#obey me beel headcanons
devilish-yuki · 1 year
Since the Obey Me brothers are so attached to their MC and every single one of them have a animal form, why not turn into that animal and sneak out MC when they're at their school / work?
That man has it easy, since he can turn into a crow that couldn't suppose any big danger since he can fly and more. Mammon could easily come through your classroom window one day, scaring everyone away in the process, and bring you whatever silly thing he got along the way. Did you know that crows, like parrots, can imitate human sounds? Well now you know Mammon even as a crow would speak to you.
— Look human! I found Lucifer's credit card, let's hang out after ya class / shift!
— Mammon, get the hell out of here.
The rest of the day he refuses to leave and remains either on your head or on your shoulder, occasionally asking for cuddles.
Now, now, Levi has things a little more complicated, since he's a snake so the only way for him to visit you in his animal form would be to travel through the water pipes to get to you, so imagine one day you minding your own business and hearing a terrified scream followed by another scream saying "A snake!"... What are the chances that a snake will enter the building? In any case, you know without proof or doubt that it's Levi.
— Don't hurt him! He's my... pet? Yes!
To avoid problems with your class / workmates, you decide to just apologize and get as far away as you can just to "scold" Levi for appearing like that out of nowhere, his answer? Get inside your clothes and spend all day with you hissing and moving when he's uncomfortable.
Yeah no, there's no way he's going to turn into a freaking unicorn, so he very wisely decides to be a cat! Of course! Very agilely he manages to follow you from home to your school / work without being discovered, he even successfully infiltrates inside the establishment! You only realize his preference when you hear many people try to call him saying "kitty!", then you turn around and as if it were a beautiful movie like reunion, Satan runs towards you and jumps on you only for you to catch him and start to purr.
— MC! I didn't know you had a cat!
— Me neither...
— What?
— What?
Satan is a micro celebrity around your class / workmates, everyone takes pictures of him and petting him... obviously failing in this, he is a surly cat that only allows and demands that you pet him and give him your full attention.
Another one that wouldn't turn into his designated animal is obviously Asmo because "scorpions aren't cute enough" so what does he choose? Simple, a cute lop-eared bunny. Unlike the others, he tells you that he will go with you and gives you a nice bag to carry him in it.
— Your bunny is such a cutie! I love him.
— Sure, just... don't look at him in his eyes for too long... I don't want you to get charmed.
Unlike Satan, Asmo does enjoy the attention he receives and even, in his bunny way, asks you to change his clothes and does tricks! So all day he tries to get everyone's attention and when your teacher / supervisor tries to reprimand you for having him, he just charms them.
Beelzebub & Belphegor
Beel is a fly and Belphie is a cow and, although naturally they could be together in their animal form, I don't think it would be very convenient to take a sleepy cow and a hungry fly with you, so they are both a pair of cute ferrets. The way to get to you is by getting inside your backpack without you noticing, you discover them when you go to look for a snack to eat and you realize that there are only 2 furballs in the pocket, one sleeping and the other eating what was left of the snack.
— Awww Beel! That was my snack!
— Eek!
— Come here you both.
The rest of the day they spend in your pockets and table sleeping together or playing with each other, from time to time Beel will ask you for food nibbling your finger so get ready to spend money.
Lucifer doesn't care sneaking into your school work in his human form so why would he be using his animal form? ... I don't know, the planets aligned or something, besides, the only reason he would meddle in your day would be because his brothers are doing something with you that he does not particularly like. Don't be surprised if you're with one of the brothers (pets) and out of nowhere a black peacock shows up ready to attack.
— MC is that... a peacock !?
— No.... that's the devil himself.
Luci would not stay the whole day with you because he's a very busy man, but if you ask him, he could open his train (tail) to impress your class / workmates. At the end of the day, as always, he will pick you up in his human form and by car, he hates it when you go home alone.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
Can u do yandere Beel-obey me with a impulsive/lil crazy mc/reader? In a minute she is calm and in the other she tries to kill a random demon. May u can do him a lil masochist too? Pretty pleaseee 🙏
✿ 𝙨𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 ✿
characters: yandere!beel x fem!reader
warnings: generally darker undertones bc it’s a yandere, description of fighting, injuries, mentions of blood, yandere thoughts and acts, masochism, hinted that mc have signs of anger issues and bipolarity, some suggestive things
notes: ‘m so so so sorry for the late response hun. i just couldn’t rlly think of a good scenarios for this one😔 hope it’s to your liking!
everyone experiences bipolarity and anger issues differently. i am no mental health expert and i wrote this with my own anger issues experience and a friend's bipolarity. if some things seem wrong or unlikely then pls let me know.
