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Thank you, @quwyou
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dawntainbobbynash · 26 days
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#they are 9-1-1 and they will take care of their husbands
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reareaotaku · 8 months
Can I please request yandere judd from big mouth headcanons :)
I knew this was coming. I was waiting for the day 😭😭😭😭😭 This is such an old ask Pt 2, Pt 3
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God, he's terrifying
And he knows it
He has a type [Emo girls like him] so he's surprised when he likes an idiot like you
You're his sister's friend which makes it even worse
And to add onto it, his stupid fucking brother, Nick, also has a stupid fucking crush on you
He will threaten to slit his brother's throat if he [Nick] dares to hit on you
"You're to young for her anyway-"
"Well, maybe, but at least she actually likes me and isn't scared of me."
"I'm going to fucking end you"
He's nicer to you than he is to other people
You usually ask him for [illegal] favors, because he's the only criminal you know, but it's always a last resort, because you're scared of him
When he buys alcohol for his sister's, Leah's, dumb parties, he buys a special one for you, because he knows you like it. It's the only 'illegal' thing you do, which he finds funny
"Oh, this is Y/n's favorite!" Leah exclaims excitedly, grabbing a bottle
"I know."
He doesn't want to, but he does end up asking Leah for help, because you're scared of him
"Aww, you have a crush on Y/n? That's actually super cute. It's like those romance movies where the opposites-"
"Shut up. I'm only asking, because she won't talk to me"
"Have you ever tried talk to her?"
"No, I've never tried that. Thank you for opening my eyes-"
"Okay Jackass, calm down or I won't help you."
Leah invites you over more, surprising you, and you learn more about her parents than you'd like to know. In fact you know more about them than you do yourself
"Oh my god, your parents are weird," You whisper to Leah, causing her to softly chuckle
"Yeah, I know. Imagine living with them"
"Aww, Jessi has a crush on Judd. That's cute and creepy" [Leah]
"You're such a fucking dick!" [Nick]
"Your girlfriend is a klepto, that's not my fault." [Judd]
"At least my crush isn't scared of me" [Nick]
Judd looks up from his food, glaring at Nick. Nick is scared but he has to stand his ground. "You better sleep with one eye open tonight. Because I'm going to be your worse nightmare."
Nick uses the fact that you think he's 'cute' against Judd
Whenever you come over, he [Nick] always makes sure to talk to you in front of Judd and be a 'cute kid'
Judd is protective of you and if you're ever thinking of doing something illegal, he'll talk you out of it
[Even though he'd love to do it with you, he doesn't want you getting in trouble. You're a good kid and he doesn't want to ruin that]
You make this man grow a conscious, lucky you
He'll let you have his shirts if you want them [It's kind of a throw back to Jessi stealing his shirts] [You can steal his shirts, he wouldn't mind. He'd find it pretty hot]
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eli-com · 6 months
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୨୧ includes — fem!reader, afab, mature content, fingering, oral f!receiving, praise/degrading, virgin!reader, innocent!reader, corruption??
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— Judd had been in a state of shock since the moment he stepped into detention and saw you.
He knew you, of course he did, you were the golden girl of Bridgeton High, class president and future valedictorian; everybody knew you. But what were you doing here? You were the last person he’d expected to make eye contact with as he walked through that door, and he was sure it showed on his face. It wasn’t hard to make out how nervous you were, the slight twitch of your eye, the way you gnawed on your inner cheek — he almost felt bad… almost.
Judd would be lying if he told himself you didn’t fascinate him in some way, it was crazy to him how someone could be so consistently ‘perfect’. You volunteered for every school/town event you could, took up a part-time job babysitting for half the kids in the local area, always seemed so cheerful and energetic… how were you not tired? Usually he’d never let himself think about another person for any longer than a few minutes, after all they were all just a waste of his time, but there had always been something about you he couldn’t shake. You’d been that way ever since middle school, and not once had he seen the act falter.
