#judge trudy
thebeezcnys · 2 years
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stardev94 · 4 months
He crashed the entire World Wide Web. Email broke down, prisoners escaped, wars broke out! THE MOON FELL!
-- Craig Fellharbor's dad, Judge Trudy
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fuzzychildchopshop · 4 months
Judge Trudy is hilarious
she’s awesome
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tuhhadkeryo · 1 year
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Judge Trudy? Judy? I always get ‘em mixed up. 3/4 sketch
Don’t give her any bull crap or you’re goin’ to jail got it
ps I’ll probly redo this one too
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borrelia · 1 year
actually that reminds me the extent to which spoiler culture Did Not Exist when i was a kid except for like. m night shyamalan movies. bc i remember i missed the monk finale and the next day my classmates just told me what happened. bc like. tf r u gonna do, wait for a rerun?? (we had tivo but. generally.)
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nat-without-a-g · 3 days
Something I didn’t question after episode one but realized while trying to design Francis’s mom: Brittanica Blue’s first response to being pursued by men who had just attempted to kidnap her was to call Trudy Trout and not her parents. I know it was the fifties so I’m not going to harp on the parent point (until we meet them and i can judge their character) but BB, what’s Trudy of all people going to do??? Tell her husband?????
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Random Sinclair Headcanons✦
(I was bored and I have nowhere else to put them)
Lester's got a slight allergy to certain citrus fruits. It's not terrible, but it did get stuff like orange juice banned from the house when the brothers were younger. But that's Bo's favorite. So he always has a jug specifically for himself in the house since Lester's no longer living with them.
Vincent's hair is well kept in turns of how he washes it, but their lifestyle ruins it constantly. Some parts of Vincent's hair is a lot shorter than the rest cause he got too much wax caught in it, so they have to snip a strand. It's like terrible layers.
All the brothers have bad teeth, Bo's looks the best on the surface, but mans got at least 8 fillings in the back.
Bo is shit at telling people's accents, Vincent's decent at it. But Lester? Somehow he's the gibberish translator. Someone could come through with the most unintelligible accent and he'll somehow know what they're saying.
I've said Bo can play piano, and so can Vincent, but they're more adept with the violin. Lester can probably tear shit up on the harmonica
Vincent's art mediums are; wax sculpting(duh), painting, and charcoal.
Bo's art mediums are; photography, musical(though he dropped that one), and he used to be pretty good at pen doodles(but he dropped that too, fuckin' thanks Trudy)
Lester's art mediums are; scavage-crafting, wood/bone carving, and scrapbooking.
Bo had a phase where he was really good at producing poems/poetic song lyrics. But he stopped doing it because he got made fun of once. Basically anytime he does anything artistic, he drops it, because he gets made fun of or told Vincent is better.
Bo & Lester bond over old cars and Lester knows a good amount about cars because of it. By proxy, Bo knows a lot about Lousiana wildlife thanks to Lester.
Lester & Vincent bond over sculpting & carving. I think almost everyone agrees Vincent's dual dragon knives were carved from bone that Lester found.
Lester wasn't good in school but mans was fantastic in woodshop. He outdid everyone. Without even trying! Fuck a bird house, get a bird MANSION.
Vincent's an insomniac, Bo's got night terrors, and Lester is the type to wake up every hour. What's funny is that when they were younger, Bo was the insomniac, Lester had night terrors, and Vincent was the one who woke up every hour. They all switched problems somehow.
They all have two matching moles on their lower ribs and right beside their belly button.
Bo's first job was at a mechanic's shop, Vincent's was at a music shop, and Lester's was at a gas station. Bo was fuckin' trash at customer service, Vincent silently judged people's music choices, and no one talked to Lester(sadly).
Lester makes all his food too damn spicy. He adds spice to already hot things. Both his brothers think he's a demon as they watch him add chili flakes to things.
Bo hates reality TV, but in the way that he'll stick around to watch it and yell at the TV if he sees it on. It's actually pretty funny.
There is one mixtape in Lester's truck, it's the only one he listens too, and it's an old one he stole from Bo when they were teens. Bo still wonders where it went but Lester refuses to tell him.
Bo says he hates hugs but somehow gives the best ones. They're like, engulfing dad hugs with the perfect amount of pressure. Lester's hugs are a bit too tight but it's cute. Vincent's are soft and delicate, like a blanket.
If Bo's had a night terror and he can't calm down, he'll look for Jonesy. And she'll lay on top of him on the couch until he calms down. Vincent's found them a few times, but chooses not to comment on how Bo holds the dog he swore he didn't want like a teddy bear.
Vincent had a Greek Mythology phase, Bo had a WW2 History phase, and Lester had a Dinosaur phase.
Vincent's favorite colors are beige & lilac, Bo's are midnight blue & charcoal black, & Lester's are fern green & dandelion yellow.
Lester's house is cleaner than the twins, ironically. It's cluttered, yes, but he actually keeps a decent living space. There aren't even coffee rings on his tables, he made his own coasters. He's got a messy job so he likes his house to be clean.
Bo & Vincent don't know how to load a dishwasher. They wash their dishes by hand, but, they also don't cause they hate doing it When the sink is too full, they do rock, paper, scissors. Bo tends to lose.
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Trudy Ring at The Advocate:
Planned Parenthood must turn over some records on transgender health care to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a judge has ruled. Bailey, a Republican, is investigating providers of gender-affirming care in the state, which has outlawed the provision of such care to minors and certain adults. His demand for information from Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri came in March 2023 as part of his investigation of whether Washington University’s Pediatric Transgender Center or other health care entities in Missouri “have engaged in or are engaging in any practices declared to be unlawful,” as he stated in a letter to Planned Parenthood. The Planned Parenthood affiliate then sued Bailey in an attempt to block his demand, saying it was unauthorized and that the attorney general hadn’t shown how Planned Parenthood is directly involved in his investigation. Bailey argued that his request “should stand because he has an affidavit that alleges intentional dishonesty in Plaintiff's medical and billing practices,” St. Louis Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer wrote in his ruling. Ruling in Bailey’s favor, Stelzer said the AG’s office has “broad investigative powers” and that Bailey has the right to obtain any documents that aren’t protected by the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which provides for patient privacy.
Missouri AG Andrew Bailey (R) has been granted snooping powers on Planned Parenthood of St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri's records for transgender health services.
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msookyspooky · 7 months
No because imagine the Sinclair brother's not use to affection and being pampered and being a mess about it.
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Imagine Vincent never receiving any nurturing physical touch since Trudy died. Covering his face completely as a man instead of a partial mask he had as a child. Always standoffish to others and deep diving in his work to ignore anything outside completing the town. Throwing his life away to think himself even more a thing than man that didn't deserve love....Absolutely ready to cry when his s/o brushes his hair and peppers his imperfect face in kisses. When they kiss him when his mask falls off. When they playfight with him and treat him like a normal human being instead of an ugly emotionless thing his parents and society told him he was and even his twin echoed at times. Someone didn't think he was a freak. Someone loved him. Someone gave him affection without fear and he's almost got happy tears in his eye over it.
