#im glad atleast some of my rl friends respect that i dont talk abt gossip/tea much
moen didn't you say you were taking a break for mental health
yeah 💔💔💔. Long reasoning under the cut as i try to process and also answer (may be tmi)
originally i wanted to take a break from tumblr because i felt like i couldnt keep my energy high enough/would be less enthusiastic than id like to be cause of life but then. I.
completely forgot that real life socials, workload and homelife are so so soo very stressful and suffocating. and that tumblr is kinda the only space i have to exist or breathe HAHA .
it sorta became a "im not the best person to be online these days" vs "the environment im in offline, even with doing my best to regulate/schedule healthy habits, social circles and such, is slowly killing me and my being" and which one id rather deal with wjdbdjdh (me trying to go for the latter so that i can my best person here. Augh)
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