#monsta x imagine
hyunchksoul · 1 year
✧Love Sick✧
hey guys, this is my first time writing and posting something (kinda nervous lol). I am not a full time writer so I don't write much and won't post a lot. The idea of this piece has been lingering around in my head for a while so I thought I would put it into words :)
Please interact, share and let me know how you guys like it <3
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Pairing: Im Changkyun (I.M) x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
You've been friends with Monsta X for about 3 years now. You all love hanging around with each other every now and then. As a singer yourself, you have helped them around in the studio to record their songs.
You always had a thing for Changkyun. The way he acted all soft and flirty around you made you feel things. His aura and voice always made you feel weak. You have always been a huge fan of his rapping and would catch yourself staring at him whenever he would record his rap.
There were times where you wanted him to be your man but you were scared to put your friendship in danger.
Changkyun works a lot and everyone knows it. He would always work on his solo project alongside the group projects.
He was working on a new song to add to his album. He was almost done with his part of the song but he found the song to be incomplete. He was looking for a voice to make it complete. Changkyun always admired your vocals and music and was ready to ask you to feature on his song.
"Hey Y/N, you know i've been working on my album and I am stuck on the last song, Love Sick. I've been searching for a voice to make the track complete and no one fits better than you. I would love to have your voice in it Y/N. Come over to my studio tomorrow and we'll work it out ;)"
This text sent you to cloud nine. You were jumping up and down and giggling like a baby. You were reading the text over and over again and smiling so much that you almost forgot to reply to it. You were in seventh heaven as your dream to collab with kyun was finally coming true.
The next day, you tried to dress up cute as you were going to his studio for the first time, you've only been to the studio they have at starship. It kinda felt like a big deal to you as he never invites anyone to his studio except his hyungs.
You had butterflies in your tummy and kept fidgeting. Just as you reached his studio, you stood at the door took in deep breaths and knocked.
He opened the door and greeted you with a soft smile. He pulled you in for a hug and guided you inside. You have hugged changkyun a lot of times but somehow it felt different today.
Changkyun was telling you about the song but you just couldn't keep your eyes off him. The way his long hair was falling on his face and the usual purple shirt with some sweats never failed to make you flutter.
"....and that's about it, now I just need you to bless this song with your voice", he said insistently. You smiled at his words, "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to make a song with you kyun, believe me today is my day to shine", you said. He laughed at your cuteness and guided you over to the recording booth.
You put on the headphones and drank some water. Changkyun asked you if you were ready to start and you gave him a thumbs up.
You took and breath and started singing your verse.
Changkyun seeing you from the outside lost his mind to your voice, he just couldn't get enough of your soft yet sultry vocals. Hearing those love-filled lyrics made his heart race.
Changkyun stood up from his chair and walked to the booth standing beside you, seeing you sing. You had your eyes closed and were singing your heart out, swaying to the beat.
You got done with your verse and opened your eyes to find him beside you. You let out small gasp and he smiled.
"How was it Changkyun?", you asked him. Rather than replying with words he just took off your headphone and let them hang around your neck, tucked your hair behind your ear and leaned in towards your lips.
"May I?"
Instead of answering him you just took his face towards you and kissed him deep. You snaked your hand into his hair and he held onto your waist. It felt like his kiss was all you ever needed in your life. You couldn't believe what was happening and got lost in the moment. Changkyun explored your mouth and linked his tongue with you. You left feather soft touches on his jaw which made him sigh into your mouth.
He finally let go and you both caught your breath. Your lips were now just as slick and pink as Changkyun's. You blushed and smiled at him.
"Wow, I-, I-, kyun that was-" , you stuttered. Changkyun let out a small laugh and rest his hands at your waist. "I am so glad you feel the same way for me Y/N. I was going to ask you out later today but I just couldn't hold myself back", he confessed. The rush of feelings filled your body and you just stared at him lovingly.
"Changkyun, I like you too, I have liked you since day one", you let out your feelings to him.
Changkyun blushed and gave you a soft peck to your lips and hugged you tightly. The scent of him filled you up and calmed your racing heart. You never wanted to let go of him.
"Do you wanna grab some coffee?", he asked pulling away from you.
You nodded a yes and you both grabbed your coats.
"Wait, what about the song??", you asked while putting on your coat. He smiled and responded, "You can come to my studio anytime you want...babe", he said cheekily and did a wink.
Those words made you punch his chest softly and giggle.
He laughed at your shyness and you both made your way out to the cafe.
This turned out be longer than expected lol. I hope you guys enjoy <3
Stay safe and happy y'all.
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blu-joons · 1 year
When Your Niece/Nephew Calls Him Uncle ~ Monsta X Reaction
A small hand tapping against his leg made Hyunwoo turn around, glancing down to see your nephew staring back up at him. “Are you alright buddy?” Hyunwoo asked, kneeling down to be at your nephew’s height.
Your nephew hummed as he extended his arm out to him, “Uncle Hyunwoo, can you open my sweet packet for me please?”
“Of course,” Hyunwoo told him, taking the sweet packet and tearing it open before handing it back to your nephew and watching him run away. As Hyunwoo stood back he was surprised to see you smiling back at him.
“Uncle Hyunwoo,” you sniggered, “that’s a new title for you.”
It took a moment for Hyunwoo to realise as he let go of a sigh, “it didn’t even register with me that he called me Uncle Hyunwoo, it just felt natural to say.”
“That’s a good thing,” you assured him, resting your hand against Hyunwoo’s arm. “I wonder if he’s going to keep calling you that now?”
“Maybe the sweets were a test,” Hyunwoo jokingly suggested, “to see how I’d respond.”
“Knowing Y/N/N, it wouldn’t surprise me.”
A loud laugh came from Minhyuk as your niece screamed to go higher whilst he pushed her on the swing. “Uncle Minhyuk, let me go higher!” She yelled out, only to realise Minhyuk was no longer behind her.
You were stood just to the side, looking anxiously between the two of them. “What did you just call me?” Minhyuk asked her.
“Uncle Minhyuk,” she whispered, feeling the swing slow down without Minhyuk helping it to move. “Did I do something wrong?” She then asked, worried by the look of surprise that was etched on Minhyuk’s face.
“No,” he quickly assured her, “you just shocked me, that’s all.”
Your niece’s smile turned up once again after Minhyuk smiled across at her. “You’re my favourite uncle because you make me laugh so much.”
“I’m already your favourite uncle?” Minhyuk asked her in surprise, “that was the easiest job that I’ve ever had in my life Y/N/N.”
“Is he better than me?” You couldn’t help but ask, “or is Auntie Y/N your favourite?”
“No way, Uncle Minhyuk is way better.”
You just managed to catch your nephew as he ran over to you to show you one of the drawings that he had done. “Is it a family portrait?” You questioned, struggling to make out what everything was on the paper.
Your nephew nodded as Kihyun took a look too, “it’s me and you, and Uncle Kihyun too when we went to the cinema last week.”
“I see,” you murmured, nervous to look at Kihyun beside you after your nephew’s sudden admission. “Since when has Kihyun been your Uncle Kihyun?” You asked as Kihyun remained quiet right beside you.
“Since now,” he excitedly chuckled, “he’s our family, isn’t he?”
You looked to Kihyun as he finally cleared his throat. “Of course I’m your family Y/N/N, I can be your Uncle Kihyun if that’s really what you want me to be.”
“Yeah,” your nephew cheered, beginning to talk you both through his drawing, unaware of your eyes meeting behind him talking together.
“Are you alright with being uncle?” You whispered, not wanting Kihyun to feel forced at all.
“I’m over the moon to be his uncle.”
There was a look of surprise on Hyungwon’s face as soon as your niece spoke to him, unsure if he’d misheard. “What did you just say?” Hyungwon asked your niece, wanting to check what he’d heard for definite.
Your niece ran back up to Hyungwon after beginning to walk away. “I told you to come and play Uncle Hyungwon,” she repeated.
“Uncle Hyungwon?” He quizzed, looking between your niece and then back across to you. “Don’t you mean Hyungwon?” He added, running his hand through his hair as he struggled to know what to say to her.
“Uncle Hyungwon,” she repeated again, “are you deaf or something?”
You struggled to hold back your laughter as your niece jokingly snapped across at Hyungwon. “She’s got a point, she’s said it plenty of times for you to hear.”
“I’m just surprised,” Hyungwon told you both, “am I going to have to get used to being Uncle Hyungwon from now on?”
“Yeah,” your niece excitedly told him, “you’re too nice to just be Hyungwon to me now.”
“Well, it’s an honour to be uncle.”
A puzzled expression formed on your nephew’s face as he read through the birthday card that you had written for him. “Why does it just say from Auntie Y/N and Jooheon?” He enquired, “not Uncle Jooheon?”
Jooheon knelt down beside him as he read through the card once again, “that’s because that’s who I am, Jooheon, aren’t I?”
“Why not Uncle Jooheon though?” Your nephew then challenged, leaving Jooheon speechless. “If you’re going out with my auntie then doesn’t that make you my uncle? I can’t just call you Jooheon, can I?”
“You want me to be your uncle?” Jooheon asked, “are you sure?”
Your nephew nodded in reply as Jooheon looked to you for a little bit of help. “I think it makes perfect sense, I should’ve written Uncle Jooheon on your card.”
“It’s all Auntie Y/N’s fault, don’t you think Y/N/N?” Jooheon added, unable to stop himself from berating you alongside your nephew.
“You two are a terrible team,” you scolded, “the worst uncle and nephew in the whole world.”
