poppyandzena · 3 months
What Zena & Poppy are hiding about their visit to Noehflake
Here is a Google document with the DMs between Poppy/Zena/Noehflake leading up to and after the December Trip Incident. Included are public Twitter threads (+more) that were posted in tandem with the DMs, providing as much context as I can to this situation.
I don't usually post trigger warnings, but I feel the need to here.
Poppyamory 1: what Z&P are hiding about their visit to Noehflake
This post will be included in my Masterlist. PLEASE let me know if the images are unable to load. Mobile users may have difficulty.
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trappedinthewalls · 3 months
I know I shouldn't be reading the Poppy and Zena vs Noehflake drama tabloids people have been maintaining here, cause it's a bunch of Internet toxicity that does absolutely nothing for my mental health (same thing with the Lily Orchard bullshit), but it's definitely a train wreck effect. Gossip, drama, shitty behavior. It's all gross and I shouldn't be paying attention to it. But drama is a drug.
That being said, having read the Poppyamory documents put up by @poppyandzena I have some thoughts. This is all speculation because I can't read people's minds. I can never know what's actually going on inside someone's head or personal life. I can only guess.
Poppy engages in a rather odd combination of covert and overt abuse. It's very strange to read about. She whines and complains about all the emotions she has in hopes that she'll guilt trip her partners into coddling her and capitulating to her whims, and when that doesn't work she turns into a raging bitch.
Poppy does not want partners. She does not want polyamory.
What she wants is a harem of mommies and nurses and therapists she can vomit emotions all over and fuck. People she can control and use to boost her own ego.
Or maybe even more simply, she wants more Zenas. One isn't enough to satisfy her hunger for power and sex. I can only imagine how long it took her to mild Zena into the perfect enabler, but apparently she thinks that because she did it once, she can just keep doing it.
Is Zena completely innocent in this? Absolutely not. They're manipulative and cruel and as much of a self center prick as Poppy is. But given the lengths they go to micromanage Poppy' so-called partners (aka victims) so that they'll comply with Poppy's abhorrent behavior, I can't help but feel like Zena is always on a knife's edge. They act responsible for Poppy's entire life. They're like a helicopter parent that tells the teachers they're not allowed to give their child a bad grade because their child can't handle anything but praise and worship every moment of every day. But they're behaving that way for their supposed partner. Someone who is like twice their age by the way.
This behavior is not normal.
It gives very "when I say don't worry about me I mean worry about me" vibes. I'm all too familiar with that. Or at least my sibling is.
Unless it's casual, a relationship should be a partnership. Something you share. Not something one party is forced into to bend to the will of another person for...what, not being alone? Self worth?
Being alone is better than being someone's emotional footstool. Don't date people online unless it's temporary until you can meet them for your first actual date. Go outside and meet people in real life. And know you deserve to be happy as long as it's not at the expense of someone else.
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annieguardian · 16 hours
Noehflake's racism is deliberate.
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She is deliberately targeting Night Wyld over what hurts him the most. Night Wyld was trafficked in part because of his native American heritage. Noehflake saw that calling him a race faker hurts, so she sends DMs to herself pretending to be a Native American so she can have her cake and eat it to. This is another instance of Noeh letting the mask slip. Deliberately invoking someone's trauma around being a victim of human trafficking to traumatize him, and bait him into intense trauma reactions, and frame him as too mentally ill to understand what happened to him. This women already said she wants Night Wyld to be made a slave again. She already gave the game away. It's so obvious that she raped Poppy, hell she probably raped more people than that. This is literally the stereotype of how sexual predators act and manipulate their victims. She would rape Night Wyld himself if she could get away with it. There's no line people like her wouldn't cross.
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lexiibattwitch · 2 months
I'm going to be talking about the P&Z stuff on stream today. I am digging further into everything. There seems to be some sort of thought that I'm on a "side", which isn't the case. There's no hate campaign that I've joined, nothing like it. I just want the truth and for people to stop being hurt.
I'll probably go over the Luxander video, cause I want as many perspectives and as much information as possible.
