#jd angst
h3ll0-3lli0t · 1 year
*slams hands on table* ATTENTION!!!
I would like to see Night Swan cuddling Jack Rose after she fails her evil mission
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I’m gonna fulfil this request, but I’m making it ✨angsty✨
••I’m taking art requests••
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tea0w0stache · 5 months
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here's some stuff from the au i mentioned !! "crystal dory" is an au where jd is the one captured instead of floyd, which leads to a bunch of changes in the story !!
if you anything with it, please @ me and tag it "crystal dory au" pretty pleaseee <3
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felsicveins · 2 months
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If I didn't love you, it would be fine
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spicy-suns · 3 months
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20 years alone will do something to your memories
(ft brozones mom)
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accmor0 · 2 months
I don't like the fact that the fandom makes Branch forgive Floyd just for being the "favorite brother"
I'm a big fan of angst BroZone, they deserve a big kick in the ass.
But I notice that something I find very repetitive that Branch doesn't forgive his older brothers except for Floyd. And it seems to me that it shouldn't be like that, Floyd also has fault for abandoning Branch and I think he's the one who has it the MOST.
Yea, Floyd was the one who said goodbye and all that and blablabla.
BUT, let's not forget that he made a promise to come back for him after he finished his solo career. AND IN THE END HE NEVER CAME BACK. For 20 YEARS he never came back for his brother, and in the movie he didn't even mention visiting the Tree again. (I'm forced to give JD a point) Floyd managed to make Branch believe and they built their hideout.
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And I have questions.
-Why hasn't he returned during these decades? -What was he doing during these 20 years? -Did he also go to see the tree but when he found the decomposing tree he thought that everyone died just like JD thought? -Didn't he have any news about Branch after the events of Trolls 2? -What if Floyd really lied to Branch to not make him feel bad?
The last question is a theory I thought about. Floyd may have said all that to Branch because he knew that he couldn't tell a baby that he would go off to make a life for himself without his family.
Also, if the events of Trolls 3 hadn't happened, I bet on my life that Floyd would still be around without bothering to go after Branch, while Branch would continue to feel that lack of family love and abandonment problems.
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In conclusion, make BroZone angst but Floyd also gets his ass kicked.
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sunnystrollblog · 1 month
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The boys are off to the neverglades! a week after their brothers death…
Yeah Floyd isn’t handling things well but John dory’s far worse he’s just better at hiding it
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 2 months
'HeartBreak au' part 1
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so idk if its obvious or not, but this is the first part to that john dory angst au I asked if yall wanted to see :) I'm not that good at making comics look good, I so far can make them look like..........well this lemme know if you want more parts and or have any questions!
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shadebloopnik · 4 months
This is gonna sound SOOO off or smthn but
Was the Perfect Family Harmony planned to be a weapon against the Bergens?
Long post ahead bc brain is rotting
Ok so as we know, the Perfect Family Harmony is smthn that's so powerful that its capable of shattering diamonds. Not just that but its one of the only thing capable of doing so(according to Floyd it was the only thing but giving the benefit of the doubt)
So we know its strong, and we saw it blasting off Velvet and Veneer off their platforms when they performed it, and they weren't even the targets, they were blasted away by just the shockwave that came with using it.
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"Its that powerful."
Ok, so its definitely powerful enough to be used as a weapon right? Yeah it was relatively safe enough to use in front of a crowd, else they wouldn't have tried to do it during a concert, but that could just be when those harmonizing aren't targeting anything.
If it could shatter diamonds, how easily could it break cages? What would it do if it was used to target a Bergen? A whole Kingdom of Bergens?
Lets also go back to that concert, to that time John was obsessed with them getting it right. They were in the Troll tree, in Bergentown, a place where any of them could die during Trollstice. The Bergens were a huge threat, something that trolls, at their size, couldn't fight back against normally so they had to run instead right?
But what if they COULD fight back? What if they had a weapon so powerful that it might finally be able to free them? To defeat the monsters that tortured their kind for centuries?
What if John Dory found a way to help make sure nothing would threaten his brothers' safety ever again?