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since mc is literally living with demons, there definitely will be some darker/gruesome moments brushed off as a normal thing bc they’re demons
so with that in mind, being possessive, protective, a bit too overbearing or controlling is seen as a normal thing in a relationship for them
however beel is much more chill and softer when it comes to such things
it’s bc he has great GREAT amount of trust in you plus he knows no sane, lower demon would never dare and approach you
either bc of the pact markings of the 7 demon lords of devildom or
your impulsive self.
that’s the reason.
at first meeting and the first few days or weeks into mc’s stay in devildom, the brothers either find mc’s impulsiveness and anger issues relatable, amusing or just downright annoying
as for beel he didn’t really care. as long as you didn’t get yourself killed or gravely injured
if anything in the beginning it low-key reminded beel of his twin, belphie
mc’s dark humor, threatening back demons about how they will puck out their teeth, boil it into a soup and shove it down their throat while it’s still steaming hot were first annoying to most of the brothers
however to beel, it just reminded him of how his brother would always snap back at the other demons and more specifically, lucifer
perhaps that little resemblance is what led beel to be protective and possessive over mc
it started out slow and barely noticeable lingering hands over their shoulders, small worried glances, giving them ice package to put over their bruised knuckles
soon it developed into beel constantly hovering around mc, threatening to eat the other lesser demons who even dared to gaze at them to scenting
when scenting your partner in a demon relationship, it usually involves leaving visible marks on each other since demons all have different distinguishable markings
whether it be carving their marks into their s/o’s flesh with their claws, leaving a bloody bite mark or sometimes even their pact markings on each other
however, considering the fact beel is more gentler than the other demons and your a human, he simply decided that cuddling with you for so long to the point that others could smell beel’s sin and scent on you or just draping his large, fluffy orange jacket over you was enough
unfortunately, demons are beings that generally have a darker mindset than humans so one day some lesser, cocky demon mocked you for being “beel’s pet” while you were alone
mc paid that demon back with a broken nose and a broken arm that bent the wrong way (like this __^__🫴)
the terrified screeching of the onlookers and the anguish filled cries of the cocky bastard alongside the blood dripping from the claw marks the demon left on mc called upon the attention of the brothers
when arriving at the scene beel couldn’t help but feel an odd feeling within him
something hot, mushy and dizzying feeling pooling in his stomach, his mind getting hazy, eyes half lidded with the only focus of attention being on you
asmo sensed his brother’s sudden arousal and dragged him off from the crowd, sitting him down in one of the empty classrooms and having a talk with him. helping him calm down and explaining to his little brother that sometimes people get aroused by people who are stronger than them
since that little incident with mc and the cocky demon, beel has never went a day without his mind wandering to the scene he saw
you standing tall and proud with a bloody claw mark running from your chin to your neck with an odd triumphant grin while the lower insect screeched, holding his broken arm
and when he lets his daydreaming go wild, the sixth brother finds himself fantasizing about you sitting on him with the same grin, carving your initials on his chest
the scent of blood oozing around the room, the quiet giggles that would slip out of your lips as he groans and whimpers at the odd yet pleasant feeling
and when his imaginations go further than that, the avatar of sin of gluttony finds himself choking on his breath, pants tightening and the room feeling hotter than the usual
perhaps paying a visit to your room this night won’t be such a bad idea…
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
MC: Hey beel what do you wanna eat tonight?
Beel: Food :)
MC: ok, yes, but what?
Beel: ???
Beel: Food??? :(
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sandatorii · 1 year
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i never shared my bday post here for the babygirls. there was no bday banner at the store so i comprised
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fandomandfuntimes · 9 months
18+ Beelzebub's Oral Habits
I imagine when Beel finishes oral on MC that MC is just an exhausted, hyperventilating mess from the pleasure and Beel is just like "What to eat next?" Or sometimes he'll just continue till they pass out from too much stimulation.
Either way he is very excited to have pleased. That big ol puppy!
And he's definitely a drooler. The bed sheets, your thighs, your sex all covered. He can't stop salivating from your yummy taste.
Like come on the man used to actually eat humans now he can just experience their taste as much as he wants. It's like an endless lollipop
Be careful he might nip and bite
Edit: also can we talk about how if it's done in his demon form he's probably happily buzzing the entire time 😢 🥺
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vincent-4ever · 1 year
Obey me brothers: boyfriend headcanons
Gender neutral reader
Tw: A bit suggestive in Asmodeus' part?
(This is my first fan fic so don't expect it to be perfect + not proofread)
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● Lucifer
When he's working he likes to have you by his side. Dealing with his brothers is already enough, so when he's filling out papers which is probably the only alone time he gets, he likes to have you there. Your warm presence, your smile, you bring him joy by simply just existing.
Occasionally, when this happens, he'll have classical music on in the background. So sometimes, when he's in a flirty/good mood, he'll invite you to slow dance with him.
I don't think he's really into public affection, I feel like the most he'll do in public is give you a peck on the cheek.
He definitely calls you some classic pet names like prince/princess, doll, baby, babe, my love, and darling.
Sometimes when he's deep in a conversation with Diavolo, he'll slip out a "oh that reminds me of this time when me and y/n—" and then he quickly realizes his mistake.
● Mammon
He's very clingy. He comes to your room a lot, sleeps in the same bed as you, and the list goes on.
I feel like he would sometimes randomly hug or kiss you, in public or when you're alone. He's probably into showing you off in public, he'd walk around with his hand around your waist, or holding your hand.
I can imagine he tries to teach you how to gamble. He will try to get you to play poker with him a lot. Despite him trying to "teach you" you win every time. I can imagine him using this as an excuse. "Listen, I just wanna win this time ya hear! It's not like I enjoy playin' with ya or anything!"