“We’re the best team in the world!”
He hovered behind you as the two of you entered your family home, greeted by noise straight away. “Y/N/N,” you called out to your niece as you watched her running around, deciding to quickly catch her attention.
Straight away she ran over to you both, leaping into Changkyun’s arms. “Auntie Y/N! Hi Uncle Changkyun!” She yelled out.
“Uncle?” Changkyun asked her in surprise, staring at her with a smile on his face as she innocently looked back across to him. “Am I uncle Changkyun now all of a sudden?” He then quizzed to make sure he heard.
“Yeah, you’re uncle,” she explained, “just like Auntie Y/N is auntie.”
Changkyun’s nervous eyes looked to you as your head nodded back at him. “Do you want to be Uncle Changkyun?” You asked him, worried that he was panicked.
“Of course,” he quickly responded, hearing the giggles of your niece right beside him, “I would absolutely love to be your uncle Y/N/N.”
“Uncle Changkyun,” she repeated, “don’t you think that that sounds super cool Auntie Y/N?”
“I think that it sounds the coolest.”
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silv3rswirls · 1 year
You give them flowers
Anon asks: Hii! I've been reading your content and it's so cute💖💖 I have a request if they're open, could you do monsta x's reaction to you giving them flowers? if you don't like the idea please feel free to ignore, thanks🌸
Note: Thank you 💖 I hope you enjoy!
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He wears a warm smile when you come to him with flowers. He thanks you and gives you a big hug. He finds the gift endearing and loves them just as much as he loves anything else you give him. You help him cut and vase them, he leaves them in a place that he’ll see every day.
Exclaims dramatically when you hand them over, says something like “Finally my turn!” He’s just excited to get them and appreciates that you thought to get him flowers. He plans to pick out the perfect bouquet for you in return.
He’s so happy when you give them to him. He’s grinning as he holds them, you should get him flowers more often; he’ll ask you too even. He gets a bit sad when they begin to wilt, but he takes extra care of them.
Being an idol he’s gotten plenty of flowers, but when it's from you it's just extra special. He gives you a big hug after accepting them. He immediately finds a good vase and puts them up in his room.
What’s this? He went to the studio to get some work done and you’ve sent flowers for him? He melts, why are you so wonderful? He’s content with them all day and sends flowers back to you as well.
A little shy to take them from you, it’s not something he expected you to give him. But he’s grateful for everything you give him. He thinks of what he should give you in return to give you the same warm, happy feeling the flowers gave him.
Loves them, treasures them, and wants you guys to get each other flowers more often. He loves them. He says thank you but thinks about them for the rest of the day.
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imaginekpopidols · 10 months
[10:48 pm] You lay down on Hyungwon's lap halfway through the movie. As the two lovers breakup on screen, you feel his gaze upon you. You look up at him and see him looking down at you instead of the screen. You raise your eyebrow at him, and he whispers, “You need to stop looking so kissable.” You blush, “What?” He smirks before cradling your head and lifting your head to kiss you. You gasp, “Fuck, Hyungwon, you can’t just do that out of nowhere.” He smirks and shrugs, still holding you close, “And you can’t just look so kissable all the time.”
Expanded Version
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kpopimaginings · 2 years
Got My Number - I.M
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A/N: I was listening to Got My Number and my brain did a thing, so I’ve written it down to share with you all!
Since dating Changkyun you had become close with all of Monsta X, to the point where you would hang out with them even if your boyfriend wasn't present. This was one such day, where I.M. was busy but you had decided to head to dorms anyway. You got on with the guys well and could happily joke around with them.
As you were talking, Jooheon snuck over to you.
"If you need someone," he started singing at you in a cheeky, flirty nature, "Who can love you while he's gone, baby, you got my number-"
"Yah!" you shouted, nudging him away with your elbow. "I'm no cheater, Lee Jooheon!"
He couldn't help but laugh a little at your reaction.
"Right answer!" Minhyuk chimed in.
You all fell easily back into conversation, moving on from the moment, when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Pulling it out, you found a message from Changkyun.
'I love you'
You smiled as you typed out your response. 'I love you too, but where did that come from?'
The reply was quick, 'Shownu sent me a video' with an attached video of Jooheon singing at you and you shutting him down.
It was then that you realised they'd obviously set you up to see how you would respond.
'Just telling the truth,' you typed. 'Why would I need someone else when I have my Kyunnie xxx'
His next reply was simply a selca of his smiling face, holding out a finger heart towards the camera.
You saved the picture quickly, while smiling down at the screen.
"You're welcome," you heard Jooheon call over, acknowledging the happiness radiating from you.
"Shut up," you muttered, before pocketing your phone and rejoining the conversation.
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hwangyeonjun · 1 year
January 26th
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pairing: lim changkyun x fem!reader
genre: suggestive
birthday party masterlist
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as soon as changkyun walked through the door, confusion spread on his face. it was dark and completely silent. he couldn’t hide the disappointment, realising that you are probably not home.
after a long day in the studio he was hoping to come back home to you, order some takeout and spend his birthday with you, watching your favourite shows. you didn’t mention anything about coming home late and he even checked his phone in case he missed a text from you but it was empty which made him worry a bit.
what if something happened to you?
his worry didn’t last long as he walked in your shared bedroom and turned on the lights, seeing you with all your glory. you laid down on the bed, wearing a new lingerie set who made a poor job at covering something. your smile was seductive and it made him weak in the knees.
“hello, birthday boy”
his heart was about to jump out of his chest from your voice. changkyun was frozen in his spot, not knowing what to do or how to act. every single thought just flew out.
“well? are you going to open up your present or do i have to do it myself?” you asked, your voice dripping with honey.
this made him snap out of his daze, eyes darkening with desire.
“i’ll do it myself”
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dreamythoughtsmood · 1 year
Wonho Boyfriend Material Headcanons
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He is the kind of man who would always make sure that you have everything you need
You name it, he will get it for you
You are his number one fan of course
Bringing you to concerts
Making you stand in the crowd and watch him be cool
He would want you to be proud of him
And you are
Free merch
He would fully expect you to go to work wearing his things
And only his merch but his clothes
His leather jacket is yours now
He only wears it when you need his scent back on it
He would try and get you into working out if you are not already
Not because he thinks you need it
Its just another way for him to be with you
He would be happy if you just sat around and talked to him while he worked out
He would 100% flex his muscles more whenever you are there
At home, he would be wearing his very short shorts and socks, thats it
Shirts? What shirts?
The man hates shirts
Dates with him are something else
Because how can a man so massive be so cute?
His laugh alone could make you laugh
Cute dates, lots of pictures, kissing
You are treated like a Princess with him, because he is your Prince
Literally, because his name in your phone is My Prince❤️
You two have no secrets around one another
So its a bit hard to surprise the other as it would be very obvious you are up to something
On rare occasions, if you happen to argue, it doesn't last for long
You two love each other too much to be angry
So either of you would apologize a couple hours later
He would go and pick you up from work. Every.Day.
Your colleagues would always drool over him
But he only sees you
Just seeing him, leaning against his expensive car while wearing the most fashionable clothes, you could just jump on him right then and there
He loves your cooking
Especially your ramen
Which you would practice over and over to get it perfect so he loves it
But he doesn't have to know that
He would often ask you to massage him
But its just an excuse that he wants you close
And who wouldn't want to run their hands down his amazingly sculpted back?
He would also love to give you massages
He loves to come up with date ideas
He always comes up with something new
But they all end the same, with food, preferably ramen
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monstaxperiments · 2 years
Monsta X and how their lock screen of you would be..~
He would have a candid shot of you laughing or sleeping that he just adores.
He would either have a full body shot of you in his favorite fit or a pic of you in his fav makeup look or hairstyle... it would be you in something that’s his favorite.
I can totally see him having a silly pic of you and him together for his lock screen. Like you two posing for a pic but you both fall over so the pic is blurry and hilarious.
I can either see him having a really pretty pic of you smiling for his lock screen or a pic of you from that Christmas party when you got really drunk. No in between. 
I can definitely see him having a pic of you two wearing matching outfits, posing cooly
He would have something semi cute, semi embarrassing like a HS pic of you that you dislike.
Something super candid, super off guard, something that only he would catch and would think to snap a pic of.
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j0514x · 2 years
Wonho + Monsta x - how they kiss you
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Shownu -
Contently. He beams into every kiss, eyes scrunched and cheeks round. He kisses you like joy itself, like he's finally found the missing piece in his life. Perhaps he has. He likes to think so. He kisses you like he knows he'll never kiss another, that you're everything he'll every need, and he'll never believe he found you so soon.
Wonho -
Softly, delicately. He kisses you like you're glass, a single touch and everything disappears, like he's in disbelief - he's been blessed with a dream he fears to wake from. Fingers ghost over your skin, restraint burning in his knuckles. He knows if he lets himself, if he crashes his lips against you as he longs for, he'll devour you so throughly he'll never be able to stop. He's scared everything ends after that, so he'll drag gentle moments for as long as he is afforded.
Minhyuk -
Playfully. He nips at you, face scrunched as high-pitched giggles radiate throughout the room. It feels more like play fighting but he always holds a second too long when his lips touch you. There's a moment where you feel his smile drop; hands move on instinct, frantically cupping your face, cradling your head. The playfulness dissolves, replaced instead with pained yearning. It's habit to hide his emotions behind an extroverted personality, but ever so often, it slips. Chest aching, he's reminded how much he loves you, how lucky his is to hold your lips between his, and how desperately he wants to feel every part of you.
