#not trek
trek-tracks · 6 months
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She just sat contented in the comfy chair as I built this up around her
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I call this installation “The Cat of Amontillado.”
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garaktime · 2 years
why the fuck do they name the racehorses like that, just name them normal  
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i hate you subscription services. i hate you streaming. i hate you computers that aren’t made to be able to use dvds or cds. i hate you not being able to have anything as your own. i hate you having to endlessly pay for something you should only have to pay for once.
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daggerofthemind · 4 months
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any marvellous light fans here? i just read freya marske’s ( @fahye ) the last binding trilogy and completely adored it, so i had to draw edwin and robin
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garaks-padded-bra · 2 months
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ed good burger … save me
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jimkirkachu · 2 years
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has this been done yet?
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spirk-trek · 2 months
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Solar Eclipse 2024
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thisisstarfleet · 6 months
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I got my sticker box from @shiftythrifting today, including some non-sticker bonuses (upper left). I'll definitely be using at least a few of these when my new laptop gets here tomorrow!
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skee-doodles · 4 months
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Playing around with more art styles!
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frogayyyy · 1 month
usually i try to read them as they're noted but sometimes i can't help it and i read them before i start the main text 😔 which is stupid because they have no context and don't make sense half of the time so i just have to read them again later on
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tocautiouslygo · 27 days
Some of the ways narcissistic personality disorder manifests for me day-to-day:
(Some of these may have overlap with other mental illnesses and autism! I can't fully separate out all the different things that are going on in my brain)
Being reluctant to let anyone help me because I don't think they'll do the thing as well as I could
Donating to mutual aid so I can feel good about myself for helping people
Daydreaming about exactly how I'd go about helping everyone if I had a lot of money (and about how the people who would be helped would want to thank their mysterious benefactor but I'd keep my identity a secret because I would be doing this because it's the right thing not for the attention and...)
Expecting to succeed at things the first time, and feeling ashamed when I don't
Feeling ashamed of feeling ashamed
Feeling ashamed of feeling ashamed of feeling ashamed
Still ruminating on being ghosted, over a year after it happened, because I can’t accept that I’m not fully in control of how other people treat me
Seeking out terrible discourse takes when I'm feeling bad about myself, so I can reassure myself that at least I'm better than those people
Feeling baffled when people tell/show me they think of me when I'm not around
Not giving up on things I want to succeed at because I'm convinced I'm so close to getting there
Feeling jealous whenever anyone pays attention to anything that isn't me, or needs to do something (including sleeping or eating) instead of talking to me
Feeling guilty for being jealous and trying to suppress the feeling. Succeeding to the point where I didn't realise I felt jealousy at all until I went looking for it
Working on my mental health so I can tell the people in my life about my progress
Planning out how conversations are going to go in my head and feeling rejected if something different happens, even if it's objectively fine
Frequently seeking reassurance that my friends still like me
Feeling bad if I don't get attention but feeling scared of being "found out" as inadequate in some way if I do, especially if the attention of a large group is on me
Writing awareness posts in the hopes it'll get me notifications/positive comments
Some of the ways it used to manifest for me [under the cut for mentions of self harm and problematic stuff on my part]:
Digging my nails into my skin and insulting myself as punishment for failure
If there was something I wanted to talk about but was scared to bring up, attempting to manipulate the conversation so the other person would bring it up
Feeling superior to others because (among many other things) I: used proper grammar, was Not Like Other Girls™, had niche interests
Holding myself at a distance in friendships/relationships because I was too scared of fucking things up
Being self deprecating so people would contradict me [I might still do this? I'm not sure]
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trek-tracks · 1 year
When a student copies an essay online instead of writing it and then painstakingly changes every word to a synonym until the text no longer makes any sense...
call that the Ship of Thesaurus
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garaktime · 8 months
He twirl
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sporkandpringles · 6 months
I think it's funny whenever I suggest we get rid of ads everywhere that there's always someone who's like "but then how will you know what to buy?" and I'm like.... you let ADS TELL YOU WHAT TO BUY? like I just cannot imagine trusting corporations like that. ads lie to you. You know who doesn't? the delightful folks on r/buyitforlife and my gay mutuals on tumblr. how will I know what to buy? uh, I go shopping at stores I trust, and if I don't know where to look for those, I ask a human being. upsetting that this is novel concept.
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cattrek · 2 months
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dustykneed · 4 months
I really like your art style it's super cute
I appreciate you so so much !!! Thank you so much ahhh it means so much to me and I'm so glad you enjoy my art<333 I saw you liked the legend of zelda so I drew a lil Zelda enjoying the snow (hope she's not too ooc ahhh)
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