#kaitlyn ka icons
sejjiplinth · 2 years
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— THE QUARRY’S 80’s outfit pack icons (PART 1)
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stuckinthedeadlights · 6 months
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Kaitlyn Ka Icons
free to use, credit appreciated but not necessary. if you have a request or want to be tagged for any of my edits send me an ask. don’t repost, reblogs appreciated. all of my edits can be found here
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bugsx · 2 years
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Kaitlyn Ka and Dylan Lenivy matching icons (50s outfits)
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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Kaitlyn Ka🌼
The Quarry
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
can supermassive/2k just give me an update or something where kaitlyn gets to go with laura instead? and ryan and dylan stay behind at the lodge potentially w emma and abi (pride party)
cuz literally we were robbed of two badass girls who can handle a gun and kick ass being able to do such things together, and we deserved more resolution to ryan/dylan
and imagine kaitlyn having to be the one to do the cage puzzle on her childhood best friend jacob. HELLO?
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moldiplier · 2 years
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we spend so much time looking toward the future, it’s easy to forget that the past holds secrets too. worth remembering that.
random “the quarry” character icons made by me like/reblog if you save &/or use
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umintj · 2 years
𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬
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sarcasmchandlerbing · 2 years
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kereenlenivy · 2 years
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!! enhypen x the quarry layouts !!
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Kaitlyn Ka x Ryan Erzahler x Dylan Lenivy
1. they're so freaking cool together i just CAN'T- and Ryan is a bi icon and Kaitlyn and Dylan are such a besties they're AWESOME
Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan (Jerin)
1. my beloveds okay, i was in pleasant shock when saw a "young love" plot line (i didn't know anything about TDiM when i started it so didn't expect to get lesbians)
2. Jamie and Erin already have such a wonderful dynamic to begin with, having bounced around each other before taking the leap after enough flustering and teasing. They care so deeply for each other, and one losing the other is beyond heartbreaking. Erin even admits how much she doesn't want to lose Jamie, which makes my heart scream and yell and cry and oh my god
3. They're sweet, they're cute, they're canon! Supermassive finally gave us an official queer couple that can get together and Jerin deserves some recognition for that. <3
4. I mean, its Jerin! They're relationship is so cute and interesting even if they don't get together, its so clear when they don't they still very much love and adore each other and have so much more to say. And when they ARE together they are just so cute and gentle to each other. The perfect couple <3 (also they are a very rare non-white biracial lesbian couple that aren't toxic or weird so the representation they hold is just <3)
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sejjiplinth · 2 years
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( like or reblog if you save/use! <3 )
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glimmer0fpink · 2 years
“Why am I on top of a tree?!”
Next up on my sketch line up is Laura’s golden retriever boyfriend ; Max Brinly!
Of course I had to include the iconic outfit (wink wink) because he clearly slayed in it.
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Character List :
Dylan Lenivy
Kaitlyn Ka
Laura Kearney
Max Brinly
Nick Furcillo
Abigail Blyg
Emma Mountebank
Jacob Custos
Ryan Erzahler
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bazwillendinflames · 2 years
I’d hope to be your Romeo (Emma/Kaitlyn)
When Emma asks for her help with a photoshoot, Kaitlyn agrees. Will posing as one of the most iconic couples be the push for them to take their relationship to the next level?
Kaitlyn Ka didn’t get nervous. There was a certain level of mental toughness needed to get as far in professional women's hockey as her. She’d never lost a staring contest. Doing a favour for a pretty girl was not going to be the thing to make her doubt herself. 
So the warmth in her face and racing of her heart was due to the uncomfortable costume armour she was wearing. A voice in her head that sounded suspiously like Dylan’s smug little voice asked do you really expect me to believe that? He’d asked the same thing when he’d dropped her off at Emma’s earlier. 
(“Fuck off,” had been her response. He had only given her a long, knowing look in return.) 
There was a knock on the door. 