— You’d been feeling sick since the moment you entered the classroom, and it had only gotten worse once he entered. Not that you weren’t surprised to see him, of course he’d be here, this was practically his second home, it was just that there was a part of you that was hoping by some luck he wouldn’t show up. It’s not that you disliked Judd, but he made you oh so very nervous. Especially because whenever you’d look at him, whether it be in class or at some kind of event, he was always looking back at you with those intimidating eyes. In all honesty, something had attracted you to Judd since you were both children, but your mother had always warned you about the dangerous ‘bad boys’ who lured you in only to use you before throwing you away, so you steered clear.
But now it was just the two of you stuck together in a room for an hour… well, you two and Mr Kellings, the gym teacher who at the moment didn’t seem able to keep his eyes open, legs crossed as they rested on-top of his desk, head falling every-so-often and waking him up.
You’d force your eyes away from him as he wondered around the classroom before taking a seat right behind you, and you were sure you could feel his eyes burning through the back of your head. But, instead of turning back you simply focused on the work you’d placed in-front of you, the extra work your father had encouraged you to ask your biology teacher for after he found out you’d already done the rest.
It only took a total of five minutes before you could feel Judd’s feet colliding with one of the legs of your chair, kicking it to the beat of the music playing in his AirPods. You were trying your best to ignore it, not give in to his obvious attempt to annoy you. However, considering the fact you were in detention after an event that was definitely not your fault and your father had urged you to take on all this extra work after knowing how tired you were, your patience was wearing thin. So, despite your best efforts, you ended up turning around to glare at him with those eyes Judd had stared at countless times whilst bored in class.
“Could you not do that? I’m trying to work here.” You’d state with the best firm voice you could muster whilst having his eyes on you. However, Judd would continue to stare blankly, the way he kicked your chair also continuing without missing a beat.
“What? Haven’t finished your homework yet?” He’d raise a brow in question. “Surprised it’s taken you this long, don’t you normally have it done the day it’s set? You’re slacking…” His voice was as monotone as ever, deep and gravelly, almost as if he’d just woken up, which you wouldn’t doubt considering the amount of times you’d caught him sleeping in class. You could only roll your eyes, doing your best to suppress the embarrassed blush that had formed on your face because you knew he was right — you did always have your homework done the day it was set, because that’s what your parents had raised you to do, taking away any other sources of entertainment until they knew it was done, and even without it you never really got to have fun; free time was a luxury you didn’t have.
“I do have my homework done, this is just… extra.” You’d speak quietly now, turning away from him and back to your homework. You could hear Judd let out an unamused scoff behind you, his kicking finally coming to a halt as the room went silent.
The silence was awkward, some sort of tension hanging in the air and for a few moments you felt as if you couldn’t breathe, just staring down at your work in confusion; what was happening to you? But at least it was over, he’d leave you alone now; if you were lucky then you’d get through the rest of this detention in silence… but then again, you’d never really been that lucky.
“So what are you in for?” It was surprising to you that he was actually asking you questions, you’d never heard him speak this much in all of the classes you’d shared. Shaking your head, you wouldn’t acknowledge him — well, not until you heard his bag slam down onto the table beside you, grey converse appearing in the corner of your vision. “Don’t ignore me.” He’d grumble, brows furrowing as he peered down at you from his seat.
“Firstly, I don’t think it’s any of your business, and secondly, the teacher is right there!” You’d gesture to where the clueless teacher who was almost falling off of his chair as he continuously dozed in and out of sleep sat, arms folded over his chest. This had Judd letting out yet another scoff, and you were assuming by now that it was almost his way of laughing.
“I don’t think that old fuck gives a shit what we do… Or that he’d even notice we were doing anything.” His head would nod over to the teacher, and he was right, the man had finally fallen fully asleep; loud snored escaping him. You almost giggled at the sight of how the gym teachers mouth had fallen wide open, you were sure you’d even seen a fly float in there.
