#next generation kids
meowsgirldrawing · 4 months
More Papa Demons cause why tf not?
Girl Daddos
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Of course we need the mama bear <3
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serendippertyy · 3 months
twiburst kiddos!! 💜❤️
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I had so much fun putting together my startrix bios that I finally updated my twiburst ones!! ^^ I have been working on these two for so many years I love them sm heehee they truly are my babies 💜❤️
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jedi-starbird · 4 months
Rex: So General Kenobi, how come you speak mando'a?
Obi-Wan: I've always been interested in the culture and I spent a year on Mandalore for a mission in my youth :)
Rex: I see, what about you, General Skywalker?
Anakin: Huh? Oh Obi-Wan used to drop me off in mando daycare when he went to get laid in little Keldabe, fun times, they taught me how to headbutt someone.
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dr-chalk · 4 months
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Goodnight Dad I love you
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threestripeslider · 1 year
Tired: Rise!Splinter is a neglectful and awful father who doesn’t care about his kids >:(
Wired: Rise!Splinter’s negligence comes from a place of deep trauma that he’s carried with him his whole life – losing his mother, having been betrayed by the love of is life, being imprisoned and forced to fight for his life, used as an experiment and subsequently being mutated and losing his whole identity as a person – and while it certainly doesn’t excuse his behavior, there is no doubt that this man loves his sons fiercely despite his own shortcomings and perhaps it is exactly that love and care that causes him to keep his children at arms length in hopes to spare them his family’s cursed legacy that grooms them into martyrs and are thus destined to die young, a sacrifice for the greater good that Splinter is never willing to make even if it means forfeiting the world to the Shredder. Splinter’s journey of fatherhood began by being completely unprepared as a fresh young single father of four young children that depend on him to survive and there is no surprise he’s hit almost every bump there possibly is when raising a child but never in his life has Splinter ever blamed or resented his children in any way – he is not perfect and he’s aware and he tries to do better all because he loves his kids this fucking much bc despite all the shit he’s been through, those kids made him realize that he can try again. to dismiss him as an awful father is a gross mischaracterization of a deeply traumatized man of color who evidently tried his fucking hardest not to pass on the hurt onto his own children while grappling with his own demons and the crushing destiny of his family’s blood line that took away his mother.
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phoenixcatch7 · 19 days
Okay so I saw this post about dark percy (really him reaching his Limit and fighting full strength with everything he had) and I was imagining the potential fallout of that. Pretty bad, as you can guess.
The thing is a lot of percys strongest moments happen out of view of the olympians, especially in hoo. The hurricane atop the glacier in alaska, the poison scene in tartarus, bending the depression river and the one in the palace of nyx.
Stuff like the St Helens eruption got him washed up on an inescapable island literally removed from reality until calypso gave him the OK, the achillies curse he got tricked into losing by hera. Smaller moments, the minotaur, fighting ares, the stolen pirate ship, walking on water vs hyperion, freshwater sources, him knowing both Latin and Greek, they're more easily brushed off or at least mostly due to cunning, sword skills and sheer luck and grit.
But basically the olympians don't actually know the full extent of percys strength and divine power. They have hints - percy standing on the throne, winning against ares, his many victories - but what they aren't willing to brush aside in the heat of (an important) battle there have been pretty strong consequences for.
Heck, just look at Frank, he's no prodigy with weapons, he's polite and respectful, but his distant relation to two olympians letting him inherit shapeshifting earned him direct divine meddling and his life force tied to a hunk of half toasted firewood. Man is a honey bear with lactose intolerance and he was punished with a mythical death curse for being too strong.
If Percy's true strength came out, he would risk losing everything. His freedom, most certainly. If he wasn't straight up executed he might wind up in a Greek myth style imprisonment, the way of atlas, prometheus, calypso, or something like the myriad of ways Greek heroes met their end. Good scenario he survives a dozen curses and gets on with life with a dozen new disabilities, best case scenario he's stripped of every inch of divine power and dropped back to the mortal world, not even clear sighted. Total separation from the Greeks and Romans. Oh, annabeth would marry him either way, and his friends would hardly abandon him despite the gods wishes, but they'd hardly be able to see him, and no long range contact without the ability to IM him or vice versa.
