#lego monkie kid x reader
luxthestrange · 2 days
LMK Incorrect quotes#98 Husbands
Y/n: I make out with Macaque? He's fine. I kiss him on the nose? He's a mess
Y/n: I slap Wukong's on the ass? He doesn't care, I hold his hand and kiss his knuckles? He's inconsolable-
Y/n: Why does simple affection break them? I do not know-
PIF*Hums drinking tea beside you*My husband is the same...I slam him into a wall and have my way with him? he is fine but if I grab his face and nuzzle my forehead against his?...Oh, he drops to his knees and won't look me in the eyes for hours!
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lotusarchon · 1 day
hey hey, i would like to ask a question out of curiosity (and im sorry if i sound offensive; im not skilled in the department of wording and communication) the 'mischaracterization' thing; would u tell me more of why u dislike it very much, and give examples of it for better understanding?
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Nah dude it's fine, I don't find you offensive one bit. I am surprised with the question but I'll try to word myself as much as I possibly can.
Also, full disclaimer; I am a fanfic writer, and I understand wanting to give a character more/a better personality and backstory, to give more room what the show writers didn't do. I do the same as well; my famous example is Sakura Haruno and giving her more personality than just a girl obsessed with boys. So, I'm aware people may try to give a character better personalities for whatever reason.
There's a limit to how much I can take with it, and the LMK fandom really do take it too far. I'm in a bunch of fandoms, and I'm using Jujutsu Kaisen as an example with how writers tend to write Sukuna especially for shipping with OCs/Readers. Do you wanna know why I'm okay with it though, in JJK?
Because they at least know their fave is horrible. I'm not saying the fandom is good, but at least the few I've read from do in fact get the characters right and don't stereotype them, and if they do, they KNOW their faves are pieces of shits. They just don't care and anyways, it's a fanfic. They aren't gonna go bash people for disagreeing with them (from my experience. And if the JJK fandom has it, idc still, they're better than most of y'all here)
In LMK, it's so, so bad. The mischaracterization doesn't just stay as that. It's become the literal fanon vs canon thing because that's what the fans do. In every fanfic, fanart, ANYTHING related to the characters in the fandom, they stereotype and dumb down every single fucking one. I used to read fics and I've had to stop because of how disgusted I am. It's literally just "they would NOT be like that", but ah, god forbid you try to tell that to this fandom, because if you try you're a proshipper, homophobe/transphobe or racist.
I have a good few examples too, but my most popular ones are;
Fanon Wukong: A bad guy that abandoned MK, abused his 'best friend', just a sexy, hot monkey with grr possessive alpha traits. And, oh yeah! He's so stupid, he can't even read because he's just a big guy with ex issues and nothing else.
Fanon Macaque: A victim who was only trying to get his best/boy friend back. He definitely loves MK as a kid and is a better parent than Wukong. Ignore the fact he never once took blame for the trauma he put MK through as well, he's a victim and a little baby/daddy who just wants love. He's completely misunderstood guys.
Fanon MK: Personality? What personality? He's Red Son's and/or Mei little boyfriend who is just a baby obsessed with fucking and can't think of anything else. He's traumatized so, so badly and is just a poor little baby who's only source of comfort is Macaque because Macaque understands him more, definitely. He's dumb or maybe too smart for his own good but that's okay, there's always someone else to help him.
Fanon Tripitaka: An abusive cunt. Need I say more?
Fanon Nezha: Oh dear, guys he's just a grumpy baby guys, he's a grumpy lil baby, definitely not an adult stressed and exhausted, nah. He's a baby.
See where I'm getting at? Nine times out of ten you check a fanfic in this fandom regardless of the pairing or the plot, these are the kind of traits you see in these characters. There's nothing else but them dumbed down to being morons.
Nevermind that Sun Wukong is actually smart and most definitely has trouble reading modern writing, nevermind that Macaque has never owned up to his actions even when he played a part in hurting MK, nevermind that MK isn't just some sex obsessed baby and has problems and is a grown ass adult who needs therapy, nevermind that Tripitaka of all people only dared used the circlet because Wukong was hard to handle, NEVERMIND that Nezha, a centuries old god with different tales around him isn't someone who's just grumpy much less a child and has problems of his own.
Fans just simply won't look past anything but the fanon version of them. You try to explain that Macaque was a bad guy and redemption arc feels rushed and you're a bad person, or who cares he's hot right? You try to explain that Wukong isn't some illiterate asshole and is trying his best to adapt and be there for MK, because you're just a Macaque hater and also who cares, right? He's sexy and he can fuck Macaque, so who cares for personality, right?
Don't get me wrong. I'm used to this shit because again, look at Jujutsu Kaisen. But my god the LMK fans are so fucking annoyed and obsessed, they refuse to even see that these characters are more than just a single personality trait.
And that's just dealing with canon characters alone, don't get me started on how they react to ocs smh.
The LMK fandom is bad, bad. Nuclear level bad, even. It's a toxic wasteland of morons who have never really understood media literacy and instead simply cares for the appearances of how characters look rather than focusing on what makes them who they are.
But again, what good does it even do to complain right? I'm just some guy on the internet completely irked by the lack of braincells this fandom has. The most I can actively do is block the tags related to this fandom and focus on me. If I need fanfics, I'll write my own, that's all.
But, i will say, if there's a day this fandom actually sees characters as more than sex appeal, it's the day I suck a dick. Pardon my language but that's legit the only way I can phrase it as an aroace person. Y'all are so hazardous you make the 2020 MHA fandom look sooooo much better.
It's not a compliment. Be better. You're fans of a children based show, and coming from an author who writes mainly NSFW stuff for LMK on AO3, it's disappointing.
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miffysrambles · 8 months
can I request Wukong, macaque and mk (separate) having a lovely make out with their s/o before going to bed? They're basically giving a small 'gift' for their s/o 💕
reader is female !
Wukong, Macaque, and MK Make-Out Session With S/O
(CW: Includes suggestive content!)
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“Hey peaches, have you seen the straws– mmph?!” 
Wukong was interrupted by getting glasses of water before bed when you both accidentally turned around at the same time and kissed on accident.
His arms wrapped around your waist as you both leaned into the accidental kiss, your own arms wrapping around his neck as you stood on your toes to better reach him. 
You felt your body lift off the ground as he hoisted you up onto the kitchen counter, your lips still connected as you both released soft moans into the kiss. 
His claws brushed against your thighs as he held onto your hips, tracing invisible lines across them as you two made out.
“Hmm..” He hummed into the kiss as you both pulled away every few seconds for air before going right back to the deed. 
The kisses were long and sweet, like he was intentionally being gentle with you so as to not ruin the moment. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist as a sign to pull you closer to him which he happily complied, his hands wrapping around your waist as he pulled your body to the edge of the counter before kissing you deeper.
His tongue slipped between your lips as it hungrily wrapped around your own, huffs and groans escaped the both of you in unison.
You both pulled away at the same time, softly gasping for air as you whined for more.
This made him softly laugh as he grinned, “Hungry for more of the Monkey King eh?”
You groaned at his quip, “Shut uupp…”
He laughed some more as he picked you up off the counter, your legs still wrapped around his waist as you two finally went to bed.
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It was currently way passed the time you were supposed to fall asleep if you wanted proper rest for work the next morning.
Scrolling through whatever social media page you decided to waste your time on tonight, you sighed as you further fell down into the vicious cycle.
You set your phone screen down on the mattress and rolled over onto your back, rubbing your temple as you stared up at the rotating fan above you.
“Up late sweet cheeks?” A voice called out to you from the shadows, your boyfriend emerging from a portal above your bed as he grinned down at you.
He leaned down as he pecked you on the lips, letting himself fall next to you on the bed.
“What’s wrong dollface, can’t sleep?” He wrapped his arms around you as he spooned you.
You nod, “Mhm, just having a bit of trouble tonight…” 
He grinned as he playfully pinned you to the bed, smirking down at you as he leaned into your face.
Despite him playing around, he was still pretty strong as you couldn’t really move.
“I can think of something to make you tired, if you’re up for it that is?” 
Your face flushed as you nodded, making him chuckle as he pressed his lips gently against your own.
“Still flustered after all this time sugarplum? I thought you would be at least used to this by now.” He pulled away for a few seconds to tease you as he kissed you over and over. 
You wrapped your arms around him to bring him closer to you, making him lay on top of you on the bed.
His tail wrapped around your leg to keep his balance as the two of you made out, pulling away every few seconds for short breaths.
“So… gorgeous… Every single thing about you…” He muttered in between kisses, his hands caressing your sides as they traced down to your hips.
You could feel the end of his tail caress your thigh, making you moan softly into the kiss which made him grin.
“Eager are we?” He teased you more, making you pout as he pulled away from your mouth.
He was caught off guard when you reached your hand to cup his cheeks, pulling him back to kissing you.
His eyes widened until he leaned back into the kiss, pulling away after a few more seconds.
He chuckled once more as caressed your cheek with the end of his fingers, “Bet you’re tired now huh?”
You nodded, reaching your arms out for him as a signal to lay down with you.
He happily obliged as he took you in his arms and used his shadow magic to close the curtains to the window that was letting the moonlight in.
“Goodnight hon.” he kissed your temple as you quickly fell asleep.
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“Yeah, I won!” You cheered as your boyfriend whined next to you.
“Awww what! No fair, I was so close!” MK playfully pouted as you laughed softly at his reaction.
“Face it MK, I’m just better at this game!” You pointed at him with the game controller, of course, he knew you were joking.
“Yeah yeah, you just got lucky (Name). I’ll get ya’ next time!” He grinned and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
You laid your head on his shoulder as you smiled slyly up at him, “Now about my prize?…”
“There was a prize? And I lost?!” 
He gripped the sides of his head as he looked at you distraught.
You laughed at his reaction as you nodded, “Yep! Now pay up whatever you can think of!”
MK thought for a second, a lightbulb going off in his head as he grabbed you by your hands and gently pressed his lips against yours.
You were surprised at first, but quickly kissed back as you felt his fingers intertwined between yours.
The kisses were quite short, but oh so sweet. He let out little ‘mwah’ sounds every time he pulled away from your lips for air.
He planted kisses all over your face as an act of pure adoration, pulling away and smiling at your love-sick expression.
“Well, we should be getting to bed. Did you like your prize honey bun?”
You laughed softly as you planted a small kiss on his lips, “You dork, of course I did.”