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bethel-rath · 3 days
Master Document List
With the documents coming back online, I will be sharing them directly here. This is the first time I will be doing this, but I think it's beyond time I do so. They will be posted here in release order.
Poppy & Zena: Abusive Hypocrites 1: Milena
Poppyamory 1: What Poppy&Zena Are Hiding About Their Trip With Noehflake
Spawn 1: What Poppy&Zena Are Hiding About Their Kid
Poppy & Zena: Abusive Hypocrites 2
Poppyamory 2: Is Poppy Acephobic?
Poppyamory 3: Poppy's (Para)Social Media Presence
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augustgirl309 · 5 months
Hi, new to tumblr. I have liked Poppy and Zena for a couple years now. I watched them pretty regularly; agreed with some of their takes, didn't really comment with others, but that's ok. Their streams were frequently informative, entertaining and dramarific- 3 things I always love.
Over the past 6 months+ my opinions been changing. The constant talking about their poly relationships was weird. There was a lot of drama, and then I read Milena's (who I didn't/don't know) and it really left a bad taste in my mouth.
And then the falling out with Courtney was just....it was so apparent that they were not in the right but were trying to focus on essentially inconsequential things (like Courney "threatening to dox Poppy" or "threatening to beat up Poppy", etc.) to completely try and pivot people's attention away from why Courtney got mad in the first place. And come on- Courney always struck me as a bit country and country girls talk like that. They weren't serious, intentional threats; they were things said in anger to try and get Poppy to not share any of the photos CO had sent her without CO's permission. This seems so clear to me.
One thing- the biggest thing- that really started to bother me with some of these dramas is that, somehow, whenever P&Z had a falling out with someone, it was never, EVER their fault. I'm fact, it was always 100% always the other party's fault and they refused to ever even attempt to take *any* responsibility for anything. And life....just rarely, if ever, works like that.
The other things that bugs me were the constant bitching about "ZZ erasure" as if this is some inexplicable, grave injustice. Now, I will say that I still kind of like Zena (Poppy too, even tho the criticisms are mounting), but this is such a load of shit. It's very, very obvious: the two of them co-host the channel. Poppy does like 90% of the talking, she's more lively and loud and seemingly extroverted than Zena. Zena just comes across as kind of introverted and more quiet, even a bit detached sometimes. You can't do that and then expect people to react to you the same way they they react to your loud, confident partner who takes the lead every time they post.
The last thing is I did follow Poppy and Noelle's relationship on Twitter, and it seemed super intense, super quickly. But ok, whatever. It happens. I saw the mention of Poppy having a convo with a friend who said that it sounded like rape, but Poppy said that the pov was interesting enough to share it on Twitter, but she didn't quite believe it. Then I saw her move from that position to full-on embracing that it was SA. How? Because the other party wasn't sure if she wanted to continue the relationship at the time? That's not sexual assault, buttercup.
Also, I seem to have just read here that Noelle (noehflake) is 20 years old. 20?! I thought they were in their 30s at least! Can anyone corroborate this? Then I saw some weird context-less announcements on the Discord server about how anyone who questions whether or not this was SA was out of the community. Whaa?
Anyway, thanks for having me an- again- I'm new to Tumbr. Please feel free to tell me anything I'm doing wrong.
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pale-foxes · 5 months
Here's some assorted screenshots from Poppy's latest Twitter meltdown over her partner breaking up with her.
Poppy she probably blocked you because you are acting like a teenager and vague posting about her, which is annoying as fuck.
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Poppy continually calling out and harassing her e,x on Twitter. This woman is 42 and she's acting like a child.
Also Poppy references when she publicly pressured noehflake into breaking up with her partner and Poppy's acting like it was a good thing.
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Poppy: I am alone.
Zena: 😐
It would be easier to feel bad for Poppy if she wasn't harassing her ex on three different accounts. Poppy is mad at noehflake for breaking it off because things got too hard?
I can't blame her, considering the fact that Poppy is the type of person that uses her mental illness to excuse her terrible behavior. Poppy doesn't actually work on her issues. She just puts the burden on everyone else to deal with. If someone doesn't want to deal with her shitty behavior then it's their fault, not Poppy's. If that is what actually caused the break up then it's not surprising at all.