“I’m not in here for anything I did.” You’d respond simply, eyeing him for a moment and spotting the unimpressed look gracing his features — not that he didn’t look like that most of the time anyways. It was obvious from the way he stared that he was waiting for you to continue, and before you even knew it you were speaking. “My friends had this idea to uh, play a prank on some of the middle schoolers who attended the introduction day and I got the blame for it.” That was all you were willing to admit, not delving into how your friends had encouraged the poor kid to do an embarrassing dance in-front of half of the school during lunch as some kind of ‘initiation process’. You didn’t feel too bad though, you were pretty sure you’d caught him staring at your tits multiple times during his tour.
“Pretty shitty friends if they let you take the blame.” He’d state, eyes focused on his phone as he scrolled through songs — you could faintly hear the tune changing every time he pressed a different one. “Not that I care.” He’d mumble afterwards.
You’d just shrug, “I guess so…”
It was silent for a few moments before he spoke up again. “You wanna get out of here?” He sounded hesitant for a moment, like he didn’t know if he really wanted to invite you to leave with him. You felt sick again, why was Judd being so nice to you? Well, as nice as Judd Birch could be… He was notorious for his bad attitude and careless nature, yet for some reason he was trying to help you out? “If you don’t want to then you can just say that, shithead.” He’d lean his forearms onto his thighs, attempting to get to eye-level with you.
You’d violently shake your head, something in you was telling you to go, you suddenly felt this overwhelming need to impress Judd in some way. Surely the teacher wouldn’t notice your absence, and the idea of possibly getting into trouble was almost thrilling to you. You were already in deep shit with your parents, so what would another small act of rebellion really do? As if proud, a small smirk would pull at the end of Judd’s lips, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. He’d nod his head towards the door before picking up his bag and walking out, not waiting for you to keep up.
“Wait up!” You’d yelp, quickly rushing to put all of your things together before meeting him in the hallway, matching his long strides as best you could. It was now that you realised just how tall Judd really was, how muscular he was too; surely the result of all his time spent in vocational classes. You’d walked into one once, dropping off something for one of the teachers when you’d noticed Judd working on a car, his arms flexing with each small movement — it was fair to say you stood in the corner for a while simply ogling over his arms. Did he work out too? Images of Judd working out in his room would suddenly come to mind, but you did your best to push them back. He wouldn’t look at you as you both walked, eyes focused on the long hallway ahead, hand clutching at the backpack on his shoulder. “How come you actually showed up to detention? I uh- I heard you normally skip to train your raccoons or… whatever.” Why was your voice so shaky? Why were you so embarrassing?
“Parents showed up to make sure I went in, normally I’d walk out anyways but decided I’d rather come in than have to listen to my dad try explain why pent up anger is bad for my dick.” He’d roll his eyes, your breath catching in your throat at the mention of Judd’s dick. You weren’t really used to such vulgar language, of course you’d hear certain things here and there, you were in High-school after all, but you’d never gotten used to it; your parents had strict rules when it came to ‘potty-mouthing’. Judd would eye you with a smirk as blood travelled up to your face, eyes doing their best not to land on him.
“That’s uh- that’s sweet?” You’d speak in an unsure tone, wringing your hands together in-front of you. “I guess… It’s nice that he cares for you so much that he would worry about your um, genitals?” You’d nod to yourself, unsure of your own words. Was that normal for parents and their children to discuss? You’d known since you were younger that your distant relationship with your mum and dad wasn’t considered ‘the norm’, but you can’t imagine talking to them about such things even if you were close… His brows would knit together as he looked down at you for a moment before shrugging.
“I guess.” He’d shrug his backpack further onto his shoulder. “Your parents not all that interested in your private life?” He didn’t know why he was asking, maybe he was just trying to joke, but something made him want to know more about you; what you liked, what you disliked, why your pretty eyes got sad at the mention of your parents.
“Uh- they’re not really that interested in my life at all unless it’s something about my school work… Not that I have much of a life outside of that anyways.” You’d give an awkward laugh, wrapping your arms around yourself as some kind of comfort. Memories of all the parties, sleepovers, and everything else you’d missed would overwhelm you — you’d never even been able to invite a friend over to your house. You’d been to a few friends houses before, but even then you had to be home by 6 pm sharp.
