#mithrun x reader
daistea · 2 days
Can I request a thing where reader gives mithrun chap stick, I know it’s as medieval fantasy setting and all but there has to be something to put on those messy lips 🥀🥀🥀 like slime saliva or something ANYTHING 🥺
anything, you say?
as you wish..
mithrun x gn reader
1000 words
no tw!
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Beeswax. Butter. Oil from something fatty– preferably a coconut. 
How the hell were you supposed to get a coconut in Melini?
No big deal. You’d figure it out, you were good at figuring things out. This concoction was for the sake of your relationship, of your sanity. 
Nearby, Mithrun wandered into the room. His footsteps were usually silent, but you saw his shadow stretch across the floor. You snapped the potions book shut and turned to face your partner, who only raised a brow at your tense behavior. The stare-off began. Your mind raced. Coconuts… Mithrun was smart, he would know.
“How would one hypothetically get their hands on a coconut?” You blurted out.
Mithrun remained unphased, but answered immediately, “By chance. A migrating swallow could carry a coconut overseas.”
You scoffed, “A swallow?”
“It could grip it by the husk.”
 “It’s not a matter of where it grips it. A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.”
“Depends on if the swallow is from Kahka Brud or the Eastern Archipelago.”
“I don’t think it matters.”
“Three swallows could carry the coconut together.”
“Okay,” you waved a dismissive hand, “you’re just being silly now. I’ll figure it out myself.”
You turned around to continue your perusal of chapstick recipes, yet the feeling of familiar arms snaking around your waist gave you pause. Mithrun pressed his chest against your back and propped his chin up on your shoulder. He must’ve teleported across the room to get to you so quickly. You knew his gaze was on the potions book in your hands. You knew he was staring, the gears in his mind whirring and spinning. 
“Crafting something?” Mithrun asked quietly, nuzzling his nose into your neck. Automatically, you tilted your head to give him better access. 
“I’m…” ideas ran through your mind like a flood, and you unfortunately landed on the first one that stood out, “I’m making a laxative potion. For Kabru. He’s constipated, ate too much cheese. Those bowels are stuffed.”
Mithrun let out a sharp exhale of air through his nose, his version of an amused snort. He probably knew you were lying, he always did. He seemed to have a sense for those kinds of things. Fortunately, he questioned you no further and instead started his usual attempts to distract you. He kissed your neck, his hands went to your hips, he pinned you to the table…
Those attempts usually worked. 
Except his lips were so damn chapped. Your boyfriend was extremely dehydrated. Had he even drank any water today? Mithrun had a tendency to forget that water was an essential part of existence. You yanked yourself out of his grip and bolted toward the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water. He narrowed his eyes in confusion but drank it without question. 
Now, he was allowed to distract you. 
Days later, you acquired a coconut. It was on the beach of Melini, just laying there, perfect and usable. Perhaps three swallows carried it over the sea. What was the air-speed-velocity of three swallows carrying a coconut? Whatever. You had your ingredients now. 
You mixed them into a lovely paste. It didn’t smell great, but you tested the chapstick out on yourself. It worked! You knew that Mithrun wouldn’t be offended— offending him was difficult— but your nerves still stood to attention.
This was for your sanity. This was for the good of your relationship. This was for the good of the lips you kissed every day and planned to kiss for the rest of your life. 
That night, you kept the jar of chapstick beside your side of the bed. You laid your head on your pillow and stared at the ceiling, waiting for it. The right moment would arrive in three, two, one—
Mithrun rolled over so he was half on top of you. His hair fell around his face as he looked down at you, palms pressed flatly into the pillow on either side of your head. He shifted his legs so one of his knees was between your legs, pressing lightly against your core.
Stay calm, you reminded yourself. You had a mission. Do not writhe beneath him or show how affected you are, that was precisely what he wanted.
Mithrun didn’t really have any techniques of seduction. He just blinked down at you, thinking. You sent him a smile in return. He would lean in to kiss you in three, two one–
You put up a hand between your faces to stop him. His good eye widened in surprise as his lips made contact with only your palm. You sent him the most innocent smile you could muster. 
“There’s something I want to try tonight,” you said, “sit up.”
Mithrun obeyed. He pushed himself up and away, folding his legs beneath each other criss-cross-applesauce style on his side of the bed. After sending him another smile, one you hoped was reassuring, you leaned down to grab the jar of chapstick. 
He raised a brow, “What is that?”
“A concoction,” you answered simply, “for the hydrating of one's lips.”
Mithrun took the jar, opened the lid, and sniffed the paste. “Smells like butter.”
“Yes, well, it has butter in it.”
“And coconut.”
“Yes, there’s coconut as well, mainly the oil but there’s some coconut meat in there too.”
He glanced up at you, “Why?”
“Because it’ll make things feel better,” you explained, gently taking the jar away from him and dipping your finger into it. Without hesitation, you smeared it across his lips. He closed his eyes and furrowed his brows and jerked away ever so slightly, but allowed it. 
Once you finished, Mithrun opened his eyes. His expression was flat as he stared at you, “Tastes bad.”
“You’re not supposed to eat it!”
“How could I not?”
“You’re hopeless,” but cute. He was hopeless and cute. You set aside the jar and leaned toward him, shifting your body so that you straddled his lap. His hands immediately went to your hips and he tilted his head back to look up at you. There was no reason to wait, no reason to stall. You pressed your mouth against his in a familiar kiss, you’d probably shared thousands of these with him. But this time…
It tasted bad. 
You pulled away and wiped at your mouth, “Okay, yeah, we’re not using that. I’ll find something else.”
Mithrun wiped the chapstick away with the back of his hand, then leaned up to resume the kiss. 
At least his lips were a bit softer than usual. You’d take what you could get. 
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meocities · 2 days
The Lack Thereof
Mithrun/Reader - 1423 words, hurt/comfort
You're nervous. You're sad and lonely and hurting, and on top of it all, you're nervous.
Mithrun stares at you from across the bedroom. He's been doing that a lot lately — you've noticed how his eyes linger. You notice a lot more than you let on about him, but you’ve realized that he ends up knowing anyway. You can't keep anything secret from him — he'll find out that you're hiding something, at the very least, and then he'll just keep staring until you tell him.
He's doing that now. Staring. His eyes bore into your own, and when you look away for a second, glance back, look away again, he moves his staring to your hands. You're wringing your fingers in your own grasp. The edges of your cuticles are dry and picked. Your skin might have bled a few times from your nervousness, and though the blood was the only thing that could have given your anxiety away (blood that had long been cleaned), you know Mithrun sees the red-flushed divot of wounds even from the distance you're keeping.
Mithrun raises an eyebrow, and the anxiety compounds in your stomach. It burns your skin, just as much as the memories do, and you know you're strong but you think to yourself, god, I want to cry.
You're strong, and you're brave, and you've always stood up to everything that has ever been thrown at you, and you're so tired. You're so tired of the effort. You wonder if he can relate.
So you bow your head, and you know Mithrun's eyes have gone wide — as much as they can, anyway — staring at you still. He's silent, unmoving on the bed the Canaries had set him up with after the new kingdom's establishment. Of course it would be silent. Of course he would be staring. You’re the one who invaded his room in the middle of the night, after all. You know you're lucky that he doesn't care.
Yet, for now, you're still looking at the floor while the former captain of the Canaries looks at you, with your hands wringing themselves into shreds, and the hole in your stomach is eating you alive. You know he expects something of you, so you take a breath (it's shaky, and you cringe because you know your words aren't going to come out right) and deliver, ineloquently, “you don't care about most things, right?”
Mithrun's told you his story. How he became a dungeon lord — and how he lost that title in five years. How he's been recovering over time, slowly but surely, thanks to the help of Kabru and his Canaries, and the noodle shop that he lives above, and everyone who's had the smallest bit of faith in him along the way. And while Mithrun's made endless progress, you know he still has trouble desiring, sometimes.
You can't imagine asking this of anyone else.
Mithrun nods his head slowly, and you realize you've looked back up at him when his brows furrow together. “I don't,” he says.
“Can you do me a favor,” you say, expecting to stop there, but highly reluctant to even consider the thought of him rejecting you before you even get the real question out. “Can I join you?”
Mithrun looks down, gaze sweeping his bed, before turning back to you. It's a silent question, and you nod, cheeks aflame. Are your legs shaking? You feel unsteady. You aren't sure if you're breathing right — feels too shallow, as if you're afraid to even make a sound. Your hands, still fidgeting with your fingers, twist a joint in such a way that your knuckle cracks, and you wince at the sound interrupting the silence. Mithrun remains quiet, and you think that you might never have taken a deep breath in your life.
He breaks this silence a moment after. “Why are you asking this of me?”
There's lots of things you can say to this — lots of things that go through your head in response. It feels delicate to dissect, yet heavy. Emotion and cognition flit through your brain, and you think about analyzing yourself in your typical pattern of being self-aware, but it feels like too much. There's no good straw to grasp onto, but the one thing that comes to your mind is that, despite not knowing him for long, there's something about him that makes you feel as if he's the only person in the world you can go to.
