#not pjo
transannabeth · 2 months
if you opened discord’s april fools day loot boxes how long did it take you to get all the items? it took my friend 18 boxes but me 65 and i want to see how bad my luck is
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panpercyjackson · 2 months
thinking about them* again
*Pat and Pran
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Me when I’m finally able to understand the Spanish paragraph I just read-
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southasianpercy · 19 days
i don’t understand why ppl view laios as white…isn’t he asian?
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phoenix--flying · 8 days
i love women (downloaded a haley portrait mod)
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Charlie dresses like he's in Step Up 2.
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writerofthewinds · 2 years
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@yonemurishiroku let's join it bestie .
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I have been trying to start a fanfic since this morning but I keep getting distracted by irl stuff and notes/replies/tags on my posts and I am going to scream. Is it truly that impossible for me to at least start this fic 😭
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boredcoldandhungry · 19 days
I'm doing a stats project in my math class and if any of y'all could help that would be pretty cool.
my question is if there is a correlation between someone's age and what year their favorite song comes out. if you're comfortable with it give me the year you were born and the year your favorite song came out.
If you aren't comfortable with this but you still want to participate you can subtract the year you were born from the year your favorite song came out example you're 16 and born in 2008, your favorite song came out in 2013, you'd get 5 years. If your favorite song came out before you're born negative numbers are okay.
I'd really appreciate the extra data!
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simpingforpjo · 10 months
Yes growing up is terrifying and bitter and tragic and I will always cherish the innocence and simplicity of my childhood years but right now I'm alive and well and happy and loved more than I've ever been before.
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transannabeth · 11 months
btw if you borrow dvds or cds from library you can rip them onto your own blanks or onto your hard drive or whatever. librarians don’t care and they won’t know if you do it or not
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panpercyjackson · 2 months
Damn, I wish gay people were real
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My art keeps getting reposted and it’s so annoying uhhhhhhhhhggggg I believe I speak for all artists here
Asking for permission beforehand and giving credit is literally the bare minimum- like what is stopping you? It’s cheap ass behaviour just yoinking.
Imma just start putting really big and annoying watermarks and stuff at this point- make it as unappealing as possible
Pls inform me if my art is reposted anywhere.
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nicoathogwarts · 19 days
the worst thing about drafts is that I have 13, all of which I have started with the promise that I'll finish them later. And then they rot in there for at least a few months up to forever and ever without seeing the light of day. And then I go revisit them, but oh look there's new stuff on my dash and they're dropped back into the pit again
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litwafflehouse · 11 months
Are you dead?
Not dead! just burnt out from pjo right now, I’m excited for the show and hope it brings me back a bit but for now I’ve been focusing on myself and trying to get back into content creation in general! I wanna talk more about my favorite book series other than pjo or games/shows I like and just be in communities :} thank y’all for understanding! Im also trying to be more active on twitch so *hint hint nudge nudge*
I’m also kinda growing up rn and having to me more of a functioning adult with college and a job so yea but it’s always great to know my interests in middle school fantasy books are still the same
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bestiedionysus · 2 years
I had to pause watching the sge movie to sleep (40 minutes left) and I have- so many questions.
how are they actually gna do world w/o princes w/o having had august sader in the first book? I get some things need to be cut but cutting the circus? changing sofie's entire personality? adding in the school master?? not having tedros and agatha hate ecahother? changing the trial by tale? pushing so many other characters to the background and adding in gregor?
I do so so strongly believe that this cast did everything they could and still killed it w this script. I adore them all. but jfc it would get good at some points then just derail so badly, and the modern music???
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