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monkiesimp · 10 months
Hi! Are requests still open? If so what do u think about a head-canon about Wukong and Macaque reactions to their ears and tails being touched by their fem s/o? Please? 🙏🏻
Sorry for the wait
• Usually when you would try to touch his tail, Macaque would always just sway it out of your reach.
• You don't try much after that, you can tell it's sensitive.
• So you really gave up on touching his tail after that, but, while he was sleeping you got a bit curious...
• What if you touched his ears instead?
• His name was Six Eared Macaque, but did he really have six ears? He really didn't seem like he had any.
• Either way, you start caressing his ears and just petting them, Macaque shifts in his sleep and grumbles for a moment, then the most unexpected thing happens.
• He purrs.
• You were completely baffled, you never knew he could purr. Why would he hide it? It's adorable... He hides too many things about himself.
• You continue caressing and petting his ears, his purrs would continue and Macaque would release a long sigh, letting out a grunt.
• Then... He woke up. Oh. You were fucked...
• You tried your best to explain yourself, stumbling over your words, but your words caught in your throat when Macaque grabbed your hand and placed it back to his ears, leaning closer to you.
• This surprised you even more, Macaque averted his gaze and he seemed a bit embarrassed. He wanted you to touch his ears?
• Well, you did. You brought both of your hands back to his ears, rubbing them. Macaque released another purr, leaning into your touch until he faded off to sleep again.
• After that, he'd always let you touch his ears if you wanted to when you two were alone, hanging out. He would even unglamour his ears, it appears he did in fact have six ears. And he seemed to enjoy the patting more when the ears were unglamoured.
• He'd sometimes give you empty threaths like, "If you tell anyone about this you'll be in serious trouble", clearly he trusted you wouldn't tell anyone about this but if you did, his empty threaths might not be so empty anymore.
• Trying to get him to unglamour his ears and let you pet it was hard at first, because, for one, he's been hurt before by someone he trusted dearly so you weren't off the hook either. He was a little afraid of letting his guard down, and you could tell by the way his body tensed when you touched him.
• But after a while, he grew more comfortable and started genuinely enjoying all the physical touch he could recieve.
• You two were cuddling after training because you swear to Buddha, this idiot can't go a day without hugging you.
• You were on his cloud and began to think, you mostly patted him everywhere, his head, chin, neck, shoulder, but there was one place you were curious about as to how'd he react.
• And that was definitely his tail.
• You placed your hand at his tail, trailing your finger from the base to the very tip of it which surprised Wukong, sending a shudder down his spine.
• But he didn't seem to mind too much, he put his tail on your lap to play with.
• Even if his tail was slick and thin, it was still very nice and fluffy, very cute too.
• His head would be buried in your shoulder, he would sometimes accidentally wag his tail while you petted it, he had to keep it still for you.
• He definitely enjoyed tail patting a lot.
• His tail doesn't really drive a reaction out of him much, it's the same like petting his head or caressing his cheek.
• Unless you hit a sensitive places on his tail which he seemed to have, those would make him shudder and melt, possibly drive more reactions out of him but you avoided those places.
• He wouldn't have much of a reaction on you caressing his tail and if you wanted to do it in the future, sure, he'd let you.
• You're definitely going to catch him off guard in training by hitting a sensitive spot in his tail to win though, it would be funny, and who said you'd play by the rules? He never followed the rules either.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 2 months
S/O being extra sweet to the baby monkeys with Wukong + Macaque (separately)
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Sun Wukong
He’s going to be jealous since yes your playing and getting along with his siblings is adorable but why aren’t you giving him attention? He’s right here and will would cuddle you and give you all the affection you asked for if you said so. You do give him a lot of affection and attention when you aren’t at your job or busy, staying at FFM when MK trains and you reminding them to take breaks to stay hydrated since the man doesn’t stay hydrated as much as he should.
Once in a while, Wukong has to not so subtly ask his successor to bring you with him so he can spend time with you and totally not show off plan more dates since he’s still learning how to use the phone MK gave him after the whole Azure nearly ending the world disaster. Back to the monkeys residing on Flower Fruit Mountain; you give them extra special food than they’d normally have (search up food that monkeys can have as treats that won’t kill or hurt them) and give them scritches where they want.
Playing games like hide and seek, tag, soccer, or simple toss is nothing new however the smaller monkeys adore it and use ripened fruit as a ball. If you asked Wukong, who you’d have to bribe with some kisses or a night of cuddling, he’d tell you they ask him when you’re coming back and if you can play with them more.
Putting aside his jealousy it is incredibly heartwarming to see you bonding with his siblings and reminds him that might be what it’s like if you had a family with him. That though is something that pops up whenever you interact with them and if you catch him staring you’ll see his tail shaped like a heart.
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Six eared Macaque
He’s not as jealous as Wukong is because he isn’t at FFM often unless it’s because of MK or a world-ending disaster and he likes how soft and cute you are when many of the monkeys climb all over you like you’re a jungle gym. Especially when you feign innocence of “stealing” a fruit like a peach or banana that one of them left lying around which ends in them running after you until they tackle looking for said fruit. Of course, you’ve switched it up by throwing the fruit to your boyfriend who instinctively caught it and then pretended that he stole it from you, which since most of the monkeys were fond of you they helped you and a good amount of them managed to latch onto Macaque.
Other times when it’s sunny you and some of the cubs are napping in the sun comfortably with you sleeping on your lover’s shoulder and many white monkeys curled up on some part of your body. He’s never really fully asleep more like in a relaxed or meditative state due to how sensitive his hearing is in addition to being vulnerable but when he looks over to you and sees how peaceful and adorable you look. He doesn’t want to move you but if it gets cold or looks like it’s going to storm then he’ll pick you up bridal style and the cubs that fall or aren’t on you when you’re picked up are carried by his tail.
You have begged him to spend a night or so on FFM to see the baby monkeys more but that means Macaque would have to ask Wukong and both parties don’t wanna do it unless they have to. Luckily for you, there have been times when a storm rolls in and with some pleading, he helped you gather the monkeys around you into a nearby cave till the storm let up which wasn’t that hard given they love you and you’re adorably sweet to them.
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gxthicupid · 5 months
Hi I have a request! How about a one-shot of Wukong and a female s/o, with Wukong after landing on Sandy’s ship accidentally falls asleep (due to lack of sleep and power drain) while being patched up, latching onto the closest person to him at the moment (s/o) using her as pretty much a teddy bear leaving her stuck with sleepy purrs, coos, and all?
Sorry if it’s a lot😂 😅
୨⎯ 𝑺𝑵𝑼𝑮𝑮𝑳𝑬 𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑲𝑬𝒀 [𝑺𝒖𝒏 𝑾𝒖𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒙 !𝑭𝑬𝑴! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓]
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ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇxᴛ: ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜰ ᴡᴜᴋᴏɴɢ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴᴊᴜʀɪᴇᴅ?
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀʏ! ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴀʟᴏᴛ. ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ꜰᴜɴ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ.
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➨ Tonight, a dark blue hue painted over the sky, decorated beautifully with fluffy clouds and shining stars as far as the eye can see. The silhouette of the city’s skyscrapers looked like mountains, a nice touch to the landscape view from Sandy’s cargo ship.
➨ You decided to help Sandy with fixing and organising after he finally set the ship after all the damage it had gotten throughout your adventures with MK and the others. Of course, you let Wukong know about your location since he went out on a solo mission that needed to take care of some unfinished business.
➨ As much as you were worried, you trusted Wukong to return safe and sound. Right now, you and Sandy were taking a break, and he decided to brew some tea to relax and have a conversation amongst each other.
➨ “Sandy, this tea tastes amazing! Is this a new flavour?” You spoke, astonished by the wave of delicious flavour overwhelming on your tastebuds. “Yeah, I thought I'd try out something new. I’m glad you like it.” He responded, flattered by your compliment and smiled.
➨ At the moment, you and Sandy are talking about things aside from your adventures and focusing more on other things, such as your love life with Wukong. “So, how’s things with Monkey King?” Sandy questions you, and you respond with a light blush on your face. “Everything’s great. We have been living together for a few months, and everything seems good. He’s on a solo mission now, but I’m sure he’ll come unharm-”
➨ A flash of lightning came bolting down from the sky in the blink of an eye and then crash-landed on the harbour near Sandy’s ship. All of you got frightened by the abruption towards your peace and quiet.
➨ When you and Sandy carefully investigated what came crashing down, it was Wukong, but to your surprise, he looked severely wounded and didn’t seem to be moving. “Wukong!” You were the first to react, came closer to his body, and checked whether he was okay. Turns out he’s still breathing; he’s only sleeping. The injuries must have weakened him so much to the point of exhaustion.
➨ “Thank goodness.” You muttered to yourself and held onto him tightly. “Sandy! Can you lend me a hand?” He agreed and carried Wukong back to the ship, and you prepared First Aid on the couch.
➨ Even though you know Wukong can’t die, it still bothers you when he does reckless or impulsive things that get him into these messes. Sandy told you to take it easy and help him get patched up while he finishes off the ship.
➨ You took out the bandages and disinfectant from the bag and took off his torn-up shirt. Carefully, you wrapped up all the wounds and soothed the bruises around his body. Once you were finished, you placed his head on your lap and let him rest.  
➨ You looked down and noticed how adorable he looked when he was sleeping. You smiled as you started petting his hair and scratching his ears before, all of a sudden, you felt him softly purr. That’s when your heart melts to the point you feel like you just fell in love with him again.
➨ He looked like a cat as he moved around you and stretched his arms and legs. Now, both of your hands are on him, and you take this opportunity to caress his tail and see what happens. He began to coo like his baby monkeys and couldn’t help but quietly squeal at such a precious moment.
➨ Then, he moves around the couch and begins to latch onto your body to cuddle in his sleep. As you tried to struggle free, you failed and now became a teddy bear for him to snuggle and nuzzle his furry face on the crook of your neck and his tail hugging your waist.
➨ And just like a cat, you don’t have the heart to move a muscle from the coach. “C’mon Y/N. Don’t leave me.” You heard him talking in his dream, and you must admit it was nice to know your partner loved you even when unconscious.
➨ “Baby, please. Just five more minutes; breakfast can wait.” Again, he muttered into your ear as he tried to shift your body around for him to rest on your chest. You blushed but shrugged it off as you slowly caressed his hair.
➨ You were so glad that Wukong was okay after the solo mission and began to drift off to sleep before hearing his sleepy voice again. “I love you, Y/N.” And finally, he went back to snoring softly. All you did was giggle softly at his words. “I love you too, Wukong.” You gave him a kiss on the forehead and passed out on the couch.