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Imagine Bo never receiving much physical affection growing up as the burden child; acting like he didn't need something so weak anyways because it was better than hurting so bad from not being wanted. Not having many partners with his sole purpose being Ambrose and when he did get a person they were tied up and unwilling and didn't touch him unless instructed because it was safer for him emotionally that way to be in control. They can't run away or hurt you that way... He's for once speechless over his s/o offering a backrub after he worked so hard on something yet they want nothing in return. Or they absent-mindedly comb their fingers through his hair while watching tv not minding the scar under his crown of his hair. Not minding the scars on his wrist and kissing them when he got too deep in thoughts of the past. The few reminders he was as much a freak as his brother and they didn't care. Or they hug him from behind when he's not busy just because or make him lunch with a note because they thought of him...Without force, someone thought of him. How speechless he is at the butterflies he feels that he doesn't know what to do. Someone actually thought kindly of him without judging him or force.
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Imagine Lester as the forgotten youngest that just wants so badly to be family and included yet also feels distant from his brothers and his parents and Mama's 'wish' to restore the town. Living a lonely life as a roadkill clean up man living alone somewhere in the woods away from Ambrose because of people judging his grimy appearance, his job, his humor and of course what his family does...Blushing and smiling a love struck wobbly grin when his s/o displays interest in him and his work. Chuckling and blushing when they hug him despite the smell or help wash him up when he gets home after a long day. Washing his face and hair and body tenderly while asking about his day. Showing interest. Someone cares enough to know about him or pay attention to him. Smitten when they cuddle him and he hugs them tight soaking in these cuddles like they'll be taken from him.
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venus-haze · 6 months
Bad Ritual (Vincent Sinclair x Reader)
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Summary: Some pageant queens sit on parade floats. Being crowned Miss Ambrose requires you to get your hands a little dirty.  [This is an AU]
Note: Woman reader, but no other descriptors are used. Heavily inspired by The Wicker Man and Midnight Mass, as well as my own spin on St. Ambrose, who, among other things, is the patron saint of wax melters. Since this is a cult AU, please check the warnings before reading. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Emotional and spiritual manipulation, morally gray reader, religious sex negativity/sex shaming, elements of Catholicism, human sacrifice. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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The stage lights threatened to melt your carefully applied makeup off. You held a wide smile for so long your cheeks ached. Your eyes nervously flitted about the crowd of Ambrose’s residents, just barely able to fill three-quarters of the movie theater for the event. When your gaze fell on Vincent in the front row, he gave you a small nod of encouragement that manifested butterflies in your already twisted stomach. Could you help being hopelessly in love with your best friend?
“After much deliberation by myself and the other judges,” Trudy began in her soft drawl, harsh on the edges from her decades-long smoking habit, “we agree without a doubt, the winner of the third Miss Ambrose contest is—“
The microphone screeched when Trudy spoke your name, and the dam broke, bringing about uncontrollable tears of joy and relief. The sound of cheers and applause filled the theater, almost dictating the rhythm of your heartbeat. You weren’t sure what you would’ve done if you lost. In the weeks prior to the competition, you craved victory so badly that it filled the marrow of your bones.
With tears blurring your vision, you made your way over to Trudy. She smiled, placing the ornate wax tiara on your head and satin sash reading ‘Miss Ambrose’ in glittering crimson lettering over your shoulder. She wrapped her arms around you in an unexpected hug.
“Congratulations,” she whispered. “You deserve it.”
Hardly able to utter your thanks, you attempted to compose yourself while she addressed the crowd again.
“I believe we can all agree that this young woman here exemplifies the qualities this community holds dear,” she said, her gaze shifting to you with pride evident in her features, leaving you overwhelmed at the praise of your community’s leader. “If you’d like to share a few words, honey, now’s your chance.”
You nodded, trembling as you stood in front of the microphone. “First, I wanna thank the judges, Ms. Trudy, Father Julian, and Ms. Louann for giving me such a great honor. I also wanna thank my parents for believing in me as much as they believe in this town. Most of all, I wanna say that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than Ambrose, and I just—“ the tears began to flow again, and you managed to get a hold of yourself long enough to add, “I’m so grateful to St. Ambrose for everything he’s done for us. I don’t feel worthy to represent him on his feast day, but I’ll do my best. Thank you.”
Taking a step back from the microphone, you smiled as Louann handed you a bouquet of flowers. Louann was the previous Miss Ambrose and as such had the privilege of serving on the judge’s panel to decide who her successor would be. You were sure she would’ve preferred her own daughter, but she wasn’t interested in competing, an oddly reclusive girl around your age you’d long since given up befriending. Since there were so few people in Ambrose, the pool of young women eligible for the coveted crown was small, and therefore the competition could only be held once every seven or so years. Besides the feast day of your town’s namesake patron saint, the Miss Ambrose competition was one of the most highly anticipated events around.
Being Miss Ambrose was a commitment, but one you’d taken on with pride. Besides helping lead the usual procession through town, you’d serve as an ambassador to the hundreds of tourists who flooded your small town to view the spectacle. Most importantly, you’d finally be allowed to attend the celebratory mass held the night of the Feast of St. Ambrose. You weren’t sure what exactly the criteria for attendance was, but being Miss Ambrose surely meant you were worthy enough to finally go.
You were too young to remember Ambrose being on the verge of ruin when the sugar mill shut down, but your parents never failed to remind you how Trudy convinced them and the other families that comprised your close-knit community to stay. Her unorthodox ideas of shifting the town’s economy to reflect that of its patron saint was risky, but it worked, and Ambrose had carved out a niche for itself in beekeeping, wax-melting, and the artistry associated with it. As such, she was the person everyone deferred to for just about everything. Her word uncontested law. And why not? You all had it pretty good in Ambrose compared to the horrors you’d heard of going on outside the town’s limits.
The festival’s celebrations brought in abundant tourists who would patronize your small town’s shops and businesses en masse. While you understood the importance of the tourism during the festival, you found the raucous way they acted almost disrespectful to St. Ambrose and the reverence he deserved for providing so much for you.
At the very least, photography wasn’t allowed in the church. It was there that the town’s offering to St. Ambrose was displayed, a wax figure, always carefully detailed to look almost indistinguishable from a real person. Tourists could marvel at the statue, but not document it. You didn’t care for them and how they seemed to regard you all as sideshow freaks for being so insular. It especially bothered you that Vincent had to wear his mask whenever they were around. You’d hear them whisper about it, speculating why he wore it. They had no idea it was because of them.
