#ik that the meme is kind of dead now but this came to me in a lecture and i couldnt rest until id made it
moths-in-hats · 1 year
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The Muppets as Goncharov (1973)
the only goncharov remake I want is a muppets version
[Image description: Gifs of the muppets with edited captions.
1 - Kermit, wearing a suit, says, "Yes, I am Goncharov."
2 - Several ticking clocks on a wall
3 - Miss Piggy and Kermit kiss, while Miss Piggy says, "Of course, we're in love; that's why I tried to shoot you."]
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Oh man!! But I love your snarky meme posts! Haha I think your right though, avoid discourse! I haven’t heard your thoughts in a while though, with 10x18 only a few days away now (finally, thank god), I would love to get a tiny dose of your lovely positivity!
tbh i’ve been full of so much dread and anxiety the past couple weeks, not because of the episode (still positive af about that), but because of the bad fandom energy (which, even when i am actively avoiding it still manages to seep into my line of sight 😒), but i was just talking to my partner about how fun it’ll be to watch twd from start to finish once the final season drops, and how much fun we had binge watching it originally (he’s who i started the show with), and i was reminded that the show used to actually be a good time. i had forgotten how much fun it was to watch with my partner and make dumb 30 rock references every five seconds, and laugh at parts that definitely weren’t supposed to be as funny as we made them (during the part when jadis threw rick into the pit with winston the art piece walker we laughed so hard people upstairs came down and asked, “aren’t you watching walking dead? what the fuck is so funny??”). that’s the energy i want to get back, and the energy i want to cultivate as we get through these bottle episodes and get into s11. caryl is on track to be canon, which is something i v rarely get in the things i ship, so added drama doesn’t bother me. and at the end of the day, what’s the absolute worst thing that can happen to caryl? they don’t go canon officially, which would be a drag, sure, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have ten years’ worth of fandom content, and a community that can still have fun with it. (bc i know it’ll make ppl upset that i said that, i /do/ think it’ll be canon, but if by the end it turns out i was wrong i’m not gonna like, die or something. fic is always more creative and entertaining than the og source anyway, and we’ll always have that)
it’s kind of astonishing how unpleasant people can make a fun thing be, and for what? what does it accomplish? if your entertainment is no longer entertaining you, and is, in fact, making you bonkers on the internet, maybe it’s time to find something new to spend your time on, if only for your mental health. i want to unabashedly enjoy myself again. i want to write explicit porn and Extra(tm) af au fics, and i want to laugh inappropriately during heartfelt scenes bc walkers are falling off a cliff in slow motion and it’s the funniest thing i’ve ever seen. i don’t want to dread episodes anymore. why do i dread the show i use to escape my irl bullshit?? that’s so ridiculous!
i am brain crazy and, as of late, chronically physically ill, so real life is v often a fucking drag. i don’t need to bring that into the space i use to get a break from the heavy stuff. and ik i won’t always be able to. ik i’m gonna get stressed about plot stuff, and there are gonna be fandom things that’ll make me upset, but i am going to do my absolute best to be as positive as possible and have as much fun as i can, bc i watch this show bc i enjoy it, and sometimes i need to remind myself of that
so as for 10x18? bring it on. i know that it’s all going to be resolved (probably in like, two seconds, bc that’s the whole point of “diverged”, do ppl keep forgetting that??), and i know that daryl isn’t going to end up with this rando bc we literally have a spin-off (do ppl keep forgetting that??), so who cares if there’s tension? plots have conflict, my dudes, and mb it won’t always be conflict we like, but the fun thing about a tv show is that there is more content to come, and things can change on a dime. and besides, whatever we don’t like we can change on 9lives and ao3. i am hype, chill, and stanning my showrunner, and am just gonna ride the wave
and while i can’t make y’all do anything, i strongly suggest you do, too
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pan0ramy · 3 years
re8 thought dump because YE
i feel like this was almost inevitable but idk where else to talk about resident evil village so i’m just going to rant about it here!!! i have,,,, a lot of thoughts on this game after being so excited for it for so long
obviously, massive spoilers if you haven’t finished the game. i feel like i have thoughts on pretty much everything so please please please stay clear of this post if you’re trying to stay blind
otherwise, let me just rant about this game for a bit - mainly the story and characters - because i have Thoughts™
(also i feel like it goes without saying but this will be probably be quite long, so. strap in, ig)
okay SO. the whole intro was pretty interesting - even though we’d seen bits of it in trailers, it was still pretty unnerving and felt like it came out of nowhere. but the first thing that really stood out was the first village section with the hordes of lycans; i didn’t expect this game to start freaking me out so quickly but JESUS my blood pressure went up fast. 