➨ Meanwhile, Sandy watched adoringly at your romantic moments with your partner and decided to do something special for the both of you to see in the morning.
➨ The sun shined, and Megapolis roared with life again. You were the first one to wake up from your slumber. And by recalling your night with Wukong, you saw him next to you and sleeping without a care in the world.
➨ As you pat his head, he begins to wake up. “Mornin’ darling. . .Slept well last night?” You softly spoke to Wukong as he groaned, hissing quietly from the injuries but not as much to alarm you. “Hey, Y/N. How’s my sunshine, huh?” You giggled at Wukong when he gave you a kiss on the nose, and that’s when you heard your phone ring.
➨ Both you and Wukong checked, and there were photos of you and Wukong cuddling on the couch, along with the words of, “Sorry, Y/N. I couldn’t help myself; I thought you'd like to have these for keepsake.” By Sandy.
➨ You blushed and hid your face from Wukong while he enjoyed seeing these pictures, but deep down, he was as flustered as you were. “Aw, that’s really sweet, Y/N. C’mere.” He then proceeds to give you several kisses on the kiss as a thank you.
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riuhere · 1 year
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Made a fanart for @/storiesfrom3AM from Wattpad and Ao3 dedicated to her book of oneshots. Her oneshots and short stories are all lovely! Really recommend reading it!
Here's the link to one of her book oneshots:
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nilolol30 · 3 months
"Monkey kings s/o Who can define gravity? But that I mean simply just walk up a wall or standing up on the ceiling like nothing"
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Had a little one shot idea for this one hope you like it
Honestly you wanted to freak Wukong out after dealing with some of his pranks recently, for some reason he discovered a YouTube channel about pranks and he's been testing them all on you.
Funny enough you never mentioned your little party trick to him so you waited for the perfect time and place.
Wukong invited you to his little lunch spot right at the cliff near his hut you accepted and helped him make lunch because you refuse to eat food made from his hair, and now you two were at the cliff eating and chatting.
"And the kid busted down the door turns out he got me the wrong order too!" Wukong let out a laugh before shoving a baked treat into his mouth while you nodded and stood up.
"Haha pretty funny hey that reminds me of that prank you pulled on me a week ago" you stepped to the edge of the cliff.
"Ha! Yeah that's pretty funny...be careful you never know how unstable cliff edges can be" he warned raising a brow you turned around to face him with a cheeky smile "Yeah you never know until you slip" just then you pretend to fall back off the cliff.
Oh how you regret that you didn't set up a camera with how loudly Wukong screeched and jumped to the cliff looking over only to see you standing on the wall of the cliff with a smirk arms crossed.
Immediately Wukong's worried face fell and turned into a pout "This is your revenge isn't it?" "Yep" you laughed as Wukong eyed your feet looking to see if you had some magic shoes or technology stuff.
"How are you even doing that?" You walked up and jumped back onto the normal ground "Gravity is for nerds" Wukong flicked your nose "Don't scare me like that."
You waved his hand away "Only if you drop the pranks on me" with that Wukong let out a childlike whine and huffed out "Fine" you both sat back down at the picnic area and ate a little more.
"You know you can probably get away with pranking some random mortals" "Oh yeah!"
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respawn-juicebox · 23 days
"I want a baby" prank
— Featuring Lego Monkie Kid characters!
(Macaque, Wukong, Sandy, MK, Tang, Pigsy, Mei, Redson, Spider Queen, & Mayor)
╰⪼ Six-Eared Macaque
(I headcanon he's broke af)
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╰⪼ Sun Wukong
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╰⪼ Sandy
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╰⪼ MK
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╰⪼ Mei
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╰⪼ Redson
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╰⪼ Tang Sangzang
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╰⪼ Pigsy
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╰⪼ Spider Queen
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╰⪼ Mayor
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emelinstriker · 9 months
{Twice As Bad AU} Wukong & Macaque ♤ Even Little Things
Art drawn by me.
My little take on @semisolidmind's TAB AU due to peeps asking me to cover that as an X Reader ever since that one doodle I once did for it.
As usual, tweaked some things a bit in the AU just for the sake of the plot- And also cuz I haven't really kept track of all the canon things in the AU, so I'm mostly just using the basic premise of the AU and added/removed some things for the story twist, humor and all that. So please don't take it as canon y'all-
Also, I speedran this within three days to post it earlier than planned, so... Happy birthday, Semi! Have 4k words of ya bois as birthday gift, I guess. :D
TW: Descriptions of death and gore
[TL;DR] Monke have 'yummy' berry if customer have coin.
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♤ ~ Emotional Mix ~ ♤
It started out as a regular day at the market for you.
You owned a little stall where you would sell berries you and your little monkey friends collected. You kept on insisting that you wanted to collect them on your own, but the two ginger-furred and dark-furred monkeys just wouldn't leave you alone. Though, their kindness and willingness to help you did prove useful in the end. You managed to garner a lot of berries by the end of the day. How they managed to get them all? You would never know. You didn't exactly question it much either due to how many you were able to sell. Sales were pretty good today as well... And as per usual, your two little monkeys were practically guarding you and your stall, which you found really adorable. They looked like two innocent and fluffy puppies looking out for their beloved owner. And their cuteness did definitely contribute to your berry selling success.
Though, while they were pretty quiet and polite towards your customers that were just there to buy berries, there were some they truly didn't like to have around you at all... More specifically, those who showed even the slightest bit of romantic interest towards you.
Especially that farmer boy.
God, they really hated that guy for some reason.
Even if they just saw him walk across the street, far away from where you actually were, they would already start letting out aggressive sounds of pure hatred. Meanwhile you would just awkwardly wave at the poor guy. Though, besides the few customers that had interest in you, your monkeys were pretty well-behaved when you were around. You found it adorable how they would even help fill up tiny bags with berries like little helpers. And if they weren't doing that, they would either sit or lie around on your stall or cling onto you while you worked. They especially loved body contact with you, so they mostly clung onto you. All they wanted in return for their help was your affection, oddly enough. No snack either, just affection. You only had to give them little kisses or cuddle them a bit and they were already melting in your arms. Another cute thing they would do whenever you were selling berries was to give you gifts...
Well, it certainly sounds cute in theory.
However, their gifts ranged from not only some simple shiny rocks and flowers, but also to literal little animals and insects... Which were usually alive whenever they were the dark-furred monkey's gift, but were most definitely always dead in the ginger-furred monkey's case. Of course, you would still praise them as to not upset them... And while they were highly aware of your discomfort whenever they brought in animals and insects, they just ignored it. Then again, you never thought much of it since in your eyes, they were just monkeys. Just two simple, silly, little monkeys. Why would they respect your discomforts when they couldn't even talk?
Well, despite your little monkeys not being able to talk to you, they did seem to understand you. Which felt really nice, considering most in the village either didn't trust you or enjoy talking to you... So their company was very endearing and appreciated.
Especially in certain moments...
"What do you mean you're out of berries?" A tough-looking man asked, definitely pissed off. So you tried to stay calm and defuse the situation as best as you could.
"Sorry, sir... But all berries are already sold out. The last batch was sold a few minutes ago. B-But you could come back tomorrow and-" "I don't have the fucking time to come back tomorrow! I need those berries now!" He rudely cut you off.
"I, uh, understand, sir, but-" "I know you still have berries in stock! I can see a bunch in the basket over there!" He cut you off again, yelling in your face as he pointed towards the basket behind you. You grimaced a little in discomfort.
"Sir, those are berries I'll deliver after work to a woman who already paid for them-" "Then give her that money back or some shit, will ya?! Just give me those damn berries instead already!" The man looked like he would jump behind the stall's counter any moment now to launch himself at you, when you suddenly heard very familiar growling coming from behind the man... He turned around, only to see two small monkeys glaring furiously at him.
The man scoffed. "The fuck are those doing here? Are those your pets or some shit?" You gave your monkeys worried glances, not wanting them to get involved and get hurt. This man looked tough and would have no problem getting rid of two little monkeys...
But your monkeys were different.
Instead of backing down, they slowly approached the man aggressively on all fours. Their tails were dangerously swaying behind them as they snarled at him... While they could tolerate the presence of customers in most cases, this was one of the few cases where they really were just out to murder. All they needed was an opening...
Wukong then seemingly stopped snarling for a moment as he whispered something extremely quietly, to which Macaque nodded. While Macaque continued to aggressively approach the man, his brother gave the man one last glare before running up to you instead, launching himself at you. Startled, you stumbled back a bit as he jumps at you. And with seemingly extreme strength, he managed to knock you down to the ground behind your stall. Your stall obscured your vision of the man and your other monkey. You groaned a bit in pain before you looked at the ginger-furred monkey, who just smiled at you with a love-struck gaze. He didn't attack you or anything, his tail just swayed happily as he nuzzled you. You, of course, were confused by his sudden mood change. "Why did you tackle me-"
Then, you heard a scream from the man for just a split second before the other monkey's snarling suddenly stopped. Everything was silent. Suspicious and confused, you held the ginger-furred monkey against your chest while he continued to happily nuzzle into you. You then stood back up and looked towards the front of your stall... The man was gone. But the dark-furred monkey was still there, sitting contently like a good boy where the man once was. His tail happily swayed behind him as well as if nothing ever happened just now...
The man's decomposing body was found hanging from a tree by his own guts in the forest a few days later. According to those who found his corpse, his body was completely mangled. His face was seemingly ripped or mauled off, displaying his skull with his eyes missing. His rib cage seemed to have been crushed and his abdomen was torn wide open. Part of his organs were missing, and a single bloody peach was found buried inside the body. His tongue was ripped off and literally stuffed down his throat, as if it were there to tell him to forever keep quiet... Not to mention all his broken bones that were not just simply snapped, but crushed into pieces. The entire scene was extremely horrifying for those that saw his remains. Some sort of brutal demon must've killed him. Yet the reasons were unknown as to why this man would be murdered in such a gruesome way... What did the man think in his last moments? Was he immediately dead or was he tortured alive? The people of the village seemed to mentally point their fingers in your direction, however. Especially due to how you were one of the last people they saw him with.
That was just one of the strange happenings surrounding you and your monkey companions.
Something else the villagers noticed was the other rather recent murder cases looked similar, though less brutal. Whoever, or whatever, killed the other people also killed this man. But the other victims usually only had their abdomens be ripped open and their organs ripped out, for whatever reason... Though, they all were found with a single bloody peach inside them.