I feel like he would bring you with him whenever he has a photoshoot for a magazine or something. Whether you're taking the photo with him, or you're behind the camera, he enjoys knowing that you're there. It comforts him, and he's probably thinking about how you're probably thinking how hot he is. (Considering you're reading this you probably think that often)
For pet names, I feel like it could be the most random thing. One day it's my boy/my girl, darling, babe, and then the next day he accidentally calls you Goldie. (He's fully convinced you're jealous of Goldie btw)
He isn't very clingy at first, but overtime he'll become more clingy to you. Like, at first, he will be too scared to even hold your hand. So sometimes he'll randomly ask you when he finally gets enough courage to hold your hand.
PLEASE make him fully aware he means the world to you! He loves you with all his heart. Despite feeling this way, poor Levi is too scared to go past holding your hand in public. He thinks everyone will judge you guys because "you're too good for him, looks and personality wise," so whenever you get the chance PLEASE watch anime with him, read manga with him, and play video games with him. And also remind him of how much you love him, or he'll start to think you hate him :(
He would definitely go to cons in the human world with you. And with enough convincing him about how you guys won't be judged, he'll try to match with you. Whether you're matching with characters from your favorite anime/show/video game, or his, he's totally down! When getting into cosplay, if you need help he'll probably also help you, or at least try to. If he can't in the very end, he'll get Asmo to help.
When he first introduced you to Henry, he started ranting about TSL, and Henry of course. After about a good 10-20 minutes he'll freak out and apologize saying how he must have been annoying, and if you say you don't mind he'll continue to rant about it :)
For pet names, I feel like he would be very nervous with this. I feel like he mainly calls you by a shortened version of your name if you have one, or your name. But when you're doing something together like reading manga, watching anime, or playing video games he'll accidentally call you "bae" or "sweetie" without thinking. After you're done, and you go to your room around 12 or 1 AM, he'll realize that he said that and start blushing and covering his face with a pillow or something.
● Satan
Since Lucifer doesn't allow Satan to have a cat, or anyone else to have a cat, Satan thought sneaking one in your room would be best. He calls it "plan cat in y/n's room because Lucifer would never break y/n's heart," in short, when Lucifer found out which was only a week after it happened, he forced you to give the cat to an adoption center.
I feel like Satan would like to read books to you. Bedtime story? You got it! Maybe you just feel like hearing an interesting story? He will definitely find a book to read to you! And not only does he read them to you, he recommends many books to you. Sometimes he comes to your room just to ask if you finished the book he gave you. If you didn't, he'll probably do that weird partner thing you do in school, you know when one of you holds one page and the other holds the other? I feel like he would be a very fast reader so he'll take his time with you, asking when you're ready to go to the next page.
He'll go to the human world to go on Cat cafe dates with you. He'll probably end up accidentally showing the cats more affection than you to you though.
He would definitely take you to a bookstore, probably for a first date too. He probably does this to see what kind of books you like, so he can recommend/lend you some in the future. If you like mangas more than novels/chapter books, he'll ask Levi what he could recommend to you, or buy you.
Since I feel like Satan is into very subtle public affection, he calls you pet names in public. Probably the same pet names as Lucifer but add "kitten" in the mix. Also, with public affection, he doesn't do it a lot, but when he does he's only holding your hand or giving you a peck on the cheek, this is mainly because while he enjoys it, he prefers your sweet moments together to be you two alone.
● Asmodeus
The walking definition of public affection. He will take your hand and drag you to different clothing stores. When you try on clothes he picked for you, he'll grab your waist and literally start making out with you. Right there and then. He's the avatar of lust, and he can't help himself. Seeing you in the clothes that HE picked, makes him feel happy.
He wants to cuddle you every night. If you fall asleep before he even enters the room, he'll join you. If you're reading a book, or playing on your D.D.D, he'll lay down next to you, hug you, and lay his head on your chest and slowly fall asleep.
He will help you with your makeup. Especially if you enjoy a unique style of makeup, or you're cosplaying. He enjoys doing unique makeup looks, and he loves how good you look when he's done. He has to hold back kissing you because he doesn't wanna ruin your makeup.
He would probably bathe with you, because he claims he knows the secret to silky soft hair, or the perfect skincare routine. It's all excuses to spend alone time with him. When you're out of the bath, he'll show you his skincare routine, and have you do it with him.
He ADORES pet names! I feel like he uses Darling, My love, sweetie/my sweet/sweetie pie, hon/honey, cutie, and baby a lot. And when you guys are on a date or taking a nap together, he'll use pet names very often, and would also call you adorable in the same sentence. I feel like he would do this in public so everyone knows you're his, because he loves having a partner as beautiful as he is.
● Beelzebub
He knows all the best restaurants, and brings you to them. Sometimes he occasionally accidentally eats your food or takes a big bite, but he'll apologize shortly after. He'll probably end up buying you more food but end up taking a bite again, and he eventually gives up.
He doesn't show much emotion, but I feel like when you're sad, he's completely MISERABLE. I feel like it's the same for most brothers, but everyone hides it but him. He will come up to your room with snacks, which he either ate almost all of it or all of it.