Otherwise, he presented his bare face to your community who regarded it with normalcy. When your family would join the Sinclairs in the pew at mass, you’d occasionally end up sitting next to Vincent. You’d feel his hands, strong and soft from his work, holding the one next to you a little tighter than you normally would during the Our Father. For the sign of peace, in which you’d exchange blessings between clasped hands and chaste kisses on the cheek, he presented the unscarred half of his face to you. Still, you silently wondered what the other half would feel like against your lips.
It felt like you blinked, and you were surrounded by the people you’d grown up with, all looking at you with an unfamiliar yet welcome respect. You basked in the attention like a sunbathing snake, each compliment and affirmation filling your chest with a warm pride.
“Congratulations, sweetheart,” your mother said, giving you a hug with tears in her eyes.
Your father agreed, giving you a pat on the back. “You earned it! We’re so proud of you.”
“Y’all did a great job with this one,” Trudy said.
Your family was one of the dozen or so original families that stayed in Ambrose at Trudy’s urging. She never forgot your family’s loyalty and trust in her, and it wasn’t uncommon for you to sit with them at mass or be invited to their house for a meal or a holiday. You reveled in any extra time you got to spend with Vincent, although being in the presence of your town’s savior always left you in awe.
“C’mon, a lot of that’s thanks to you, Trudy, mentoring the kids and teaching catechism on top of everything else you do,” your mother said.
While Father Julian was the parish’s pastor, most spiritual matters went to Trudy, and her decision was final. She taught catechism and set the standards for receiving sacraments. It caused friction with the larger diocese, and not long after you made your first communion, St. Ambrose’s parish split from the Vatican. Trudy had explained they lost their way, and that Ambrose was the only place practicing real Catholicism. That was why new families moved in, looking for the truth. You felt lucky to live in such a place.
“I’ve got big plans for you, girl,” Trudy said. “‘Specially with the festival coming up.”
You nodded. “Of course, Ms. Trudy. Whatever you need.”
She walked away, and you noticed Vincent subtly motioning toward the service exit behind the stage. 
“Ready to head home?” your mother asked.
“I’ll catch up. There are a few people I want to talk to first,” you said.
Your father nodded. “Alright, well, don’t stay out too late.”
Once they had left, you didn’t see Vincent in the theater anymore, and managed to slip outside undetected a few minutes later, fending off your horde of admirers. There was only one person whose attention you really wanted, anyway.
He stood outside, waiting for you in the shadows of the building. Your heels clicked against the asphalt as you walked over to him.
“Congrats, Miss Ambrose,” Vincent signed. He smiled, reaching up to adjust the tiara atop your head.
“I don’t look ridiculous, do I?”
He shook his head. Your face heated up when his hands made gentle contact with your skin. He traced your gestures with the pads of his thumbs, brushing your forehead, down to your cheeks, and finally to your lips. Vincent cradled your face in his hands for a moment longer before kissing you.
Without hesitation, you kissed him back, taking in the texture of his lips, the warmth of his body. His hands fell to your hips, pulling you closer. Steadying yourself on his bicep, you silently marveled at his strength, gasping into the kiss and allowing his tongue access to your mouth. 
Despite having heard homilies at mass and ramblings from Trudy about the sin of fornication outside of marriage, you didn’t know what exactly they were talking about until the summer after you started high school. Bo had taken pleasure in explaining the dirty details, offering to give you a demonstration. You rejected him in disgust at how lewd he made the act sound, and until then, in Vincent’s arms, you didn’t understand how anyone could fall into that trap. 
You whined softly when he pulled away from the kiss.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” he signed.
“Why did you wait?”
He nodded toward the door. His mother. For how similar he and Trudy were, they always seemed to butt heads. Still, he was the son she spoke most highly of. Vincent, the focused, dutiful son who’d inherited his mother’s artistic ability and connection to the spiritual core of the town. Her feelings on Bo changed with the weather, though it seemed he was poised to become the public face of Ambrose. A good fit, he could talk his way in or out of almost anything. Lester kept a lower profile, but he was always around to help whenever someone needed a hand. If you were being honest with yourself, you thought he was the best fit to take over Trudy’s leadership duties in Ambrose, but she always had a clear preference for the twins. 
With Vincent being Trudy’s favorite, she’d be incredibly selective about who his potential partner would be. All relationships in town had to be cleared by her. She’d shut people’s requests down for petty reasons. Now that you were Miss Ambrose, there was no reasonable way she could object to you being with Vincent.
“Maybe after the festival, we can ask her,” you whispered hopefully.
He nodded, though he practically jumped away from you when the door outside swung open, clanging against the brick wall behind it. 
Bo stood in the doorway, a knowing grin on his face, partially obscured by the shadows. “Lookit you. Bagged Miss Ambrose herself. Never thought you had it in ya, Vinny.”
“What?” Vincent signed.
“Mama’s lookin’ for y’all. I can tell her you’re busy.”
Vincent rolled his eye at Bo, “We’ll be right there.”
When the door slammed shut, Vincent kissed you again, more quickly this time, and the two of you set off to find Trudy. 
Still backstage, socializing of course, her time was a precious resource nearly everyone in town was vying for. The Miss Ambrose contest was as good of a time as any for people to catch a few minutes with her, bring up concerns or ask for advice while she was available. Her eyes lit up when she saw you and Vincent together. 
“Just the people I wanted to see,” she said, as if she hadn’t sent Bo searching for you. “Vincent’s gonna be making the offering for the festival this year, some other things too to help his old mama out. Can’t do as much as I used to. You’ll help around too, won’t you?”
“I’d love to. Anything you need, just tell me.” 
“You got a good head on your shoulders. Wouldn’t’ve dreamed of crownin’ those other two. Daphne had some nerve even competing after that stupid stunt she pulled last year,” Trudy spat.
The previous year, Daphne had publicly challenged Trudy on a new directive regarding new families that moved into town and their church attendance. It was an innocent enough remark, but the principle of the thing got to Trudy. She was spiteful and vindictive, one to hold a mean grudge, but you supposed those traits were necessary to be a leader like she was. 
“Then that Christine’s a hussy. Tried to make my Bo stumble.”
You had a sinking feeling it was the other way around, and Bo had sold his mama some backwards story after his advances were spurned. You once heard someone say he could flirt the panties off of a nun. Not entirely untrue, but he was too impatient and entitled to accept anything other than complete compliance with his sexual desires. 
“I’m sure you’re not surprised Louann’s daughter didn’t bother. Might’ve given you a run for your money,” she said, looking almost unimpressed by you for a split second.
“Well, I guess we’ll never know,” you said. “I can’t tell you enough how much this means to me.”
“You deserved it, honey. Gonna be a lot of work for you the next few weeks, but I think you can handle it.”
