub, Reader, MC
Ship: Reader x Beelzebub
Genre: Smut
Tags: Smut, gender-neutral reader (but reader wears a bra lol), race-neutral reader, oral sex, vaginal fingering.
A/n:  This idea started as a joke months ago every time I get the Obey Me notification. This is the first smut I've ever written and published, so please be nice. This took months only because I kept getting embarrassed by this and didn't think it was being written well. I decided that I no longer cared if it would be good or not and wanted to have fun writing this and test the deep waters of smut. Check it out on AO3.
“I need your help,” says Lucifer. 
You and he are in his den, one afternoon. Earlier, he texted you and asked you to meet him to discuss something important. He did not clarify and you hoped he would now that he’s right in front of you.
“Help with what?” you ask, curious as to what he could possibly need help with. He is one of the greatest, most powerful demons in Devildom. What could he not handle himself?
“Well,” he starts, “Beelzebub has been eating all the food in the fridge. Every day at 12 pm or 6 pm he is in front of the fridge, eating everything he can get his hands on. It’s taxing on our food budget and some days we are left without dinner.”
You remember the days when Lucifer opted to order take-out meals for you and the brothers rather than welcome a home-cooked meal from whoever was on cooking duty for the day.
“Are you sure, I can convince him to stop?” you ask, “Once he gets to eating, it’s hard to stop him.”
“Beelzebub has grown attached to you and I feel that you can be his voice of reason. He has certainly failed at listening to my requests to stop. I believe that a more trusted friend, one that he has a pact with, can finally stop him. Please prevent Beelzebub from eating everything.”
“Well,” you say with a shrug, “I’ll try my best. I doubt I’ll do anything useful to stop him, but I’ll try my best.
You stand by the fridge, checking your watch. It’s 5:57 pm. Beelzebub would be in the kitchen soon and you’ll have to stop him. You have no plan. You figure that the best way to stop him would be to find the cause of the problem. But is there a reason behind him devouring the whole fridge at the times Lucifer mentioned? Beel is the Avatar of Gluttony so there could just be no discernible reason for his cravings.
“Hey,” say Beel, interrupting your thoughts.
“Hey,” you say back to him, “How’s it going?”
He towers over you. Most of the brothers do but his height even outmatches Lucifer’s.
“Uh… Fine,” he says, seeming confused by the conversation, “Do you mind moving out of the way?”
“Why?” you ask, feigning innocence, “Do you need something?”
“I’m hungry,” he says. He wasn’t being pushy, he just stated it as if it was a fact. “I just want a snack.”
“A snack or the whole fridge? Lucifer told me what you have been doing.”
“A whole fridge’s worth of food is a snack,” he says with a shrug.
“Don’t you think you should leave some food for me and your brothers?” you ask, raising an eyebrow, “Satan has to cook dinner and needs the ingredients.”
He moves closer, placing his hand against the fridge, arm stretching over you.
“I can make you move,” he says, something dark in his voice.
You realize that he's trying to seem threatening, but you know him well enough and trust that he will not hurt you. Still, there was something sexy about the way he said it.
“Then make me,” you challenge.
He stares you down, quietly and you stare right back up at him, crossing your arms.
He sighs, backing off. You can swear you see him blush but you’re not sure.
“Fine,” he says, defeatedly, “you win.”
You smile.
“Hey, I have snacks in my room,” you offer, “Human world snacks and I’ve been meaning to repaint my nails. Why don’t you join me?”
His face remains neutral but you see something light up in his eyes.
“Okay,” he gives in.
In your room, you sit him down at your desk and bring over a side chair to sit next to him. You already have the tools, nail polish and nail polish remover for the manicure set on the table. You grab his hand and start to remove his nail polish with a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover.
With his hands in yours, you notice how big his hands are. The first time you realized how big they were was on your waist when you and he cuddled once. That was the night you shared your room during a Devil Dish Bake-off binge with some snacks.
That night made you see him less like one of the youngest brothers with a hefty, destructive appetite and more like a soft, tender demon. After you both shared so much over the months since the Belphie incident, you also became closer as friends. Friends. Which is why you can not think of what it would feel like for those large hands to explore you.
“So,” you begin, waving away the intrusion of curious thoughts, “As the Avatar of Gluttony I know you can’t resist eating a lot, but Lucifer told me that your urge to eat everything out of the fridge was fairly recent. Do you know why?”
“I get extra hungry when I’m trying to distract myself from something,” he says, avoiding your gaze.
“What are you trying to distract yourself from?” you ask, switching to filing his nails, “And are you still hungry?”
He’s silent. He gazes at you and then looks down at the hand that you were manicuring.
“I can’t say,” he finally says, “It’s a secret. And, yeah, I’m still hungry.”
“Yeah, and it’s a secret that affects the whole House of Lamentation,” you say pointing the nail file at him, “Now spill it.”
“It’s a secret about someone… I want.”
“Oh, that’s juicy!” you exclaim with delight, “Who? Someone I know? Come on, tell me.”
He looks up at you, eyes smoldering
“It’s you… That I want.”
“Me?” You are perplexed. You stop filing and are now gawking at him. “What about me could possibly drive you to eat an entire fridge’s worth of food.”
