#mako headers
nowandthane · 1 year
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i am once again playing mass effect
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zenyuu · 1 year
The urge to change pfp. So so strong
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cursedcola · 1 year
Prompt: What would they name their children? Characters: Everyone ;) Format: Headcannons Warning(s): None <3 A/N: Why? Because I like to name things. It's fun. Now I have them on record for when I choose to do any future AUs. I have synesthesia so these are inspired by the color I see when I hear a character's name. Also a reason to use my cute new headers.
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Fem. leaning: Beatrice
Masc. leaning: Pierce
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Fem. leaning: Donna
Masc. leaning: Mason
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Fem. leaning: Elise
Masc. leaning: Jessie
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Fem. leaning: Harper
Masc. leaning: Benjamin
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Fem. leaning: Anne
Masc. leaning: Romeo
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Fem. leaning: Rori
Masc. leaning: Asra
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Fem. leaning: Petunia
Masc. leaning: Reese
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Fem. leaning: Ginger
Masc. leaning: Easton
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Fem. leaning: Piper
Masc. leaning: Sebastian
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Fem. leaning: Hazel
Masc. leaning: Jasper
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Fem. leaning: Maya
Masc. leaning: Mako
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Fem. leaning: Ebony
Masc. leaning: Khalid
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Fem. leaning: Isis
Masc. leaning: Anton
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Fem. leaning: Violet
Masc. leaning: Felix
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Fem. leaning: Odette
Masc. leaning: Markel
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Fem. leaning: Clementine
Masc. leaning: Dieter
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Fem. leaning: Clara
Masc. leaning: Atlas
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Fem. leaning: Collette
Masc. leaning: Elias
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Fem. leaning: Fiona
Masc. leaning: Silver Ren
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Fem. leaning: Lilliana
Masc. leaning: Kai
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Fem. leaning: Rosemary
Masc. leaning: Matthias
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swaps55 · 1 month
List five topics you could talk about for an hour without prepping any material. (No one tagged me, I just saw this and wanted to.)
Equine foot management, catastrophic injuries, and laminitis. I can throw in club feet and foal deformities for fun. There will be drawings. I will do a lot of yelling.
Parking structure design and technology. My friends are known to send me photos of parking structures. Once, on a romantic getaway once with Real Life Romance Option, I dragged him to three different parking structures. Including one at 9pm because it had a cool glass spider on the facade that was lit at night.
Mass Effect, any aspect, but inevitably there will be a focus on the individual identities of all 3 games, misogyny, the different lenses through which people who played at launch vs. today view the trilogy, the Mako and the power of the UNC worlds in Mass Effect 1, and of course, the ending. If you ask a question about Andromeda you will have regrets because this just became two hours and Real Life Romance Option is on his upteenth AND ANOTHER THING because about 8 seconds into the infodump he joined in.
The Kentucky Derby/Triple Crown, which will most assuredly involve me lauding my namesake, insisting Nashua is a hack, and reciting Secretariat's Belmont race call. Also pretty guaranteed I will wander into horse racing at large and cry a lot about Serena's Song and Rachel Alexandra. Don't ask me about Barbaro unless you want this to be a double feature with #1.
Planning a Walt Disney World vacation. I literally talked to my folks about this impromptu for an hour yesterday. I have spreadsheets. And I am actually making a power point on the subject right now. The first slide header says, "Swaps, why is there a power point." Top answer is, "because it's fun."
Please feel free to share yours. :D
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hexagonspress · 1 year
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you are (not) becket by @gyzym
Here, it's simple: you and me and your dead brother are all swimming in the sick stillness of the water after the storm.