He isn't really big on public affection. I don't think he feels like he needs to hold your hand, or kiss you in public to prove he loves you. Infact, I don't think he's very touchy at all. Yeah you kiss a lot, but it's usually when you're alone.
Every time Belphie plans something with him, he invites you. He doesn't like to think you're alone.
I don't really know about pet names. I feel like if he called you a pet name like he tried pet names out before, like he probably called you 'honey' and immediately got hungry. So he either calls you by your name or a shortened version if you have one.
● Belphegor
A lot of naps. And I'm also assuming since he has a body pillow, he enjoys cuddling with you while you fall asleep together. He probably clings on to you, and buries his face into your chest.
I feel like he LOVES it when you play with his hair. Like he loses himself when you do it. He'll just be leaning on your shoulder and you'll be playing with his hair and he'll fall asleep faster than usual.
Very protective of you, but doesn't do anything about it. He gets really jealous and mad when he sees someone hitting on you, especially when everyone knows you're his. He will probably say something rude to them and drag you away at most.
I wouldn't say he's obsessed with public affection but I feel like in cafes he will lean his head on your shoulder. He would also kiss you on the cheek sometimes.
For pet names, I feel like he would use prince/princess, star, baby, babe, and of course, a shortened version of your name if you have one.
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Thank you for reading this is my first actual fanfic! If you have suggestions pls do suggest them. :) (No nsfw)
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Summary:You get a little drunk off the wine Diavolo had at a party and offer the brothers to sit on your lap
Type:Short Scenarios: Lucifer X M!Reader: Mammon X M!Reader: Leviathan X M!Reader: Satan X M!Reader: Asmodeus X M!Reader: Beelzebub X M!Reader: Belphegor X M!Reader
Version: One Master
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He was originally dancing when he noticed you sitting by yourself. So, he walked over to you.
"MC? Are you alright"
He was a bit worried since yor head was down, clothes messed up, face red. He wanted to make sure you were okay. You looked up and hummed. Giving a small chuckle at his worried look.
"Ah,*hic* Asmodeus~ Why don't you come take a seat*hic*"
You sounded drunk, but he wasn't gonna back out. Wrapping his arms around your neck, he sat down facing you(like in the gif), leaning towards you he smirked, wondering what you had in kind. You smirked back at him, pulling closer by his waist and putting your face in his neck. He giggled and hugged your head.
He was just standing to the side, totally not planning a way to steal something without anyone noticing. But he couldn't help but look over at you a few times, and by few, I mean every few seconds. But could you blame him? His crush, you, was sitting down with your legs spread, shirt unbuttoned, with your tie undone, with a bottle of wine in your hand, OH! And don't forget the messy hair. He'd inch himself closer and closer to you subconsciously. Until he heard your drunken giggles, and you call out his name.
"Mammon! *hic*, lover boy Mammon"
He blushed at that remark, but before he could respond you kept talking.
"You look tense*hic*, need a seat?"
He blushed even harder when you patted your legs, fully inviting him in. He wouldn't shut up about how he's the great mammon and how powerful he was, and how he didn't need to sit on a humans lap... as he sat on your lap. Let's just say he secretly loved it.
He was tired. Honestly, he was looking for a spot to take a nap. And he'd always never near you, from the beginning when you were dancing, to the middle when you were eating and drinking, and to now. Where you were basically blacked out drunk from wine in a nice, comfy chair. You wouldn't even have to ask. He had his mind right as soon as he started heading for you.
"Heyyy~ Belp-"
Before you could finish your sentence, he was in your lap and snuggled up to you. You just giggled and kept drinking the wine. You were definitely gonna take some home.
He was talking with Diavolo. Lucifer was paying attention, just to his brother, since he knows you can hold your own. But it wasn't until Diavolo pointed out your state. Lucifer panicked and rushed to your side. When he got to you, he started asking questions, like if you're hurt, if you need water, etc. Your response never answered any questions he had.
"Aww~ Luc*hic*ifer is worried, hehe~ *hic* come have a seat, you worryyy to much"
Lucifer was taken back by your remark. He stared at your hand as it patted your leg. Sighing he patted your shoulder.
"MC... this is not the place.... and-"
He started to go on a rant about how idiotic you are and how you should have never drank so much. You only got three minutes in before you pulled him into your lap. Causing him to get flustered and stutter on his words. Eventually, he just shut up and crossed his arms as he stared at you. You couldn't tell what he was feeling. His face was unreadable. You giggled and snuggled into him.
He hadn't been at the party in the first place. He had been somewhere else, until recently. He was bored and had the urge to tick off Lucifer somehow. When he saw you, he walked over, quite surprised at your state. Then he got an idea. As you were drinking the wine, he grabbed the bottle off a nearby table and waited for you to put your glass down. When you did, he gave you more, he could tell you were pleased by this.
"Thannkk you~ *hic*"
Satan nodded before looking over at Lucifer, who hadn't noticed you two yet. Satan smirked as he slid into your lap. You looked surprised, but out your glass down to put both hands on his hips, he smirked as he leaned forward to kiss you. And he didn't stop, he pressed himself against you and all, because he knew this would most definitely piss off Lucifer, and probably mammon. Satan had a fun night.
