#ikemen vampire leonardo
whatever-fanfics · 6 months
POV: you need help with your 21st century homework in a mansion full of vampires
Imagine MC needing sitting on the table, head in their hands, about to cry because NOTHING MAKES SENSE. And in come multiple people who look over MC's shoulder to what's making them so upset, they recognize some of it but not all of it. After pondering with each other they try asking some of the others. 10 minutes later 12 vampires surround the human trying to make sense of numerous subjects. Shakespeare was visiting.
Arthur & Theo *coming in from a night of drinking*: MC? Hondje? what's wrong
MC *on the verge of tears*: Nothing makes sense🥺😭
Arthur and Theo *walk over and see numerous papers from different subjects*: What is this?
MC: homework from the 21st century 🥺
Arthur *sits down and recognizes some of the works*: Interesting...
Theo *looks over and sees art history papers and papers about painting techniques*: ?!?
Isaac *enters and sees them*: ???
Isaac *walks over and sees calculus and math*: ?!?
Isaac *sits down and recognizes some equations*: I recognize some but not all of them, hold on
Isaac *leaves and comes back with Leonardo*: I brought help
Leonardo *looks over and recognizes problems*: You study this cara?
MC: not by choice 🥲
Napoleon *sleepily wanders over*: ???
Napoleon *sees typed words in French*: Nunuche how did you get your writing so neat?
MC: that's typed, it's my homework
Napoleon *confused, recognizes some but not all*: it's French homework?
MC: Yea... 🥲
Napoleon: hold on
Napoleon *leaves and comes back with le comte*: here
Le Comte *happy to be included*: 😁 homework?
MC: unfortunately 😓
Le comte *sits down*: I see the language has evolved again, this makes things a bit tricky, no matter *starts a whole lecture*
MC *look at the camera like their in The Office*: ...
*Mozart and Jean enter*
Mozart: why are you all so noisy
Mozart *comes over and notices music sheets*: what is this?
MC: homework
Mozart and Jean: Home..work???
Sebastian *appearing out of the void*: school work that you take home and return the next day completed
Literally everyone: where did you come from?
Jean *comes over and sees typed paper*: what is..this?
MC: typed up homework
Jean:...Witchcraft *takes out his sword*
*Dazai enters*
Dazai *sees everyone by MC and walks over*:
Dazai *sees his book*: what's this? Everyone: Homework
*Shakespeare enters*
Shakespeare: Good morrow, all 😊
Shakespeare *walks over and sees multiple works of his*: ???
Shakespeare: Good MC, I had no notion of your interest in me ☺️
MC and Theo: It's homework
Theo *puts down art history papers*: be right back
*Theo leaves and comes back with Vincent*
Vincent: MC I didn't know you were so interested in art ☺️😊
MC *didn't want to tell him it was for homework*: yeah...
*Sebastian taking notes furiously in his journal*
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xxsycamore · 2 months
❝ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬? ❞
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╰┈➤ ⁉️ Everyone is acting so strange today, and Sebastian seems to be the only one noticing it.
Sebastian, Comte, Napoleon, Theodorus, Vincent, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Isaac, Leonardo, Dazai • rating: G • tags: April Fools' Day; Pranks and Practical Jokes; poor sebas; Humor; Crack • wordcount: 1,682 • masterlist
a/n: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! After Dazai pranking everyone and then everyone pranking Dazai, it seems like this year's target is Sebas…
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It's not every day that Sebastian allows himself the indulgence of enjoying a drink with his masters, even when they so generously invite him to the table in the game room. The events of last night are but a blur in his memory now, as he's not the best at holding his liquor and neither has their immunity to hangovers. But a butler must be prim and proper at all times! While he's on duty, that's it. So that's why he allowed himself the fun of last night, but is readily up and out of his bed early in the morning today.
He enters the kitchen, humming the tune to Mozart's Turkish March in this tranquil moment of being the only soul awake in the whole mansion, on his way to begin preparing breakfast-
"Oh, good morning Sebas. I'm already done with some things here, figured I might help you."
"My! What a nice surprise Monsieur Napoleon, thank you."
"M-M-M-Monsieur Napoleon what are you doing here????"
"Helping you with breakfast."
"No, gods, I was wondering why are you awake at such an early hour-"
Napoleon looks at him dumbfounded. And so does Sebas, mirroring him. Granted, there are dark circles under his eyes but that hardly does anything about the vigor with which he moves the frying pan and multitasks with the preparation of another ingredient at the same time.
"Is it that strange that I felt like waking up earlier today?"
Well, yes it is! That's what Sebastian wants to shout at the top of his lungs, but he can only blink mesmerized instead. Fearing that he might offend him in some way if he keeps this up, he saves his confusion to himself and gets back on track with his task.
The breakfast preparation goes on swimmingly with Napoleon's help, even if he strangely seems to have forgotten how to cook all of a sudden so he needs some serious memory refreshment... Sebastian blames it on his lack of sleep, of course that would be the reason.
Soon the dining room begins filling with the real early-bird residents that pose no surprises for Sebastian, and the plates are already waiting in front of them like clockwork.
"Pancakes again? I'm starting to get tired of this. You got something else for me, Sebastian?"
The sound of pots and pans falling to the floor greatly concerns the van Gogh brothers at the table after the younger one's question, but soon after the butler emerges from the kitchen with a haphazardly pieced-together English breakfast. He places it in front of Theodorus who asked for the change, waiting. Waiting to see if he's going to eat it at all.
"Here you go, master Theodorus. Do you need extra jam, or-"
"No need, looks more than enough to me. Why are you staring at me like that? Is it poisonous?"
"Gods, no, how could it be! I'm merely...surprised is all."
Vincent chuckles a little at the exchange, preparing to dig in on his portion of...pancakes, fortunately. But he pauses.
"Theo, would you hand me the syrup? I feel like eating something sweeter today!"
"Stand up and take it yourself."
Sebastian's eyes are about to pop out of his eye sockets.
"Messieurs, is everything alright with-"
The door opens with a bang that belongs to no gentlemen living in this household.
And certainly not to Le Comte de Saint-Germain.
"M-monsieur le Comte, what are you wearing?"
Comte's casual walk to his place at the head of the table with hands in his pockets is rivaled only by the even more casual look he sports today, with a halfway-open shirt and a pair of checkered trousers that don't really match. To finish off the look, his hair is a mess. He lands with a thud on his chair, raising his feet to rest crossed on the table.
"What am I wearing? Since when did you start asking so many questions?"
"I'm terribly sorry."
Comte sighs and snaps his fingers repeatedly in the air. "Coffee. Now."
"I already brew a pot of your preferred morning tea-"
"Don't make me repeat myself, butler."
"I got it."
On his way to the kitchen, Sebastian overhears Comte slamming his fist on the table telling everyone that from now on, they'll be paying rent.
