#master diluc
eseninkit-blog · 3 months
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children of apples 🍎
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nubisaureus · 1 year
how they react when you slip out of their arms
how the genshin boys react when you try to get out of their arms in bed because it's hot
character(s): Tighnari, Diluc, Zhongli
pairing(s): fem!reader x Tighnari, Diluc, Zhongli (separately)
content: fluff, established relationship, clinginess, cuddles, sleeping in the same bed, silliness, a touch of angst, suggestive language?
a/n: please bear with me, I'm still trying to find a formatting that I like, as I'm very new on this site. So my apologies if the posts are formatted differently every time!
It's also my first time writing for Tighnari and Zhongli, so please let me know what you think <3
not proofread
That being said, enjoy!✼ 
┍━━━━━━━━━━━»•» 🌺 «•«━━━━━━━━━━━┑
It had been a hot day. Not in the way one may be thinking of though. Hot as in, scorching hot. The sun had been mercilessly beating down in the Avidya Forest, resulting in a humid weather that had been sucking the absolute life out of you.
One would also think that the night would be cooler, and technically, it was, if it wasn't for your boyfriend's tail, wrapped around you as an almost third arm, mimicking his actual arms that were hugging you close, making you sweat because of the weather.
You carefully slipped out of the hug, finally breathing some fresh air, and slightly moved out of Tighnari's reach, desperately looking for the colder side of your pillow.
«Mh...?» Tighnari's groan suddenly alerted you, and that was soon followed by his tail wiggling around, only to curl around air.
«[name]?» he called, still half lidded.
You freaked out: you didn't want to tell him the truth, so you pondered whether to pretend to be asleep or confess.
He opened his eyes, staring at you.
«Oh, there you are.» perking up at the sight of you, he kept staring. «Is.. everything alright?» he then continued, concern finding its way on his features.
You looked away, ashamed.
He gently grabbed your chin, redirecting your gaze towards him. «Hey. Talk to me. What happened?» he continued, even more concerned.
You sighed, not able to bear his concerned face. «I..was just hot, Nari. Your tail is very warm, and it's lovely in winter, but in this season..it's rather uncomfortable. I'm sorry.»
He sighed. «You could've just told me, you know.» and moved his tail out of the way, putting it behind his back. The bed now felt much cooler, and you felt like you could breathe again.
He then looked at you, dead serious.
«What is it now???» you were on the defensive.
«You're obligated to cuddle now.» he said with the best poker face you had ever seen.
You gasped at how he could look so serious while saying the silliest stuff, and got closer to him.
His arms sneaked their way back to your waist, and you rested your head on his chest, inhaling his scent, that was so familiar to you by now, yet so foreign at the same time.
«Goodnight sleepyhead.» he kissed your hair.
«Goodnight, Nari.»
Despite Mondstadt being the city of the wind, it seemed like Lord Barbatos hadn't been very benevolent on his citizens as of lately. And that came in the form of hot wind that, combined with the hot weather of the season, had led to many restless nights.
Tonight was no different. Despite the bed being more comfortable than the one at the Knight's Headquarters, Diluc's presence made falling asleep an arduous task.
Not only because you had been staring at him for the past 10 minutes or so, his relaxed face a sight that you wanted to cherish as much as possible, but the connection he had with the Pyro element made him rather unfit for the current weather.
It also didn't help that he had forgotten to take his Vision off, and so he was even more in contact with the Pyro energy imbued within it, and you couldn't do anything about it. (a/n i have this headcanon where only the owner of a Vision can freely move their Vision around).
You were uncomfortable. Actually, uncomfortable couldn't even begin to describe it.
What to do..?
His arms were tightly wrapped around you, as if he was afraid to lose you any second, but you couldn't take the heat anymore, so you carefully slipped out of his arms, standing up and stretching your body.
You walked all the way towards the open window facing the beautiful vineyards of Dawn Winery, letting the cool breeze of the night caress your features. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the quiet atmosphere all around you.
After a few moments though, you heard rustling coming from behind you.
«[Name]? [Name]! Where are you?» the slight panic in Diluc's tone alarming you, you rushed back to the bed.
«Diluc. I'm here.» you climbed onto the bed, making your way to his side once again. He held you close, and you could feel his pounding heartbeat calming down.
«You scared me, [name]. Why are you up so late?» he inquired.
You blushed, your cheeks threatening to become redder than his hair.
«I was..hot. You forgot to take your Vision off last night, and I obviously can't do it in your stead. But you looked so peaceful, I couldn't find the courage in me to wake you up. I'm sorry..» you looked at him, his expression turning into one of guilt, only to turn soft as you finished speaking.
He took his Vision off, setting it on the bedside table.
«I'm sorry I forgot to take my Vision off, love. Next time though, wake me up. I don't want you to overheat and potentially pass out, especially in this hot weather, okay?» he looked at you, waiting for a confirmation that you had received and understood his words.
«Alright. I will. I promise.» he smiled gently, opening his arms again, beckoning for you to claim your place back.
You gladly took the bait, and snuggled closer, his temperature now that of a normal human being.
«Feeling better?» he asked, gently stroking your hair.
«Yes. Much better.» and you kissed him goodnight.
It was a hot night in Liyue. Despite the rooms at Wangshu Inn being decently ventilated, you were feeling hot. Zhongli's massive body wrapped around you wasn't helping either.
