#love crime
polishchuk · 6 months
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sempercredens · 6 months
obsessed with love crime honestly. imagine you're making your gay little cannibal show with a niche audience and then you get goth icon siouxsie sioux to sing the song that plays over one of the most insane tv show finales to ever grace a television screen.
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multifandom--mess · 3 months
that one violin part in love crime towards the end goes so hard
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sherisonthebench · 16 days
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macabremaxx · 2 months
Dan and Phil crafts x love crime 𐕣ִ ࣪𖤐𓄃
Because I’m feeling insane rn
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etqpe · 1 month
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thelunaticartist · 2 months
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Warning: Mayor spoilers for NBC Hannibal
Well, the ending was ... I don't know what to say
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polishchuk · 6 months
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robocultist · 6 months
So, I just watched Hannibal. Cue my new hyper fixation for the next few months. While we’re here, might as well rant off some of my first initial thoughts.
1. The cliff scene ripped my heart out. There is no better way it could have ended. I’m going to rant about this later, or else it will take up half of this post.
2. How the fuck did Freddie bloody Lounds survive to the end???
3. Both of the main characters are so so fucked up. Main reason I ship them is cause if they are not together they are a hazard to everyone around them.
4. On that same note, how did Will not have a stronger reaction to his head literally being attempted to be cut in half?
5. The crime scenes are so beautiful at times. Especially the mushroom one and the dude in the flower tree.
6. I’m just happy Alana and Margot got a genuinely nice ending.
7. I’ve listened to Love Crime over 50 times over the last couple days.
8. Bedelia is such an interesting character, especially with her relation to Hannibal. The final scene with her cooked leg can be interpreted in several ways, also going to rant about this later.
9. Hannibal fanfic is god tier. Please give me recs.
10. I want a romcom of this show filmed from Hannibal’s perspective, this is a need.
Expect more Hannibal posts soon, this turned out longer than I expected :D
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fireuntjlcombust · 10 months
I finished Hannibal two days ago and my heart broke for a strange reason, actually. Not because the show ended, or should I say, not only because of this: I always thought that Will was manipulated by Hannibal, I was so blind by this information that I didn’t recognized a lot of signals that Will was actually “sick”, not like Hannibal but still, and in reality this was his nature.
I love them together, don’t get me wrong, I ship them and Hannigram edits are the reason why I started watching this show but with Season 3 finale my prospective changed completely: Will became just as bad as Hannibal was, just with more empathy and humanity and he wasn’t gaslighted by Hannibal as I thought.
When watching the show I didn’t ask myself “if Will hates Hannibal so much and he wants him to be dead, why he never kills him?” I thought it was normal to have a lot of occasions to kill Hannibal and never doing it (for me, Will was waiting for the perfect time) but in reality he didn’t kill him because he cared and he was his lover. He just couldn’t do that because he needed the way Hannibal made him feel since no one would be at the same level as him culturally, emotionally and mentally as Hannibal was.
In the last episode (3x13) he had a lot of possibilities to kill Hannibal but never did it (when they were in the police’s car, in the house on the cliff since they stayed there ‘til the sun went down, when Hannibal changed his clothes and etc. all of these were great moments in my opinion but he didn’t even tried to kill him); Will tried to hide his true self because it was ethically wrong but he loved killing Hobbs in the first place (as he said in the first episode, if I remember well) and Hannibal did not manipulate him, he just helped Will seeing his true self for real.
I am asking myself.. would Will have ran away with Hannibal and Abigail for real? He seemed so comfortable with the person he was becoming side by side with Hannibal and when he got a little taste of it, he got scared and denied his feelings even if he forgave Hannibal. There was this “enemies to lovers” dynamic that really blowed my mind; Will just wanted to be loved for the person he really was and Hannibal really devoted his whole self and freedom to Will.
At first I didn’t recognized his acts like devotion but at the end of the series I picked up all the missing pieces I didn’t understand and that’s why it hurts this much: their love was really emotional, passionate and intense.. Will really took the train after being stabbed just to see Hannibal again. There’s a lot of things to say, to talk about, it’s just insane how their love is more powerful and intense than others fictional couples that kissed or had s3x: mental connection is stronger than kisses or physical touch, as I read in an article: when jumping on that cliff, they were sorrounded by all the kisses they never shared psychically but just mentally.
Love is about forgiveness.
Sorry, these are just a bunch of night’s thoughts, here is 4:00 am and I can’t sleep; english is not my first language too.
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kornelias · 1 year
“Human emotions are a gift from our animal ancestors. Cruelty is a gift humanity has given itself”
Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter
Instagram: _idealart
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oneinchbarrier · 2 months
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navi-does-stuff · 7 months
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Okay, @legbird, you want it, you GOT it !!!!
I thought the quote "Feeling paternal, Will?" was fitting here teehee
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etherealamoeba · 9 months
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Hannibal - Wrath of the Lamb (3x13)
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Love Crime makes me so violently ill every time I hear it I think I’ve been Pavloved.
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