And of course, villagers kept you in mind as a major suspect. Which was sort of understandable since all those people were people who basically told you to get lost and fuck off, telling you that you don't belong in their community. The more people suspected you to be at least involve in the serial murders, the less people would stop by your berry stall. Which in turn made you feel sad and confused... Did you do something wrong?
Your two little monkeys noticed your guilt and self-doubt creeping in, and they didn't like seeing you beat yourself like this over whatever those other humans thought of you.
Thus, they decided now was the time to make themselves known and 'save' you from this unworthy village.
And what better way than to go out with a bang?
So, they decided to help 'sell' some berry bags personally and directly. They packed them up themselves again and snuck into peoples' houses, taking some of their coins and leaving a bag of berries everywhere they went. The two of them were extremely helpful. They came back to you with coins everytime, so you assumed they managed to sell their little bags to happy customers. All would be fine again soon...
...At least, that's what you had hoped.
News spread fast in the village.
A death was reported in the east.
Another further north.
Few more in the west.
The southern area seemed to have multiple dead people already...
People were dropping dead like flies everywhere within the span of just a single day...
The entire panic rising within the village only seemed to enhance your uneasiness as well. You were mostly outside around your stall after all... What if this so called serial killer found you? Or perhaps there was a deadly virus going around and you shouldn't even be outside in the first place...
You held your monkeys close in worry as you feared for their and your own safety, standing behind your stall once more. While you were feeling uneasy, your monkey companions only seemed all too happy and content with no care in the world as you let them nuzzle into you with cute little chirps. Sighing, you looked at all the berries you still haven't managed to sell. Feeling a little hungry, you decided to eat a few of the berries you had. After taking one of the berry bags the monkeys had packed, you grabbed a few of the berries and were about to eat them.
Suddenly, the ginger-furred one stopped you by quickly switching from clinging onto your chest to clinging onto the arm that was holding the berries, stretching his body from your arm up to your hand to clasp his own little hands around it, keeping you from eating the berry. He looked at you with seemingly slightly concerned eyes, shaking his head as he let out quiet noises, which sounded like he was begging you not to eat them. It was strange how strong this little monkey actually was... His tiny hands were preventing you from even opening your hand. The dark-furred monkey also seemed to join in on stopping you from consuming those berries as he nuzzles into your neck, wrapping his tail around the arm that's holding the bag. The sight must've looked funny to others if they were passing by, to be honest.
Confused, you decide to just listen to the monkeys and not eat the berries... Maybe they were just upset that you'd wanna unpack and eat the berries they had so nicely packed for customers earlier. Which would make sense.
Another day had passed and...
Where was everyone?
You set up your bags at your stall and were patiently waiting for someone, anyone, to even just walk past. However, everything was silent for a few hours. Dead silent for a village that had a bunch of gossip going around. Not even your monkey companions were following you this morning, oddly enough. This only added to your fear since those little guys were like your comfort pets.
Another hour passed and finally some sound was heard in the distance. Were those... screams?
Now more on edge than ever, you decided that maybe you should sit this day out on trying to sell... You didn't exactly want to lose your life to some massacre or virus after all. A bit panicked by the scream, you quickly tried to pack up the little berry bags into a basket. But as you were starting to pack up, you could hear a male voice fake coughing to grab your attention. Startled by the sudden noise after all the dead silence, you almost dropped one bag before you turned to face the person in front of your stall... Or, uh... Monkey...?
This dark-furred monkey seemed familiar... Maybe he was related to one of your little monkey friends?
He smirked at you as he leaned against the stall, his tail swaying slowly behind him. "Hey there, sugarplum. Did I arrive a bit too late? My brother and I heard you sell delicious berries here."
You waved your hand dismissively, nervous as you never had a monkey, or rather a demon in this case, being a customer. The nickname was also making you a little nervous, but maybe he was just one of those people who give everyone they see nicknames. "Oh- No, no- You're not late- I just... Didn't think I would get any customers today..."
He leaned in a bit closer to you. "Oh? Why's that? Aren't your berries said to be the best in this village though?"
"Uh, well... Yes, but usually some customers would've already bought some at this time in the day... But you'd be my first customer today." You admitted sheepishly. He only seemed to grin... You didn't know he could hear your anxious heartbeat. He knew you didn't exactly feel safe. But you were still trying to be calm and polite towards even a dangerous-looking demon him. Which he found cute. That's when his ear twitched as he heard something you couldn't hear, making his grin turn into a more... seductive one.
"I'm actually not here to buy any of those bags you're offering. I am interested in one specific berry from your stall, however."
You blinked at him in confusion. "...What berry? They're all pretty much the same?"
"Not all of them." He responded. The simian chuckled as he looked at you with intent. "There's one berry my brother and I have been keeping a close eye on for quite a while now, and we want to claim that berry for ourselves... It simply sticks out. Just like a delicious peach amongst a bunch of mediocre berries. My brother's words, not mine. But I do have to agree with him on this one." He then leaned in a little closer to you, still giving you this sort of seductive grin. "And as an honorable and kind merchant, surely you would love to fulfill a customer's simple request... Right?"
His deep voice made him sound so smooth, but his words and the way he said them also just sounded... Off... This was not a regular exchange for food, that much you could tell. But before you could reply, you heard another voice coming from behind you. "Well, well, well... How's business? Did I miss anything, Macaque?" You turned around in shock, noticing a ginger-furred simian behind you. Some sort of red and gold staff is held loosely on his shoulder as he smirked. Though, the thing that set you off the most were the clear blood spots on his fur, his clothes, and especially on one side of his staff...
"Nah, you didn't miss a thing. I was just mentioning what we wanted to 'buy'." Macaque responded with a shrug as he leaned back a bit, though still resting with his arms on the stall's counter.
They could clearly tell you were scared. And of course, as your beloved monkeys, they wanted to make you feel as comfortable around them as possible. So, maybe a little bit of an introduction would make things easier. The ginger-furred monkey raised his free hand with a little wave, smiling kindly as if he didn't just murder humans a few minutes ago. "Hey, peaches! My name is Sun Wukong. Legendary Monkey King and Great Sage Equal To Heaven! Also strongest demon you'll ever see as well as the most sexy monkey in existence- Aaaanyway, this is my sworn brother, and second-in-command, the Six-Eared Macaque." He said to break the ice, gesturing towards the dark-furred monkey as well.
"Just call me Macaque. And him Wukong." Macaque added with a bit of a shrugging hand motion. Then he moves his hand just enough to point towards his brother with a taunting, shit-eating grin. "It's much easier than Six-Eared Macaque and whatever the fuck long ass title Wukong decided to give himself." He grins smugly, to which Wukong huffs in a rather arrogant way.
"Well, excuse me for having achieved more in life than you." Wukong retorted.
"Great Sage Equal To Heaven was not an achievement if you practically begged for it."
"But Warlord was."
"You didn't even name that title in your introduction though??"
"I didn't wanna make them feel more anxious than they already are, okay??"
"And since when are you the most sexy monkey in existence?? That's bullshit and you know it."
"Hey! That title may be a tiny bit opinion-based, but it is an accurate description of me."
"Could you stop letting your ego go to your head for like five minutes? I'm still the brains in this duo. And the brain doesn't need the muscle's ego surrounding it."
"...Okay, now this is getting fucking personal, you goddamn hypocrite-"
To be honest, you weren't exactly scared at this moment anymore, just confused and uncomfortable due to them arguing and practically being so close to just claw at each other's throats over petty titles. Macaque rolled his eyes at Wukong before turning back to you, trying to get back on topic to avoid Wukong getting pissed at him over nothing again. "So about that 'peach amongst berries' talk-" Suddenly, Wukong quickly wrapped an arm around you, pulling you against his blood-stained armor with a grin. His annoyed mood immediately flipped like a switch to a more love-struck one again.
"Oh? Did our peaches agree? Was my pick-up line enough to convince them~? Did you tell them about the real us yet?" He hummed. You grimaced a bit in discomfort at him suddenly touching you so casually. Especially because you could tell he reeked of death... Was... Was he the one who killed those people...? The more you thought about it, the more connections clicked in your mind... The peach references, the way people described the latest murder of the man who yelled at you, the fact that for some reason it's all connected to literal demon monkeys...
Your heartbeat rose up, making Macaque smirk. "Well, not verbally... But I think they're starting to understand what's happening on their own. What a smart human we've picked!"
"Y-You- Wh- Wait what-" You stammered out in shock, definitely now more scared than ever before. Wukong quickly picked you up into his arms after making his staff seemingly disappear into thin air. His strength was no joke either as he clearly didn't struggle at all in holding you. His tail was happily moving behind him in excitement.
"C'mon, Macaque. We got what we came here for." Wukong stated as he walked a bit further away from your stall. You attempted to escape by trying to move out of his grip, but despite barely even gripping onto you, you were simply just flailing around a bit, clearly unable to escape your cage that were his arms. He simply ignored your attempt at an escape as he smiled contently, giving you a very familiar love-struck look...
That reminded you of your little monkey companions. Your heartbeat spiked and Macaque took notice. He raised an eyebrow at you in confusion because your heartbeat didn't change much since you started flailing in Wukong's arms. "Is something wrong, (Y/N)?"
You stopped in shock, looking at the dark-furred monkey with wide eyes. "W-Wh... H-How do you know my name?"
Ah. Right, right. You didn't know yet.
Macaque chuckled as he cupped your cheek with you still in his brother's arms. "Well, you see... We sorta picked up your name during the weeks, or I guess months at this point, when we were helping you around the village. You know, packing up berries and all that... We even made sure the latest batches had the freshest type of toxin for the best quality!" He grinned maliciously as he crossed his arms. Your mouth hung agape in shock as some tears gathered in your eyes...
"You... Y-You were those two monkeys...?" You asked quietly in disbelief... All those deaths... If they put those toxic berries in the bags you were paid for... Didn't that automatically make you a form of accomplice in their schemes? And you got paid for basically allowing them to kill all these people. You started to sob, "...Oh my god... No, no, no... This- T-This can't be- I-I would never h-help... kill- I-I d-didn't mean t-to-"
Wukong then leaned his head down a bit to kiss your forehead with a faint blush and a soft smile. "Shhh... It's fine, peaches. Don't cry. You can just put all the blame on us if that helps." He said quietly, trying to sound comforting. The warlord clearly didn't care about all the dead people, he only cared about wanting to see you smile. He summoned some form of cloud and hopped onto it with you still trapped in his arms. Then he gave his second-in-command a malicious grin. "Macaque, I'll take them home. Sweep through the village one last time. If anyone is still alive, you know what to do."
