#it wasnt the spore it was the spore we made along the way
pancakesmythie · 2 months
So I made another The Sims 4 mod! This one (similar to the Piñata Party Stuff mod) is put together like a Kit, since there wasn't enough stuff to call it a fanmade stuff pack or whatever.
I ended up doing a bunch of art (2D and 3D) that went into this mod. The two characters (Gizmo the Grox and Meejee the Meejee) get aggressively cuter as you use the mod longer.
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Most of the items here are made around a supposed "Spore The Movie" that comes out in The Sims world (not cannon I made it up for the mod), so a lot of the designs are meant to look very very cutesy. So cute that it's making me feel ill. Please download this mod before I get too sick LMAO
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pbandjesse · 6 months
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I had a really nice day. It was fun working from home. It was also kind of hard because I needed feedback and had questions I will have to wait on. But I got a lot accomplished!
I didn't stay home the whole time though. I would go out at one point. I had a very productive day.
I slept alright last night. James had fallen asleep on the couch for a while and I found it hard to fall asleep knowing they were out there. I would go out and kiss them on the head and they said they were sorry and came back to bed. They didn't do anything to be sorry about, but I told them it was okay anyway.
They were already gone to work when I woke up at 9. I am glad I got to sleep in. This whole week I'm going to get to sleep a little longer and that's just so lovely.
I felt good when I woke up. I stripped the bed and tidied up a bit. And went to get washed up.
I had decided I would listen to an audio book today. Since that would be long and I wouldn't have to change it basically all day. I chose one called "The fungus" from 1990. And it was great. I really liked it. It was an apocalypse story about a mushroom/spores that take over London. It was narrated so well. There were some very very random sex scenes, and it talked about rape 4 separate times. But overall I really enjoyed it! It was nice to finish that all today while I did all my little tasks.
I decided to take a shower and wash my hair. I did not use enough conditioner and felt sort of like a lion all day. Just very fluffy hair. But it was very clean and that was nice. I felt a little greasy last night. So this made me feel better, very clean.
James had made me an omelet that they left in the microwave. And it was a particularly good one. I brought it to my studio along with my laptop to get to work.
I would spent the first couple hours of the day designing a holiday card and a postcard to give to couples who get married at camp. I thought it would be fun to have 'happy holidays' in Blackfoot. Which is what language Puhtok is from. And I was able to find it! It is more a direct translation to have a happy Christmas, but it's close enough and a debated translation. I think it's more about use, and I have literally no idea how to pronounce it. But I think it's so cool that we could use that. I hope the office agrees.
The postcard was also fun but I struggled a lot with the language on it. I made a patch design and I think it's very cute but I am not positive it's correct. Next week I will hopefully get some feedback and make it perfect. James did just tell me that I spelled congratulations wrong. Terrible. It's okay I will fix it later.
Once my laptop was on the verge of dying I would decide it was lunch time, and I would go for a drive. I had a few things I wanted to go do, and would get something to eat while I was out.
It was not as cold out, but it was very windy. Which blew my hair all over and did not help the lion hair accusations. But it was not a bad day to be out in the world.
I drove to Glen Burnie. My GPS took me a very strange way through the city to 95. Which was whatever. There wasnt any traffic and it was a pretty nice drive.
I went to value village first. I continued listening to my audio book. I enjoyed walking around and seeing all the lovely weird things. I had some excellent finds today though. I did put some things back but the trumpet candlesticks were a need. I also got a candle stick wall holder that is so lovely. I got two pairs of shoes. And another dear america book. I also got another one of the glass cups I love. I used to have more but I only have one now!! So now I have a second one again. And for $2 instead of the $20 they normally cost. Amazing.
I would pay at the self checkout after walking through the store a few times. Even though it had lights on the lady was super when I needed help when it acted wrong. "I didn't want you to use that one!!" Well then why was the light on?? And you didn't say anything. Whatever. I checked out and headed to tacobell.
It was surprisingly busy. A whole construction crew ordering at the counter. I ordered at the kiosk and had barely any wait. It was very strange.
I was all of a sudden overheated and not having a good time. I had to open the windows while I ate my lunch in the car. But once I cooled down I would feel better and be okay. Even if I had to put the AC on high in the car for a few minutes.
Target was more money then I expected. But I had fun and stuck to my list pretty well. I was very excited about the cookie/truffle tins. They light up!! It's a decoration and a snack! I was very excited for the skirt, which I thought was $10 but was actually $4! I got some hair cream. For the lion hair. And then I was done. And it was time to go home.
It was a fine drive home even if people were dumb and were being bad about merging. But I made it home in one piece.
When I got inside I took some haul pictures to show Jess what I got. And took all the tags off and put things away. And then it was back to work.