“It’s something you would not like the answer to, trust me,” he says looking down at his hand again. And you noticed that his cheeks and ears were red.
You think for a moment. Lucifer’s plea to stop Beel from eating everything swims in your mind. Maybe you don’t want to know but you have a mission.
“Whatever it is,” you say, “I can handle it.”
“Fine. It’s… Well, you’re human and you smell good, so it makes me… Well, this is hard to say out loud…”
“I make you hungry?! I know you all threatened to eat me at first when I got here, but damn! If cleaning out a fridge is what it takes to stop...”
“No,” he cut you off, now looking right at you, “You make me horny.”
Silence fell between the two of you. You were in shock. You?! But you’re human. Surely there are many hot demons out there that he wants to fuck, instead. 
“Are you sure? You feel that way?” you ask slowly, “When did this start?”
He moves closer to you, staring with intensity.
“I think it started when we shared your room that one time,” he says, “We cuddled and the smell of you drove me crazy. I thought I wanted to eat you but...” He trailed off. The rouge shade of his cheeks deepen
“You thought so, but what?” you ask, urging him to continue.
“I got a boner,” he croaks.
“Oh…okay,” you say, voice high pitched, “I guess this is context for why you avoided me for a week after we cuddled. I thought I made you uncomfortable.”
 And it is context for what you felt when you both spooned. You thought it was a candy bar in his pocket.
“No!” he exclaims, “I just didn’t know what I would have said to you if we were left alone. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship with… my needs.”
He looks embarrassed. It’s kind of…cute.
“Nothing you say will ruin our friendship,” you reassure him.
“Yes, I promise. Besides, I can’t say I’ve never thought of you that way, either. I mean, look at you. You’re so ripped.”
“I do work out a lot.”
You laugh. “It shows.”
“I think it’s my turn to file your nails,” he says, grabbing your hand.
He starts filing your nails.
“I wonder about you guys here in the House of Lamentation. Besides Asmo, do you guys get laid? Because if so, I’m not aware of it.
“I can’t speak for everyone else, but for me, it’s been a while. Lucifer made a curfew for us ever since he caught Mammon gambling at casinos late at night.”
“That sucks,” you say, and you really did feel bad for him and his brothers.
“What about you?” he asks, voice lowering a couple of octaves.
“Honestly, not since I left the Human World. And everyone besides the angels and Solomon has been a threat to even consider getting with them. It’s sad because I thought demons would be good at things like that. Maybe I have those expectations because I’ve never had good head from a human before.”
“Want to change that?” he asks. He is staring at you, his gaze longing and lustful.
Your heart thumps. Did you hear that right? His expression is serious and deep with longing.
“W…What?” you sputter.
“I said, do you want me to change that?” he repeats, voice husky and moving even closer.
Shit. You have been dreaming about this since coming to Devildom and the offer comes so easily from one of the hottest demons in Devildom? You can’t possibly pass up the opportunity.
“Yes,” you say breathlessly.
He gazes at you, with deep passion and pulls your hand to his mouth and kisses it. He traces his tongue from your wrist, to your fingers, stopping to lick them. His tongue is gentle but firm. His mouth felt so good. You bite your lower lip and close your eyes, imagining if it would feel just as good if he did the same to your cunt.
He rolls his chair over to you and his mouth is covering yours, tongue brushing over your lips until your mouth falls open. He kisses you, mouth hungry to taste all of you. And you let him, running your fingers through his honey-orange hair. His lips are surprisingly soft for someone as strong as him.
“Can we take this to my bed?” you ask, pulling away.
Wordlessly, he does as he’s asked, promptly lifting you to his chest and carrying you to your bed. He puts you down, your back resting against your bed frame, and climbs over you.
He kisses you again, tongue exploring your mouth even further. His kiss is powerful but gentle. You’ve never been kissed like this by a human or anyone before this. You lean into him, your tongue, following his lead, allowing yourself to taste him. His tongue brushes over your bottom lip before he bites it. It stings a little but in exactly the way you liked. His kisses travel to your neck, tasting the salty-sweet flavour of your sweat, licking, sucking and biting to his heart’s content, enjoying the taste. You can feel your pussy revel at the feel of his touch, wanting and wishing for more.
He pulls away for a moment, to undo your button-down shirt which you shrug out of throw onto the floor. His large hands grace your back and unhook your bra band. Your bra slides off to your waist, revealing your bare chest, much to his delight. He takes in the sight, smiling devilishly. You wonder what he was thinking.
He takes one breast to his mouth and fondles the other with a free hand. He fondles them, gently.
“Rougher,” you demand. He grabs them, kneading them with his hand and squeezes your nipples between his index finger and thumb. You whimper at the sensation and push your chest harder into his hands. He squeezes harder, testing which pressure gathers a moan from you.
You moan and with the other breast, he traces his tongue over the edge of your areola before flicking over your nipple. He bites and tugs your nipple and then sucks. His mouth is warm and wet. You haven’t had your tits sucked since being in the Human World and experiencing it now after the long absence of touch was nearly enough to make you unravel. You feel your body shudder from pleasure and you realize that you’re panting.
