#its so refreshing to draw without thinkingšŸ˜€
thatgothsamurai Ā· 15 days
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sum crazy dudes sketchi redraw to fight artbloccšŸ’Ŗ
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idiacide Ā· 2 years
I just discovered your blog dude and AGSJDFKL šŸ„°šŸ„° I have a severe case of grinning at my phone šŸ˜©. If I may request, can I have Heartslabyul & Savanaclaw (if itā€™s too much you can pick one) headcanons for a NOT easily flustered S/O but only verbally? Example: Theyā€™re like ā€œThis is my BOY! My man! I love you too ā˜ŗļøā€ and can take compliments or/and the boyā€™s confession well but then they hold hands (or smth) and itā€™s slowly just ā€œšŸ˜™... šŸ˜€... šŸ˜³!?ā€ Thank you šŸ™
Glad to be of service, love to grin and scream and wail at my phone (the TWST Experience).
Riddle Rosehearts: It takes him a while to pick up on it. Riddle is very much a verbal expression guy. When he sees something about you that he appreciates, he tells you so, simply and straightforwardly. Likewise, he's very receptive to verbal praise coming from you. Craves it, actually, gifted kid syndrome will do that to a motherfucker. More emotive exclamations ("I love you! You're my special guy!") may leave him a little red in the face, but you can still tell he's still pleased deep down.
Physical affection doesn't enter into your relationship until a few weeks of dating beyond the occasional peck good night. Even then he noticed there was something off. Your face would go blank and you would get all quiet. Still, he chose to write it off on the newness of the relationship. Its not like heā€™s one to talk. But as he grows more comfortable with the relationship (and his dorm mates become less likely to tease him), he wants to reach for you. Nothing major, PDA is usually a line too far, but holding hands, good morning kisses to the temple, brushing something off your face. Thatā€™s when he starts to notice he may be unintentionally touching a few nerves.
Ultimately Riddleā€™s a little too polite to tease you for it. He doesnā€™t want to embarrass you, and as long as youā€™re sure heā€™s not making you uncomfortable heā€™s content to let it pass without comment. It would be a lie to say it has no impact on him, though. It feeds his ego like nothing else, every time his pinky links through yours or he leans against your shoulder for a moment of rest and you just go still. His chest puffs out juuuust a bit, and on really good days gives him the motivation to maybe go a little bit further with it than he would normally.
Trey Clover: Much like Riddle, Trey doesnā€™t really want to give you a hard time. He noticed almost right away that your response to any kind of physical interaction was kind of intense. At first he assumed it meant you were uncomfortable and immediately dropped his hands. For a few weeks after that he tried to avoid touching you too familiarly, until he finally worked up the nerve to ask you directly.
After that, heā€™s less hesitant to utilize PDA. He comes from a very touchy family. It feels natural to him to keep a hand on you, whether its at the small of your back as he nudges you in a certain direction or leaned against your shoulder as he checks your homework. In private he gives you no end of teasing about how immediately flustered you get, but heā€™ll hold back in public. Even if he thinks its adorable and pretty funny, he doesnā€™t want to draw too many eyes to it.
Not like heā€™s one to talk. The verbal affection always catches him off guard. Not in a bad way. Trey finds the idea of being gushed over novel and kind of refreshing. The guy could use a little TLC after the backbreaking labor of trying to keep Heartslabyul from collapsing. Heā€™ll snicker and try to deflect the compliments, or even outdo you by getting even more dramatic with his flirting in return. Donā€™t be fooled by the attempts at nonchalance. His face gets a very funny shade of pink and heā€™ll be pulling down his hat to hide it.
Its kind of a perfect balance for him. He gets to reap the benefits of an s/o whoā€™s not shy about hyping him up, while getting to flex a little Casanova of his own. He thinks he could get use to this.
Cater Diamond: May God have mercy on your heart.
Seriously, the moment Cater catches wind of this heā€™s going to be absolutely insufferable about it. Like you, he tends to default to verbal affection and praise to express his feelings. (ā€Donā€™t you look adorable!!!! Take a selfie with me, gorgeous, weā€™re depriving my followers all this beauty.ā€) However, the second he realizes he can leave you speechless is the moment your life loses all peace. Cater will happily take any excuse to invade your personal space, and as far as heā€™s concerned this is a blank check.