I don't know wouldn't suffice as an answer. Moreover, you would feel bad about not communicating to the best of your ability. To him, you say, “I trust you,” and you don't think about how his distance is the most familiar thing you've known.
He doesn't seem convinced, but he shrugs and lifts his head to lay on the side of the pillow — moving to make room for you. Your heart thuds hard in your chest, and you're both terrified and not. You wipe your sweaty palms on the surface of your clothes, because you don't want to put that on Mithrun, not at all — there's no need for him to see that you're any more nervous than he already knows you are. While your hands are wiped off, you approach the bed, lifting your leg so you can slide over the top, knees bent as you sit by his waist. You're so close that your knees are touching the right side of his waist. The bed wasn't very big to begin with, and by the way Mithrun moves his arm out to make room for you to lay down, you know he's aware of the proximity.
Which, this action makes your chest ache. He wasn’t supposed to be caring — he wasn't supposed to make this easy. You're tempted to pull back for a moment before Mithrun raises his eyebrow at your hesitation, and you bite your tongue even as your eyes begin to moisten. You won't cry, you know this for sure — you refuse to be weak in front of someone as strong as him, and even though his eyes narrow at all the things you won't say, you give up part of the act and lay your head down on his chest, nosing your face into his neck. Your left hand comes to rest on his stomach so that you're curled into him, and you can already feel the moisture from your breath condensing on the skin of his neck. You won't cry, you remind yourself. You won't cry, and if some tears do drop on Mithrun's shoulder beneath your face then it was an accident. You didn't mean to.
Slowly, his arm comes around to cradle you into his side. Your breath hitches as his fingers trail down your spine to pull you closer, stroking along the bone of your back. You can feel yourself shaking, frozen in place — you don't want to move, but something like this is so unfamiliar. You never would have expected this from him, of all people — wasn't the point of seeking this out from him because he wouldn't be overwhelming? Wasn't the point of this to have an image of being loved?
Yet, with Mithrun’s fingers at the slope of your back, the image you had is colored and crisp. Even if he's pretending, it almost feels like he actually cares about you.
He can feel that you're shaking now — there's no doubt about it. Your breathing rattles through your chest as your fingers grip the fabric on his stomach, and you feel his abdominal muscles clench for a moment before he forces them to relax. He shifts his face above you and you feel lips on your forehead — he pressed a kiss to your skin, you realize, and your heart shatters into a million pieces. You're warm, you're burning up, and all you can do is sling your arm across his ribs, tuck a leg between his, and bury your face so far into Mithrun's neck that you don't know where you end and he begins anymore.
This wasn't supposed to happen. Not like this — nothing this nice. You're still shaking, but you're held tightly. Why did he desire to hold you?
You vocalize this sentiment. “Why are you doing this?” You ask, and your voice is quiet. Devastated. Unsure.
Mithrun doesn't look at you. He doesn't even shift his position. Just hums a short noise in the hollow of his throat — something you feel the vibrations of tickling your nose — and says, “I trust you, too.”
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stave-writes · 1 month
Scruffy! (Various Dungeon Meshi Men x GN!Reader)
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Summary: Your boyfriend really needs a trim of his stubble, and he's asked for your help :)
Word Count: 1711
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Laios Touden
We all know Laios does NOT like being scruffy, especially when Falin tells him he looks like their father. So, it's a lovely thing when he asks you to look after him and help him shave.
Laios had been a little finicky lately, ever since leaving the dungeon he was a lot more conscious about himself. Mainly, his appearance. Rubbing at his new stubble and brushing his blonde hair that had grown out in places. Irritation was plainly visible each time he felt the slight scratch of stubble against his fingers, even a slight huff to his tone afterwards. "Hey, could I ask a favour?" was his innocuous question, head tilting back over the edge of your sofa. After an inquisitive sound of acknowledgement from you, a slight smile rose on Laios's face. "Mind helping me shave? I also want to cut my hair but can't see the back."
This is how you ended up sitting on the edge of your tub, scissors working away at the tufts of hair against the nape of his neck. Each little brush of your fingers against his skin caused a small giggle or shuffle from Laios, if he were a dog, his tail would be smacking against your leg so hard it'd hurt a little. A smile was visible on his lips every time you'd lean over to peek at him, and he'd look up at you eyes full of love.
"Did you know that tons of monster species use grooming as a form of intimacy?" Of course, you did, you're dating Laios Touden, if you didn't you'd have amnesia. Instead of an eye roll, you gave a little smile and nod.
Reaching his hand up, a pat against your leg was a signal he hadn't just passed out between your knees while you worked at giving him the cut he liked. A quick kiss pressed to your lips was a thankful gesture, nuzzling into your face before moving to work on shaving his stubble to save you from the beard scratches.
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Chilchuck Tims
I see Chilchuck as the type of guy to have some time dedicated to a little self-care, although shaving isn't a big problem considering the half-footer's ageing span. But! His hair does still grow, so some help may be needed there.
It'd been a week since Chilchuck asked you to remind him to go get a haircut, and he still hadn't gone despite your near-constant reminders. Post-its on the counter, on his lockpicking tools, hell you once stuck one on his face for him to see in the mirror. At this point, it was getting ridiculous that he hadn't even gone to try and get it done.
"You're going to cut my hair...? I can just go get it done in town-" He huffed a little at you, rubbing at the back of his neck with a small frown. Your adamance had his stubbornness outweighed almost tenfold, so you rolled up a stool behind his chair and began to figure out how to trim his hair.
Hair was scattered everywhere by the time you were done, and Chilchuck's ego was only a little bruised by the number of grey hairs you saw while trimming it. He didn't seem to mind it too much though, the presence of a wagging tail that was usually hidden away under his clothing batting at your leg. At least his hair was finally trimmed, and a thankful kiss was pressed to your knuckles as you got up to sweep away the leftover hair.
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Senshi of Izganda
Senshi doesn't particularly care for shaving or even washing his beard but knowing the kind of bacteria facial hair can carry (and after a lecture from Marcille) he's willing to have you help him with that beard the size of Cousin It from the Addams Family.
"Ah, I suppose Marcille's nagging finally got to me, that's all. I hope you don't mind helping me wash my beard, it'll take a while." Senshi muttered slightly, looking aside as he asked you for just a little favour. It was hard to ask such a thing from you, especially with how much you'd done already for him by just being with him. He felt absurdly lucky when you agreed, setting his helmet and upper armour aside to clean off his beard and hair.
It was a nicer experience than usual having a loving touch working at his hair first to wet it, then lather it and working slowly to get all the dirt out. It took a long long time to finish the first round of washing the hair and beard, alongside the several other scrubbing and washing rounds. It was an intensive process, but being able to smell clearly the soap in his hair was a good bonus, alongside the lack of a helmet.
Letting him dry for a few hours was the best idea you'd had this entire time, able to bury your face against the wall of fluff you called Senshi for a long while. The smell was great and the warmth was greater, you could've honestly slept there if you wanted. But, you had a plan! Readying a comb, boar bristle brush and your sanity, you began braiding Senshi's hair into long thick plaits and tying them off once you were done. It was tenuous but an enjoyable closeness, as you pressed your face into his back slightly. You couldn't help but marvel at your work when you were all done. The happy expression on your face made it hard for Senshi to resist placing a kiss on the crown of your head, a soft look in his eyes.
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Toshiro Nakamoto
A large part of the teachings Toshiro lives by is to exist as a convenience to others, not asking much and not putting his needs in the forefront. So, when Toshiro comes to you asking for help looking after himself? It's a sign of trust. He knows you.
"You...would you help me?" Toshiro's voice is quiet and soft as he addresses you, a slight crease in his brow as he looks towards you. It's hard to be vulnerable around you even if you're adamant in your love for him. Even as you assure him it's not a bother to help him and that you're here for him, it's still... nerve-wracking. It's hard for him to settle himself as he eventually moves first to sit down on your bed, having you brush out his hair and praise the length and colour of his locks, he's still worried.
He's guided towards your bath and urged to get into the warm water, leaning his head back so you can scrub away any remaining dirt and eventually, he peeks an eye open to see your face as you work at making sure he's sparkling clean. The slight furrow in your brow, your intense posture and a huff finally as you finish cleaning his hair. He can't help but smile at your effort to look after him especially as Toshiro can feel the exhaustion melt away at your careful consideration of him.
Before he knew it, he was basically asleep in your tub, head leant back with your fingers working at his hair and scalp. The feeling of safety was all he needed from you. When it was done, he dried off and changed into some comfortable clothes he'd left with you before curling up beneath your duvet, head resting into the crook of your neck.
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Mithrun of the House of Kerensil
Mithrun struggles with self-care due to his lack of desires and is used to being looked after by others. With you, though, it was different. Your touch was imbued with love, and you didn't choose to look after him because someone ordered you to, just...because you wanted to see him cared for.
Looking after Mithrun sometimes could be a lot, making sure he ate and bathed and slept all while making sure he kept his mana up enough for his work with the canaries. So, it'd been easier to devise a schedule for all the things that would need to be done by day and then by week. Three baths a week, each one day apart. Three meals a day, four hours apart except for dinner which was at 6pm on the dot. A good schedule helped you and Mithrun look after yourselves, but you hadn't quite yet accounted for trimming his hair.