All of that to say Percy is hiding his true strength from the gods themselves - maybe not consciously, and it's not even power he particularly wants - but if they ever find out?
It's game over.
But why is he so strong? I don't know. What I do know is that the half bloods of the books are so much stronger than the ones of myth. Used to be that divine blood would get you divine favour and a great fate whether you liked it or not. Maybe some cunning and bow skills. A spot of spell casting if you were really lucky. Achillies got his curse after he was born, Perseus had a dozen magic artifacts, orpheus had something going on but hercules is to my knowledge an outlier. Now? Everyone in camp has some special power. Flight, fire, necromancy, hypnotism, dream walking etc. However it's happening, half bloods are slowly but surely getting a lot, lot stronger every century that passes. Meta? I mean I guess. But.
What no one has done before is something that their godly parent couldn't.
Except Percy.
Except Percy, in tartarus, at his mental, emotional and physical limit, controlling poison with his mind, overpowering the goddess of poison in her home, making misery choke on misery. Feeling something in his chest crack. Doing something poseidon could not, and doing it better than the person who could.
Down there, hidden away from the gods, he evolved. For that brief moment, he did something, was something new.
And that was how the gods overthrew the titans.
And that's why they must never find out.
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paula-li · 5 months
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Dash and little ones
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pinata-candy · 2 months
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Everyone gets a wrong package sometimes!
They do in fact not give it back. By the time the stork comes back around to give them the right one they’re already attached and then they have two
(Now with more in the reblogs for your enjoyment <3)
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t1oui · 27 days
i don't think the hp next gen fandom talks enough about how percy's kids would be treated differently just because they're his.
like, the kids don't know why. neither do their cousins. they're just used to weird looks from their aunt and uncles and grandparents. they're used to fewer photos of their father and more jokes thrown in his direction. they're used to traits they share with percy being seen as a negative.
and maybe it's subtle. maybe their presents at christmas and birthdays aren't as personalized as the presents their cousins get, and maybe they don't notice at first because their parents always try to give them presents they'll definitely love. maybe at family get-togethers, every cousin has one of their favorite sweets made but percy's kids were never asked. but they don't notice this, either, because percy makes a big deal of them baking their favorites together when they get home.
no matter the way you look at it, with percy and audrey or percy and oliver, with percy in gryffindor or slytherin, his kids would've been treated differently by their family.
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Something I find quite concerning...
is the amount of people who think Seaglass is ‘defective’ based on....very normal (in universe) features she has. 
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Ever since I’ve introduced her, I’ve repeatedly gotten comments on my posts and in my inbox that read to the effect of:
“CG is really small. Is she defective?” “CG only has one eye. Is she off color?”
and even
“Hey, I noticed that she has a tooth gap, does that mean something is wrong with her?”
And I always find this really confusing, because all of the ‘evidence’ listed for the theory that she’s somehow ‘wrong’ is just.... things that make her unique! But none of them are bad. 
We have SEEN small gems in the show. 
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We have SEEN gems with only one eye in the show. 
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And we have SEEN gems with tooth gaps!
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...a feature which, by the way, is merely a small variation of how our mouth bones grow together, and is in no way indicative of there being something ‘wrong’ with you.
To top it all off........ Seaglass is a gem I invented! There is no canonical shape for a Seaglass type gem in the show. Indeed, not really even a standard Glass gem exists! 
If I had based her on some existing type of gem and changed up her features, I could understand people wondering about WHY those were unique. 
But to look at a gem that has no prior design and to immediately suspect that there MUST be something ‘defective’ about her based on absolutely arbitrary features.................. is a little odd, I must admit. 
Indeed, it smells an awful lot like Homeworld thinking - ANY variation must immediately be scrutinized for ‘wrongness’ and set upon with the suspicion dedicated to something harmful. 