Heā€™s not shy about teasing you about it, either. Incessantly. Cooing over the way you get all fidgety and melt under the slightest touch. Things may start to get out of hand if someone doesnā€™t tell you both to knock it off. Cater wants to see how flustered he can get you, especially since youā€™re usually just as good at this as he is.
Speaking of, he eats up every drop of your preferred means of PDA. Cater loves praise, loves affirmation of how much you want him and care about him. Compliments about his looks are always a surefire hit, but if you want to turn the tables on him then go for something deeper. His intelligence, his social acumen, his kindness. Stuff like that heā€™s typically not as prepared for and it can actually shut him up entirely for a few seconds. Loves it no less though.
The major point of all of this: you are both incredibly embarrassing for everyone in a five mile vicinity. Get a room.
Ace Trappola: Ace handles getting a significant other about as gracefully as the average 10 year old. You start to wonder if he might actually explode if he doesnā€™t loudly refer to you asĀ ā€œmy PARTNERā€ every 2 hours or so. The frequency with which he repeats it verges on medical necessity.Ā ā€œsorry guys, canā€™t study tonight, my PARTNER and I have plansā€Ā ā€œoh that reminds me of yesterday when my PARTNER said that-ā€Ā ā€œwow, MY PARTNER loves stuff like this-ā€. All with this shit eating grin on his face like he thinks everyone is so jealous.Ā 
He eats up the verbal affection shamelessly, though if its meant to be an attempt to get some reciprocation youā€™re going to be a little disappointed. Usually what heā€™ll do is just show off more of whatever youā€™re commenting on.Ā ā€œWow, my manā€™s magic is so powerful!ā€Ā ā€œHA! If you think thatā€™s good, check this out.ā€ It doesnā€™t embarrass him but it does get him strutting around like a prized peacock, which is endearing in its own right.
Despite all of this, though, Ace is weirdly reluctant to engage in more physical kinds of PDA. The simple answer is that heā€™s a little worried about it looking weird, or sappy in a way that he doesnā€™t really like being around other people. This holds up until the exact second that he realizes it embarrasses you. After that you couldnā€™t hold him off if you wanted to. Not just giving, either, heā€™ll demand you be an active participant, asking where his kiss is the second you walk in and holding out his hand to make you take it. Heā€™ll tease the living daylights out of you for being flustered and chew out anyone else who tries to do the same.
Your boyfriend is kind of a lot. But you knew that when you took him on, and for as mischievous as his motives, the smile he gives when he tucks his face into the crook of your neck is as warm as it is smug.
Deuce Spade: Deuce would kind of love to be able to tease you about this, but heā€™s in pretty much the exact same boat.
Not just for physical touch. For pretty much all kinds of public displays. Deuce is surprisingly easy to fluster for a guy who used to have a reputation as a punk. The verbal praise gets a bit easier the more often that you do it. As he gets more used to it he finds that he really likes hearing you unashamedly proclaim your love, even if he canā€™t always say it back. His favorite is when you come to track meets and cheer him on, he swears up and down it makes him run faster.Ā ā€œUndeterminedā€ is all Vargas will say to that.
He barely notices that more physical forms flusters you because heā€™s too busy blushing up a storm himself. Holding hands is enough to have you both catatonic for a bit. Once he does realize that youā€™re unusually off your game, though, he starts putting in work to do it more often. Deuce doesnā€™t mind you taking the lead in a lot of aspects of your relationship, but it is still kind of nice to be able to turn the tables occasionally. Even if he does have to hype himself up for a it a little.
Ultimately the two of you probably arenā€™t about to be scandalizing the masses anytime soon. Handholding, the occasional arm around the shoulder, maybe a kiss or two is about as much as either of you can handle. But he files away every little face you make in response, thinks about them whenever heā€™s alone. Some of his most treasured memories.
Leona Kingscholar: To the outside observer it would seem like Leona is more annoyed than anything by your gushing and proclamations of affection. Heā€™ll roll his eyes, snort, use every body language trick he has available to him to indicate that heā€™s so over whatever youā€™re trying to tell him. You are not an outside observer, and you know full well that if Leona actually wanted it to stop he would use his words to tell you so.
