#just missing this one idiot more cuz that episode is gold and they finally got together
karumbusarr · 16 days
with the season about to end soon, my mind keeps going back to ep 8. it was such a beautiful episode with profound confessions and moments, i adore that episode.
im really excited for them to finally get together properly after everything gets solved soon, but i really miss 2nd 2023 timeline sun jae. he was such an adorable idiot who was so down bad for literally more than a decade and then finally got his girl after the funniest night only to be stabbed like what even. he was such a happy giddy boi and they were so giggly and happy, it was truly a dream. he was so cute with the the whole digging up the time capsule and waiting for her, falling down into the water and then acting all 'top star' rizz, losing his mind about sol staying over and finally leaning in so preciously for consent and being so giddy the entire day. my heart just aches for him truly, he was everything and the future was everything they could've asked for. it's sad that technically the entire night they spent together is erased from the timeline they both will remember, it's so sad. the only silver lining is that they had one night for them to truly be with each other without any worries and just be absolute dumbasses with each other.
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karma-jinx · 5 years
ML Time Tagger Babbles
Buckle up everyone, this one’s a long one.
So that was a fun lil episode huh?
We got to see another Miraculous user. And I think it’s awesome that it was someone who already had a miraculous. It wasn’t given to her.
But does this mean her family has been the bunny miraculous the whole time? Was her dad one? I need answers!!! Because I thought Fluff was still in the miracle box? We have seen that it is possible for a kwami to get separated from its miraculous and still exists. So maybe that’s what happened? There’s just so many questions left unanswered.
I’d seen theories that Alix was going to get the bunny miraculous. So it was cool to see it come true. Man Alix gets TALL, like? Present Alix is so tiny when standing by Ladybug and Chat Noir. But future Alix looks to be about average height. It was cool to see a message on Alix’s watch; I thought that was pretty neat.
I like how they portrayed Future Alix. Still pretty laidback and chill. Calling her she mini me. And Chat Noir Kitten. All around I LOVE her. She so cool. Especially when fighting. I can’t imagine it being easy to jump from portal to portal while fighting an opponent like that. Even more so when your jumping from hundreds of years in the past. That’s gotta get tiring in a mental aspect. I also like how her miraculous is in her pocket. It isn’t necessarily an accessory that’s easily seen. So I though that was cool.
Both Ladybug and Chat Noir in awe of Bunnix cuz she’s from the future. Chat Noir not missing a chance to ask if they end up together, followed by an upset Ladybug. Bunnix played it off well too. Saying they were pretty “whhooo wah.” Which I interpret as, “you guys are pretty all over the place.” Some question if she’s aware of the Love Square. And to me a least, I think she does. Only because she’d have to understand that the love square exists for her to know they’re all over the place. Because if not, I don’t think she’d really answer his question. He asked if they end up together, and if she wasn’t aware of the love square then she’d answer differently. She might shake her head no, or say something along the lines of being just as stubborn/determine in the past as he is in the future. To hint that they still aren’t a thing in the future (yet).
Really?! They aren’t together years later?! Come onnnn why?! Why play me like this?! I mean, does that mean they end up with their alt love interest for some time? Cuz ok fine, I know the Love Square is end game but still. Not sure I want to go through the reality of watching our idiot kids go through the thought of thinking the one they love doesn’t love them back and all that good stuff. But hey, who knows, maybe they’ll each grow by going through this.
(I’m just a pouty butt about it I guess)
Hawkmoth got playeeeedddd lol. He really thought Time Tagger was gonna give him the Miraculous. I loved that Time Tagger went along until the very end when he tells HawkMoth that he’s going to take the miraculous back to the future, to give it to future Hawkmoth, who apparently isn’t the same person. So what does that mean? Who’s the next HawkMoth? I’ve seen some say it may be Lila. Ugh as much as I dislike her, she’d be my guess too. She’s just as manipulative as Gabriel.
Gabriel being shocked he wasn’t HawkMoth any more was good because we see him actually fear something. I can’t recall if he’s ever really expression that emotion genuinely. I know there was that time Adrien turned into a gold statue. But it was very short lived. Her we see him shocked by this news. Then Natalie comes to comfort him by saying that perhaps they succeed instead of failed.
Which I don’t think is very likely because Ladybug and Chat Noir still exist in the future. And we know it’s the same Ladybug and Chat Noir of the past. If HawkMoth succeed then o doubt he’d give back the miraculous. But that’s just my thought.
Some random things I also liked in this episode was Chat Noir and Ladybug unamused with the Pigeon villain again. Easily taking him down, even the crowd seems pretty “Eh” about the fight.
Chat Noir bouncing as he had to stay and watch Bunnix fight, even Ladybug had for tell him to stay. Which was silly and cute.
But of course he couldn’t and tried to help, good think Bunnix has fast reflexes and avoided a cataclysm. Also scolding him right after too heh, Chat Noir got in trouble~
I like how she was going to leave the first but noticed that something was off. Something simple to! A pencil. She noticed a pencil wasn’t there and stopped from leaving. But I guess it’s easy to catch when you’re memory of the events happening clearly show what’s being held in your head at that time. But still, I think it’s an impressive catch cuz I know I’d probably over looks a minor detail like that.
LB and CN of the future casually sticking there yo-yo and staff into the past. Like, “we’re here to help but not so physically.” Idk silly. Loved how Future LB reassured Bunnix she didn’t fail.
Other random thoughts, we were PLAYED!
We were told we’d see future LB and CN. And yes technically we did see them, but y’all did us dirty ZAG!!! You threw us a little treat when we wanted a bone! That’s hilarious! I know some others may disagree, and that’s totally cool. But I appreciate this lil prank. Sad we didn’t get to see a full view of them with good lighting and all. But oh well. Wished they’d update their outfits but again, oh well.
Someone take future Noel’s shades away please. Other than that I think his design was pretty cool. But can I ask WHY?! Alya and Nino trust her to watch their younger siblings?! Like ok I know they still don’t know she’s a liar but really?! We saw how she was in Adrien’s home, was she snooping around for juice and secret stuff in Alya’s home? I hope not.
The fact she was willing to watch them surprises me more. She doesn’t seem like the type to like kids. Just stay away from the wee babies please. Their heads don’t need to be filled up with your lies!
(Noel please don’t crush on her.)
Finally Chat Noir landing on top of Ladybug after getting knocked over but not doing something cheesy like always; subtle but interesting to see him doing less small gestures like that. Not saying this for shipping purpose, I’m pointing it out because I personally wished we say a cheeky winked followed by Ladybug putting her hand on his face and pushing him off. Silliness like that ya know. I’m a bit of a sucker for moments like that.
Overall I am quite pleased with this episode. It was fun and built a bit more of the plot.
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