#love y’all <3
lesbianwriter · 5 months
Hello there! May we have a villain obsessed over not just hero, but her girlfriend as well? I find the concept of a villain obsessed with both parts of a pair really interesting. Thank you!
“Isn’t she such a darling little thing?”
Villain ran her finger along a picture of Civilian at the animal shelter, cradling and feeding a kitten. One of many, many photos tacked onto Villain’s board with a heart-shaped push pin, a bloody red color as violent as Villain’s desire for poor, sweet Civilian.
She ran her finger along a photo of Hero next to it, smiling.
Unlike other villains, who would have been vengeful if they discovered their enemy had a girlfriend—maybe even going so far as to harm said person—when Villain discovered Hero’s girlfriend, she was struck by Cupid’s arrow and knew in her heart that wanted both of them. Hero, with her intensity and passion, with years of fights, jagged scars and tender bruises. Civilian, with her soft gaze and sweet nature. Surely Civilian could learn to look at Villain with kindness and love, as she did with those kittens and puppies in the shelter. Surely Hero would learn to love her, too—learn to see her scars, her faults, and love her for it instead of condemn her.
“Villain, I think you’re taking it just a little too far.” Henchman said, as he looked at the board. “Why do you need so many photos of them?”
“It’s called manifesting, Henchman.” Villain pouted, glaring back at her subordinate.
He didn’t understand love.
Not how she did.
It seemed nobody understood love how she did. Nobody was as passionate as her about love.
“It’s stalkerish.”
“We’re villains, do you put it past me?” She sighed. Of course, count on Henchman to throw a wrench in her fun.
He’d been that way since they were kids. Henchman was a shepherd trying to tame a wolf. Yet he stayed, and as much as Villain tried to find out why he hadn’t left, he never gave her a definitive answer—nothing deep, nothing meaningful, nothing Villain could scour for meaning. None of the fluff and flowery words that Villain loved, like in the fairytale books she’s pored over as a kid.
“…no, not really.” He sighed stepped closer to the board, his brown eyes taking in all the photos of Hero and Civilian. “So, what’s your grand plan? Kidnap the both of them?”
“Exactly.” Villain smiled, clapping her hands together at the idea.
Hero and Civilian would still love each other, then they’d love Villain too, and they’d all be in love together.
It would be a bumpy road, but it would be worth it. Hero would fight. She would struggle and claw and kick, and that’s because she was passionate—she had passion, as Villain had passion for love and all things romantic, and all Villain had to do was harness that passion…turn the fighting spirit into affection.
After all their battles, all their scars, Villain could hold Hero close without hurting her.
That’s all she wanted.
Hero just didn’t ever let it happen, because she was stubborn, because she didn’t trust Villain. However, she would fix that. The bruises would turn into something more romantic and symbolic than mere wounds—they’d be a testament of their love, they’d be a violent delight.
Oh, and sweet, precious Civilian…a normal girl who worked at an animal shelter, tending to animals in need. Villain wanted to be cared for that way, looked at with kindness, instead of given judgmental looks from others who deemed her insane…she would show Civilian her vulnerabilities, and surely Civilian would make a space, even a tiny nook, for her in that beautiful heart.
Civilian could make her feel normal, make her feel loved.
Was it wrong for Villain to merely want to spread love? The plan was all laid out. The tactics, the words she’d say to them…all of it was planned and orchestrated so that she could win them over.
Henchman looked at Villain, his eyebrows furrowed. “I don’t like that look on your face. That means you’re planning something bad, and it’s going to blow up in your face, and I’ll have to comfort you while you cry into my shoulder, even though I warned you.”
“Why are you being so unsupportive today?” Villain glared, her smile fading. “I don’t force you to be here. You could leave if you wanted to. I know you think I’m crazy, so why bother with me?”
Henchman’s look was as cold and pointed as a knife. “Villain, this isn’t going to fix the past. This obsession isn’t going to help you get better, it isn’t going to erase what happened, it won’t fill that hole inside of you.”
“You don’t know that.” Villain stared at Henchman.
He was wrong. Everybody was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Nobody understood her, her love, her heart.
Hero’s and Civilian’s love couldn’t erase the past, but it could prove something—it could prove that despite what everyone said, she could be loved.
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frogcrushsstuff · 1 year
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New art, who this??? :p
I love this man and his bf with all my heart, oml. Like, I’ve re-read their comic so many times, but it’s still always new and exiting, like, what kind of witchcraft is this???? But anyways, literally all of @marsoid s stuff is so cool!! Like-
Anyways, I hope that u liked my art and have a great morning/day/evening/night!! :)
Love y’all <333
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myfairkatiecat · 7 days
trust me you’re a KOTLC celebrity. When you followed me back I was like WHAT NO WAY
Okay I gotta say. Nobody is about to convince me that im a KOTLC celeb. Like I only started actively posting about kotlc on tumblr barely before the sudden influx of new fans. By like a month. I’m a BABY on the tumblr side of this fandom.
BUT. I sincerely appreciate all of you guys who think I’m that cool. Seriously. It makes my day. The fact that some of you think I’m THAT cool?? That it meant something to you that I followed you? That’s INSANE to me. And I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH
trust me y’all are cooler than me
Even though I’m NOT about to be convinced that I’m a “big” KOTLC blog, it really is significant to me that so many people see me that way. I adore you guys!!!
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lordoftheweevils · 5 months
thoughts on Barsha in TNC?