“Parents are assholes.” He’d declare, turning away from you once again. You’d hum in agreement, eyes darting around the hall as you walked together. This had to be some kind of dream, you were sure of it, it all just felt so weird.
However, you didn’t have too long to worry about that before spotting your headmistress rounding the corner, almost bumping into the both of you. Her head would immediately whip round to face you, eyes wide in surprise. “Miss (l/n)? Are you not supposed to be in detention? What are you doing out here?” As if in perfect timing, the gym teacher who had been ‘watching’ you both in detention would appear behind the two of you, yelling that you needed to get back to the classroom. Before you had any time to think of an excuse Judd had grabbed your hand, shoving past the headmistress and running down the halls, you tripping up every so often as you did your best to run beside him.
You could hear both of the teachers yelling after you, chasing you down like hunters and prey. You thanked god your headmistress had chosen to wear heels and your gym teacher was clearly still fatigued from lack of sleep. After a few minutes of running, Judd would pull you into a small broom closet, placing your back against the wall and quickly pulling the door shut, ear pressed up against it as if in an attempt to listen to the teachers run past.
“Oh my god! I’m gonna get in so much trouble, why didn’t I think this through? Why would I agree to leave with Judd Birch of all people?!” You’d whisper aggressively to yourself, hands pulling at your own hair as you seemingly became lost in your own thoughts. Suddenly all those ideas of impressing Judd and not caring what your parents would think left your mind, the reality kicking in and causing you to become overwhelmed. Judd would turn to look down at you, hands taking hold of your shoulders and ever so slightly shaking you, brows furrowed in what you assumed was annoyance.
“Shut the hell up, if you carry on they’re gonna hear you.” He’d scold, hands moving to pull yours out of your hair and place them at your sides before he held a hand over your mouth to silence you. “You wanna get caught?” You’d shake your head quickly, eyes wide and breathing ragged. “Then keep fucking quiet.” A small whimper would leave you.
It was silent for a while, the only sounds being your mutual heavy breathing. You were unsure what it was, but something about his demanding tone had your thighs rubbing together, doing their best to contain the arousal you felt building up in your core. His dark eyes would stare down at you, roaming over your figure as he tried to listen out for any sign of the teachers possibly finding you. However, his eyes would quickly stop at your thighs, watching you squirm against the wall behind you. Looking into your eyes, it didn’t take a genius to notice how your pupils had become wide with lust, how your chest was heaving with each breath you took. Just the sight of you had his pants tightening.
“You like that, huh?” He’d question breathlessly, and you were unsure whether he’d actually spoken or not for a minute, too lost in your own thoughts. However, he’d quickly snap you back to reality as one of his knees slotted between your thighs, not making any contact just yet. “Like being told what to do? Being told to shut the fuck up?” His head would tilt ever so slightly to the side as he questioned you, speaking to you as if you were some kind of mutt not yet trained, so condescending, yet it had you letting out a quiet moan as you nodded.
A smug grin you hadn’t yet seen until now would appear on his lips as he moved his knee up to meet your heat, running it gently over your panties and causing your knees to almost buckle under you. You’d cling onto his shoulders, head hung low as you closed your eyes, letting out needy gasps into his hand each time he moved his leg back and forth. After a few seconds he’d stop, one hand remaining on your mouth whilst the other moved down to your waist, toying with the waistband of your skirt. “Make such pretty sounds even when I’m doing my best to keep you quiet… little slut can’t keep her mouth shut, huh?” He’d question, grin going from smug to cruel.
You could only whine in response, beginning to rock your hips back and forth on his leg until he pulled it away fully, leaving you frustrated as you let out a cry. “Didn’t I just fucking tell you to be quiet? You want to get us caught? Let those old bastards see you trying to get yourself off on my leg?” He’d mock, removing his hand from over your lips in order to squeeze your cheeks together, lips parting ever so slightly as embarrassment takes over you. You must look so pathetic right now, your own slick trickling down your bare thighs as you stare up at him with selfish need. “You gonna be a good girl and be quiet?” He’d snarl.