 Your clit aches to be touched, too. You move your hand to your pussy and start rubbing your clit with your fingers, trying to please the parts of your body that ached for attention.
He notices your attempt to please yourself, says, “Here, let me,” and he frees his hand from your breast.
He licks his fingers and slides his hand under your pants, finding your clit. There was no clumsy fumbling to find its exact position. He just knew. You wonder if it was that your previous partners were just that bad. Or did Beel’s thousands of years being alive give him an edge?
“Oh,” he smirks, “You’re wet, that fast?”
You cover your face, feeling embarrassed.
“Yes,” you say, “It’s been a while. And you’re doing… a good job.”
He grins up at you and moves his face down to your breast again to suck.
He uses his index and middle fingers to play with your clit. His hands are rough and your body invited the texture. It was a simple motion and it did the job, eliciting breathy gasps from you.
His lips move south, kissing your solar plexus, down to your navel. You ravel in his kisses, feeling like your body was born for his mouth.
He stops kissing your body to look up at you and says, “I want to taste more of you. Can I?”
You nod, wordlessly.
He smiles and moves to pull your pants down. You adjust to make it easier for him to do this and watch him throw your pants to the floor. He kisses your tummy and then stops to tug at the waistband of your panties with his teeth and pulls them off.
He kisses your thigh and moves one of his thumbs to your clit and rubs. You gasp and press your body into his touch. His kisses lead up to your upper inner thigh and he pauses to take in the sight of your cunt, captivated by what he sees.
“You’re gorgeous,” he says, desire in his voice.
You blush and say, “Thank you.”
He leans in and puts his mouth on your throbbing clit and starts to flick his tongue on it. His tongue is firm and wet. He starts slow, circling the outside of the apex, teasing you. You breathe deeply.
With being wet, his index and middle fingers slide into you easily. You take them in for a few inches, noticing how large his fingers are.
He passes his tongue over your clit and curls his fingers inside you. You feel the pressure on the front of your vagina, on your g-spot.
He licks and pumps his fingers inside you slowly. You figure that he was testing the motion that you would like
“Faster,” you command.
He does as he asks and starts sucking, too. With that addition, you feel yourself unravel. You grip the sheets, moaning. Uncontrollably, you grind into his fingers and face, yearning for more.
You look down and realize that he’s looking right up at you, eyes lustful. It was as if he was enjoying looking at you respond to him. You’re so lost in his eyes that you don’t realize that you are approaching a climax.
You cum, feeling your body flooded with pleasure. You scream through the pleasure. You feel a dampness on your cunt and see your wetness on his face.
You see him start to remove his face from you.
You put your hand on his head, fingers entangled in honey-orange hair and pull him closer to you.
“No!” you exclaim, voice breathless, “Don’t stop!”
He does as he is told. He licks, sucks, licks, sucks and fingers you until you cum again. You scream, voice starting to feel hoarse. You lay back, panting. He comes up and sits next to you. He stares at you, eyes focused.
“Are you okay?” Beelzebub asks.
You catch your breath and finally are able to speak.
“Yes,” you say grinning, “I’m excellent. Thank you.”
He grins back at you.
He leans in and kisses you. You can taste yourself on his mouth.
 “We should do this again,” he says when he pulls away.
“We should…” you start and then come to a realization. “Wait! I didn’t get you off! I think we can start on your turn.”
“Well,” he says with an amused grin, “We can take a shot at it, if you want.”
You grab him by the collar of his tshirt and pull him closer in for another kiss.
And then suddenly there is a knock at the door.
“Dinner is ready!” you hear Satan shout.
You look down. You realize that you are completely naked and your thighs are covered in your own slick and thank the heavens that Satan is one of the few brothers in the House of Lamentation that actually knocks.
Beelzebub frowns. “Damn.”
“Hold on, Beel,” you say, surprised at his dismay, “Are you actually disappointed that food is ready? Weren’t you very hungry half an hour ago? What about the fridge you wanted to eat all of?”
“Well,” he says smiling, “I found something else to eat.”
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akuzonprime · 3 months
[11:19 PM] Mammon and Beel pose as your bodyguards when you go out to clubbing in the human world, glaring at all the wandering gazes on you.
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Snippet - Last Name
How would each of the demon brothers react to MC saying that they’ll give him their last name?
“There aren’t any demons or angels that have last names, right?” MC randomly questioned the demon brother they were spending time with.  “Why is that?”
The demon explained how the beings in the Devildom and Celestial Realm were given one-of-a-kind names to distinguish them from others, unlike how many humans can share the same (first) name.  As such, having a second name was unnecessary.  Titles were more common to further establish their individuality, such as “Morning Star” for Lucifer and “Jewel of the Heavens” for Asmodeus when the two of them were angels.
“Do you wish you had a last name?” MC inquired.
The demon was mostly indifferent on the matter, but he did mention how he particularly liked MC’s last name. 
“In that case, I’ll give you my last name someday,” MC remarked in a casual manner.
He opened his mouth to reply but paused upon realizing what MC might’ve been implying.  A human typically would only share their last name with someone else when they were getting married to that individual.