Titles: Mrs. Eaves Body text: Garamond Case title: OCR A Extended
3,079 words | 108 pages
Binderary book 2 (these are absolutely not in order of when I finished them. This was a frantic ten-minute case-in on the morning of the 27th before being three minutes late to work because I was washing my glue brush.): Pacific Rim is a story that went inside my ribcage and my brainstem and won't ever leave. It was my first exposure to a character who's dead from the beginning and who haunts the story for the rest of it and I think about Yancy Becket every two days and I will for the rest of my life. And thus, from there, I get here, where "my name is Becket and I didn't ask to be your gravestone. Like I wanted this, Becket, I swear to fucking god" is just a line that is tattooed on my brain. I've cried over this fic a bunch of times. It makes me feel ice-cream-scooped out in the middle of my chest. I love it and it needed to be in printed form.
More pictures/design/process under the cut.
Design and Construction Case and covers: Flat-back case binding with bradel board covers and spine. This was my first time experimenting with layered materials for the case, because I wanted to mirror the missing pieces that are such a prominent part of the vibes of the fic to me, and oh boy. Layer 1 was on the front board, Hollander's Mango Leaf tissue in blue. Layer 2 was a full-cloth binding with Hollander's pearl linen cloth in charcoal grey, with the upper left half of the title text cut out using a Cricut. Layer 3 was again on the front board, Hollander's Lokta paper in natural. All of the title text was cut out with a Cricut and then I ripped the paper in half (an ordeal) and glued it down with a glue stick. I chose to tear the front because there's a lot of imagery of being torn free versus letting go in Pacific Rim in general, and this fic specifically, and yknow, it felt right.
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Insides: No endbands; the book was too small for the pre-sewn ones to work. Endpapers are black cardstock and torn Lokta paper. The casing in was done with PVA, gluing a small tongue of the black cardstock to the case, and then I glued the torn Lokta paper over the rest of the bare board to create a faux endpaper. The torn papers are the same idea that I mentioned with the cover. The front paper is a torn piece of a whole - Raleigh, after Yancy. Mako, after her parents, after Stacker. Yancy. The back is a set of torn pieces pasted back together - Raleigh-and-Mako, without the people they've lost. Yancy, after. I don't know. I think about this a lot. (Also, I'll come clean. The black ink on the back endpaper is eyeliner. My deepest most sincere apologies to any archivists. I don't own black ink and it was three in the morning.)
Typesetting Typeset was done in InDesign. It's nothing fancy. Grief, in real life, and in the way that it is in Pacific Rim too, is a stark thing, and I wanted to reflect that. So, no headers, no page numbers even, and just plain black page breaks for each of the numbered sections. Garamond, my beloved.
We All Do It, or, the Mistakes Section Honestly, this was one enormous oops after another. Since the book's so small each page had to be cut out individually and I won't even get started on the number of mistakes I made doing that. Then I utility knife trimmed and sanded down the edges maybe six times because I couldn't achieve a straight line (I had to change my knife blade. This did not occur to me). The top margin is like 1.3 times bigger than the bottom margin. The Lokta paper faux endpapers were because I cut the original cardstock papers an inch too short and didn't feel like cutting them again. And then the big one...I measured for the case and then didn't write down which measurement was width and which was height. The case is literally the wrong orientation and I didn't realize until I put the block in and the top/bottom margins were wrong. I'm so fucking lucky that the margins were already so small that the block covered all the exposed board so I just cased in anyway but I did have to sit on my floor in despair for a good ten minutes.
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Here's the French link in progress because I didn't want to end on my series of fuck-ups. This was incredibly fun but I never want to make a book this small again. That's a lie. It's going to happen again but better. <3
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wipbigbang · 11 months
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The final round of art claims is open at @wipbigbang! We have all sorts of great stories left in multiple fandoms, and we'd love any type of fanart for them: traditional art, digital art, fanmixes, moodboards, fic covers/chapter headers...any kind of art you can imagine!
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/173272.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/yyxkCxyXJopMTyUs8.