there’s so many of them coming at you at once, and not only have you just lost half your damn hand, you’re not really used to the gunplay at that point AND you don’t have that many weapons at your disposal. so it’s basically just “hey we’re throwing you into this ring of death, good luck surviving!” which... now that i think about it, that really sums up the whole game lol
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but for the most part, the early parts of the game are what we saw in the demos, so there’s nothing too new - it was nice getting to see the scene with all four lords and mother miranda, though. i wasn’t sure how the whole chase scene with the lycans would work - i thought heisenberg’s area was going to be some sort of mine, and that the chase would take place there - but it didn’t, and it was interesting regardless of it being so short. 
but the castle. THE CASTLE. 
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i would be lying through my teeth if i said i wasn’t excited for dimitrescu like everybody else; i’m firmly in the camp of people who both meme about how attractive she is, and then also the people who legitimately find her attractive, soooo i kinda had high expectations going in? 
and sure, the castle section is only part of the game, but if there’s anything that makes me nervous most, it’s stalker enemies. resi 2 remake was actually pretty tough for me to get through because of how anxiety-inducing mr x was, and even though i don’t feel like she was as present as mr x was, lady d was still great! there were a good few times where you could hear her walking around and you just knew she was searching for you, which was really damn cool.
also, i know capcom had a lot of hype to live up to with lady dimitrescu, but goddamn they did such a great job with her. she’s so imposing but badass and just... really damn cool? like i honestly found myself being excited for her to show up rather than being scared. i just think she’s neat! I MEAN LOOK AT HER.
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(also yes i know the whole internet has talked about how attractive she is, but can we just. appreciate that for a second???? she’s gorgeous and yall can’t tell me otherwise. like. bro ik the pronunciation is wrong but the way she says dimitrescu made me GASP i love this powerful vampire woman)
if anything, though, i... actually felt really bad that her story ended up the way it did. i mean, think about it: you break into her house, kill the three people she’s grown to consider her daughters, rob her shit, and then kill her? she technically goes through the same kind of parental grief that ethan does, in a way, which is a really interesting parallel. grief seems to be a theme that capcom really pushed for this game, and it works. 
also, her boss fight design is badass. she’s literally a dragon, how is that not incredible
so the castle was great, where could the game go from here? oh, i don’t know, how about gOOD OLD FASIONED FUCKING TRAUMA.
jesus christ the dollhouse GOT TO ME.
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i’m pretty used to horror in general; i love horror games, movies, books, you name it. i’ve gone to horror movies where people have ran out because of fear all while i’ve sat there giggling the whole time. but the dollhouse? that dollhouse is FUCKED. i can’t remember the last time i watched someone play through a horror game and was so... on edge the whole time. the fact that they keep you waiting for so long with nothing happening just... makes the atmosphere incredibly uncomfortable, and then when shit does start going down, it goes down fast. in other words, jesus fucking christ that baby will haunt my nightmares until the end of time
basically capcom managed to make the n*zi baby joke from south park: the stick of truth legitimately terrifying, and i was glad to see donna die. moving on.
moreau’s section is the one i... actually don’t have as many thoughts on. it’s cool, sure, and the whole idea of him turning into a fish when he hits water is neat - it’s definitely a good callback to re4 - but idk, it didn’t really scare me that much. i can see it scaring those with a fear of water or the ocean, for sure, but eh. i thought the designs were cool, but i kinda tuned out a little here.