“Yes, yes! Gonna be good…” Your voice was muffled due to his strong hold on your face, nodding as best you could. However, he’d only squeeze your cheeks tighter in response.
“Are you that fucking stupid you don’t know what be quiet means?” He’d push your head back against the wall, using his intimidating height to lean over you. This time you only nod, not daring to utter a word — you wanted him so badly, you could still feel where his knee had pressed against you.
“There we go…” He’d mumble, features momentarily relaxing before he leaned down to press a sloppy, desperate kiss to your lips. It was messy, his tongue immediately pushing its way into your mouth and exploring the new territory. Your noses would bump together multiple times, never letting up his harsh grip on your face. However, the kiss had distracted you from the way his other hand had now slid under your skirt, grabbing a handful of your ass before slapping it, causing you to let out a loud gasp. Instead of telling you off again, he’d only smugly grin against your lips this time, continuing his brutal attack on them.
“Shit baby, you’re so wet… can feel you soaking through your panties.” He’d murmur, moving to press kisses to your cheek as he ran a finger over your panties, stopping once he felt the wet patch you’d created on them and letting out a dark chuckle. “Is this what breaking a few rules does to you?… Meant to be so perfect, but here you are letting me play with you in school of all places. What would mommy and daddy think, huh?” He’d scoff, kisses moving down to your jaw as he began to nip at your skin, causing you to do your best to keep your weak mewls in your throat. “Fucking pathetic.” He’d move up to your ear, nibbling on it.
“Judd…” You could tell he was about to tell you off for speaking, but the way you said his name with such desperate need had him keeping quiet as he simply stared, face stoic as ever, waiting for you to continue. “Want more, want you to touch me more.” You’d whisper, head lolling forward to rest on his shoulder as you felt his thumb begin to draw gentle circles on your clit over your now soaked panties; he was making such a mess of you already.
“Want me to touch you?” He’d repeat your words, craning his head down slightly to place gentle kisses over the skin of your neck. “How d’you want me to touch you, huh? You gonna show me?” He’d brush his nose along your jaw, eyes closed as he took in a deep breath of your perfume; you always smelt so strongly of vanilla, it was so intoxicating to him. However, you’d quickly distract him by shaking your head in response to his words.
"Can't." You'd whine, eyes screwed shut as you felt the pressure of his thumb on your clit increase, the small movements halting as it remained stationary in its place. “Tried before but,” You’d pant, “Never feels right, can’t do it.” You’d complain, tears building up in your eyes both due to embarrassment and frustration. Judd would remain silent for a few moments before moving back to look at you, watching how you kept your head hung low, refusing to meet his eyes.
“You can’t touch yourself?” He’d question, hand caressing the side of your face as his thumb made its way under your chin, lifting it so you’d look up at him again. You’d shake your head. “Nobody’s ever touched you like this before?” This had you clearing your throat as you looked off to the side before muttering a small ‘no’ in response. It was embarrassing, at least to you it was. Sure, plenty of guys had tried to get with you, tried to lure you back to their cars after class or behind the bleachers in an attempt to ‘pop your cherry’, but you’d never accepted — no man had even touched you in this way until Judd. It just didn’t feel right, not until now. You could practically hear the way Judd swallowed his own saliva, Adam’s apple bobbing as he traced his thumb over your cheek. “Shit… poor baby.” He’d coo, but you knew it wasn’t all that sincere.
Judd had never been with a virgin before, and he’d be lying if he said the idea didn’t have him rock hard in his jeans, hips doing their best not to rut into yours at the mere idea, especially since it was you. The schools perfect little girl now his to ruin, his to mark, all he could think about in the moment was how he wanted to fuck you into the shape of his cock, immediately ruin you for any other man; you’d belong to him. But at the same time, he could see the nervousness in your eyes, how you anxiously bit the inside of your cheek, and he knew he wanted to make it as enjoyable as he could for you. He wouldn’t take your virginity today, no; that was for another time. But for now, the least he could do is show you how to play with yourself.