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I'm sure the people calling you out aren't contributing to you feeling bad about yourself.
Also please get a therapist.
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poppyandzena · 3 months
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"I've been literally told that if I hadn't broken up with Amy and Poppy killed herself that it would be MY fault."
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trappedinthewalls · 1 month
So yesterday that Annie person from the P&Z circle @pleasetiemyshoelaces talked about a couple of times decided to have an absolute conniption over a post I made x number of months ago speculating over Poppy's behavior. She reblogged every reblog acting like they were made at different times, like this was an ongoing thing I'd been talking about repeatedly, and not that I'd reblogged it all in one day cause I was too lazy to edit the first post.
She called me a men's rights activist and had a "history of r#pe apologia" because I posted about this exactly once, because I believe @noehflake , and because I called Poppy a bitch. Mhmm yeah. Okay. Totally not coping over the fact that she's too much of a coward to actually confront any of the people who actually talk about this stuff on a regular basis. Annie, sweetie, this is a vent blog. This is not a critical blog. I don't have any kind of platform. There is no mission here. I'm not trying to take anyone down or harass anyone. This is where I occasionally come to complain. That's it.
For the people in the back. Noehflake is not a r#pist. Here's what happened according to the (actual) evidence (read the Poppyamory documents and the Luxander video on it for the receipts and watch the Victor Burns interview for Noeh's side of it. We already know Poppy's side cause she hasn't shut up about it): Noehflake broke up with Poppy for being a terrible partner. Poppy harassed her and badgered her and complained on Twitter about it. Zena gaslit and badgered and manipulated Noehflake into letting the trip they'd been planning on happen anyway and Poppy asked Noehflake to pretend like they weren't broken up. They met at the hotel and had sex because Poppy wanted to and Noehflake wanted to make her happy (that's a thing that ace people do, believe it or not). Then the next morning Noehflake decided she still didn't want to continue the relationship, in no small part because Poppy and Zena were screaming at each other, so she wanted to leave. Poppy tried to physically prevent her from leaving (which is a crime, by the way) and asked if Noehflake had just had sex with her to "test to see if she loved her" (which is absolutely nuts to think). Noehflake was tired of this bullshit and said yes just to get Poppy to get the hell out of the way, and Poppy was shocked enough to let her go (seriously, if someone were barring you from leaving, wouldn't you say anything to get them to let you go?). Then when Poppy kept badgering Noehflake to get back together, Noehflake admitted to lying about using the sex as a test and in truth had agreed to the sex because of feeling conflicted and wanting to make Poppy happy. Poppy took the single part of the lie and ran with it, deciding to paint Noehflake as a r#pist because she just couldn't let it go that she got dumped.
She also kept messaging Noehflake after this, and tried to friend her on Facebook.
Having sex with your ex to make them happy and then deciding not to continue the relationship is not r#pe. If anything, it's a pity fuck. And Poppy is too much of an egomaniac to accept the fact she was given a pity fuck and then re-dumped. That's what the evidence says.
I believe Noehflake's story because it has stayed consistent this entire time. Poppy's story has changed several times rapidly. And we have receipts.
I complain because this is all a bunch of soap opera bullshit and I wouldn't care if it wasn't being perpetuated people with a platform and influence over vulnerable people. If this were being done by a politician or non-internet celebrity I'm pretty sure people would be just as interested at seeing it put to an end. I'm certainly not going to do it. Other people have decided to do that. But I will complain about it. I'm allowed to. But only sometimes.
So go whine about it to someone who actually matters in this fight. You won't get anywhere whining about me, cause I don't matter. I'm a little nobody. And that's how I like it.
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annieguardian · 2 months
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Noehflake's understand of consent is at a child's level. Such classics as "she was literally asking for it" and "she made the first move so she was definitely in sound mind." People who defend her demonstrate that they don't understand consent, and those who don't understand consent, tend to violate it.
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poppyandzena · 3 months
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Poppy's psychological abuse of Noehflake after Noehflake officially broke things off at the December Trip.