You tried to wiggle around, but your boyfriend, true to his archon element, had a rock hard grip on you, and so you were effectively caught in his embrace.
You sighed.
«Zhongli..» you whispered, trying to wake him up so he would let go.
No answer.
«Zhongli.» you called further, a little louder this time, and his eyelids finally fluttered, signaling he had at least heard something.
You called him again, finally catching his attention, getting rewarded with his half lidded amber eyes looking at you.
«Yes, dearest?» his groggy voice sent shivers down your spine, momentarily distracting you from your thoughts, but you quickly got a hold of yourself.
«I'm too hot. Could you move a bit please?» you asked, getting rewarded with a giggle.
«But of course. You should've said that sooner, dear. Maybe you should also take a shower to cool down? This temperature is very demanding of one's body.»
You looked at him, confused.
«But I had a shower before bed, and besides, I'm not dirty, I don't want to waste water.»
He smiled mischievously, and abruptly changed your positions, pinning you down on the bed.
«Oh, we can change that rather quickly.»
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r0ttenhearts · 10 months
I saw you're taking req, hmm I wanted some angst like neglected reader & diluc or kaveh, the story or plot is up to you 🥹🥹
look at me
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diluc x reader
warnings: mean diluc, one sided relationship, arguments, angst
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another night you found yourself alone in bed, the book you had been reading laid open on the spot that belonged to diluc, or used to. longer nights seemed to be often now, staying up for him. not like he cared for your presence anyway. only giving you a glance when he’d get in bed, facing away from you.
the cold feeling of the sheets on your skin no longer warmed your heart, trying to grasp at the scent of him on his pillow. it was like loving a ghost. if you could even call it a relationship anymore.
dates and anniversaries had been forgotten about for months now, empty promises he’d give you before stopping completely. never giving you anything to hope for. that’s what you believed on your birthday, leaving you alone that night. a thickly frosted cake sitting in front of you, tears in your eyes with his maids somber smiles as you blew out your candles.
you still held hope in your heart, hope that things would go back to how they used to be, to a loving relationship with him. that was until that night. screams and tears being the only thing between you two.
“i’ve told you for the last time, (y/n). i’m busy. can’t you take this up with sucrose or one of your other friends? i don’t have time for this nonsense.” diluc sighed, pressing his thumbs on the bridge of his nose.
“we haven’t done anything together in months, diluc.” you looked at him with hope in your eyes, holding out a flyer for the upcoming windblume festival in mondstat. “we can go to this together! it’ll be like how we used to go to your wine festival’s back in the day, but this time you won’t have to-“
his gloved hand tearing the sheet out of your grasp and ripping it in half silenced your words. you stared at him, wide eyed as he looked to you with the meanest glare he only reserved for kaeya.
“i don’t give a shit to go to some silly festival with you. do you ever wonder why i don’t spend time with you anymore (y/n)? why i’d rather be manning the bar instead of letting my employees do it?” he seethed, getting right in your face as you stood there frozen.
his fiery red hair matched his tone as you felt your love and hope for this relationship slowly wither with every word that came out of his mouth. his piercing eyes not hiding his distaste for you,
“the reason is i simply cannot stand to be here with you. i can’t stand the way you look at me so stupidly. you still believe something is there when i haven’t even looked at you in months.
i don’t love you anymore (y/n). get that through your thick skull. or do you still think i’m kidding? that one day i’ll waltz in here and kiss you like i used to? that i won’t leave you alone here every day with the maids?
nothing will change. i don’t care if you leave me. do what you wish, just stop bothering me.”
he left your shared bedroom with a slam of the door. the glass on your bedside table shaking as silent tears slipped down your cheeks. you were tired. tired of the fighting, tired of him.
the next day you did as he asked, or screamed. with a heavy heart you left his manor, a home you had known for six years. ignoring his lingering stares in the streets of mondstat for the next few months.
every time you’d see him stop and stare at you, you’d shake your head. he didn’t miss you. you couldn’t miss him. nothing was waiting for you back at the winery.
you never knew of the way he’d uncap some of his special wine, sitting at the same table you used to have dinner alone in. gulping down the bitter liquid, he hated every second of it sliding down his throat. but he hated the way he felt without you even more.
the day he told you those words he’d felt nothing but regret. coming home to an empty house solidified that feeling of guilt and pain as he remembered the look on your face as he claimed he no longer felt anything for you. it was a lie. he lied to keep you away, away from his duties to hunt down the fatui. you didn’t know he was the infamous dark night hero, only believing his white lies of being at the bar every night.
oh how cruel could fate be as he watched you move on. you’d refuse to look his way if he stood next to you at a stall, your gaze locked on the merchant. never at him.
eventually your gaze would be locked onto his brother, kaeya. kaeya’s smirk as you held onto his arm made his blood boil. he had taken something else from him. but were you ever his to be taken from?
as he sat on the floor of his cellar, tears in his eyes as he inhaled the smell of grapes and liquids he now found comfort in, he only thought of you.
“hey (y/n).. the windblume festival is coming up soon.. do you want to go together.” he whispered to himself, more hot tears running down his face.
“i didn’t mean what i said that night.. i’ll cut off my own tongue so i never yell at you again.. so please,
promise you won’t go.”
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taglist: @samarill @lelemnh
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reaiscrying · 5 months
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"...wouldn't it be great if we could age in reverse?"