She shooed you away, telling you to go home before it got too dark. You almost laughed. In your small community, everyone knew each other. You were just as safe walking around at 2pm as 2am. Nothing bad ever happened in Ambrose. At least, not like the horrors of the outside world you’d gleaned from the few times you bothered to watch the nightly news. All it did was confirm how lucky you were to live in a place like Ambrose, where you wanted for nothing and had few worries, didn’t have to fear what could be lurking in the dark.
“I’ll walk her home,” Vincent volunteered.
Trudy nodded. “Good. You give my parents my best, now.”
“Of course, have a good night,” you said.
When you were a safe distance from the movie theater, far from wandering eyes, Vincent took your hand in his, pressing a kiss to the top of it. The walk to your house would be short, but you wished for miles more to spend walking alongside him. Alone. He stole half a dozen more kisses from you while the two of you dragged out the walk to your front porch. If not a kiss, then his hands would be on you–the small of your back to guide you along or intertwined with yours as his thumb brushed soft circles on the top of your hand.
“I’m not going to see much of you for a while, am I?” you asked softly as your house finally came into view.
He shook his head. From what you understood, the offering was the most important part of the Feast of St. Ambrose. He’d already gotten lost in his work, whether additions to the wax museum or personal projects, but something so crucial would be sure to consume him until the day arrived.
A sad smile spread across your lips, though you understood. 
The next few days, you didn’t see much of Trudy or Vincent, instead helping around town with the various preparations for the Feast of St. Ambrose. You decorated the statue in the middle of town, an elaborate wax effigy of the patron saint, created by Trudy herself. As you covered it with carefully crafted floral wreaths and vines, people already began leaving small offerings at the base of the statue.
Just before the festival, you found time to visit Vincent, basking in the warmth of his studio, practically a furnace. Opera music grew louder as you approached. You’d spent time with him down there before, able to find your way from any of the subterranean entrances throughout town. 
Either the music was too loud, or he was too entranced in his work to notice you enter. His broad back was turned to you as he leaned over a work table in deep focus. A woman. Nude, bound to the table yet seemingly unable to move otherwise. Still you heard them through her gag. Her moans. Vincent’s hands were all over her body, caressing her curves with care, fingers tracing her features. A blinding envy flashed through you. 
“Vincent,” you snapped.
He turned around, shock that quickly twisted to rage. “What are you doing here?” he signed. “Get out!”
“No! Who is she?”
“It’s not what you think—“
“I’m Miss Ambrose!” you shouted. “Me! What does she have that I—“
“She’s the offering,” he signed.
You froze, your gaze shifting to the bound woman once more. “That’s not–you’re lying.”
“Why would I lie?”
“You’re going to kill her?”
He nodded. Her muffled screams grew louder. “The offering is killed and then encased in wax for St. Ambrose.”
No wonder photos weren’t allowed in the church during the festival. He eyed you cautiously, expecting you to run away screaming.
“Can I watch you do it?”
He hesitated. 
“Please, Vincent?” you asked softly. 
“I just don’t want you to think of me any differently.”
“For doing what’s right? For making sure we’re provided for? We’re not messed up. The rest of the world is.”
With a newfound confidence, he grabbed the knife on the tray next to the bound woman, and you watched in awe as he lifted his arm above her chest and swiftly plunged it perfectly through her heart. Before he could pull the knife from her still warm flesh, you placed your hand over his and dug the blade in a little deeper. 
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saragarnier · 1 month
Secret Revealed
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Summary; y/n got shot during his shift and Jay found the guy who did it.
Pairing; jay halstead x reader
Warning; blood mention, angst
Dating a detective from the Intelligence wasn’t something you had planned of when you took the job in the 21st district; you needed a change, you needed a new place where to start a new life with new opportunities and the 21st was the best place for that, for you. You dreamed of becoming a detective for years, after all it was your dream when you entered the police academy, and meeting the Intelligence Unit and Sergeant Voight was the best for you because all your dreams seemed to be more realistic. Dating a detective from the unit was risky, it really was, especially since sergeant Voight didn’t like in-house romances.  You heard of Kim, that got rejected for the job the first time because of her new relationship with Adam Ruzek, one of the detectives, and you didn’t want it to happen to you too.
Everything with Jay happened so fast that you didn’t even realize at the beginning; you found yourself in his bed one time, two times and after that almost every night. It was beautiful, it really was, you just couldn’t end it because you really started to feel something for him. You didn’t know if it was the same for him, but you hoped so because you were really falling for him. Everything was done in secret: you never called him by his name at work but jus “Detective Halstead” as well as his colleagues, you never looked at him too much, afraid that someone would have noticed, and you always kept it professional. Sometimes you were both seen at the Molly’s, but every time you were seen together, your partner Roman and his colleagues were there too, so that it didn’t sound suspicious.
It was difficult, it really was, especially when you saw him with his vest on; it looked so damn hot, and it was difficult for you to resist him. The same was for him though, especially since the uniform you wore during all your shifts looked so good on you; sometimes Jay just wanted to take you in an empty room and kissed you for hours.
That day it was just a normal one: you kissed Jay on the lips before going back to your apartments before the start of the shifts, you arrived at the station at different times as usual and you just wished to each other good luck before starting your shifts. Roman was already waiting for you when you arrived there, and you immediately smiled at him.
“Good morning sergeant, hi Sean.” You smiled at your sergeant Trudy Platt, behind the desk, and at your partner, that already had the keys in his hands.
“y/l/m, Roman, be careful.” Trudy recommended as always, not looking at you and trying to sound like she didn’t care at all; you knew Trudy very well after almost three months in the district and you really loved her. She was strict but also very sweet, even if she didn’t want anyone to notice that part of her character.
“Thanks Sergeant.” You smiled and you turned around, ready to leave the district to start your shift as a patrolman. Your eyes met Jay’s, that was entering in that moment. You smiled softly at him, then you looked away and you passed him, saying “Good morning, Detective Halstead.”
“Good morning, Roman, Y/l/n.” He smiled back, then he walked towards the stairs to go upstairs, where the rest of the Intelligence worked.
“You know, you don’t have to pretend when you’re with me.” Said Roman when you both entered the car; you looked up at him with a confused look. “I mean, you and Halstead. I Know that you’re dating. You don’t have to pretend to be professional when you’re with me: I won’t judge you, any of you.”
You didn’t think that someone discovered about your secret relationship, and you were shocked when Roman told you so; you were speechless, you just looked at him.
“I won’t tell anybody, y/n.” He reassured you, smiling softly. “I know that you’re not sleeping your way upstairs and I know that you are both good at keeping it professional, so it doesn’t bother me at all. Besides, I also think that you shouldn’t be ashamed about it because I don’t think Voight will actually care. I mean, he offered the job to Kim when she was still with Adam.”