It had gotten longer than you had thought before you remembered to check the length of his hair, playing with the silver locks that framed his face and moved to cover his false eye a little. With a slight curl at the ends and parted just along the side, it was an easy style to maintain, especially for someone so consistently fatigued. So, when it came time to trim it down, an afternoon was allocated and Mithrun was given a book to entertain him while you worked.
On the floor, resting on a pillow was the middle-aged elf who you were looking after. Tilting his head forward a little, you brushed through those light-coloured locks and parted them into smaller sections before taking them between your middle and pointer finger, working to even it out and take a little length off. This process was repeated for each section of hair, fingers lightly brushing his face at one point which caused a little startled jump to come from Mithrun, looking at you with his good eye almost inquisitively. In the end, though, you finished off trimming it all quite quickly, evening it all out and even taking some longer strands from the front and braiding them like he'd done when he was much younger...before the dungeon.
Even if it was hard to see, a little smile played on his lips as he embraced your touches, leaning back after you proudly announced you were done. His face squished into your thigh, a little bump of his against you like a cat trying to get their owner's attention. Taking advantage of your curiosity at this action, your hand was brought to his face and he snuggled into it slightly, enjoying the reaction it spurred from you. He may not desire much, but he knows how to love you.
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fallow-hollow · 1 month
Hiii I am Dying of nervousness sending in a request for the first time but could I get Mithrun and a gn!reader? Nothing else needs to be specific, just that (sorry if I am making it difficult for you ^^')
body heat
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…ft! mithrun x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, post-canon, spoilers for manga and ending, established relationship, cuddling
…word count! 955
…notes! don’t see a lotta mithrun content out there, so i’m happy to write for him! i hope this meets your expectations anon!!
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“Mithruuuun,” you whined, unable to see your lover even when looking over your shoulder. “C’mere with me and light the fire already, it’s so cold in here.”
Mithrun shot you a glance from where he stood a distance away, despite the fact that you couldn’t return it. “Is it? I can’t tell.”
His flat tone of voice made it even more obvious that the elf truly knew nothing of the agony you were experiencing, imbuing you with a sense of lighthearted frustration. Tossing your head back, you would groan,
“Of course you can’t tell, you’d wear a flowy tunic even if it was a blizzard outside! Now come help me!”
Without as much of a sound to warn you, the man suddenly appeared at your side, causing you to both jump and squeak from the spontaneous nature of his movement. Scratch that, knowing him, it was probably teleportation. Hardly necessary, considering how close you were, but you wouldn’t put it past your lover to do such a thing just to scare you. What a tease…..
“I don’t mind helping you, but sometimes I do wonder if you choose not to do it on your own just to spend time with me.”
Now, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Mithrun to say something like this completely genuinely, but the ghost of a smirk gracing those gorgeous features of his let you know that he was most certainly poking fun at you right now. He could be so arrogant sometimes… not that you truly minded.
Ever since Mithrun had recently retired to live with you in the still fledgling Golden Country, you’d noticed him start to become ever so slightly livelier at times. In the past, he’d always said he was grateful that you didn’t meet him when he was so pompous and flippant, but to you, a few snarky remarks here and there didn’t bother you at all. If anything, it meant that he could reclaim his old self while also embracing the new, which made a hopeful prospect for your shared future.
While you were in the process of pondering these feelings, the man beside you went right ahead with his magic. Though he mainly specialized in teleportation magic, any self-respecting member of the Canaries, former or otherwise, knew how to do something as simple as create some flame. The firewood you’d piled up caught almost instantly, creating a blaze that was perfect in both size and temperature.
“Thank you.” You acknowledged him with a nod, figuring that was all he would do. It seemed that Mithrun had other plans, however, judging by his choice to lift up one end of your blanket and wedge himself into the space next to you. A bit confused, you shot him a glance. “I thought you said you weren’t cold?”
He hummed. “But I want to be with you.”
Want. It was such a strange word to hear from Mithrun. For the longest time, he insisted he was unable to want anything at all, aside from the burning need for vengeance. Even now, he struggled with things like eating or sleeping. So to hear that he wants you, of all things…
You did nothing to hide the smile on your face. “You always can, you big goof.”
Whenever the two of you snuggled, your lover never really knew where to put his hands. This rang just as true now, with his arms awkwardly hovering on either side of you, unsure where to grasp or hold. With an almost practiced sense of effortlessness, you guided him to wrap both arms around your waist, positioning one at a time.
For a man so strong, he was quite pliant under your touch. One could easily say that it was his own apathy causing such behavior, but on the other hand, it was nice to believe that he chose to do so of his own free will.
He certainly had no trouble plopping his head down on your shoulder, completely unbothered by the way his cheek was squished from the proximity. How could someone be so battle hardened yet so…..cute?
“You comfy?”
The elf hummed affirmatively, the sound slightly muffled by the close contact. You allowed one hand to snake behind his back and rest comfortably on his hip, meanwhile the other grasped the edge of the blanket to keep it snugly wrapped around you. Honestly, Mithrun could probably be in the strangest position imaginable and still consider himself perfectly comfortable, so you weren’t entirely sure why you asked. It just felt… nice to check in on him. Like the right thing to do, no matter how obvious his answer may be to you.
Soft crackling sounds served as the backdrop for these thoughts, all while your lover remained still and relaxed by your side, having some ponderings of his own. Without you, Mithrun often found it difficult to settle down. He was getting a little better at knowing when to rest and eat in recent days, but even at times where he was well aware of the tiredness weighing him down, it was difficult to want to rest. Especially when what he wanted even more was to wait for you.
With you, he was able to feel at ease in a way that he still struggled with for the most part. Just like that dwarf had told him, even vegetable scraps could grow anew when placed in the soil and cared for. Maybe you were the earth, and he wanted nothing more than to relax while surrounded by you. He really wasn’t great at metaphors, so he couldn’t quite tell.
Of one thing, though, he could certainly be sure.
“I think that it should get cold more often.”
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chilschuck · 1 month
i've been having. mithrun thoughts lately. can you imagine getting a dog with him? going on walks and making him food? taking care of him and slowly watching him get better? even if it's so so so so small. im dying.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ OUGHGHGH SOCK……. being there for him through it all….. staying by his side every step of the way…. makes me think so hard….
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— MITHRUN: caring for him.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader. <3
꒰ wc: ꒱ 396
✦ short and sweet, but i wanted to give you some mithrun hcs!!! this is the first time i’ve written for him, so it may be a little rough, haha! these ideas are SO precious…. it’s from your pov and all the lil things you do for him. <3
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✦ Since he spends most of his day laying down or sleeping, you try to do your best to make sure he doesn’t feel completely alone. Whether that be by sitting beside him reading, or resting your head at the foot of the bed and napping yourself. You feel as if it’s the least you could do.
✦ You enjoy cutting his hair for him. Since he can’t do so himself during this point in his rehabilitation, you decide to take it upon yourself to do so. Even brushing it and making sure it doesn’t have any tangles, your ministrations are so tender and caring that he doesn’t feel any discomfort. It’s another thing you always offer to do for him when you spend time together.
✦ You’re successful in convincing him to get a service dog, and the two of you care for it together. You made the suggestion to him one day, and after letting him contemplate, you both decide it’d be a great decision for him. (Thinking about the fan comic of him with a service dog after Laios suggested it. You’d definitely have to help him come up with the name.)
✦ Cooking for him was something you did often. You were sure to make his favorites, always feeding it to him after. Even as he begins to heal, you can’t help but still insist on helping him eat. There was something about it that felt domestic, especially now that you feel as if you have a little family with your dog now.
✦ Imagine walking with him, enjoying the sunshine on your skin and the cool breeze in the air. Times like those were when you felt especially thankful he was still by your side. You’d even take your dog with you, the outings something that were really beneficial for him.
✦ Taking care of him was second nature for you. Helping him get clean, making sure he was comfortable, keeping track of how he was feeling. Like stated before, you even made sure he ate and did in fact sleep, as we know how he is with making sure his own needs were met.
✦ Little changes in his rehabilitation were always celebrated. He would slowly get better over time, but big changes or accomplishments that occasionally happened never got past you. You’ll take the win no matter how small, as long as you’re there by his side. <3
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cendriilon · 13 days
On my knees for some post-Mithrun fluff rn.
POST MITHRUN FLUFF? I gotchu 😎 it’s going to be bullet points b t dubs, just so I can catch the right mind set… THANKSYU 4 THE REQUEST ILY <3
Mithrun x Reader
Right. So after canon he heads back to Melini (with you, of course) to scout out monsters and demons with his side hustle of making noodles! So as a noble yourself, you follow him to help achieve his dreams!
However, Mithrun is still ticked off at the part where reviving isn’t a plausible option after death, so he’s extremely careful with you. So much so that after a month or so with you trailing with him on his search for monsters, he tosses you in the noodle shop (with the land he had claimed with his noble blood).
At this point, he’s been so surrounded in his want for monster/demon blood that he hasn’t exactly made any progress with the noodle making… and well, neither have you. So there you sat, alone in a big restaurant, with no customers at all, no one to keep you company or to keep you entertained!