Pacific Rim
Title: If You Need Me
Pairing/Characters: Chuck Hansen/Raleigh Becket main pairing and characters, no other pairings mentioned, Mako Mori and Herc Hansen briefly show up, Yancy Becket and Tendo Choi are briefly mentioned
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply
Deals a little bit with survivor's guilt, and mentions of previous hallucinations (but not described in detail)
Summary: Chuck promised a worried and overworked Mako Mori that he’d watch over her unconscious copilot when she couldn’t be there. Some unexpected misunderstandings happen. Raleigh wakes to familiar injuries and the hallucination of a man not quite his friend. Is it his damaged brain trying to give him closure? Or is it something more? An unlikely friendship blossoms into something else.
Raleigh wakes up in the Shatterdome hospital after being unconscious for two weeks following the final fight to close the breach. He sees Chuck in his room, and not realizing Chuck survived, Raleigh assumes he's hallucinating. This assumption carries on until Raleigh is discharged and, overwhelmed with emotion, Raleigh asks Chuck to stay with him. They share a bed for a while, and then their relationship progresses from a friendly one to a romantic and sexual one.
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a7w2h · 2 years
Hey hey hey!!
This is a blog run by several ppl, we’re all working together to create a comic!!
This is gonna be our masterpost, everyone’s names and personal blogs. Some of the members don’t have tumblr blogs but they exist and are EXTREMELY COOL!! Or some ppl just didn’t link them.
This is a comic about a personal hell, war, relationships, and betrayal!! We are def very serious and are def mostly angst. (Lies we’re just a bunch of little guys who joke around and sometimes angst)
Also all the chapters will be linked (whenever they are created)
Creator (made the very ground we walk):
Co creator (very!!! cool):
Writer/artist(?) (pretty neat):
Writer/artist (THATS ME!!):
Writer/artist (neato!):
Writer/artist (shes pretty cool):
Writer/artist (mac n' cheese):
Chapter 1:
-Soldier Avi
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rexxmako · 4 months
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my love, are you the devil? : ̗̀➛ 🗲
・ i would worship you instead of him ・ i have no time for confession ・ for i'm too busy committing sins ・ my love, you're something special ・i've never met someone like you ・ you'd make me fall from heaven ・ but i know just what i do
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𓆩⟡𓆪 names i go by: jay, rex, mako, maybe even soda or echo ❣
𓆩⟡𓆪 pronouns: they/them
𓆩⟡𓆪 🏳‍🌈: bi, enby, aroace
𓆩⟡𓆪 fandoms: lotr, percy jackson, hermitcraft, m@w, tbb
・❥・ sean bean simp
・❥・ honestly just gay as hell
・❥・ the geneva convention should fear me
・❥・ im also neurospicy
current custom tags: # rexx rants
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do not interact
If you are homophobic
If you are transphobic
If you are queerphobic
If you are ableist
If you are racist / sexist
If you have any intentions to harass / assault / bully / discriminate me for any of my beliefs, my gender and/or sexuality, the things I like, the things i create or make, etc
If you are someone who ships problematic ships
If you are a completely NSFW blog
If you are an empty blog (because I'll mistake you for a porn bot lol)
if you support isra3l, gen0cide, etc
moon divider | top and bottom headers
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axgmented · 10 months
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there were instances, if one were to observe the Turk on her lonesome, that they would be able to see certain attributes of her donors and their mannerisms. While the feral gremlin of a Turk had always held a passion for reading, she was much more the type to have someone read to her but those moments were few and far between considering she didn't mingle much outside of her work place. Reno's read a few bedtime stories to her, Rufus too-- her favourite about the Nightingale; she's heard it so many times that she could recite it to herself if she wanted to, but it just didn't hold the same affect.
She was currently asleep, head resting in an upturned palm at the desk in her little reading nook; it's in front of the window in the living room, window open to let in the summers breeze, a few strings of fairy lights outlining where it was, almost sectioning it off. Her body was contorted, legs tugged near her chest and a thick, chunky knitted blanket draped across her body all tucked and huddled up in a circle-cushioned chair; no one she complained about her body hurting all the time. she fell asleep in the weirdest places, in the most awkward positions-- her neck, without a doubt would be aching in the morning.