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Lucifer felt a surge of pride in his chest at the notion that MC intended to offer their last name (and their hand in marriage) to him alone.  Still, from how nonchalantly they had presented the notion, he had to make sure that both of them understood it in the same way. “You’re aware of what that would mean for us, right?” he asked them.  “It’s not something to take lightly, even if I’m not human.”  After watching MC nod their head confidently, a small grin tugged at Lucifer’s lips.  “Good.  Seeing as how you already belong to me, MC, it’s only natural that your last name would become mine, as well.  I look forward to when that day officially comes.”  (Time to start planning a real marriage proposal, Lucifer thought to himself.)
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Mammon managed to choke on his saliva when he pieced together what MC likely was implying, which, on the bright side, provided him with an excuse as to why his cheeks were flushed.  All the money and rare treasures in the Devildom could never compare to the value of having MC’s last name all to himself.  “Th-The Great Mammon accepts your gift!” he declared once he finished coughing.  “If you’re gonna give your last name to anyone, obviously it’s gonna be me.  That means no one else can have it, got it?  No changin’ your mind, either!  A-And...don’t take too long to hand it over to me, ‘cause I’m ready to take it anytime.”  (Well, first, Mammon just needed to narrow down the best ring to give MC from his secret growing collection.)
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Leviathan could've probably rattled off the long title of a human world anime that had a scene similar to this—that is, if he wasn’t currently short-circuiting in front of MC.  “Y-Y-Y-You’d give your l-l-last name to a gross shut-in otaku like m-me?!” he asked incredulously.  “You mean it?!  Are you sure?!”  Once MC reaffirmed their promise, Levi was certain he could die happy (but not right now!).  “Oh man, it feels like I just unlocked the highest ranking class in an RPG!  MC, I’ll wear your last name proudly and do everything I can to make sure you won’t regret choosing me to have it!  ...Uh, when I do get your last name, I mean.”  (Levi started focusing more on anime and game content that included marriage as references for how to be a good husband for MC in the future.)
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Satan was left dumbfounded for a moment as he processed what MC was telling him.  “So then, you’re saying...you want to marry me at some point, correct?” he bluntly questioned them.  MC confirmed his suspicion, which brought a light blush to his face coupled with a pleased smile.  Although there was no record of a demon and human ever marrying each other, he couldn’t deny that he also wanted this with MC.  “All right.  I’ll make your dream a reality, and in return, you’ll share your last name with me.  This means we’ll spend the rest of your days together, too.  Let’s build a love so strong it’ll be the envy of all romance novels and poetry.”  (Afterward, while he was researching human marriage customs, he suddenly wondered if the cats he wanted to adopt with MC would also acquire their last name.)
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Asmodeus squealed and bounced cheerfully in place before wrapping his arms around MC in a tight embrace.  Normally the concept of being permanently tied to someone would be unappealing to Asmo, but those qualms became nonexistent when it involved MC.  “I love you so much, MC!  I’ll make you the happiest human in all the three realms as Asmodeus [Last Name]!  Oh wow, my name was already gorgeous by itself, but with your last name added to it, it’s even better!  Come on, let’s get a pre-engagement photo together.  I can’t wait to brag to everyone on Devilgram about this.”  (Since MC already offered him their last name, Asmo decided that he’d be the one to get them an engagement ring.  But if MC buys him one, too, he certainly won’t complain.)
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Beelzebub’s eyes twinkled with pure joy at MC’s promise.  “Really?  I’d like that a lot, MC,” he told them.  His words may have been a bit of an understatement, considering MC’s declaration filled him with so much glee that it was enough to satisfy the seemingly endless void in his stomach.  He couldn’t hold back his wide grin as he took their hands in his own and continued, “When I have your last name, we can finally be our own family.  We’ll wake up together, make breakfast together, go out for lunch together, eat dinner together...  Oh, yeah, I guess we mostly do that already, but it’ll be even more special than it is now.  Hehe, I can’t wait.”  (Despite the frequent distractions of thinking about wedding cake, Beel did take active steps to ensure that he’d be able to actually receive their last name.)
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Belphegor perked up in surprise from MC’s words, the constant nagging urge to sleep vanishing in an instant.  He feared he may have accidentally dozed off mid-conversation and only dreamed of MC wanting him to have their last name.  Fortunately, the look on their face assured him that he had been awake, so his expression softened into genuine delight as he replied, “Okay, I like the sound of that.”  Rather than ending it there, his mischief (and inner excitement) got the better of him, causing him to add, “Although, if you’re planning to give your last name to me, then that also means I can take it anytime I want, right?  Even if it’s sooner than you expect?  Because I might just do that.”  (Belphie now had an unusually high level of motivation to take the next step in his relationship with MC.)
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fullofbees · 2 months
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Headcanons about the demon brother's and an MC who is on their period.
CW: Period Sex (All of them), Somnophilia (Belphegor), Non-con (Belphegor)
»»----------► Reader is Gender Neutral with AFAB anatomy
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✬ Does he know what a period is? ✬
Yes. Though he may not interact with humans much in the Devildom (nor did he in the Celestial Realm either), it never hurts to be prepared by knowing and understanding basic human bodily functions.