So that’s when you decide to try to cook noodles on your own!
You grabbed as many how to guide’s you could from books all over your country, which included recipes from the western territories all the way to the eastern islands! You even scrounged up some old tattered papers from the ex-canaries, Senshi, and the trash.
Collecting herbs, grains, and whatever monster-like ingredients Laios sent to you through the mail.
You decided to keep most of your habits a secret from Mithrun, or at least as you can from him because you wanted to be the one to teach him when the day comes he wanted to pursue his other desire. You always schedule your time practicing for when he's away, and Mithrun being the man that he is always has a set pattern on doing things. Meaning he always came back home almost at the exact same time everyday.
The only other times he'd come home at a later time is when he gets lost, for he has the time of his life navigating the city streets. (This is rare because he likes using his teleportation magic a lot more than actually walking.)
So on this very special day, once you've decided your skills are up to the test, you served him home made noodles. Not only were they home made, so was the sauce/broth. You were quite proud of making such a delicious meal, now it was time to share your talent with your lover.
"Mithrun, wake up, I have a very special breakfast to share with you!" You say, pushing him back and forth from his sleeping state. You'd waken up hours earlier to prepare for this momentous occasion.
No response.
Maybe you should have planned the scheduling better? This was earlier than usual for the ex-captain to wake up... No! You were his partner, he should wake up for you!
"Mithrun wake up!!!" You groan loudly, stopping all your movements before shoving your face into his blanketed stomach, "Please please please please!"
With no words to utter, Mithrun begrudgingly arose from the bed, sitting right up to face you. You beamed with excitement as he looked to face you.
"Why don't you join me down at the resturaunt floor? I have set up something quite amazing down there." You put a finger to your chin and smile, "Plus I think you'll like it a lot!!"
Down the steps the two of you went, where in arrival was the bowl of noodles you had prepared only minutes before. They were served with scallions, mushrooms, a pantry load of seasonings, and whatever meat you had bought fresh from the market a day before.
"What is this?"
"It's noodles! That I made.. for you... 'cause you said you wanted to make them yourself and.... I can see where I messed up a little, but I did it so that I can help you in the future! When you wish to fufill your desire of noodle making!!!" You sheepishly say, a much smaller smile creeping up on your lips.
"I never said you messed up." He said smoothly, teleporting away from you and into the seat in front of the food. You follow closely behind him, sitting at the seat next to him.
"Go on, take a bite! It'll be all for nothing if we run out of time and you need to go out monster hunting." You tilt your head to the right, clasping your hands together.
He looks down at the meal in front of him, and his good eye flickers up and down between you and the noodles. After a few seconds past he picked up the nice utensils you placed next to the bowl and took his first bite.
"So how does it taste? Do you like it??!"
"I don't feel anything in particular for it." He murmurs calmly.
"Ah." Your world view shatters for a moment, before sucking in your pride, "So what makes you feel that way? I thought it was really good, but our tastes are quite different from each other..."
"It's a little too flavorful for me, but I'm... grateful that you spent so much time perfecting this for me. How long was it? A few months?"
"What!!? How did you know that I was..."
"You can't hide things from me, [name]. You'll never be able to succeed."
You stare at him for a second before collapsing on the table before you, "Arghh! I totally thought everything was going to go great, but as it turns out... Mithrun is just too good for me." You pull the bowl towards you, taking the utensils from Mithrun's hand, "And if you don't like it then you don't need to eat it."
"It's not my taste, but I don't mind. Please, I'd rather not leave any left overs, especially if it's a meal from you." His face seemed to soften as he said those few words, and your face reddened in response, letting out an "oh" as you correct your posture.
"Well then if you have time off anytime soon, you could stay here and I could teach you how to make your own noodles that suit your own taste. Then we could actually open the resturaunt to the people." You say sweetly, looking down at the food, watching it dissapear by each passing minute, "I'm sure every being here in Melini would love to eat food made by the hands of a noble. Maybe even the Canaries can home, I'm sure they'd enjoy a meal made by their captain."
"Mm... I'll stay here for today. My desire's growing after eating this d- uhm. Delicious meal you made for me." He states simply, putting the empty bowl and utensils to the side.
"Alright then." You get up from the seat next to him and take his hand, "I'll teach you everything I know." Another smile perks up on your lips as you pull him to the kitchen.
Mithrun in a kitchen. Who could've guessed?!
He's not very skilled at cutting, buthis use of magic fills in the void quite perfectly.
You help him a lot, which includes taking his hands in yours when he begrudgingly uses the knife.
He likes your touches but not the “weapon” in his hands.
You also teach him to pound the noodles, which you usually put lots of energy into, but for him not so much. You have to fill in for him most of the time.
There will come a day where Mithrun won’t go out on expeditions and instead stays with you in the restaurant, for a long time.
And to him, he wouldn’t want to spend his last few (hundreds of) years any differently.
I tried to make it flufffy I don’t know if this is fluff
I hope you liked it :3 pls keep sending me stuff it’ll take like a day - ish for me to fill it out but I def will!!!!!!!
My masterlist is on profile :3
Lots of love, Yours truly.
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catchingdaydreams · 10 days
Mirthrun x gardener reader
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(if people like this I'll create a small fic)
Yeah here me out. This is after the events of the Manga where Laios becomes king. Mirthrun and the Canaries stay on the island to avoid the law and all that...
Mirthrun gets lost, like a lot. No matter how many Canaries are supervising him he manages to allude them. His teleporting doesn't help either. It's not like he wants to be alone. He just gets caught up in the little finds, like a bug or some rabbit moving by and follows after them. See he's being trying/ training himself to reclaim his desires/wants back and Kabru mentioned to try to focus on a specific things to get a better understanding of his emotions onto it.
Anyway, one day he stumbles on a green house and sees a tall man there. Your minding your own business, picking the herbs from your garden, utterly unaware of the elf who just transported behind you. The first encounter was .... unpleasant. With a fright, you slapped Mithrun and cussed him out of your green house. He just trots along. You were confused at the whole ordeal, especially how the man didn't really react to you at all.
He shows up again, a couple of days later. And again you kick him out. Its almost became comedic.
He keeps on showing up to the point you don't care anymore. He doesn't do anything but bask in the green house sun, utterly in his own world, speaking no words to you.
You do ask why he shows up. His only response was a lifeless stare in deep pool his single eye casts, followed by a shrug. Not the response you want but nevertheless you keep allowing him to stay.
You notice that after a while he watches you tender the plants. You mostly strike a one-way conversation about your passion with your medical herbs but at times he does ask questions.
The first time you heard his voice you had to double take. You thought he was mute. He just cocks his head to the side , confused at you surprised acts.
Some time later you become more accustomed to his blandness and directness, able to read his emotions with subtle things like the flicker of his cut ears to the twingers of his eye. This though came with time and after finding out that he doesn't really take care of himself.
That one time you saw him passed out from dehydration wasn't a fun memory. And not wanting to relive it, you offer him tea and sweet pastries when he arrives. You found he particularly likes sour things, so lemon tarts are frequently on the menu.
He does help out with tending to your plots, though he isn't much of a green thumb, picking the ripe fruits off your small orchid helped you tones. You even gave him a basket of lemons to take home one time. It was a sight to see when he smiled at it, even though it turned quickly back to his emotionless form.
The Canaries still didn't know where he was going most of the day until he arrived back with that basket of lemons. Fleki ask where he got them from but Mithrun refuses to answer. They reach for one, but Mithrun grabbed their hand tightly. Anger distorts his face making the other Canaries surprised by his quick change in demeanor.
"Their mine", was all Mithrun said before he stormed into his room.
Eventually they were able to make out where he was heading all the time , though there was some misunderstanding. See they thought you were using him as free labor and quite abruptly came to you about the situation. Drama pursues, Mithrun gets upsets and snaps at his companions.
It just turns out the reason why he never told them where he was, was that he wanted you all to himself. He didn't want to share you with anybody.
