#makes sense
sabh0 · 28 days
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@///_bsd_edits on Instagram gave me the idea to draw that based on one Ueda and Kimisawa interaction
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The thing ^
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keferon · 3 months
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Pow you messed with the Wreckers. Or something haha
Listen I don’t have a type. BUT SOMEHOW every time I find and add a character to my favorites, he turns out to be a wrecker. My best theory - I have a built-in wrecker radar~
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sidetongue · 2 months
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the sweet fam
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dateamonster · 4 months
dont want to get ahead of myself here but im starting to think my transmasc bella swan dream was prophetic
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Awww 🥰
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littlelightfish · 1 month
Chilchuck being introduced to us:
Sneaky? Bow user? Ranger maybe? Mysterious? Emo?
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This guy knows how to dodge. He has nice reflexes. Not emo. Nice hair. Wait. Guy? Maybe short-hair girl? Maybe ponytail usser? Can't tell.
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Oh its dead. Super smol. Kid?
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Chilchuck? Funny name. I like it.
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This boy is done with the living part of life. Why does he sound so done?
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Worried bean. He looks less-young here. How old is he? If he wasn't that short i's say he's 20 by only looking at this frame. Big aah brows do the trick. Also disappointed in life pose.
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Why he so ears. Baby face. He so proud of himself. Brows still be giving him +15 years. He acts way mature to be a kid. But.. he a baby...
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He stands. But why in default dad pose. Someone explain.
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Oooh he cares <3
Also, no person under 15 just hands you a tissue (a fabric one also) to blow your nose. This guy is older than he seems. But how the fuck. Oh wait. The party running from mosters also had a kid on their party??? Maybe there's some fantasy shit going on??? Is he cursed to look a baby???
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toshidou · 2 years
18+ ONLY
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Currently staring out of the window thinking about how fucking good Ghost's voice would sound right next to your ear, deep and breathy as he grinds into your cunt, rough whispers of "feels so fucking good sweetheart" that have you quivering around his cock.
Sat here unable to stop thinking about how Simon Riley is a man of very little words until he sinks into you, who gets so easily lost in the wet heat of your pussy, reduced to nothing more than guttural grunts and praise, accentuated by the way his accent twists every word to sound so deliciously sinful against the shell of your ear.
Sobbing in my chair as I picture just how infuriatingly hot Simon 'Ghost' Riley would look as he finally finds his release, usually dead, cold eyes scrunched closed, groans of pleasure leaking from his agape lips, bitten red from both his teeth and yours. His toned hips lazily thrusting against your ass, cock twitching from oversensitivity but he just can't fucking stop, can't get enough of the way your walls still suck him in, refusing to let him pull out and leave you empty and whining. Shivering as he huffs out a fond laugh, a ghost of breath that fans over your face as he hums softly, "just can't let me go, can you darlin'? don't worry, we've got all night, and i've only just begun."
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weirdsimsinhistory · 4 months
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I learned a lot today about the personality of the Grim Reaper ahhaah
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deunmiu-dessie · 1 month
struggling sooo bad with writing this dragon smut! like that's the only thing i'm stuck on--- do i morph it? do ya'll want it to stay its true size. ya'll his peen is gonna tear the reader apart, do i make one peen smaller than the other so it fits? or do i just make him smaller? you guys i have 9k words of pure plot, and i'm almost done--- HOW DOES HE FUCK THE READER THO?!
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inuhalfdemon · 1 month
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Honestly.. Alastor just looks like anyone I've seen work in retail approx. 37 seconds after they've gotten back home.
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drama-glob · 4 months
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Mimzy having a Mammon tattoo makes total sense given her personality and is a nice Easter Egg, especially since she was messing with loan sharks. ;) XD
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comradekatara · 9 months
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@narrativelysignificantturtleduck's tags on this post
these tags are interesting, because what is it that sokka needs to hear, exactly? i think what he needed to be told from hakoda is simply “you are fundamentally important and your life has value because you are a human being. you do not need to be powerful or exceptional or to be worthy of existing. you deserve a full life regardless of how well you are able to conform to certain standards or prove yourself to others.” it is also what katara needs to hear, even if her dehumanization also involves her lionization. (as does aang, obviously.) but hakoda cannot say this to his children, because like his children, the genocide of their people is all he has ever known. the colonized subject cannot envision their right to exist as a given under a system that violently denies their humanity.
katara and sokka represent this struggle acutely: both are completely alone. katara is the last waterbender of her tribe, tasked with upholding the sacred heritage of her people; sokka is the last warrior of his tribe, tasked with providing for and protecting his people at all costs, at the cost of his own life. (and obviously aang’s isolation is defined by the very name of the show.) their struggles are, of course, a product of fn imperialism. they do not have the luxury of enjoying their own humanity, it has been robbed from them. “the southern raiders” helps katara understand her own humanity (by gaining a more nuanced picture of the stories she was told and told herself to survive), just as “the boiling rock” helps sokka understand his (at the very least, he learns that he is worthy of protection and support and that he is not alone), but as we know, this process of even beginning to accept their fullness of self beyond the colonial limits of their identities is a long and grueling road.
hakoda is of course not responsible for the dehumanization of his children, the fire nation is. he is also a victim of imperialism. and there is nothing he could have done differently to change the fact that katara is the last southern waterbender. but he is responsible for sokka internalizing the patriarchal logic that led to him adopting the role of sacrificial protector. he clearly thought that leaving sokka behind was the best way to keep his thirteen year old son safe from the fire nation, but sokka, who (correctly) assumed that it was only a matter of time before the fire nation returned to their shores, internalized that his father and all the other men of his tribe abandoned him to protect his people all by himself, expecting him to die for katara when the time came for it, just like his mother.
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parfavar · 3 months
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thestarrystoryteller · 8 months
Another idea: Odd squad is just the kids version of the SCP foundation
Think about it. Where do the SCP foundation get so many skilled scientists or agents? Kids. From odd squad. It’s training them.
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sauroff · 1 year
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Eldest brothers having a well deserved break from all their siblings
(Maglor and Turgon are having an awful time. Specially Turgon).
My "Most likely to end up naked for no reason" ranking for the Finweans is Celegorm -> Finrod -> Aredhel
(posting this at 5am because something failed and I just noticed I never posted it)
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empydoc · 4 months
obsessed with how a lot of redacted fics use the listener pet name like their actual, government name.
i mean i get it, what other name will you use?
but also like … it could be a life or death situation and a dude named david shaw will be calling the name angel like he forgot about their actual name years ago and that’s all he remembers
incredible. continue
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