Kihyun -
Quickly, frquently. It's a greeting, a see you later, a 'oh look, we're in the same room'. More often than not, it's chaste - a lingering peck as he heads for the door. But that doesn't mean it's worth any less. He does so to remind you, at every possible opportunity, that he loves you. That he wants his lips on you. That he's busy and oh so late for his schedule, but he will always make time to kiss you on the way out. He hopes you understand what he's trying to say.
Hyungwon -
Slowly. A hand cupping your face, thumb stroking your cheekbone, legs entwined in bedsheets and movie long forgotten in the background. He unwinds in you, stolen moments to relax in a life so fast it suffocates him. He kisses you as if he holds time itself hostage, and tells it to wait. Tongue deep in your mouth, lips blushed red, moments pass slow. He devours you, his sanctuary, hides from life between your lips and drenches himself only in you.
Jooheon -
Like a starving man. He is sustained by touch alone, kisses the blood in his veins. The sunrises and sets with his lips on yours, every moment seeking out the soft caress you offer him. It's reassurance, he knows, proof that you still love him - because a lot can change in five minutes. He hopes you can't tell, that you're merely endeared. The way you stroke his hand, the way hold his face so gently, the way you look at him with such raw adoration tells him you know. He's grateful you still let him kiss you so often, like you're the last meal on Earth and he needs to remind himself it's still there.
Changkyun -
Turmoil. His lips taste like turmoil, a man fighting with himself, drowning in his own emotions. Changkyun kisses you like he doesn't understand himself, he can't tell if he wants to strip you bare and devour every inch of you, or start crying as his chest caves thinking about how much he loves you. He kisses you like he's pleading, desperation dripping from every touch. Arms snake around you, holding you close, a palm cradling the back of your skull. Like Jooheon, he kisses you like he's starving, like he'll die if he lets you go.
♡ ·  ·  ·  · ─────────┘
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
good news, bad news
pairing: hyungwon x reader wordcount: 5.4K summary: everyone else is dead wrong about you and hyungwon. it’s definitely just sex because there’s no feelings involved whatsoever and you’re going to prove it, especially to yourself. genre/themes: smut with some angsty(?) feelings, reader is a hyperindependent jerk, slight dom!Hyungwon, slight brat!reader, enemies2lovers, fwb2lovers, college au, frat au, 18+ adults only plz.
a/n: moving this over from parttimestan. follow up to ‘bad news, good news’ but it can def be read alone
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“Hyung-Hyungwon!” you cried as he sucked hard on your clit. You instinctively tried to push him away, but he kept his arms firmly hooked around your thighs and continued his onslaught until your eyes were watering. “No-, I can’t, please!” you gasped, legs shaking before you gushed against his chin. Hyungwon pulled back, lips glistening, and arched an eyebrow at you.
“Did I say you could cum?” he asked sternly.
“No, but you-” you started to speak.
“But I? Not only are you talking back, but you also want to blame your lack of restraint on me?” he cut you off, brow furrowing.
“Sorry,” you pouted, glancing away nervously.
    Hyungwon’s grip on your thighs tightens and he smirks before announcing that you’ll try again. Your heart simultaneously rises and sinks. On the one hand, you love having Hyungwon’s lips on you, but on the other hand you really don’t know how much more of this your poor clit can take.
“You’re a menace,” you grumble as he dives back in. Your thighs immediately close around his ears and the struggle ensues again.
“This is ridiculous,” you complained a while later. You had tried to get up, but your legs still seemed to be made of jelly.
“Sorry I’m so good at eating you out,” Hyungwon apologizes sarcastically. You roll your eyes. It’s been a few weeks of hooking up and his cockiness doesn’t seem to be wearing off even a little.
“I can’t fucking stand you!” you exclaim. It’s a lie of course.
“Likewise,” he raises his eyebrows at you.
    You narrow your eyes at him, but he has zoned out and is staring at the ceiling. Looking at the time, you have roughly half an hour before you need to leave, so you rest your head against his shoulder and hope that your legs decide to work again soon.
‘why are you ignoring me?’
‘i’m not?’ you scowled at the text that you’d just received from Hyungwon. You could feel him staring at you from across the library.
‘come sit with me’
‘why? we’re not friends’
‘that’s weird. the way you were begging for my ‘fat cock’ the other night seemed pretty friendly to me 🤡’
    You groaned and put your phone aside on the desk and tried to focus your attention on your textbook. Unfortunately the information about child development went in through your eyes and right back out your ears because his text had you thinking back to a few nights ago when he had truly blown out your back. You glanced furtively around, as if worried that the other students could hear your dirty thoughts until your phone pinged again.
‘meet me in the archeology section’ and you were prepared to ignore it, but it was quickly followed by a second line, ‘i’m not asking.’
    Swallowing, you stood from your seat, leaving your things, and went to look for the archeology section. Muttering to yourself, you muddled your way through geology and eventually found it. Swiveling your head around, you saw nothing but shelves full of books. You checked your phone for another text and found nothing, which made your temper rise again.
“Wasting my time,” you scoffed under your breath, moving to return to your table. Two steps in, a long arm grabbed you and pressed you against a wall. You found yourself looking at a perturbed looking Hyungwon.
    You cock your head at him, pouting until he presses his lips against yours hungrily. Confused but aroused, you pull him closer and your eyes widen when you feel him pressed against your hip. The edges of your hazy mind remind you where you are, which gives you pause.
“Wait, what are you doing?” you push him away slightly, glancing around the stacks cautiously.
“I want you,” he says simply, voice coated with desire.
“Yes,” he nods, thigh wedging between your legs and nudging gently at your core. You clench at the contact and falter against him slightly. “Good girl,” he presses a kiss to your forehead as he coaxes your hips. Your brow is screwed up in concentration as you grind against his muscular thigh.
“Hyungwon-ah!” you let out a garbled moan as your clit rakes across the thick denim of his jeans. Beads of sweat are collecting on your nose as you inch towards orgasm.
“You gonna cum right here? Anyone could walk by and see you,” he teases, fingers still digging into your hips firmly. You mean to flip him off, but your orgasm arrives at the same moment and your body stiffens slightly as you bite down on his shoulder to muffle your sounds.
“Where-, I need,” you start a few sentences at once as you fumble with his fly. Hyungwon pulls you into a vacant study room before helping you with the task at hand. His erection springs from its confines and you lick your lips at the sight of the angry red tip.
    Hyungwon purrs contentedly as you drop to your knees and kiss gently up his thighs. You look up at him with doe eyes as you take his heavy girth into your mouth. You moan loudly at the weight of it on your tongue and your insatiable desire rises again. You set on an enthusiastic pace, lips stroking his veiny length as your fingertips toy lightly with his balls. Hyungwon sighs deeply as you swallow him to the hilt, throat milking his length.
“God you look good with your mouth full,” he laughs, but his hips jerk, belying the very tenuous grip he has on himself. You giggle with delight before pulling up to catch your breath.
“Good thing you’re so reasonably sized,” you joke, laughing harder than you should at Hyungwon’s shocked expression.
“Hn,” he grumbles, pulling you off your knees and pressing your back against the door. You fumble slightly with your leggings, but eventually his cock is pressed against your entrance. Even just the weight and heat of him pressed against your soaking lips is enough to get you writhing desperately.
“Please,” you beg, moving your hips anxiously.
“Want me?” he taunts, loving when you beg for him.
“Please,” you whimper, “Hyungwon, please!”
“Please what?”
“Please…I need you to stretch me out with that fat, thick cock, please!” you beg, sounding truly desperate. His face cracks into a grin and he grants your request, shifting his hips to drive up into you at a slow pace. You can feel yourself giving way to his intrusion and when he bottoms out, you let out a sigh, resting your forehead against his shoulder.
“God, like that pussy was made for me,” he murmurs happily.
    You relish in the fullness for a moment or two before squeezing around him impatiently. Hyungwon chuckles and complies, pumping into you deeply. You pant shallowly, looking into his eyes as your hands thread through the long hair at his nape.
“You feel so good,” you sigh, smiling dreamily at him as he continues to fuck you deeply. Hyungwon smiles at you and it’s not cocky or teasing like usual. He nods and wordlessly continues to push you towards the edge.
“I’m- I’m close,” he warns you through clenched teeth. You squeeze around him and nod breathlessly. “Where?” he asks, fingertips pressing almost painfully into your hips.
“Cum in me,” you gasp as your walls start to spasm around him. He curses as you milk him and he releases deep inside of you.
“That’s really fucking addicting,” he mumbles a few moments later, lifting his head to look at you again. You beam at the praise, but the heartfeltness of his words and gaze makes your chest feel tight.
“I have to study now, so leave me alone!” you scrunch your nose at him, shrugging off the post-orgasmic bliss. Hurriedly, you pull your leggings back on and slip out the door, leaving Hyungwon inside wondering if you’d ever let this move beyond ‘just fucking’.
“Are you ever going to tell me about Hyungwon?” Naeun asks casually after a brief lull.
“What?” you ask, inhaling some coffee, resulting in a brief coughing fit.
  Naeun fixes you with a stare that tells you she knows about your dalliance and that skirting around the issue is not going to work. You purse your lips and sigh.
“What is there to tell? We’re just hooking up,” you shrug.
“Kihyun said you guys spend a lot of time together,” she raises an eyebrow at you.
“We literally do not!” you groan exasperatedly, “It’s dick appointments and that’s it!”