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lilacsandamethysts · 1 year
Pairing: Diluc x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: The Ragnvindr clan is expecting a new addition.
Warnings: pregnancy and mention of kids, characters expecting and becoming parents
A/N: Hi im back, hopefully i'll manage to post more regularly bc I have truly missed this (writing and posting). This is the first fic of my dad!character series bc I have a huge case of baby fever and seeing my favorites as dads satisfies my daddy and abandonment issues.
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“Can you please take a seat? Boss is going to kill me if he finds out you’ve been exerting yourself.” Charles could have sworn to any archon willing to listen to his pleas that he had lost ten years from his life during this six hour shift. He was on bar duty this evening, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing he couldn’t handle and nothing he hadn’t done before. What he hadn’t done before was have his boss’s pregnant wife on duty with him. “I swear miss, you’re giving me gray hairs.” Funny, now that he thinks of it, he had heard his boss utter the same exact words three hours prior when he dropped her off, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead as he had looked at his wife worryingly. She rolled her eyes at his comments going back to cleaning the dried glasses littering the underside of the bar. 
“Barbara said that moving around would do me good. Besides,” she frowned at him, the fire burning in her eyes making it clear to Charles why master Diluc had found his match in her. “I’m feeling peachy.” She wasn’t even that far along, stomach barely showing from under her slightly loose blouse. Diluc, ever since it had been revealed that her sudden unwellness was due to her expecting their child, had become thrice as protective than he already was, barely leaving her out of his sight. Truthfully, as much as she loved and cherished her husband, being under constant surveillance was starting to irritate her. She couldn’t fault him; this was his first time going through such an experience and he was rightfully anxious. A soft hum escaped her lips at the thought of his frazzled gaze every time she shifted in her seat while they went through documents of the winery. Diluc was going to be an amazing father, she knew that from the moment she announced her pregnancy to him. What she was even more certain about was, the gray hairs he was bound to start sprouting by the end of these agonizingly long nine months.
The door to the tavern flew open and in stepped a slightly agitated Diluc, hair sticking out from his usual high ponytail he dawns whenever he works behind the bar and eyes darting all over her figure as she continued to shine the glass in her hand. His shoulders sagged slightly in relief upon seeing her in one piece. With a sigh he shed the heavy layers on his shoulders before walking behind the bar, peking her cheek once with a hand resting on the slight bump of her stomach. 
“Why are you up? Again.” He said, a serious expression engraved on his features, brows furrowing when she simply hummed in response. He sighed again, rubbing at his temples before kissing her cheek again and reaching for one of her glasses. “You two are going to be the death of me.” 
“And they haven’t even been born yet.” She giggled again, leaning into his side, head tilting so it rests securely on his shoulder. Instinctively, he leaned closer, cheek smooshed on her hairline. “Imagine the terror once they start walking or even worse, running.” She swears she could already see the dark circles forming under his eyes which only made her laugh harder. The shift went by calmly with the tavern not being at its highest customer rate. They even got the chance to close up earlier than usual and make it back to the manner before midnight. Once inside, Diluc helped her hang her coat-even though she whined about being capable of doing it herself- and then led her to the kitchen where their dinner awaited them on the counter. Adelinde had taken it upon herself to teach both her masters the art of healthy nutrition; she had tried twice before in the past but they both were too stubborn and drowning in work to keep up a healthy diet, now with a child on the way they were more than willing to listen to her advice. 
Taking a seat side by side they dug in, emptying their plates in a matter of minutes with not even a peep leaving their lips until they were both done. Diluc brought her chair closer to his own, one arm draped over her shoulders while the other traced patterns on the fabric of her shirt absentmindedly, an action he seemed to be doing more and more each day. He had developed a habit of touching her in some way no matter the time or place or who was with them; whether it be his hand on the small of her back or his warm palm engulfing her own, an arm around her waist or merely their pinkies linked, Diluc couldn’t seem to let go of her no matter what. The citizens of Mondstadt would swoon at his blatant displays of affection, eyes full of unfathomable softness whenever they saw the soon to be parents on a stroll through the busy streets. There were still those select few who side eyed the couple -mostly her-, those whose jealousy shown through the happy facade, who sometimes didn’t even hide their displeasure at the fact that the informant who had managed to take Master DIluc off the market a few years prior was now securing her spot further with the birth of an heir. The Ragnvindrs merely scoffed at their sly comments and back handed compliments, Diluc usually making a mental note to have a word with the Knights about their insolent behavior. 
“Our baby is the size of a sweet potato.” She softly broke the silence, hand gently resting on the small sweet potato sized bump. “And in about four weeks they’ll be as big as a pomegranate.” Diluc couldn’t help but place his hand over hers, running his thumb over her knuckles before kissing the crown of her head. 
“Barbara sure has a weird way of measuring the weeks of pregnancy.” He unlatched himself from her, hand still resting over her own, as he examined the curve of her stomach trying and failing to imagine a sweet potato sized baby. Eyebrows scrunched in concentration, he failed to notice the pure disbelief written on his wife’s face. 
“Are…are you trying to actually imagine a sweet potato?” He looked at her sheepishly for a moment, big red eyes filled with nothing but serenity. Laughter echoed through the empty halls as she burst out into a fit of snorts making Diluc join her after a moment. Once calm, he brought her unbelievably close, kissing the tip of her nose before tucking her head in the crook of his neck and letting his eyelids fall shut. 