“Gonna make you feel good, yeah?” He’d whisper into your cheek, pressing delicate kisses there. This was so out of character of Judd, what had happened? Suddenly he was sinking to his knees in-front of you, eyes roaming over your lower half as his hands ran up and down your plush thighs. He seemed to just admire them for a moment, take in the view, before he finally lifted your skirt, letting out a deep groan at the sight before him. A dark wet patch had formed on your white panties, slick dribbling down your legs and staining your frilly socks. “Shit, you really are fucking perfect, aren’t you?” He’d mutter. Before you even had a moment to think, he’d moved forward, licking a stripe up your panties and humming at the taste, eyes almost rolling back into his head as his nose brushed your clit. “Taste so good too, fuck.”
You couldn’t help the loud moan that left you at the feeling, your thighs doing their best to squeeze together as you lifted one of your hands to your mouth, other hand moving to Judd’s hair and gently tugging on it. “Feels good- ah..” You’d whimper, hissing as you felt Judd lick your own juices off of your thighs before gently nibbling on the skin, leaving pink marks behind. “Please, Judd…” You’d cry pathetically, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you did your best to remain stood against the wall, body suddenly feeling weak.
“Gotta keep yourself quiet for me, yeah? Be a good girl and make sure nobody but me can hear those pretty sounds.” He’d murmur against your skin, causing you to nod in return. Judd would hook his thumbs into the waistband of your panties, slowly bringing them down your legs and marvelling at the string of slick that connected them to your cunt before it eventually snapped, causing him to practically growl.
Time seemed to go slow, watching as he trailed his hands up to your hips, thumbs rubbing small circles before he leaned forward, placing quick kisses over your cunt and then finally running his fingers through your folds, spreading them open and giving a teasing lick to your clit, causing you to writhe above him. Your hand would move from your mouth to grab your skirt, lifting it up so you could watch his movements, noting the way he hummed against you, breathing in your scent with a grin before beginning to flick his tongue against your clit playfully, your fingers threading through his hair and pulling him closer to you.
“Little slut can’t get enough, huh?” He’d murmur into you, licking a long stripe through your folds and causing you to let out a pleasured sob. “Feel that good baby? So fucking naughty, letting one of your classmates take care of you like this…” You’d throw your head back against the wall, chest heaving as you nodded in response.
“Yes… Yes, feels so good, Judd — so, so good.” You’d let out a long moan, the sound going straight to Judd’s groin and causing him to hump the air on instinct. Moving down lower, Judd’s tongue would poke at your entrance, causing a choked whimper to leave you as your toes curled in your kitten heels. “Want more, please-” You could feel something building up in your stomach, your head feeling fuzzy and fogging up.
“Greedy fucking bitch… I’ll give you more, beautiful, make you feel full.” His thumb would move to circle your entrance, causing your whole body to jolt forward. You could hear a sinister chuckle come from Judd before he slowly began to sink one finger into your sopping hole. “Shit, look how you fucking suck me back in… so tight.” His eyes would fixate on his finger slowly moving in and out of you, velvet walls squeezing around him and causing him to moan. “How’s anyone meant to fit in there, baby? Even my finger’s too big.” He’d tease, clearly over exaggerating.
A string of choked moans would slip past your lips as your face scrunched up in pleasure, hips beginning to grind into his finger. “Judd! Oh my god, I think I’m gonna pee myself-” You’d panic, head spinning as the pace of his finger began to pick up. He’d laugh again, shaking his head.
“You’re not gonna pee, just let me make you feel good, yeah? You trust me?” He’d raise a brow, green eyes peering up at you, and you could’ve sworn you saw some kind of fondness in them. You’d nod rapidly, you did trust him — you were unsure where this sudden trust had come from, but you knew you didn’t want his movements to stop. He’d slow his pace, biting at your thigh and causing you to yelp. “Need your words, princess.”