Like, it'd make John Dory's obsession make SOOO MUCH MORE SENSE
Like yea he clearly has OCD and anxiety and some bossiness and that definitely added to it all, but imagine if it was more than that?
Look at him during that performance. He was in deep. He had a wild look in his eyes, a sort of deranged obsession to have everything be perfect no matter what. It wasn't healthy, it was scary, maybe even downright terrifying for his brothers who had to be subjected to it.
But you know what else he looked like?
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Man was scared out of his mind. His anxiety and stress levels were through the roof. He probably was one wrong tune away from hyperventilating.
What if it was bc it was so much more than the fans? What if he put the salvation of the entire troll-kind on his shoulders?
One wrong step meant they were nothing.
One wrong step meant disappointing the fans.
One wrong step meant letting down the kingdom.
One wrong step meant another troll getting eaten.
Thats why when they failed, John blew up. He took all of that self-hatred of failing to use that weapon to defeat the bergens and poured it all onto his brothers.
"I know we can reach the Perfect Family Harmony."
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"What if we don't want to."
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John Dory, blind to how and WHY his brothers didn't want to follow his lead, felt betrayed.
To him, all he's ever done was to ensure their safety, everything was for the greater good. He'd done everything he could, his goals slowly twisting him into a crazed obsession. To hear his brothers say they didn't want to help anymore might've struck a cord too much. If you'd noticed he actually looked really sad and hurt when they started bringing up how much they hated being in the band, but it slowly twisted to anger instead. Kind of in a like, "I tried doing everything for these shts and THIS is how they repay me???" way. He was so stressed and stuck in his own head with his failures that he just couldn't see what his brothers were trying to say.
So in a fit of impulsive rage, he left. To him it probably was like that rlly childish way of saying "Yea im leaving, good luck dealing with the Bergens while im goneee." You know? Like how kids runaway from home when they get angry or upset over every little thing but come back when they realize how stupid that was?
"Im not allowed to change."
And he DID come back. Who knows how long, but he did. Imagine how he must've felt seeing their empty pod in an empty tree, with the knowledge that he could've done something about it. The Perfect Family Harmony could've saved them. They could've used it to break the cage, to fight the Bergens. Hell, it could've been powerful enough to wipe out all the Bergens if they do so wished.
"Im the oldest, I have to be the leader."
He and his brothers were the only ones who'd ever gotten close to getting it right.
"Why do you think I moved into the middle of nowhere? So I didn't have to be in charge of anyone."
The village was counting on them. Counting on him. He let them down. He failed.
"Freeing the village Four little brothers is a lot of responsibility."
They could've gotten it. If only John did it right. If only John did it differently.
If only John Dory was Perfect
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draco-after-dark · 4 months
Dory Verse - Aftermath
small spoiler for the Feral JD au just so ya know
Rough draft of my favorite Dorse Verse boys seeing Feral again
(I did not re-read this shit so if spelling error you didn't see it)
It had been months, maybe a whole year since they had all last seen him.
Since Grey had last seen his chip buddy.
Since Eldest had last hung out with his therapy dog.
Since Hitman had last seen his comrade. His amego. His best friend.
‘Where are you Feral?’
At first, none of them had really batted an eye at Feral’s absence. The troll could be pretty unpredictable at times and it was always hard to tell when he was at the house or not. He would disappear for days at a time and then reappear somewhere out of thin air.
After a week had passed Eldest had asked Hitman about where the resident mayhem makers could be. Hitman had no clue. Feral wasn’t exactly the talkative type so there was no way for him to tell them when he would be back.
After two weeks they started to worry. Feral had never been gone for this long before. Maybe they had all just been busy. Missed each other because of how wonky time seemed to move in this place. Maybe Feral just had some things going on and he couldn’t visit?
No, that didn’t seem right. Eldest had known Feral a lot longer than Hitman, This wasn’t normal. Something was wrong and he had no way to contact his little buddy.
Before Feral disappeared if you found Hitman, Feral usually wasn’t very far away. The scruffy troll had taken a liking to the awkward troll almost instantly. That fact alone back made a man full of the other JDs of the house jealous. For different reasons depending on who you asked.