Macaque returned his own malicious grin as he bowed a little. And with his bow, a shadow-like portal opened up beneath him, swallowing him into the ground. Meanwhile, you could only helplessly watch as Wukong made his cloud fly high up into the skies at pretty high speeds. If you managed to escape his grasp now, you would just be dead. Looking back towards your village, you could see bodies lying outside, most had no blood as they probably died to the berries, but some were clearly attacked earlier by Wukong... You also witnessed houses collapsing within giant flames...
Even the sky above the village itself seemed to look doomed from afar...
You could even still see another human begging for help before being tortured by Macaque's shadows...
You were just silently crying as Wukong took you away to Flower Fruit Mountain, which would soon become your new home. Whether you would like it or not. You were theirs now. And it all simply started with some small berries...
If only you had known that even the littlest of things could snowball you down to hell.
[ Masterlist ]
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teardrop-scales · 7 months
Hi I have a request! How about a love potion one shot or head canon with lmk Wukong and fem (s/o)? Please and thank u 🙏🏻
Love potion: Sun Wukong x reader headcannons 🧪
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A.N: I decided to do this in a headcannon format, but more story-driven one, and I actually changed your request a bit so Wukong and reader aren't a couple yet in this. Hope that's okay!
You were having a peaceful afternoon after your early morning shift at work when MK called you.
You were surprised at this; you knew he was supposed to be training with your friend/crush Wukong and usually that made him quite busy and unreachable. So you knew that something must've happened.
When you picked up the phone , it turned out that The Monkey King himself somehow accidentally drank a love potion that he had in his stash of artifacts and other useless things.
MK wasn't exactly sure how the potion worked; on the bottle it was only written that, thankfully, the effects last only for a day or so, and the poor kid couldn't exactly ask his mentor about it right now. Besides, you were sure that Wukong wouldn't know even in the right/normal state of mind.
According to MK, the monkey acted somewhat normal for a few minutes, until he saw you in the photo he had of you two stashed somewhere. Then the potion truly started to kick in. At least that's what you think happened, provided you understood MK's frantic explanation correctly.
And to summarize, the boy wanted you to take care of Wukong for a bit until the potion stopped working, since the monkey was apparently constantly bugging him about wanting to see you. You could even hear Monkey King gushing about you and cutting in through MK's phone "to say hi".
You kinda feared what it would be like. You just hoped he wouldn't be too overbearing and that you won't explode from flusteredness, given you had a crush on Monkey King and thanks to the potion, he was in love with YOU of all people.
But you knew that MK had to go to his afternoon shift at Pigsy's, and Wukong couldn't be left alone in this state, so of course you agreed.
So in a short amount of time MK was standing in front of your apartment door with the Monkey King behind him. The boy thanked you once again and then he was gone. Leaving you alone with your lovesick crush.
His eyes were much wider than normal, and there was a slight pink gleam in them. He also had a wide smile on his face, his tail swishing behind him. Basically all the signs that he was happy.
"Peaches, I'm so glad to see you!"
He exclaimed in a much more higher pitched and cheerful voice than normally before crushing you in a hug.
"Yeah, good to see you too, Wukong" You replied and awkwardly reciprocated the hug, while Sun buried his face in the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent.
Overall Wukong was much more cheerful, talkative and emotional than normal under the effect of the potion.
After the hug he started asking you a ton of questions, like, how was your day? How are you feeling today? No demon tried to attack you since he last saw you, right? Etc.
You also noticed that he called you 'Peaches' a lot. Of course, sometimes he did call you that before the potion, but only sometimes and he always acted like that was a slip up. He usually calls you by your name or similarly to MK, 'bud'/'buddy', maybe 'pal' sometimes.
To be honest, you weren't sure what to do with Wukong and how to keep him busy and not bored until the potion stopped working. So you suggested watching a movie.
And of course, probably 'cause of his lovesick state, he chose a romantic comedy...
It's not like you've never watched that kind of movie with him before, you actually did - you both liked to make fun of the characters and point out the corny and cringy aspects of the movies, but this time Wukong was really invested in a way he never was before.
The second you both sat on your couch, the monkey clung to you, hugging and cuddling you like a teddy bear. He was so close it was impossible for him to be any closer to you. Wukong pressed his furred cheek against yours and curled up to your side, his tail curling around your ankle.
Meanwhile you just sat there, inwardly screaming and having a panic attack at how close and intimate he was right now, and how much you liked it and secretly wished he wouldn't let go. And he didn't for the whole movie, being too invested in it to notice or care about you blushing.
This time he also made comments during the movie (that's just the way he is, sometimes he just can't keep completely quiet for that long), but not snarky/mocking ones. Instead he kept staring at the screen with sparkles in his eyes each time the characters did something which could be considered "romantic" and saying something along the lines of "Ooh, that is so romantic! Wouldn't it be nice if we did something like that, Peaches?" Or change his mood completely and ask with a smug expression "Soo, what did you think? What would YOU think if SOMEONE did something like this for YOU?"
Summarizing, he was VERY subtle...
You tried to answer both honestly and nice enough not to hurt his feelings. But, truth be told, you lied a few times so he wouldn't feel bad/hurt. You felt slightly guilty about lying to your friend/crush, even about such stupid things. Oh well, if you're lucky, Wukong won't remember any of this.
To be honest, you were thankful that this whole love potion experience took a pretty lovey-dovey route and not... Y'know, the more suggestive and lustful one? Because when it comes to Wukong it sometimes could be both. It probably also depended on the potion itself.
So yeah, you were grateful that the most he did was throw a more suggestive comment with this smug face of his here and there.
After the movie ended, you figured it was a good time for dinner.
Right after you started getting off the couch and out of Wukong's grasp, he asked with a pouty tone where were you going.
"I'm just going to the kitchen to make pancakes for dinner. With peaches~" You added in a sing-songy voice. You knew how much your monkey friend loved those fruits, so you always made sure to have some at your house just in case.
"Oh!" Wukong's face lit up slightly at the mention of his favorite fruits. "You don't have to get up though! I can make the pancakes with no problem, you don't have to do anything, in fact, you don't even have to get off the couch! I'll do everything for you, no biggie. You must be so tired after your morning shift today, Peaches! Besides, I'm a pro at cooking!"
You barely managed to hide a snort after his last sentence. It was endearing that he wanted to spoil you and do things so you wouldn't have to but he definitely wasn't a pro at cooking. You taught him some basics and thanks to that The Monkey King was able to cook simple dishes so they were actually edible. But not much more than that.
However, you agreed for two reasons: one, so you wouldn't hurt his feelings (it was so cute how his eyes and entire face shined and how bright his smile was when you said "okay"), and two; you were quite curious how this would turn out.
"Okay, but call me if you need help."
"You're so sweet, Peaches! But that won't be necessary."
After that Wukong went to the kitchen.
In short, it turned out that Sun mistook powdered sugar for flour, so the pancakes were... Quite a disaster, honestly.
You had to console the poor Monkey for a few minutes, because he felt like he failed and disappointed you. He was practically close to tears (that potion really did make him much more emotional, huh?)
He only cheered up after you suggested ordering something from Pigsy's. And of course, being the gentleman he suddenly became thanks to the potion, he insisted he should be the one to make the call. You could imagine that the pig wasn't very happy to hear him, but nonetheless after some time your order arrived with MK to your door.
"So, how is he?" Asked the teen. "I hope he was... Umm... Well behaved?"
"He was actually. It's just that he's much more cheerful and emotional than normal." You chuckled.
After that you invited MK inside, since he just ended his shift while bringing your and Wukong's order.
You and your crush ate your dishes and MK ate some chips you had in the kitchen. Meanwhile Wukong kept gushing about you to the teen, making you very flustered and flattered at the same time.
"I just love you Peaches so much!" Happily exclaimed Wukong at one moment.
Then a small, quiet gasp escaped your lips. Oh, how much you wished he truly meant those words. But you knew that this was just the potion talking, sadly.
After that MK suggested he should take Wukong back to the Flower Fruit Mountain since he ended his shift now.
Unfortunately, Sun heard that and he wasn't pleased. He immediately embraced you and squished you tightly against himself and kept saying how he needed to stay to protect you from demons or burglars breaking into your house. And also claiming that he doesn't want to be alone and that he had such a good time with you, so he didn't want it to end. Wukong was pretty much like an emotional child thanks to the potion at that moment. MK tried to pry him off you, but to no avail.
You had to promise Wukong that he could come over the next day in order for him to let you go and calm down.
Finally Sun agreed to go with MK, but not before hugging you tightly once more, kissing your cheek and saying "Love you, Peaches!".
You couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when Monkey King left with his successor. This was an interesting experience, but it was quite tiring too. You also had many complicated emotions after this and needed a lot of time to process them. All of this just made you realize how hopeless you were in your crush on Monkey King himself and, how badly you wanted him to truly love you.
Later, in the evening, you suddenly grew curious about the love potion which your friend drank. So you decided to call Tang to check if he knew something about it; after all, who else could have such knowledge if not him?
"A love potion you say? Hmm... Well I do recall hearing some myth about some deity or someone who wanted to invent a potion which could make people fall in love. They kind of succeeded, but actually later it turned out that the potion didn't create those feelings from scratch."
"What do you mean?" You had a feeling where this was going, but you needed a clear confirmation.
"In order for the potion to work, the person who drank it had to already have some feelings for someone. The potion just caused those feelings to grow abnormally stronger and made the drinker more emotional, confident and bold about their feelings. Umm, but why are you asking?"
You were flabbergasted. Could it be...? "Oh, it's nothing, I was just curious. Thanks Tang, I have to go now, bye!" After that you ended the call, not even letting the scholar say goodbye.
That meant that Sun Wukong, aka The Monkey King himself had a crush on YOU. A REAL CRUSH. SINCE WHEN?! How long was he hiding it? Either you were really dense and oblivious or he was really good at hiding his true feelings. Honestly, it was hard to determine which was true in that situation.
For a solid minute you just sat there with your mouth open. Your mind literally screamed "error". Then you suddenly squealed like a teenage girl, jumped in the air and said "YES!"
Well. It seemed like you needed to have a little chat with Wukong.
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luxthestrange · 2 days
LMK Incorrect quotes#99 The problem
DBK!Y/n*Wearing a wedding dress, with Nezha in arms, kicking the doors to the jade emperor's palace* We’re getting married, bitches!?