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annieguardian · 2 months
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annieguardian · 2 days
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poppyandzena · 5 months
To get the housekeeping out of the way, I am not affiliated with Zena & Poppy and their social media accounts. I have never been personally victimized by either party as of writing this. I have never had a personal relationship with them.
This blog is for recordkeeping and accountability. Everything on here is considered alleged. As the circumstances surrounding Zena & Poppy become more dire and there is a higher risk of emotional or reputational injury towards victims, I may have to withhold/redact information posted onto here. Bear in mind that I have privately monitored and archived public posts relevant to Zena & Poppy’s conduct. While light can be the best disinfectant against problematic people, the comfort and safety of the victims take precedence.
This blog does not tag trigger warnings. You will find relevant triggers in the bio. If certain posts are especially triggering, I may put a community label on them. I do not encourage minors to interact with the content of this blog.
Do not badger anyone involved in this situation, especially Zena & Poppy. I do not recommend confronting them directly. It is a waste of time, and distant documentation is the safest and most productive approach. Anonymous messages are made public at my discretion, and I do not encourage ad hominem attacks or unsubstantiated rumors. Please let me know if I have posted inaccurate information, and it will be swiftly corrected.
Below is a drive of screenshotted public posts from Zena & Poppy’s accounts. It is not complete but has infrequent updates depending on how safe it is for the victims involved in the posts. I am also providing very helpful links to give more context. My posts are tagged with the people involved for your convenience.
Thank you,
Heloise 🧡
More links will be provided as time goes on.
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poppyandzena · 2 months
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poppyandzena · 2 months
Dude what is happening between you and Courtney Orchard? Why does she think you leaked her Discord? That doesn’t seem like you at all.
I was actually in Courtney's server before I knew Milena in November 2023. Over time I had concerns about moderation in regards to their Lily Orchard and PZ channels. As you know, Lily Orchard and Poppy Diabolique are impossible to talk about without addressing intense, traumatic sexual situations. I actually didn't realize there were minors there until I checked for ages in the intro channel. I felt really uncomfortable upon realizing and felt like I would contribute to the problem if I didn't personally do something. I officially ceased posting there on 11/30/2023. I think there's a few single posts scattered, but not in-depth convos like I used to have. And honestly I stopped even looking in there aside from brief glances.
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[This is a DM. The context is me not posting in the pz or lily channels until the minors were barred from those channels.] Early March, 2024, I saw the tumblr of the pedophile involved with the PZ mess (the article) posted in the PZ chat that contained minors.
My words were "I oppose to this. You know how minors will be inclined to go and interact with these people. Minors should not be involved in investigating these situations." Because there was at least one minor who has been in that server "investigating" PZ since even before I made this blog (and they still are). Courtney told me I was "on thin ice" and said they were angry because I was directly challenging their authority. Another member told me off for "infantilizing a 15 year old." So I backed off, but held my stance. It just reinforced my discomfort I had in November.
In regards to screenshots, Milena recalled a post she made in the server about predicting Poppy's rape accusation against Noehflake. I was asked to save that for her, with only her post on that subject. I did also tell Milena about what they were saying about her in Courtney's server, because what was being discussed quickly spiraled into unsubstantiated pedo-jacketing and smearing, and I would want someone to inform me of those serious accusations were I in Milena's position. I would do that if it were anyone else. You don't have to like Milena, how she acts, or what she's done. I draw the line at those accusations. Even with Poppy, I'm not going to call her a pedophile without seeing actual, verifiable proof with my own eyes. Honestly, the environment in that server made me ill and my attempt to speak up about my discomfort was met with intense aggression. I think I was kicked on the day of Lux's stream but I don't know what Courtney was specifically mad about because I wasn't looking at the server. I just saw I was kicked and carried on with my day.
Courtney is entitled to their anger, but I am also entitled to the opinions I have for their treatment of that server.
I respect Courtney's story of what Poppy and Zena did to them, as well as their abuse at the hands of Lily Orchard. But I am not their friend and I don't agree with everything they do. No matter what, Courtney's experience with Poppy and Zena will stay archived on my blog under the #courtney tag so that those experiences won't be forgotten.
I simply ask to be left alone, and I do not want to contact or be contacted by them.
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