#it also didn't look injured. seemed like a healthy bird
herd-reject-arts · 11 months
So I'm leaving work and something darts in front of me, maybe 10ft away, too fast for me to see what it is. Peek around the tree blocking my path and I see this
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Just like... a whole ass hawk. Dude's gotta be about 1.5ft tall. Massive fucking bird. And it's just staring me straight in my soul like this, even as I try to move ahead. It didn't budge. And there's only this path back to my car unless I want to walk on a busy highway. So I have the option of Death By Raptor or Death By Truck.
So I walk in the poison ivy filled patch off the sidewalk. Guy still isn't moving. Still staring me directly in the eyes. And I do this thing when animals are behaving strangely where I'll talk to them, so I'm just like, "Hey, man. I don't know you. You don't know me. This feels really threatening. I'm just trying to get to my car, dude. Can I get some space please? You're a big fucking bird. I see those claws. You could kill me right now, but I'd appreciate if you didn't, ok?"
It didn't move until I was about 2ft away. Again: I'm as far from it as I can be without walking into the street. It clearly wasn't going to budge. I walk past, thing flies up (silent, btw. Scary) and lands on a brick wall a little further ahead
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Anyway. Weird guy. Nearly shit my pants when I noticed a bird big enough to carry off a fully grown cat was just... there, staring me in the face, unwilling to move away from me, a human, something it should see as a threat. I watched behind me the whole rest of the way to my car, just in case this bird decided to help me shed this mortal coil. 10/10 experience. Super cool guy.
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fan-clan-fun · 5 months
Bringers of Hyacinth
Hiii! I have a Warriors inspired world I want you to review, or give some feedback. Clans are now called Bringers, and they'd be call “Bringers of _” oh and several of the og ranks are renamed, Deputy are now called Heirs, Medicine Cats are Healers, apprentices are Becoming-pupil's and etc. Anyways here's the bringer I want you to review today!
I'll be happy to take a look!
˚ · . *Summary༉‧₊˚.
The robust, tough and sturdy Hyacinth lives in a barren&dry-out territory. That was believed to be destroyed by No-furs awhile back, these cats are physically the strongest amongst all of the other bringers. Due to their harsh and barren environment. 
Overtime, they’ve developed Osteophagia. Having powerful biting jaws that can chomp through bones like it’s nothing, their physically very bulky. Due to their harsh environments, the cats their tends to be larger then other bringers. And the bigger and stronger you are, the more likely you’d be chosen as the next heir.
I'm curious how the clan got to be so big if they didn't have a lot of food. Do they have an alternate source of food? Do they take down much larger prey to keep everyone fed and growing healthy?
Leader: There’s only one leader in the bringer at a time, they’re usually chosen by their size, strength and leadership abilities. The stronger, bigger you are, the higher chance you’ll be chosen to be the next leader. Sometimes, they’re referred as “Chief” but sticks to “Leader” during the Crescent gathering. To avoid any confusion from other bringers.
Heir: Heirs are usually chosen by a trial, those whom wish to be a Heir. Will be place in a ‘Battle trial’ to test their physically abilities and reaction time, most usually battles against any unlucky outsiders that wonder into the territory that day. Or any birds of prey that flew too close to the claws of Hyacinths. 
The group seems very martial oriented, which does explain why there are several healers, and I suppose their numbers are sustained by pretty consistent attrition getting rid of extra mouths to feed?
Healer: Exactly what you think, they’re usually 4-6 healers at a time due to how frequently their members get injured. 
Healer’s pupil: The healer’s pupil are chosen by the healers, each healer will choose which becoming-pupil will be their chosen successor. Their numbers depend on how much healers are alive in the bringer at a time.
Traveling Herbalist: This role is a quite recent one, formed by a group of desperate and tired healers during a particularly harsh leaf-bare. They’re trained alongside Healer’s pupil and are set out to the vast territories to search for new faunas and herbs. They’re usually around 5-8 Traveling herbalist at once.