“I love you.” 
The sun was at its highest when Katheryn spotted the family enter the city. The edges of her eyes crinkled as she nodded in acknowledgement at Master Diluc, red hair a mess from the strong winds of the city of freedom. Even worse was the mop of red hair in his arms as his daughter played with the ruby pendant around his neck, completely ignoring her hair obscuring her fathers’ vision. Turning around, they waited for their counterparts to catch up as the lady of house Ragnvindr strode up the steps, another mop of red hair in her arms in the form of a little boy this time, fast asleep while clutching his mothers’ blouse.
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jasmineby65 · 7 months
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Drawtober2023 Day 28 Alt-skin brothers 🦉🏝️
I can’t believe I missed the event to get Kaeya skin 😭😭
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tighnarly · 1 year
Diluc and Children Head Canons
Trigger warning: Mention of compromising positions
Diluc would never admit that he wants kids.
But god the thought of filling you up and having little y/n halflings fills him with such joy.
One night you decide to mention that you want kids and while Diluc doesn't say much, that night he has you in several compromising positions to start the process and a month's worth of similar nights leads to you finding yourself pregnant.
You, knowing how bad Diluc really wanted kids despite his silence, know you have to tell him in a cute way. Unfortunately for you, Traveler and Paimon spy you purchasing a "world's best dad" shirt. If it was just Aether, you wouldn't have had a problem but we all know Paimon has a big mouth, she's speeding off to the bar faster than Aether can catch up to.
The minute Paimon tells him, Diluc is shutting down the Angel Share in celebration, claiming it a holiday and kicking everyone out and is rushing to meet you in excitement.
No one has ever seen him act this way. it even comes as a shock to you when you see him running at you in town and picking you right up swinging you around.
He's all over you, smothering you in kisses, a giant change from his usual lack of pda. You'd be a little let down that you didn't get to surprise him but you can't be too mad when he's the happiest you've ever seen him.
Every time you get pregnant Diluc is treating you like you're made of glass and you've never been more spoiled in your life. Before the baby is even in the oven for four months, you have everything you'll need for the first five years of the kid's life.
Diluc reminds you how beautiful you are carrying his kids or otherwise, he dotes on you constantly kissing every inch of you in appreciation and worship.
When the baby comes he's by your side holding your head, basically letting you crush it it with your grip. He's getting you ice chips and letting you curse him for the pain you're in. No matter the state you're in he still thinks you're the most beautiful creature to grace the planet.
Once you have the kid home, Diluc makes good on the best dad shirt.
He gets up at night to change them and rock them back asleep, soothes them, and does everything in his power to support you all financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
The minute your doctor clears you, Diluc is back at it again already wanting another baby.
It takes about 2 years for your next kid and it goes like that for all four of your kids.
Finally at four you tell him that you want to stop.
This makes him a little sad but he supports you above all else.
You and your kids never want for anything but Diluc and you still instill a great amount of work ethic and human decency in your kids, all of them have such joy and energy but they also have the manners and respect for others that make other parents jealous.
Eventually when they've grown you both start to feel empty nest syndrome and it gets to be too much to bare so you settle on adopting two more kids, siblings at the ages of 10 and fifteen.
They don't trust you both at first but eventually between the love you pour into them and the doting they get not only from the bot of you but from Kaeya and their older adopted children, you grow on them and they learn to love you.
Both your blood and adopted family blend together and you all love each other more than anything.
You and all your kids would do anything for each other and anything for DIluc.
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b-as-i-ll-e · 1 year
Diluc x (f) reader
Summary: just thoughts on being diluc's lovely wife (breeding, hand jobs, eating out, choking kink)
A/N: send thirsts
Some thoughts of how taking care of diluc would be like with his wife
-the start to the day is with you asleep as diluc gets up at the break of dawn
-on rare occasions you wake up first you softly comb your fingers through his hair. Coaxing him awake to meet your lips
-on a good morning you may eat breakfast with him either in bed while he's getting ready for work or at the table eating together.
-when diluc is working at the tavern, you don't hesitate to visit him with flowers, lunch, or dinner if he stays a bit later.
-after a shift at the tavern, you both walk home together holding hands and discussing what each if you did in your day.
-once arriving home, if it's early then you both make dinner together. If it's late you both either bathe or sleep for the next day.
-if diluc somehow sneaks out of the bedroom to work in his office. You drag him back to bed either by force or enticement.
🔞 NSFW 🔞
-His labored breathing in the morning lures your hand underneath the blanket to stoke his cock.
-what starts out as a simple hand job to bless the morning turns into your plush thighs wrapped around his waist riding his dick. In the mornings he rarely takes control.
-your soft cunt squeezes around him to give him the best morning wake up call ever.
-for breakfast on those mornings, he rather eat you out licking on you throbbing clit.
-but this is about him
-so you slowly spread his legs encasing his dick with your plump lips. Sucking harshly from the tip and sliding all the way down to his base. Just barely fondling his balls.
-if things get too heated where he just can't take it anymore the best part of breakfast is having you pinned to the kitchen counter 7 inches deep inside your pussy.
-it doesn't stop there, there is many a day you tease him at work. Offering to help behind the counter.
-after hours he bends you over the bar white knuckles and all and unloads load after load into your sobbing cunt.
-one time on the way home, you and diluc once fucked underneath the stars. But you saw a different kind of sky that night.