Sebastian must be sleeping. This has to be some kind of nightmare. There's no other logical explanation.
When he returns to the dining room the door opens to welcome another couple of residents - Jean and Mozart.
"Good morning Herr Mozart. Good morning to you too, Monsieur Jean, what a surprise!"
Mozart and Jean both turn to Sebastian...and they give him their brightest smiles. Imaginary flowers bloom in the air around them. They greet in a cheerful voice together as one, and it's the most beautiful melody. "Good morning, Sebastian!"
"We decided to grab a bite before our trip to town today."
"Your... your what?"
"That's right, I'll be taking Jean in town with me. The carriage is already waiting at the gate."
Mozart going to...town?? With a carriage?? With Jean??
"Aha! The trace of this bloody delicious smell seems to have led me to this dining room!"
Now what? Sebastian turns in the direction of Arthur's voice albeit it sounds a little different than usual, as if he's playing a role... and there he is, having just entered the dining room... with a looking glass in his hand and a pipe in his mouth.
"Good morning, Master Arthur. Your observation skills are on point as always. What's with the curious accessories?"
Sebastian doesn't know why he asks anymore.
"Why, I'll be going on a Sherlock Homles book fair later today! You know it's all the hype these days, I figured it's the best place to learn something about my beloved character that I don't know. You know my methods, Watson. Haha!"
Thank god, Sebastian is not the only one about to faint right now. Given how normal everything else was taken by his housemates. Theo says the one thing Sebastian couldn't bring himself to say.
"This idiot has reached rock bottom in his search for skirts he hasn't yet fooled around with."
Arthur looks...grossed out. As if he's been made fun of by Dazai, or something similar. Actually, there haven't been a great deal of chances to see Arthur sporting this expression. It's definitely strange.
"Theo, could you not be so foul-mounted, please? You know I hold no interest in the fair sex."
"A-Are you feeling well, Master Arthur? Maybe when you drink your coffee-"
"Ah no please, tea it is for me!"
"Are you feeling well, Master Arthur?????"
"Sebastian seems really uptight today. Are YOU feeling well, Sebastian? Why don't you sit with us for a while?" Jean smiles at him again. It's a smile Sebastian wants to protect. It should be automatically making him feel better but it only serves to increase his confusion. He even sat next to Comte. Comte doesn't deserve this! At least not with his current behavior. Oh how strange of a thought that is.
"I appreciate your concern, but, I just need to know what is happening with all of you today. I can't be calm until I ensure that you, my masters, are alright, and I demand you tell me what is happening this instant!"
A near dozen pairs of eyes blink at Sebastian as if he's indeed the crazy one. He sits down on the offered chair, then quickly stands up again. "No, please tell me what is-"
The door opens yet again and this time it's Leonardo and Isaac who enter. Sebastian paces left and right, trying to spot empty plates to take to the kitchen before he can witness anything weird again-
"Isaac, mio amico, can you please not smoke in here? You know I can't stand the smell..."
"AAAAAAAGH!" Sebastian yells, breaking his professional image and running straight towards the door. He can't do this. It doesn't matter if he escapes now. It's just a nightmare. Just a nightmare-
He nearly crashes into the person entering at the same time.
"Hello Sebas-kun~"
Through the DOOR?
Sebastian breaks. Like a stone statue slammed by the pressure of a cataclysm despite the decades of stoicism, even if he thought he'd seen everything...
He falls to his knees in defeat.
Before he has a chance to remove his hands from his eyes where he tried to block the world, a wave of residents quite literally falls over him, each embracing him and laughing.
Okay, NOW he's confused.
"April fools? But- But my calendar said it's-"
"Someone had a little too much to drink last night and had to be carried to his room... let's say we meddled a little with it. Sorry, Sebas." Napoleon pats his shoulder. "Okay, can I go to sleep now?"
Sebastian laughs, and despite what he predicted for himself just a minute ago, it's not out of descending to madness. It's a genuine laughter, one he hasn't had in a while.
"I would never guess you could be capable of doing such a thing! Every one of you! My god, you got me quite well."
"Heh, guess you don't know us well enough then, eh? Remember this well, some of those guys are going to remember it for the rest of their second lives." Leonardo says, finally lighting that cigarillo. Good thing they didn't have to put on the act for longer than that.
"Indeed. I hope we weren't too harsh on you, Sebastian. My residents are always such naughty boys." Comte consoles, suspiciously looking as if it was his idea all along.
Sebastian chuckles some more, then he stands to his feet, dusting off his uniform and letting out a small cough behind his fist.
"My masters, that was indeed too naughty of you! I appreciate seeing you have fun, and I have to admit, you got me well. But that doesn't mean I won't find it fitting to flick some foreheads."
"Sebaaas, can we please have our usual breakfast now?"
"Why yes, coming right away!"
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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ikevamp-twitter · 7 months
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gunraekae · 7 months
a day in the mansion for you
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Santa Rosalia by Roberto Ferri
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents x reader
>a/n: for context, i'm the sort who enjoys seeing the casual interactions between the residents and the mc, so these are some hcs on what I imagine a day looks like for you. i sorta placed this as being in the first week mc arrives, before anything too serious happens, but you can interpret this whichever way you choose!
also apologies, i wasn't able to write for every single suitor as i haven't played most of their routes yet! I'll do a follow-up post when i finally finish them :))
Restrains Jean when he attacks you in the middle of the night
Comte enlists him to guard you and show you around Paris with Vincent, being the one that you trust the most in the beginning
Accompanies you and Isaac to the école, to help you be more at ease in the town
Part of your morning rounds: you wake him up
Part of your evening rounds: you talk about each other’s days, has dinner with you if you haven’t
After asking Sebastian to fetch him Rouge, he prevents you from escaping (sorta does a reverse psychology thing)
Rightfully blaming himself for your dislike, he charms you with his intelligence through the lounge games; he wins a conversation with you and apologises on your date
When you encounter him on your town visit, the two of you are caught with a mysterious case that employs the two of you in your mystery solving adventures. 
Part of coffee addicts: your best customer, kisses you for every cup of coffee you bless him with
Part of breakfast gang: either there because he didn’t sleep or there because he slept too early
Spooked by the first night in the mansion, you lock yourself in your room until lunch, only to realize that Leonardo had stood guard outside your door the whole night
Remains quite protective, he calls himself your companion; finds you cooped up in the library and takes you with him on town visits
Part of coffee addicts: will come later, but will always be there
Part of your afternoon rounds: he magically finds you when you’re sad and will find some random event to cheer you up with
Starving and not in control, he unknowingly attacks you on your first night and incites you to escape
Overwhelmed, self-conscious, and wary, you spend much of the first week’s evenings in the library. To your shock, Jean is also there, learning how to write. Believing that it may be best for the two of you to reconcile, you teach him how to write. 
