tyin-cherry-knots · 2 months
I miss ethel cain’s tumblr more than certain dead relatives
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ipreferlush · 2 years
Normalize self-isolating when you’re sick.
“It’s not Covid, just a cold.”
Good, I’m glad for that. I don’t want your cold either.
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jezebel-de-jour · 1 year
The rules of size kink are simple
1) If you’re smaller than me, I want to bully you
2) If you’re bigger than me, I want you to bully me
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topoillogical · 1 year
My theory of polyamory is that . Well if you want to have a primary partner that's fine. My relationship/polycule is non-heirarchical, but I genuinely don't have a problem with other models. The thing is, having a primary partner allows you to have a person whose priority is *always with you*. In non-heirarchical relationships, the amount of sacrifices you have to make in your relationships increases significantly. This is fine, but can be difficult as well, especially (if not mostly) because of such strong cultural expectations that someones partner should always put them above their other friends/relationships.
Like to give some examples of things that arent reasonable to expect in non-heirarchical poly:
- legal marriage
- living alone together
- being their plus one to all important events
- etc
Now, all of these CAN happen in non-heirarchical, including marriage (it's all about communication, being legally bonded =/= being the most important) but you absolutely cannot assume that you should be the one to get them. You will have to miss some aspects of a monogamous partnership .
Okay, time to jump completely to a different style of poly. Solo poly! Solo poly is like.... it's kind of like having a primary partner except that primary partner is yourself
What I mean is, solo poly people tend to live alone and see their relationships as supplements to their life that they really value, but not as the core. They make sacrifices for their partners because they care about them, but won't generally plan their lives around their partners (I.e. how someone with a secondary partner tends not to plan their lives around them, but rather around their primary), and other such things.
Okay enough preamble heres my theory. Theory: people who have primary partners are living polyamorously within the "monogamous lifestyle". There are differences between their relationship and monogamous ones of course, but for the most part they can model their relationship on the typical monogamous path, relate to their monogamous peers, etc... meanwhile solo poly people are polyamorous people who are living polyamorously within the "single lifestyle". They can consider their life through the lens that a single person might, and may appear in passing as identical to a single person through their day-to-day lifestyle and behaviour.
So basically, if you're in monogamous society, and you want to stick to the norm, you have two lifestyle options. Single or monogamously partnered. And our society has ten thousand billion expectations and cultural rules or what these lifestyles should look like. And if you're a poly person, you can basically choose one of these styles and be a weirdo (bc society is not pro poly generally) but a weirdo who fits into one of the standard relationship schema.
But if you're like, anything else, wow are you completely charting the fucking deep sea
Like I'm non hierarchical poly, and it's like.... it's like... you have to derive a lot of things for yourself! You can base things on experience and understand what is and isnt right in a monogamous relationship from what you've seen and heard, but in polyamory who fucking knows? You have to decide. But also... you GET to decide. Which is nice. It's extremely freeing and extremely alienating. It's actually like completely divorcing yourself from the expectations of society. I highly reccomend, but it can be really hard sometimes just for.... the whole novelty and uncertainty of it all
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smolskye · 11 months
transgember musingz
that post about being transmasc and instinctively rejecting stuff associated with girls/women stuff and having to relearn how to enjoy it is so fucking real and so is the weird last remnants of shame for being into stuff that The Girls are into. for some reason this doesn't apply to my makeup hobby or wearing titty shirts but it does to, like, the stuff i read and write and like.....fantasize about (but not necessarily in a sexy way). people will talk about ways that girls/women generally behave and i was raised as a girl and tried to force myself to be one for a while so it makes sense that i would share life experiences with women! but it still gives me that weird shame. and i'm not even a trans man i am litchrally nonbinary but it's like i feel the need to "average out" my personality/behavior/interests so i'm equally pulling from stereotypically boy and stereotypically girl personalities/behaviors/interests. it's DUMB and SILLY and YET I KEEP DOING IT!! honestly i think it comes from trying to "justify" my gender to people who don't get it. there's no point to it at all. i also think i really need more transmascs in my social circle LMAO i love my cis and trans lady friends and cis guy friends but i neeeeeeeeeed more people i can relate to regarding transmasc stuff
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call-me-as-you-want · 2 years
All these musingz in my mind , while I do jaadooo poocha . Creativity k liye kya kya karna padhta he.🤠😤
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thedarkdiaries · 4 years
You told me I was wasting my potential. And you were right. But not for the reason you thought.
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digisoulchrgd · 5 years
I've been feeling like every action this adminstration takes is some puppeteered strategy to further distract people who want to effect change. If it's not an attack on one group, it's another, and another...often at the same time. It's a ploy to keep our attention divided and to hide the true goals of people in positions of power and dominance.
Social justice work demands energy, heart, hope, time, engagement, and attention. Those in power know damn well that if people actually came together, there would be a shift. A shift in systems. A shift in institutions.
And hopefully, a shift in consciousness. Until we reach a point where we're ready to completely reimagine the system, we run the risk of reproducing the existing ones against each other.
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askdaddydearest · 3 years
" I used to be a people person until people ruined it "
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an-alpaca-lover · 7 years
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tyin-cherry-knots · 2 months
the tik tokicifation of coquette makes me SICK it has never been about wearing those ugly, mass produced Amazon bows, use the ribbon off a package like a normal person
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ipreferlush · 1 year
It seems like a missed opportunity that the plural of uterus isn’t uterussies.
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jezebel-de-jour · 2 years
Slutty and dumb (aesthetic)
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teazzle · 6 years
honestly the most pro god tier holiday tip is to buy your holiday cards and wrapping paper during post holiday sales because not only do you save a ton of money but the chance of someone receiving your card design from some else is slim to none
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flvorescent · 4 years
tag drop !
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orkygit · 5 years
Just had a peek at me blogg and realized dat I’z mad it big, with 400 of ya fine gitz followin’ me Orky musingz. I’m well pleezed dat you lot find me entertainin’ and I iz happy ta bring sum Ork inta yer livez. Get Shootin’ n’ Choppin’ ya fine ladz n’ lasses! Koz it’z time ta PARTY LIKE IT’Z DA WAAAGH OF DA BEAST!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!
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