-there is many days where diluc comes home stressed and irritable and all you can do as his wife is just take it. Hips thrusting into yours so hard that you swore you almost became pregnant.
-on the days he sneaks into his office late at night the only way to get him into bed is sometimes being thrown on the desk and fucked mercilessly. You found out about your choking kink right then and there.
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lunamochii · 1 year
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synopsis; Diluc’s new suit just came in and the moment you saw it, you drop everything and offered yourself to him.
a/n; sorry, getting fuck by Diluc while he wear his new skin is such a mood. ALSO I MAY START TO WRITE GENSHIN SMUTS AGAIN!
warning; smut, nsfw, filth, minors dni, not proofread, grammatical errors. diluc x f!reader
“Master Diluc is in his room. The new suit just arrive so his trying it on.”
You thank one of his maids and made your way up to his room. Today, the two of you are to spend your time on Monstadt to celebrate windblume. Knocking twice on his door you open it and saw him halfway tying up his hair, unbutton polo, sweat from his forehead trickles down, ofcourse he will be sweating! Today’s weather is hot
“You’re quite early dear”
You gulp when he let his hair loose, he walk up to you and place a quick kiss on your lips but you push him a bit so you can close the door behind you
“Sit down”
You said and pointed towards the couch inside his office, he didn’t bother asking why and he sat down. Oh archons, the way he brush bangs up made you shiver. You lick your lips and quickly knelt in between his legs that are spread open
“Oh? That’s a new. You’re quite aggressive today…”
“You make me do things, I have never done.”
Diluc chuckles and carresses your cheeks, moving his thumb on your lips and rub it on your lower lip. You smile and lick his thumb. Grabbing his hand, you decided to lick his palm and kisses it after.
“Sexy. Now, what will you do to me dearest?”
You let out a moan when he pulled your hair a bit, still looking up to him, you unzip his pants with the use of your mouth. Diluc lets out a groan on what you just did making you proud of yourself.
Freeing his cock out of pants, you inhaled the scent of it then licks it. Coating it with your saliva, you let your both arms rest on his thigh, one hand lazily stroking his cock while the other is stroking your wet cunt.
After giving it kitten licks you take his cock inside your mouth and Diluc hold on to your hair as you take him deep. You gagging made his cock throb and it made you want, crave more. Moving your head up and down, you eventually move faster and Diluc is already moaning out your name.
“Y/N! Y/N! Holy fuck baby!”
Diluc stood up and hold your head with both of his hands and fucks your mouth just likle how he fucks your tight cunt. Eyes rolling at the back of your head, you began to finger yourself matching the phase of his hips.
“I’m cumming baby! Hmmm fuuuuck!”
Diluc groan out and shove his cock deep in your mouth, spurting his thick cum as you gulp it down. Your own cum dirtying the floor of his office. When he puled out, you let some of his cum drip into the hand below your mouth, his one hand still holding your hair.
“Good girl. Now, get on the couch and make sure your ass is facing me, babygirl.”
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lilimalia · 1 year
ROSE HIP TEA // multiple characters
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SYNOPSIS... Valentine's Deals you say? Well... We do have a special tea brew just for the occasion!
CHARACTERS... diluc, zhongli, ayato, alhaitham (al-haitham), childe, xiao, kazuha,
DISCLAIMERS... fem/afab reader, valentine's special! This is the batch, and batch II will be genshin's most popular females. Xiao's part has a bathing scene, and Kazuha's has a flute playing reader.
BARISTA'S INTEL... I went after the most popular characters so I apologize if your favorite isn't on here... blame google statistics... And also, I may have chosen a song that sounded 100% like Diluc singing it, am I simp? Yes.
CAFE TUNE... Sway // Michael Buble
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The manor shines like jewels across the grassy plains of Mondstadt. Sunrise rays reflecting off it's clear windows. A beautiful morning, only right for such a sweet day.
Waking up, you shift towards your left, the bed creaks under your body, as you search lazily for your husband. Mind still groggy from the morning rising.
"Diluc?..." you call, finding that your side has been left by your husband. Startled, you rise, searching frantically for your lover.
"Diluc?... Did you leave for work again?", disappointment laces your face, your eyes furrowing as you begin to rise. It seems that even on the day of love, your own lover holds no bias.
Throughout the day, the glistening hope you had held that Diluc would come home, began to fade. The day goes by slowly, as you drag your burdens on your shoulders through the city of Monstadt, watching as lovers and friends a like smile and jump for joy as they receive flowers. But, Valentine's Day doesn't have to be lonely... Right? You don't have to depend on Diluc. You've got Klee! The sweetest girl in the world!
Except that Klee is with the Dragonspine Alchemist that Kaeya speaks fondly of...
The day seems to pass slowly, sun to moon, your mind is preoccupied... Your legs carrying you like feathers, threatening to snap at any moment. Sadness carries your body like a leash, leading you through out the day, gloomy under the lack of your lover. Perhaps it had been to much to hope he would put aside work for you... Arriving at the Manor, you open the door,
"Adeline... Could you please prepare a salt bath? It's been a rough day..."
"The maids of all left to celebrate the occasion dove... Are you alright?" Warm hands wrap around your waist, grasping at it slowly as your lifted off your feet. Oh, your wide awake now.
You look down to see Diluc, a soft smile fading onto his lips as he holds you up, large hands firmly gripping at your body as he speaks.