Helps you as much as possible with your chores, especially if it’s reaching high places or something that requires strength. 
Joins the residents in meals because of you
Listens to Mozart’s pieces with you
Part of your morning rounds: you have to remind him to eat
Sympathetic to your predicament, he comforts you and shows you around Paris with Napoleon, being one of the few that you feel safe around
Invites you to a picnic with Theo
Enjoys your singing in the gardens while he paints and will frequent the outside the more you do it
Part of coffee addicts: might experiment with different roasts and enjoys it, but will like his coffee as black as possible
Part of breakfast gang: really only there to join Theo in the morning
Like a good sugar daddy, he takes you shopping and constantly spoils you. On the second day, he takes you to the town
Will ask for tea on the daily and constantly checks in on you; a most protective father figure, he keeps the residents in check
You’re his automatic partner any time he has to attend a social event (and of course he takes you shopping before). You’re his rumoured partner, and Comte does not quell those rumours he keeps them up. 
Part of your afternoon rounds: you have tea with him
After cooping yourself up in your room, Dazai is the second you confide your troubles to. He’s always attuned to your emotions and understands your mental health struggles; always ready to lend an ear (because he’d rather everyone be happy before himself ahh) He’s almost invasive with how aware he is of you
Another frequent player in the lounge games, he doesn’t play seriously and is only really there to bring everyone’s mood up; don’t include gambling though, because he gets sorta crazy
Part of breakfast gang: horrible sleep schedule has him join the morning
Part of your afternoon rounds: any time you have errands in the garden, he’ll join you 
Partly due to his brother, and partly out of his own heart, he enlists you as an apprentice and they get to know the town
To bridge the gap between you and Arthur, he invites you to the lounge after dinner to play games
Teaches you the ropes of living in Paris: warns you, keeps you aware of current events, probably even helps you with your finances
Part of coffee addicts: likes your experimental sweet lattes
Part of breakfast gang: always present in the morning because he has to
Cooped up in his room as well, Sebastian asks you to deliver his food to his room, believing him the most harmless. Isaac awkwardly welcomes you in his own way, accompanying you and Napoleon to their école
Also a frequenter of the lounge games, he attempts to impress you and win a date against Arthur
Part of breakfast gang: has to be there for his job, but enjoys whatever you make
Part of your evening rounds: sometimes he’ll be outside with his telescope, observing the stars. Once you felt comfortable, he asked you to join him
Most intimidated by him, Sebastian forces you to deliver lunch to him. He’s cold, fussy, but would rather spend time with you than anyone else. Whenever he needs feedback or an audience for a piece, he’ll ask you first along with Jean. 
You’re his automatic partner any time he has a performance, partly because you comfort him in carriage rides, partly because he just wants you around
Part of coffee addicts: crawls to get coffee from you
Part of your evening rounds: you have to remind him to sleep
Part of your breakfast gang: organized routine but also terrible sleep schedule
You met him after he gave you and Vincent tickets for one of his upcoming plays. When he approached the two of you, he gave such good banter and was so amicable, you swear it almost sounded practiced (haha)
He’ll sometimes join the residents for dinner. He’s begun to join a lot more often because having you around made Arthur and Theo much less hostile. After dinner, he makes a practice of talking to you in private, endlessly charming, but oddly invasive—like he’s studying you
Any time he has a new play, you're the first to get invited to watch it. Sometimes, if he's particularly frustrated or uninspired, he'll ask you to come to rehearsals with him.
You and Vincent sometimes visit him in his villa to make sure he's not writing himself to death.
A sweet florist you met in town while you were miserable in the first week. He gave you a flower to cheer you up and was the epitome of charming, so charming in fact, that you accidentally revealed you lived in the mansion. Once you’ve revealed that fact, he began seeing you every time you were alone in town (for no ulterior motive at all)
General HCs for All!
Writes you letters daily/weekly; a habit picked up after the first night and seeing how spooked you were
Help you and Sebastian as much as they can; they can obviously clean up for themselves and even cook when they feel inclined
More residents have meals together than ever before; your presence sort of unites them and they’re super grateful for that
You’ve achieved the point where every resident is together during dinner
Birthdays, special occasions, and achievements are celebrated because you organize them for everyone
Since Halloween is your favourite holiday, the residents make an effort to dress up for it
Valentine’s Day is a bit of a mess, with you making a gift for every resident
White Day was used by the residents to give you their gifts, and it’s overwhelming, to say the least
They’re huge gossips, so any and every update on you is spread like wildfire to everyone. Good luck having an off-day
Dazai is the first to notice, being the most emotionally intelligent
Leonardo is the quickest one to take action, quite literally scooping you from whatever you’re doing to cheer you up
Napoleon is also another quick one to constantly check in on you and look for you if you come home too late
Sebastian usually keeps track of who you’re with or where you are if you guys are separated
Buys you random presents, usually connected to something between the two of you, but also sometimes follows current trends
Isaac buys you a hairclip he thinks looks darling on you
Dazai buys you a notebook to use as a diary, especially after noticing your journal’s almost full (and no he totally doesn’t peek in your writing)
Jean will always find something in town to bring to you in your night lessons
Comte… do I even need to say anything
Supports you in anything you pursue (I believe the canon says that you’re starting out as a writer, so I’mma use that)
You keep notes of your every day in your diary, sort of like a vlog and a lot of the snoopy residents read it. Eventually they suggest that you publish some of it
Being a huge fan of literature, the authors organize a writer’s night where you come up with a prompt and they share how they’d write it
If you ever end up writing something, they’re the first to hear and are your biggest fans
You’re a frequent guest teacher in Napoleon’s and Isaac’s école
You always thought you weren’t good with kids, but seeing how much the children like you reassured you
Napoleon teases you on how much you say you dislike children but secretly enjoys the time with them
Isaac is extremely grateful for how much you like organizing his lesson plans
if you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! i hope you have a wonderful day and leave a like/reblog <3
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shookspearewrites · 3 months
Yandere(ish) Comte, "My Charlemagne"
Hello my little ducklings! I'm sorry I fell off the face of the Earth for such a long time - Tbh, there's been a load of changes in my life lately and I am just always so busy now that I'm starting my new career >2< I cannot put into words how fucking much I have missed you guys and writing and ikevamp as a whole!
I've just celebrated 1 year with my partner (Mr JJ says hi, say hey to him in the comments ^^) and I'm doing 9 til 5 every day at my work placement so that's my life update, let me know how you've been!
Anyways, I've fallen in love with the song 'Charlemagne' by Blossoms and I wrote this piece while listening to it on repeat on the train - Hope you like it!