He was originally eating, just eating away to his hearts desire. But he would watch you pretty offen. Just in case you hurt yourself or couldn't get up for the wine. But when he got suspicious of you, mainly because you weren't moving, he walked over to you.
You looked up at him, a dazed smile making its way to your face.
"Heeyyyy, pretty boy~"
Beel didn't seem surprised by your remark. He just patted your shoulder.
"You're drunk, you need some rest, and water"
You frowned and pulled him into a hug, pressing yourself against his stomach. His stomach digesting his most recent food made you move your head to look up at him. Giving him a smile, one he has suspicions of.
"Only if you have a seat for a bit"
Beel looked around for another chair. He was gonna get a chair to sit next to you. And even tho he did find a chair, he still ended up in your lap. He was worried he would accidently hurt you, but you just cuddled into his chest.
He had been with you the whole time. He was originally playing on his Nintendo while sitting next to you on a small sofa, one that can fix three. He wasn't paying attention to you or anything else until some succubus came around. At first, they were just chatting while looking at you, probably because of your looks. Your messy hair, unbuttoned shirt, and messed up tie. Levi just realized how you looked and looked away, blushing. But he couldn't stop himself for looking at you, especially your legs. You had a wide man spread, with your pants a little tight near the top. Sooner than Levi expected, the two succubus walked up to you. One sitting on one of your legs and the other on the arm of the sofa.
"You seem lonely tonight~"
The one on your leg said.
"Yeah~ your buddy here isn't paying you any attention~ you deserve better than him~"
You only chuckled, a little drunk to come up with an argument. Your words were slurred and hard to make out. But even if you said your words as clear as day, Levi was too pissed off to hear it. Oh, how much he wanted to take that spot, to be the one pulling at your messy tie and messing with your hair. He wanted to sit on your lap. He wanted all your attention to himself. He only got more and more mad before he finally had enough. Him turning into his demon form, he pulled the succubus off your leg before sitting down on both of your legs. His knees bent and hanging off the sofa as he hugs your chest, giving the two succubus a nasty glare. You laughed as you hugged him closer.
[A/n:I love this idea. I hope you enjoyed]
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obeymesheep · 1 year
Bimbo MC
Lucifer, Mammon, Beelzebub
Gn reader, although described as, a trophy, cheerleader, wearing makeup and jewelry, just being more feminine than i would normally write.
Part 2 !here!
Hey guys! very very sorry about the wait again but i hope you love it! i got inspired when i was reading slasher fan fiction, love love love it when the reader is hyper fem and sooo dim
Y'all are literally so cute, the style contrast of the pink y2k with his dark brooding style.
You're blissfully unaware about how whipped Luci is for you, the way he relaxes when you enter the room. How he seems actually happy when you accompany him to whatever business dinner or ball, hanging off his arm and taking all the attention off of him.
Luci kinda treats you like a trophy, he just likes having someone who spends so much time taking care of themselves, but anyone who takes a closer look at your relationship, they'll know it's not just that with the endless amount of questions you ask him.
Overall your relationship with him is very healthy, you taking care of yourself makes him want to take care of himself, you just rub off on him, your energy.
MY FAV PROBABLY dumb x dumb, Mams gives sugar daddy attitude, especially with how clingy he is, i mean come on
He takes you to the casino just to show you off, keeping you on his lap, telling you to blow on the dice during crabs, and definitely consensually uses you to get free drinks
Mams definitely spoils you with clothes, makeup, and jewelry, which is where the sugar daddy thing comes in, people are CONVINCED that's the only reason you're with each other, money, which of course leads to doubt on both of your ends, in the beginning of the relationship there's lots of comfort for both of you as you learn to ignore the mean people.
Y'all are both so dumb so you often spend lots of time studying together, with the occasional phone call to satan, you inspire each other to be better.
CHEERLEADER AND FOOTBALL PLAYER OMGGG that's it that's the headcannon. No more im done, it's just too cute and perfect.
You def go to his games to cheer him on, and you distract him so much, he is so whipped, he loses points just to look at you,
Will follow you around like a puppy while you get ready, doing your skin care, makeup, picking an outfit, and some jewelry, just likes being with you and if you allow him to spoon you a little or hold his hand he will melt.
Overall very very healthy, your his cheerleader for everything he does and he just gives you so much love in return!!
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devildomditzy · 1 year
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tatsumessy · 1 year
Text with Beel
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devilish-yuki · 1 year
Some silly headcanons about the Obey Me brothers
• Mammon will ALWAYS go for you after school/work. One day after a long day of hard work, you were going normally like every day you left the building to go home and you noticed a lot of people surrounding what seemed to be a luxurious car, "whatever" you thought, but before continuing With your way you heard how a well-known voice yelled at you "Oi human! Get in! We're goin for some shoppin spree at Gucci now!" and there you understood that the person in the luxurious car was your favorite demon... what a shame to draw attention like that, hmph.