heisenberg, though, was anything but. the entire time leading up to village’s release, this guy has fascinated me for some reason. i don’t know if it’s because he’s the most normal-looking of the four lords, or the fact that he has telekinesis, or his amazing voice acting (seriously i know some people have shit on his VA but oh my god i adore it) or what, but this guy stood out to me from day one. i even went into the game expecting him not to die tbh. but no, he does, and his fight is pretty damn cool all things considered. only in a resident evil game could you have a mech fight and have it not feel out of place lol
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also this line ^^^ legitimately made me laugh so hard i almost choked on my water. THE FACT HE TURNS AROUND AND APOLOGISES SO MEEKLY its fucking hilarious to me
but anyway.
similar to alcina, though, i was left with one big question about heisenberg - what did mother miranda do to him to get him to join her impromptu familly? he said himself to ethan that he didn’t want to join, so what did miranda do that didn’t give him a choice? did he have a family at some point? is he grieving too? what did miranda take from him? i can only hope this gets answered in the dlc, because it’s by far one of my biggest questions surrounding all of this. i may very well have missed it somewhere, and at least we know he has his telekinesis abilities thanks to miranda, but it’s a question that’ll definitely be on my mind going forward.
at this point, though, the story REALLY gets insane. it’s really nice how village decided to just continue on straight from what 7 did, and i’m very glad that everyone’s theories about chris being a werewolf were wrong - it’s a really nice spanner to throw in the works. if anything, the whole revelation of mother miranda disguising herself as mia the whole time since rose’s birth was really cool, and ethan being Mold™ the entire time was pretty neat too - it made a lot of things both in 7 and village make more sense.
what i’m still digesting, though, is the ending.
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...man, capcom, you put poor ethan through all of that and then you have the balls to actually kill him? i mean shit, you made us think he was dead for a whole 20 minutes but then nope! he’s alive! but then nope! he’s dead again! i did see someone point out that at least ethan got to go out on his own terms, but dammit i would’ve at least liked for him to get to see mia one last time. i think it would’ve softened the blow a little more. but i guess that ties into the whole grief theming this game has going for it, and like i said, i probably just need some more time to digest it. 
i don’t dislike the ending, it’s just a very big culture shock - it’s definitely a ballsy move, and i really respect capcom for going all out the way they did. they really held back on nothing in terms of this game’s story and i absolutely love it. it was so, so worth the wait in that regard. 
and tbh that’s kinda how i feel about the whole game in general; it was super super good, very much worth the wait, and i absolutely cannot wait to see where resident evil goes from here. i have a gut feeling this’ll end up being one of my absolute favourites in the series, which i know is very high praise, but i really do love it that much. i wasn’t disappointed with much in this game, if anything at all. it’s just a super fucking good video game man idk what else to say at this point
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bestbakubros · 4 years
can i get a, uhhhh, deku + todoroki + bakubaby HC abt how hard they pine after their crush?
a/n: okay so from what ik to pine after means that they really desire to be with someone? hopefully this is what you were looking for! enjoy!
warnings: a little angsty but fluff, cussing bc ya know bakugo and all
 Midoriya first started taking a liking of you when he saw you battle against Bakugo at the sports festival.
 He admired how powerful your quirk was even if you didn’t win against Bakugo.
 It was after the USJ fight when he started to pine after you. You were injured to the point where you missed class for 3 weeks straight.
 MIdoriya would constantly try to visit you in the hospital even if you were still unconscious from the fight. 
 He never realized how much he had actually fallen in love with you. He missed seeing your beautiful smile and hearing your laugh. Honestly he really just wanted to be with you.
 The day you came back to class, everyone greeted you with hugs and welcome backs.
 When he shyly came up to hug you, you wrapped your arms tightly around him.
 ‘I heard you came to visit me everyday. That was really sweet of you Deku. Thank you!’ You give him a kiss on the cheek
 Midoriya was speechless and started blushing super hard. He was so glad to see you again.
‘Oh Deku! I owe you one! Let’s go out to eat sometime!’ ‘OH um o-okay!’
 Midoriya finally got the chance to be with you :)
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 The first time Todoroki started liking you, he was just hella confused. Him being super oblivious, Todo just kind was like hm that’s a weird feeling. He has to consult with Midoriya about these emotions.