-JJ x
The gentle Comte's sharp golden eyes mirrored his protruding fangs as they pierced through the darkness hanging in cold Parisian air, violence brewing within his usually still core. Usually the lilting, soothing sound of the sweet mademoiselle's laugh would bring a smile to his handsome features, instead now there blossomed a deep scowl, a growl tearing from his throat as another man dared to rest his hand upon his lady's cheek - A man the Count thought of as an old friend, nonetheless. The nobleman snarled at the swirl of cigarillo smoke that hung thick in the air, circling the young lady like a halo as it slowly rose and was no doubt clinging to her clothing, staining it with another man's scent where her delicate, floral perfume should prevail. Where he should be able to smell her delectable blood, like nectar, flowing beneath her impossibly blemishless skin, waiting with baited breath until he could devour her. Her laugh, her blood, her love should've belonged to him, not another - now the dear Comte was no angel, but a Goddess like her deserved nothing less than he and he alone. He didn't like to admit that he was a jealous man, but the evidence was all there: Bloodlust on the tongue, a violent rage brewing in the gut and heartbreak pulling taught the strings within. Comte couldn't bare to watch the romantic scene unfolding by the river bank underneath the sky adorned with flickering stars for another moment. He took a short, sharp swig from the ornate hip flask he carried and turned on his heel, his body heavy like lead, weighed down with torment as he began to return home. Alone.
Time is the only true purgatory.
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chevlvrs · 2 months
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In honor of Leonardos birthday
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weird-profiterole · 2 months
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✨ Finally changing my wallpaper ✨
After Napoleon x Wellington, it's now Leonardo x Michelangelo ♡
Still drawn by the amazing @devonares ✨
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lolziesitsame · 4 months
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weirdwriter69 · 2 months
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This man smokes too much
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lichtluv · 7 months
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𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞,
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𝐨𝐡, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫...
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨?
⇾𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰 𝘥𝘢 𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥. ꩜
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onegianthotmess · 3 months
Leonardo would call his daughters “bambina” no matter how old they got.
It would just go like-
Leonardo: My bambina! I missed you so much!
Daughter: Papa, I’m 379 years old…
Leonardo: …And…?
Daughter: . . .
Daughter: I have blackmail on everyone I’m related to?
Leonardo: What?
Daughter: What?
Seriously, his daughters could be a thousand years old and he’ll still be like, “My sweet bambina, you’re still so little! It feels like yesterday you were placed into my arms for the first time!” every single time he sees one of his daughters after not seeing them for a hot minute. And all three of them call him “Papa” no matter their age because I said so.
And Leonardo wouldn’t just use the name “bambina” for his daughters, he’d also call them “principessa” and “little lady” because he loves his babies and wishes that they didn’t have to grow up-
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whatever-fanfics · 6 months
MC's dark humor doesn't always land
Mozart: You are a noisy burden
MC: Thanks, I'll just go kill myself then 🥴
MC: *peace sign's and turns to leave*
Mozart: 😧🤯😨
Nobunaga: Tonight you shall warm my bed
MC: Ew...
Nobunaga: 🫨
MC: *looking at Leonardo's room for the first time*
MC: It's like that hoarder room in halloween town 2, where all the trash just accumulates and no one can find anything
*MC at a ball with Le Comte*
Random socialite: And how old are you, old enough to marry I presume 😉 😘
MC: Why would I do that to myself???
Random socialite: 😲
Random socialite: *looks at Le Comte* 👀
Le Comte: *sweating nervously*😅 😓
MC: *to Arthur* please be cool
Arthur: who's cooler than me 😏
MC: Literally everyone
Shingen: So how did you and Nobunaga meet?
MC: *without missing a beat* he kidnapped me 😐
Nobunaga: 🙄😒
Shingen: 😧🫢😠😡🤬
Hideyoshi: MC.....😰
MC: I have Stockholm syndrome
Jean: I no longer wish to live
MC: *not even blinking* Cool same
Motonari: I'll make sure the war never ends
MC: due to personal reasons you will now be named a menace to society
Motonari: heh..😏
Silvio: Fuck you!
MC: come here and fuck me yourself you coward!
Silvio: 😳😳😳
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solomons-poison · 5 months
Home Dates with Leonardo HC
Leonardo x reader
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: ̗̀➛ A/N: This was a commission! @rinaririr requested some stay-at-home date ideas with Leonardo. I can definitely see him being able to create a fun date no matter where you are, no money or travel needed. I hope you enjoy!
: ̗̀➛ Warnings: fluff, domestic cuteness, just Leo romancing you every way he knows how lol
: ̗̀➛ Word count: 1089
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Leonardo is well-known to history as the Renaissance man, but he often still surprises others with just how much he can do. For the days when you don’t want to go out and spend money for a date, or there’s nothing particularly interesting in town, Leonardo has no trouble with making up for it with stay-at-home dates. He’s always a wealth of ideas and skills that you’re still discovering well into your relationship together, but he’s happy to either follow your suggestions or assist you with finding something to do together.
If you mention wanting to bake or cook with Leonardo, he is all for it. Even coming from a pureblood family and not having to eat to live, the man was still an Italian first, through and through. There’s plenty of cooking experience under his belt, recipes passed down in his family over the centuries as well as recipes he picked up from all the humans he’s befriended over time. He’s more than happy to teach you all the cooking or baking secrets passed down to him, everything from pasta dishes and soups to warm, herby bread and soft cakes.
Although he doesn’t seem like a cook from the get-go, he gets around the kitchen with practiced ease, ending up with a whole pile of delicious, homemade foods for the two of you to indulge in, not to mention that having two sets of hands makes the process go faster. It also lets him get closer to you, learning about your particular food tastes, your favorite dishes, favorite seasonings, etc., which he’s sure to memorize for next time. It definitely doesn’t escape you that he will be much flirtier than usual, calling you the usual “cara mia” but slipping in plenty of other endearing terms and compliments, too. Just the intimacy and the romance of it all will have you feeling like a married couple.
After food has been made, a painting picnic is in order. Although Vincent is typically the resident artist, Leo has no problems reminding you that he’s just as talented at the arts as anything else. He’ll pack supplies for your date, a couple small canvases, paints, brushes, easels, and of course some of the foods you two had made together. If the weather is good, he’ll take you to an open field to paint the wildflowers together, giving you painting tips or even giving you a painting challenge to see who can paint something the quickest. Of course, it’s not long before that challenge results in smudged paintings and plenty of laughs at your warped creations. You may or may not end up with some paint on your face or your clothes after some teasing jabs with the paintbrush.
If the weather is poor and rainy, then he’ll settle for painting at home. He’ll plan to either borrow Vincent’s room for the space or risk painting under the gazebo with you, listening to the sounds of the rain around you as he shows you some of his painting techniques. It may result in getting up close and personal, Leonardo coming up close behind you and guiding your hand, stating he’s only doing this to demonstrate effectively, teasing you if you get flustered. He’ll definitely let the sounds of the rain cover up any sneaky kisses he gives you.