“Okay,” she says in a way that indicates she doesn’t believe you at all. “You two just have good chemistry I guess. Everyone at Mu Chi thinks you’re dating,” she shrugs.
    Your eyes narrow at the comment, but the conversation returns to plans for the weekend. You and Naeun had decided to take the bus into the city for the weekend and found yourself with too many activities and not enough time. Today's lunch was meant to be spent paring down the list to a manageable itinerary.
“I wish Kihyun could come,” Naeun sighed suddenly, “I didn’t invite him or anything!” she adds on hurriedly at your sharp glance. “I just think it would be so romantic to do a city trip with him,” she says dreamily.
“You really like him, huh?” you remark, satisfied with the final list of destinations.
“He’s kind of great,” Naeun smiles happily at you.
“Let’s do something together after our trip,” you suggest.
“Really?” her face lights up and it makes the idea of third wheeling a little less abhorrent.
“Yeah,” you shrug, even though you’re truly very happy to see her happy, “We’ll see if he passes the best friend sniff test,” you laugh.
    Hyungwon squinted at Kihyun, who had been sitting across the room grinning at his phone for nearly twenty minutes. You were out of town this weekend with Naeun, so this was the longest that Hyungwon had gone without seeing you in roughly a month.
“Who’s got you smiling like that, bro?” Changkyun teases as he walks down the stairs even though everyone already knows the answer.
“Naeun keeps sending me these cute snaps of her trip,” Kihyun smiles widely, “They look like they’re having a great time,” he turns his phone to show them a picture of Naeun and you posed cutely in an aquarium.
    Hyungwon swallows, a surge of jealousy suddenly washing over him. He hadn’t received any such cute snaps from you.
“Hyungwon, Naeun said that YN suggested a hangout after they get back. I assume you’ll want to come?” Kihyun asks.
“Why would I want to tag along for that?” Hyungwon answers huffily.
“I mean she’s your girl, isn’t she?” Changkyun asks innocently.
“No, she’s not! We’re just hooking up,” Hyungwon answers adamantly.
“Ah, my bad,” Changkyun puts his hands up, “You guys just seem good together, my mistake.”
    Kihyun rolls his eyes, having already discussed this topic with Naeun. The mutual denial was tiring. After Hyungwon retreated to his room, Kihyun quickly caught Changkyun up so he could avoid an otherwise inevitable chewing out.
    Back in his room, Hyungwon checks your Instagram stories and sees photos similar to the one Kihyun had shown. You and Naeun had quite a packed itinerary and had already been to the aquarium, art museum, and lunch. Now it seemed that you were getting ready for a night out and Hyungwon found his interest…severely piqued. You had posted a series of outfit choices with polls for your friends to vote on. He found himself watching and rewatching them and all he could think of was how he would peel each of them off of you.
‘if you were here, i’d vote this one. it’d be easiest to take off 😈’ he messaged you regarding the sheath dress with a zipper up the center.
‘this one though 😵‍’ he sent after staring at you in a deep green slip dress. The straps draped seductively across your collarbones and the fabric skimmed playfully over your hips.
“God damn it!” Hyungwon groaned after realizing what he’d done. Throwing his phone onto his bed, he reconsidered all of the life decisions that had gotten him here.
“Your phone buzzed,” Naeun informed you as you stepped out of the bathroom.
“Ah thanks,” you smiled, brushing the black sheath dress that you had finally decided on. You grabbed your phone and noticed that you had a few DMs. You grinned at the messages from Hyungwon. While you hadn’t not been hoping that he’d see your stories, you also hadn’t expected him to say anything about it. Rolling your eyes, you walked back into the bathroom.
“Are you changing again?” Naeun asked, irritated at the number of outfit swaps you’d made already.
“Last time, I promise,” you grin before shutting the door behind you. Happily, you pulled the green dress back on, mentally commending Hyungwon for his taste. This dress was a little more elegant than the other dresses that were more suited for clubbing, but it complimented your shape the most. Checking your appearance, you decided that the jewelry didn’t need changing and stepped out of the bathroom.
“Ooh! You are going with that one!” Naeun clapped her hands together excitedly.
“Yeah,” you smiled, regarding yourself in the full length mirror contentedly.
“This one is definitely the prettiest,” Naeun nodded with approval, “Now I really wish Kihyun was here, cause I’m not going to be able to keep the boys off you by myself!”
“You should’ve just brought him at this rate!” you laughed, rolling your eyes playfully. Everything seemed to remind Naeun of Kihyun and she had been tied up with her phone pretty much the entire trip. While a little annoying, you knew you’d likely been the same when you’d started dating Johnny.
“Next time,” she giggled happily, “Now let’s post a fit check and let’s go!” she demanded, pulling you close for a selfie. You laughed, shifting to a flattering angle so she could get her picture. Once in the Uber, you reposted her story with the caption ‘and the winner is…’.
    Hyungwon scoffed as he flipped through your stories for the umpteenth time. You’d left him on read, but you had picked the green dress that he had liked. His fingers itched to grab you and feel the satiny material over your plush skin. His mind flipped back to your encounter in the library and he couldn’t keep himself from sending you a snap of his long fingers cradling his semi-erection through the fabric of his sweats.
    Your jaw dropped. You’d taken the opportunity to check your phone in the relative quiet of the bathroom and the image of Hyungwon’s dickprint had you on the floor in shock. You briefly contemplated screenshotting it, but were luckily still sober enough to consider the long term consequences of that. You were not, however, sober enough to refrain from sending him a few lewd snaps of your own.
“My head fucking hurts,” Naeun groans into her pillow the next morning.
“Please shut up,” you beg, pressing your own pillow harder against your face, trying to drown out both light and sound.
“Do you remember much of last night?” she asked, ignoring your very clear request.
“Honestly, not after the third club that we went to,” you shook your head.
“Same,” she laughed tiredly, moving to check her phone. “Oh my god, I sent Kihyun so many snaps last night. I don’t-, I hope I look decent in them.”
“Oh my god,” you sat up suddenly, “Oh fuck, oh no!” you muttered, reaching panickedly through the covers until you found your own phone. Fuzzy memories of images you’d sent to Hyungwon flooded back to your mind and you looked at his last reply to you, reading ‘you’re cute. sleep well 😘’
“What?” Naeun looked on curiously.
“I think I was sexting Hyungwon last night,” you looked at her, aghast. “Fuck, but I sent them all through Snapchat and I can’t remember what I said!”
“You fucking like him,” Naeun teased you with a shit eating grin. “No, you love that dude!”
“I do not! I’m just horny!” you tried to defend yourself, but it sounded flimsy even to you. “Please, I’m not going back. I live here now, I’m a city girl now.” you flopped down on the bed in defeat. Naeun chuckled as she pulled you into a big hug, choosing to delay the return to reality for just a bit longer.
“Oh my god!” you heard Naeun squeal as she opened the door to the apartment. You cocked your head with curiosity, but were mostly struggling to get your luggage up the stairs.
“Surprise!” you heard a deeper voice reply and upon entering the room, realized that Kihyun had taken it upon himself to surprise Naeun with a variety of decorations. “I missed you!”
    You were simultaneously impressed and disgusted by the romantic display and took the cue to hurry into your room and make yourself scarce. You were not prepared to see Hyungwon sitting on your bed, scrolling through his phone.
“The hell are you doing here?” you asked, rolling your luggage into a corner.
“He needed help,” he replied nonchalantly, not even glancing up from his phone.
“And when you were done helping you decided to…” you prompted.
“Wait for you,” he answered simply, placing his phone down and patting the bed next to him.
“Why?” you asked, suspicious.
“Missed you,” he rolled his eyes at you
“Missed me? We’re not-, we’re not dating. What’s there to miss?” you scrunched your face up at him.
“You’re sticking with that? Even after yesterday?” Hyungwon lifted an eyebrow at you, almost impressed at your stubbornness.
“I don’t remember much of yesterday,” you admit, flushing red with embarrassment, “And I wasn’t in my right mind anyways!” you insist.
“You don’t think you meant any of it?”
“I doubt it, since it seems to have given you very much the wrong impression,” you puffed your cheeks out, frustrated that you still couldn’t remember your exchange.
“Ah, I see,” he nodded, smile faltering as he stood up, “Well, I should go then.”
    As you watched him leave, an overwhelming sinking feeling came over you. Your conscious mind didn’t know why, but you really felt as if you had wronged him somehow. Sighing, you shut yourself in your room for the rest of the day.
    The following days felt like they dragged on and you couldn’t tell whether it was post-trip blues or something else. The days melted together and while you attended classes, you couldn’t remember much of anything. Every so often, you saw something that either reminded you of or you wanted to tell Hyungwon about. Your fingers itched to send him messages, but true to form you did not cave.
    When the weekend rolled around, all you wanted to do was curl up in bed all weekend and watch sad movies. You were in the middle of Pan’s Labyrinth when a text message from Hyungwon’s number popped up on your phone.
‘YN, this is naeun! i’m so sorry about this, but i left my phone at home. could you bring it to MX for me plzplzplz? i’ll meet you outside so you don’t have to see hyungwon’
‘sure, where is it?’
    After some slightly confusing directions, you located the device and started the walk to the frat house. You noted that it was a pretty comfortable night, weather-wise, and tried to keep your mind from wandering to the walks you’d made to and with Hyungwon this way. Your eyes darted around nervously as you drew closer to the frat house as if he might pop out of a bush at any moment.