When Todoroki finds out he has a crush on you, he seemingly just can’t take his eyes off of you during class, or when you past by him in the dorms. 
He just loved your personality and how you could just standout in your way.
 A few weeks had past when Todoroki really couldn’t hold back the desire to be with you. He started getting a little jealous when you hung around Kaminari in the common room for some video games or watch funny meme compilations with Kirishima.
This slight jealousy is what drove Todoroki where you were right now.
 Todoroki had pulled you aside from the common room to talk.
 ‘Uh what’s up Todoroki??’ 
 Todoroki looked you dead in the eyes and put his hands on both sides of your face practically pining you against the wall. 
‘(y/n) I can’t take it anymore and I really want to be with you. Will you go out with me?’ ‘oh s-sure!’
 He gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead. ‘Alright then, 8 tomorrow night.’  turning away and heading back to his dorm room, leaving you a blushing mess.
 Little did you know Todoroki had no idea what he was doing because he looked up how to ask a girl on a date 10 minutes before. LMAO
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sooo as we all know Bakugo was in denial when Kirishima said that Bakugo had a crush on you.
 But the more you hung around Bakusquad the more he tried to avoid you and it became super obvious to everyone around you guys. ya know except for you.
 Bakugo would just go about his day and all of a sudden you would pop up out of now where and make his heart race. 
Bakugo liked the fact that you were really skilled in your quirk and damn was he just taken a way by how pretty you were. 
 A few months of not saying anything to you lead to this massive desire to be with you.
Out of the 3 boys, I’d say Bakugo is the most affected by how much he pines after you. He just gets super frustrated when your messing around with Sero and Kaminari and he lets out a ‘tch’ every time he sees you hanging out with Deku.
You just look up at Bakugo and give an apologetic look towards your friends and walk away.
 When you two are alone where no can see you, Bakugo slams his hand next to your head, which startles you a bit.
‘ What’s up Baku-’ ‘You are going on a date with me this friday. You got that you damn nerd?!’ ‘ A date?’ “YEAH! THATS WHAT I SAID!’ 
 You just nod and give Bakugo a little okay. He looks you up and down one more time and goes on his merry way, leaving with flushed cheeks.
 He couldn’t wait to be with you.
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wraithofthevoid · 5 years
Positivity 2: Electric BEEgaloo
@justgot-bamboozled || HOWDY HEY, I named this series of positive compliments after you my boo, cuz you’re cute and funny and make me laugh (and I think it fits the theme a bunch). I’ve had the honour to play with you and hear your voice and my god you’re a precious bean, and I have oodles of fun whenever you’re around; you’ve got that kind of chill banter that I absolutely adore being around. I was gonna give you these cute lil compliments when I first did this and I high key regret not doing it cuz oof, you deserve to hear how amazing you are on the daily. I crave playing and talking with you more cuz you seem like an honest to goodness fabulous person and being your friend honestly feels like a dream come true (≧∇≦)💞💞💞
@smeachthepeach || BOII where do I begin with you??? You radiate chaotic energy and that’s my shit— I still remember the first time we actually met & you did that thing with your stringy instrument (fight me I just woke up from a nap, I’ll remember the name of it two mins after this is posted, just waTCH). You are honestly one of the biggest highlights of my life, cuz you gave me a family and you’ve given me so many stitches in my side from our misadventures online. I heccin love you my dude, now and always! Keep being you, Mr ‘I can demolish 4 whole squads with a Hemlock 200 metres away if I wanted to, but I don’t because it’s funnier to shoot you once and watch you panic’. You’re like, the same level of silly as me and I adore that you’re low key my parter in crime— never change 😂👌🏼👌🏼