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And if this was only about a cartoon, I’d probably shrug it off. 
But the reality is..... this is some top-tier level middle school mentality.
Scrutinizing people for ‘flaws’ first and asking questions second is an extremely unfair way to interact with others. 
And I want you guys (especially the younger peeps reading my comic) to understand that if this was YOUR kneejerk reaction to Seaglass......maybe that’s not the healthiest thing? 
Why did you assume that something unique automatically meant ‘defective’? Why did you theorize that she came out ‘wrong’ simply because she was a little different from the rest of the cast? (And not even extremely so.) And most importantly: 
Have you ever done this to a real human being? 
Anyway, the point is - people are sometimes born different. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are ‘defective‘. Try not to assume that brokenness is the ONLY alternative to total assimilation. 
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And let her sleep. 
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guesseridk · 10 months
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A compilation of cartoon characters from cartoon network shows together in Fusionfall
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meowsgirldrawing · 4 months
Tough Week (Papa Mammon-Obey Me)
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Mammon being a good papa basically.
Word Count: 1,865
Mentions of other kids, slight poly of MC but can be interpreted as whatever wanted. Mentions of GN MC but gets called Mom
Other kids for reference- Here
Masterlist- Here
AO3 Link- Here
Varya can feel her eye twitch, her knuckles ache from how hard she grips her cane. Her siblings all tease her in their own ways for having one at 26 but at this point, it’s her only lifeline with how utterly chaotic her siblings can be.
It's been a tough week..
Varya can feel her eye twitch, her knuckles ache from how hard she grips her cane. Her siblings all tease her in their own ways for having one at 26 but at this point, it’s her only lifeline with how utterly chaotic her siblings can be. 
It’s been a tough week.
First she finds out River and Ryder pulled Rhomb into some pranks, thus getting them all detention with her having to attend a basic hearing on their collective punishment. And on top of having to make one on the spot herself to appease Lucifer. “You’re the oldest, you have to keep them in line.” Thankfully Rhomb will be graduating soon, otherwise she might lose another decade on her life.
Adding to that, the next day she had to look for a missing Quinn, only to find him in one of the worst sets of town in the Lust ring, just ending a motorcycle race. It wouldn’t be so bad if she ended up walking in on him in a scuffle with one of the other bikers, them pissed they got beat by one of the Avatars’ kids. She’s usually fine with her siblings taking on their own battles, they need tough skin in Devildom anyway. But they just had to waste her time more by the biker making a lewd comment about her right in front of her dear, protective, little brother. 
Yeah, another punishment had to be made on the spot.
The day after that had her in the human realm with her calmer parent, MC and the youngest, Frankie. After some negotiations as usual about the human realm sending more exchange students to Devildom as per Lord Diavolo’s request, she was dragged to a party per Frankie’s request. She never minds parties, not really. Her father brought her to many in the Fall when she was around 18ish. 
Yet, her content mood went to downright sour as she noticed some human punk making too many moves on her younger sister. The men in her life were always respectful, save for some flirting in front of her and her siblings with their ‘mother’. So you can imagine how many seconds she was close to revealing her demon form. Thankfully Frankie wasn’t allowed to drink yet, because many drunk teens went on booing her, calling her names like ‘prude’ or ‘old woman’ as she yanked her sister out of the house and into her silver ride. 
Frankie’s apology hug did help lesson the headache that night but still.
Many similar instances occur for the rest of the week. The twins pulling more pranks. Ending up in an awkward position as Lucifer and Satan fought about a mundane thing. Lilly and Diavolo’s heir forcing her into an improve shopping trip despite wanting 5 minutes to herself. Having to make up more punishments when she could care less of what her siblings do for this once. And even when she got some time to herself, she had to deal with some low-life demons undermining her desperately at the casino. Unfortunately leading her to teach them why she’s considered the strongest, most powerful spawn of the Lords of Devildom. 
She’s had a tough week, and she needs a break.