He was right, but you just couldn’t lose the chance to realize your dream job just because of a relationship that wasn’t even official. You saw each other every day at work and at night after shifts, but you didn’t know if he felt the same for you, you didn't know how serious it was because you never actually talked about it before.
“it’s just… I still don’t know what we are right now. I... I think I’m actually falling for him, but I don’t know if it’s the same for him, you know. I just don’t want to ruin things between us and keeping it a secret is easier.” You told him, sighing and watching outside the window, paying attention to the street and to everyone, in case something wrong was happing.
“I can understand that… keeping it a secret gives you a reason not to tell him the truth and at the same time you avoid the possibility of being rejected, but you have to tell him the truth. He deserved that; don’t you think?”
Before you could even think about it, someone called for you at the radio.
“To all units, we registered a silent alarmed at 2058 W. 22nd Place.”
You looked at Roman and you both nodded, he turned on the sirens and you answered the radio immediately. “2116 squad, we’re just two blocks aways; we’re responding.”
“Copy that 2116 squad.”
When you arrived at the scene, you both noticed three guys wearing black balaclavas exiting the bar with three black duffle bags. You exited the car, and you pointed your gun at them, while Roman did the same.
“CPD, stop!” You screamed.
Everything happened so fast that you couldn’t even hide behind the car: all three of them took three semiautomatic rifles from the duffle bags and pointed them at you.
“Gun!” Roman screamed, hiding behind the car just in time; you tried to do the same, but you were in a worst position, and you had to do all the way around the car to hide. You really tried to do it in time, but you found yourself on the ground before you could do it.
Roman didn’t noticed it at the beginning, he called for help on the radio and he returned fire.
“10-1, 10-1, shots fired at the police! Three offender wearing black balaclava. We need backup!” He said, turning around to make sure that you were okay; when he didn’t see you, he became pale, and you screamed your name. “Y/n! Where are you?”
He looked around and he finally saw you on the ground, on the other side of the car, breathing hardly and with blood all over you. “Y/n!” He grabbed you from your vest and he dragged you behind the car, grabbing the radio.  “Officer down! Officer Down! I need an ambo at my location right now, my partner had been shot!”
You looked at him, pain all over your body. You saw how worried he looked, and you immediately understood that it was bad, really bad.
“Y/n, stay with me please, stay with me!” He took of your vest, applying pressure on your chest where the bullet hit you somehow. “Help is on its way, stay with me please. No, no, no…” He said, seeing that you were losing consciousness; you wanted to say something, but you didn’t have the strength to do that. You passed after some minutes and all you remembered after that was darkness.
At the district, in the meantime, Jay was coming down the stairs when he was stopped by Sergeant Platt, who looked worried as hell; she almost looked like she aged ten years in just few minutes and it wasn’t a good sign, not at all.
“Halstead!” She screamed in panic. “Go upstairs and call down the whole Unit now!”
Jay, confused, began to buzzed himself up with his handprint. “What happened?”
“Y/n’s been shot. Now get Voight!”
Jay thought that the world went down; it was like a nightmare. He rushed upstairs, catching everyone’s attention. “Voight! Y/n’s been shot!”
He was desperate, he couldn’t think straight and all he was doing was hoping that you would have been alright, that it wouldn’t have been too much bad. He let Hailey drive, knowing that he wasn’t in the right mood to do it; Hailey was the only one that knew everything about you and Jay, she knew that Jay was falling in love with you, and she knew that he must had been difficult for him. She drove as fast as she could, arriving at the scene just few minutes after. Jay got out of the car immediately and he ran towards Roman and you.
When he saw you on the ground covered with blood, he almost passed out too. It was too much to handle, it was too much heartbreaking seeing you in that state and, worst of all, the ambulance hadn’t arrived yet.
“What the hell happened?!” He asked Roman, taking off his own jacket and pushing him aside to be able to apply pressure on her wound with his jacket. A towel would have been better but that was the best he had with him.
“There were three guys! We didn’t know they were armed; I hid behind the car, and I returned fire, then I looked for her and I found her on the ground. The bullet went through her vest. The offenders ran away in a black SUV with no plate when I stopped shooting at them… I needed to help her.”
Jay looked at your face and cried; he didn’t notice that at the beginning, but he did when he saw you being brought on the ambulance, with Roman at your side. He wanted to come with you, he really wanted to follow you inside the ambulance, but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to let Voight know that he was to much invested: he wanted to catch the guys that shot you and he would have at any costs.
“You’re crying, Jay. Hide your tears if you want to work on this case.” Hailey told him, whispering to his ear when she saw Hank Voight arriving at the scene too. Jay wiped away his tears, took a deep breath, smiled softly at Hailey as a thank you, and he turned around to face his sergeant.
“What happened?” Hank asked, looking at them and at the stain of blood that there was on the road, where you were till few minutes earlier.
“Three guys, wearing black hoodies and black balaclavas, they robbed the bar and shot at Roman and y/l/n when they arrived. Roman responded to fire but he let them go when he discovered that y/l/n got shot. He covered her and saw the guy running away in a black SUV. No plate.”
“The bullet got trough her vest.” Added Hailey. “She was hit in the chest, and she didn’t look great.”
Voight looked away from the blood stain and looked at his detectives.  
“I want everyone in the unit to look after these bastards, am I clear? They hit one of us and they’ll regret it.” He said, firmly. He looked at Jay and Hailey, then at Kim, Adam and Kevin that went to ask some questions to the bar clients in case they heard or saw anything important. “I want the videos of all the security camera in this block. Find the SUV, find them. They must have left a trace behind themselves. And let me know everything about Y/n state, okay? Now let’s go, we have three offenders to catch.”
Jay really wanted to catch the guys that shot you, but he also wanted to be by your side, he wanted to go to the hospital and make sure that you would have been fine, he wanted to be there for you. He just couldn’t forget you on the ground, covered with your own blood, unconscious. It shouldn’t have happened to you, and he should have been by your side, not in the district doing some paperwork.
“We can stop at the hospital for a moment if you want to.” Hailey whispered while Jay and her were walking towards the car. “Just ask me and I will bring you to see her.”
Jay nodded, sitting in the passenger seat and looking out of the window; he really wanted to know how you were, he really wanted to see you, hoping that there will have been good news for him. He just couldn’t lose you, not since he hadn’t told you yet that he loves you, not since he needed you by his side, he needed to see you smile at him, he needed to hug you and kiss you.
Why that happened to you? Why you of all people?
At the hospital the only thing you discovered was that you were still having a surgery and that your conditions were critical; he also found Will his brother, in the hallways and he immediately stopped him, asking him to let him know if anything changed. He wanted to be the first one to now if something happened to you, he wanted to know about the surgery and about your condition as soon as it was possible. Will reassured him, but Jay was still worried as hell.