Ever since the early days when Crystal and Grey had figured out just how food-motivated the feral troll was it became a sort of right of passage. Piss off Grey and by default, you’d have to deal with Feral. If a chip bag was ever tossed in your direction then good luck because you’d need it.
So when three weeks rolled around Eldest and Hitman had gone to find Grey and figure out what was going on. Since neither of them knew where their friend had disappeared or why, maybe Grey did. Eldest knew how much the troll cared for Grey after the whole Snake incident. God, he really hoped nothing bad hadn’t happened to Feral.
Weeks turned into one month and then two. After that, they had stopped keeping track. Every day they counted just made things worse. Left more questions. More worry for their friend. 
Until months later.
They had all been in the kitchen eating lunch when they heard the distinct rattle of the door in the living room. It always did that before someone entered. Eldest had gone to peek around the corner to see who it was. He figured it was probably a World Tour considering there was no name present at the top of the door. It was something they released that happened to the most frequent visitors of the house. That and World Tour had said he was going to drop by today.
What Eldest hadn’t been expecting when the door opened was to see a completely unfamiliar troll step through. It was unexpected, to say the least. A new John Dory hadn’t shown up in months so they had all just figured that was everyone.
He was so shocked he just stared at the newcomer.
Eldest’s frozen look had quickly gained the attention of the other two and they had moved to also glance around into the living room.
“What the fuck?” Grey said, also being surprised by the newcomer.
This quickly gained the troll's attention. Their ears quickly perked up, eyes shooting towards the small group. At that, their eyes widened as a large grin broke out across their face. 
In a matter of seconds, the troll had already bolted across the living room and grabbed Eldest, spinning him aggressively around. Arm tightly crushing and head pressed into the side of Eldest. This troll was definitely something. They’d picked Eldest up so fast and effortlessly that It had Grey reeling back further into the kitchen.
As soon as the stranger had noticed Grey he had already dropped Eldest. The troll wobbled from dizziness from the constant spinning as the stranger set his sights on his next target. 
Grey had curled his hand into a fist ready to punch the troll but before he could swing his arms were already locked by his sides. Grey was about ready to bite this guy if it came down to it but he suddenly froze at the sound and feel of a deep rumble.
It felt familiar..?
Grey was quickly released, unlike Eldest who had been held for a good minute. Eldest now leaning against the edge of the counter waiting for the world to stop spinning so he could ask who they were.
As soon as Grey realised he quickly backed away from the taller troll who looked curiously down at him. The was when 
The trolls then launched themselves directly at Hitman. The two tumbled to the floor in a heap of fluff and fur. Hitman let out a loud grunt a bit dazed at the abrupt impact. When his eyes cracked back open he was face to face with the pale blue troll. 
He’d never seen someone smile so wide
“Bbrrrrrr-ooouu-theeerrrrrrrr.” The troll growled out as he hugged Hitman tightly, cheek pressed firmly into Hitman’s.
‘Wait… brother?’
At that, Hitman had jolted back his hands flying forward grabbing both sides of the mystery troll's face and really looked at him.
Eyebrow slit. Chip out of his ear. Black earrings. Two scars over the right cheek. One big snaggletooth.
‘Holy shit’
The troll grinned widely at that as Hitman latched onto him like if he let go Feral would disappear again.
“Feral?” “Feral!”
Grey and Eldest both called one of confusion and the other of relief.
At that exclamation, Eldest stumbled towards the two and crashed onto the floor next to Feral. Hitman was still clinging tightly to Feral as he wiggled an arm free and reached out towards Eldest. 
Eldest’s eyes watered and with a loud sob, he latched on the other side of Feral.
“Feral where! What! AUGH-” Eldest could barely get a word out through his choked sobs. Hitman was not faring much better as he began to shake and also started to cry.
Grey simply watched the three
A devious smirk streaked across Feral’s face.
“NO. DON'T even think about it!”
It was too late Feral had already unwrapped his long tail from his waist and latched it onto Grey's arm. Dragged the unwilling troll straight into the cuddle pile.
Grey grumbled a few protests but eventually settled down. Eldest, reaching out an arm and crushing Grey into them all.
Feral had missed this. Missed them all so much but some many things had happened in such a short period of time he just didn't have the chance to visit.