“Ah! YN, thank you so much!” Naeun called when she spotted you. “I’m so so so so sorry about this! I know this is the last place you want to be.”
“It’s fine,” you smile, though it doesn’t reach your eyes. “Are you coming home tonight?”
“Probably not,” she smiled, “Which is why I asked you to bring it. You’ll be okay by yourself?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, making the mistake of glancing at the window and catching sight of Hyungwon’s profile facing a girl you didn’t know. Just as you returned your gaze to Naeun, he noticed you through the glass pane. “I’ll be fine,” you reassured her. She pulled you in for a hug before hopping back up the stairs. You waved at her then caught sight of Hyungwon and waved sadly at him before turning to head home.
“You could get killed, you know,” a voice announced from behind you roughly halfway through your walk.
“What?” you asked, stopping briefly without turning to face him.
“I’ve been following you for like ten minutes, did you not hear me? I could’ve been a murderer,” Hyungwon griped as he caught up to you.
“Why are you following me anyways?”
“I saw you with Naeun. You didn’t even roll your eyes at me or anything,” he chuckled, the smallest of smirks played across his lips.
“You looked busy,” you sniffed, trying to sound casual, but even you knew that you just sounded plain jealous.
“You know you’re cute when you’re jealous?”
“I’m no-, leave me alone,” you protested, shielding your face from his eyes. You were incredibly relieved when you arrived at your building, eager to get away from Hyungwon, who was making you unbelievably nervous. “Okay, I’m here and not murdered, so bye!” you practically squeaked before making a break for the steps.
“This is really annoying, you know,” Hyungwon spoke before you could quite get through the door.
“What?” you poked your head back out, squinting at him.
“I walked all this way so you should at least invite me up,” he smirked, eyes spelling mischief.
“Why would I-,” he ignores you and takes the steps towards you in twos before grabbing your hand and leading the way to your door. He holds his large hand out, asking for your keys, and leads you the rest of the way to your bed.
“Why are you so obsessed with me,” you chuckle as he pulls you down on top of him, fingers biting into your hips.
“I wish I knew,” he rolls his eyes, hand gripping the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss.
    You groan into him and your body reacts to his touch. Your hands splay across his broad chest and your hips shift so that you’re straddled flush across his lap. Hyungwon chuckles, noticing the way you rock gently, searching for friction.
“I’m not sure you get to enjoy tonight sweetheart, you’ve been quite bad,” he whispers in your ear. You pull back, eyes wide, and see his expression pulled into a cruel smirk. Your nervous gulp is audible as Hyungwon’s darkened gaze bores into you.
“Why?” you ask and you already know it won’t be well received.
“Why don’t you tell me why? Or does my baby not remember that either?”
“I-, um,” you hem and haw nervously.
“I don’t want to have to ask again,” he taps his fingers impatiently at your hip.
“I-I ignored you when I was at the house today. And I was rude to you at the library.”
“I had actually forgotten about the library,” Hyungwon chuckled, patting your cheek softly, “But I think you forgot the most important one,” he prompted.
“I-,” you floundered for a moment, “That I can’t remember last weekend?”
“Smart girl,” he praised you, “So it took far too long for me to see you again.”
    You nodded in agreement, happy to at least receive some praise. His hands guided your hips against him again, this time your clit dragged along his engorged length and your hands fisted in his flannel shirt.
“I need you, I want you inside of me,” you implored, “…please.”
“Oh?” Hyungwon asked casually even though his cock was screaming for the same. “Why?”
“Why?” you turned doe eyes on him, “I like, I like feeling you inside of me. You're so thick, I love the way it feels when I sink down on you. I always worry I can’t take it all, but it always fits,” you blushed furiously, unable to meet his eyes. It’s not like you hadn’t said dirtier things to him before, but explaining this to him felt supremely embarrassing.
“Ok,” he nods, “Go ahead,” he gestures for you to undress. You do so with embarrassing quickness. When you look back up, he has unsheathed himself and is waiting for you. You climb back up and line yourself up to his tip. You sink down on him, slowly, feeling yourself give way to his girth and your toes curl until your lips are pressed against the denim of his jeans. You mean to pull back up, but Hyungwon’s hands have you locked in place, stuffed full of his cock.
“Just stay here for me,” he commands, “Split wide open for me like a good girl.”
“Okay?” you whimper. Half of your mind is interested in more praise, but the other half just wants to be fucked within an inch consciousness.
“How long?” you ask after a while, squirming and squeezing around him impatiently.
“As long as I want,” Hyungwon shrugs. You clench, sweat beading up at the tip of your nose as you struggle to stay composed. Even without doing anything, Hyungwon succeeds in inching you closer and closer to the edge.
“May I-, am I allowed to cum?” you ask, but you already know the answer.
You pouted, squirming as Hyungwon trailed his fingertips across your sensitive skin. He relished in the way your muscles tensed under his touch.
“How was your trip?” he asked softly, thumbs brushing softly across your hips.
“Oh, it was, it was okay,” you answer, distracted by his caresses. It wasn’t until he asked that you realized just how long it had been since you’d properly spoken.
“Just okay?”
“I-, I just, kept thinking of you,” the admission tumbled from your lips without thought.
“But you didn’t, I mean I barely heard from you?” Hyungwon questioned, brow furrowed.
“Well, cause, I didn’t want you to know that I missed you!” you confessed, burying your flaming red face against his shoulder. You were being way too honest and you blamed it all on the cock that was firmly lodged inside of you. It was messing with your brain somehow.
“I know,” he laughed, stroking your hair reassuringly.
“What?” you shifted to peek one eye at him.
“I know,” he repeated himself, “I just wanted to hear you say it to me again,” he laughed with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face as he jerked his hips against you, pushing every coherent thought out of your brain.
“Again? Is that what I told you that night?” your grip on his shirt tightened as he undulated beneath you, just barely stroking in and out of you, but you were very nearly losing your mind just at that.
“Yes,” he licked his lips as he toyed with you, fingers stroking up your torso to tease the undersides of your breasts.
“Please, more,” you begged. You were sure you were leaking, making a mess on his jeans as you ground against him, desperate for more, whatever form it came in.
“I really do enjoy it when you beg,” he smirked, suddenly lifting you off of him.
    You blinked a few times, shocked at the sudden emptiness. You glanced curiously at Hyungwon, who was rolling the sleeves of his flannel up to his elbows. He took his sweet time and you realized that he was, again, teasing you. Harrumphing quietly, you snuck your hands down to tease yourself as you waited for him. One hand glided across your inner thighs as the other traced concentric circles around a puckered areola.
    Hyungwon glanced at you after your eyes had fluttered shut. He wanted to laugh, you were always so impatient, but he took the opportunity to admire you instead. Your fingertips trailed over your skin feather lightly and your reactions were beautifully transparent as your brow flickered between different expressions. On another day, he could enjoy this for a very long time, but after two weeks of not seeing you, he was impatient too.
“Having fun?” he asked, grabbing you by the wrists.
“Yes,” you giggled, lips curling into a feline grin.
“Well I guess I’m not needed then,” he teased, feigning to leave.
“No!” your expression fell, clasping your own hands around his wrists.
    Hyungwon grinned at the way that you clung onto him. He leveraged your grip to pull you to the center of the bed. He hovered over you, arms and legs caging you into the slight dip of the mattress. You were surprised at the thrill that ran through you as you noted how vulnerable you felt underneath him. He shifted slightly, moving his right hand to skim over your thighs towards your center.
“God I missed this,” he groaned happily, fingers sinking into your wetness. You nodded deliriously as he stroked into you. Your eyes were fixated on the veins and tendons of his forearm as he worked his long fingers in and out of you with an obscene, wet squishing sound.
“So good,” you gasped, head falling back. Hyungwon searched your face and when it contorted, he pulled his fingers out. Your eyes snapped open and you fixed your dilated pupils on him.
    Hyungwon shifts off of you and starts to undress. As irritated as you are, you can’t help but take him in as he does so. You admire his broad shoulders, sculpted arms, and impeccable proportions until he rejoins you in bed.
“I have a proposal,” he says as he spoons himself behind you, his cock sliding between your thighs.
“Oh?” you’re curious as you squeeze your legs together.
“If you cum first, I take you out on a date.”
“And if you cum first?” you ask, blushing at his proposal.
“You take me out on a date,” he grins at you, catlike.
    You roll your eyes at him affectionately as you guide him into you. Hyungwon grabs you by the hip, thumb brushing against the small of your back, and pulls you down his shaft. You gasp as he reenters you, incredibly sensitive after all of his teasing.
“Fuck,” you groan under your breath as he holds you down against him. His balls graze your clit as his hips undulate against you and you worry that any noise you make will rouse the entire building.
    Hyungwon smirks at the way you clutch desperately at his wrists. After your long absence, the sensation of being in you is also overwhelming. He wonders if he’ll ever get over the feeling of sinking into your wet heat and feels confident that the answer is likely not.
“Hyu-Hyungwon!” you stutter, nails digging into his forearm. Hyungwon grits his teeth as your walls tighten around him. Your stubborn ass is successfully resisting the orgasm, but Hyungwon feels stubborn today as well.
    Snaking his arms around you, one secures you by the waist while the other searches out your swollen clit. You fold in half in an effort to get away from him, but his arm keeps you anchored against him as he taps your clit incessantly. The sharp sensation bulldozes you off the side of a cliff and you cry out for Hyungwon as the orgasm crashes over you.