Back at the district, everyone was working hard on the case, trying to identify the offenders, and trying to understand what really happened. Why they robbed a normal bar? Why they used guns for just some cash?
Something wasn’t right about it and Jay was sure about that.
“Okay, we found some bullets on the road and ballistic identify them. They used Armor-piercing bullets, that’s why the vest didn’t stop them.” Kim said, placing a pic of you on the with board as well as the photo of the bullets found on the scene.
“What? Who were these guys? Armor-piercing bullets are not that easy to find.” Adam noted, looking at the photo from his desk. “Why bring those kind of weapons just for a robbery in a normal bar?”
“It can be just that.” Pointed out Jay, shaking his head. “Are we sure that they only robbed the money from the register?”
Voight nodded slightly and looked at them. “Burgess, Atwater, go get the owner of the bar, they have to know something. Bring them here and put them in the interview room. Ruzek search everything that you can found about the owner, everything. Halstead, Upton, i want you two focused on the black SUV.”
“Copy that Sarge”
They worked on the case for hours and hours and finally they identified the offenders and the reason why they choose to rob that bar, which was just a good cover for diamonds trafficking. When Jay caught the guys that shoot at you, he felt angrier. He really wanted to kick him, to beat him up, to put a gun to his head. He wanted revenge, he wanted revenge because you were still fighting for your life inside the hospital.
“Jay, Jay stop!” Hailey tried to stop him, she really did, but Jay didn’t listen to her. He broke down him and he started to hit him in the face again, and again, and again till someone stopped him.
“Stop it, Jay!” Adam kept him away, while Voight looked at him from distance; he noticed that Jay was different during that case but he didn’t think about that possibility, he didn’t think that one of his detective dated one of his patrolmen without him knowing. He immediately recognized the signs with Ruzek and Burgess at the time but he didn’t with Jay and you.
Before he could even try to talk to him, Jay got a call from his brother and he immediately answered.
“Will, how’s she?” He asked, feeling his heart beating hard and fast. He couldn’t even breathe normally, he just couldn’t think normally. He was so scared and the only thing he wanted was to see your eyes open again, your smiled on your face.
“She woke up, Jay.” Will told him. “And she asked for you.” He added.
Jay’s smile spread all over his face, happy to hear that. He was really worried and he was scared for you, but knowing that you would have been okay made him feel better again, made him feel alive again.
“I’m coming.”
He didn’t ask for permission, nor he asked Hailey to drive, he just told Kevin to bring Hailey back at the district and he ran outside, towards the car; arriving at the hospital was probably the longest drive he ever did, with all the anticipation of being by her side again.
He ran towards your room and, when he saw Roman in front of it, Jay immediately gulped and looked at him. “I’m here for y/l/n.” He said, using your last name to be discreet and to still hide your relationship, knowing how much you wanted to become a detective of the intelligence.
“Don’t worry Halstead… I already know about you. Just get in there, you are the first think she asked about after she woke up.”
Jay felt his heart beating fast, nodding slightly and thanking Roman for what he said and what he did, stating with by your side all the time. “Thank you, Sean.”
The police officer just nodded, then he walked away towards the vendine machine while Jay entered your room. You were there: laying down on the bed, pale but with a small smile on your lips.
“I heard you were worried about me.” You said, smiling softly and taking his hands in yours; Jay smiled in response and he took a seat next to your bed. “Maybe I should got shoot more often.” You joked, caressing his hand softly.
Jay chuckled and shook his head, then he kissed your hand and he smiled wider.
“That’s my detective chuckles!” You said, making him laugh and smile even more.
God, that’s why he loved you.
“Don’t you dare to do such a joke anymore, okay?” He whispered, caressing your hand. “I can’t have an heart attack every time you got shot.”
“And why not? I love to see you worried about me, you know?” You really was somehow relieved knowing that he was worry about you, because you hoped that it was a sign of his feelings for you.
“Oh yeah? Seeing the love of your life covered with her own blood isn’t that good, you know.”
You froze, looking at him with tears in your eyes; he didn’t even think about what he said and, at first, he didn’t realize it till he saw tour face. He tried to apologize, thinking that you didn’t love him back, but he was interrupted by your hand on his mouth.
“Don’t you dare to say anything.” You whispered, afraid that he would have took it back. “I love you too and know please get up and kiss me because I can’t bend over to you.”
Jay didn’t make you repeat again, he smiled, got on his feet and he bent on your bed, placing his lips on yours in a deep and sweet kiss.
You both dis it without thinking, you were just too happy, too involve in the moment that you didn’t notice the rest of the unit, as well as Voight, outside of your room.
But you didn’t care about it, you didn’t care about his “No in-house romance”, you didn’t care about it.
All that matters for you both was to be together, as a couple.
“Secret revealed.” You whispered to his ear, seeing all his colleagues outside the room.
“I don’t care. I won’t stop loving you just for his stupid rule. I don’t care about anything but you, babe.”
“I love you, Jay.” You whispered. “But next time, tell me about your feelings before getting shot, okay?”
He laughed with you, nodding.
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sgtyaraya · 2 months
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"These guys....from group 141?"
After a long journey, the bus arrived at the place early in the morning, when the first rays of the sun had just begun to illuminate the area, and the morning dew glistened everywhere. The visitors were invigorated by the cool morning breeze. It would be nice to meet such a morning in silence and with the singing of birds, but of course this will not happen here, this morning for the local guys began with another training session, where the lookout from the tower was in full command, urging the fighters on. All this fuss reached Trudy's ears, she was quite cheered up, standing at the fence, behind which the guys were engaged. She was looking around, her eyes clinging to every detail, and then her attention was attracted by a couple of fighters standing nearby. They were discussing something among themselves, judging by their appearance, they were preparing for another mission or had just returned from it. Trudy studied them with interest, their appearance, remembering the conversation from the bus, how other recruits violently discussed group 141, and those who are in it, even naming the call signs of each member of the group. Both are wearing masks, one can be clearly seen, a guy in a mask with a skull, Trudy heard about him on the bus, only his eyes are visible, either tired or gloomy, it is not clear, because the eyebrows are hidden under the mask. And next to him, also wearing a mask, unfortunately, he was standing with his back to Trudy, holding a helmet in his hands. "They are...from group 141?" flashed through her head. Fearing that she would be noticed, she immediately stopped "drilling" them with her curious gaze.
[Re-posting the post]
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moecartoons · 7 months
So, I've been thinking about my Cybersites AU again recently and fleshing it out some more. It's the one where, originally, the idea was simply just the trio all being from Cyberspace. [Or just Matt, or some variation of who is and who isn't.] Matt is from Mt. Olympus, Inez from Sensible Flats, and Jackie from Happily Ever After.