But he was here now and that's all that mattered.
His low rumble soon fizzed out into a pur, the vibrations from Feral rippling out and through the other three.
This was perfect.
That was when they all heard a voice.
“Did I miss something?”
World tour stood in the entryway of the living room with a puzzled look on his face.
“Fuck.” Grey was never going to hear the end of this.
Grey! JD belongs to @ijjstlostthegame
Eldest! JD belongs to @matmiraculous
Hitman! JD belongs to @lemony-and-zesty
World Tour! JD belongs to @year2000electronics
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adorethedistance · 1 year
Sweet Creature - Jamie Drysdale x Reader (platonic!Trevor x reader)
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, mild roasts
Words: 1529
Summary: Domestic bliss featuring everyone’s favorite baby ducks.
A/n: I’m gonna be straight up. I fucking hate this piece. I hate it with a burning fiery passion but if I don’t post it I feel like I’ve just wasted the last few weeks that I’ve spent drafting it so here ya go
“You haven’t seen it?” I nearly screech out of pure astonishment, sitting up from my relaxed position on the couch. Jamie smiles skeptically and shrugs his shoulders with his arms outstretched lazily.
“No clue what you’re talking about.”
“Dvcree did not put their whole Pedrussy into making these Pedro Pascal edits for you to have no idea who I’m talking about.���
“Ugh, that could’ve been so funny if you were just a little bit more meme-cultured. TREVOR!” I yell from the livingroom which leads the energetic boy to poke his head out of his bedroom door.
“What’s up?”
“Have you seen the Pedro Pascal edit?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you!” I make a face and Jamie to emphasize my point. He slowly shakes his head as he laughs and absentmindedly lifts the knot of his grey hoodie’s drawstring, tucking the woven cotton between his teeth. As the moment of my disbelief passes, I move over to lay down, pressing my left cheek against Jamie’s toned chest.
We’ve been laying on the couch and watching the Last of Us for the better half of an hour, with Trevor occasionally coming by to refill his water bottle and comment on the display of affection between me and Jamie. Our lazy days are nothing short of blissful and I couldn’t be more content with life at the moment.
“It’s ‘cause I’m not on TikTok!” Jamie argues while shifting to accomodate me, wrapping me in his arms, and resting the injured one on the surface of my back. What little of his skin that’s exposed is slightly cool to the touch, and I remember Jamie runs cold more often than not. I’ve been unintnentionally leeching off of his body heat since the outfit I wore today was better suited for the Irvine sun, and not his air-conditioned apartment.
“Well, you should get it. I’m tired of texting you links when I could be sending you DMs.”
“Ugh. I just can’t be bothered.”
“Whatever. Old man.” I momentarily lift my head from Jamie’s chest and pout my lips. He playfully squints at me for a second, then pecks my lips before pressing play on the last few minutes of the episode. The rhythm of his breathing is relaxing for me, and despite the episode only having five minutes left, I feel my eyelids become heavier and heavier. The warmth of our body heat between us soothes my soul, and my muscles release after a long day of productivity. If I went back in time to tell myself that a random apartment unit in Orange County would one day be the most comfortable place in the universe, I might’ve laughed in my own face.
Jamie feels like heaven.
Better than heaven.
He feels like home.
Small breaths escape my parted lips as I sink deeper and deeper into the feeling of his body against mine. And I can’t help smiling gently as I feel his heart momentarily keeping time with a song in the show. The soft fabric of Jamie’s hoodie smells like his favorite cologne over the sweet, comforting smell of his natural scent. His chest vibrates when he hums a small laugh at a joke one of the characters cracked. I’m not sure if he’s noticed my slow descent into unconsciousness, but it’s only a matter of time.
“Good episode,” he says decidedly, waiting a moment. “Y/n?” He whispers softly, unsure of my lack of response. I could say something back if I really wanted to, but with how comfortable the entire situation is, I’d rather just let the exhaustion consume me.
Jamie then grabs his phone from the armrest of the couch behind his head, opens it, and types something before his arms come to rest. In a moment, Trevor comes out of his room and asks,
“What do you need?”
