#katsuki hiroko
cosmiclion · 17 days
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We don't talk often enough about how adorable Yuuri's mom is and that's a crime, happy belated Mother's Day to this lady 💖
(Do y'all think she'll adopt me if I ask nicely?)
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blended-ice · 6 months
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Hiroko doing leaps of joy in the background because Viktor gushes over her food is too precious.
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I swear, every time I discover such a thoughtfully included little detail, I love this show even more!
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alexseanchai · 6 months
I suspect toddler Yuuri only got ballet instruction in the first place because he was a tiny terror and his parents couldn't handle him and the onsen at the same time, Minako's ballet career had recently come to a painful end and Hiroko was worried about her friend's mental health, and Minako wanted meals to appear in front of her without her spending any money or effort
so whether it's Hiroko paying for babysitting ballet lessons coaching Yuuri through juniors Minako's time and expertise with sake and sashimi or Minako paying for sake and sashimi with her time and expertise? probably a subject of ongoing (if only occasional) debate
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Happy Mother's Day to Hiroko Katsuki!
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cirrha · 8 months
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8) Family and 9) Skating
Still sick T_T getting better. I loved drawing Vitya's skating.
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neutronice · 10 months
Mother's Intuition: the Importance of Vic-chan
I have watched YOI now more times than I can count, and even though I can recite so much of it from memory, I am still noticing new things. This time, it was something massively small…
Namely, the understated but incredible Katsuki Hiroko.
When Yuuri arrives home for the first time in five years, and people ask why he’s not at the World Championships, Hiroko immediately comments on how great that is because it means Yuuri has finally been able to visit. She doesn’t just blunt the blow, saying “I get to see my son!” Full-on body-blocks Yuuri’s shame. It reminds Yuuri that he is adored and welcomed by his family, and even when he professionally fails, mom is going to be there to give him a ray of light.
But that’s not what I noticed. No. It was something from just after Victor arrived in Hasetsu. When Minako comes barging into Yu-Topia needing to see Yuuri because of the rumor about Victor.
What does Hiroko say? She says, “oh Vic-chan Is already here! And he’s sleeping soundly.”
Hiroko’s son is a professional skater. She knows the highs and lows and ups and downs that come with that, and she can read Yuuri probably better than nearly anyone else. And to me, the fact that she’s already using such familiar diminutives when Victor has waltzed in has meaning. It’s that when she looked at Victor Nikiforov, she saw beyond his mask and his bluster, down to the exhausted person who had escaped to her little corner of the world to coach her son.
She could see Vic-chan was not there on some rescue mission just for Yuuri. That he looked as lost as (if not more lost than) her own son, and by calling him Vic-chan, she’d already made up her mind what that meant.
It meant Katsudon, extra large. And happily cleaning out their banquet room to give Victor a place to stay. And probably many more things behind the scenes that didn't make it to the show, giving the two lost boys in her house a safe place to regroup and recover. (Three lost boys once Yurio arrived).
Yes, of course she knows that this is the skater Yuuri has been obsessed with for over half his life. But that’s not why she calls Victor Vic-chan. She calls him Vic-chan because he needs someone who will call him Vic-chan right now, someone who will cook him piping hot katsudon after a long day, someone who sees beyond the mask to the kid who probably hasn’t been mothered since he showed promise in skating, and stepping in to give him some of what he’d lost.
Hiroko could see Vic-chan within the first few minutes of meeting Victor, so it’s not much of a stretch to believe that Hiroko understood that Victor was a permanent part of their family within a week of that first meeting.
Mothers always know, after all.
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onegianthotmess · 1 month
Yuuri’s mom calls Viktor “Vicchan”…
I don’t care if it’s canon or not, she calls him “Vicchan” and I will die on this hill-
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starray04 · 3 months
Happy Mother’s Day🫶🫶
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yurionice-secretsanta · 5 months
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To @miraculous-stardust From @ivescottthis
I hope you like this scene I’ve made of Viktor spending New Years with the Katsuki family!
Hope you’re having a great holiday season!
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whateverithinkof · 21 days
Daily Fanfic Rec (Day 15)
Yuri On Ice
Title: Turn Back the Clock
Author: IronScript
Words: 58,702
Chapters: 52
Completed?: No
"When Yuuri and Viktor wake up over thirty years in the past, they don't know what to do. Does the other remember?
Luckily that particular question is quickly answered and they can relax slightly, but what about afterwards? Viktor was brought back to right before his first Olympics, and Yuuri isn’t even old enough to compete in Seniors’!
Then there's the fact that they're still very much in love, but a physical relationship would be illegal (and would gross them both out considering Yuuri's age), and they can't count on anyone to just trust them not to do anything age inappropriate. So maybe being long-distance (with as many in-person meetings as possible) would be better until Yuuri becomes a legal adult physically, never mind his actual age.
But it's hard to behave and act naturally when you're forced to be apart from your husband of twenty years, especially during one of the most stressful parts of anyone's life, so Yuuri and Viktor have to distract themselves somehow, right?