@excitingpathtofind || I’m gonna keep the sap here to a minimum cuz lord knows you’re gonna get most of it later on but I still wanna include you in this cuz you my bitch and ily. I’ve known you for a fair chunk of my life and we have been through so much; you’ve been my support, my inspiration, my hope and my main man. You’ve got a laugh that makes me wheeze harder than any joke ever could and you’ve got the kind of advice God wishes he could offer to the people who pray to him. You’ve got a wonderful ability to bring positivity into the lives of the people you meet and you do a damn good job at it, so much so, that it doesn’t surprise me that you’ve managed to secure yourself someone who adores you as much as you adore both her, and your other friends. SPEAKING OF WHOM; 💞💞💞
@lifeline-calling || ZOE MY GIRL, MY PRECIOUS LITTLE ENABLER, I LOVE YOU!!!! I could honestly talk with you for hours about candles and artisan soaps and you’ve got the kind of persuasion skills that’d make me buy two llamas, a penguin, a 6 inch draining pipe and a bag of crusty tomatoes if you wanted me to. You’ve got an infectious personality and being in parties with you always feels like a blessing. You’ve got the highest quality memes and banter I’ve seen in a long time and you never fail to make me smile, even if I’m wallowing in self pity for some dumb reason; a wonderful quality to have and you should be really really proud of yourself. I’m so thankful that Ayla introduced us and I’m even more thankful that you accepted me and my dumbass ways into your life so willingly, you’re a gift from the heavens and I cannot express how much of an impact you’ve had on my life!! You’re a sweet, caring, creative and charismatic soul; a truly wonderful person. 💞💞💞
@ilwha || Yo so ik we haven’t spoken on a personal level but I just wanted to say that you are one of the most talented people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Everytime I see you post, my day is immediately brightened because I know that whatever that post is, you’ve poured your love and passion into it. You even allowed me to use one of your edits as my profile picture and I still use it to this day because honestly, I adore it. You’re an inspiration to artists and an inspiration to me. Someday I’d like to know you better because from what I can tell, you’re an interesting person with a keen sense of creativity and I’m willing to bet you’re funny as hecc too. I live for your blog and I’d give my life for you too, cuz you make so many peoples lives better and I appreciate and respect that 💫💞⭐️
@shes-fast-like-me || TRISTAN WHERE THE FUCK DO I BEGIN WITH YOU, YOU CHAOTIC ADORABLE FUCK!!! God I actually adore the additions you make to posts and the raw chaotic energy you give off is enough to rival myself and Smeach, you make me physically giggle when reading the things you post and you’re like something from a legend. I hear soooooo many people in this community speak highly of you and they’re right to do so, you’ve got a huge heart of gold and you interact with so many souls here that it warms my cold dead heart a couple degrees. I have never cried as hard in my life than the time you added all those songs to Smeach’s playlist cuz I shit you not, I put that playlist on when my university friends came over and fuckin baby shark just blasted through my flat, u fuckin pogchamp. I HATE that song but my god do I love you for adding it cuz I was keeled over on my floor physically weeping whilst my friends laughed & it brought us closer. You’ve got a talent with people and I wouldn’t trade you for the world, cuz you make my life that little bit brighter. You are valid in every sense of the word kiddo, and I love you for it 🤧💞⭐️
As you may have noticed, I didn’t limit it to only 3 people this time because love has no limit, so take these compliments you precious beans, and set forth on your own quests to let those important to you know just how much they mean!! Go show them the kind of love that’ll make them tear up, and then slurp up that sweet nectar and feel GOOD 💫💞🌈🌈
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youcantundothepast · 6 years
javid headcanons
hey so I haven’t updated in forever (I have reasons just not good ones ngl) (also I’ve been absent on all of my blogs so don’t think y’all are special ;))
but for now here are some wholesome Javid (modern) headcanons that aren’t really supposed to be anything in particular they’re just kind of cute
they skip around from high school to married life and everything in between
also this is so long because I love imagining my two pure boys in love
tw: idk why but there’s more cussing than usual (but I wouldn’t consider it excessive)
- okay so first off, Davey is a mess
- like how does one date??? like he can barely stand his own life how can he share it with someone else????