"Happy Valentine's, now, I believe we are due for a 5 star homecooked meal my love."
And a saccharine smile blooms across your face, face lining with wrinkles from your joy, as you grasp his face within your hands. <3
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The consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor walks across the bustling city of Liyue. Left free from his tasks, his eyes gaze upon the sales of the day.
It seems that many of the shops have opened sales, tempting, and appropriate for that of Valentine's Day. Who was he to deny the offer?
"Greetings Mr. Shitou, if you don't mind, I would like to see the wares you have for today..."
"Ah! Mr. Zhongli, what a pleasure to see you here again! Yes, yes, we do have some lovely jewelry for the day of love sir!"
Shitou opens a case, glittering black it shines in the afternoon sunlight; setting out three pieces of jewelry that shine across the table. Eye-catching to any and every that passes. Studying his selection of choices, Zhongli examines the cut of each jewel, from swiss to dahlia, before his eyes lay upon a particular necklace. Refined it is, a green jade glistening in the rays of sunlight, the gold around it embracing it like a newbord.
"This necklace... The quality is indeed impeccable... I will take it!"
"Lovely choice sir! Would you also like our special packaging just for this Valentines? It'll only cost another 10 mora!"
Of course... Only the finest material for his lover. How could he refuse. Zhongli returns that night, presenting his gift, towards his lover, who only deserves the best of the best.
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Kamisato Ayato craves nothing more but to be within the soft comforting touch of your body. To find his solace in your own, to wrap his arms around your waist and curl you up into his own body.
But... The duties of a Commissioner do not cease.
His eyes wear tiredly, drained and dragged downwards by the extent of his work.
"Sir Kamisato, your wife has registered a room within the Komore Teahouse and has put it on your tab. She had told the staff to personally deliver this purchase to you..." his right-hand calls calls, poise and proper as a small awkward chuckle lifts from his lips.
Ayato is no fool. He knows your games, and like a fish to bait, he plays along.
"Thank you Thoma, I will... Deal with the message accordingly." The Commisioner chuckles, his eyes darting playfully towards his servant as he watches the blonde fidget from the clear daring intent of the message.
Excusing the poor victim, Ayato lifts from his seat. Body crackling as his bones unstiffen. Free from it's bonds of constriction.
Poise and elegant, the Kamisato greets Taroumarou at the front, closing the door behind him to avoid the gazes of the public.
"Why hello there Taroumarou... Would you happen to know which room [Y/n] ordered herself?"
"Woof woof! Woof!"
"Room 7? Why thank you kind sir." Ayato teases. How he understands the animal, is out of his understanding...
Walking down the hallway, he knocks on the door, before entering in, pleasantly surprised to be greeted by your smile, cheerfully lit in the yellow light of the sectioned off tea room.
"Ayato! Ayato! Come sit, I knew you would come to find me. Lay down, allow me to massage your back and relax. You've been working to hard..." you call, patting your lap with your hand, motioning -also- to the warm cup of tea that sits freshly prepared right in front of you.
Kamisato Ayato smiles sweetly. How lucky he is to have a wife so endearing. And so, on the night of White day, Kamisato Ayato breathes freedom, and he is grateful for your gift of comfort.
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The humid sweet air of Sumeru makes its presence known throughout the tavern. The scent of sweet muddled berries and alcohol combined entices the men and women alike. Like sticky honey, the people swarm like bees.
Sitting across, you gaze lovingly towards the man. The -newly recruited- Acting Grand Sage. Who glares back at you unwavering as the drinks are poured beside you both.
"What is it that you find so peculiar about my face that entices you to constantly glare at me?" Alhaitham speaks, his slim hands grasping over the drinks to pass over to you.
"I'm not glaring! I just think you have very... Distinguished facial features. Frankly, it's quite the worthy trait!" You argue, smiling at the gesture of the drink as you sip on it. The spicy and sweet taste of alcohol rushing over your senses.
"There is nothing interesting about my face... It is simply fresh from constant morning washes."
"Only you would brag so carelessly about clear skin dear Alhaitham..." you mutter, now glaring playfully at the Sage.
Maybe it was the trick of the light, but from your seat, you swore you saw the faintest hue of rosy pink against the tip of his cheeks.
"Tch... If that's all you have to argue about my facial features... Then perhaps I have won this debate by default." He grins, twirling the frosted glass of alcohol in his hand; defined by veins that just barely crawl towards the tips of his fingers. His other hand, placed boredly against his cheek.
Perhaps he was fishing for compliments...
"Well fine! To start, you have beautiful emerald eyes! Perhaps it is an acquired taste... But I find them quite the attractive feature. Furthermore, you also have the coolest gaze, like a fox from the lands of Inazuma... Not only that, but you have the softest looking cheeks!"
Alhaitham pauses.
"Of course! Your cheeks are adorable! Like a little child, I just want to squish them!" You giggle, taking another sip of your beverage.
"[Y/n]... Perhaps the alcohol has gotten to your head..." he states, his voice meekly hinting concern.
"No... I think I'm alright... It's only been an hour..."
"No... I think that's enough for the night. The Akademiya does not heed its progress because of one drunken student..." He responses, pulling your now empty glass away from you as he sets out the mora for the bill. Sliding his body towards yours as he lifts your now weakened state up.
"Come on... I'll walk you home."