“Shhhh!” Jamie hushes Trevor as he walks in loudly. “Is she asleep?” He asks quietly. Trevor shuffles around the back of the couch to stand in front of the tv, looking at my face most likely.
“That was fast.”
“No kidding. She’s a cute sleeper.”
“Unlike you.”
“What’s your guys’ dinner plan?”
“I think she wanted to cook something for all three of us but now that she’s out I guess I gotta do some decision-making.”
“Just order something on door dash,” Trevor says plainly as he shuffles back around the couch and into the kitchen area of the apartment.
“I got something earlier this week, my mom’s gonna ask questions.”
“I forget you’re still on her account. Loser.”
“Shut up.” The hushed tone of their chatter is comfortable and I quickly fall asleep in the safety of my boyfriend’s care.
When I come back to, the first thing I notice is that Jamie is no longer underneath me. My eyes flutter open. I’m laying on my stomach, sprawled out on the couch under a grey blanket that I recognize to be the one-off of Jamie’s bed.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” I turn to face away from the seatback of the couch and find Trevor and Jamie seated on the floor, an assortment of takeout on the coffee table in front of them. Trevor nods a greeting as Jamie takes a bite of food.
“Were you just watching me sleep?” I ask, slightly freaked out.
“Yes.” Jamie almost chokes on the bite of food, shoving Trevor’s shoulder which makes them both laugh.
“No,” he starts to clarify, “We were just sitting against the couch and when we heard you stirring, we thought it’d be funny to stare at you.”
“How long was I asleep?”
“Like, half an hour?”
“You want some pad thai?” Trevor holds out the box of food he’s eating from and I nod shyly. Jamie passes me an unwrapped pair of chopsticks and I thank him quietly, tucking into the half-eaten box. We sit quietly for all but thirty seconds before Trevor is talking about how we need background music. He puts 1989 on shuffle on the tv and Jamie and I roll our eyes perfectly in sync.
“How dare you! Both of you!”
“Honestly, Z, you’re too predictable. Only one person here out of the three of us had Taylor in our Spotify wrapped and I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t me.” I shrug from behind my box of food. Trevor scoffs before eating an entire dumping whole.
“She was in mine but she was not number one,” Jamie adds insult to injury.
“Okay then, fine. What about this?” Trevor asks, turning on a song by Luke Combs that I’ve never heard. Jamie’s expression is slightly annoyed but delighted all the same. He responds decisively,
“Much better.”
“What?! Am I missing something?” I ask.
“The whole team’s calling him Luke Combs since Jamie’s guitar learning adventure began, but he can only play two chords of one country song.” I look at Jamie for confirmation and he simply nods, biting the inside of his cheek absentmindedly.
“Really, Jame? Two chords?”
“I’m working on it!”
“Yeah, he’s working on it!” Trevor jokingly jumps in to Jamie’s defense, “Like you could do better!”
“Bitch, I can play guitar!” My argument silences both of them immediately. The two boys share a look and then Trevor is off, racing to grab the instrument from Jamie’s bedroom.
“You’re lying, there’s no way.”
“While some of you were busy dedicating a gazillion hours a week to hockey practice, the rest of us expanded our skill sets.” I take the guitar as Trevor hands it to me and situate myself before strumming a quick brush through and immediately cringing. “Your A string is flat.” Jamie looks at me confused, and I extend my hand to take the instrument from him. He yields and passes it over, allowing me to remedy the issue. After tuning the string, I smile and move to hand Jamie the guitar back but he doesn’t move. Instead he nods, urging me to play and I take a deep breath.
“It’s been a while…”
“Oh, don’t back out now!” Trevor teases and I playfully stick my tongue out at him. I adjust my grip, racking my brain for a song, any song. My mind settles on Sweet Creature by Harry Styles and I decide to just go for it. I’m a tad rusty but other than that I have the melody under control. The song is pretty enough on it’s own and I trail off after the first chorus, overcome with a newfound shyness at the looks Jamie and Trevor are giving me. Jamie’s lips are parted in awe and Trevor bursts out laughing.
“You might as well give up now, Jimmy.”