I would work on my laptop on the schedule for camp until almost 6pm. This was rough. I went through the whole schedule 3 times. I got some of it sorted. I made a lot of mistakes. I accidentally doubled things up. But I think Im at least going in the right direction even if I don't have it done yet. It was really tough to think I had it, after 3 rounds of typing everything out, and realizing it wasn't correct m it was kind of upsetting. But I need someone else who understands the schedule to give me some answers about who goes tubing and canoeing and how many lifeguards we might have. And it is just a larger task then I think I thought. And I already knew it would be hard!
I still enjoyed my book though. James would come home while I was still working. And we chatted while I worked and they helped me go over the schedule and we thought it was correct and then when I realized it wasn't I had someone to be sad with while I called it a day.
James warmed up leftovers for us. And they went to their room to play DND with friends. And I started reading another book.
Actually reading this time and not listening. I got a copy of "ballad of songbirds and snakes" and read the first 3 chapters and it's great so far. I loved the hunger game series when it came out and I'm excited that I finally am interested in reading the prequel. So then I can watch the movie.
I would take a quick shower. And get changed. I hung out in my studio for a bit. Changing out my piercings. Feeling annoyed with my second hole in my ear. I don't have any good rings for it right now, they are all broken or missing parts. I have some earrings I can wear but I am not thrilled with them right now.
I grilled my bangs and moisturized my face. And now me and James are in bed.
And tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We are going to the Chang's and I am looking forward to that. But during the day I hope to read and do some sewing. I usually hate holidays because it's so much waiting and then I can't function. But I have decided that I am doing these two things so I can't be upset about waiting all day.
And I can just be thankful for my husband and my family.
I am also thankful for you reading this. I love you. Goodnight everyone.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Lonely toucan.
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Tommy had recently let me in his small community, I had my own little house to live in, well me , and my dog missy, a Manchester terrier.
And then I met his brother , Joel, he uh.
He was fucking cute, thats what he was.
So, y'know like, those love at first sight bullcrap?, yeah, not so much bullshit now, he and his daughter Ellie,were quite the pair, the kid got on joels nerves playfully, it kind of reminded me of me and my siblings, who were on their way here.
One day however, we needed supplies, ammo, scrap for bombs and traps, there were Many searching parties, one of them was Joel, ellie and me.
My feet drag on the ground, missy was leading the way, long and tall buildings touched the blue Sky,birds Chirped and the place was clear from infected.
-So jerico is it?- ellie asks, wanting to start a conversation- whats your story?-
-Well, im from Argentina, came here before the infection with my siblings , for opportunities, And well, then hell breaks loose and we managed to survive, I at least, left my parents behind , there wasnt much for me back there -
-oh...-the kid says-and your parents?do you know what happened to them?-
-Well, they Passed away after a couple of months after I moved here, so now they are in a better place...i wanna think at least-
And meanwhile Joel was silent , serious expression barely making any sound.
Missy halts and barks, there is a store a couple of meters away, I signal her to come here with me and i scoop her up,just in case we need to bail out.
The shop had a couple of ammo boxes and such, but mostly barren.
-How did you get missy?- Ellie inquires again while searching in a box.
-She was a rescue, after a couple of months of wandering I found her alone on a pet shop, I was astonished when I found her alive, weak but alive, me and my siblings nursed her back to health, and now she is here with me, my loyal companion -
-She is a cute one, isnt she Joel- I kneel down for Ellie to pet her, my dog barks and jumps out off my arms into Joel, licking his face and barking happily when he pets her.
-She likes you-I say,grabbing missy by her leash-come on girl, down, down- the terrier backs off and sits-I saw a room with a shit load of stuff, but equally filled with spores I have no mask-
-We'll go-Joel says, god his voice.
-Oh look!, he talks- I say, sitting with missy, he snorts and shakes his head,I catch a glimpse of a smirk - ill stay here and scan the place, If something comes ill knock on the door-They enter the room, and I just wait, petting missy-you liked Him, dontcha chica?-(girl) she barks and snuggles closer- that makes two of Us.
Meanwhile, Joel and Ellie wander trough the room.
-i saw you smirk, you never smirk with people you just met,whats up with that?-the kid asks.
-Whats up with that?, she has charm,you have to laugh at her comment, shes funny-the Man tries to dismiss the question, but there was truth in there , she was charismatic, and funny, clever even.
-And now you compliment her?, dude ,you totally have a crush on her-
-c'mon Ellie we just met-
-love at first sight is a thing-
Joel groans and both Get out of there , there was a couple of useful things, they all re Group and show what they found.
As they make their way out something stops them, missy grunts, a horde of infected are closing in, too Many to face.