“Can I come in?” Emma asked. 
Kaitlyn leant against the wall. She hoped the redness in her face wasn’t too obvious. “Sure.” 
Emma stepped into the bathroom. She scanned her outfit and clapped her hands together in approval. “Oh my gosh. You look great! I knew you’d suit it!l 
The twenty minutes it took to get herself squeezed into the costume no longer felt like a waste of time to Kaitlyn. If Emma kept looking at her like that, she’d wear the costume for the rest of her life. 
“Thanks. Are you nearly ready?” 
Emma was still in her usual clothes - a cropped sweater and a high waisted skirt. She usually favoured high ponytails or effortless messy buns but now her hair was down and straightened. It was longer than she had been imagining and Kaitlyn wanted to run her fingers through it. 
Emma kept talking, oblivious to the effect she was having on her. Or maybe she was aware and just so used to being admired that Kaitlyn’s not-so-subtle awe was nothing new. 
“Oh please, my perfection takes time. My hair and make up is done but I could use a hand with my dress.” 
Emma had the long white dress hung up in her bedroom, which was a curtained off corner of her studio apartment. She held it up against herself, twirling in front of the gold floor length mirror that featured in her daily Instagram. 
“Bless Abi, she did a great job fitting this for me. But the zipper is on the back.” 
Kaitlyn swallowed. Nerves of steel, she repeated to herself. It was her usual pre-game mantra. Nerves of fucking steel. 
Emma saved her any more gay panic by dipping behind her bedroom curtain to get dressed. 
“I swear, clothes are not designed for single girls,” she said. “Lucky I have you to solve that problem.” 
She was talking about the zipper but it only added fuel to Kaitlyn’s domestic daydreams. She wasn’t usually like this, getting so hung up on girl. Emma hadn’t been like her usual flings, which were intense but usually only lasted a week or two. They’d been friends for ages and the feelings had snuck up on her. Kaitlyn knew she was in too deep when she had agreed to play dress up for Emma’s Instagram feed. 
“Kaitlyn, can you help with the zip now?” 
Nerves of fucking steel. 
Emma stepped out from the curtain, now in the long, flowly dress, holding her hair away from her neck. She turned around so Kaitlyn could reach the zip, pulling it up the final inch that was out of Emma’s reach. Kaitlyn tried very hard to be normal about being so close to her bare, freckled shoulders. 
“Thanks.” Emma spun around again, back at the mirror. “Oh, I love this!” 
“Wings,” Kaitlyn reminded her. 
She disappeared back behind the curtain. “Oh yeah. Abi made those too. I should really give her a raise.” 
“You don’t pay her,” Kaitlyn said. 
She poked her head round. “I’ll steal her from Nick for a night and get her dinner as thanks.” 
Emma emerged in the wings, fluffy white feathered things that completed the look. 
She looked positively…
Emma beamed. “Thank you. You look pretty stunning too. Best looking Romeo I’ve ever seen.” 
“Dylan would disagree. He’s lucky Ryan isn’t the jealous type because he was all over young Leo.” 
Emma scoffed. “Oh him? I totally forgot he was even in it. I don’t think I’ll be able to rewatch the film and not imagine you in his place.” 
Kaitlyn blinked. “Oh-“
“You’re speechless,” Emma said, delighted. 
“I’m not- Whatever. Can we get back to the photos?” Kaitlyn asked. 
For a moment Emma looked almost disappointed. But she busied herself with setting up the background before Kaitlyn could figure out her expression. She had drapered golden string lights along her usual white background and even wheeled out a large fish tank. 
“Did you get that just for this photoshoot?” 
“It’s my favourite scene,” Emma said. “The longing, the instant connection, the pining. If I was going to do Romeo and Juliet, I’m doing it right.” 
Kaitlyn had loved that scene too. She understood what the desperate pining felt like. 
“How many times have you seen the film?” 