“Lucky for him, I’m an excellent teacher.” I say with a smile, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. Jamie snaps back into reality and begins blushing like crazy.
“I don’t think I’ll ever sound like that.”
“You just need practice. I have a few more years on you so of course I’m gonna sound better than someone who’s just starting. You’ve got this and worse case scenario I can help.”
Jamie smiles sweetly, and my heart skips a beat.
“Will you play it again?”
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tea0w0stache · 5 months
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dariapencommissions · 3 months
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Part 1
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misscinnamonroll16 · 5 months
Brozone diner au: the day John Dory took off part one
this au does not belong to me, it belongs to @bzjohndory its gonna have to be multiple parts bc i write too much apparently
Business was slow, it was a hard winter and most trolls didn't leave their pods unless they had to. Bruce was the one to suggest it, knowing his brother hadn't had a day off in seven years. They all had special days that they got off like birthdays or anniversaries, except for John Dory. He didn't take days off, he worked open to close seven days a week. Bruce brought it up with others, knowing he wouldn't get anywhere without back up from their younger brothers. Bruce talked with Clay in between orders on the line. “I'm just saying, we haven't been that busy these past few weeks so I think he can just take a day off at least. We're all responsible enough to take care of the diner while he's gone.” Bruce said as he pulled some fries out of the fryer, portioning them on a plate and passing it to Clay. “Yeah but how do you plan on making him? We've tried making him before and he literally spent the entire day in the diner, working on other stuff ." Clay wondered as he finished plating a couple burgers, putting them in the window to be ran. At that moment, Floyd came into the back and leaned against the wall. “You good Flo?" Clay asked as he worked on the next order. Floyd nodded and held up a thumbs up but they noticed how his hand shook. Bruce threw some fries on a plate and slid a milk crate over to Floyd. “Sit down and have a snack. And while you're back here I wanna talk to you about something." Bruce said, handing the plate of fries to Floyd as he sat on the milk crate. Floyd nodded and started eating the fries while still leaning with his back against the wall. After a few moments of no orders coming in, Bruce crouched down next to Floyd. “Feel better?" Bruce asked while rubbing his back. “Yeah, I skipped breakfast this morning so I started to get the shakes." Floyd chuckled, placing the empty plate on the floor. Clay grabbed some dirty dishes they had on the line and grabbed the plate for the floor, taking them to the dish room. “So before you go back up there, I wanna talk to you about this thought I had. Clay thinks I won't be able to do it. I won't be able to do it by myself, I'll need all of your guys' help." Bruce said nonchalantly, watching for JD to be walking around. “What's up? I'm sure I can help somehow." Floyd said as he pulled his money out of the pocket on his apron. “I wanna get JD to take a day off. He hasn't taken a day off since he got ownership of the diner. If he had his way, we'd still be open on Christmas, and he would totally run this entire place by himself if he had to. He deserves it, he's kept this place afloat, put each of us through college and is here every goddamn day. This isn't gonna be like the last time, he's not gonna be allowed back in here until the next day.” Bruce said, looking Floyd in the eyes telling that he is completely serious about this. Clay came back in with clean dishes and began setting them up on the line. “I think he's crazy if he thinks he's going to get John to do it. He practically lives here, I don't think I've actually seen his place.” Clay said, placing plates in their proper spots. "Yeah but if we work together, I'm sure John will listen to us. You guys don't see him on the floor as much as I do. He's constantly moving, like if he stops, he'll pass out. Sometimes he shakes too. And Bruce is right, he's more than earned a day off, heck a week, we'll be lucky if we get one day.” Floyd said as he sorted his money, putting it back into his book. "I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it or need it. I'm saying that we might have to actually tie him down to get him out of here. He's not going to like the idea.” Clay said, cleaning up their prep area.  "What are you guys talking about?” Branch said through the server window. Bruce stood up and motioned for Branch to come back there. Branch walked back onto the grill line, confused.
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madhatterbri · 6 months
Paranoia | Finn Balor
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Summary: Damian convinces the JD that you can't be trusted and you pay for it.
Author's Note: This started because the lovely @theworldofotps decided to write an angst fic where Y/N is a bet. ❤️ May you cry and use the wrapping paper as tissues.