• Lucifer sometimes will take you out shopping just for you to flex him on your social media, he's really proud of himself when it comes to being your (sugar daddy lol) economic whims supporter. "Yes, my darling. You can take a photo of us with these... weird looking teas?, whatever makes you happy".
• Beel loves, he really ADORES when you both bake something together, not just because he loves to eat but also because you always try to make him not to eat the ingredients, and he intentionally teases you with that just to see your "angry" face. "Beel, drop that spoon. Now... No, Beel, don't touch the chocolate... Beel, no, Beel, BEELZEBUB!!!" "Hahaha, sorry, sorry. It just tastes really good".
• Levi is a hardcore otaku and we all know that, but he's also a really big fan of K-Pop, in fact, he loves K-Pop as much as Zaramela's music, so he could (and will) force you to learn a lot of the choreographies. "Okay! So this one goes like: pose, hands, move, move, pose and "anti-ti-ti-ti-fragile fragile ×2... Got it??" "Uhhh".
• Shopping and sleepover with Asmo is something nice and fun but partying???? He's the best! He will always invite you to party at the weekend and when you say yes he's the happiest demon in the Devildom. "We're gonna match outfits together! I want you to be the prettiest, after me, so when my succubies meet you they fall for you!" and since he's well known the DJ always plays the music he wants, so if you want to dance to any specific song he will make play that for you, "Slaaay queen! Look at your moves!".
• Themes cafe dates are a must when you go out with Satan, he just adores visiting every cute themed cafe in the city, Alice in Wonderland themed cafe? check, baroque themed cafe? check, anime themed cafe??? also check, CAT THEMED CAFE? ABSOLUTELY CHECK! "There's a new alpaca themed cafe on the west side of the city, we're going today" "But I haven't said yes yet..." "I don't care, I made reservations" "Oh".
• Belphie nap dates are boring sometimes, so he decides to take them to another level. Camping dates with Belphie (even if it's in the backyard of the house) where you both can see the stars, eat s'mores (ft Beel) and fall asleep together because it gets cold at midnight. "That one, there, is not a star" "No??" "No, that's Mercury" "Ohh... I heard that Mercury is retrograde now" "... What does that even mean?".
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camryn-ciel67 · 1 year
Midnight, you had a horrible day, can't sleep and you feel like an absolute peice of crap.
So you decide to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, or maybe steal a sip of Lucifers hidden wine.
You turn the corner to the door and boom:
Beelzebub hunched over the kitchen bench with a whole ass cake in his mouth, the little way his eyes light up when he sees you.
And when he stands up to greet you with a full mouth, all you hear is "Herrmph Mphseee"
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My height and body headcanons for the brothers
(With my Mc to put their heights in perspective)
I wanted to practice some different body types and drawing different heights next to each other so I thought it would be fun to draw some head canons I have about the boys. (Ignore their lack of hands this already took so long lol)
I’m one of those people that headcanons demons and angels as being large on scar age than humans so Levi and Mams are right around average in height.
Going into detail from tallest ti shortest
He took a lot of hits during the war shielding his brothers and Lilith so his body is pretty scarred up.
He had a hard time recovering but was never in fatal danger just lots of pain.
Very big boy! Only second to Diavolo in his demon form.
Being an insect type demon he doesn’t dark grow body hair but he does have so light peach fuzz in areas
Used to be toned like his brothers but after years of desk he’s lost a lot of it
Don’t be fooled by his lack of tone he’s still very powerful and muscular. He’s just got a little squish over top from inactivity.
He can feel down about it from time to time.
Only Beel and Mammon know this. Beel, because he’s asked for advice on staying in shape. And Mammon because he drunkenly confided in him about it.
He’s tried to work out multiple times but it seems like every time he picks it up he gets too busy to keep up with it.
A little bit of body hair on his chest and legs with a nice happy trail
He doesn’t have many scars on the front but his back is completely torn up. He almost dyed while healing from his injuries.
Has the exact same structure as Lucifer he’s just visibly younger and much thinner.
I’m a strong believer that he bleaches his hair
Not much body hair but he does have a bit of a happy trail.
Absolutely no scars as he’s never really seen a real battle.
He’s rather thin in his humanoid form but hulks out do to speak when he’s enraged in his demon form.
Swimmers body. Weaker legs but broad chest and shoulders. Unless he’s in water his muscles are useless since he’s built specifically for swimming.
A few scars but he got out without any major injuries.
No body hair as he’s a aquatic type demon.
Very much has a model’s build.
A gold lip piercing, he also has cartilage piercing but their hidden by his hair. He wants more but they make it harder to get modeling gigs
He shaves his body hair except for his happy trail and crotch area. Claims it’s too much work he’s scared of cutting his balls
Doesn’t have any scars from the war. All of his injuries were either internal or too shallow.
The hairiest of the brothers. It grows pretty much everywhere and he doesn’t bother to maintain it.
He’s not very muscular at all, not super thin but not chubby. His body reflects his life style for sure.
Lip ring and a stretched septum piercing
Major eye bags
A few scars but Beel took most of his hits so he didn’t get injured too bad.
Has a few discolored patches on his leg that have always been there, they turn black in his demon form.