“Yes! Yes, trust you, please don’t stop.” You’d beg, trying to rock yourself on his finger to keep up the pace, but his hand would grab your hip, stopping you. Before you knew it, he was slipping a second finger into you, a pleasured cry vibrating in your throat as he made a ‘come hither’ motion in you, hitting a spot that had you jolting repeatedly, stomach tightening and mewls leaving you. “Judd…” You’d whine, head falling forward as your brows knitted together, mouth falling open.
He decided he’d never seen a prettier sight than you right now, looking so worn out, like this was the best you’d ever felt. Never before had he seen you so relaxed, your uptight demeanour finally gone, not so worried about keeping up your act of perfection anymore. If you asked Judd, this was the most perfect he’d ever seen you — not when you’re volunteering, not when you’re giving motivational speeches in assemblies — no, this was so much better. Seeing you all flushed, lashes fluttering and heavy breaths escaping your chapped lips; he could cream his pants just at the sight. The whimpers leaving you had his own moans forming in his throat, placing open-mouth kisses onto your cunt, causing your thighs to shake as he wrapped his free arm around one of them. He’d then move onto sucking on your clit, fingers moving rapidly in and out of you, wet sounds filling the closet.
All of a sudden the coil that had built up in your tummy was snapping, knees buckling as cries of relief left you, mumbles of his name repeating on your tongue as you clung desperately to his hair, the sheer strength of Judd’s one arm around you keeping you up-right whilst you calmed down. So lost in your own pleasure, you failed to notice Judd groaning into you, his body shaking under yours as he released into his pants, cursing himself. Not once in his life had he cum without being touched, but the sight of you and sounds that left those cute lips had gotten to him, the embarrassment taking over quickly.
He’d continue to slowly pump his fingers, helping you through your release as he cleaned up your cum with his tongue, humming at the taste. You’d sigh, leaning your head back and trying to calm your breathing, suddenly feeling awkward.
The room was once again silent for a few minutes… up until Judd finally stood up, brushing his clean hand through his hair and peering down at you with a smug grin. It was only then that you noticed how the bottom half of his face shined with your juices, your face heating up and eyes going wide as you pulled down the sleeve of your shirt and lifted your arm to wipe along his mouth. You could see his brows furrow in confusion, but he made no move to stop you, even leaning down ever so slightly to help you reach. Once you pulled away, he’d lift his fingers to your lips, softly pushing the two that had previously been inside you into your mouth and watching as you wrapped your lips around them, groaning at the way your tongue circled and cleaned them up.
“Let’s get you back home, yeah?”
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this isn’t that great and I haven’t written in a while but I’ve wanted to write something for Judd since I finished the new big mouth season the day it came out… so glad they gave us more of him 🤭
Also sorry if there’s any mistakes, I did try to proof read but I’m tired and just want to post this
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potat0bag · 5 months
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I had a vision
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fizpup · 2 years
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I feel like big man is that guy that's just friends with everybody
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eggsmas-art · 2 months
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Originally, this was just supposed to be a splatoon picture, but then I remembered that the Wii U was more than just Splatoon for me
I was even able to play my first Zelda(Windwaker) on there! as well, as finally play ocarina and twilight, princess 
It may not have been the best console, but it holds a lot of really good memories for me and those silly squid kids making me mentally ill was one of them 💕💕🦑
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I made this one too before the other one but I initially didn’t think it was going to be enough, looking back at it now I do like it 
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the-knife-consumer · 2 months
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More turf war era sillies
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joshseoh · 2 months
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Judd Hair (Hair Commissions)
For masculine frame
Basegame compatible
24 EA swatches
For teen to elder
Custom thumbnail
Hat compatible
Shadow map
Specular map
Normal map
Disallowed for random
Compatible with Universal Hair Overlay
Judd Ombre Overlay can be found in Brow Ring (Left) category! (24 swatches)
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Public release: 4 Apr 2024
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abilitayy · 4 months
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🌍 Friday! 🪐 Saturday! ☀️ Sunday!