Nezha*In a Tux hugging your shoulders rolls his eyes but smiles*...And we're about to make it everybody else's problem...-Spouse did we really need to this before heading off to our honeymoon?...
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Part 6 of:
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mubabee · 3 months
Honkai Star Rail
—Yanqing being overprotective
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.1
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.2
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.3
—Y/N tries to hide her wound
—A bit of a suggestive moment with Luocha
(NSFW) On Luocha’s lap
Dan Heng/Dan Feng
—Dan Feng licking your hand(don’t ask)
—Fluff moment with Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
—Jing Yuan licking your hand(don’t ask)
—Fluff Moment with Jing Yuan
—Jing Yuan with shy!Y/N
—Genderbent Natasha
Helping Natasha
—Genderbent!Himeko being wary of Kafka
—Himeko hugging Y/N
Kafka and Himeko protecting you
—Genderbent!Himeko being wary of Kafka
—Random Kafka x reader
Kafka and Himeko protecting you
Random Kafka thought
—Gepard hugging Y/N
—Sibling Caelus
Path to Nowhere
Genderbent Zoya
Demon Slayer
—Genderbent!Shinobu and Mitsuri
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—Genderbent!Shinobu and Mitsuri
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—KNY x Reader chapter 1(no context until next chapter)
Jujustu Kaisen
—The main trio and Gojo
—Gojo cheering up Y/N
Yuji Itadori
Yuji x reader on Halloween
Yuji x (Y/N)
—Hobie and Pavitr with child!Y/N
—Hobie and Pavitr with child!Y/N
Yona of the Dawn
—Y/N asks Hak to teach her how to fight
Genshin Impact
—Sleeping with Alhaitham
Raiden Shogun
—Genderbent!Raiden Shogun
Cyno x reader who laughs at his jokes
(NSFW)Baizhu eating you out
Lego Monkie Kid
—MK and Y/N with short hair
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
—Macaque being unimpressed
Red Son
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
Aftertale sans
Genderbent Tracer
Kill La Kill
Ryuko Matoi
—Genderbent Ryuko Matoi
—#Me characters thinking about Y/N
—Genderbent Mikan
Cookie Run Kingdom
Vanilla Cookie —Vanilla Cookie
Hazbin Hotel
—Hazbin Hotel with child!reader p.1
Welcome Home
Wally Darling
My Little Pony
Pinkie Pie —Genderbent!human!Pinkie Pie
Sunset Shimmer
—Genderbent!human!Sunset Shimmer
My OCs (All OCs here are yandere)
—More info on Mikio
—Valentines Day with Kuroko
—Meeting Arata for the first time
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miffysrambles · 6 months
can you do reader feeds sun wukong peach deserts she baked for him? it can be like a peach cobbler pie or something else like longevity peach bun
ahhh this is so cute(^ω^) !!!
Wukong with an S/O who bakes him peach desserts
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Wukong LOVES your baking, like goodness it’s some of the best food he’s ever had and that’s saying a lot!
Your longevity peach buns are his favorites, he’ll ask you to make him some quite often.
“Heyyy peaches? About those peach buns… you got any more?”
You laugh softly as you handed him a bamboo bun steamer filled to the brim with his favorite flavored buns. 
He also loves it when you feed it to him, like the cheeky monkey he is.
The end of his tail wags profusely as you lead the peach bun to his face, opening his mouth and holding his cheeks while he chews, the blush on his cheeks apparent.
“Mmmmm sho ghood…” 
You laugh softly as he praises your food while talking with his mouth full, flicking crumbs off his cheek.
He gives you a fake glare as he gently pushes your hand away, 
“Hey! No flicking off the crumbs, I want those too.”
He licked the remaining crumbs of the buns off his fingers while smiling as he makes you laugh.
Sometimes, he’ll even split one of the buns with you as he rips it in half.
“A peach for my peach! Here ya go sunshine, now savor it because I don’t share my food with others often.”
You smile as you kiss his cheek and eat your half of the bun, feeling his tail snake around your waist as he pulls you closer to him.
His arm wraps around your shoulders as you two eat your peach bun, talking about whatever is happening in your lives and things about each other. 
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 2 months
Hello! Can I request Wukong crushing on a new member of the Monkie Gang?
Like maybe almost love at first sight but he's trying to hide it and being a lovable dork lol (Gn is fine)
AGDKDH THIS JS SO CUTEE ☹️☹️ also hope u don’t mind this being in a headcanon format!!
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Something about you | Sun Wukong x GN!Reader
Relationship: romantic Warnings: None!
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You were introduced to the group by MK and Mei, someone whom they met while out and befriended
You were new to the city and excited to meet new friends, so went along with them to hang out with all their friends
At the place, you got introduced to everyone, the last person being Wukong
You greeted him nicely, slyly telling him he was handsome shortly before MK and Mei dragged you away to eat Pigsy’s food
Wukong on the other hand was taken aback
You were so attractive!?!? And you called him attractive? He thought he was going to have an aneurysm.
During the whole get-together, Wukong watched you from afar (Which wasn’t creepy at all)
He couldn’t quite place it, but you set his whole body into tingles, and he felt his fur stand up. Every time you laughed, it would ring in his ears and bounce around in his head for a while. Great Jade, if you laughed at any of his jokes? He might as well be in the Heavens with all the other gods.
Before Wukong could gather the courage to ask for your number, you had to leave, stating that your furniture was at your place. Mk was the one to take you home that day and Wukong swore that the next time there was a function, he would be the one to take you home. 
A couple of days later, Wukong was waiting around for his order from Pigsy’s when he got a knock at the door.
“Ugh, finally. MK, Kid, can you be a little faster next time,” Wukong said as he opened the Temple doors. “I’m starving he-”
“Uhh. Hi?” You say, standing there awkwardly. Wukong stares at you for a moment, it took him a while to process the fact that you were not MK.
“You’re not MK.”
“That I am not.” You laugh, shifting the food in your hand.
“Where is MK? Why are you here?” 
“Doing other orders. I am here because I took the job up, need the cash.” You say with a shrug. You pull out your phone and show him the app Mei had made to help with deliveries. “Anyways, order for Wukong?”
“Uh��Yeah. Thanks, kid,” Wukong says, still looking at the app as he takes the food from your hands. You gave him a small smile as you pressed complete on the order and turned to leave before stopping. You turn back and hand him your phone. He looks down at it then at you, confused. You roll your eyes and open your contacts. 
“Input your number. MK talks about you all the time and says we would get along. I would like to see if that is true.” You explain. 
Safe to say, he wasn’t the one to ask for your number. 
How could you not blame him? You were sweeping him off his feet time and time again, and you weren’t even aware of it!
It was after you left after giving him his order did he realized that he liked you.
With a smile on his face, he gave you five stars and went into his temple to enjoy his food, a pep in his step knowing that it was in your hands. 
Shortly after getting your number, you asked him to hang out. 
He never jumped onto his cloud and sped to the city at the speed he did.
That one hang-out had turned into once a week, to every other day, to every day. At some point, you kinda lived with him, going to his place so often. You would occasionally go with MK when he trained, even getting from some lessons. Other times you went to his place, and he took you there. You were quite familiar with the other monkeys, even bringing some snacks for them (something that Wukong had to tell you to stop since they were beginning to ask for you very often). When Wukong would go to your place, it was mainly to make a quick stop before heading out. 
If you thought Wukong was smooth with his flirting you would be wrong, especially if he fell first.
You are so stunning that any pickup lines that he would use just fall flat. 
He is also very clingy, thinking that if his words fail him, he always has physical affection to woo you. 
Once MK and Mei find out about his feelings for you, they begin to push you two together, planning hangouts before suddenly canceling, leaving just you and Wukong.
Safe to say they aren’t slick with it either (they are both bumbling over Red Son, there is no way that they are going to help Wukong win you over)
After months of schemes failing, MK and Mei had one last trick up their sleeve.
The last scheme that they planned was at one of the yearly festivals. This wasn’t something that they couldn’t just ditch, so they just left you and Wukong alone.
The entire time, Wukong is fumbling his words and making a fool of himself, making you giggle
This would make him feel a little better, knowing that through his poor way of expressing himself, you were finding him amusing.
At the height of the night, shortly before the main event started, you pulled him aside to a quiet place of the festival.
Wukong followed behind you as you dragged him away from the large crowd. It was much quieter wherever you were taking him, the music of the performances now faint. This part of the festival had sparse people, though not empty as there were some couples walking hand in hand or families heading out to leave with their sleeping young in their arms. 
You stopped in the middle of a bridge, which was over a lake that surrounded the venue where the festival was taking place. The moon was shining over the water, reflecting on it and lighting you both up. As Wukong looked at you, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you look under both the sun and moon. 
“Was there a reason you pulled me out here?” 
“Yes. Now we have to wait.”
“Wait? Wait for wha-” Wukong was cut off by the sound of a boom. He turned his head and caught the briefest glimpse of the sparks of fireworks before he felt hands grab at his face. It happened so quickly that Wukong didn’t even register that you had pulled him into a kiss. Once he did, he returned the kiss, equally as excited as he was nervous. Tilting his head, he deepened the kiss as he wrapped his arms around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck. After a moment he pulled away and looked at you, his heart beating so fast in his chest that he could hear it. “You know how long I have been wanting to do that?”
“I do. You weren’t slick, old man.” You laugh before pulling him into another kiss, the fireworks going off behind the both of you.
Safe to say, MK was right.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 7 months
Primal Urges/// Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque NSFW
tags/kinks: predator vs prey, primal play, voice kink, overstimulation, power play, light restraints, oral sex, rough sex, bondage, marking, obedience training, double penetration, squirting, dirty talk, aftercare, possessiveness, possession, consensual sex, blow job, multiple orgasms, praise kink, choking
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“What do you mean I’ve gotten too used to being safe?! Isn’t that a good thing?” You stared at your lovers with an incredulous expression and they gave you a look that said you weren’t getting out of this, internally thanking the weather for being nice. Wukong nodded and waved his hands in a so-so manner. “Yeah, it is great you feel safe but you won’t always have us to save you, sunshine. What would you do if you got into a fight with a powerful demon like Spider Queen and her lackeys or our brother Peng?-“ The shadow demon sitting on Sun’s shoulders interrupted with a laugh while he continued to groom his mate’s tangled hair and rolled his gold eyes to spare a glance at you.
