#math struggles
punkfrenchtoast · 9 months
anyone who knows me knows one of my greatest passions in life is astrophysics and my greatest weakness is a lack of comprehension of even the most basic maths
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sleekwind · 10 months
What I don't understand is when math teacher says -1 is the largest negative integer. What about -0.1? Or -0.000534? Are they not right side enough in the integer scale for them to be large? If there is a math side of Tumblr pls explain
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disneyanddisneyships · 6 months
Math is a terrible concept
I curse whoever created it
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freak-motion · 1 year
people with dyscalculia!!
i have a question! i think dyscalculia is an extremely under-researched topic, i've been diagnosed with it since sixth grade and over the years i've noticed some things about myself that may or may not be related to it without me knowing. so my question is
do any of you struggle with
-doing repetitive tasks correctly
-logical thinking (e.g. strategic games, efficient problem solving)
-reading instructions
-processing the plot of a movie or series on the first watch
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samsolly2004 · 1 year
I have a math test in exactly 30 minutes and I didn't study well😭😭 I was to engaged in this fic to actually study!
I just hope I don't forget any of the rules🙏🙏
If I fail the test, I'm blaming bkdk!
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idli-dosa · 1 year
mental math? more like math is making me have a mental breakdown🤪
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infamouslyclumsy · 8 months
sometimes I feel stupid doing maths because of my dyscalculia
I’m just sat there like, eek. the dyscalculia is dyscalculing.
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dondozorider · 1 year
Every academy student gangsta on their league assessment until Rika hits you with the log6 x + log6 (x + 1) = 1 question
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masterofiodine · 1 year
i had a dream with david tennant making youtube videos explaining maths and i think that's exactly what i need
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cacti72 · 11 months
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The rate of change of drop is shot
The rate of change of shot is put
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suppotato123 · 1 year
You ever just be doing math homework, and you think to yourself, “Gee, it’s sure a shame that I’ll never use this in real life.” 😐
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itzwaku · 1 year
I talked with my friend about my math struggles (she's really good at it), I was hoping she would be more understanding but she told me things like "you gotta put effort on it"
But I AM putting effort, I swear I'm trying my "best" without exhausting myself, and it just doesn't work
I'm already in high-school and I can't do simple math, if you asked me what was 4×6 I wouldn't know the answer. I still count with my fingers.
And the worst part were formulas, I HATE them, I can't memorize them and the teacher goes too fast on his explanation before I can understand a single thing.
Every time I had a private teacher they would tell my mom "she's good but she has to practice", and then I still fail my exams for some reason
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really doing my best, and when I try to study harder I get exhausted and bored.
I don't know how much longer I can take this
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jade-island-lives · 2 years
I envy every single person who can do math in their head with no assistance from a computer or calculator.
I have a learning disability when it comes to math, and guess who has to take applied statistics? Me.
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annettescott966 · 4 months
5 Ways to Help and Encourage Your Girlfriend With Math Struggles
<h2>Helping Your Girlfriend With Math Problems</h2> <p>When your girlfriend is struggling with math, it's important to support her in a helpful way. Here are some tips:</p> <h3>1. Listen Without Judgment</h3> <p>The first thing to do is listen while she explains how she's feeling. Math can be really hard for some people. Make her feel comfortable sharing without criticizing. Let her know you understand how frustrated she must feel.</p> <h3>2. Offer Kind Words</h3> <p>Give encouragement by reminding her how smart she is. Say nice things like "I know you can do this." Praise will boost her confidence to keep trying difficult problems.</p> <h3>3. Help If You Can</h3> <p>If you're good at math, offer to study together. Go over concepts she's mixed up on or questions she doesn't get. Share any study methods that helped you. But respect that everyone learns differently - don't rush her.</p> <h3>4. Take a Break Together</h3> <p>When she's stressed, do an activity she enjoys to get her mind off it for a bit. You could check out a movie, go to the park, or cook her favorite meal. Doing something fun can help her relax and look at the problems with fresh eyes later.</p> <h3>5. Suggest a Tutor</h3> <p>If she's super overwhelmed, a tutor may help more than you can. Recommend a highly rated teacher and assure her this just means getting extra support - not that she's not smart. A tutor can make sure she understands the basics.</p> <h3>6. Stay by Her Side</h3> <p>Math problems take time to solve. Reassure your girlfriend that you'll support her goals for as long as it takes. Whenever she feels like quitting, remind her how far she's come. With patience and your encouragement, I'm sure she'll succeed!</p> <p>In summary, listen without judgment, give praise, help if possible, take breaks together, suggest a tutor if needed, and stick by her side through the ups and downs. With the right support, she'll feel confident tackling any math challenge.</p>
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nervouswreckhere · 7 months
you would think math doesn't have words so you don't need to be good with them. well, ya wrong. not only does it have words but they are in two languages: one, I'm pretty sure, is dead as my motivation
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