- especially someone so perfect nice like Jack
- but this isn’t Jack’s first rodeo and God bless him he just smiles when Davey’s awkward and will kiss his cheek or something and Davey will never be sure how he landed someone so nice perfect
- they don’t like the hassle of splitting the bill on dates so they alternate on who pays for the date
- Davey brought Jack sunflowers once for his designated date day and on Jack’s next designated date day, Davey received a painting of said flowers
- as they continuously date, though, they begin learning each other’s favorite flowers
- like Jack loves stargazer lilies but Davey can’t have lilies because of Sarah’s cat, Cheerio (never forget Cheerio)
- Davey favorite flowers are baby’s breath
- on prom night, Sarah and Katherine surprise the two with matching stargazer/baby’s breath boutonniere and they just go soft
- “wait... oh my God I kissed you that night after you went dumpster diving!”
- also real quick, Sarah is Davey’s “best man” and he’s all like Sarah, you can wear a dress, you don’t have to wear a suit like Jack’s best man (Crutchie)
- and Sarah just glared and is like “bitch don’t take this from me”
- she was the best looking in the wedding photos rocking her amazing suit btw
- but back to when they’re just bfs
- when they first start being together Davey isn’t really sure what to think because they’re more than friends, but is it right to say Jack’s his boyfriend yet? (they hadn’t even had their first kiss yet)
- so he goes for a few weeks with them just have a few dates (are they dates though???) until Jack calls him his boyfriend in front of the other newsies (because he can register Davey’s apprehensiveness so he makes the first move)
- and Davey is just like ???!!?!!
- “you- you just called me the-the” and he can’t even register at the moment because the heart eyes are strong
- and Jack is just grinning and is just like “yeah, I just called you the b word. That’s okay with you right?”
- And Davey could just melt into a puddle and is internally like “HOLY SHIT WTF WHAT IS GOING ON I AM GOING TO IMPLODE BEFORE I DESERVE THIS NERD” but he just holds Jack’s hand and kisses the top of it and is like “yeah, I consider you my b word too”
- then Race says whispers “my bitch” to Spot and ruins the whole moment
(okay that sounded so awkward with the whole b word thing but I really wanted to make that joke because I love that meme(?) so allow me)
- their first kiss took a lot of time to build up to, but they both wanted to make sure it’d be perfect so it was on their last day of Junior year and they just spend thirty seconds afterwards just staring into each other’s eyes with their foreheads touching while holding the other’s hands
- Katherine takes a picture of the “first kiss aftermath” posts it to instagram (with their permission) with the caption “FINALLY!!!” with a billion heart emojis
- everyone who didn’t know the two were together scream in the comments
- Jack has to make a follow up post of Davey kissing his cheek and him winking with a huge smile of his face with the caption “my boyfriend ❤️”
- Race, ofc, comments “I thought he was your bitch”
- they’re not really into PDA except simple hand holding and small pecks on lips/face every so often
- Jack’s favorite sign of affection is rubbing his thumb along the top of Davey’s hand especially when Davey gets really anxious because it helps him calm down and remember to breathe
- Davey loves to run his hands through Jack’s hair because it is so soft and sometimes Jack won’t cut it for a while and it’ll curl at the ends and Davey loves playing with them
- they usually only do this though when in private or around close friends because they feel like they’re shoving their relationship down people’s throats with obvious actions
- sometimes someone like Finch will fake gag and Katherine will punch him and he won’t do it again because damn Katherine punches hard
- Jack’s favorite dates are when they just order take out and sit on the couch all night to watch movies
- Jack has made Davey’s watch Brother Bear probably 300 times, but while Jack loves every second of the movie, Davey just smiles and powers through
- it is a good movie though (go watch it if you haven’t you are going to cry your eyes out)
- Davey likes to watch the action movies and superhero movies like Marvel
- (they totally went to see Infinity War and Davey was so broken after like he just stayed in bed cuddling with Jack for hours balling his eyes out)
- (then they went to see Ant-man and the Wasp and the cycle repeated)
- Davey’s favorite dates though are packing some sandwiches and apples/chips and just going to the park and having a picnic or going stargazing
- in NYC, they don’t see many stars so for Davey’s birthday, Jack picked him up in the middle of the night once and drove them to the middle of nowhere to stargaze