✬ How he helps: ✬
Lucifer knows how much you adore his brothers, but he also understands that all of them can be.... a bit much – especially when together. So, when you need some peace and quiet, Lucifer ushers you into his private study. You relax on the plush couch, a small fire in the pit and his coat draped over you to keep out the house’s haunting draft. When you try to refuse, he chuckles, and assures you his inhuman sight will adjust easily to the darkness. It doesn’t take long for you to coax him to the couch anyways, both of you blissfully passing out for some much needed rest. "Your brothers would surely lose their minds if they saw you napping, with me in your arms no less." "That's why you're not going to say a word, lest you lose your snuggle privileges."
✬ NSFW ✬
Indents and imprints begin to form across your skin from where your body is shoved against the plush backing of the couch. Should anyone happen to disturb your haven of rest, they would be none the wiser, with Lucifer's looming visage shielding you from the door and his coat, draped across your waist, hiding your sin. His hand pulls your underwear off to the side, leaving him just enough access to tease you with the tip of his cock. Short shallow thrusts amplify the wetness that sticks to your thighs, slowly building the pleasure that hums throughout your body. Lucifer chuckles at how easily he's able to slip his entire length into you like this; heat rises to your face in embarrassment, but burying your face into the cushions does little to stop the drenched sounds of his cock fucking the bloody mess that is your cunt.
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✬ Does he know what a period is? ✬
He’s heard it mentioned by the witches before – small grumblings of pain, frustration, and exhaustion between them. He’d scoff; their whisperings of mutual understanding being heard, their feet up as they relaxed, all while he was being worked to the bone. He spent centuries thinking they were lying before he met you.
✬ How he helps: ✬
Mammon always is ready to fight anyone who dares to upset you. As your first man, even the privilege of annoying you should be left to him. When it comes to that time of the month, Mammon is extra protective of you; threatening others with little more than a glance, shoving lesser demons out of your way, even going so far as to bribe others in to doing your homework for you. He's not letting you lift a finger while he's around! "Mammon! You don't need to do this. He was just being polite and saying hello!" "That's what he wants ya to think! Luckily, you have THE Great Mammon here to protect ya from these low-lifes!"
✬ NSFW ✬
God knows how much grimm he could make off of videos of your pretty face blissed out like this. You're panting against his mattress, sweat laced hair clinging to your cheeks and neck as your body bounces in time with his thrusts. Mammon pauses, watching you wriggle and writhe as he slowly pulls his cock out until just his tip remains inside. Perhaps he should feel dirty when he sees his flesh painted with your blood and his cum, but when has he ever given a damn about that kind of stuff? With the way you're begging him to continue, to fuck his cum back into you, how can he feel anything but lucky? Yeah, your sex tape would go for millions, but he knows his treasure is infinitely more valuable when he has it all to himself.
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✬ Does he know what a period is? ✬
Absolutely not. Definitely stares at you in horror as you explain the process to him; What do you mean it happens every month? How are you able to bleed without dying? What use could this possibly have to your survival? He's a changed demon once he learns.
✬ How he helps: ✬
Thankfully, his Akuzon habits mean that you never are without any products you might need/want - same day delivery! Once the initial shock has worn away, Levi ends up placing orders without you needing to ask. It's one of the little way he shows his love. Otherwise, Levi does his best to distract you from its existence altogether. The more episodes you watch, or the more games you play, the less likely Levi is to overthink and worry about you. "Leviiiii, I'm tired, I want to sleep! I swear I'm not going to die from blood loss." "Losing my Henry is not worth the risk! Just a few more episodes, I promise..."
✬ NSFW ✬
Levi had only honorable intentions when he invited you to binge a new anime with him. Besides, it's not like you'd ever imagine being with a disgusting pervert like him. So how does this keep happening? Your back is pressed to his chest, his hands holding your legs open as he thrusts his cock into you. You whine, whimper, and beg for him to keep going. He hides his face against your neck, nipping and kissing the sweat-soaked skin. Normally, he would be the one crying underneath you, begging with tears in his eyes for his orgasm. Perhaps its your period that is making you so pliable, so sensitive to his touch that even a small flick to your nipples has you throwing your head back in pleasure. The anime's closing song plays through the speakers as the credits roll. It goes unnoticed.
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✬ Does he know what a period is? ✬
Yes, of course; he's only read every book about the subject that he could get his hands on.
✬ How he helps: ✬
Satan ends up becoming your nurse more than anything. He insists on prepping all of your lunches, making sure each meal is packed full of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. He has you rate your pain on a scale of ten and charts it alongside your other symptoms to see if there is a pattern. You understand that its his curious nature that drives him to do this, but you still had to put your foot down when he started asking to chart the heaviness of your flow. "Eat this; it will replace the magnesium you are losing due the monthly shedding of your endometrium." "I am a human, not a guinea pig dammit!"
✬ NSFW ✬
It was supposed to be a joke; a terrible one, but a joke nonetheless. Yet here you are now, Satan pawing at your thighs, while in the most ridiculous nurse's outfit you've ever seen. It looks like a cheap 'sexy nurse' Halloween costume, it barely fits him, the white spandex skirt riding up his legs as he sits between yours; is that even a real stethoscope? His hands slide down to your knees, gently guiding them apart, "I need to conduct a thorough examination, so will you please spread your legs?" You wonder if he stole this idea from one of his not-so-hidden smut novellas.