Watchers: Watchers are cats willing to get their paws dirty and watch out for trouble within their clan. They will follow any suspicious patrols, keep an eye on the border, and track down any missing cats. They are also the main cats who guard the clans, and usually will have dark pelts or are willing to cover themselves in mud.
Artisans: These are the cats who mainly build or repair dens, weave nests, gather materials, and generally take care of the camp. Due to them mostly sticking around camp, artisans usually guard it, and take care of the kits and elders when they aren’t busy with other duties. Since the position is seen as very simple, disabled cats (i.e more so blind or deaf cats rather than ones with missing limbs) are often given the position.
Scouts: Scouts are the cats that explore the territory in the event of a crisis, help keep track of materials alongside the artisans, and deliver messages to other clans. They do whatever is needed in their clan’s desperate times, but for the most part tend to average warrior duties. They must have keen senses and lots of stamina.
Wardens: They’re the ones who get the most jobs done, they hunt, patrol, guard and mentor the new-claws. These makes up the majority of the bringer, but sometimes are even numbers with Watchers and Artisans.
Becoming-pupils: They’re apprentices renamed… 
Kits: They’re kits…
Greying-paws: Retired cats from their previous roles that makes up a very tiny percentage of the bringer, usually around to tell stories and guide troubling Becoming-pupils.
Kit-Keepers: Any cat can become a kit-keeper if they please, while most would prefer to live their life hunting and fighting. These cats take the duty of caring for all kits too old to suckle. Feeding and nurturing them as they grow. Usually kits know of their birth parents, but have a closer connection to the kit-keepers. Aka cat malewives real.
I definitely encourage you to continue with being inclusive! It is good to have ranks that are accepting of others, though also good not to tokenize any specific groups either.
•Healer’s pupil 
Their territory are barren, dry and lacks greenery. They live in the middle of the barren land, they have a rock built tunnel to the nearest river. Which they’ve agreed with Bringers of Beavers, for their border to end at the opposite side of the river. As so they won’t die of thirst.
The camp is surrounded by large rocks, their camp is a hallowed out small round ravine. There’s a tunnel for them to enter their camp. Most dens of their are made from small rocks, or are indented into the ravine itself.
I am curious what type of barren land you refer to. Is it a valley between mountains? A desert? Flat ground? There is a lot of variety to places considered dry and desolate.
Bringers of Hyacinth are very blunt and honest. They’re mature, athletic and adaptable to their surroundings. Hyacinth are nature born hunters, having a keen sense of smell and hearing over the other bringers.
They’re very independent and are resourceful. Being quick and nimble on their feet, whilst capable of taking down any ferocious animals. 
They’ve gained a ton of respect and loyalty towards Soaring, generations ago. When Hyacinth was dying off due to starvation, Bringers of Soaring lend them a paw. And sent their preys over and allowed them to hunt on their territory as long as they’re able to hunt on their own territory. 
Due to the benevolent act their Leader gave them, they’ve been great allies with Soaring ever since. Helping them in combat, wars and even in times of crisis.
It's always interesting to hear how groups get along, or don't, and how it's tied into their histories.
➺Prey Preference➺
Birds of prey
-Rare meal, Considered to be a delicacy.
-Common prey, easy meal.
-Common prey, easy meal.
Fennec foxes
-Released by No-furs, hunted frequently.
This is certainly unique! Is there a rescue or breeding program breeding these in the area? Or is the Bringer's territory close to the fennecs natural range? I imagine the No-furs would not be happy to find out the animals they released are being hunted, has that impacted the Bringer's at all?
-Uncommon preys, usually was stumbled upon near their borders.
↬ Psychological strength 
★ ★ ↫
↬ Physical strength 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Close quarter combat 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Ambush combat 
★ ★ ↫ 
↬ Wisdom 
★ ★ ↫
↬ Intelligence 
★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Speed
★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Endurance 
★ ★ ★ ★ ↫
↬ Agility 
★ ★ ★ ↫
Thanks for the submission!