“That poor excuse of a warrior is coward but he is good in combat when it comes down to a fight. I’ll give him that.” Now shifting his attention completely to you, “Peaches is right though, you need to learn more than basic defense.” You knew some pretty good self-defense techniques from a class you took and with the help of the shadow peach duo and their knowledge of weapons plus combat experience. They weren’t wrong but it still hurt to hear that even if it was the truth. But something told you this wasn’t going to be normal training, the way both of their eyes lit up with anticipation and poofy tails swayed dangerously from side to side.
Sighing tiredly, you leaned against the rocky mountainside and nodded your head. “Fine, but what type of training is it this time.” The ginger looked up at the midnight-colored monkey and seemingly made silent communication with each other before turning back to you, grinning wildly at the fantasies going through their own minds and lowly chuckling. The king spoke up attempting to hide his eagerness, “We’re going to be playing a game of chase. You, sunshine, are going to try to escape from us and we’re going to be chasing after you.”
……Yeah, this definitely wasn’t a double entendre or anything, but being able to outrun your opponent helps you get more time for strategizing an attack or finding help, and your endurance could use some work. However, being that your goal was to evade some of the most powerful beings you knew, how did they think you stood a chance against them? “How is this fair? You both are-” Macaque interrupted and sat up straight, “Crazy powerful? There’s a catch for us too, lotus.” Leaning back off the king’s shoulders and letting gravity pull him towards the earth, causing panic to instinctively shoot through your veins.
He unknowingly (to you at least) appeared behind you via shadow portal and got close to your ear, whispering the rest of his sentence against the flushed shell of your ear and noticing you shiver and jump at the close proximity. “We can use any of our abilities. Means Wukong will not be allowed to use any of his powers including flying and I along with the same rule will dampen my hearing to about normal range for demons using this talisman.” You were speechless at first at the opportunity and although it was clear to the three of you that something else was at play you couldn’t pass this up, staring at the strip of inked paper held between his clawed fingers and nodding with a sure grin.
“I’m game, moonlight. How could I pass up this chance when something tells me it’s going to be worth it?” Wukong flicked his tail back and forth, rolling on the balls of his feet before getting closer to you wrapping his arms around your waist. The smile on your face was infectious as it spread to your boyfriend, he closed the distance between you both and cuddled against your chest.
It was evident that even though he was still sleepy he had energy to burn with the way his ears twitched and tail rapidly flicked back and forth. Wukong breathed in your scent and blissfully dug his claws into your cotton shirt, his voice deep and still new from the morning. “It’ll be worth it. If you manage to evade even one of us then you’ll be rewarded but if one of us catches you then we get rewarded.”
“Why do you both get rewarded for tackling me when it’s training for me?” Partially laughing at the usual absurdity that came with courting these two and leaning your head against Macaque's shoulder behind you. “Because your beloved mates get so tired from chasing you around isn’t only right you tend to us?” Glad to know he was still dramatic.
“Just the other day we spent hours in the hot springs while I groomed your fur until it was pristine which I loved because you let me sleep when you carried me out. I’ve been with you two for the past week and I have no issues with it but you both get enough coddling from me.” You rolled your eyes, enjoying the warmth they both provided before a question popped into your head.
“Where are we going to do this though? On the mountain?” The king picked you up bridal style and carried you while you all got to the destination, walked through a nearby forest path, and chirped at some nearby monkeys who were eating their breakfast. Eventually, you were both led to a clearing where a new structure stood, very clearly planted recently evident by the fresh dirt or magically grown seeing as this wasn’t here as far as you knew yesterday. “Nevermind…”
This answered your question as you “walked” toward the tall bush maze and first noticed how you could barely see through the hedges, no matter how hard you looked or how close you got it was like trying to look through solid concrete. You hopped out of Wukong’s arms and brushed your hands against the tiny pointed leaves then turned to them, wondering how this was done. “How-” “I called in a favor.”
Who in the world owes your boyfriend a favor….best not to worry about it for now. Pushing your arms above your head you started to stretch, moving from your arms and core to your legs and calves. The reaction you got to warming up your hamstrings was not so shocking as you were standing up and folding yourself forward to hug your legs. “Yeah! Keep that stretch for a minute or two, looks good from here-” Meaning your ass was unintentionally facing them.
You grabbed two small stones and flicked them at both demons, knowing that although only Sun made the comment Macaque was definitely thinking the same if not worse seeing as he was quiet right now. “Ow! What’d you hit me for I didn’t do anything.” You huffed and slowly stood back up. “I know you were thinking the same Macaque!” From behind you, you heard the monkey mutter about how you still have good aim at least.
Soon enough you were drawing a line the sand that was the starting line and put your foot on it focusing on your breath control. In order to keep a good headway you needed to get into the right mindset and that meant ignoring all the possible things both men would attempt to make you screw up. “OK ok. I got this. Use the hug left or right method.” The wind cooling down your skin being warmed by the sun and the chirping of nearby critters who wouldn’t cause any problems, the still and tall leafy walls in front of you seemed more intimidating now that you were facing off with it.
Wukong whistled to catch your attention and gave you a thumbs up, lining himself and Macaque up behind you holding a phone timer. “We’re gonna give you a 10-second head start and then go after you. That sounds good, Name?” You nodded and prepared to count down mentally.
All of your thoughts buzzed around in your head, anxious to get started and burn off the energy bouncing around in you. “Start!” Hearing that one word triggered you to start sprinting immediately hugging the right wall, your hand outstretched so you could feel the hedge as you kept track of where you were.
Four ways. Right turn. Long sprint. “Just keep doing this. Focus.” A familiar deep laugh echoed from the shadows in the next right turn you were about to take and forced you to stop on your heels. Popping off in the other direction on instinct with the adrenaline fueling your legs to run faster and attempt to ignore the smooth voice luring you onto a wrong path.
“Fuck. Why does his voice have to be so hot?!” You harshly whispered and groaned as quietly as you could, continuing to run until you heard footsteps in the path next to you and leading to the opening coming up on your right. “Sweetheart, had I known you loved my voice so much I would’ve teased you till my voice went hoarse but something tells me you’ll be the one losing your voice when I get my hands on you.” Your heart rate skyrocketed and you cursed yourself.
Why did that bastard have to have six ears and an incredible sense of hearing?! “It’s hard for me to focus when such a sweet fragile mortal is ripe for the taking. Am I right, bud?” Macaque. Wait- Bud? Had Sun already caught up to you?!
You whipped your head behind you before shifting your momentum to push the next right turn, hopefully putting yourself back on track. There was no one right behind you and nothing you could hear yet unless he was purposely being silent to sneak up on you. Think, what would he do in this situation? Besides transforming into another animal and he would attack from a blind spot! Your next action was immediate as you flipped backward so your back was to the hedge and took off in a sprint like your life depended on it.
“You’re right, moonshine. They look delightful and they’re clever too, predicting our next actions.” In the corner of your eye, you locked gazes with his red sclera and gold eyes for a split second before you turned around. Guessing he dropped his glamour for a moment to try to scare you and not did it not work, it had the opposite effect of slightly arousing you in addition to the thrill of being chased by two predators but your lovers. The thought of your reward, if you succeeded, didn’t leave your mind.
The exit was just ahead you could feel it and the pair were gaining on you, another right turn and you’d be done. “Almost there-” You jumped just before the exit and your heart soared at the fastly approaching accomplishment. “Aw, you almost had it, sweetheart.” Two bodies slammed into you, one of them shielding your body from getting bruises on the ground and the other on top of you effectively trapping you in a sandwich. Fuck.
Macaque, who was the one beneath you, cooed at your attempt and wrapped his arms around your waist. “And you were so close too. Too bad but this means we get our reward.” Tightening his grasp on you as Wukong took your hands and pinned them to the grass below you. He got close to your ear and whispered, the beat of your heart practically could be heard from outside your body. “Okay, what do you two want?”
Your lovers looked back and forth between themselves before slipping their hands under your clothes and squeezing your flushed sweaty skin. “To fuck you raw.” A chill was sent down your spine as you looked up to see borderline predatory eyes staring you up and down like a meal. Their tails flicked around eagerly awaiting your answer and you felt feel Macaque place kisses up the side of your neck, his dick slowly becoming hard against your lower back.
“O-Okay.” A part of you wasn’t shocked but another part of you was still catching up from the adrenaline intoxicating your body. The shadow demon spoke up from beneath you, rubbing comforting circles on your waist. “You don’t have to lotus. We can do this another time.” Neither of them wanted to pressure you into a situation you didn’t want but clearly, you were game if the slow roll of your hips against both of their groins had anything to say.
“Mhmm- Alright, sunshine. If that’s how you wanna play, bring it. Remember our safeword?” You nodded and whispered it to them, squirming at both erections pressing against you but not hard enough to give you pleasure. Soft moans filled the air and you tried your best to grind against either of them to no avail as Macaque kept your hips still in a steel grip. “Moonlight, please. Let me move, I’ll do anything.”
Perhaps bargaining would have worked had they not worked their primal urges up by chasing you but they already knew this would be the end result from the start. Wukong kept your wrist tight held in one hand while the other palmed your clothed pussy, teasing it with pinches and his claws using their sharpness to graze your clit.
Determined to draw moan after moan from you till you indeed lost your voice. Macaque spoke directly in your ear, his hot breath ghosting the shell of your ear. “I want you to beg about how you want us to fuck you and how you’ll cum to my voice. You’re our slut after all.” Your arousal grew more at his degrading and true words, your lover's deep raspy voice caused your pussy to throb and your hips to involuntarily spasm. The clothes on your body needed to come off and you’d do anything to do get an orgasm from them or any touch down there.
“Macaque Sun, ugh~ I want you to fuck me,” His hand slipped up to your nipples and pinched them, “How?” Another lewd moan left your lips and your head arched back. “I want you to fuck me with your cocks. I need them in me and I want them to fuck me until I can’t walk. Ahh~” You strained your hands against Wukong’s grip, “I’m going to cum to your voice. I love your voice, love. It's deep, rich, and calming.” The shadow rolled your nipple in his hands and moved his hand to grip your ass.
He knew how you loved to relax to it and when he hummed or let an occasional moan slip during sex. It wasn’t the first time he’d been told this but hearing over and over again from the people he craved the most was music to his ears. “Good, good. Such a good slutty mate. What do you think, Sun?”
His partner hadn’t stopped rubbing circles on your clit and was desperately holding himself back from ripping off your clothes and fucking you raw. The king’s tail whipped behind him before curling around your upper thigh and letting out a low growl. “I think they deserved an orgasm.” You heard a rip as Wukong cut open a slit in your leggings and felt his finger harshly press against your clit. Both of them ground their cocks against your legs, frantic to get a release from their building arousal.