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✬ Does he know what a period is? ✬
Yes! However, his knowledge comes from hands-on experience rather than from a book. His servitude to Solomon allows him to travel to the human world far more often than his brothers, and of course, there were more than enough humans willing to indulge his curiosities.
✬ How he helps: ✬
Asmodeus is aware of how unattractive some humans feel during their cycle, so he always goes out of his way to make sure you feel desired. Worried about acne? He has enough serums, creams, and masks to handle any breakout. Feel like your clothes don't fit right? What a perfect excuse to go shopping! He'll make sure you find something that you look and feel good in. Do you feel achey and sore? He keeps plenty of bath oils/salts stocked for you to freely use in his bathroom. "Asmo, why are you taking your clothes off?" "Did you think I would let you bathe all by your lonesome? <3"
✬ NSFW ✬
The Avatar of Lust silences your protests with his lips, happily snaking his tongue into your mouth when you gasp. The water of the bath is warm and fragrant; Asmodeus may have gone a bit overboard with the salts, but he wanted you relaxed and comfortable before he made his move. He works slow circles over your clit, just enough pressure to excite your body but no more than that. Everytime you wiggle your hips in search of more friction, he simply removes his hand, giggling at your defeated and pleading expression. It's no secret that your period aggravates the tension in your body, but Asmodeus knows that a steady hand will always prevail over brute force. So, just sit on his cock and let him pamper you, kay? <3
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✬ Does he know what a period is? ✬
….No. Probably will also forget within minutes of you explaining it to him. It's okay, we love our gentle himbo.
✬ How he helps: ✬
There is no such thing as a weird food combination to this demon, therefore, he will enthusiastically try anything you create to appease your cravings. Also, thanks to his athleticism, Beel knows how to appropriately massage and stretch out any knots your muscles may form. He has to be extra careful since you're not as sturdy as a demon, but he's so happy that you trust him to do it anyways. "Mmmm.. chocolate and peanut butter..." "Beel, you're drooling into my hair...."
✬ NSFW ✬
It's not like the poor gluttonous demon could help it... you just smelled so good during this time of the month. Beel doesn't know what causes you to relent this time around, but he can't help but feel like he's unwrapping some exclusive treat as he slides your underwear down your legs. In his eagerness, he doesn't notice the embarrassed blush that covers your face, too focused on appreciating the meal that lies between your thighs. You don't have the time to mull over your decision before the demon has buried his tongue in your cunt, moaning in pleasure at the taste -- your taste. Just remember to help him clean off his face afterwards.
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✬ Does he know what a period is? ✬
It's not that he doesn't know, more that he just doesn't care. He never cared about humans, or any of their inane problems, before you came along. At the very least, that means he'd be the most casual about it.
✬ How he helps: ✬
Belphegor is the laziest of all his brothers, so if his help doesn't involve napping, it's a slim to none chance of it ever happening. You'll find him in the attic whenever you need him, and he never asks questions when you do. He simply makes room for you, letting you get comfortable before trapping you against him for the foreseeable future. "Belphie, so help me-- I'm going to bleed on your pillow!" "snORk.. mimimimi..."
✬ NSFW ✬
It wasn't unusual for cuddly naps with Belphie to turn into half-asleep sex. But those times were usually initiated by the demon; he would infiltrate your dreams, interrupting whatever scenario that was playing out, and fuck your dream-self into waking up. Other times, the lazy brat would wake you up himself just to make you ride him while your moans were interrupted by yawns. This time, he wakes before you, and finds you rutting your hips against his as whisper-soft groans slip past your lips. You don't wake as he carefully undoes your pants and slide them down. He ogles the deep red stain that bleeds through your underwear, the sight of the sticky mess oddly erotic. Tentatively, he presses his fingers against the fabric, surprised by the warmth and feel of the blood that now stains his skin. It's a while longer til you wake, and Belphegor intends to play with your messy cunt until then.
•••✦ ❤ ✦••• Submit A Request •••✦ ❤ ✦•••
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zephyrchama · 1 month
Just imagining going to BK with Beelzebub.
You buy him a family bundle of double whoppers. While you're in line he grabs way too many ketchup packets. At the table, you steal several of his best-looking french fries. He doesn't mind and slides you an extra chicken nugget. You put the free paper crown on Beelzebub's head as he inhales one of the burgers in a single bite and call him "my little Burger King."
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devildomwriter · 3 months
“If you eat me, I’m breaking up with you.”
“I don’t think you’ll be in a position to do anything if I eat you.”
— MC and Beelzebub (Animal Chaos p. 4)
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enoe-of-noen · 2 months
New Perfume
Includes: Obey me MC, OM Beelzebub, OM Belphie, OM Asmodeus, physical touch, teasing, affectionate
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“You smell nice, new perfume?” His lips pressed themselves on MC’s nape, making them flinch slightly. Nevertheless, they chuckled and pet his spiky, orange hair. “Yeah, Asmo got me a new one from his fashion line. Why, you like?” They smirked. Beelzebub blushed at their words and grinned. “Extremely.” He buried his nose further into their nape.