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boyobjectifier · 1 month
probably won’t be hopping back on here anytime soon bc i got the job i was talking about at the beginning of winter last year 🥹
i work for a piercer who runs a gold body jewelry company and a piercing shop and i don’t think i could’ve landed a job more perfect for me
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aggsh-shs · 6 months
i love my mutuals
that is all.
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lost-in-sokovia · 3 months
as much as i enjoy not feeling pressured to write fanfiction or anything and just write what i want in my google docs (which is like poetry-adjacent stuff) and im readjusting a lot of things in my life which is good
but like
i miss being relevant on the internet just a little bit🤪 which sounds fucking stupid but i do🤪
like i’m glad im not in the depths of depression like i was WHEN i hit my relevancy peak on the internet, but i miss people reading my stuff i miss producing content for everyone i miss making friends on here (even though i value each and every one i’ve made along the way AND i so very much value my irl friends im just a social butterfly).
it’s though okay i love supporting everyone on here sometimes i just miss everything and im glad for the way my life is changing rn :)
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lilas · 1 year
flowers and hearts and candy for the friends in my phone 😘💋 thank you for enriching my life from miles and miles away
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angelicdevl · 3 days
if you’re Hispanic or mixed just know I love you <3
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lemonmatronicsart · 18 days
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First character made for the revamp era of my purple bitches
Chat, do we fw Dante
Some character info below \/
Name: Dante
Age: 32
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: (Ft)Male
Sexuality: Open for HC :3
-Brother of Boogie and cousin of Tumble
-While Boogie moved to the cityscape, Dante stayed and continued living in the outskirts
-Dante is a hybrid, hybrids being more common in the outskirts
-Dante and Boogie do have different dads but same mom,, Dante was not planned but hey his mama still loved him all the same
-Both of their fathers are still around, Dante’s dad visiting often and being around when he was young. Despite his conception being a fling they did stil co-parent
-Dante and Boogie basically had 3 parents despite them not all dating
-Is related to Tumble through the mother’s side, if course
-Despite presenting a very fem aura he loooves getting muddy on the farm
-Loves to help ship food to the nearby circus, has been offered a job there before, wasn’t sure how to feel about that
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frogcrushsstuff · 13 days
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Rowan (they/them)
I missed drawing this silly lil guy so much, idk why I don’t do it more often OMGGGG
Btw, here’s all of the (finished) drawings that I did of them from newest to oldest! :) I really like the idea of them growing up w me, so we’ll stick with that haha
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(I really hope that you can kind of see improvement haha) (even though I also still really like the last version I drew of them (the one in the middle))
As always, feel free to tell me what I could improve on with my later drawings :)
Love y’all and have a very nice day/night <333
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linguafrencha · 10 months
Day 36
Принять (verb, perf.) - to accept
Исправить (verb, perf.) - to correct
Слепить (verb, perf.) - to model/sculpture
Прятаться (verb, imperf.) - to hide
Луч (noun, m.) - beam/ray
Тоска (noun, f.) - yearning/anguish
Простота (noun, f.) - simplicity
Незаметно - imperceptibly
Пускай - let (sb. do smth.)
Обделить (verb, perf.) - to deprive
Songs: Пульс by Mona Songz & Дискотека на двоих by LYRIQ
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wbg-quotes · 2 months
I wish I could boop y’all back, but you can’t boop from sideblogs :(
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hargrove-mayfields · 10 months
Ten Songs & Ten People
Rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten other people (or more or less)
Thank you Saf for taggin me!! @shieldofiron ❤️
1. Happy Trails- Roy Rogers
2. Wheelchair Waltz- Chris Haskett & Brandon Finley
3. B.B.B.F.F- Twilight Sparkle (don’t judge)
4. Where Do I Go From Here- Paul Williams
5. It’s Not Over (If I’m Not Over You)- Reba McEntire
6. Chemical Bomb- The Aquabats!
7. Never Running Out of Time- Rick Bailey
8. Magical Mystery Tour- Chicago
9. I Got You Babe- Sonny & Cher
10. Backstreets- Bruce Springsteen
I’ll pass this on to: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @intothedysphoria @thatgirlwithasquid @jaylikesrainbowtigers @carito-dorito @boffeeceans @gonegrove @foxyworldposts @onefinem0rning @femmebilly
Sorry for any double tags! Also, if you didn’t get tagged but wanna do it, go ahead!! Just join in and say I tagged you! /gen 💕
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mountain-in-springtime · 11 months
thank you to @writingcold @watchingovergvff @ageofhearingloss and @anthemofgvf for the tags!! this is 10 of my current favorite songs
i’m gonna tag my darlings @sunfl0wer-power @allieisacrybaby @puzzle-gvf @safety-sam @takenbythestarcatchers @sunandthemoontwinflames @gretasmokerising and @myfriendtheghost
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gamerbearmira · 11 months
THANK YOU FOR +700⁉️⁉️
Bro I. Cannot express my happiness. Seriously. It might not seem like a lot to others but. This is such a big milestone for me, and you guys are just. So cool???? I saw it on my phone, and then checked the website and my iPad and saw it was indeed real.
And like y’all interact with my blog so much, I love making content for you all <333 can’t wait for more people to join this crazy little blog 🌚
I wanna do sumn special because I really am happy. But. I have no idea what so. If you have any ideas, go ahead and give me some ‼️‼️ I’m y’all mad creative, so asks and subs are open ☝️🍃
AGAIN THANK YOU RAHHHHHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅 some art soon <3
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