"When did you become such a gentlemen?! Are you sure you don't plan to just walk yourself home and leave me stranded?"
The Sage does not respond. Already supporting your body against his own as he steadies himself. Had you not been so drunk... You may have been able to witness the pink hue on the Grand Sage's soft cheeks.
What a shame...
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The smell of baked apples blossoms out of your mud oven. It's aromatic scent spreading like fire across your home. The cold Sneznhayan air clouded over, protecting your home like a blanket.
The sound of the door creaking draws your attention away, like a bird call.
"Ajax! Is that you?" You call, hastily throwing your mittens to the table as you run towards your husband.
"Hey girlie, what's got you so excited? Miss your great and formidable husband already?" He chuckles, throwing his bow and sword which bounce nimbly of the wooden floors.
You glare at him playfully, nudging his shoulder as you pull him away from the door.
"The house smells good... What did you make? I also got you some fish personally lined in by yours only!" He grins, roughed up hands tugging at a course bag that drags heavy by weight.
You can't see him, back turned to him as you pull out the apple pie but...
You know, he has those sweet Azul eyes, gazing at you like a puppy. Endearment practically pooling out of them... Has he trenches into your shared home. Bag over shoulder, work clothes stained red.
But it doesn't matter. He is with you, by your side, and alive, and that is all that matters to you.
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The translucent colors of rainbow are etched out in front of him, their life beginning and ending; he thinks.
The night is young, the calls of the wind usher him, but he is unable to answer.
"Xiao... Are you alright? Bubble baths are supposed to be fun... Not a way for you to test your death stare..." You inquire, melodic voice lacing with concern.
His back is too you, and for this he is grateful... Xiao does not know why, but his face burns, not a sharp pain, but a fleeting burn, one that spreads like wildfire across the whole of his complexion.
"I am not "death staring" anything mortal... Dare you accuse the Adepti of such trivial things?!"
"I am no mortal Xiao... And even you know it..." You hum, your voice gaining closer to him, until it is right at his ear...
He does not reply. Scared that his own voice may waver in the heat of the moment. He feels your soft hands rubbing against his body, massaging all his aches and wounds he never knew were there.
For a while... No one says a word, not the trees, not him, and not you.
He likes it better this way, he thinks. The way your body is so close to his, as he watches the bubbles in front of him fade away slowly, popping every second.
He likes it this way, he knows. How you stay your distance, but soothe him, nonetheless. How you begin to hum your signature tranquilizing tune, slowly eases the aches of his Adeptal body out of him.
Xiao does not know love. And he does know humans.
But you aren't human... You are a divinity.
And he will forever love you for it.
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 Kazuha lays comfortably beside you, back supported against the dark tree trunk.
He listens to the winds, that hum to your tune, as he watches you play the flute. Watching as your nimble fingers flick upwards and back down, sending forth the sound of the hollow wooden instrument.
Your eyes are closed, entranced by the music that you play. Soul and body devoted to your craft. When, unfortunately, the song comes to it's ending.
"So? Any thoughts dear Ronin?"
"None at all my dove... Your music is as enchanting as ever..." He murmurs sweetly, reaching out to pull your hand into his own, curling the tips of his fingers around yours.
"You flatter me to much Kazuha... Surely there was some sort of noticeable mistake?" You mutter, glancing at him and then your captured hand.
"None at all... None at all." He says, reaching out.
His hands clasps against your cheeks, the fresh spring Sakura petals falling around you and him. He smiles, like nothing else matters.
As if you are his world. And him, yours.
And perhaps that is true... As you nuzzle yourself into his grasp, laying your face against his rough hands, scattered with scars, but still your home.
And your forever world.
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Room 7 // a reference to Japan's beliefs of the lucky number 7, which is tied to prosperity and Buddhist tales
Apple Pie // snow white reference, and a symbolic way to represent the red color commonly seen for Valentine's day and love
White Day // the more commonly celebrated holiday in Japan instead of Valentines. the day traditionally is a holiday towards the female partners of the relationship gifting their lovers a present and appreciating them (like [Y/n's] gift of comfort to Ayato)
BARISTA'S INQUIREMENT... Late Valentine's Day post because I was out on a date but!! Hope you enjoyed, have constructive criticism? Please do tell! I haven't written fluff in a long while... Also I may or may have not been biased towards Al-haitham's part...
word count. varying
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©-FUTURIST... Please do not plagiarize, themes are edited by me, reblogs allowed, do not repost on any other platform!!
Banner credits: @ERIIMYON on twitter
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eseninkit-blog · 2 months
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two birds on a wire
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limitedtempo · 2 years
ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴄʟᴇᴀɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ!
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴅɪʟᴜᴄ ʀᴀɢɴᴠɪɴᴅʀ x ᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ: ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ: ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴜᴄᴋ ᴅɪʟᴜᴄ ᴛɪʟʟ ʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱꜱᴇꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ: ᴅɪʟᴜᴄ ʀᴀɢɴᴠɪɴᴅʀ ᴀᴜ: ɴ/ᴀ ᴛᴡ: ᴅᴏᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ꜱᴜʙ!ᴅɪʟᴜᴄ, ᴀɴᴀʟ ꜱᴇx, ʙʟᴏᴡᴊᴏʙ, ʜᴀɪʀ ᴘᴜʟʟɪɴɢ, ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ/ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʙᴏʏ ᴄᴀʟʟɪɴɢ, ᴛᴇᴀꜱɪɴɢ, ᴅʀᴏᴏʟ, ꜰɪɴɢᴇʀɪɴɢ, ʙᴇɢɢɪɴɢ
you enter angel's share, in your gaze, you catch your boyfriend, diluc, the bar was practically empty, there were only three people, you, diluc, and a customer, who sooner or later left. and you slowly approach the counter.