It’s easy to get lost in the world of art with Leonardo as he keeps you distracted with plenty of town gossip and discussing plans for projects or what have you. As the day moves into evening, his next plan is for backyard camping. He’s always aware of the messy state of his room, so the camping idea is partly to avoid his room but also an excuse to keep you to himself. No need for fancy hotels or traveling very far, just a tent and some pillows and blankets brought out to a remote corner of the property to have some privacy.
There, hidden away from the world– and particularly, the other residents– Leonardo can cuddle with you as much as he’d like without any interruptions. He can complain about Comte to you, or silly things that the other mansion residents have done when they thought he wasn’t looking. Or he may borrow an instrument from Mozart and serenade you, give you your own mini concert. He’s picked up plenty of romantic songs over time, and it becomes his mission to woo you so completely until you’re thinking of nothing but him.
As it gets darker outside, he may borrow Isaac’s telescope to do some star watching with you. He’s learned about numerous constellations, both from his own studies as well as from the many books he’s read, and the difference in light pollution from this era versus modern day means you can see the stars wonderfully. If you’re interested, he’ll even tell you about some of the mythology connected to the constellations, surprising you with his boundless knowledge on Greek myths, Egyptian myths, etc. Regardless of whether you can see those particular constellations from where you are, his descriptions of the stars are enough to make an image in your mind. You can definitely tell when he steers towards any romantic mythology, but for the most part, he gets absorbed into sharing his knowledge with you, just rambling on until he’s done.
Finally, as the night gets cold and he’s run out of things to share with you, he of course recommends finishing your home date with a visit to Le Thermae. It’s practically like a spa date, with Leonardo bringing you scented items such as oils to make you smell good and help you relax. He even has a pair of fluffy robes to wear afterwards, the very height of luxury. Whether you two want it to end on a spicy note or not, he’s okay with either, but mostly, he just wants to hold you close in his arms as the water warms you both up from the chilly night air. However, if things between you two start to get a little handsy, he’s not complaining. Regardless, so long as the night ends with you two warmed to the core and in each other’s arms, he’s happy. And once you two are out of the bath, clean and dry, he’s making sure to bundle up with you in either his room or yours, delivering some final kisses before settling in to sleep. All in all, he’s making sure that your stay-at-home date is as fulfilling as anything you could do outdoors.
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Comments and reblogs are appreciated! If you'd like to commission me, please send me a DM!
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ikevamp-twitter · 4 months
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gunraekae · 3 months
having an off day 2
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Ophelia by Sir John Everett Millais
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents (+bonus) x reader
>a/n: the second half of your off day. here is how your morning and early afternoon went.
Leonardo da Vinci
While Leonardo isn’t necessarily your responsibility to awaken (he could really be anywhere in or out of the mansion, it’s far too much effort for anyone to find him and urge him to eat. Let’s not forget he’s an immortal vampire, he doesn’t even need to.), a small and guilty part of you tends to seek him out anyway. He’d done a lot for you when you first stumbled into the mansion and has acted as one of the main components of your support system since then. 
It was nearing noon and after you’ve awoken Napoleon, Leonardo was surprisingly awake and in the library. Perched upon one of the oak armchairs by the window, the sunlight streaming through the glass painted him in a glorious light – reminding you of the timeless beauty the purebloods possess. He looked like he was in one of his own paintings, and you would be a villain to disturb that. 
Still, his vampiric senses had a lower threshold than the others and he could sense your presence (or really, smell your blood) before you even opened the library doors. 
“Surprised I’m up so early, cara mia?” The husky rumble of his baritone voice always sent pleasant shivers down anyone’s spine. His golden eyes, brightened by the sunlight, peered above the book he held in one hand straight at yours. 
“I suppose.”
“Hmm… come closer will you?” His wolfish eyes narrowed in disdain at your lethargic response. Reluctantly, you follow his command and sit across from him at the window. He discards his book, leaning on his knees to get a better look at your morose disposition. A displeased hum, then he places a finger under your chin to move your face even closer to his. 
“That won’t do. Such an emotion dims your eyes.” His artist-eye grazes over your face, observing your downturned lips and your swollen, teary eyes. A knowing smirk, and he settles back on the armchair. He leans on the armrest, the slouching figure alluring in his own charm. 
“You’re a smart girl. You can guess what’ll happen next, can’t you?” His handsome smirk grows at your knowing sigh. 
“Just don’t throw me over your shoulder this time.” 
“No promises, cara mia.” He huffs as he rises and moves to your side. With a motion for you to raise your arms, he at least carries you princess-style as he speeds to the mansion’s exit. 
It’s not entirely unpleasant being in Leonardo’s strong arms, and you find the warmth almost soothing to your turbulent thoughts. He takes you to your signature spot: a small dock on one of the more solitary ends of the Seine river. He wants to give you the princess treatment, so he’ll slowly row the two of you down the water. 
On the romantic boat-ride through the Seine, with Leonardo’s golden eyes trained on your face and giving you his full attention, it would be quite difficult to resist confiding in him. In your lowest moments so far, he’d been nothing short of comforting — holding you in his arms when you were afraid during your first night, sleeping outside your door for the following week, and whisking you away from your chores to dispel the unhealthy façade you kept up. 
In fact, a small part of Leonardo is ecstatic that you felt safe and comfortable enough with him and the other residents that you could freely express your more negative emotions with them (but hopefully mostly with him. Forgive him, he can be a bit possessive). 
However long it takes you to quell the darkness in your mind, Leonardo is there to receive anything you throw at him. He can wrap you in a warm embrace and caress your back, offer you wise advice to your problems, or just listen to your thoughts. Whatever you need most, Leonardo will give it to you. 
Leonardo hopes you’ll always run into his arms any time you have problems and allow him to fix it, like he does with machines. That being said, he doesn’t mind seeking you out and literally carrying you away from your responsibilities to ease your torment. Wrapped in his big, strong arms and shielded from your worries, it’d be difficult not to feel at ease with this loveable dork. Anything and everything you ask for he’ll deliver, and if you don’t know what that is, he’ll give you a familiar experience that comforted you in the past. There isn’t much that fazes him with his long years on Earth, but just the teary sheen over your eyes is enough to twist his heart in painful knots. 
Isaac Newton
Lost in his bustling mind and distracted by an equation he couldn’t quite solve last night, he unfortunately only caught Theo’s grumbles of “pouring his own damn coffee,” and your departing figure to the kitchen. He thought nothing of it, believing Theo was just being his usual insufferable self and holed up in his study for the day.
If you weren’t responsible for delivering lunch to him, he’d have never caught wind of your off-character today. So when your voice behind his door lacked its usual lively pitch, he wanted to bash his head open for not noticing it during breakfast. 