“At least a dozen,” Emma admitted. “It’s one of things that made me want to start performing. One of the best love stories, the tragedy of it, the violent delights, set against the modern setting. Proof that Shakespeare is truly eternal. I wrote my final project on modern Shakespeare adaptations.” 
“Wow,” Kaitlyn said.
Emma liked to play up her confidence and carefree side a lot but she was surprisingly sincere. Her intelligence came as a surprise to some of her fans but not to Kaitlyn. She liked all the hidden depths to Emma. 
“Pretentious, I know.” 
“Maybe a little. But I like it.” 
Emma smiled. “Thanks.” 
She had plugged in the fish tank and the blue glow of its light played against her face. 
“This is going to look so good!” 
She moved to mess with the camera on its tripod, brushing against Kaitlyn to get to it. She was doing something complicated with the settings that Kaitlyn didn’t understand. 
“I need some test shots,” Emma said, “to work out the lighting. Will you stand by the tank?” 
Kaitlyn did as instructed, bending down to peer through the glass. Emma’s face appeared on the other side and the camera clicked. 
“Best way to get a genuine reaction,” she whispered. The shutter clicked again. 
“And Emma is the sun,” she said. 
“Getting into character?” Emma asked. 
She shook her head the tiniest amount. “No.” 
Emma’s eyes went wide. The shutter clicked. 
“How’s that for a genuine reaction?” Kaitlyn asked. 
“So that was just for the photo?” 
“No,” she said, softly. “Come on Em. I wouldn’t do this for anyone else.” 
Emma’s face disappeared from view. Kaitlyn stood up too. A hand tapped her shoulder and as she turned, Emma wrapped her arms around her shoulders and leant in. 
  It was the moment after the kiss, the two of them smiling, foreheads pressed together, that Emma posted a few weeks later. 
Kaitlyn leaned over her shoulder, watching her type out the caption. “I didn’t realise you got that moment too.” 
Emma pressed send and put her phone down. “I got the kiss too but I’m keeping that just for us.” 
“Ah that’s sweet babe.” 
“I’ll send it to you,” Emma promised. “I just need to reply to the early comments first-“ 
Kaitlyn pulled the phone gently from her hand. “That can wait.” 
“But Emma nation-“ 
“I’m the most loyal member,” Kaitlyn said, with a pout. “Here you are, ignoring me.” 
“You’re insufferable,” Emma said. But she didn’t reach for the phone again, instead snuggling into her girlfriend’s shoulder. 
“Remind me, is that a line from the play?” 
“It’s from an even better love story. Kaitlyn and Emma.” 
She smiled. “Ah babe. You put my name first.” 
“Only because you’re the Romeo in this metaphor.” 
Kaitlyn rolled her eyes but she was happy enough, snuggled up with a morning coffee in her girlfriend’s bed. It wasn’t even close to the original story but she liked their ending better. 
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caesurah-tblr · 2 years
Im bored so I’m gonna rank TQ characters from my sweet summer child I adore you so much to I would punt you into the sun no questions asked:
-Dylan Lenivy (You guys might’ve noticed he’s my fav because I never shut up about him. He Gets Shit Done. That’s my boy. My sunshine. I’d throw myself in front of a thousand werewolves for him.)
-Max Brinly (Everyone’s favorite malewife. Full of golden retriever boyfriend energy. Binky Bonky. I love him bunches)
-Kaitlyn Ka (The ultimate girlboss and lesbian icon. The fact that she’s played by Brenda Song only adds to her character. Her friendship with Dylan means everything to me. Would smooch her given the chance.)
-Laura Kearny (Only ranks this high because her and Max’s relationship is Goals. Painted as a confident leader but we all know she doesn’t have A Fucking Clue about what’s going on 90% of the time. She and Ryan share a singular brain cell that only works about half the time. Still a certified girlboss though.)