Ah and that's it
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lightfeltmemories · 2 months
mithrun nsfw alphabet please
mithrun: nsfw alphabet
note: mithrun is basically canonically a sex repulsed asexual because of the demon taking away his desires, but then i realized, hey! i could just refer to the version of him before that happened! also his younger version is so finer anyways so a win is a win, this is also a request from someone on ao3! shoutout to them!
tw: none so far
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minors, ageless or blank blogs will be blocked if seen liking, reblogging or commenting on this post.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Mithrun tries his best to be there for you, he's not the best at aftercare but he's also not terrible, he wants to show you how much he loves you and sometimes it's a bit hard to.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) on him, his body in general, while on you, your neck, he has a bit on an affinity for making love bites and hickeys, but they're usually very small and can't be spotted that easily.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) his cum has sweet undertones, not sugary sweet but sweet enough to where the taste is bearable, it's slightly thick and texture and he cums just a bit to where you can clean it easily.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) i imagine him as the type to be a switch, he does not mind having his ass licked or fingered, and when he's bottoming, his moans are soft and sweet.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) even after the demon removed his desires, he was a complete and utter virgin before he met you, and was a nervous wreck the first time he did it, but over the years of the two of you continuing he started to get better at keeping his composure... and lasting longer.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) he started to like the butterfly (doing it on the edge of the bed, your legs in the air, as he stands), but missionary and even doggy style are fine too.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) oh that man is serious and down with the business, leave the humorous moments for aftercare.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) you'd be surprised how much hair he grows down there, give it about 2 1/2 weeks and it's a white bush down there, if you tell him to trim or shave, he'll do it, though.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) he can be romantic, you just have to tell him what to do, he doesn't have much experience on romance either so some words have to be exchanged.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) it sounds crazy, but he hasn't ever had that urge to until you came, he has only ever did it once when he was in a state of desperation for your body, outside of that very moment, he hasn't ever had the interest in pleasuring himself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) he has a slight.... ok i'm lying here, when you're on top and you talk him through his orgasam, it turns him into putty in seconds, he's also kind of a brat when he wants to bottom, he won't put up with brattiness from you though, not pretty fair.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) in complete privacy.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) talk to him in a sweet, seductive voice as you're starting foreplay, tell him that he's a good boy, and that he's doing a good job at obeying.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) not a fan of hard kinks such as bdsm or degradation.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) he turns into complete putty when you're on the giving end, and he has little experience with giving as well, so, oral is kind of a gamble, only a little practice gets us so far and before his desires being taken away he started to get a little better.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) he's a slow type of guy, not painfully slow, but slow enough to make things last just a bit longer.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) he doesn't do them, nor does he see the premise, he feels that sex should be a sacred act, not some one two you're done.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) realizing he was a switch was kind of the risk for him and the only risk he's willing to take.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) he can last surprisingly long, a couple rounds should do, he doesn't want to drag anything out.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) the two of you owned a couple toys: an anal plug, and a strap on for him, after his desires were taken away.... they remain untouched for when one day, his desires come back.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) he doesn't really tease you, but you tease him, leaving a cute, whining mess, while you pump into his ass, refuse to let him cum.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) he's not too loud, when he's top he's quiet or keeping sounds at a minimum, but when he's a bottom, he moans pretty loud, he can't help but yell as his ass is being filled.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) his pull out game is... kind of weak, so he ends up accidentally cumming inside of you on more than one occasion.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) he's a grower, not a shower, he's a good 3 inches when flaccid while he grows at least 5 or 6 inches more when hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) currently non-existent, but was still pretty low beforehand as well.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) he doesn't always fall asleep quickly, but when you two go a little more than 3 or so rounds, he's out cold.
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Nsfw headcannons for Laios, Mithrun and Kabru??? 👀👀
I love them very much 😁 (I'm soooo normal for them, so so so normal)
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*rubs my grubby lil hands together* :)))
NSFW below the cut, as per usual! Spoilers for Mithrun!
Requests are still OPEN!
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Laios Touden
You have the full authority to bully this man - I promise you that he enjoys it. He wants to be so good for you, sitting on his legs as he looks up at you, awaiting each and every instruction. For him, it's all about fulfilling your desires and wishes, anything you ask of him, you don't need to repeat yourself.
Grope and grasp at his body, that little bit of extra padding that he has, and feel free to add some stinging remarks to the fondling. His chest is especially sensitive, Laios letting out the cutest little gasps as you take a handful each and squeeze. That adorable blush of his will paint across his skin and up his neck, even to the tips of his ears as you coo and sneer at him in equal measure.
He loves to have you on top of him, riding him into the earth as he holds at your waist like a lifeline. He'll babble out whatever he's thinking, usually interrupting himself while he's gasping about how beautiful/handsome you are on top of him, how thankful he is to have you in his life.
We all saw the way he ties ropes, but this man is no rigger - he's a bunny through and through. He'll teach you each and every knot that he knows, showing where to place them on his body while he can barely contain his excitement as each line grows taut. Eventually, he's wrapped up for you like a pretty little package, blushing and already fixing to burst at the seams.
He's usually starving after sex, so grabbing a bite is definitely part of his aftercare. He'll offer you up some food as well, lingering by your side and enjoying the warmth of your bodies, and the feeling of your fingers carding through his hair. He's always got this dopey smile on his face after the deed, something that lingers even while he conks out afterwards.
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Kabru of Utaya
Kabru is a 'try anything once' sort of guy, so if you come up to him asking to try something new in the bedroom, he's not going to shoot you down. There are some things that he might need some coaxing on, especially if it involves inflicting pain on you - though he is conscious of the fact that he won't know his limits until he pushes against them, at least a little.
He loves to have his hands bound under him, the slight burn in his shoulders and the grating from trying to 'struggle' his way out of his bindings. It leaves him at your mercy, looking up at you with those bright blue eyes as you take your fill of him, knowing that he's 'powerless' to stop your roaming hands and teasing mouth.
The trust between you is a turn on to him all on its own. Knowing that at any given point, he could say the word and you would stop without any hesitation is part of the thrill. It's the safety within those walls that gives you both the freedom to explore your desires - and knowing you're enjoying yourself is intoxicating in its own right.
When he's alone, or sometimes if you're interested, he'll engage in orgasm denial, squeezing the base of his length, or using a snug ring to stop his pleasure in its tracks. You can keep this up until he's weeping from both his eyes and his arousal, paired with the previously mentioned bindings, he'll be begging for release which only you can provide - if you're feeling merciful.
A bath after your activities is a must, not only to wipe away any sweat and fluids, but also to just enjoy some casual nudity and each other's presence. He'll pay extra attention to any marks that he's made, rubbing gently against them while you talk about what went well, things to try next time, etc., ...
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Mithrun of the House of Kerensil
The easiest way to work Mithrun up intentionally is to clamber into his lap, draping your arms around his neck and drawing him close. After a display like that, you're not getting away from him. If you try to pull away he'll settle his hands on your hips and grip you closer. It's only after some heated frottage or Mithrun sparing a moment to teleport whatever offending articles of clothing away to get to both your arousals that he'll finally let you go.
Any undue attention towards you from anyone is another quick way to get him riled up. He'll grab your wrist to tug you away, sometimes sending the offender outside of the walls, before pinning you to a nearby wall with barely any semblance of privacy to have his wicked way with you. He'll press teeth and open-mouthed kisses to the length of your neck, his actions speaking where his lips would not.
An easy way to turn the tables on him is to speak so sweetly to him, calling him handsome, cooing at him and complimenting him. It knocks him off balance, and it's the perfect chance to get him on bottom. Lavishing his body in reverent touches and kisses, he turns into a mess, and will often bring a hand up to try and hide his face.
The two of you have a fair collection of toys - though usually it's to use on him. Part of his newfound desires is the exploration and deepening of those, and the more that you can potentially overwhelm him during those intimate moments, the better. Little enchanted trinkets that with a tiny bit of mana can vibrate, or some select pieces that Fleki or Lycion suggested to the pair of you embarrassingly enough, the potential is endless.
All of the aftercare will fall to you. Making sure that he eats something light and rehydrates, knowing that you'll both probably need to rest pretty soon after. On some rare occasions though, he'll still your hand and check you over, rubbing and pressing kisses to some of the harsh marks that he's left behind - his favorite reminders that you choose to stay with him, that he's your first pick, even if you could have anyone else.
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Laois’ Group
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unolvrs · 1 month
you'd pair marcille with laois? not falin? I'm curious about your reasoning for that (not jugementally!), because I've only ever seen people shipping falin and marcille, and it seems like those two's closeness is pretty central to dungeon meshi -- would you be willing to explain your perspective on that? no obligations to, of course, I'm simply curious because it's an opinion I've not seen before. hope you're doing well!
i get why people ship marcille with falin, especially since a lot of her motivation as the story progresses comes from falin. but at the same time, marcille and laios have more scenes that're definitely implied to be romantic, in my humble opinion — it's not shoved down our throats but it's a smooth thing that happens every now and then.
honestly, [SPOILER] ever since it was revealed that marcille was a researcher when falin was a student, and the canon ages presented in which falin was most likely a teen when they first met completely eradicated whatever ship was forming. [END]
plus, i think what bolstered the marcille x falin train was that one scene in the bathtub. but throughout the manga, we see more of marcille & laios more than anything else.
and i don't wanna compare manga readers vs anime readers but it seems like i have no choice but to do so: it's the dilemma i have with laios x kabru where, yes, people can ship whoever they want to ship but i feel very strongly about how laios and kabru's relationship is just kabru chasing laios in a way, and kabru having a more developed and AMAZING relationship with mithrun. but since kabru is a pretty boy twinky stereotype, and laios is a big guy, people naturally gravitate to it.
then there's falin and marcille, whose ship was even more popularized because of the bathtub scene at the beginning but as everything develops, it's marcille and laios who have more scenes that imply something romantic, especially at the end [SPOILER] where marcille stays with laios and their "monsters" eating each other [END]
i think more japanese fans are into marcille x laios, but western twitter is more into laios x kabru and marcille x falin. but again, this is just my opinion! PLEASE IT'S JUST MY OPINION RAHHHHHH
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daistea · 1 day
If you ever have the time, would you ever feel like taking a request with mithrun x an elf reader who's been taking care of him for a while? I've been thinking that they'd know of each other pre-demon, but weren't well acquainted (different circles, and reader is more introverted (like misril)) at the time until post-demon where they help nurse him to health and mayhaps join the canaries as a healer/support for the group.
