#lizard fashion day 2 electric boogaloo
draculadrawalong · 17 days
May 15
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While the Count keeps going in his lizard fashion, Jonathan got to explore a bit of the castle. It's essential to do some exercise once in a while, even on a business trip, like looking for a way to escape and pushing dead bolted doors.
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danidoesathing · 5 years
Dr. Corenthal is the dad of the Slenderverse AU Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo
I’m stealing a lot of ideas from my discord and Tim’s alters are from @jaysbabyknife
Some ideas from: @habitmorelikefuckyou, @benjamin-benny-ben, @cryptidalex, @jaysbabyknife and others (but I don’t have their urls)
I would like to preference this with the fact I do not have DID. If I get anything wrong I’m sorry, please let me know so I can change it.
So anywho, lets get onto the domestic headcanons
-This should be obvious but the Corenthal household is LGBT+ friendly!!! No homophobes and transphobes allowed thanks!!
-Evan and Alex play Overwatch and Forenight together a lot
-Steph collects bugs! She really likes them and finds them fascinating
-Milo still has Oscar the cat
-Stan has a little garden back behind the house
-Tim and Jay are dating because I said so
-There first date was them exploring the woods together, neither of them thought it was a date until Tim had the impulse to kiss him and he did and then went “K bye see you next time” and they’ve been dating ever sense
-The Corenthal household loves Jay, he’s practically one of my them at this point
-Jay has a bunch of lizards and rats and he bring them over from time to time
-One of them is named Jimothan and he’s a big baby
-Sunday movie nights with family. Friends and datefriends are allowed but if your corenthal’s kid you gotta be there
-Patrick and Michael share a room. They could have separate rooms but when Michael has a nightmare or panic attack (something that used to happen often) Patrick calms him down, and vice versa
-Tim reads a lot of books
-One of the rules of the house: If you see, think or even feel something wrong, you tell someone. It may be nothing, but it could be something
-Everyone still takes medication
-Alex reads a lot of comics and really like superhero movies
-Jeff isn’t really a fan but he’ll take Alex to see them anyway
-Alex dresses up as Spiderman for Halloween
-Tim works at a movie theater not too far from the house
-Roger dragging Vinnie out to the woods to search for Bigfoot and the Mothman
-Michael, Tim and Jeff both love music and play together sometimes
-Patrick still dresses in really fancy outfits whenever he can
-Stan is dating a girl from down the road named Susan
-They’re that cutesy couple who everyone hates for being too cute
-Tim has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
-“Masky” in this universe is name is Vendetta, Ven for short. He saw the movie once and said “that’s my name now”
-He’s selectively mute. He usually uses sign language
-He’s like.... a huge dork. Like he’s still feral and stuff but... he’s a major dork
-He tends to wonder the forest when he wants to be alone
-He’s got a huge crush on Jay. He keeps leaving jay wildflowers (with dirt and roots) and is like “DOES HE LIKE THEM??”
-He keeps wanting to hug and kiss him all the time and Tim is just like “please stop”
-Tim: “Alright we’re going to hang out with ja-“ Ven, forcing himself to the front: “JAY??? JAY?!? 💕JAY!!!”
-He and Jay have to talk by texting for a while
-Jay learning sign language so he can talk to Ven and Ven goes “!!!!!!”
-come on Jay how come you get two boyfriends
-Ven likes to walk around at odd hours. Tim will wake up at Burger King at 3:46 am and be like “Fuck”
-Loves!!! Rain!!!
-Halloween is his time
-Dr. Corenthal has to turn on tracking on his phone so he can find Tim when this happens
-He has a younger alter named Billy, who’s ten years old
-He is baby
-He makes fun of Tim a lot and loves armadillos
-He keeps trying to convince Jay to steal one from the zoo and Jay is so tempted
-Alex is excited because he’s not the youngest anymore!!!