But to be fair I was so excited the day we became mutual. Love your stories. Keep the angst coming.
The referee raised your arm triumphantly in the middle of the ring. Wrestling fans cheered for you as you now won a shot at facing Rhea Ripley for the title. You knew it would cause some problems in the group but you didn't know it would be this bad.
The Judgment Day theme music played through the arena. A series of boos replaced the cheers. You turned to see Damian, Dom, your boyfriend Finn, JD, and Rhea. Rhea walked into the ring while the guys stood on each side.
"Come on, Rhea. Just don't do it," the referee tried to reason with her.
"This is what we always talked about. You and I competing for the gold," you squealed happily still not quite reading the room. The arena started to quiet down as they could tell what was happening. You turned to Finn and smiled. He looked away from you.
"You know Damian was right about you. He said you would try to tear us down," she yelled at you. You shook your head.
"No, I am loyal to you guys. I will always be loyal to you guys," you pleaded for your innocence. You remember what happened to Edge when they grew tired of him. Sometimes you had nightmares of the bar in his mouth and the look in his eyes.
"Too late,"
Rhea jerked forward colliding her head into yours. You screamed and fell to the ground rolling towards Finn. You reached out for him to grab your hand but he took a few steps back. His hands raised at his sides. He couldn't possibly believe you were not loyal to them.
"Finn, please, I love you," you whimpered continuing to reach your arm out. A look of remorse flashed in his eyes. It seemed he may pull from the trance but it was too late. "Please help me,"
Fingers snaked in your hair and pulled you up. Rhea dragged you towards the middle of the ring. She grabbed one hand between your legs and used her other arm to lock you in place. Your stomach dropped as you realized what she was planning on doing. You made one last attempt at your innocence.
She hoisted you in the air and slammed you on the mat. The bright lights shined on you. Rhea'a form stood above you. She placed a single boot on your chest and raised her title in the air.
"Let this be a lesson to never cross Judgment Day," she announced to a mixture of boos and cheers.
All you could do was look at Finn as tears poured down your cheeks.
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420radiolord · 2 months
Drew a JD Alastor cause I could'nt stop thinking of heathers and I like angst🙃.
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 2 months
Heartbreak part 2
John Dory burst from Branch's bunker, a whirl of emotions etched on the faces of those left inside. Floyd's expression was tinged with worry, Bruce wore a mask of confusion, and Clay seemed nothing short of irritated. Branch broke the tense silence with a blunt, "What the actual fuck just happened?
Seated on a beanbag, Floyd shifted, glancing at his brothers. "He looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack, not at all himself," he said, his concern palpable as he exchanged a meaningful look with Bruce. "I'm going to check on him. We can't let him wander off when he's this upset," Floyd declared.
Floyd grasped his wooden cane and painstakingly rose from the beanbag. He made his way to the bunker's elevator, pulled the lever, and ascended, leaving the bunker.
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John Dory burst through Rhonda's door, slamming it shut as he collapsed to the floor, his breaths coming in heavy gasps and sweat beading his forehead.
Gathering his strength, he pulled himself up using the countertop for support and staggered toward the loft. Once there, he climbed into his bed and reached under his pillow for something concealed there—a blue plushie. This wasn't just any toy; it was a Flopper Hopper, distinguished by its large green button eyes and long, fuzzy ears, though one ear was notably damaged, missing its latter half.
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Clutching the plushie tightly, John curled into a fetal position and began to cry, his tears soaking into the soft fabric of the doll.
John's eyes wandered upwards, resting on the tapestry of memories plastered across his ceiling. Among the snapshots capturing his wild escapades on the Neverglade trail, one photo held his gaze longer than the others. It wasn't just any picture—it was a heartfelt reminder of a different kind of adventure.
Centered amidst the chaos of his thrilling journey memories, this particular photo was more personal, more intimate. It featured a woman with hair that flowed like a cascade of deep, reddish-pink sunset, her skin aglow with a yellow sparkle that seemed to light up the room. Cradled in her arms was a baby, a tiny mirror of her luminosity but with hair the color of the deepest sea green, tinged with teal.