Ignoring another phone call from Lucifer, Varya stuffs her DDD into her skirt pocket, slides her cane out of the passenger seat it was previously thrown carelessly into, and opens up her silver ride. 
It snaps shut with a harsh bang, and her heels click against the concrete as she makes her way to the building. Workers under her father wave or call greetings to her, used to her occasional visits, and she waves back, perhaps a bit more shortly than the wontoned. Her everyday smile a-tad tight more straight.
Through an elevator ride and passing several doors, she makes her way to the main office. Her father’s office. 
She hears his voice, deduces he’s either in a meeting or chatting up the phone by his tone, and knocks before sliding in and hanging on the side. Before she would hang outside, but right now, she needs to see him sooner.
Her back rests on the wall, her smile tight and as patient as she can make it.
“Yeah, well demand is comin’ soon with tha season so we need ta get goin’, Shilk.” Mammon’s nails tap on the desk, his wedding ring glinting in the forever red and purplish hues that filter in the giant glass. He looks up from his hard look into the client chair before him and nods his greeting. Varya bows her head lightly, her long, white hair falling over her shoulder.
“Ok, ok. I got it. I’ll have tha data send ta ya by the end of the week. Just make it snappy, Shilk.” His words pushy, but his tone a touch playful. He ends the call with a short bye, see ya later, before spinning towards his kid with a growing grin. 
“ Lil Treasure!” He smirks, “Long time no see, eh? Miss yer old man much?”
“Please.” Her eyes roll, playing his game as easy as pie. “I only came to check up on you, Mother wanted to come see you earlier this week but the exchange program discussions continues to keep them on Earth.” 
He hums, he misses his human too. Behind continuous operations of his ever-growing business and working behind the scenes for RAD, he’s barely had time to see them or their daughter. Speaking of…
“I heard you overtook a new territory this week!” He laughs, carefree as a demon can when talking about territory wars and power growth. It’s been a hot minute for himself to do so, but you don’t even have to look at the older demon to know he’s very damn proud his kid is just about following in his boots. Or Heels in her matter.
“Varya Morningstar- Daughter of Greed- overtakes the Newbon territory in a matter of 2 days, all with a winning smile present.” He recalls the headline he saw, whistling at the end.
 “Someone must’ve pissed you off.” Her eyes squint and join her smirk at his snicker.
“Well, I suppose when someone stares at your upper chest area a little too much while simultaneously telling you that betting your worth is the utmost impossible, it can be noted as irritating.” Her sharp canines shine. 
“That’s my girl!” He cheers, wondering closer. “Don’t let anyone tell you shit, yer my kid after all!”
Varya’s expression doesn’t fall but Mammon still notices anyway, “I hope I could always do so..yet it seems only Lucifer could continue to do so.”
A flash of understanding comes across his face as his head tilts. He doesn’t come across as pitiful, she may be his daughter but she was raised around the Avatar of Pride, but his hand comes to her shoulder, his brow sad/solemnly amused. “He’s really wailing into ya, aint he?”
“As if dealing with my siblings isn’t enough cannon fodder.” Her smile stays up as her shoulders tense, “I understand I am the eldest, but I can’t control every action they make. I haven’t a clue as to why he expects the opposite.”
“That’s Lucifer for ya, kiddo.” His thumb rubs light circles into her half-jacket. “Always wants people on their best behavior, even tried havin’ yer mom help out but they ended up just indulging in us more times than many.”
“But they are all of age now.” It’s rare to see his kid so upset, for years she always had a vacant expression on her face, and it wasn’t until she became older did she start having a smile everywhere, even when she was as pissed as an unsatisfied tyrant. It was her tool against fellow demons, what helped her use her ability as the eldest spawn of the 7 Lords of Devildom and rise to power on her own. People can’t tell how or what she plans, feels, anything. 
But Mammon knows, possibly the only one after his human that does. 
She’s had a tough week.
And now the cracks are finally making their way to the surface. Her smile is tight, no joy present. 