If that's too specific, that's fine! You can take liberties.
If youre like "yeah that plain just won't happen with mithrun/hes not like that", that's fine! You don't need to write it if you don't want to
I don't want to force you or anything; it's just something that's been floating in my mind, recently!
Of course my friend! You asked so nicely <3
I think I’ll use she/her pronouns for the reader with this one if that’s cool! 
Sooooo I’m assuming Mithrun was one of the Wardens in his squad. I don’t recall if it ever mentioned if he was in the first squad or the second. If it’s the second, then Milsiril might’ve been the Vice-Captain of his specific squad at the time, and Mithrun was her second in command like Pattadol is to him now. Cus u know Pattadol is second in command because she’s nobility, and Mithrun is nobility.. Yadda yadda. Let’s just go with that for simplicity’s sake. And since there’s only two Wardens to a squad, I’ve taken the liberty of making the reader a criminal, but it’s for something stupid like… jaywalking lol. Jaywalking using black magic. Or uh maybe using black magic to heal. Both? Two criminal charges, you rebel you
tw suicide, mental illness, self harm, blood
Dungeon Meshi Spoilers ahead! 
4500ish words
"Vignettes of a 40 Year Old Desire" - Mithrun x elf/healer female reader
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Getting started was the hardest part.
You took a deep breath, your hands hovering over the wound. The slice in Mithrun’s arm was clean, with no brutal ridges. It would scar, but it would be a straight, neat white line on his skin when it was over. Even Mithrun’s wounds were perfect. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. His voice was soft, and it reminded you of warm blankets on winter days. Your eyes flickered up to meet his and he offered a smile. 
“Yeah,” you said. You sat beside him with your legs curled up beneath you. He sat with his legs criss-crossed, casual as if his bicep hadn’t just been nearly sliced open by the sword of a living armor. He had to be in pain, it was a deep wound. You’d managed to stop the excessive bleeding, but the paleness of his cheeks betrayed that he was feeling weak. 
Still, starting was the hardest part. 
You summoned your stores of mana, connecting to the spirits that made up the world. They were all around you, willing to obey, willing to lay upon Mithrun’s wound and graft his skin back together. A soft light glowed from beneath your palm as you ran your fingers around the edges of the wound. You weren’t sure why getting started was difficult for you, perhaps it was the feeling of magic pulsing through your veins that startled you, or the very fact that you had the ability to defy nature in this way. And there was that little bell that rang in the back of your mind, that urge to go further, deeper, darker. 
That damn bell and its ringing had gotten your ears clipped. 
You pulled back from Mithrun, letting your hands drop into your lap. “Done,” was all you said.
He blinked in surprise, then lifted his arm to inspect the spot where he’d been sliced. There was a faint scar, but it would probably fade if he got some sun. His lips twitched into a frown at the sight, but that expression immediately died, pushed aside and replaced with a smile. Mithrun didn’t need the sun, actually, he carried enough shine in his smiles…. Is what someone stupid would say. 
“Thank you,” his voice was soft, polite. He pushed down the sleeve of his canary uniform and rolled his shoulders. Nearby, the rest of the team was setting up camp for the night. They laughed and passed around a wineskin. There was a spot on the ground between two of your peers, saved for Mithrun. Milsiril was a distance away with her back pressed against the wall and her knees pulled up to her chest. She had a sewing needle that she meticulously threaded through the body of a ragdoll. 
You expected Mithrun to stand up and cross the room to join the others. Yet, he didn’t. He stared at you, two silver eyes filled with curiosity. You returned the look and raised a brow as if to silently ask what he needed. 
Finally, Mithrun offered a slightly bashful smile, “You don’t really socialize much, do you? Oh,” he perked up, eyes widening, “I don’t mean that in a bad way, of course. I mean, you’re shy, right? I just don’t know that much about you.”
And that drove him mad. 
You were entirely too aware of Mithrun’s true nature. The others were too busy basking in his light, caught up in his orbit, trapped in his web. Even Milsiril deigned to notice. She could’ve if she wanted, she simply didn’t want to— it would be like looking in the sun, and once you got past the blinding light and actually looked, you would already be burnt. 
You saw the looks on his face when nobody was looking. You didn’t mean to see them, you didn’t mean to stare, but it had become a habit to watch his reactions. There was a flicker of irritation in his eyes sometimes, the hint of a frown when someone didn’t play his game exactly how he planned. There were moments when his shoulders would tense and his smile would turn tight. There were moments he’d avoid answering questions about himself and turn the subject around on the inquirer to keep his history and feelings and thoughts hidden behind a very sturdy, well-guarded wall. 
You were more interested in him than you’d like to admit. You’d drawn several conclusions: Mithrun genuinely enjoyed the company of others, but he couldn’t help himself, he couldn’t help but scowl when they weren’t looking and judge their decisions and look down on everything they said and did. He even did it to you.
Which was precisely why you avoided him for the most part. You didn’t want him to know more about you, to provide more ammunition so he could reload his weapon and fire it straight into your back. 
So, all you had to say was, “Yeah, we don’t really talk much.” And you smiled as innocently as you could before standing up and wandering to a corner near Milsiril. 
Mithrun’s eyes lingered on your back. He was probably making that face he made when displeased that his charm didn’t work; analytical, a hint of darkness, one could practically see the red-inked assumptions scribbling onto parchment in his head, destined to be filed under a wildly critical and exaggerated category and kept there until the end of time. 
You only wished you understood why he was like that. 
Mithrun disappeared without warning. The squad had been dispatched to the Central Observation Tower because yet another person had disappeared in the area. Mithrun offered to take his friend’s scouting duty into a dark tunnel because she was afraid of spiders and was convinced that there were millions of them in that specific dark tunnel. Milsiril offered to send you along with him, but at that time you were trying to heal a sprained ankle of another squad member. Mithrun waved a dismissive hand and smiled, “It’s no problem. I’ll be fine on my own, but thanks!”
That was the last you saw of him. 
Milsiril had someone slumped on her arm. She held them up, breathing heavily and covered in dirt and blood and dirty blood. You rushed toward the scene. The person had silver hair caked with quickly drying streaks of red. His head lolled. But he was breathing. Thank goodness, he was breathing. 
Milsiril gently laid Mithrun on the ground. Immediately, you sat beside him, your hands on his cheeks and forcing open his eyes— eye. Singular. The right one was a mess. There was no time to question that, though. You summoned a light spell and opened his eyelid and black irises greeted you. Weren’t his eyes silver before? It was dim, too. Yet, his chest moved up and down and his heart was still beating. You let go of his face and he closed his eyes again, head lolling to the side as he let out a soft exhale. 
“So, this is where he’s been?” You asked Milsiril.
She nodded, “He became the dungeon lord. This place…” she glanced up at the twisted walls and long corridors that led to nowhere. There were monster corpses nearby. So many monsters, strong ones, weird ones with horrific teeth and eyes. “It’s a representation of him. I never knew…”
You knew, sort of. You just didn’t think it would get to this level. You didn’t think he’d fall to the demon. You didn’t think—
There was no time for thinking. You had to get started on healing him. For once, getting started wasn’t so hard, not when your heart raced, not when you were desperate for someone to live.
When Mithrun was conscious again, you offered your hand to help him stand. 
He didn’t take it. 
Of one thing you were certain: Mithrun of the house of Kerensil had no desire to live.
“You should’ve let me die.”
You perked up at the sound of his voice. It was the first time Mithrun had spoken in perhaps a month, and his vocal cords betrayed that fact. His voice was scratchy with disuse, and it was a struggle for him to speak. As you glanced over your shoulder to look at him, he didn’t bother meeting your eyes. His gaze was on the window near his bed, but he wasn’t looking at anything, not really.
“I should’ve let you die?” You echoed. You could hear the anger in your own voice. Mithrun didn’t care, you knew.
He simply nodded. A lock of silver fell over his bony shoulder. His collarbones were too pronounced. The sight made a fire start in your chest. 
“Mithrun?” You asked. 
He turned his head to look at you. One eye, as black as an endless pit, landed on your face. The other was covered by bandages. 
And he waited. He didn’t actually care about what you had to say, you knew. But you had to say it. 
“Don’t ever say those words to me again.”
Mithrun only stared, “Alright.”
Then he returned his attention to the window that he was not looking out of. 
You don’t know when or why you started to care so much. 
You’d always cared about people. You’d always wanted to help. But you didn’t even really like Mithrun before the dungeon incident. Now, his recovery was all you could focus on. And you were absolutely obsessed with the state of things. 
“I don’t know what to do,” his brother whispered, desperate, “I’ve hired so many caretakers but they just don’t do anything for him. I mean, they do things, but he’s not getting any better.”
Someone had to break the news to him. “I don’t think anything we do is going to make him any better.”
“I want him to be better,” his brother furrowed his brows and took a deep breath.