- for Jack’s birthday, Davey wants to do something special, but isn’t really sure what to do until Sarah gives him an idea
- it’s Jack’s 18th birthday so he gets a big box and fills it up with “18 things I love about you” and Jack cries reading the little notes Davey writes
- it’s things like a box of new color pencils with a note saying “you add so much color to the lives of everyone you meet” and also a fidget spinner with a note taped on saying “once start something, you won’t quit until it’s finished. but you also get annoying pretty quick ;)” so it’s just a bunch of useless junk but the sentiment and thoughtfulness of it is what makes it special
- did I say Jack cried? I meant to say Jack BAWLED
- like some of the little tear marks never came out of the pieces of paper
- when they decide they want to get married, they just kind of propose to each other
- like one night they are just like “hey, here’s a wild idea, but I love you like a lot and want to spend the rest of my days with you so let’s get married”
- and a month later, they surprise each other with rings so they both have engagement rings
- (low key inspired by AKB/Scott Bixby because that shit is adorable)
- but every relationship has to have some turbulence but it took me a while to come up with something because I don’t want these boys to be mad at each other :(
- so first off, they don’t argue long about the stupid stuff because they realized early that none of that is worth it because they make each other happy and that’s rare to come by these days
- but there are some persistent things they argue about ike Davey never taking care of himself (especially during their college days)
- poor boy doesn’t get enough sleep :(
- Jack’s hamartia is the fact that he can’t stand injustice/assholes
- so he’s often come home with a bloody lip or black eye
- Davey understands, but he wishes Jack wouldn’t get himself hurt so much
- (so they basically both have the same problem they just experience it in different ways)
- it’s when Jack calls Davey from jail when they have a big fight
tw: vague attempted sexual assault
- “A bar fight? What the hell, Jack?!”
- it was the worse Davey had ever seen him with his jaw swollen and bruises littering his whole body
- “Not my fault that motherfucker-“
- “You can’t just fight anyone who is rude or is racist! I hate people like that too, but you can’t punch them a few times and expect them to change in an instant. Some fights you just shouldn’t pick!”
- Jack had never seen Davey so mad so he takes a deep breath and reaches through the bars of the holding cell and grabs Davey’s shoulder calmly
- “Dave... the drink was drugged. I saw the guy put somethin in the woman’s drink when I was passin by the bar. I warned her, but then he came up and started makin a scene. Started making him the victim. He practically demanded that I let him take the girl home as if I could give him permission. Poor girl was so shocked and scared, and he wasn’t backin off. It was just me and him for a while and then his buddies showed up. Some other people tried to help me, and then the cops showed up. Fuckers pinned it all on me and I was in here before I could even let a word out.”
- Davey is speechless by Jack’s story and he was pretty sure he fell in love all over again
- “I jus hope that girl’s okay. She was cryin when I was being put into car in handcuffs. The other guy was only brought in for questioning. Said I was the one who started it and they believed me, saying only kids my age would start trouble like that. Apparently he’s a mechanic at the building down the road. Probably gives these cops discounts or somethin. It’s a load of shit if you ask me.”
- “I know, Jack. Let’s just get you out of here so you can heal up. Knowing you, you’ll probably have another black eye soon enough. Have to heal this one up so you don’t keep the next one waiting.”
- when they’re in their car, Davey reaches across and kisses his swollen jaw
- “I’m sorry about yelling at you, I didn’t know. You’re an amazing person, I should’ve known you wouldn’t just get in a random fight.”
tw over
- ahhh they’re so in love!!!!
- the best thing though is that they’re each other’s support systems
- like every night they go to bed and just cuddle and whenever one has had a bad day, the other will just open their arms and hug them and kiss them for as long as they need
- there’s just so much reassurance and small little compliments between the two
- a lot of stuff has happened during their lives and sometimes it just catches up to them, but the other is always there to catch him
- it’s just full of all-rounded, pure-hearted goodness
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mariyekos · 6 years
3 and 14, for the video games meme, please.
3) A game that holds a special place in your heart?