This picture, unlike the others, spoke of a journey not across wild landscapes but through the
realms of love and connection. The striking visual contrast between the woman and the baby, with their shared glittery skin and uniquely colored hair, painted a vivid image of familial bonds and the beauty of heritage. It was a precious, frozen moment that John cherished, a beacon of warmth and love amidst his adventurous exploits.
This photo was John's sole keepsake of them together, the singular testament to their intertwined lives. Clutching the child's doll, he felt the weight of memories it carried. Beneath his glove, hidden from the world, lay his ring—a silent vow, a whisper of a life once promised. These items were more than mere objects; they were the guardians of his regrets, the symbols of the heartbreaking truth that he would never see them again.
As tears streamed down his face, soaking into the fabric of the doll, John's whispered apologies filled the quiet of the room. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you, I failed you both," he repeated, his voice a broken melody of sorrow and guilt. Each word was a testament to his pain, a sorrowful lullaby that spoke of loss, love, and the unbearable weight of his remorse.
The persistent knocking at the door seemed to dissolve into the void of John Dory's grief, his ears deaf to anything beyond the echoes of his own sorrow. When Floyd received no response, driven by concern and impatience, he decided to take matters into his own hands. With a determined push, the door swung open, and he entered the armadillo bus, his presence unannounced
Navigating the stairs proved a challenge, his cane a necessary but cumbersome companion that made the ascent more difficult than usual. However, Floyd's resolve was unwavering. As he entered, he paused, scanning the space with a keen eye. It didn't take long for the muffled sounds of John's despair to guide him towards the loft.
Spotting John, Floyd hastened his pace, an urgency fueled by concern propelling him forward. The ladder to the loft posed another hurdle, but Floyd navigated it with a clumsy determination, mindful of the limited space. John's form occupied most of the loft, leaving Floyd to awkwardly balance on the ladder, his presence now impossible to ignore.
Floyd's heart ached as he witnessed the depth of John's sorrow. With every fiber of his being urging him to offer some solace, he carefully navigated the tight space of the loft, settling near John yet ensuring he respected his need for personal space. In the dim light, Floyd's presence was a silent beacon of empathy and understanding.
"John," Floyd's voice was a soft murmur, a gentle breeze in the stifling air of grief. "I'm here for you." His words floated in the space between them, an offer of support, laden with unspoken promises of companionship through the storm of sorrow.
The loft was cramped, but at that moment, it felt like the entire world had narrowed down to this intimate setting of raw emotions. Floyd, sensitive to John's need for space yet eager to offer comfort, extended a tentative hand but paused, letting it hover in the air for a moment. He wanted to bridge the gap between them, to offer a touch that said everything words could not, but he also understood the sanctity of personal grief. He waited, allowing John to dictate the terms of their interaction.
As the silence stretched on, Floyd remained a steadfast presence, his heart silently breaking for his brother. "If you need anything—a glass of water, or someone to just sit with you—I'm here," he offered softly, his words laced with the warmth of genuine concern.
And so, Floyd waited, a quiet guardian in the night, ready to provide comfort or companionship, to listen or to share the silence. In the loft that night, amidst tears and whispered apologies, the foundation of their friendship deepened, grounded in the understanding that sometimes, just being present is the most profound support one can offer.
John continued to sob into the plushie, his emotions spilling over. Slowly, he rolled over to face Floyd, revealing eyes swollen and red from crying, with tear tracks marking his cheeks. As their gazes met, a fresh wave of tears surged, amplifying John's cries in a heart-wrenching crescendo of grief.
Floyd, moved by the sight of his brother's pain, reached out to pat John on the back, his expression etched with concern. "I couldn't save them. I couldn't protect them. I'm so sorry... I'm so, so sorry," John's voice broke with each word, a confession of his deepest regret.
Floyd, initially puzzled by John's words, followed his gaze to the collage of photos adorning the ceiling above the loft. His eyes settled on the photograph of the woman and the baby, a realization dawning on him. With a heavy heart, he whispered, "Oh... John, I'm so sorry," now understanding the depth of John's loss and the source of his profound sorrow.
i hope you guys like it :D i have alot of ideas for this au! feel free to give feedback or ask questions
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