You wanted the same. But for now, all you could do was keep Mithrun alive. As long as he ate and slept and breathed, that was good enough for now. That was all he could manage. 
You visited the Kerensil family home more often these days. You weren’t sure why, but you cared. When he screamed at night and scratched himself to the point of bleeding, you healed him without a word. When he got ahold of a kitchen knife and put it to his throat, you wrestled it away from him, then helped his brother install locks on all the cabinets and drawers. When Mithrun snuck out at night to go slaughter every goat within a 50 mile radius, you cleaned the blood from his hair and hands. 
You’d basically moved in. The captain had given you permission to dedicate time to Mithrun’s healing, since they would’ve liked to have him join again once he was better. To the other Canaries, this was part of your sentence. To you, this was part of your purpose. 
You and Mithrun talked a lot. You talked the most. He stayed quiet, so you weren’t sure if you could consider it as actually holding a conversation. You weren’t sure if he was even listening. But once, when you were softly explaining the importance of getting rune shapes exactly right, you stopped and stared at your hands. You’d begun to enter dark territory, the study of black magic that had brought you to this place in life. 
The silence stretched on for a minute or two before Mithrun tilted his head. His hair was splayed out on his pillow and his good eye was open, blinking, slightly alert. 
“Continue,” he said. 
So you continued. And he stared at the ceiling. And you knew that he was listening. He didn’t care, of course, but he was listening. 
One night, Mithrun nearly hit a vital organ with a piece of glass from the bathroom mirror that he’d shattered. 
You healed it, the light from your hands growing brighter than usual. Your shoulders were tense and you couldn’t help but scowl and growl and mutter. 
Mithrun just looked at you, “You know this isn’t what I want.”
“I don’t care,” you answered immediately.
He grit his teeth, “I don’t want to live.”
“I want you to live!” You exploded. He flinched backward, but no emotion passed over his face. He simply stared. You gulped down your feelings and continued healing him. 
Maybe that was selfish of you. You didn’t care. 
Milsiril was a mother. Milsiril was a caretaker. Milsiril was a toymaker and she knew how to wind them up and set them on the path again. 
“I’m ready to go back into the dungeon,” Mithrun said. His voice was still scratchy, but he was sitting up on his bed for once. He’d gained a few pounds and his shoulders weren’t sharp as knives anymore.
Milsiril only shook her head, “Not yet, I’m sorry.”
Mithrun looked at you as if he expected you to ally with him. You knew him the best, you knew what he wanted in life. You even knew what his secret desire was, the one he couldn’t admit to himself. 
You shook your head as well, “You’re still underweight and you haven’t quite gotten the hang of taking care of yourself yet.”
Mithrun’s expression only darkened, “Then let’s keep practicing.”
Where Milsiril was more concerned with making Mithrun socially acceptable enough to rejoin society, you were much more concerned about his living conditions, health, and dignity. It was a relief that he’d stopped trying to pick the locks on the knife drawer. It was not a relief that Mithrun was planning for his inevitable death against the demon— not that he’d admit that. 
He wanted different things now. No longer was his goal to die from withering away, but rather to die at the hands of the god who once served him. Still, it involved him dying. There was this feeling you had inside, comparable to the feeling you had when you were first being hunted by the Canaries. You knew it was inevitable that they would find you and jail you or make you join them. Anticipation rose in your chest until it finally burst when they tied up your wrists and clipped your ears. 
Now, anticipation was rising again. It had been rising for the last twenty or so years that you’d spent at Mithrun’s side. You could only wonder when it would burst, and when you’d end up as scraps on the floor like the shreds of a popped balloon. You could only wonder. 
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When Mithrun rejoined the Canaries, you went with him. He said nothing about that. You were the one who cut his hair shorter for functionality reasons. You were the one who delivered his new uniform and made sure it fit. You were the one who sat on his back as he did push ups for training— which was actually the most fun with him you’d had in the last twenty years. It was kind of silly, but it was good to see him willing to do things like exercise and challenge himself, even if his end goal was just to reach the demon. 
There was a lot of teasing involved when you two returned to the Canaries. 
“Are you in love with him or something?” Helki asked behind his hand. He cast a glance at Mithrun, who was sitting nearby and silently staring out the window. 
You made a face, “With Mithrun? No. I love him, but not like that.”
“Are you sure?” He snorted, “You’ve been like his little wife for the last few decades.”
“I don’t think I would consider all that as wife-like,” you retorted. 
“Why do you do it, then?”
Was it truly so impossible for someone to comprehend caring for another individual without expecting something in return? Or not having a motive? You supposed there was a motive, but it wasn’t romance. You just… cared. You wanted him to stay alive and get better. And he was relatively better, now. Relatively. 
You patted Helki’s shoulder, “Because he’s my friend. Nothing more.”
You didn’t notice, but Mithrun’s head tilted. He always listened to you, even when you didn’t think so.
“Can you help her?” Flamela jutted a thumb toward where you and Mithrun sat. Her voice, louder than everybody else’s in the Canary’s headquarters, caught your attention. Mithrun kept his arms crossed and his gaze on the recruits training outside.
Cithis blinked in surprise. Her eyes landed on you and you returned the look with a hesitant smile. 
“It’s a lot to explain,” Flamela continued, “but Captain Mithrun needs help and [name] needs a break.”
Your brows furrowed. You hadn’t expressed needing a break before. You were fine. You liked taking care of Mithrun. Yet before you could protest, Flamela was already walking away. And Cithis stood there with her hands folded and her eyes curious, analyzing. 
Dread settled into your chest.
“You’re not some helpless baby, Mithrun,” you didn’t mean to yell, nor pace, nor gesture so wildly with your hands, but you couldn’t help it. “You’re not a dog, not a slave, not someone who can be exploited for entertainment! You’re a person and you deserve respect!”
Mithrun only raised a brow, “So, you’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad at you,” you snapped, sounding quite mad at him. Yet you pulled yourself together and took a deep breath, “No, Mithrun, I’m not mad at you. It’s not your fault. I just wish people saw you as more than what you’re going through. You’re the damn Captain of the Canaries now, you’ve risen above some really tough shit and you’re capable and strong and—”
The realization hit you like a slap to the face. 
You froze, mouth hanging open, eyes on Mithrun. He only stared, as he tended to do, waiting for you to say something. But you couldn’t. You’d been slapped in the face by reality and now everything ached. 
“I’ve got to go,” you managed to squeak out before running toward the door. You left his bedroom behind and darted down the hallway of the Canaries Headquarters. You shared a room with a few other criminals, but they weren’t there when you burst inside and collapsed onto your bed. You were in your late 100’s yet there you were, screaming into your pillow like a 60 year old. 
You’re in love.
“I’m in love,” you said out loud, which you immediately regretted because that made things real. 
You’re in love. You’re in love. You’re in love and it hurts so much because Mithrun could never love you back. Were you a masochist? Probably. Your heart hurt. You suddenly understood the concept of heartbreak, it felt as if your heart was about to physically fall apart. Realizing that you’re in love should be a happy moment. It shouldn’t hurt so much. 
Alright, you decided. You’re going to ignore it like an adult. You’re going to take this secret to the grave. 
Captain Mithrun’s team was a mess. 
But they were fun. 
“Hey,” Lycion elbowed you one night at the dinner table. He leaned down to whisper while you were mid-bite of a piece of chicken. “Do you think the Captain would let me check out the fighting scene on that island? Like, we could put off the whole negotiations thing for a day so I can go see it?”
Mithrun personally wouldn’t care, you knew, but he would refuse Lycion’s request for the sake of getting into the dungeon faster. You swallowed your food and sent him a glance, “Why’re you asking me? Pattadol’s the one that does all the decision stuff with Mithru— the Captain.”
“But you know him best.”
True enough. Still, you were just the healer, still a criminal sentenced to another 40 or so years of Canary service. You sent Lycion an apologetic smile, “Sorry. I don’t think he would.”
“Can you ask him?” Lycion used that purring voice he always utilized on certain targets unwilling to obey. 
You remained unaffected, “I don’t see why you think me asking him would make a difference.”
“The Captain would do anything you asked!” He explained, “Within reason, of course. You’re his girl.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you forced the satisfaction down. “I’m not his girl. And he pretty much does whatever anyone tells him to do as long as it doesn’t interfere with his goals, so I’m not any different.”
“You’re blind,” Lycion muttered, “so blind.”
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Mithrun had been pulled into the stupid pit thing or whatever with that stupid Kabru guy. You were going to pull your hair out. 
When he reunited with the Canaries, he actually looked rather well-taken care of. You begrudgingly admitted that Kabru may not be as stupid as you thought, but you couldn’t let go of your anger at the entire situation. You still wanted to pull your hair out, mostly because you were resisting the urge to wrap your arms around the Captain and squeeze until your bodies melted together. 
Mithrun noticed your stress and slowly approached you. He patted your head, “I’m fine,” he said. 
He could be shot in the chest and he’d still claim to be fine. 
“When this is all over,” you managed to say through the fog of anger and worry and adoration and fury, “we’re taking a holiday. We’ll go to the Eastern Archipelago and we’re sitting on the beach and we’re going to do very safe things like build sandcastles or take naps.”