-He wants Tim to be a cowboy for some reason
-Billy: “Dr. Corenthal can we get an armadillo and name it Sprinkles” Corenthal: “It kills me to say no but-“
-He helps Stan with his garden sometimes
-Billy also loves Sparky
-He has an alter named Mary and she is a mom
-She is very calm and respectful to everyone
-She’s so.... soft
-Protective af
-She and Dr. Corenthal like to sit and just talk
-She gets very worried whenever Evan has his knives out cause like... it’s dangerous and Christ he’s gonna hurt himSELF PUT IT DOWN
-She really likes to draw. She’s a really good artist
-Mary would like.... die for this family
-Her favorite band is The Oh Hellos
-Tim: *stays up until 1am watching Netflix eating drunk food* Mary, on the verge of tears: “Please.... just go to bed”
-All of Tim’s alters love Jay. All of them
-When Dr. Corenthal found out Tim had DID he was like “Great!!! More kids!!!”
-Brian will come over a lot and play with Alex
-D&D nights on Tuesdays
-Stan tutors a 3rd grader named Willow from down the road
-Milo still writes in his journal
-Noah really likes photography
-The Rake is there but he’s not... evil or anything he’s just.... there
-Alex and him can talk like, telepathically kinda of
-Alex puts little hats and stuff on the Rake and he’s cool with it
-Milo and Noah will go out at weird times, like they leave at 2am for milkshakes because they just want milkshakes
-Patrick is the go to man for events outfits. He’s got a top notch fashion sense
-Of course living in a house full of people that mostly wear hoodies and flannel gives him a headache
-Once when Alex was 8 he convinced Jeff to perform in his school’s talent show. Jeff really didn’t want to do it but he wanted to make Al happy
-The whole family showed up and were so proud of them
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nuclearmu5hroom · 5 years
About me game
I was tagged by @m-is-for-mungo thank you <3
How tall are you?
I’m 5'6" (167 cm approx)
What color and style is your hair?
Half brown, half blue butch cut i guess
What color are your eyes?
Do you wear glasses/braces?
I wear glasses whenever im not sleeping i have extremely poor eyesight (i think my good eye is 200/20?)
Fashion sense?
Uh, i guess im trying to bring back 90s grunge? Idk i dress in anything i want
Full name?
John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt. His name is my name too
When were you born?
March 15 1985
Where are you from and where do you live?
From the Lehigh Valley, PA; currently in the Poconos
What school do you go to?
I went to Vo-Tech for residential and commercial painting and decorating, graduated hs, then went to an unaccredited art school for a season then just worked all my life
What kind of student are you?
4.2 gpa yall. Not that im a bad student i just skipped several days a week
Do you like school?
Id like to go back but maybe after kids get older
Favorite subject?
Favorite TV shows?
Cartoons mostly
Favorite movie?
Ugh that list is entirely too long
Favorite book?
Dune, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, everything by Alan Moore
Favorite pastimes?
I draw, play guitar, sculpt, fiber arts, watch hockey, play vidya games, mess around with my boys
Do you have regrets?
I gots em
Dream job?
To be the weird person in the middle of the woods who grows lavender and sunflowers and weed and sells pottery and herbs and shit and bakes fuckin pie and hash brownies
Would you like to be married?
LMAO 2: electric boogaloo
No im just getting out of one
Would you like to have kids?
I have 2 boys. Theyre the funniest fuckin people on the planet and im so proud of them
How many?
See above
What countries have you visited?
:/ i have not yet been out of the country ive never been able to afford to
Scariest nightmare?
I have reoccurring dreams about a few things; not nightmares really but i have dreams about my childhood home, my teeth falling out, my mouth full of glass, tornados, and an endless ruin of a brick train station
Any enemies?
Any significant one?
My lizard brain that tries to kill me
Do you believe in miracles?
I believe in good fortune and coincidences
How are you?
Im here so i guess thats alright
Im bad at this gonna tag @fiofly @uglehcat @sewlongfarewell @abbeysnail @vkm11 @catastrotaffy @charomiami
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