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 12)
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(chapter 12)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: lots of kissing, mentions of killing, description of injuries
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Athena's POV
It took a while for Jisung's quiet sniffles to fade the night of Chenle's death. By the time Mark and I had made our way back, Jaemin and Jisung had found out the news after they saw his face among the dead in the sky. Honestly, it was almost easier for Jisung to find out that way. I know Mark was in too much pain to tell him. As for me, I don't know how I could bare to look him in those innocent eyes and tell him either. As expected, he took it pretty hard. I mean, he was his best friend. He literally cried so much, that he eventually became exhausted and fell asleep.
I took the first watch, since Mark looked like he needed rest as well. The only other person who was still up was Na Jaemin.
"What are you thinking about?" Just like when we were alone in the first days, his head was resting on my lap.
"Jeno, Renjun, and the District 5 girl are the only ones left other than us." I point out.
Focusing on the positives, he replies, "Okay, well I'm guessing they'll go after her for us, since she's alone. Hopefully, they'll kill each-other. If not, we'll do it."
My voice was in a small whisper, "And then?"
He's silent.
I know District 2 is watching me right now. The same district that attachment is only necessary when it pertains to something you need. Once you have gotten what you've needed, you have to detach yourself. Almost like how a leech sucks enough blood until their fulfilled, then falls off on their own free will.
These people have given me my fill. Mark and Jisung took Jaemin and I in, even after Jaemin was injured. However, now we are both healthy as can be. As they sleep in front of me, what is stopping us from running away or even just killing them? Friends. Something I never had before. I never understood it until now. How it means that even though I'm full, I feel obligated to them too. To give just as much as they gave me.
But they are right. This is what they warned us about. This obligation will keep me captive. Let's say that we do all make it to the end together. Even so, the games will continue until a single victor. It happens every time.
The longest was the 25th games, it lasted for a total of twenty-seven days. This year the Districts had chosen the children of their mayors. Because of growing up wealthy and sheltered, none of the kids knew anything about fighting.
So they didn't. Half of them were wiped out by vicious mutations on the third day, then eventually others by starvation. However, the Gamemakers had a twist this year. Instead of the parachutes sending things to help and aid you, they sent down things like tracker jackers and acidic rain. No longer did the tributes have to survive eachother, but instead the sponsors.
Three weeks later, only two managed to do this: a brother and sister from District 9. Hopeless and broken, they decided to draw straws to see who would survive and win. The brother ended up getting the short one and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek before she stabbed him to death.
This just proves no matter how much you care for the other survivors, the Capitol won't give up until you kill the other.
The long silence was interrupted, "You know you're my priority. Ever since the beginning, only you."
"You know what I'm saying, what I'll do if I need to." Jaemin whispers sincerely, "I know you wouldn't like it, but we promised it would be me and you in the end, right?"
I knew exactly what he was alluding to. It doesn't matter if it's Mark or Jisung, he would kill anyone so we'd survive.
"I know." I speak even through the lump in my throat. There's no point in pretending or acting like things could never possibly come to that. I mean, it's not like the games are a place where you make friends.
Jaemin is sensitive to my discomfort, "Hopefully, it won't come to that, okay?"
All I could do was respond with a nod. Let's hope it doesn't.
It's almost natural the way I once again played with his hair to calm down. I noticed that since we've been separated, time had caused his nearly-black roots to appear, fading nicely into the frosty blonde. His eyes were more sunken in and tired, but still held the same old light as he peered up at me with interest, "You really have no shame, Athena."
"What do you mean?" I tease, playing innocent like I wasn't obviously checking out the beautiful boy just seconds earlier.
Then, in a burst of affection, the boy literally almost tackles me. My elbows brace myself up on the ground, as he leans over me. Alarmed, I turn my head to see the boys fast asleep, a good distance away.
When I look back at Jaemin, I feel my head start to buzz. It's seems like so long since I've been this close to someone. A someone who is somewhere far away in this arena. Someone, who in was in this same position with the night before I came here. In a soft voice, Jaemin's voice brings me back to the present, to him.