“MC…” Belphegor sleepily whined, sitting himself in MC’s lap. He took a sniff and he instantly melted into MC’s warmth with a smile. “New perfume or something?” he mumbled. MC pet his head, “yes, yes. Asmo got it for me.” “I like it.” Beelzebub nodded against their nape happily as Belphegor also happily kissed under MC’s chin.
“Uh oh, getting love-bombed.” MC thought, a blush rising in their cheeks. “Quit it guys,” MC giggled, feeling ticklish. “Smell good..” Beelzebub’s warm breath made MC shiver. Belphegor smirked. “Sensitive, are you?” “Shut it.”
“You should wear this perfume regularly, I’d love to sleep to this.”
“It’s a limited edition, figured I should use it for special occasions.”
“Hm? But you’re wearing it right now..” Beelzebub kissed MC’s nape again.
“Asmo insisted.” They shrugged. Suddenly, the three heard a photo snap and turned to see the beautiful fifth-born behind a wall. “Whoopsies! Seems like I’ve been caught!~” he cheekily grinned. “Room for one more?” He cooed, skipping over. MC sighed and moved Belphegor to their right leg.
They pat their left leg. Asmodeus squealed at the gesture and made himself comfortable. The cuddle session continues.
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Idk how end things :/
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An Innocent Mistake (Part 1)
"Tell me again how... this happened?"
Lucifer pinches the knot at the bridge of his nose, exasperated, exhausted, and feeling the headache already forming in the five seconds since he walked through the doors of Purgatory Hall.
Solomon smiles in that sheepishly suspicious way of his, neither innocent, nor guilty. It's infuriating, especially when the sorcerer sits directly beside the proof of his crimes. "It was an accident, a miss-translation in the texts we were working from."
Lucifer glares down his nose at the tiny, cat-sized dragon curled up on the cushion beside Solomon, blinking up at him innocently in the way only MC can get away with.
"Miss-translation my-" Lucifer found himself stopping mid-word, averting his eyes from the now draconian human, as if his mind wasn't already conjuring images of them begging him not to get upset. "Fix this, now."
"About that..." Solomon trailed off, about to launch into an explanation of how and why he couldn't just change MC back into a human, but Lucifer held up a hand, his scowl only deepening.
"Don't, I don't want to hear it. I'm taking MC home, find a way to fix this, or there will be consequences, understood?"
Even under the full weight of Lucifer's glare, Solomon's smile didn't falter. "I'd expect nothing less."
The eldest huffed, gently holding his hand out to MC, unsure of how well they've adapted to their new form. He can't say he's ever seen a human shape-shifted into a dragon before, let alone one the size of an average house cat.
"Come, we have some explaining to do at the House of Lamentation."
MC perked up, gingerly climbing up his arm, with sharp, needle like claws. Lucifer didn't so much as feel a thing through all of his layers, but he had to fight off a smile when they settled themselves around the back of his neck, their tiny snout barely brushing the shell of his ear.
The eldest didn't spare Solomon another word before storming out of Purgatory Hall, firmly ignoring the sorcerer's smug grin.
"I warned you about him." Lucifer muttered as soon as they were clear of prying ears. "How am I supposed to explain this to the others?"
MC let out a chirp as if in apology, tail gently coiling around his tie as they rubbed their cheek against his.
"No amount of pouting will convince me to hide you from them. They are intolerable every time you leave without warning."
A louder chirp this time, almost like a puppy's yip, and Lucifer can't keep the scowl on his face.
"Asmodeus is going to have a field day."
"OH EM GEEE!" Asmodeus' squeal was loud enough to deafen a grown demon, Lucifer had barely had time to spit out the explanation as to why he had a tiny dragon on his shoulders before the Avatar of Lust was immediately pouncing on him, sticking his face as close as he could get to MC, practically hanging off Lucifer. "You were cute before MC, but this is just unfair! Look at you!"
The resulting shove that came from Lucifer had little MC spreading their wings, flying clumsily onto the back of Beel's armchair, answering Lucifer's unasked question of how they adapted to a new body.
Beel looked at them curiously, and MC hissed, as if to remind him not to eat the dragon.
"You really are adorable." Said the Avatar of Gluttony. "Kinda skinny though, you must be hungry."
"There's no way that's MC!" Mammon wailed. "Ye're pullin' our legs!"
"I assure you, I am not, and why would I?" Lucifer huffed, his headache only getting worse as MC's tail flicked back and forth behind them, eyes flickering between the brothers periodically.
"I dunno, but I don't buy it!" Mammon continued. "If that's MC, I'll eat my left-mmm!"
A squawk from the dragon, and Mammon's hand clapped over his own mouth as if it had a mind of its own, silencing the greedy demon's tirade.
Belphie chuckled sleepily. "Yup, that's MC alright."
"Fascinating." Satan mused, gazing curiously at the poised little dragon, who chirped back at him as if showing off their new form with pride. "I wonder what the actual translation was, if a mistake led to this."
