#jenna answers
avocadoraisin · 2 days
HEY ok, so i imagine at like work strahm and mark like did weird little signals silent while like fucking perez was there watching and was just like: What the fuck
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my artist rendition
ok this doodle is fucking hysterical hello? no notes
also this is what happens in the Saw in my brain every single day & im not really exaggerating
and she just keeps noticing more and more strange little Occurrences, but shes not 100% whats going on bc Strahm claims he hates Hoffman and she's not used to him lying to her..
she has her Suspicions until of course one day she just finds them sucking face and is like "yeah ok. anyway"
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jennilah · 19 days
How would you describe Mark's voice? We may or may not be working on a fic (have been for days, it's just not coffinshipping sadly) and we're not sure how to describe it. It's not really that gruff to us (we've heard much more gruffer). And we are NOT about to put husky when he's talking regularly, of course. Any ideas on how you interpret him (his voice and in general) are treasured greatly. (We'll skim your fics again for more ideas on him if that's okay. We like how you write and draw him a lot).
first of all, thank you!!
its pretty low, but its also pretty smooth. like, he has a pretty deep voice. deeper than Strahm's, for example. but i also wouldnt necessarily call it gruff or gravely unless hes trying to make it so on purpose.
he and his voice have a pretty calm and level and surprisingly softspoken demeanor unless hes under Super Stress. even then, his voice will get sinister before it goes up in volume
like even when shaking in his boots paranoid hes almost always keeping his voice steady and relatively soft & quiet compared to every other character. hes an awful liar, you can totally tell when hes internally freaking out, but he only vocally explodes a few times
accompanying examples because i have two hands, After Effects, and an obsessive brain, and im not afraid to use them.
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theonethinginlife · 1 year
Ok having Amanda saying she's bored with teaching but doesn't want to break Sonny's heart, this is some juice for a good come back story next season, it gotta be or they wouldn't put it out there. Reading major 'we fucked up and now we trying to patch things up with a plausible come back' no shit sherlock.
Anyway that's my Amanda sweet honey, loved that she's not magically healed up and she still struggles a bit on talking/sharing, now with a bit of fear on not wanting to hurt or disappoint the people she loves and who loves her, understandable, she just have to talks things out with Carisi AND Liv, sometimes it's hard I get it, especially if you don't see your best friend every day anymore and you fear to disappoint her? doesn't know how to explain it to her?
Also I believe Sonny would have noticed something was off with Amanda, he knows her so good too, but with the baby news he got a bit distracted and he has his worries and probably it skipped his mind a bit, also understandable, hence talking! I hope we get a good scene on svu next week about this with both Amanda and Carisi and her and Liv. Setting up hopefully her return next season. Maybe they could keep her as a consultant or something for a while plus she still teach part-time at Fordham, but if the show goes on for more years (which it's totally possible, yes it got less viewers than before but it's still the most watched/popular show on nbc they won't drop it anytime soon) she can slowly come back to svu as detective (Stabler left nypd and then came back to it so totally possible), maybe ranking up, something that she deserves, giving her less time out in the field 'in possible danger', or they can work something up with Liv anyway, possibilities are endless. Key word coming back.
Hey anon! Does really feel like they're setting her up for a return in some capacity--I'd ideally like it to be a consulting type of role, because that lets her flex her psychology muscles while still not being in the line of fire.
I really think that the only reason Amanda hasn't told Liv about the baby is simply because she knew that Liv would clock her about her uncertainty about her job, and she's not ready for that yet. (More details in a Twitter thread here.)
I hope they do flesh this out a little more--and I can't think of any reason to do that unless they want to bring her back somehow.
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So those kratts be wild
i have no idea what you’re trying to ask and it only makes this funnier
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ahappyphjl · 1 year
every time i see your name pop up i read it as “a happy fi-gil”
ahahaha yes that IS in fact the correct way to read it
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What if I told you I'm a matsermind?
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ang3lik · 1 year
hi ml! can you please do blue banister nsfw with k, r, and d for tara carpenter x fem reader
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𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
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pairing: tara carpenter × implied!fem!reader. nsfw content under the cut.
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𝐃 = 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
tara has always wanted to buy/use a strap during sex. whether she gets to use it on you or you on her, the idea just intrigues her and really gets her going. she would also like to try mutual masturbation or watching porn together and seeing who caves first.
𝐊 = 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤 (one or more of their kinks)
she kind of likes when you’re bossy with her, the more dominant side of you showing. when you tell her to do something, and that little bit of praise that comes after, or maybe she doesn’t do it just like you asked and decides to act bratty before you take her into your own hands.
𝐑 = 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤 (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
she’s pretty much down to anything you suggest and will almost always try it once before deciding she doesn’t like it. she’s not really risky in the way of getting caught or doing things in public, she prefers to keep it intimate and private for you both.