In seconds all the pleasure wound up in your wet cunt is released and you orgasm on Sun’s fingers. A loud moan leaked from your throat and warm juices dribbled onto his fingers. “Such a good whore for their kings.” The strength had been zapped from your body and yet you still yearned for more, pleas for yet another orgasm hit their ears. Macaque didn’t stop playing with your chest when he stopped kissing and biting your neck to glance up at Wukong.
“Hm, so greedy.” He clicked his tongue and pinched your sensitive nipple. “I think you should give us our reward if you want to cum again. Peaches?” You lifted your lidded eyes and focused on your boyfriend above you who had a smug teasing grin. “I agree. Since moonshine and I won our little game of chase you’re going to obey every order we give you. Understand?”
The same clawed hand that had played with your clit trailed up through your breast and lifted your chin so you were eye to eye with Sun. Lust clouded his eyes and there was no doubt it could be seen in yours, swallowing the thrill in the back of your throat. “Yes-” Wukong interrupted her and gripped your chin. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, my kings.” You saw his smile widen and felt yourself be lifted up with Macaque’s help, stumbling back into his chest and nodding when he whispered if you were alright. After confirmation, he voiced a command. “Strip. First yourself and then us.” This would’ve been simple since you’d done it before but your muscles ached and standing was difficult but you were high on pleasure to care.
So you slowly took off all your workout clothes and tossed them to the side, figuring that taking off all of Wukong’s clothing would take a while, and carefully moved towards him. Nearly falling when your knees decided it was good to collapse, you were caught by the monkey in front of you and he laughed softly. “Careful, sunshine. I’d love to see you on your knees but not right now.” He pressed a quick but sweet kiss to your lips as you untied his cape and lifted his heavy chest-plate armor off him which landed with a loud thud.
Then he moved to his vibrant red sash on his waist which also held up the fabric draped over his pants so that it was easy to pull off his long gold shirt, shoes, and pants till he was just left with his boxers. “I think I prefer you nude than all dressed up, my king.” You purred out and tantalizingly slowly pulled them down, testing to see if he’d break and noticing his hands form into firsts. His pretty pink cock stood hard and angry, leaking buds of precum.
Your mouth watered and you felt someone creep out of your shadow, unable to hold himself back any longer as he stroked himself through his pants seeing you strip down his boyfriend till he was naked. “Now it’s my turn, lotus.” You turned around and followed the same steps with his worn-out cape and halved kimono top which kept his hip guards up. However like before you got nice and close, leaving inches both of your lips feigning a kiss until you pulled his black long-sleeved shirt over his head.
Laughing at the annoyed groan he made and pulled his pants down along with his boxers. “Where’d you learn these tricks, Name?” His smirk crept into his voice and hands circled your waist, finally getting the kiss you withheld from him and pulling you closer. “I just learned it from someone who thinks they’re so suave.” You felt his erect cock slap against your dripping pussy and moaned at the sensation, going to plead for more when you were pushed onto your knees.
“You’re going to suck and worship my cock like the king I am, sunshine. It’s my reward after all, right?” Wukong walked from behind you next to Macaque and tilted your head up, the tip of his dick rested on your lips and prodded your mouth. Without needing an order, you opened your mouth and started giving kitten licks to the tip while your hands pumped the rest of his shaft. “Mhm~ Yeah Ngn~ That’s it. Just like that.” The stone monkey tilted his head back and gripped the back of your neck as you took his mushroom-like head into your mouth.
You didn’t notice the dark-haired monkey dip into a shadow and reappear beneath you, his arms wrapping around your thighs and pulling your attention away from the blow job you were just starting to give. “Don’t mind me, sweetheart. I’ll just be redeeming my reward down here~” Sun’s hand on the back of your head guided your head up and down the length of his cock and you felt your nose touch his pubic bone, moaning loudly when Macaque took an experimental lick up the strip of your pussy.
He snickered at your resulting reaction which also sent pleasure through his boyfriend's dick as you let out lewd noises while you sucked his cock like a popsicle and anchored himself against your dripping cunt. Mumbles of how good you tasted and why you and your pussy belonged to him couldn’t but catch your attention, especially when you glanced down and your slick mixed with his saliva covered his mouth.
Pearly fang marked your upper thighs with hickeys and bruises to tell others you were taken by the Sixed-Eared Macaque and The Great Sage Equal to Heaven. You felt his tongue start curiously exploring what caused you to moan louder and targeted those areas, learning very quickly how to make you cum from just his tongue. “Mhmmm~ Ma- Mm” Momentarily you forgot that your mouth was full and gagged at Sun’s cock touching the back of your throat.
“Breathe through your- ngh~ nose, sunshine” Your lover managed to spit out as he staggered his breathing and gripped your hair tightly. Doing as suggested, you focused on breathing through your nose and feeling his hand intertwined with yours, giving it a squeeze and doing the same back to signal that you were alright. Macaque was still sucking on your pussy like he hadn’t had a drink in days eager to get more reactions out of you and got a chorus of moans as he hit a spot that made you see stars.
Sun’s cock was brushed by your tongue and dipped in and out of your mouth, saliva and precum cover your mouth as you messily hold back a gag reflex and whined when he thrusts into your face. Unable to hold back any longer and cupping your jaw, he apologized rapidly for being rough and getting louder and louder. “Yes- ngh~ please!! Please! I’m gonna cum!”
You rubbed circles on his hips and arched your back when the demon below you pinched your clit and sucked harshly which snapped the rising orgasm coiling in your core. “Mhm, there you are a princess! Give it all to me!” The pleasure crashing over you like a wave and crying out in euphoria. The pulses of your voice vibrating his dick and triggering his orgasm in tandem, Sun’s voice becoming high pitched and whining like a bitch in heat.
“Fuck- ‘m cumming-” Bitter warm liquid shot down your throat and coated your tongue, his penis still jolting in your warm mouth and riding out his orgasm. Sun comforting steadied his breathing and loosened his grip on your face, whispering praises and apologies for being rough. “I’m sorry if I was too rough, sunshine. Such a good mate for us…our lovely Name.”
Your other lover however wasn’t done and kept going. Determined to eat you out like it was his last meal, the shadow demon was addicted to your taste and could feed off you for days without stopping. “’m not done. I’m going to make sure that you’re unable to walk for days.” You swallowed and leaned against your king who gladly caught you.
“My kings, be gentle- mhm,” Both responded by softly kissing your neck and licking the bitemarks made all along your body. “I want you both in me! I feel empty.” Macaque chuckled and murmured something about finally being able to fulfill his promise to you. They stroked their cocks to get hard again which didn’t take long given your arousal sexual state in front of them panting and whining from overstimulation.
Slowly both demons rubbed the tips of their dicks against your sopping cunt and pushed into your hole, Wukong sweetly rubbed your labia when you hissed from the stretch. Breathing deeply and giving the okay when the pain faded, both lovers sandwiched you between them and started moving at a rhythmic pace. “Ah- fuck- So tight!”
You had already cum twice and the overstimulation was attacking your nerves like lightning. Both pain and pleasure courses through you’re body
“Hey moonlight, looks like our little slut has been fucked dumb.” Sun leaned close to your ear, giving you a show with a raspy growl and biting the skin of your collar bones harder than before. “Who do- ugh- you belong to?” Pinching the skin between his fangs His free hand trailed down to play with your chest. Macaque wrapped his hand around your neck and gripped it tight, kneeling so he could thrust into your abused cunt.
Their speed was inhuman, Sun matched it and you couldn’t speak, only letting out moans and whimpers. Feeling the wall you’d come so close to starting to crumble and barely spitting out a response when he bit harder as a warning to answer the question. “You. I’m yours!” No one would ever get close to giving as much pleasure and pure joy as they did, knowing your body like the back of their hands and safely pushing to your breaking point. “Say our names!- mhg”
Their real names, the ones only you had the privilege of screaming out in complete lust and drunk on their cocks. “I belong to Liu ‘Er Mihou and S-sun Wukong! Ahh~ I yours and only yours.” Your lovers look at you broken and sex-crazed, smirking at the flutter of your eyes as they speed up slowly racing towards their highs as well. Beautiful scars littered Macaque's chest and sweat dripped down to his toned stomach, dark fur was wet and tangled knots were visible as you looked closer.
Wukong appearance was just a disheveled, peach-colored fur no longer resembling a heart on his bare chest and red sclera contrasting his stunning gold irises. “Yes you -ah fucking are!” He pinched and groped your tits as Macaque viciously pounded into you like a bitch in heat, loud unapologetic moans and cries came from your mouth as you orgasmed. “Cumming!” Your walls sucked both of their dicks hard and contracted around their tips, devilishly begging for their cum.
“‘m cumming too-“ “Same here, peaches~” Your demons fucked you as they worked you all through your orgasms, feeling warm liquid fill your insides and slick squirting onto you and Macaque’s pelvis. Fuck you squirted. No one had been able to do that before…..it wasn’t a myth?! Harsh breathing was all you could hear for a couple of minutes, all of you shifted back to stable states and bathed in your after-sex glow.
Your pussy twitched at everything that brushed it and sent pangs of pain to your brain, pleading for a break and thankful it was often. Slowly, both of them pulled out, their breath hitching and biting their lips. “My mates. All mine.” Of course, Wukong recovered faster than others and immediately took to cuddling you all up, lifting you both gently onto his soft somersault cloud forgetting your clothes entirely.
“We all need a-“ You interrupted the shadow demon and kissed his cheek with a kind smile, “A bath? Yes, we do. That’s why I’m guessing, Peaches is bringing us to the hot springs or at least somewhere in that direction…you guys almost broke me.” You fell back against them both, hearing them chuckle and grabbing hands comfortably. He looked to where Sun was leading them and saw a familiar hot spring with homemade privacy screens surrounded by blooming willow trees.
“Just rest, sunshine. You did great at the training and nearly escaped us on the first try, that’s great! Maybe next time let’s not get carried away with the rewards” The king sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and elbowed his boyfriend, who looked offended at the comment like he hadn’t been as sex hungry. You could barely hear the cocky “No promises.” from Macaque as you were carried into the hot spring, the warm water soothing all the marks and sore muscles you had.
“You can sleep, lotus. We’ll take care of you.” Hearing that, you stopped fighting sleep and let it pull you into the depths of your unconscious. “Rest up, sunshine. We love you.”
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