"I scarcely want to know."
"How long are they gonna be stuck like this?" Belphie asked.
MC has now made their way to where Leviathan is curled up on the sofa, his face burning red as they gently rubbed their head against his silken hair.
"I think Levi might blow a fuse..." Asmo giggled. "They're cute, huh Levi?"
"Guh, so kawaii..." Mumbled Levi, too quiet for anyone to hear, except MC, who slipped into his lap and curled up like a cat.
Levi.exe stopped working.
"Solomon is looking for a solution. In the meantime, they can't stay in their own room, they could hurt themselves." Lucifer said, moving on from Envy's flustered crisis.
The room erupted with demands for MC to stay with them, and while they bickered, the dragon merely huffed, resting their head on Levi's knee, waiting for someone to be the voice of reason.
Finally, it was decided that MC would pick a name at random out of a hat, and that would be who they stayed with that night, and so on until a solution was found, and Solomon changed them back.
Part 2 Here
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inhuman-obey-me · 4 months
Hi! Love your work, and congrats on 4000+ followers. May I request 🗡️ + Beelzebub with MC? I think it be interesting.
Thank you for your fantastic work!
Thank you so much!! ;//u//; We're glad you do!
"Let the knife leave its mark." - Beelzebub/MC
content warning: blood, MC into Beel being demonic
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The tension in the air is palpable, thick enough to cut through and heavy enough to suffocate. 
You’re not supposed to be here, but here you are – hidden behind a large stone column as a scene plays out in this room, a scene you are not meant to see. 
“Lord Beelzebub,” voice laden with insincerity, the lesser demon takes a deep bow before the Avatar of Gluttony. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this private audience?”
“I’m pretty sure you know the reason, Kernal.” Beelzebub’s response is cold. It’s rare for you to see him like this, no trace of warmth nor compassion. “Or do you really think I’m that stupid?” 
“Stupid? You? Of course not! I’d never!” There’s a nervousness now that seems to creep into Kernal’s smile. “You know me, I’m just a bit forgetful. I really don’t know why you’ve sought me out today.” 
“Right.” A faint buzzing sound begins to fill the room, and you realize Beelzebub’s wings have begun to vibrate. “I guess you would be the kind of demon to just forget.” Each word is dripping with more anger than the last, a crackling energy of malice settling in like a shroud around him. “Then I guess I’ll just have to remind you.”
As the lesser demon lets out a shriek, you swallow your own as your hand quickly goes to cover your mouth. Beelzebub had lunged forward, his claws now sunk deep into Kernal’s flesh as he slams him down on a table, the metallic scent of blood quickly pervading the room. 
“Do you really think you can just throw out threats so casually?” The Avatar growls, and you can see his form beginning to shift as his mouth seems to grow wider, teeth sharper. “Did you think you could lay out a trap like that and hide it from me?” 
“P-please,” Kernal’s body writhes in the other’s grasp, and you can make out dark ichor dripping from his lips. “I don’t know w-what you’re – ack – talking a-about!” 
You had forgotten about this side of Beelzebub. You couldn’t help but be fascinated. 
“Still playing innocent, really?” Beelzebub snarls, letting go of the lesser demon and taking a step back – no, you realize he’s turning to get something. Is that…silverware? “Maybe cutting you up will finally make you confess. Either way, it’s a meal for me.” 
“No, please! I-I’m one of your loyal followers, you know that!” Kernal tries to get up, but he’s quickly pinned down again by his superior. “That…that human is making you weak! I just want you to be the best you can be, and that means that d-damn human needs to go!” 
You get it now. The reason Beelzebub had looked so grim earlier, so grim that it caused you to secretly follow him here. This demon was trying to hurt you.
“Weak?” Beelzebub spits out the word, and the buzzing gets louder, and louder. You can barely see his wings as they rapidly beat. “The only weak one here is you, Kernal. In fact, the only thing tough about you is the meat on your bones. Meat I’ll gladly carve right now.” 
You move to take a step back, debating whether you want to see the gruesome conclusion to this encounter, but nearly trip over yourself in the process – and it does not go unnoticed.  
“...Who’s there?” 
Shit. Maybe if you don’t say anything, they’ll think it was a random animal.
“I can smell you.” His voice is still low, but it’s softer as he calls out to you. “MC…how long have you been there?” 
Realizing there’s no hiding now, you slowly step out of the shadows, trying to focus on your demon. “Well, kind of the whole time. I-I followed you here. I’m sorry! I just got worried with how you were acting earlier and…” Your gaze slowly trails to the other. “Here we are.” 
“O-oh, please, tell him to stop!” Kernal begs, looking to you with wide eyes as he hopes for some kind of rescue. “He’s going to take a bite out of me!”
You notice that Beelzebub is still gripping a knife in one hand, hovering just above the lesser demon’s chest. He seems to hesitate now, seeming embarrassed that you caught him in such a state. 
“It’s okay, Beel. I won’t interfere.” You give him a reassuring smile, morbid curiosity getting the better of you as you take a few steps to be beside him. This is a scene that should make your stomach churn, an act that should fill you with nightmares. 
It magnetizes you instead.
“Let the knife leave its mark.”
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