When you entered his study you quietly placed the tray on one of his tables, wishing for an easy escape from his calculating rosy eyes. At your quickly retreating figure, the swirling worries in Isaac’s head scolded him for his indifference and how that coldness definitely would break your heart. He grasped at your sleeve and pulled you with more force than he intended, landing your entire upper body on his lap. (You’ll have to forgive his awkward execution, he really means well.)
“I’m terribly sorry mc! I didn’t mean to do that.” He bristles and helps you regain your composure. “Actually, I did intend to pull you closer. I want to apologise as well for not noticing you sooner. I should have been the first to seek you out.” While he does mean what he says, he finds that maintaining eye contact is a bit difficult and from his blushing ears, you can tell he’s just nervous. 
“The first? Isaac, you don’t have to do anything.” Similar to him, you felt ashamed that he felt obligated to comfort you. Isaac, upon noticing that, wildly shook his hands in firm rejection of that implication.
“Not at all! You’ve always been there for me mc; defending, accompanying, encouraging me. Perhaps it’s even a bit selfish, but seeing your smile is the highlight of my day. Without it, I find I’m in a bit of a bind, as you can see.” He gestures for the messy scrawls of that damn equation he can’t seem to solve. 
“I hope you won’t let Theo’s boorish manners bother you. And I hope you won’t mistake my foolishness for indifference either. I want to be here for you, mc. I’m not like Napoleon, so I admit this doesn’t come easy to me, but I want to be close to you.” Isaac rises from his chair to move closer to you. 
Despite his rapid pulse, his trembling hands find yours and squeeze them gently. “Please tell me all that ails you, all your frustrations, and stresses, and allow me to do for you what you’ve always done for me.” 
His sincerity is touching. Isaac sits you down on one of the seats by his table and offers you half the sandwich you made for him. Whatever you indulge Isaac with, he eagerly accepts. He can’t help the fascinated gleam in his eyes at the unfiltered emotions in your expression — in fact, his heart actually warms at being able to do this for you. 
It was inevitable that a few tears escaped your eyes; while it did sink his heart, Isaac seized the opportunity to be closer to you. In a surprising show of boldness, he tucks a strand that obscured your face, behind your ear. “Thank you, darling, for showing me this side of you.” He murmured intimately. 
“Isaac, you’re—”
The confidence that deluded him in that moment quickly dissipated at your surprised face. “I apologise! I’m not sure what came over me then.” Perhaps it was because it was just you and him, and he found your presence far easier to relax in than anyone else, but he found it in him to laugh. 
“You’re really a wolf in sheep’s clothing sometimes.”
“You can blame my teasing on yourself. After all, you’re the reason my new life is more hectic—” Isaac chuckles “but I can’t say that hasn’t made it so much happier.” 
After supper, Isaac timidly approaches you in the kitchen. “I’ve set up my telescope out in the yard tonight… Would you care to join me?” 
Laying on the soft grass with Isaac was incredibly soothing, the picturesque night sky splattered with the many shining stars, unpolluted by the 19th century Paris city. Isaac would focus the lens on specific constellations and allow you to view them through the telescope. While you admired its brightness, he’d excitedly tell you about each one. Eventually, the day’s fatigue would catch up to you, and Isaac, noticing it, would seat himself a little bit closer to you, in hopes you’d lay your head on his ready shoulder. 
Finally, soft peace had settled on your hardened features. It was during moments like these with you that Isaac envied the artists’ talents — they could capture this moment for eternity and he only had his memory to keep the sight in his mind. In spite of that regret though, a part of him was proud that it was him who could witness this adorable sight. 
While extremely awkward in execution, Isaac’s heart breaks in two at the mere thought of you feeling upset. This is worsened when it takes him longer than the others to notice it — couple that with his less-than-stellar social skills, and he’s bound to mess up in the process. But his sweet intentions shine through his small, affectionate gestures and his eagerness to listen to you. It’s quite adorable how happy he feels that he can finally return some semblance of what you’ve done for him. He’d provide his room as a safe space, but he’ll also gladly bring his telescope and stargaze with you in the courtyard. If you doze off, he’ll offer his shoulder and feel blessed that you shared your day with him, the feeling even sweeter knowing that it was him you chose to spend the evening with. 
Jean d’Arc
Part of your evening routine was to meet with Jean in the library after supper and practice writing. Tonight, despite your mood, you felt it would be far too cruel to abandon poor Jean, who found it hard to spend time with others; it was only through these sessions that you could foster a connection with the elusive man. 
Jean was extremely blessed that your radiant presence was in the library for him tonight. Napoleon had informed him earlier of your despondent spirits. Initially, it spurred an almost murderous glint in Jean’s eye at whoever had caused you suffering, but with Napoleon’s clarification, his rage on your behalf settled into a thorny discontent.
Of all people to suffer torment, why did it have to be mc; his radiant angel? The kind soul who ensured that night-after-night, she found time to teach and accompany him? It was because of your beautiful self that his chest was not as heavy with the weight of his sins everyday. And yet, you also had to endure these torturous emotions, despite all that you’d done for him. It truly did not make sense in Jean’s mind. It should be monsters like him that suffer, not angels like you. 
So Jean resolved it within himself that he would do all that he could to alleviate the weight in your heart and fight the shadows that dared to dim the brightness in you. 
Unbeknownst to you, after his work he wrote a letter that communicated his sincere appreciation and sheer affection for you, far better than he could verbally. He wrote of his sadness that a person like you, who cared so much for others and always put themselves last, suffered behind a smile. He longed to one day be as expressive as the writers (he never thought the day would come that he’d envy the likes of Arthur or Dazai) so that he could comfort you directly with words instead of having to convey all his sentiments through a letter. 
Safe to say that when Jean handed you his clumsily penned letter, tears immediately rushed down  your face at his touching sincerity. Jean grew alarmed, blaming himself for causing you further distress. You stopped him from kneeling on the ground for repentance and instead, wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. 
“Thank you Jean. You’re much kinder than you think.” Jean would be a touch flustered, but would wrap an arm around your shoulders to offer you the comforting embrace he only dreamed he could give you. And yet, here he was, finally able to offer you at least a semblance of peace in small payment for all you’ve unknowingly done for him. 
It was absolutely unfathomable to Jean that such a radiant and kind person like you had to suffer some of the torturous thoughts like he had. It felt wrong that God would allow those thoughts to plague your brilliant mind; so Jean, aware of his shortcomings in this department, would absolutely try his best to fight your demons for you. Words were extremely difficult for Jean to convey, but he’d try to make you proud by doing so in a letter. Your brightness prevented him from succumbing to the haunting shadows of his past. His sheer devotion and protectiveness for you would be revealed in that letter, but if you needed him to support you in-person: whether by embracing you in his strong arms, punching out your frustrations on his sturdy chest, or burying your face in his neck to block out the world, Jean would do all of it for you. 
