#ns/fw content
va4mpii · 1 day
Is my waist gropeable?
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imdalastvamp · 3 days
i want your soul not u
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lovemedaisy · 3 days
How far can you stretch your nipples when you pull them very hard
not that much 😩
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mommyownsmee · 3 days
I need you to relax around my cock, let me slide in the full length and pump into you, hitting that glorious spot near the back of your throat that I bet you didn't even know existed until then. I imagine how your throat will heat up as you drool around it, the intensity of it prickling over your skin and spreading throughout the rest of your perfect body, making you dizzy and clouding your brain. I want you to shatter under my touch, no longer being able to control the movements of your head, moaning at the near-suffocating feeling of my cock fucking into your needy little hole. I bet you’d want to scream, but your mouth would just be too full, creating pretty wet sloppy sounds for me to get off on. And all mommy would do would be telling you how perfect it is to use your mouth as the fuckhole that’s it made to be, my hips jerking with each word, my hand wrapped around your throat where the bulge of my cock would be perfectly visible, knowing I‘d breed that wet hole with my cum just like you need me to <3
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sw33tcat · 17 hours
Sometimes you encounter surprises..
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poinsettiapavilion · 2 days
Tiddies of the day?
ask and you shall receive
(within reason)
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bbybuniee · 3 days
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sharpsy · 1 day
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Hi! I’m Sharpsy and I’m opening my nsfw commissions for the summer!!! Full details are in the link in my bio. ‼️PLEASE REPOST ‼️
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lilickybun · 1 day
m so wet thinking about them fucking me from behind and slapping my ass >.< god i need it
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born-of-flames · 3 days
Entry One...
(lots of trigger warnings: Knives, CNC, Dark Themes)
She has no idea what she has gotten herself into, she was told to meet me in the parking lot of the local state park at sunset.
Once she arrived, alone, no other car visible, I could see her look at her phone, there no signal out this far in the woods and she should have known better to not let the voices telling her this was a bad idea not to come out here.
*Ring Ring... Ring Ring...*
A phone placed on the sign board where the trail is marked. A letter, fastened to the post with a hunting knife sunken deeply inside the wooden pole.
"Look at the map, the destination is marked and your trail set out. I'll meet you once you arrive."
"You look stunning little lamb, wearing that little white dress I picked out for you."
She looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of me, she didn't think I'd let her see me just yet?
She could have gotten back into her car and driven away, yet she looked at the map, holding her hand over her mouth with eyes wider than ever when she realised what she was looking at.
There on that old faded map, a bloody "X" marking the end of the trail and a dotted line of smaller droplets of still fresh blood marking out the route.
Looking back at what I witnessed, you could tell she was considering leaving, staring at her car and yet. She advanced.
"Time to get in position."
She didn't take long to get to her destination, through the winding trail, every so often noticing the bloody handprints on trail markers. Her heart racing as the sunlight faded and lit up the sky high above the sparse canopy of summer leaves with pinks, oranges and reds.
Her destination...
A clearing, small braziers arranged in the shape of a pentagram. White woodash laid in neat lines between them and in a circle.
In the middle of it all, a stone alter atop a tree stump adorned with black and red candles.
She should have left, she shouldn't have come this far, and yet, her curiosity, everything I had told her, made her trust me, made her venture out despite the pounding in her ears and the boiling of her blood.
A voice from the shadows, like a chilling gust of wind that left her petrified.
"Welcome My little lamb, you have been chosen, you have been lead to this place for your true purpose. Don't be affraid. Be still, fear is only going to make this hurt more than it needs to."
She shouldn't have run. Yet, everything she knew and felt told her to take off back down the trail, what a grave, foolish and reckless mistake that was.
I knew she would run, after all, who in their right mind wouldn't?
What she was met with sent her shuffling back into the dirt and hastely turning to try and claw her way back to her feet after stumbling backwards.
There I was, wearing a suite, ripped sleeves, torn button down dress shirt with blood stains down the front and a mask made from leather, bone and antlers. Only my wild, demonic eyes and the slightest sliver of my blood mottled lips visible.
Reaching out towards her with the tip of the hunting knife, the one with the unforgettable stag horn handle which she so foolishly left behind that held the note to the post.
"Where do you think you're going MY little lamb?"
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va4mpii · 2 days
Tell me you’ve been thinking of me
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imdalastvamp · 2 days
i look so pretty today
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sofiaaparker · 7 months
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Play with me for a while
My FREE page Onlyf@ns
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mommyownsmee · 3 days
„Do you want to play, princess?..
Fine, we‘ll play.. but don‘t fight me. You won‘t win.“
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lovemedaisy · 1 month
here’s a little something before i go back to studying 🙈
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poinsettiapavilion · 2 days
Panties of the day?
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don't talk abt the fall out boy fanart pinned up in the back
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