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i really like the idea of the squip squad being super awkward ‘friends’ right after the squipcident because it’s like. whether you like it or not we have a bond from going through all this crazy shit together and you guys are the only people who understand what i’m going through and there’s just a lot to sort out. they hang out together but they’re not really friends. most of them hate each other and there is so much awkward history between them but they don’t really have a choice so they just begrudgingly tolerate it. somewhere along the way they manage to actually become friends but they absolutely hated each other at first lmao what i’m saying is the squip squad exposure therapied themselves into becoming a ‘found family’ and that is just so funny to me
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adelaidedrubman · 3 months
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—LOCAL CRINGEFAIL MASS MURDERERS WALK INTO SEX THERAPY. (template found here. | credit to @derelictheretic for both oc portraits used!)
was alerted to the existence of this incredible meme by dearest @henbased and obviously had to do it for the flop couples and try starting off a game. below cut is blank template (+ full res johnjess version for easier reading because tumblr decided to be difficult with me on preserving transparency) and tags to play if you have any failsex couples to share!
tagging: @florbelles @henbased @derelictheretic @nightbloodbix @mccarthycormac @corvosattano @shellibisshe @socially-awkward-skeleton @voidika @fourlittleseedlings @blissfulalchemist @clicheantagonist @cassietrn @firstaidspray @josephseedismyfather @cloudofbutterflies92 @stacispratt @strangefable @nonfunctioning-queer @nowandthane @risingsh0t @direwombat @ladyoriza @g0dspeeed @inafieldofdaisies @deputyash @afarcry5fromstraight @orionlancasterr @wrathfulrook + nsfw games opt in here!
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 1 year
No thoughts head empty just wooyoung railing me against a kitchen counter and calling me his pretty baby and that he wants to breed me 😔
you're singlehandedly saving the wooyoung content on my blog
tw: dom!wooyoung, reader with female anatomy, breeding, praise, use of petnames (baby, angel), cursing, hair pulling, mentions of cum eating, mentions of food, established relationship!AU - minors dni.
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"W-Woo, the stove- fuck!"
"I t-turned it off already, shit," Wooyoung moans, his hips relentlessly slamming against your ass.
Cooking food with your boyfriend never really stays as cooking - it's always accompanied by fleeting kisses and touches. Although the latter tend to be on the inappropriate side, which often end up in a similar situation to the current one.
Which is Wooyoung railing the shit out of you on the kitchen counter.
"Your pussy is so fucking addicting, baby," he pulls you flush to his chest by your hair, his other arm perched on the counter, "Will never get tired of fucking it stupid and full."
"Oh God yesyesyes, please fuck me stupid, pretty please," you beg him with a long, whiny moan. The tip of his cock hammers the soft, weak and spongy spot inside you that makes you lose a part of your sanity with each thrust, but you don't complain at all.
Instead, you let your pussy do the talking - your walls desperately clamp down on Wooyoung's cock, as if trying to push him closer to the edge and spill all of his juices inside you.
"Gah, I won't last long, angel - Not with the way you're- shit- gripping my dick."
"Then what's stopping you?" you turn your neck to look at your boyfriend, pouting your lips and pushing your ass back on his dick.
He takes it as the green light to push you flat on the counter, gripping your waist in place to speed up his movements and moan right above your ear.
"You really want me to dump all of my cum in your pretty pussy, don't you, angel? Want me to breed you, like the good, loving boyfriend I am?"
"Pleasepleaseplease, Wooyoungie! N-Need your cum so bad!"
"Then fucking take it," he almost growls in your ear and stills his cock, letting your pussy milk him dry and steal every last drop of cum he has.
You arch your chest off the counter, whining when you feel his cock slip out of your hole, his release starting to drip down on your legs and the floor.
"Wooyoung, it's gonna make a mess!"
"Don't worry, baby," he kneels on the floor between your legs, his fingers spreading your pussy apart.
"I always clean up my messes."
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avocadoraisin · 1 month
They should have held hands instead of trying to kill each other ☹️
youre right
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jennilah · 23 days
The mark and peter models are literally holding hands
now they are :)
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theonethinginlife · 1 year
Just sharing my idea here: Instead of the Nicole storyline, they should of instead brought in an attractive female law enforcement officer (either FBI, CIA, US Marshals or Interpol) working on a joint case with SVU. And said woman flirts and makes moves on Carisi throughout the case and he's completely dense and unaware of her motives cause he's not paying attention to her, but focused on the case. But everyone else can see it, especially Rollins and we REALLY get to see her be jealous.
Hey anon!
I think something like that was definitely the plan before COVID derailed season 21. Instead of someone new, though, I think they were going with Dara Miglani (the attorney who represented Monica Russo in "She Paints for Vengance").
It was definitely supposed to run at the same time as the Khaldun storyline--we got the setup for the Khaldun half, and then the Sonny x Dara bit would've happened in the next few episodes and we definitely would've seen jealous Amanda, which I would've loved to see.
They made the timeline wonky with COVID, and I wished they wouldn't have shoehorned in the Nicole plotline (I think they had it planned out w/ Dara and had to rework it) and would've just let them come together without giving Nicole's character not the greatest treatment.
Everything worked out though, at least!
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Regarding your author post, one of my protagonists has aerokinesis and would definitely be confused for having an anemo vision. Albedo immediately wants to run experiments. His home status is something akin to the anemo archon so I'd love for him to tour Mondstat and meet Venti!
oooh that sounds cool
my OC Fujin pops up somewhere and they wreak havoc as wind gods
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simplydnp · 1 month
screaming on the top of wedding hill
psst @ahappyphjl come get your anon
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samcscreams · 10 months
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GHA this is so cute! Danny taking pictures of Sam and Tara unknown to them while Sam takes pictures of Tara unknown to her. They all respectfully have the picture as the background of their phones. Until Sam sees Danny’s phone and is like you have to give my that picture NOW. Danny thinks about teasing her and making her wait. But he’d prefer to live. So he coughs it over.
Also it’s so cannon that Sam wears jean shorts like ^. They ALL pick on her for it. However, Kirby cant help but find it kinda hot.
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