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The day had stretched on, and while most of your heartache was eased from the residents’ efforts, insomnia purged your rest nonetheless. You knew that remaining under your warm blankets would change nothing of your predicament, so perhaps a short walk (by the mansion’s standards) to the kitchen for a glass of water would arouse drowsiness back in your hazy mind. 
On your way, you passed by Mozart’s studio. Tonight he played a more serene song, the soft notes floating through the air and quelling some of the remaining despair in your head. You didn’t mean to, as you knew that Mozart hated to be disturbed while practising (really only for the men — it was difficult to be upset at you), but you lingered by his ivory doors. 
Suddenly, his song ceased. “Come in, mc.” Startled at the fact that he heard you, and even more at recognising you from what little sound you made, you were compelled to follow his command. 
Mozart was always a vision to look at: the moonlight streaming through the gap in his window was reflected in his alabaster locks. Awaiting for you, his deep purple eyes were unreadable as it scanned your figure. If you looked even closer, there was a discernible trace of worry that twisted his brows. 
“What was with you today?” Not one to mince words, Mozart hit right where it was sensitive. 
“It’s nothing of concern.” Mozart huffed indignantly. To you this resembled his usual shortness with you, but inside, he was deeply envious at the fact that you opened up to everyone except him today. Wanting to remedy that inconsistency, he rose from his seat and advanced towards you. 
“Liebchen.” He insisted as he reached for your hand. 
“You have enough to worry about, Wolf.”
“And I want you to be one of them.” As opposed to his usual rough manners with you, he softly stroked your knuckles. Since he knew that it would be difficult for you to dredge up and unearth your worries once again, he settled for providing you a small piece of comfort for the night. 
Mozart gently guided you by the wrist to sit beside him before his grand piano. 
“Would you like to try a duet I drafted recently? I haven’t been able to complete it because I had no partner—” he trailed his fingers from your wrist to your hands to unclench them “until now.” He delicately intertwined his long fingers around yours and gave your hand a loving squeeze. Then, he carefully guided your hands down to the piano keys. 
He slowly taught you a small part of the song, and within a few tries, you were quick enough to match the tempo he had in mind. Your attempt at the duet together went as well as expected, the discordant notes completely altering the softly romantic song to a playful one instead. 
To your surprise, a loud chuckle burst out of Mozart. “How clumsy,” he said, his eyes squinting in unadulterated affection. 
If you confide in Mozart of your lingering disturbance and your insomnia, Mozart will guide you toward the bedroom connected to his studio. Mozart had to fluff up the unused pillows but urged you under the covers anyway. He’d leave the door open and play the most soothing lullaby on his piano to quell your sleeplessness. 
Mozart is rather brusque and difficult to approach — painfully aware of that, he knew he wasn’t the first you’d approach, as much as it hurts him to admit that fact. Still, when the opportunity arose later that night with just the two of you, Mozart jumped at the chance to ease your pain. He’d try to cheer you up in his own way, but ultimately does what he knows best. He doesn’t play for anyone at all, and while many of his songs are dedicated to important historical figures, he documents a few pieces solely to you and caters to whatever you need most at that moment. Tonight, he plays an improvised song of yearning: he imagines a quiet man, unable to properly express the depth of his love for his dearest one, humming this soothing lullaby to send his suffering love to slumber. 
Bonus: William Shakespeare
Unfortunately, Will is physically and figuratively out of the loop with the happenings in the mansion. Your off day being one of the most regrettable events that he missed out on. 
He longed to have witnessed the harsh colours of despair taint your lovely visage and have been the man to lift that darkness. 
He yearns to have been the loving angel to embrace you while your tears wet the earth. He imagines that black roses and blue violets would grow from your tears that watered the ground. 
He longs to have been the dashing knight that whisked you away from your responsibilities and brought you to a secret place that only the two of you knew about. The intimacy of being the only one to witness your vulnerable side was tragically enticing for him. 
How fortunate the mansion residents were to bear witness to all the mesmerising dimensions you had. Capricious Fate has tricked him yet again in this instance as he can only hear about this event from Vincent. How tragic was he that he had only his imagination to provide him inaccurate images of your tainted beauty that day. 
While he knew this day had long passed, he couldn’t stop his longing fingers from scribing a letter to you, urging a visit as soon as possible so that he may offer a belated gift of comfort and perhaps, selfishly, indulge in your presence. 
He’d deliver a bouquet of those blue violets, carnations, and chrysanthemums to you (thanks in part to his vampiric benefactor), coupled with an expensive gift of several rings (so that you may imagine it was his fingers intertwined with yours) and a floral perfume that matches the flowers. 
Bonus: Vlad
After your boat-ride with Leonardo, the two of you idly strolled about town. Leonardo quickly left to purchase a box of cigarillos from a foreign vendor, the limited stock too alluring for him to pass up on. You insisted on waiting on a nearby bench, a little ways away from the busy stand. 
“A storm is brewing behind those lovely eyes. I wonder what caused it and what incompetent ward has allowed it to continue.” Vlad’s sweet voice sounded right beside your ear. You jumped, much to his amusement, but the underlying protectiveness under that pleasant expression was marked by you nonetheless. 
“Has he been overworking you?” 
You hastily quell the accusation Vlad threw in the air. 
“I wonder what could be the cause of those dark clouds in my darling’s eyes.” Vlad sighs in stark concern, lifting a hand to your temple gently massaging it. 
“I wonder what worries your pretty head.” He moves that same hand to your forehead and smooths the wrinkles there. 
“And I wonder what caused these soft lips to frown.” He trails his fingers from your head down to your cheek, and finally on your lower lip. The delicate way he handled your face felt as if you were a newly bloomed flower that was too sensitive to nature’s forces and required Vlad’s devoted care. 
There was both gentleness and a stark possessiveness with how familiarly and easily he glided his fingers across your face. It seemed he longed to touch even more of you, but found restraint and settled in tucking your hair away from your face instead. 
“If you stayed in my castle instead of his mansion, you won’t know any misery or work.” He longingly stroked the ends of your hair and eventually trailed his fingers to meet with your hands. Upon closer inspection, Vlad laments the dryness from cleaning products on your hands. He lovingly strokes your knuckles before lifting them to his lips kissing each one. 
“Cara mia, I don’t have to beat this guy to get him to back off, do I?” 
A painful expression overtook Vlad’s sweet face, and with great reluctance, he backs off as per Leonardo’s request. 
“Such brutes he houses. No wonder my flower has withered in their company.” 
Before Leonardo could provoke him further, you led him away from Vlad, whose eyes longingly followed you until you were out of his sight. 
Bonus: Charles-Henri Sanson
While waiting for Arthur to pay for his gifts for you, you sat on a bench outside the busy store. A pair of familiar lilac eyes brightened at the sight of your figure. He bounded over to you like a loving puppy reuniting with its owner. This unfortunately startled you as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders from behind. 