    The intensity surprises both of you and Hyungwon finds himself quickly following you in orgasm. He barely has time to warn you before emptying himself deep inside of you again. He really was never going to get over that, it seemed. Your breath deeply, trying to recover while catching Hyungwon’s free hand in yours.
“I guess I owe you a date,” you joked, turning to face him. His eyes shine as you brush a few strands of his hair out of his face.
“I guess so,” he grins, “And then I’ll owe you, so I’ll take you out after that.”
“What if it’s a flop?” you joke, nerves surfacing.
“I don’t think I’m capable of being floppy around you,” he laughs, pulling you into his chest. As if seconding the argument, his cock pokes at your hip, already hardening again. You reach for it, once again fascinated by the outrageous size and he bucks, lip curling at the intense sensation.
“Oops,” you giggle innocently, but your eyes twinkle mischievous
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mxillusion · 2 years
Just makin' pretty secrets tonight.
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➝ pairing: son hyunwoo x reader  
➝ words count: 2k+
➝ genre/warnings: suggestive, smut; 18+, nsfw; sexual content, description of sex, foreplay, teasing, grinding, dirty-talk (kind of) …
➝ summary: You cursed this business trip from the very beginning; this whole weekend consumed all your mental strength. One night you can no longer fight this longing for him, so you find yourself in front of his hotel room to finally give in.
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Ten steps. Only ten more steps to make you change your mind, to make you come to your senses before risking it all. Before descending your whole life into absolute madness. All these attempts to stay as far as possible from this place were doomed to fail before even trying. 
Six steps. Four steps. One last try to make yourself turn on your heels, faltering, not worth mentioning. Movement freezing in front of that one of many doors, your delusional mind aiming to fool you already. Persuading, you could already feel his proximity. Your skin's already flaming before getting touched.
Without even realizing what your body did, there was a knocking sound from your side of the door. Your heart thrashed inside your chest without even laying your eyes on him. Mouth dry, and pulse increased before hearing shuffling sounds from the other side. 
Once the door opened ever so slightly, shockwaves struck through your veins as you tentatively raised your eyes at him. Perceiving dark-brown leather shoes first, followed by cobalt-blue suit pants and − sun-kissed, ripped abs, barely hiding between white curtains of what seemed to be a dress shirt.  
Biting your lip without even noticing, you glanced into caramel-brown eyes, one of those perfect eyebrows raised at you. Your blood was pumping through your veins simply by looking into them, your heart throbbing furiously.
"Look who we have here." Mouth corner grew to a smirk, he stared directly into your soul. "What a pleasant surprise."
You tried to swallow that giant clump in your throat, your voice nothing more than a whisper. "Hello, Hyunwoo-ya."
Silently he stepped aside, opening the door invitingly, letting you enter his hotel room. On shaking legs, you tried your absolute best to play the tough one while walking inside. There was no turning back anymore. Never had been. 
Pulling the bowtie off his shoulders, he threw it onto his bed thoughtlessly, his eyes fixed on you nonetheless. Another smirk swept across his face as you hesitantly spun around to face him, desperately trying to only focus on his majestic face.
"What made you change your mind?" his voice sounded hoarse, intense. 
There was no answer to his question. You had no clue. All you knew was you'd been in Hyunwoo's room, despite all the attempts to stay away from here, to stay true to your words. That this would never happen. 
He was nearing you, every single one of his steps forcing your heart to skip a beat. The lump in your throat was back at its place again, making it unattainable for you to breathe accurately. 
"I don't even wanna know," he admits, lifting one hand to place it on his neck. His movement exposed even more of his bare skin, your preoccupied mind spinning circles at this point. 
Reaching for your hand, he carefully placed it onto his stripped chest. You held your breath, incapable of thinking straight anymore. His skin felt soft, although it almost appeared to set you on fire. 
"Can you feel what you're doing to me?" he asked, his eyes locking with yours. "I'm glad you're finally here. With me."
You let out a shaky breath once you realized you had lost all the good intentions you once had. "No one can ever find out about this."
Hyunwoo made another step, his hot breath tingling on the tip of your nose. Letting go of your hand, which wasn't moving anyway, long fingers went for your chin to gently pull it up. A thumb ghosted over your lower lip, his index finger still attached to your chin. 
"Relax. Just let me kiss you already." 
Soft, plush lips ghosting over yours, you, holding your breath, eyes already closed. A tingling sensation arose from the pit of your abdomen, spreading across your entire body, your skin turning into goose-flesh. 
He took his time, toying with you, taking in every little reaction of yours to his motions. After all this time, you were here, in reaching distance, capable of being touched by him. He had waited so long for this.
When his lips met yours eventually, your body was about to liquefy. Time was standing still. The world was muted. The flavor of his lips, their feeling, was everything you could sensate, and it was overwhelming. More than you could have ever imagined. Your world was about to collapse - everything hinged on this very moment. 
Your fingers carefully climbed up the seam of his shirt, clinging onto it for dear life to draw him even closer. Arms wrapped around your frame, one quick movement enough to force you flush against him. Mouths worked faster now, fiery capturing one another, almost merging. 
Fingertips gliding beneath his shirt, tenderly pushing it off his shoulders. The white fabric, not needed anymore, fell to the ground soundlessly, revealing his remarkable toned figure. This man was perfection in every imaginable way. His body's heavenly shaped, his gorgeous face admirable, his touches soft yet demanding, his kisses sweeter than honey yet imperious. 
Hyunwoo's walking you towards the bed mindfully, his lips now discovering your jawline and neck. Slender fingers brushed off the straps of your dress, one by one, only for him to leave a trail of delicate kisses on your now exposed skin. Your dress glided to the ground, joining the white dress shirt, revealing your amethyst-colored lingerie. 
Slowly but surely, he placed you on the bed, holding you close to his body. He kicked off his shoes, following your movement to settle between your legs. His lips met yours again as hips ground down on you, his erection being ever so present, causing you to moan fiery. 
Your hand strayed into his hair, the second one's fingernails ghosting over his exposed and defined back. The urge to touch every inch of his body grew bigger and bigger on you. You needed him so bad.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this," he mewled into the crook of your neck while nibbling on your skin. Hips ground against your core again, coaxing himself a deep groan this time. 
One hand moved down your body seductively, tracing your curves all the way down to your leg to wrap it around his waist. Once achieved, his hand moved back up to slip under your bra, pulling it down and cupping your breast. Thumb and index finger enclose your already hardened bud to twirl around. Every now and then, pinching it whenever he desired to hear another one of your delightful moans. 
"Hyunwoo," you breathed, "I want you inside me!"
A low growl thundered in his chest, the only reply you would get from him. You felt his pants growing tighter with every passing second; the urge to free his cock increased just as fast. Somehow your hands made their way to his waistband, fingertips ghosting over his heated skin and navel beforehand. Fingers worked quickly to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. Hyunwoo was hovering over you while you tugged at the blue fabric to pull it down as far as you could. His motions allowed you to fully get rid of it in no time. 
"Oh, do you?" he asked, grinning mischievously. "Think you can handle that?"
Before you even realized, he ripped off your panties recklessly, throwing the torn fabric off the bed. Any complaints got stuck inside your throat as one of his digits dipped into you unexpectedly, making you yelp. Biting your lower lip, you closed your eyes as he added a second one. 
"Y-yes. I need you. N-now." 
His fingers worked you up skillfully, the idea of finally getting filled up by his cock already causing you to nearly lose your mind. Your moans turned louder with every thrust of his hand until he curled his digits inside you. 
"Look at how needy you are. Fought for too long, hm? Torturing yourself for such a long time now. And for what? I'm gonna make you mine, anyhow."
Hyunwoo pulled out of you, leaving you empty, causing you to whimper at the sudden feeling. Tugging his shorts down quickly, you took a sharp breath before licking your lips, impatiently moving on the sheets. You were so ready to take him all the way. 
Aligning himself with your entrance, one of his hands held you close, the other guided his full length to brush between your folds to collect your arousal. A shaky breath escaped your lips, head falling back into the soft pillows beneath you. 
And then, finally, he buried himself deep inside you, another deep groan fleeing his lips. Your core welcomed him effortlessly, walls clutching tight around his cock. Eyes locked, he eventually started moving, pulling all the way out to thrust back into you, much quicker now. Yelping, you spread your legs wider, desiring to take even more of him. 
"Fuck," he gritted, fingers intertwined so he could pin your hands above your head. His strokes were slow but deep, arm muscles twitching with every single motion. "You look so pretty pinned down, love." 
Your eyes rolled back, moaning at his words and actions, your legs enclosed around him. You wanted to touch him, feel every inch of his skin under your fingertips, yet you couldn't free yourself. 
His pace quickened, hips snapping into you mercilessly, him phishing for more of those delightful moans. "Shit. This feels so good. Don't stop," you mewled, raising your hips to meet his thrusts. 
Those words were music to his ears - he'd spent hours and hours imagining how you'd sound while pounding into you. Reality was so much better, though. More than he ever could've imagined. 
"Let me touch you, please." 
He grinned at you, the grip on your palms loosened, allowing you to slip them out. "Anything for you," he murmured, entangling you in another kiss. 
Your hands discovered every little detail of his body, fingertips trailing along his perfect velvety skin. It's an enigma how you managed to stay absent from him for such a long time. Now you felt like you wouldn't survive another day without touching him again. 
The feeling of his length twitching inside your core almost made you cum instantly. Your high's been already in reaching distance, your body trembling beneath him. 