-Ryan Erzahler (Is his last name spelt correctly? Probably not. Also never has a single clue what’s going on. I know we all say he’s autistic but we all know the writers just did him Dirty. Doesn’t have a single leading bone in his body. Undercover himbo. Dylan is definitely the holder of the brain cell in their relationship.)
-Abigail Blyg (I adore her so. Such a sweetheart. I can say with confidence that she is definitely Not Straight. I wish she’d had more screen time.)
-Nick Furcillo (I wish I’d gotten to know him better. There’s not much there, and what’s there is Not Good. He’s better in fanon than in canon.)
-Jacob Custos (It’s so hard for me to feel any sympathy towards him when he can’t take no for an answer. His willingness to break Emma’s boundaries puts him very low on my list. But I know Emma is also to blame for their toxic relationship. Other than that, love him. A certified himbo. Not a single brain cell to be seen.)
-Emma Mountebank (I just can’t stand her in any way. Her played sections feel like such a chore. Her manipulative way she has with Jacob pisses me off, but I understand where she’s coming from at the same time. She’s much better in fanon. She does get the girlboss title for her section with Max tho.)
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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“Pop pop, peanut butter butter pop!” -Ka, Kaitlyn
“Lost, we’re lost Max!” -Kearney, Laura
“Hacketts Quarry forever!” -Custos, Jacob
“The Haaaaag of Hacketts Quarry.” -Furcillo,Nick
“Ok, why does everyone blame everything on bears?” -Lenivy, Dylan
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
had this sitting in my drafts for a while to do. so i figure i will do this instead of my work. created by @lowonmelatonin and tagged by @wlwmages and @alwaysher hiii
favorite counselor and least favorite counselor. why?:
my favorite has been and continues to be emma from the very beginning (if my whole url and icon didn't give it away lmao) and max is a very close second. i love me a beautiful bad bitch with layers, and the soft little baby robbed of more screentime. firm believer they actually both deserved more than what they got in terms of play time.
least favorite is??? uh. it varies? i don't even hate any of them. like personality wise/in-game i'd say nick just cuz he doesn't get a whole lot of foundation. i'm also sometimes a little sour on ryan in the later chapters. i also either love jacob and want to pat his head, or hate him and want to punch his silly little face. definitely have warmed up to nick and ryan a lot though. they're all great characters.
favorite chapter and least favorite chapter. why?:
i love the beginning because im a sucker for the character building and seeing everyone just vibe together before the shit goes down. i also really like 4 for the treehouse chase scene (and because obvs its my two favorites interacting LMAO). i'd want to say 9 too just for the scrapyard segment but the more ive played the more SICK of the hackett house segments i am
least favorite..... 7 i guess. i don't hate it like a lot of people do, and i appreciate any crumbs of max screentime i can get, but its a drag. if it were split up over the chapters or something it'd be easier to digest than all at once.
favorite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?: 
blygbank forever. lauramax and radioheads.
biggest counselor crush:
lmao max. have u seen skyler's freckles. those eyes. those abs!!! plus max as a character is just so babygirl and sweet and squeezable
i would also love to kiss all the girlies
how would you survive the quarry?:
i would stick my finger in max's mouth so i can get bitten and immune to everything but silver.
naur but realistically its going to be by hiding my ass AWAY. i am staying away from all that drama! under the covers! although if it comes to me im a goner. i cannot laura kearney/kaitlyn ka my way out of this one.
favorite the quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
writer: i wont lie im really bad at reading/catching up on fics but i will shout out to @iamsuperbi bc im obsessed with the until dawn quarry crossover
fanartist: @sh5 lauramax shippers come get yall juice
shoutout to some friends made in the fandom :)
@amberpriceenthusiast @stressedanime @kitkat-tat @alwaysher @wlwmages @needsmorewlw @radio-heads @04choerry @confoundedluna @nyanbinarification @not-your-bro
i am definitely forgetting some but just know if we're mutuals, u interact with my posts, etc. i love and appreciate you a lot !!
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