“Frankie may be in her mid teens, but she is old enough and smart enough to know how to handle herself!” Her voice wavers, not loud, at the end. “Why….why must I be the one to keep their un-needed leash? Why must I be turnin’ and throwin’ what I need to do for the day to the wind just to stop some silly prank the boys wanna do? They’ll learn why not to do it, right?”
She breathes, usually blue eyes flaring gold for a second. 
She turns silent then lifts to pinch her brow. “Apologies, Father, I came to take a breather but not to-”
Now he acts, now he wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his chest. “Oh shut it. Yer tired and you got a right to rant.” She tries to push back, not allowing such a ‘weak’ moment but Mammon doesn’t let her. If anything, he pulls her tighter, hand on her head, carding his fingers into her ponytail with a snicker. 
“Shushshushshush” His fingers emaphzie his motion, twirling strands or two, messing it from it’s pristine, soft and straight line down her back. “My baby needs a break-”
“Father!” Her cheeks flush, claws digging into his jacket. Her eyes, one closed from being squished into his chest, beat wide at the door. A tinge of fear stomachs. “The door-”
“It’s locked.” He huffs, his blue iris rolling, and he hooks his chin on her head, “Just breathe and hug yer old man, will ya? It’s awkward with yer hands all dangling like they are now.”
Theres a moment pausing the scene, her staring at the door, the more demonic side of her yelling at her to push him and off an leave! He’s useless! To go back to her newly established territory and start working again. Demons don’t cry!
Then there’s the small human part of her, tiny and hidden away, only meant for rare moments. Rare moments like this one..
She takes in a breath, sharp and cold numbing. 
Then melts. 
Her body goes from straight, rigid, awkwardly tight in Mammon’s hold to a full damn puddle, swift and flashing from one to the other like the transition between 5 year old her holding her 1st little brother for the first time of many to the 26 year old self who’s constantly being batted every which way and that, all while holding her greatest, carefully constructed weapon up high for everyone to see.
Even that falls too, especially that. Her smile drifts until the expensive jacket Mammon adorns wipes it away and welcomes her spilling tears instead.
Mammon has a smile that isn’t full of joy but still as kind, pressing a small kiss to her matching hair and planting his cheek into it. He sways them back and forth as Varya silently unravels, hands clutching his back, claws digging deep but thankfully not tearing.
Varya’s had a tough week. But at least she has her dad’s hugs to break that fall.
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serendippertyy · 2 months
i have been working on these guys for years but since I am ceasing posting on DA I thought I should share my lil guys elsewhere!!
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lavender parley! she's the eldest and super soft spoken, so basically the complete opposite of her whole family. she is a therapist and occasional school counselor!!
pop rocks! a natural born dancer- she's little bitty but she knows how to move! a total sweetheart whose big into the 80s aesthetic
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shark bait! total surfer dude,, he's not that great at flying but he uses his wings to maneuver when surfing! also passionate about marine animals, although he is still unsure of his path in life
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sugar rush! basically a mini pinkie pie...has a massive sweet tooth and is already looking forward to one day owning sugar cube corner! also her design was gifted to me! <3
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funfetti blast, sugar rush's twin brother! big ol nerdy kid,, got his cutie mark very young when he won first place at the science fair! fully supported by dash whose also a big nerd herself
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gojosbf · 2 months
no one would've had to suffer if Gojo Satoru knew how to fucking move on
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torra-and-the-toons · 2 months
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Some notes on Nigel from my modern adult AU, where all their adventures were just them playing pretend as kids and now they're grown up.
I always liked the cancer theory for Nigel, so I went with that. (what can I say, I love angst...) He left because the US healthcare system is a joke.
I made this for outfits, but it kinda just evolved into random notes.
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bees-with-swords · 1 year
I love how Discworld's mentor characters are all deeply flawed actually. Tired of old people having everything right, I love how these ones set up the next generation with room to grow and be idealistic, even if the mentors themselves are deeply rooted in the old practices of the system they've already changed so much. Pratchett really said we should revere our elders but also seek to push past their limits
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