In this AU, I've decided Motherboard will be a stronger Goddess-like presence. At first, she'll have a physical form and be confined to Control Central. If she leaves it, she becomes weaker. And instead of the trio being accidentally roped into Cyberspace's problems, they'd be hand-picked by destiny, lol.
Motherboard was once told that her heir would betray her and it would be up to a child of her 'once most beloved cybersite' to find the other two. [I was going to say, like, daughters of harmony and magic, but... uh... that sounds familiar, doesn't it? Oops. I promise I'll find better prophecy titles for Jackie and Inez.] Motherboard thought this was nonsense until everything went down with Hacker and she found her powers beginning to weaken and become limited.
Mt. Olympus is one of the oldest Cybersites and Motherboard once had a very close relationship with it. Over the last few centuries, however, the Gods of the cybersite no longer see her as their Mother but as purely an outsider or even rival. Matthias' mother is one of the few Gods left who see Motherboard in good light so she is considered an outsider, which is also due in part her relationship with a minotaur.
So, Motherboard speaks to Matthias and tells him that he's to find two others to help her stop Hacker. He also gets to meet Digit and Dr. Marbles, but they're not allowed on this first journey as it has to be completely up to Matt to find the other two. Or possibly for the other two to find him.
I don't have all the details ironed out, but let's talk about Inez.
Inez is, by Matt's words, a sort of "princess" of Sensible Flats. Her Aunts, Judy and Trudy, brought her in after their brother died. They're highly protective of her. They agree, tho Judy reluctantly so, that she'll be raised be a Judge, not a Sheriff. And in the meantime, she's tasked with taking care of the town's garden and keep up moral. When things get dicey in the Old Western Cybersite, she's the first to be hidden away.
Of course, Inez wants to do more for the town and cybersite she loves. She's seen as far too young and priceless to be allowed to help in any bigger way, though. This is why when Matt, after seeing her skills and intelligence in helping prevent a Hack Attack, offers her to join the Cybersquad, she jumps on it.
Next is Jackie, who is a Fairy Godmother in training in the cybersite of Happily Ever After. She and a few other magical-types of Good are trained under Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. While the others are exceeding, she struggles to keep up. She can't grant wishes or preform tricks in a traditional sense.
She can only conjure up illusions, nothing real. It's considered mostly useless, especially by her self. She would tell you she's only good at flying and making pretty sparkles. This has forced her, however, to become skilled outside of magic. She can sew, cook, draw, act, and even fight better than most fairies can... without their magic, of course.
More than anything, she wants to help, and she fears that she'll fail her story without magic. Matt however thinks Jackie is very powerful, and she happily joins him and Inez. She thinks she can do more good in helping them and Cyberspace then failing back in HEA.
The three of them share a common want to help others and to be seen as more than what they are now.
Matt's story is either revealed at the beginning or throughout this journey. He's seen as a misfit on Mt. Olympus, the son of a Goddess and Minotaur, giving him Herculean-like abilities. He has a dangerous amount of knowledge on all the Gods' business, and his hubris is seen as that of believing he's anything more than dirt. And due to his father, his "Achilles' heel" is covered by the green chlamys.
Digit's story is largely unchanged, but his role is even more fatherly/Uncle-like due to the kids being from Cyberspace. He sees them more often, knows their parents/guardians, and they don't get to be invincible to some things in Cyberspace due to being Earthlies anymore. They also come to him, Dr. Marbles and ofc Motherboard more often and on their own, whether to visit or if they're seeking advice or help.
The trio also know Hacker on a slightly more personal level. While they may have only had a few encounters with him before while he attacks their Cybersties, they also know his story in real time. They were told stories of him being good since they were babies, and witness his betrayal, banishment, and revenge in real-time.
It is during this first adventure that Hacker gives Motherboard the virus. She may possibly lose her physical form, saved by Marbles and placed in a giant computer unless I come up with something else.
The Cybersquad's adventures continue from this point forward similarly to the show, except they have an extensive knowledge on Cyberspace, there's no mentions of Earth, and there's ofc possibilities for more stories surrounding their new backgrounds. If you read all the way to the end wow ty!
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atobibas · 2 months
Who appears the most in Paperolimpiadi?
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Here we have it! My magnum opus! This story has 27 characters and 250 pages! I spent multiple days on it, so you've got to read the full post, else you can't call yourself a real Atobibster (yes, I'm gatekeeping myself)!
As always I'll feel the need to mention that I only counted panels, and the page number is just calculated from the percentage!
Also, you might notice percentage numbers are a bit lower than usual. And that's of course because this is a very long ensenble story. I'll get more in to that later.
Oh, and there are probably spoilers for Paperolimpiadi! It's very good, so I'll reccomend reading it. It's very long, but if I calculate who appears most in it, you can read it!
Casey - 1 (panel) / 0.19 (pages) / 0.08% (of the story)
Zillia - 5 / 0.99 / 0.4%
O'Hara - 6 / 1.18 / 0.48%
Gallien - 8 / 1.58 / 0.63%
Owl Judge - 11 / 2.17 / 0.87%
Quibble - 17 / 3.36 / 1.35%
Fethry - 27 / 5.34 / 2.14%
Kildare - 30 / 5.94 / 2.38%
Beagle Boys - 31 / 6.14 / 2.46%
Brigitta - 33 / 6.53 / 2.61%
Sock and Gonz - 44 / 8.71 / 3.49%
Portis - 52 / 10.3 / 4.12%
Pete - 56 / 11.09 / 4.44%
Chen - 58 / 11.48 / 4.6%
Ducklien - 60 / 11.88 / 4.75%
Mae Wang - 64 / 12.67 / 5.07%
Trudy - 68 / 13.47 / 5.39%
Gyro - 76 / 15.05 / 6.02%
Jubal - 86 / 17.03 / 6.81%
Rockerduck - 105 / 20.8 / 8.32%
Mickey - 151 / 29.91 / 11.97%
Donald - 154 / 30.5 / 12.2%
Ellroy - 156 / 30.9 / 12.36%
Kim - 240 / 47.54 / 19.02%
HDL - 275 / 54.47 / 21.79%
Scrooge - 382 / 75.67 / 30.27%
(My thoughts and additional stats below!)
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As Spectrus mentioned in his Inducks review Donald and Mickey never interact in this story. In fact despite how this story features both Mouseverse and Duckverse characters there aren't that many panels where we see both.
There are 53 panels where we see both Duckverse and Mouseverse characters. Which is about 4.2% of the story. It actually might not be low, it just feels low...
Anyways, let's look at the entry and exit stats. I decided to not count the first couple of pages of explanation and introduction, since that didn't feel like it was part of the story.