She hadn't expected visitors, couldn't really remember locking her door. It wasn't like she feared for her life; in fact, rem sometimes welcomed attempts to cut her down, to send her to the underworld because it almost always failed. A great way to snuff out a life without having to feel guilty: it was her or them. Beneath her one hand, a book was underneath her fingertips and a pen balanced against the page and resting at the crook of her thumb, opened to the middle while two more were off to the side. It seemed that her mind was loud again, like she had once told him a month or so ago when they stumbled upon one another; instead of taking a walk, it seems she threw herself into the world of academia.
It was a book of flowers, their medicinal uses and no doubt old mountain recipes that claimed to cure ailments and hindrances. She had fallen asleep on a page about a plant whose flower claimed to cure inflammation of the joints and more importantly, aid in psychosis and nervousness. Always the optimist, seeking out alternative routes of mako shots even though she knows it's all for naught. She would never be able to survive without that poison but it was cute she would delude herself. a little notebook sat to the side, the President's name scrawled across as the header before the name of the plant was scribed beneath a few other bulleted plants. Oh-- the research wasn't for herself it seemed.
She gives a faint noise of protest, feeling someone move the pen from her grasp and she starts to let it happen before those training instincts kicked in: she hadn't fallen asleep with someone in her house. Her eyes flew open, her head picking up from the upturned palm and said hand that acted as a cradle now crooked her fingers into claws before a gloved hand snatched at her wrist. She bares her teeth, ready to sink them into the wrist of the offender before his voice makes the Turk pause in her assault; oh-- oh it was this one.
She rests back against her papasan chair, exhaling a sharp breath before a pout makes her lower lip jut out like a child woken from a nap far too early. Her wrist was released and her other dropped the pen she had aimed at his stomach onto the book before it came towards her face and rubbed the sleep from her vision, the other arm flopping against her side. What time was it? How did he get in? All of these questions died on her tongue, mouth parting to begin her inquisition on the auburn-haired man, but that syrupy bubble of anxiety began to form, thick and tacky in her brain.
"Easy, you're tired."
there's a hum as his response, body feeling too heavy to do much of anything other than curl up tighter in her chair. She lazily paws at the blankets but she can't seem to get her hands and brain to work the way they're supposed to so she huffs like a toddler before giving up and she wants to stick her tongue out at him for his laughter. The fabric slides up her arms, tucking beneath her chin and she feels her head sink deeper against the plush cushion of the chair-- she's never known this damn thing to be this soft. Rem wants to ask him to read from the herbology book, but her tongue won't work and her voice is lost; this one always seemed to do it to her.
She can feel his shadow crowd her, feel his breath on her temple before pressure is applied to the thinner of her scars; this one on the left of her temple while its twin was hidden against a silvery curtain of hair. She tips her head up slightly, ever so slightly against the feeling of the innocent kiss before exhaustion takes over again and easily she succumbs to the void of sleep that pulls her over the twilight edge of sleep.
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achiels · 1 year
the urge to make that mako (oc) drawing of him doing the jerma thanksgiving fat ass bit my header is soo strong.
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zenyuu · 1 year
is ur header tohru fruisbtaskatsk.
fruist mbeaskc
It's Mako from Selection Project !
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avatarstuffs · 4 years
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ᨒ 要素 : tlok headers – fav/reblog.
team avatar chibi png credits here
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avatardits · 4 years
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mako {headers}
like/reblog | @spearbinsung
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nizicons · 4 years
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niziu debut is coming!!!
like if u save/use 🌈
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yubinzita · 3 years
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ela é amiga da minha mulher, pois é pois é, mas vive dando em cima de mim, enfim enfim
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luvsevnizi87 · 3 years
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– niziu mako, miihi & rima matching + layout!
like and save if you liked! ♡
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