"Fuck, Hyunwoo, I'm close," you moaned, breath shaky just as your frame itself. "Need you deeper." 
Feeling him grin against the crook of your neck, he left a few love bites before his hips made a smooth yet intense motion to allow him to hit all the right spots, causing you to cry out his name again.
"Yes, scream my name. Don't hold back." His fingers discovered your clit to run circles all over it, helping you to climb over the edge. "Cum with me, darling. I'll catch you."
And that was all it needed for you to detonate, fingernails digging deep into his back, inducing him to, once more, growl deeply. Thrusts getting sloppier, he was riding out your high while reaching for his own. You felt his arousal spilling deep inside of you; the twitches of his cock almost made you cum again. 
Eyes still locked, you both tried to catch your breath again while he pulled out of you carefully, letting himself sink into the sheets next to you. Hyunwoo's head turned to face you, biting his lower lip while sizing you up. You looked ravishing in this condition. 
"This was madness," he groaned before breathing out audibly. Wanting to say so much more, he waited for you to say something. Anything. 
"It was," you replied hesitantly, your foggy brain too fucked out to function accurately, so you wouldn't have to think about the consequences just yet. "Still, no one can ever find out about this."
Drawing you into his arms, he used this chance to be closer to you for a little longer. "Don't worry. This will be our dirty little secret if you want." 
You hummed in approval, thankful for him seemingly being thoughtful about it. 
"As long as you don't make me suffer like that ever again. Please don't let this be a one-time thing."
Grinning, you raised your head to glance at him. "We'll see." 
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hyunchksoul · 1 year
➷Craving You➷
hey guys, I am back with another Shownu writing. He is finally out and I'm so so so happy!!
Hope you guys like this and lemme know what you think about it. <3
Summary: Shownu is back from his military service and you both had been missing each other a bit too much and things start to heat up between you both as soon as the boys leave your shared apartment.
Warning: Unprotected sex, breeding, fingering (receiving).
Pairing: Shownu x Female Reader
Genre: smut
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The wait was finally over, Shownu was finally gonna be out of the barracks and in your arms. You and the rest of the boys were waiting for him outside the military center. You brought him flowers and some of his favorite chocolates.
After standing there for what felt like an hour, you saw his figure from far walking towards the gates. And woah, he looked even bigger than before. The members started cheering for him and you laughed at their enthusiasm. You got a bit teary eyed as he finally made it out of the center.
The members ran towards him and jumped on him. They all shared a big group hug and were hopping like kids.
When Shownu finally made it out of the hug, he walked towards you. His heart was pounding out of his chest the moment he saw your face.
"Hi Y/N", he said shyly
You laughed at his shy and formal behaviour and gave him the flowers you got him. He blushed and pulled you into a tight hug. Tears ran down your face as you finally felt his warm body against yours. You ran your hands across his big back and cradled his neck. You missed his big bear hug the most and now that you finally had it, you felt complete.
He let out a relaxed sigh against your neck, wiped your tears and pecked you on your cheeks. The members started teasing you both and made cringey, lovey dovey comments.
You all decided to go to your and shownu's apartment for dinner and drinks. You all celebrated shownu's arrival by dancing and drinking a lot. He was so happy to finally have his people around him and have the best time with them.
The members left your apartment around midnight. You both waved them goodbye and closed the door.
Finally it was just the two of you alone together after a long time.
You made your way to the kitchen to keep the dishes and shownu pulled you by your arms and gave you a desperate kiss. You ran your hands through his hair and he rested his hands on your hips.
He might act shy with you in front of his members but you knew he expressed all of him when it was just the two of you.
He pulled out of the kiss and looked right in your eyes
"I missed you so much Y/N, you have no idea how much I craved you" he said while kissing your soft hands.
You tugged at his shirt and pulled him in for another sloppy kiss. He grabbed the back of your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist.
He held onto your firm butt and made his way to your shared bedroom.
He sat himself down on the bed with you on top. You hurriedly stripped him leaving just his boxers on.
You suddenly got off him and escaped to the bathroom. He felt confused and startled and started to walk towards you. You told him to wait for you and gently pushed him down on the bed.
Two minutes felt like forever to Shownu, but as soon as you walked out of the bathroom with a sultry set of lingerie of his favorite color on his mind went wild. You looked absolutely ravishing and he wanted to take you right there and then.
His blood rushed towards his ears turning them hot red. You walked towards him and placed your hands on his chest. You slowly guided him to lay down on the bed as you sat on top of him settling your core to his hardness directly.
He groaned because he had not felt like this in a long time. You bent down to kiss his neck while running your hands across his abs. His body got bulkier than before and you could tell it. You could feel his thighs tightening as your heat rubbed on him continuously. He got harder as each second passed.
He caressed your hair, closed his eyes and took in your scent. Your presence was heaven to him.
You were working your lips on his chest just when Shownu brought his hands to your chest and gave you a light squeeze. The friction of the silk wrapped around your chest made your nipples hard. Shownu circled on them with his fingers and you felt yourself getting wetter.
You moved up to his face and gave him a deep kiss. Shownu was rubbing your back with his hands and stopped at the clasp of your bra. He unclasped it in a second and threw it across the room.
You looked him in the eye and saw nothing but devotion and lust. His wild thoughts took over his mind and he flipped you to the other side of the bed. Now you were under him and he was in control.
He attached his lips to your nipples and you moaned. He snaked his hands down to the waistband of your underwear and slowly inside them. He attached his fingertips to your clit which was throbbing with pleasure. He circled it while leaving hickeys on your neck.
He looked into your eyes when he placed his fingers inside your core. You rolled your eyes in pleasure and whined. He curled them up perfectly and kept abusing your sweet spot.
He kept a stern and proud face as he watched you turn into a mess under him.
After pulling out his fingers he went down to remove your underwear. He looked at your heat, all wet and throbbing with stimulation.
He opened your legs wide and kissed the insides of your thighs and gave a gentle bite as sweet nothings kept falling out of your mouth.
He removed his boxers and threw it away. He saw you resting yourself on your elbows to have a better look at him. He smirked at your desperation and started to pump his already hard and stimulated cock. He kept getting bigger and bigger with each stroke.
Your eyes were hungry as you watched him rub himself. He came closer to your heat and rubbed his tip on your clit, jolts of pleasure ran through your bodies and you lost control of your senses.
He slowly started pushing himself into your core, you let out a squeak. Shownu threw his head back as he relaxed himself inside you. You grabbed his shoulder and pulled him towards you, making his member go inside you deeper than before.
You kissed him hungrily as he started to move his hips back and forth. He started out slow, making you feel every inch of him.
"I need more shownu"
These words made shownu pull himself out of you and ram inside you even harder.
You let out a loud moan and saw him move in and out faster.
He had no thoughts on his mind, he was pushing himself inside you senselessly, his only aim was to pleasure you.
You held onto his shoulders for your life. Your hands were roaming around his body then finally stopped at his waist. You were digging your nails in his body out of pleasure. Shownu enjoyed this delicate pain.
You felt your walls pulsing around his cock and knew you could come undone any moment now. You placed your hands on his shoulders, stalling his movements. He got worried, he thought he hurt you.
Instead you just told him to lay down again. He smirked as soon as he understood your motive. He let his body fall onto the bed.
You placed your legs around him and sat on top of him. His hard member running along the folds of your heat. You moaned loudly at this feeling while shownu had his hands on your waist to guide your movements on him.
You grabbed his cock and opened up your folds to let him inside you again. You placed your hands on his chest and slightly rubbed his nipples.
You started to move your hips back and forth on his member slowly making you both feel sensuous feelings. Shownu could not hold back his thoughts and gripped on your waist hard and guided you to move faster.
You were now giving it your all, running out of breath, bouncing up and down, eyes closed, panting and gasping. Shownu took in this beautiful view and brought his body up to you.
You were now chest to chest with shownu. You felt your juices overflow and trickling down to his member. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly, leaving no space between you.
You could feel your walls tightening again and his member twitch inside you. Shownu grabbed onto your shoulders from behind and guided you to move faster as he came undone. His wave of pleasure took over, he breathed heavily and released inside of you.
After a few seconds you too came undone, walls tightening and sucking in every drop of his release. You bit his neck slightly and he groaned at the feeling. Both your releases crashing together like ocean waves.
You still moved yourself on him to ride out your high, you just could not get enough of him inside you.
Shownu kept you close to his chest as he pulled you down to the bed. You were on top of him and had your face buried in his neck still panting. Shownu had one hand on your back massaging it and other gently caressing your hair.
After calming down your racing heart you got your head up from his neck and pulled yourself out of him. You both groaned at the loss of contact and you slumped on the bed beside him and he turned himself, facing you.
You looked at each other and shownu tucked your sweaty hair behind your ears. Rested his warm hand on your cheek and gave you a deep kiss. You could feel his satisfied emotions in the kiss.
He pulled away and rested his hands on your waist, wandering his tips around, slightly tickling you.
"Everyday felt empty without you by my side Y/N. I missed you so much and I am so happy to be with you again. I love you so much Y/N"
You smiled hard at his words and kissed his forehead.
"I love you too Hyunwoo"
Shownu spooned you and you both drifted off to sleep,
Please share and interact with this and lemme know how you guys liked it <3
stay safe and happy y'all <3
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Notices You Having Trouble Walking The Morning After ~ Monsta X Reaction
“What’s happened? What’s wrong?” The groan that came from you as you stood up from the bed immediately woke Hyunwoo up, snapping upright and looking across at you.