Which day makes your weekend worthwhile?
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d1edre · 5 months
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Thank you, @quwyou
If you'd like to see one of your maps featured, check out the pinned blog
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pocoyitos · 4 months
craig’s actual biggest enemy was judd 🐱🚫
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reareaotaku · 8 months
can we please get more Judd :((((((
Of course! I have really conflicting views about the show Big Mouth. Though NGL, I loved Human Resources So, this is going to be like a part 2 in a way [Part 1 Here & Part 3 Here]
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He doesn't remember when he started to a crush on you, but it grew fast
And god he hated it so much. He wanted to stab these feelings and kill them
He bottled them for a long time and for a while it worked... Until it didn't
He would never admit he was jealous, but anyone could tell
One of those theater idiots decided to flirt with you and Judd wanted to bash the guy's head in with a brick
He doesn't but god he wants too
He introduces you to his raccoons
You think they're so cute and he [for a slight second] smiles a little, thinking you're adorable, but he shakes it off
He'll listen to your problems, even though he finds them annoying
You usually rant to him when you feel you can't talk to Leah about a certain topic or she's [Leah] not available
Though, you better not talk about a guy, because that doesn't go well
He'll give you advice on your problems, but it's usually something violent. Like saying you're having problems with your boss and Judd will tell you to just kick him down some stairs
^"Umm... I love your enthusiasm, but let's stay in the mindset of legal and morally acceptable advice"
It really isn't very good advice to you, because like I said, it's usually violence
Your father is a doctor and when you were getting something and you see Nick in the waiting room
"Nick?" He looks towards the voice, before his eyes widens and he awkwardly swishes around, "Hey, Y/n." "What are you doing here? Are you okay?" "I ate a weed gummy with my friend and I think I'm having a heart attack." You tilt your head at the freaked-out prepubescent boy. "Heart attack? I don't think you're having a heart attack, but you could be having a panic attack." "What the fuck is a panic attack?" Before you can answer, Judd jumps in asking what was going on. "What the hell are you doing here?" You both turn towards the male, who had his hand wrapped in some gauze. You pointed to it, "What happened to your hand?" "Raccoon accident." You decided not to question it and turned back towards Nick, "Are you okay, Nick?" "I don't know-" "What even happened to you, numbnuts?" Judd wanted to call his brother a dumbass, but he kept it to himself with you around. "I ate a weed gummy with Jessi and I think something's wrong with my heart." Judd rolls his eyes, "You're just stoned." "I didn't know that was a common thing when you were stoned." "It's not, he's just an idiot. Come on, you little pecker."
Judd feels like an idiot around you and it irrates the fuck out of him
He just wants to be himself, but he tones it down around you
Your parents don't like him
They think he's a future criminal and they're scared he'll either get you locked in jail, knocked up, or dead
And while he is Future Criminal, he would never get you in trouble
^ Leah thinks it's cute with how much her brother likes you
Judd is protective over you. If a guy is ever harassing you, something bad is going to happen to them and it may or may not be Judd's fault
If you ever want to be alone, especially at one of Leah's parties, just hang around him, because no one would dare approach you, especially if he has a hand around you or something
Nick uses you as a blackmail of sorts against Judd
"Well, I'll just let Y/n know that you're an asshole."
"I don't give a fuck."
"Y/n doesn't like assholes."
Judd roles his eyes, groaning, before gettting up and doing whatever Nick needs
If Judd says something stupid, Nick will ask you if you like the thing, annoying the fuck out of Judd
Leah thinks it's annoying that her brother's are always trying to steal you away from her or take away most of your time and attention
^ You're her friend not theirs
"You need to stay away from Y/n. She's my friend and you're a fucking loser."
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chubbidust · 4 months
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judd fit rules
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manhattancrossrip · 1 year
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I think I've finally lost it
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