And if everyone around them ends up completely confused and blindsided at their sudden changes (though admittedly they seem to have changed for the better), then so be it!"
-- -- -- -- --
This fic explores Yuuri and Viktor's relationship in an amazing, in-depth, way. It's so sad this fic hasn't been updated in so long! But there is still plenty of content to read, and I would recommend you read it!
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
My brain has once again a headcannon.
At the onsen, because where the fuck else would they be, about early o'clock in the morning. Victor and Yuuri are looking for Yuri and Mari because Hiroko needs Mari for something and in general when Yuri goes missing it's an issue™. Victor calls Yuri's phone. It goes off, so Victor follows the sound. Turns out it's in the room Yuri and Otabek are sharing, as they do.
Otabek: reaches over to picked up Yuri's phone. Otabek: Sees it's Victor calling. Otabek: Dismisses the call. Otabek: Unlocks the phone, calls himself. Otabek: Umhum. (phone noises) Yes. (phone noises) Victor called you. Are you supposed to be doing something? (phone noises) Alright.
Victor: pops his head in, thinking Yuri is hiding in there
Otabek: sitting on the floor with a physics and medical book about him Otabek: clearly is doing homework, wearing his very fashionable reading glasses (he's not trying to ruin his eyes with excessive strain, alright?)
Otabek: No. (phone noises) Umhum. (phone noises) Usual. (phone noises) Otabek: turns and looks Victor dead in the eyes Otabek: Mari would like to know if you want anything from the bakery.
Yuuri (from nowhere): Oh My Gawd Yes! Red bean paste buns, and cream buns, and the fruit tarts, and -
Otabek: Get a wide variety, and - Otabek: looks back at Victor
Victor: Double shot cappuccino?
Otabek: You got that? (phone noises) Good. (phone noises) No. (phone noises) Yes, you may. (phone noises) Inside upper left pocket. (phone noises) Same as usual. (phone noises) Are you plotting something I should be aware of? (phone noises) Then no. (phone noises) ETA? (phone noises) Okay. (phone noises) Alright. (phone noises) Yes. (phone noises) Okay. Otabek: Hangs up. Looks at Victor and Yuuri Otabek: Twenty minutes. Otabek: Casually locks, and puts Yuri's phone back.
Victor: So... you can unlock his phone?
Otabek: Yes.
Victor: And is there anything on there I should be aware of?
Otabek: I am not going to show you the blackmail folder. He's already told you no.
Victor: pouts
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Other side of that conversation: Mari catches Yuri coming back from the bathroom at crack ass of dawn early, dragging him off to help her with some minor chores. He grabs Otabek's hoodie because reasons. It's larger and warmer, and has bigger pockets. That it smells very like someone and is pleasant and - SHUT UP!
Yuri: after several errands, now standing in line with Mari at the bakery Yuri: phone goes off Yuri: unlocks and answers phone Yuri: Phone was in your hoodie, huh? (phone noises) Was someone trying to get a hold of me? (phone noises) No. Why? Did he say something? What shit is he making up now? I'm not doing shit. It's my day off. (phone noises) Yuri: moves up in line, looking over selections Yuri: Dose it seem super important? (phone noises) You want anything from here? Coffee, right? (phone noises) Great. (phone noises) Mari: Hey! Is that my brother? Ask him if he wants something. Yuri: God woman, right in my ear. Did you get that? (phone noises) Yuri: eyes wide as he hears the litany from the other side Yuri: The hell? I am not lugging the whole place back there! (phone noises) Yeah, okay, I can do that. (phone noises) OH COME ON! Don't ask him - Yuri: listens Yuri: Yes, FINE! (phone noises) Shit. I left my stuff in my jacket. Fuck! I am going kill someone. (phone noises) It's to damned early for this! *sigh* Do you mind if I use yours? (phone noises) Great! Where is it? (phone noises) Yuri: feels about for hidden inner pocket. Yuri: Got it! What's the pin? (phone noises) Are you looking to be robbed? Why don't you have different ones for everything! You should. (phone noises) What?! I mean, I could, but no. (phone noises) I wouldn't do that. To you. (phone noises) Depends on if this line moves. I'd say maybe twenty? (phone noises) Anyway, I'll get the usual, and something for the old man and katsudon. (phone noises) Mari will help me bring it back. See you soon. (phone noises) Are you almost done with that homework? (phone noises) Good, I want to go sight seeing. You're going with me. (phone noises) Yuri: hangs up and helps Mari get the orders Yuri: pays with Otabek's black card Mari: doesn't even blink but dose order extra stuff and the largest coffee because why wouldn't she
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eeemarvel · 10 months
Chapters: 43/? Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
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arom-antix · 1 year
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I finished a sketch page of only yuri on ice because I'm trash and I'm proud to be
Open for better quality
The idea for the mini comic is not original, it’s from at post here on Tumblr but I couldn’t find it T_T
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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scribeoffate · 4 months
Hiroko and Toshiya Katsuki: Best Anime Parents. Mari is best sister, too.
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