Not long after I nod, I feel his lips softly brush over mine. Almost as if he's testing the waters. The kiss that follows is soft and delicate, yet brief. It's like I'm a piece of glass, that he is trying his best not to break. When, he backs away to see my reaction, I nearly chase after his lips. He just laughs to himself at the display of eagerness. I move back, so I'm entirely laying on the grass.
I try to be patient, not wanting to overstep our boundaries. However, when he looks down at me with absolute adoration, I didn't stop myself from grabbing his shirt with both my hands. Once I pulled him down into an bruising kiss, I could hear him let out a content sigh.
I get lost and entirely forget where I am. Instead of in an arena, it just feels like we're two young teenagers making out under the stars. It feels normal and completely right. Out of breath, he is now laying on top of me. My mouth is open in awe, while I marvel at the feeling. Relaxing, I could feel Jaemin smiling into my neck. Even in the dark, I know the cameras can see me also smiling like a fool to the sky.
After that, Jaemin decided to take his watch and let me sleep. It was the first peaceful sleep I have had until forever. That was, of course, until a young boy named Park Jisung ruined it.
"We need water!" Beside me was a knocked out, Jaemin. He was leaning against a tree, while my head was leaning against his shoulder.
"Okay, fine. Just shush." I was trying to be wary of Jaemin, who stayed up for both of our watches.
Grabbing my stuff, I say a brief goodbye to Mark. Jisung happily follows me like a little puppy, probably glad to finally get out of the camp again.
The fresh sun illuminates the water of the lake. Birds are singing good morning to one another.  I hand my bag to Jisung, as I take out my bottle. The tiny fish quickly swim away as I fill Mark and I's bottles up with water.
I feel a tug on my leather jacket.
"Athena." Jisung was pale, looking behind me.
My head snapped around to automatically meet eyes with Lee Jeno. Across the lake, he had just arrived with Renjun.
I don't waste any time before grabbing Jisung and running into the woods behind me. However, we could only get a small distance before Jisung fell to the ground, clutching his bad leg, "I can't."
"You can. Come on." I tried to hold him up like I did during the forest fire. I could hear the two Careers just around the corner.
"I'll slow you down." Jisung begged, "You gotta go without me." 
Not even having it, I grabbed him and sat him down behind a nearby bush. Since the bush was fairly small, I had to go to the only other one across the clearing.
"Let's split up." I hear nearby.
Through a gap in the branches, I see Lee Jeno come around the corner. My heart pounds with each of his steps. Jeno gets closer and closer the bush Jisung is hiding behind. I violently curse in my head as I realized Jisung was carrying my backpack with all of my weapons in it.
I guess we're gonna have to do this a different way.
I dart out of my bush and begin running in the opposite direction of camp. That way, Jisung could hopefully make it back undetected to get help.
I don't look back at all. I just keep running until I get back to the lake. Before I can change direction, I feel someone jump on me.
Crashing down, the side of my head collides with a large boulder. At first, it's completely numb and I'm able to push the tall boy off of me.
However, once I push myself up, I start to see black and fall back to the ground.
"Hey, I got her!" Jeno yelled out to Renjun.
"We've been looking for you, pretty girl." His arms have mine completely pinned to the dirt. The more I struggle against him, the more the white dots fill up my vision.
Renjun's POV
When I run towards Jeno's voice, I eventually found the two of them.
Jeno was holding the small girl. Lee Athena's face was as white as a sheet. Blood was pouring out of her head, falling in thick drops down the side of her face. I couldn't even tell if she was even conscious at this point.
She was completely limp as the boy sat her up on her knees, "Why don't you finish her off?"
"Look who came to join us." He cooed, grabbing her hair to make her look up at me.
Her half-lidded eyes recognized me right away. Although, there wasn't any signs of fear or sadness for what she knew was about to happen to her. She almost looked like she was challenging me. You wouldn't.
Would I?
"Do it." Jeno urged me. Her chin was tilted back by his hold on her hair, neck entirely on display. My hand was tightly wrapped around the familiar blade in my hands.
I tried to quickly come up with an excuse for my next actions in my head. I mean it would have to happen eventually. At least, it would be somewhat quick.
Then, I did it.
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