He got fucked up in the war. Almost died after falling and had a very rough recovery. His face and neck got hit the hardest.
He uses a glamor charm to hide the damage to his face. It’s exhausting and uses that majority of his magic to maintain but anything for beauty! He hides his neck with turtle necks and scarves.
Super thin. He works really hard to maintain his toned yet slim appearance.
Tw: ed. We actually know from canon he skips meals, goes on fad diets, and avoids gaining muscle while still trying to work out.
Nipple and belly button piercings.
Goes for regular waxing so his skin his always smooth.
And lastly my Mc for a human comparison
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mitsua · 9 months
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Warnings : bad grammar and spelling mistakes
Genre : fluff
Serie : 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞! 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞?
MC 's . . . GN !
🪤•°| 𝔅𝔢𝔢𝔩𝔷𝔢𝔟𝔲𝔟 and MC ordering food.
" Is everything ok MC ?" Beelzebub asked, watching your confused face when taking out of your Akuber's bag the food you suppposedly asked for, which was, in this not to often mistake, clearly not yours.
" I think they've got me the wrong order ..." you said, showing some disappointment.
" Oh, then lets order again -" " No no, it's ok, I think I can still eat this ".
" I insist, if that was not what you wanted to eat, then maybe you shouldn't eat it at all " " I'm so hungry right now I feel like I want to eat the whole fridge, it's fine ".
" But still it's not the same experience as when you eat what you really want to, believe me ".
" I think you're right, but I can do it this once, ok ? don't worry " you stay firm as Beel tries to convince you to order again at the app and even got his D.D.D. out again in order to do so, but you didn't want him spending more than he already did by this, and you knew this didn't happened so often so maybe letting it slide this time wouldn't be so bad, but Beel wouldn't listen and try to had the perfect date with you at the dining room. This night were rarely none of his brothers were home because of some urgent matters they all had to attend.
You knew Beel considered each moment with family everything in his life, and so you didn't wanted to ruin one of those moment you felt like everything when having him with you.
After some reasoning, Beel surrendered and agreed to letting you eat it as you wished to.
" Hey, I know it's none of our faults this happened, so please, don't feel any guilt or bad feeling since I'm not mad or anything, I was confused but maybe this is an opportunity to change my food likings ? besides, I get to eat with you, which means more to me than the actual food ". You said in hopes Beel wouldn't feel bad with himself or at you.
He stopped at the middle of his third cheeseburger and looked at you, totally feeling those words and getting so grateful and more than elated hearing that from you.
When finishing the food in his mouth, he spoke once again ;
" I'm so relieved you said that, and I'm glad you feel that way about eating with me, because I also feel like the company is the best when you're doing what you love the most, and in this case I love you, and I love eating with you ".
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Beel, Levi and Asmo with chubby! fem! s/o who have low self-esteem
Was fighting thoughts about ordering delivery for fast food and then a sudden idea came to my mind...! (p.s. I lost the fight)
Femreader, fluff, hurt/comfort, Asmo being mischievous a little bit;;
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-He has no idea why you think about yourself so low and can't believe he actually loves you.
-Beel is so big, like, really big. And you love him, don't you? Then why did you think he couldn't feel the same passion for you?
-If you have a tummy it just means you are eating well. And that he has something to squeeze and kiss, as much as your thick thighs too.
-Don't you dare to try diets or something. Beel doesn't mind if it was because of some health problems or something, but if you just tell him that you want to lose weight because you feel ugly, he will stop you.
-He may not be that good with words but he will try to explain to you how much he loves you and that's real happiness not in your figure but in your heart. So you can be pretty and beautiful in any form and shape, the main point is confidence and he's willing to help you work with that.
-"S/o.. i.. I really love you.." - it was kinda hard to talk so intimate without getting embarrassed but Beel threw away his shyness, knowing that you need some comfort right now. - "I love you and your appearance the way it is, because you are already perfect and without any flaws.. Like a big Cheeseburger…"
-He wants you to be healthy and happy, and there's nothing better than a big portion of your favorite meal, don't you think? So now he will take you with him in cafes more often, he hopes eating together will be less nerving for you.
-Will try to compliment you more, especially about your appearance. Despite it looking like all he thinks about is food, he's pretty attentive and always notices when you buy a new skirt or get a new haircut.
-"You look so.. um.. tasty in this dress.." - Beel gets closer to you and takes your hands, smiling happily with a little blush on his cheeks. - "And the way you smell is so.. delicious.."
-Well maybe he's a little bit awkward but he's trying his best! After all, he just wants to always support and help you..!
-He doesn't care how much you weigh, for him you're still so small that he can easily lift you up with one arm. See? That means you are not that fat, so don't worry, darling..!
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-You may be sad because in all that anime he watches so many pretty girls with such unrealistic thin waists.. How can he look at you and feel something after seeing so many pretty fictional characters and so many beautiful cosplayers..?
-When you tell him about this he will get shocked. How can you think like that?? After all that love and care he put in you?? It's not fair..!
-"Since when do you start thinking like a normie, caring about your weight and everything?! The real otaku's mind has thoughts only about new games and shows..!" - he scoffs, but then looks at you with a worried expression - "Come on, there's no one who will be cooler than you.. Even Ruri-chan says that personality is more important than appearance, but you're great in both ways, so why do you care??"