Truth be told Leona is one of the most praise-starved people youā€™ll ever meet. Heā€™s just cynical enough to not take it too terribly serious. Like ok, handsomest guy in the world. Whatever you say herbivore. But he will literally never ever stop you from cooing over him, especiallyĀ not in public. His ironclad reputation as an edgy hardass is no impediment compared to the ego stroke of making everyone sit in audience to you fawning on him. The occasional comment may slip past his walls of irony, and you always know when it hits because his tail flicks and he blinks a few times, but heā€™ll usually just make an excuse to leave the room. WithĀ you, whether you wanted to leave or not.
He picks up on what flusters you almost immediately, but Leonaā€™s relatively private when it comes to physical affection. His dormmates donā€™t need to see you two climbing all over each other, thatā€™s not for their eyes anyways, Finding out it embarrasses you is if anything more incentive to keep it between the two of you.Ā 
Your boyfriendā€™s a scheming bastard, though, and he neverĀ forgets that he can turn the entire situation on its head whenever he wants. A few too many successful compliments and youā€™ll find yourself pulled into his lap, regardless of time and place. Just shut up for a second, yeah? Whatā€™s that face for, something botherin ya~?
Ruggie Bucchi: Ruggieā€™s at a weird place with verbal praise. He gets the biggest, goofiest grin when you start in on it, tucking his hands behind his head as the tips of his ears go bright red. Heā€™ll egg you on, even, offering to get the whole school gathered together so you can just let everyone know all at once how great he is. There is decidedly a sweet spot, though, as too much can make him start to shut down a little. Its not terribly hard to figure out when the shift happens, though, so once you learn the tells its easy to avoid.
For himself, heā€™s already pretty prone to PDA anyways. Its both a power move to any observers and an easy way to score some affection. Once he finds out it flusters you, it only encourages him to go that much harder. His favorite move: hand massage while he makes you try to keep up a conversation. Its the funniest thing in the world to him to watch you try to string a sentence together while he lavishes some tlc on you.
If he starts getting really bold, thereā€™s a strong chance of him using Laugh With Me to drive things even harder. Heā€™ll puppet your body just enough to get you all wrapped around him and then give you hell for being so needy out in the open like that. Frankly, Ruggie may even go a little too far with the teasing. If youā€™re the kind of person whoā€™s sensitive it may take him a minute to realize heā€™s gone too far. He really doesnā€™t mean to make you feel actually hurt, just...heā€™s endeared by it. Heā€™s reallyĀ endeared by the fact that he can have such a big impact, especially on someone that he cares about and admires so much.
If he ever gets to be too much, thereā€™s a weak spot behind his ears. A few well placed scratches and at least you wonā€™t be the only one feeling a little weak in the knees.
Jack Howl: Sometimes you swear that if Jack had his way your relationship would be a complete secret from the entire school. Its not that heā€™s ashamed from you. Far from it, having someone like you in his life and being able to help take care of you is one of the things heā€™s proudest of. Jackā€™s just...principled. Yeah, ok, he just kind of has a stick up his ass. You love him but his sense of decorum is really a force to be reckoned with.
Not that heā€™s gonna stop you if...y-yā€™know, you wanted to do stuff like that for yourself. Heā€™ll always grumble and complain when you start gushing over him, muttering about how youā€™re overdoing it, its not like he did anything that special. Ok fine he gets it you like him! Whatever! Itā€™d be all be a lot more convincing if his tail wasnā€™t having a field day. You pray your boyfriend never takes up poker.
Heā€™s not particularly prone to that kind of reciprocation. Jackā€™s love language is acts of service, he shows you he cares about you by doing stuff for you. Carry your books, handle both of your meals, help you study, whatever you need heā€™s there for without a word of complaint. It takes him forever to notice PDA flusters you because he almost never does it on purpose. It finally comes out during class of all places. Vargas has you paired up for stretching, and Jack corrects your form, coming up behind you and using his hands to guide your arms and hips into just the right location. Hey, whatā€™re you all quiet for-
Curiosity gets the better of him. He tries a few gestures. Nothing big, just. Holding your hand as you walk to class. Kissing your cheek after walking you home. Stuff that isnā€™t a big deal considering how long youā€™ve been dating but...he guesses he just never noticed how much it affected you.
Ultimately heā€™s never going to be a big PDA guy. Its still too much for him. But he does invest a little more effort into doing it, if only because he likes knowing that heā€™s able to leave a little mark of his own. Heā€™s gotten pretty used to you being the one making him all confused. Its kind of nice to watch you be on the receiving end from once.
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