“Mc! It’s been way too long since I’ve seen you. I really really really missed you.” He murmured while nuzzling his face into your neck. To your relief, he reluctantly released you from his hold, only to sit right next to you. 
Only when he could take a closer look at your expression does his cheerful face crumble. He tenderly cups your face and mourns the wistful spirit of it. “My poor mc, what happened?” 
You shook your head, unable to meet his worried eyes. This breaks Charles-Henri’s heart even further as he wishes he could take whatever was bothering you and replace it with his love instead. In that thought process an idea springs into his head. 
He takes your hand, and after squeezing it, places it near his heart. “I want you to channel all your sadness into this hand and give it all to me instead.” His silly charade breaks you out of your stupor, and since you don’t have the heart to reject his sweet lilac eyes, you relent and play along. 
“Good girl. Now, I’m going to channel all my love for you in my hand and place it in your heart. Ready?” He places his hand on your chest and playfully scrunches his face as if he was straining. “Mmmm… there! Did you feel my love enter you?” 
Ignoring the suggestive statement and the even more suggestive position you two were in, his hopeful face was too innocent to reject. 
“Yes, I think I felt a little bit of warmth enter me just now.” 
Charles-Henri’s face lit up in adorable joy. 
“Whatever you’re going through, I know you can overcome it. You’ve healed the darkness in me, and many others’ and we owe you for that.”
“Thank you Charles.”
A satisfied hum left his lips as he leaned even closer to you.
“I love you so much mc—”
“You can scamper off now, Sanson.” Arthur’s annoyed voice sounded from behind you. Charles willfully ignored him as he continued to squeeze your hand. 
“I hope you can feel my love whenever you’re sad like this—”
“Leave, old boy! Can’t you see she’s had enough of you?” 
“Come visit me and the others at the church soon!” Almost comically, Arthur drags Charles away by his collar. He turns around and waves at you. It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but a small smile reached its way to your lips at Charles' cute antics. 
thank you once again for taking the time to read my writing. there were a few I wasn't too satisfied with, but I hope you liked it nonetheless.
leave a like and/or a reblog if this was a fun read for you. despite its self-indulgence, I hope this comforted you a lil bit.
have a wonderful day my love <3
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ifthiswingscouldfly · 2 months
Summertime with Ikevamp boys
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Genre: Fluff/fun/summer
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Characters: Comte's + Vlad's mansion
Warning: None
It was Comte's idea to have an enjoyable summer because after all all his beloved residents need to take a break from their jobs.
Sebastian and MC would probably ask Isaac and Napoleon to help them get the stuff ready.
Leonardo was the one who bought the tickets and this time everyone is going to get on the train.
Jean and Mozart never liked the idea of being there but they joined after the whole mansion insisted on them to be there.
Arthur was so excited because he could flirt with women there.
Arthur teased MC/you because he heard that Comte gifted her/you a bikini and she blushed because of that.
Dazai was planning to take his beloved chicken there but he back down when sebastian told him not to.
Vincent was so happy about the idea and he took tons of color and books to draw upon them.
Shakespeare was invited too because he was Comte's first child and papa Comte can't go nowhere without his child.
Shakespeare would thank Comte for the invitation and ask if he can help the other suitors.
Vlad knew about the vacation from Shakespeare and decided to make it as a surprise.
Charles was excited for the vacation because he could spend time with the MC and Vincent.
Vincent was so sad that he had to leave his pet animal brush behind and he almost cried for leaving him.
Theo had to relax himself because the stress he put himself under could kill a man.
But can Arthur leave him alone?. No no no.
Faust felt stupid because of how much most of them are excited and he stayed at Vlad's mansion not wanting to be with them.
At the train station and instead of using the door Dazai entered via the window that he got stuck there and asked Arthur for help.
Isaac slammed his forehead after seeing how Dazai loves to embarrass himself.
But anyways, Theo and Arthur managed to pull him from inside the train.
Mozart and Jean would ask MC to set with them in the cabinet since they said it would be better for her than setting with the other stupid suitors.
But they ended up setting with each other including sebastian with them.
Comte and Leonardo was already with MC at the same cabinet.
Napoleon, Isaac, Vincent was together.
Theo, Arthur and Dazai in other cabinet.
While Vlad, Charles and Shakespeare was setting alone because they wanted to keep their presence as surprise for Comte.
Mozart would write music notes while sebastian would engage in teaching Jean how to read more fluently.
Leonardo was sleeping the whole time and when he woke up he teased theshitoutof MC.
Comte never set at the cabinet all the time he would go and indulge himself in conversations with the other suitors.
Vincent enjoyed sketching the suitors while his beloved Theo almost killed Arthur and Dazai because they teased him too much.
And when the train arrived at the destination; Dazai did stick himself again out of the window instead of using the door which resulted for Theo and Arthur to pull him again and he ended up falling from the window's height on Theo and Arthur.
The suitors almost forgot to wake Leonardo up since most of them were busy taking their stuff out.
MC really wanted to wear the bikini Comte gifted her but she was too shy since Arthur teased so much.
When Jean's heard that Comte gifted MC a bikini he almost attacked him calling him a "slut" and "disrespectful" but fortunately Napoleon was there to pull him away before committing a crime.
Isaac enjoyed making sand castle with MC on the beach even though he denied the fact.
Arthur and Dazai almost drowned Isaac in the sea by trying to teach him how to "swim".
Napoleon and Sebastian went to bring some drinks since Vlad's jokes were so dry.
Shakespeare and Vincent was enjoying the sight of the sea; one is writing poems and the other is painting.
Arthur after almost drowning Isaac went to flirt with a couple of women.
Dazai asked Toshiko-San if it is okay to teach her how to swim. But Leonardo ended up taking the charge of that.
Leonardo tried to teach MC how to swim but was interrupted by everyone because all of them tried to teach her at the same time poor MC/you.
Later that afternoon and when the sun started to set Comte prepared a barbecue party and all of the residents enjoyed the night.
Mozart was too bored because he left his dear piano at the mansion and he couldn't have a smaller instrument to play so he suggested someone to sing something.
Charles agreed but ended up being unprepared so Mozart stopped him from singing.
Arthur and Theo ended up singing while Isaac was looking how dumb they looked.
Vincent sing too and his voice was so comforting.
Vincent woke up early that day to draw the sunrise and he saw MC there alone wearing her gifted bikini and swimming by herself.
He had to sketch that too.
Sebastian couldn't rest for a moment since the baby residents can't stop fighting and nagging.
Vlad never stopped teasing Comte about how bad the residents are, and how chaotic they are.
The trip ended up well but Comte will never do it again since all of the residents at some point was annoying.
Post date: Apr/10th/2024
Day: Wednesday
☆ Side Note:
I really liked the idea of writing this for summer. Anyways this is an old draft I wrote last year but was too busy to post it. I hope you liked it. Stay safe 🙏🏼 ❤.
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