Owl judge - 8 (0.63%) / 23 (1.82%)
Gyro - 11 (0.87%) / 571 (45.25%)
Rockerduck - 16 (1.27%) / 315 (24.96%)
Scrooge - 28 (2.22%) / 1262 (100%)
HDL - 38 (3.01%) / 1262 (100%)
Donald - 40 (3.17%) / 1262 (100%)
Kildare - 41 (3.25%) / 163 (12.92%)
Fethry - 44 (3.49%) / 163 (12.92%)
Brigitta - 85 (6.74%) / 315 (24.96%)
Jubal - 85 (6.74%) / 315 (24.96%)
Quibble - 287 (22.74%) / 315 (24.96%)
Kim - 321 (25.44%) / 1262 (100%)
Chen - 374 (29.64%) / 1262 (100%)
Mae Wang - 401 (31.77%) / 1122 (88.91%)
Trudy - 480 (38.03%) / 819 (64.9%)
Portis - 588 (46.59%) / 763 (60.46%)
Pete - 588 (46.59%) / 819 (64.9%)
O'Hara - 592 (46.91%) / 660 (52.3%)
Beagle Boys - 608 (48.18%) / 655 (51.9%)
Ellroy - 664 (52.61%) / 920 (72.9%)
Mickey - 665 (52.69%) / 920 (72.9%)
Sock and Gonz - 959 (75.99%) / 1130 (89.54%)
Ducklien - 959 (75.99%) / 1134 (89.86%)
Gallien - 972 (77.92%) / 1134 (89.86%)
Zillia - 974 (77.18%) / 1134 (89.86%)
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I didn't include Casey for this one because he only appeared in one panel in this one. That panel was panel number 594 at around 47.07%.
I also counted the first time we see some things. The first time we see the magical powder is at panel 342 or 27.1% of the story. The first time we see the camera is at 505 or 40.02%, and the last time we see it is at 1216 or 96.35%. The first time the games become relevant to the main plot (when Scrooge first gets the idea of using the camera for the games) is at 569 or 45.09%. The first time we go to Seoul (outside of flashbacks) is at 869 or 68.86%.
In Denmark this one was listed as an Uncle Scrooge story, and I think that's a reasonable choice. Although I don't think this story really has a main character. And whilst Scrooge does appear in all but one story his percentage in all those stories is usually pretty low. In fact, let's look at the top character's average percentage!
Donald - 16.83%
HDL - 24.6%
Rockerduck - 34.4%
Scrooge - 34.8%
Kim - 38.14%
Mickey - 50.19%
Ellroy - 51.62%
Alright, so this is obviously not what we should use to dertemine the main character... However it is an interesting thing to see.
Anyways, I think I'll leave it as this being a story with multiple characters. I think you could argue that each part has a main character, but I don't think the whole thing has one main character. But I do agree that Scrooge would be the one you should choose if you were to choose one!
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fictionalreads · 2 months
Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 7
Awe. Poor Noah. He’s having nightmares.
Noah I don’t think just forgetting it is gonna work.
Oh the stapled eyes are still gross.
Oh it’s two of them.
She’s dismissive.
He wasn’t alone!
“Then our charges will be stronger”😂
Awe you got him a phone.
NO Keeping it in is unhealthy. I know it’s easier said than done but LET IT OUT
Oh man he blames himself for Paul’s death.
I was iffy on if it was the judge or not at first but he just made a face that makes me believe it’s him.
Oh Adam found something.
Why do I feel like something is going on with Noah?
Didn’t you just get that phone Noah? I know you’re full of trauma and maybe not thinking clearly right now but how does that work?
Please don’t let Noah be dead. I don’t think Voight could take it.
Awe man. Noah.
Oh okay now it makes sense how he got the number.
There is about to be war.
A profiler? I miss Criminal Minds. By that I mean I miss Dr. Spencer Reid.
Damn this was a good episode.
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meenawrites · 1 year
Again with Trudy y’all!
Okay SO! We all know that Trudy HAS to have excellent taste in music. Like look at her.
I’m sure this woman has been gradually building up her musical library since she could afford it and now she has like 10 000 songs or something.
I think she sings a lot by herself like just jamming as she works on her kestrel or does stuff around the lab and eventually she starts sharing the music with Spider.
So it becomes like a mama-son thing for to give him one of her earpieces and they just sing at the top of their lungs together and have dance parties. Trudy used to be way more private about people seeing her sing or dance but like after the shit she’s gone through on Pandora it seems pretty trivial, plus it makes the kid happy so she’s just like whatever.
I also think that Trudy would have a great voice. Like I think she’d have a strong belt with a bit of a rasp to it (think kind of voice like Persephone from Hadestown’s voice). Like she can go pretty deep in her voice, her range is good. She can’t hit super high notes though, her throat tightens up at those and just like refuses to work.
Spider also has incredible range. He’s been a good singer since he was a kid both in Na’vi and in English and Spanish. He just has an ear for music and he loves it because it’s a different form of storytelling for him. He can hit those high notes even as he grows older, not like soprano level but mezzo-soprano or something.
Now I’m not enough of a music connoisseur to give a definitive look at what Truyd’s taste in music is but I can try from what I know. I think her vibe would be like 80s and 90s rock and some indie music. Like Spider, she also really listens to the lyrics of songs and not just the sound so most of her song collection has what she considers to be meaningful lyrics, with only a few staple generic pop songs that she can’t help but like. I think she’d be into indie music as well and some grunge. The type of music that comes to mind from my limited knowledge would be Paramore, Pink, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Journey, Aerosmith, etc. I think she’d have some Taylor Swift songs up in there; though I’m not like a die hard Swiftie, I’ve listened to her lyrics and her writing is honestly great so yeah she’s on there. I also think her guilty pleasure would be musicals; she doesn’t even show Spider those at first because she had a bad experience for her fellow soldiers judging her about it when she first joined the army, but eventually Spider gets unlimited access to her collection. And he eats that shit up! Yet another form of storytelling for him to explore that mixes narrative and song and sound and she finds out because she finds him belting along to like a Heathers song or something cause he has already memorized the lyrics.
I also am so sure Trudy has some sort of sex playlist listed an an obscure name with some dirty songs. That isn’t really my area of expertise though so I don’t know what would be on there per se but yeah. Though I am picturing this one song I know called “Kiss or Kill”. I don’t think she’d have any songs on there that are like super explicit but more just capture the feeling of when she’s in a sexy mood. I’m also picturing Dove Cameron’s “Boyfriend” being on there.
And we can’t forget her roots! She’s gotta have a huge Spanish playlist. Again this is not my expertise but I have a friend who does know! So hopefully I will make like an update post for that to include some songs she would have on there soon! If anyone does have any ideas I’d love to hear them.
So yeah Spider and Trudy have song alongs and dance nights together and that fills my brain tbh.
If anyone is interested in submitting songs you think Trudy would listen to, I would love to see them and maybe make a playlist out of them to share on here!
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