Your hands rested over your stomach as you tried your best to ease the pain that you felt. “I told you that you were being too rough last night,” you scolded, not quite knowing what to do.
“Doesn’t this feel like the old days?”
Your eyes widened as Hyunwoo spoke, “this is not the time for reminiscing Hyunwoo, we’ve got lunch with my parents, I can’t show up walking like this to meet them.”
“At least they’ll know you’re well taken care of,” Hyunwoo smirked, “that’s important.”
Your head immediately shook at him, “I don’t want my parents knowing anything about what we did last night, and they won’t want to know either.”
“The table isn’t booked until one,” he reminded you, “why don’t you let me run you a bath? We used to do that, and it helped.”
You nodded back at him, “if the pain doesn’t go, you’ve got to help me think of an excuse.”
“I think your walk explains itself Y/N.”
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“Are you still in bed?” Minhyuk sniggered as he walked back up the stairs after finishing his meeting online, noticing you tucked under the duvet. “You can’t stay there all day.”
Your head nodded in reply to Minhyuk as he sat down at the bottom of the bed. “I did try to get up, but it really hurt Minhyuk. There is no way that I’m leaving this spot unless I really have to.”
“Why does it hurt just to stand?”
A quizzical expression formed on your face, but Minhyuk was clueless. “Do you remember anything of what happened last night?” You asked as his smile dropped.
“I made you unable to walk,” he proudly remarked, “I thought that was just a joke.”
Your head shook as you still felt the pain linger from where you’d tried to walk, “I’m definitely not joking about how much this is hurting me right now.”
“I would say sorry, but I don’t think I am,” Minhyuk shyly admitted, “I’m feeling a little bit smug, is that allowed right now?”
Your shoulders shrugged back at him, “even if I tell you no, you’ll still be smug.”
“I’m a guy, can you blame me?”
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“Y/N, let me help you,” Kihyun called out to you as he watched you take small steps around the bedroom, feeling slightly sorry knowing that he was the reason for your struggle.
Your head shook as you tried your best to walk through it and hope that it would ease. “You could have helped me last night by not being so rough,” you smartly replied to him.
“I didn’t hear you saying no.”
Your eyes rolled as Kihyun smugly replied to you as well. “I didn’t think that saying yes would leave me walking like this,” you huffed, staring across at him on the bed.
“I can help you,” Kihyun reminded you, “maybe I could get you a hot water bottle?”
Your head shook once again, “I can’t show up at work with a hot water bottle wrapped around me, they’ll all be asking questions first of all.”
“That’s alright, you can just tell them all that you’ve got a boyfriend that knows his way around the bedroom,” Kihyun sniggered.
Your eyes widened straight away, “you’d get a kick out of me doing that, wouldn’t you?”
“It wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
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“Are you alright?” Hyungwon laughed as he watched you stand up from the bed, needing to take a moment to steady yourself at the surprising pain that you felt. “Do you need a hand?”
Your head shook as you turned back to Hyungwon laid on the bed, offering him a reassuring smile too. “Just a little bit achy, that’s all,” you replied, not wanting to give anything away to Hyungwon.
“Are you sure that you just ache?”
You took a few small steps forwards, biting down on your bottom lip to try and ignore the pain that you felt. “Just need to wake up, that’s all,” you murmured to yourself.
“Wake up from last night?” Hyungwon enquired, “I feel a little bit responsible here Y/N.”
Your eyes looked back to Hyungwon once again, “I’m not giving you the satisfaction of knowing this pain is from you last night,” you quickly told him.
“Why don’t you just let me give you a hand to where you want to go until your legs wake up?” Hyungwon offered, “it’s my fault.”
Your hand raised to stop him nearing you, “I think you’ve done enough already.”
“I definitely did plenty last night.”
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“What about if you just told them that you were under the weather?” Jooheon asked you as he watched you struggle to get yourself dressed in order to get yourself to work.
Your head shook, despite the wide smile that was on Jooheon’s face. “Sick days are for when you’re sick, they’ll know that I’m lying when they hear in my voice that I’m absolutely fine.”
“Why don’t you let me ring for you?”
The corners of your smile turned up as Jooheon spoke. “Stop encouraging me to take the day off,” you scolded, watching as Jooheon’s shoulders shrugged back at you.
“I can take care of you,” he reminded you, “it’s the least that I can do after last night.”
You looked around the bedroom, still feeling plenty of pain. “If I take the day off, are you going to take the day off to be here with me?”
“In a heartbeat,” Jooheon quickly told you, “you’re not sick, but you’re in pain, aren’t those basically just the same things anyway?”
Your eyes rolled back at him, “you’ve got all of this thought out, haven’t you?”
“Hey, I’m just looking out for you.”
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“There you are,” Changkyun smiled as he heard the bedroom door open, letting go of a quiet laugh though as he watched you walking in. “Why are you walking like you’re in pain?”
You shot a glare across at Changkyun as soon as he finished speaking. “You can wipe that smug smirk off of your face straight away Im Changkyun, you know why I’m walking like I’m in pain.”
“Was last night that much for you?”
You quickly reached out, relieved to hold onto the frame of the bed for support. “I have to go to work this morning and look at the state of me to go in too.”
“You’ve got an hour,” Changkyun reminded you, “at least let me get you some pain relief.”
A sigh came from you as he stood up from the bed, “I’m going to need more than pain relief to get rid of this pain. I’ll be the talk of the office.”
“I’m sure all of your colleagues have done the walk of shame into the office before,” Changkyun tried his best to assure you.
Your eyes quickly let him know that he had failed though, “I’ve got a reputation.”
“Yeah, that you have a great boyfriend.”
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norwegiankafka · 5 months
hi! i'm gonna start writing here. - rion
first and foremost, this is my first time writing fics etc., so please bare with me through this excruciating process of development. english is my second language, so please bare (2) with any grammatical incorrectness and mistakes I might made in the future. since I am also kinda busy, I might also take a long time to answer your requests so please wait heheh. but I will try to do it as soon as possible.
I'm opening requests for fictions, headcanons/imagines for:
Monsta X (Ult: Shownu, Hyungwon, I.M)
Lookism (Ult: Gun, Goo, Jake, Eli, Jichang)
How to Fight / Viral Hit (Ult: Seongjun, Taehoon)
Windbreaker (Ult: Joker, Wooin, Vinny Hong)
there aren't much of a rules, but:
1. please specify which character do you want me to write for
2. I'm not gonna be writing about incest, pedophilia, or any weird kinks out there. will write nsfw on requests.
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imaginekpopidols · 1 year
[3:43 am] Kihyun finally came back home after filming the Voyager music video. you were playing on your phone while resting in your shared bed waiting for his return. and you grin when you see him open the bedroom door, "Welcome back, baby!" he smiles in greeting and crawls into bed, and you look towards him, and he tells you, "I did something different; would you like to see?" you nod, and he unbuttons his shirt a bit, and you visibly blush. while it's not the first time you've seen him undressed. it's the first time you're seeing him like this with fake tattoos littering his chest, and you gasp, "They're so pretty" he blushes, "You think so?" you nod immediately and raise your hand to his chest before he nods and you trace your hands over them, feeling the dried paint. it sends shivers through him and that's when a thought comes over you. you place a kiss on his lips, and kiss his cheek, before trailing down his neck and kissing over each of temporary tattoos. he's beet red when you stop to look up at him, and whisper, "I wish they were real, but I guess we should enjoy them while they last. Don't you think?" he nods as his lips curl into a smirk, "I think we should."
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Im Chang Kyun (Monsta X) Ideal Partner Characteristics based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Crow Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Full Name: Im Chang Kyun
Stage Name: I.M
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Im Chang Kyun
(I.M - Monsta X)
Deck: Crow Tarot
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - Ace of Pentacles
Changkyun’s ideal partner is likely someone with clear eyes able to see all that’s possible for them. They’re likely to ooze self-esteem with every powerful step they take and they enjoy the finer things of life. They are likely to dress elegantly and prefer luxurious and high quality materials. They are well educated and enjoy events like ballet, opera, theatre. It’s likely they come from a rich and honourable family.
Heart - XIV Temperance
Despite their possible wealth, Changkyun’s ideal partner is no lavishly spending fool. They are likely a modest person with good taste and a kind heart. They are probably engaged in charity and helping the less fortunate ones regularly. They are aware of their responsibilities.
Spirit - XXI The World
Changkyun’s perfect match knows their place in the world and they are perfectly content and settled there. They are likely mature and have reached the point in their life where everything is in perfect harmony, running like Swiss watches and under their control.
Soul - King of Wands
Changkyun’s ideal partner is likely a born leader with a clear vision on how the world should spin. They’re team-oriented and will always listen to ideas of others and work for everyone’s benefit. They are likely to hold a leading position in a company or maybe running a business of their own. They are independent and have a strong persona with influence and popularity among their business partners and friends.
Time - Queen of Swords
Changkyun and his significant other are likely to meet through professional affairs. It’s likely Changkyun might seek this person’s service or expertise and get deeply impressed by them. It’s likely the spark is going to catch on fire on Changkyun’s side first. He might need to try really hard to win this person’s heart as they’re really settled down already and not searching for romantic adventures.
Place - VIII Strength
Considering the fact that Changkyun’s ideal partner has likely a home of their own, perfectly tweaked to their likings, they might be reluctant to move somewhere else with him. It’s more likely that Changkyun will move in with them and will have to slowly, gently and through compromising adjust the place to fit his needs and taste as well.
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Thank you for reading!
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