Mithrun looked down at you. He stared, as was his tendency. Then he raised both brows and you thought that just for a second, there was a hint of a smile on his lips. An affectionate smile. Perhaps it was hopeful thinking, an illusion brought forth by stress. You weren’t sure. 
His hand that was on your head slowly ran down the side of your cheek and to your chin, lifting your face so you’d look at him. He didn’t hold you for long, though, letting his arm drop to his side when he had your attention. “When we have time, I will go where you go,” he said. 
You wanted to smack him in his stupid beautiful face for being so sweet. What was wrong with him? Was he in a good mood? You could only narrow your eyes in suspicion. 
Of course, Mithrun walked away after that, back to the mission at hand. Yet his words echoed. I will go where you go. 
That was more like something you would say to him. You’ve made the decision to be at his side for the last 40 years. You would follow him to the ends of the earth. 
Surely, he didn’t mean it. 
But then again, Mithrun wasn’t in the habit of lying unless it served his purpose. And he wouldn’t lie to you, of all people. Surely not. 
The demon was gone and Mithrun had lost his purpose in life. 
How scary, you thought. How terrifying to lose your one reason for living. You’d most likely be on the ground, slumped up against a tree and expecting to wither away just like him. But unlike you, Mithrun had people who cared for him, who wouldn’t accept that fate for him, who loved him. 
Senshi and Kabru said their pieces. The Canaries all agreed with a chorus of encouragement and opinions and friendship. 
You offered your hand, like you always did, like you’d been doing for the last four decades. 
He took it. 
Mithrun placed his hand in yours. And the anticipation bubble that had been building in your chest for so long finally popped. But you were okay. It was okay. He was okay. 
Mithrun pardoned you, surprisingly. You told him that wasn’t necessary and that he should use his pardon on someone else who had a longer sentence. There were only 40 years left for you. Surely they wouldn’t be as long as the last 40 years had been. 
“No, it's you I want,” Mithrun said rather casually, “you’re staying with me in Melini.”
He wanted something. He wanted you. 
You forced yourself to stay upright, “Alright. If you insist.”
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Living with Mithrun in this state was very different. It was fun, heartbreaking, difficult, easy, calm, chaotic. Some days, he laid in bed and stared at the wall. Other days, he made noodles and walked through the forest and sat on the beach with you, doing very safe things like building sandcastles and taking naps. Many people in town assumed you two were married. You always corrected them, Mithrun never did. 
He observed monsters and would need healing sometimes. You would push up the sleeve of his tunic and trace your fingers along old scars, none of them perfect. Then, heal him, as you tend to do. 
“Are you sure you want this?” Mithrun asked one day. 
You looked up to meet his eyes. Ink black, your favorite color. “What?”
“You can spend your life any way you want now,” he explained, his voice flat, “you’re free. I’m not your burden anymore.”
Your heart clenched in your chest. “You have never been a burden to me.”
“I used to hate you for keeping me alive.”
“I know.”
“And you never hated me?”
“I sometimes did,” you admitted softly, fingers tracing over his skin. You recalled this certain scar, from a pair of scissors you wrestled out of his hands at two in the morning years ago. “But it was the kind of hate that only stems from love.”
“You have always treated me like a human,” Mithrun murmured. His free hand went to your chin and lifted your face, “Like someone that deserves to live. You loved me despite my inability to give you anything in return. But I’m able now,” he leaned closer, “so allow me this.”
Damn. That had to be the first time you’d ever heard Mithrun say anything like tha—
He was kissing you.
It took you a moment to realize what was happening. His lips were on yours and your heart felt as if it might explode. Your hands shook as you raised them, eventually finding their way to his hair. That felt right. This was right. He deepened the kiss, slowly pushing forward. It was slow and careful and calm. It held so many words that neither of you were able to say. As he gently ran his hand up your thigh and to your hips, you couldn’t help but shiver. 
40 years of longing accumulated into this moment. In a dark house in a new kingdom in a demon-free world, you started something new, and for once it wasn’t difficult at all. 
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stave-writes · 11 days
hello!! may i request mitrun and thistle(separately) x artist!reader who is very interested in their appearance, but hides it very well. most of the time they did not notice the reader's interest in their appearance(and they don't really notice the reader either lol), but one day, approaching the reader from behind to discuss something, they make some very high-quality sketches with them?? I hope this is not a very long request and don't forget to drink water!! :)
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Mithrun & Thistle (Seperately) x Artist!GN!Reader
Word Count: 555
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So sorry about how long this took to come out! Been fighting writer's block but the power of Mithrun debut (!!!!!) is forcing me to make sure I'm up to date with requests ^^
Also in terms of writing Thistle, I view them as mentally still underage so this will be platonic for them, sorry to disappoint at all ^^'
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Mithrun could never understand why you look at him like you do, with a gaze full of curiosity and hiding behind your sketchbook when he catches you. Was there something in his hair? Did he do something to upset you? He tended not to pay you any mind, after all, he didn't care about much anymore. So, when asked by a mutual friend to go talk to you, he wasn't exactly against it.
He'd chosen to approach you from behind, simply to see how you'd react. It was funny seeing people jump or flinch when he teleported behind them, even if he didn't have a desire to play around like a child. So, he'd appeared behind you, face leaning right over your shoulder and opening his mouth to speak before he saw it. A...sketch of him?
It made more sense now, that you'd been watching him so often, that you were always face first in your sketchbook when he was around. You'd been drawing him, and he wasn't against it. In fact, the amount of detail was impressive, even if the visible bags under his eyes and the gauntness of his face did make him recoil just a bit.
"Good job." Was his quiet mutter, turning to look you in the face while you were visibly dying with a mix of surprise and embarrassment that you'd been caught by the very man who filled pages and pages of your sketchbook. A smile couldn't help but rise on his face, chuckling softly as he moved away from your personal space. It seemed he mulled his words for a second before shrugging, speaking plainly, "Someone sent me to come get you, said they have a message for you."
And with that deadpan speech, he was gone. Although, anyone who ran into the Captain that day did seem to think he was a little...sunnier than usual. Odd.
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Thistle on the other hand is used to posing for portraits with his family, sitting politely still for the painters or being urged to smile brightly to not distract from Delgal or Yaad. He quite enjoyed not being the focus of the paintings, especially with his ears not paid much attention to.
So it was a little confusing when, as he draped himself to look over your shoulder, he saw a sketch of him. With his white hair tied up into the bun, it'd been in for the last 1000 years, and his ears were floppy slightly with youth but still pointed due to his elf heritage. It was a little flattering, being the subject of someone's art!
Smiling brighter than he had for a while, Thistle leant his head on your shoulder, peering up at you with those curious purple eyes and waiting for your reaction. It was a little confusing when you seemed almost upset he'd found your work. Was...he not supposed to see it?
"It looks good! Why didn't you show me it?" Thistle queried, leaning his elbows on your shoulder with a head tipped to the side, as if tilting his head would just knock understanding right into place. Even when you explained they were just personal sketches, Thistle let out a huff. "I like them. Can you make me one to have?" Eventually, you agreed with a sigh. He was lucky he was so damn cute.
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fallow-hollow · 1 month
dungeon meshi masterlist
…kabru x gn! reader (hcs) - five stages of grief
…chilchuck x gn! reader (fic) - count to six
…chilchuck x male! half-foot! reader (hcs) - take you home
…kabru x male! reader (hcs) - suitor
…holm x gn! reader (fic) - pick-me-up
…mithrun x gn! reader (fic) - body heat
…holm x gn! reader (hcs) - spirit of pining
…chilchuck x nonbinary! stuttering! reader (fic) - cold reading
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chilschuck · 2 months
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✦ only if you’d like me to: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ sunshine: chilchuck x wife!reader
✦ reader who pulls him out of danger hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ tall-man reader hcs: chilchuck x fem!reader
✦ reaction to fem!tall-man dating meijack: chilchuck
✦ cuddle hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ hypocrite: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ clingy tall-man hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ all because of you: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ mage half-foot reader hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ shelter: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ platonic!chilchuck hcs (+ flertom) x gn!reader
✦ plans: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ helpful: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ half-foot reader hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ intertwined: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ reader who likes bugs hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ of course: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ tall-man!chilchuck hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ reader who gives messy kisses hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ have your cake (and eat it too): chilchuck x gn!reader
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✦ ice dragon!kin reader hcs: laios x gn!reader
✦ oblivious (in my love for you): laios x gn!reader
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✦ fighter fem!tall-man hcs: mickbell x fem!reader
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✦ caring for him hcs: mithrun x gn!reader
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✦ kissing hcs : laios & chilchuck x gn!reader
✦ lana del rey coded reader hcs: laios & chilchuck x fem!reader
✦ beach day hcs: laios, chilchuck, falin, & mickbell x gn!reader
✦ calling them by their first name: mickbell & chilchuck x gn!reader
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✦ mutual pining hcs: laios x gn!reader
✦ warlock!reader hcs: chilchuck x gn!reader
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune! <3
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cendriilon · 14 days
Mithrun 🩷💭 mmm hell yeah g give me requests about him maybe that’ll pull me out from writing block
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