So they run,jeri scoops her dog up and bolts as fast as she can, they enter a departament complex, they barricade Everything they can and sit,waiting.
Vía radio , Joel tells Tom what happened,reinforcements Will come in a bit.
Missy lays down with Joel who is catching his breath.
Jerico finds an ukelele, she hesitates but tunes it as silent as she possibly can, still, they were really far up, and the walls were thick.
-Whats that?- ellie asks.
-A ukelele, Like a mini guitar-she is done tuning it - I wrote a song, its crappy, but y'know , Something to kill the time, also to be noted, I am a hopeless romantic-
-You wrote a song with that thing?-ellie asks, pointing at the ukelele.
-Yeah-jerico nodds
-can I hear it?,please?pleaaase?- the kid pleads
Jeri quickly eyes Joel, who Is sleeping .
-Fine, but not too loud, your oldman is sleeping-
-he is not my dad-
-yeah whatever-both chuckle and jeri starts to play-Oh trough this still waters I flew, my feet barely hitting the surface.
Then I saw you, standing there, I loved every bit of it, oh , to be your River, to flow undisturbed, loving you all the way trough.
But im just a lonely toucan,a silent night owl, that longs to be something else with you.
Oh to be your River, and flow undisturbed, I love you with every ounce of my being, oh to be your River...-
-Thats...too cheesy, you werent kidding about being a hopeless romantic-jerico rolls her eyes- who is it about anyway?- ellie asks, then the older woman looks over to Joel-oh shit , well, I am going to take some fresh air, god, you are too cheesy-
Jeri chuckles and nodds.
She keeps playing unaware of Joel listening to her
--Oh to be your River,flowing trough the storms, with every ounce of my being, my heart sings along.
And even if youre rough, ill Keep flying along, to get to the waterfall.
Oh to be your River, and happily flowing along.
Oh to be your River, and flow with your love-
She is talking about him, he is the only person inside the room that she could have pointed at.
His heart flutters warmly.
Damn this crush of his.
Why does she gotta be so perfect?.
He shifts and she stops playing, then he feels soft fabric cover him, it smelt like leather, did she covered him with her jacket?.
Missy lays her body on Joel and snuggles closer.
He smiles.
-I Knew you were awake!- jerico says-Open your eyes, youre not fooling anyone-
Joel chuckles and looks at her.
-You got me- he doesnt move tho, petting missy's Head-she is really beautiful, Like you-
Jeri's cheeks burn red and looks away.
-Uh t thank you-
They Keep a comfortable silence until missy stands up and sits on the womans lap,demanding attention.
-What did you use to work,before all of this?- Joel drapes jericos jacket on her back again, she smiles at the gesture and signals him to sit close to her.
-i used to work as an animator for a company,my dreamjob really-
-what a shame, I bet you would have exceed at it -
-Heh,i Like to think the same-
Her head falls on joels shoulder, she yawns.
-didnt sleep enough last night?- the Man asks as his arm sneaks his way around her neck she snuggles closer.
-My sleep schedule is fucked-
Joel catches a glimpse of Ellie spying on them Gently peeking over a door, he waves her off and she smirks.
-sleep, you Will need it-
-But what if--
-Sleep now ,ill protect you-
Jerico nodds blushing and snuggles closer to Joel.
Eventually reinforcements arrive.
Back at toms safehouse, jeri is preparing to sleep , snuggling into her covers, herself brought them all the way here, they had the faint smell of vainilla.
A sudden movement made her jump, its Joel.
-You dumbass you scared the living crap out of me!-
Joel chuckles and hands her the ukelele.
-you lost this-
-oh thanks-she says calming down- god im so tired, but I cant sleep-
-want me to lay down with you?-
-Dude , I dont want to bother or seem like a child-she sighs- i just feel unsafe alone..-
The mans face contorns with empathy and kicks off his shoes.
-Make space, c'mon-
Jerico wasnt going to Argue, she lays down,leaving space for Joel to lay down,his arms hug her waist with her back against his chest.
He was warm, they snuggle under the covers , And missy lays down on the edge of the bed where their feet are.
- y'know-jeri says- when I was a teen, I tought that love was bull crap, a few lucky ones could enjoy it, and I was heartbroken,and I just carried this with me, just loneliness, then I saw you and god, I was just smitten-she sighs and turns her head to him-what im saying is....I have a crush on you....-
Joel is taken back but he snuggles closer, whispering a me too into her ear before kissing her, she kisses back and a trail of kisses goes down her neck.
She turns her head back again and smiles.
He hides his face on the crook of her neck and sighs in content.
They both can take a bit of time off, Togheter,just them, nothing else exists.
A sweet and soft 'I love you'loosens from the Mans lips before they crash into a well deserved And very needed slumber.
Even the apocalypse had good things.
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