-He's really surprised how someone so precious and cute can have low self-esteem. If someone will combine all his waifus the result still will be not that adorable and stunning like you..!
-He absolutely loves your big thighs, as he can lie on them while playing on his phone. It's much more comfortable and warm than his pillow so don't you dare try to get rid of these plump squishy things..!
-Levi will try to find some anime about cooking or some that includes plus size characters, so you will feel better. When you are so sad his heart hurts more than when he died right as the boss got like 1 hp left in his favorite game.
-Also.. What did you say about all these cosplayers? He now makes you a great outfit so he can prove to you how much more beautiful you will look in cosplay than all these people..!
-"Here..! Try this!" - he drag you to his room and show you a dress that looks as if it would be worn by some magical girl like Sailor moon. - "Come on, you will look hella cute in this..! After all, it's my work, and I always pay attention to all details, don't you see?"
-Will make one of your photos like his avatar in social media as he really can't stop admiring your beautiful form here.
-Levi will use any opportunity to show you his love, maybe sometimes not with the real words but through text as he's too embarrassed to say something like that out loud but still.. Despite he hates when Asmo doing this, just for you, he will add extra hearts in the end <3
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-Honey.. From all people on this planet.. you…?!
-He's stunned. Speechless. Will probably give you a side eye for a moment. Come on, baby, beauty loves confidence, and if you keep being so shy about yourself you will never shine bright..!
-If you will avoid him because you are afraid that you're not worth his attention, the attention of the most beautiful, skinny, precious demon in Devildom, then he has no choice but to annoy you everyday.
-Expect a bunch of text from him with millions of sweet words about your cute appearance and breathtaking figure. Also will shower you with presents, from small lipstick to a whole outfit.
-"S/o..! Oh, my precious charming goodness, here you are!" - he gets closer and, before you have time to react, pepper all your face in small quick kisses. - "Are you sad again about your figure? Stop it, there's no one who has such a mesmerizing and beautiful body as you have..! And I'm willing to show you how truthful my words of love are in any way you want me to, darling..!♡"
-He's a pro in fashion! And he knows how to enhance the beauty of his little beloved girl, finding the right clothes that suit your stunning look.
-So yeah, Asmo will take you with him to all the shops now. He thinks that if you refresh your wardrobe a little then you will also refresh your mind. You will be able to look at yourself from his view and realize just how much potential you have.
-"Hurry up, there's at least five stores that I wanted to show you..!" - he takes your arms and leads you through the streets - "You know, shopping always helps me forget about everything, so come on, let's enjoy our little date today, hehe..!"
-There's no one who will outshine Asmo in beauty. Well, at least among demons. Cause among people there's no one who will outshine you, and he will repeat it to you until you will remember it, darling.
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obeymesheep · 2 years
Falling Asleep
Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
you/your reader
Part 1 !here!
Hope you all enjoy!
You two are cuddled up having a nice, last minute, makeshift date!
You excepted that both of you would be busy with test prep all week but had some free time towards the end!
Satan gently reading to you, his soft voice lulling you to a sense of calm and relaxation after weeks of stress.
Satan notices your eyes getting heavy and your muscles relaxing against his, in that moment you remind him of a little kitten.
Pulling the blanket up over your shoulders Satan tightens his hold on you.
You drift off and nuzzle into Satans side, he blushes a lil, you're just too cute.
Y'all are having a very nice spa day, spent at one of Asmo's exclusive and fancy spa/hotels
A couple nights away from the chaotic family was exactly what you two needed, your skin was clear, your well rested and your muscles completely relaxed.
You and Asmo are cuddled up in a private pool side hammock, the artificial sun beating down on your back, as you basically blanket over Asmo.
The gentle rocking of the wind, mixed with Asmo's melodic voice talking about whatever was really starting to make everything fuzzy
Asmo is very aware of the effect he is having on you, starting to draw shapes into your back.
When you do drift off he motions for one of the pool boys to grab a umbrella, wouldn't want your pretty back to get sunburned.
Beel often does random check ins with you throughout the night when you aren't sharing a bed.
When he finds you awake eating so popcorn binge watching that show you were talking about he can't help but stay.
Beel has you held very close, munching on the popcorn you had leftover, and he gets very in to the show you were watching.
You on the other hand have completely lost interest, the warmth beel radiates is exquisite and with a belly full of popcorn, you feel yourself drift off.
Beel doesn't notice for a while, to engrossed with the things he loves, you and food, but when he sees you've drifted off.
He gently puts the popcorn on the floor and cuddles in closer to you, and drifts off with you.
but when you first did it he fell a little more in love with you.
Having a nice date in the planetarium watching the stars go by and chatting about your day while you share a blanket.
Belphie is talking about his next prank on Lucifer when he feels you lean his head on his shoulder
Thinking you just want to show affection he leans his head on yours as well, slowly falling asleep.
It's not until you both wake up later, that belphie realizes you were actually asleep!
Belphie then knows your the one, all of a sudden falling asleep on his shoulder like that is sooo cute!
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