"hey, beautiful." you say, the red-haired man looks at you, gesturing a hello with his hand. "how's your day going?" you ask, and he lets a light sigh escape his lips. "quite tiring, to be honest," he says. "but, i'm better now, no doubt" he smiles.
"you have no idea how much i missed you, diluc," you say, jumping over the counter and hugging your boyfriend, he lets out a soft giggle, hugging you back. "i missed you too," he replies, bringing his face closer to yours, and leaving a light kiss on your lips.
"it's been a while, diluc," you say, he looks at you with a confused look. "of what?" he asks, a smirk appears on your face. "you know." you answer, one of your hands going down to his hip. he doesn't take long to process what you mean, and he blushes. "and i'm pretty sure I won't be able to hold it until we get home."
"b-but, you're not thinking of doing it here, right?" he hisses, carefully leaning his back against the counter. "i need you, diluc." you say, your hands traversing his body, soft whimpers escaping his lips. he looks into your eyes. "what do you want me to do?" he asks you, biting his lower lip slightly.
diluc actually had some booze before you came in, so he was actually pretty into it.
"turn around, gorgeous." you say, and he obeys immediately. he bends over, his arms resting on the counter, and he swings his ass from side to side. "don't tease me." you say, he lets a soft laugh escape his vocal cords. "or what?" he asks. a brief silence comes. he calls you out. you quickly unbuckle the belt of his pants, and they fall right off. you quickly realize that diluc was wearing his favorite pair of white panties. "don't tell me you were expecting it, diluc." he turns his head to you, grinning.
you slide your hand inside his underwear and start playing with his balls, he pulls his underwear down, showing you his shapely ass. "such a tease, diluc," you say. "open your mouth for daddy," you state, sticking two fingers inside his mouth, your other hand jerking his cock. "suck my fingers." you command, and he, of course, obeys. "good boy." you convey.
after a few minutes of him sucking your fingers, you remove them from his mouth and put them at his entrance, his entrance was flashing. he couldn't wait any longer, he wanted you to fuck him until he fainted. you satisfied his wishes, and put a finger inside him, surprisingly, he ejaculates right away. "already?" you ask, he hides his face with his hand.
you stimulated his prostate, loud moans came out of his mouth, you believed that the whole of mondstadt could hear his moans. "you're such a good boy, diluc." you say, his cock was shaking, "you're so wet, diluc." you say, finally inserting the second finger. "p-please, daddy! i want the real thing!" he begs. "you've become so needy, diluc." you say, but you make his wish come true.
"how do you want it?" you ask. "rough". he answers, you align your cock with his entrance, slamming it inside him, his back arches, a loud moan escapes his lips, the feeling of your cock being inside him made him feel like he was in paradise, without wasting any time you start fucking him in a fast pace, loud claps could be heard from outside, shameless moans now escaped his mouth. "look how good you take it." you say, grabbing his hair, pulling it back, his head now close to yours. "tell me, diluc." you pause. "who's bitch are you?" you ask him, he wanted to answer you but his mind was completely blank. you slap his ass. "hm?" you grunt. "yours! im your bitch (m/n)! only yours!" he managed to say. "good boy." you state.
"show me how much you missed me". you say, letting him fuck your cock with his ass. "your cock feels so good, daddy." he says. a few good moments pass, diluc cums for the third time. "fuck!" he screams. "come on, baby, i'm almost there as well." you say, with the little strength he had left, diluc still managed to stand, your strokes became sloppy, you started to pull out, but diluc refused. "do it inside, please." he begs. "as you wish." and you answer, with one last thrust your liquid stores itself in his insides. you pull out, cum coming out of his entrance, and he turns back to you. "i love you so much." he says. "i love you too." you respond, nuzzling on his neck.
"baby?" he calls you out. "can you help me clean up?" he asks you, you nod yes, now carrying him bride style. you spend the next few hours cleaning the angel's share of both your messes.
"wanna do it again?"
"let me clean this first!"
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cl-0udguy · 1 year
All you guys repsoting my diluc WIP omg you are all so kind thank you sm 🥺💗
Here is the finished piece! Who should I draw next im open to anything 🕺🕺
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reaiscrying · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DILUC (dw guys he had a great birthday)
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offbrandkyoya · 1 year
13 kaeyas delusional era
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- tbh I was thinking of hiding who kaeya liked a bit longer but it’s pretty obvious LMAO
- plus albedo isn’t rlly THAT important
- I’ll write some stuff that isn’t centered around yn + scaramouche like for example kaeya and albedo history 🤷‍♀️
- but it’s still all like a side plot yk????
- I hope that wasn’t confusing 😭😭
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @aeongiies @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhice @monaypo1 @feiherp @xiaossocksniffer @myaaones @warcelia
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imk1ra · 1 year
Diluc: Where is Y/N?
Kaeya: I don't know. They left.
Diluc: What? Why?
Kaeya: We were watching Spongebob, and they stood up and said 'life is too short' and walked out.
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