Probably... Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Playing that game really helped me bond with my brother, because up until then I was always someone he kind of pushed away as annoying, being the younger sibling. We played melee together sometimes, but I wasn’t very good and don’t remember very well. Then Brawl came out and there were special sections that required two people to complete, and there was the subspace emissary, and just general playing together. It was really great, because I felt like my brother really liked me for once. He would ask me to play with him, or I would ask him and he’d agree, and it was great. We spent so many hours clutching gamecube controllers, and I could never ever beat him but he’d still let me play anyway. It was fantastic.
When 4 came out we were both really busy with school and sports, so we couldn’t play as much, and the lack of SSE meant there wasn’t as much motivation to play together. Not as much of a story. When he’d come back from college he would invite me to play with him and his friends, which was definitely fun (plus, I finally got to the point that I could beat him 2 or 3 out of 5 times, which was fantastic!), but it wasn’t the same. 
Brawl was a bonding experience and Brawl was what helped me and my brother become great friends. It gave me an opportunity to feel like I was wanted (not that my brother was really mean or anything. Just not always interested in being with me. We’d play outside together, which was cool, but it was also different. Usually it was on my request.). It also introduced me to Fire Emblem since my brother mained Marth and I mained Roy and later Ike, which is a bonus. But yeah, that bonding and sitting with my brother so close to the T.V. because the gamecube cords were only so long...that was great. And I love Brawl for it.
Runner up is Fire Emblem Awakening, with Final Fantasy VII close behind.
14) Most memorable gaming moment?
Oof, that’s a tough one. My memory is pretty bad. I also am bad at decisions. Uh. Some of them are... 
Resetting one of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games for the GameBoy because I couldn’t get past Rayquaza, then being mad at myself for doing so, and then a few days later losing the game and crying my eyes out, telling myself that if I hadn’t reset and just kept trying at Rayquaza I wouldn’t have lost the game. I never found it again.
Sitting for hours in the dark grinding in FFVII in the Gelnika for stat boosters and finally getting all of Cloud’s stats to 255. Also, getting all the characters to level 99 in the same playthrough. I was so, so proud.
Sobbing at the ending of FFXV. All four times I experienced it. Harder each time. When Stand By Me came on, that’s when I really lost it. Before that, during the credits was just tears. Then comes in Florence and that’s when the real sobs pop up. 
(Final Fantasy IV spoilers in this paragraph!) Okay so in FFIV there are a lot of character “deaths.” None of which, save one, really lead to the character dying. I still remember after Yang “died,” saying “are you kidding me? like seriously? Palom and porom are already dead, you can’t kill off three characters in one game!” and then when cid “died” in the very next scene, i just put my phone down and stared at it thinking. “no. no. you’ve got to be kidding me. yang died less than five minutes ago and now cid is dead too?!? what the hell game!!!”. I think this is the most concrete memory or strongest memory so far.
(Fire Emblem Awakening spoilers in this paragraph!) For FEA, there’s a series of memories here. First was when the choice to give the Fire Emblem popped up. I remember thinking “well as much as I like her, Fire Emblem is the name of the series so I really can’t do that. sorry Emmeryn,” and choosing to sacrifice her. Then, just a few chapters later (which might have been the same sitting? FEA was the first FE I played myself and I was completely unspoiled. I watched playthroughs of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn a year or two before, but i didn’t come to own them for another few years), Chrom asks my unit to marry him and she did. I was just sitting there thinking “are you kidding me? we’ve barely met! i told your sister to commit suicide like 2 chapters ago!” and while it wasn’t really 2 chapters ago, it was still recent. So yeah. That was shocking. And in the end, where Robin was back in the field and she was missing the mark on her hand and Chrom pulled her up, that made me cry too. It was emotional. Another memorable moment was my first hardmode playthrough where Chrom got killed on the first or second turn by a 1% critical hit. 
Other than that... repeating “please don’t do this please don’t do this please don’t do this” for like the last hour of The Last of Us.
There are probably other things that are slipping my mind because I have a crappy memory and need to be reminded of things. You may question how memorable they really are if I don’t remember, but with the way my mind goes...i would count those.
Anyway thanks for the ask! Responding was fun. If anyone else wants to send me stuff, click here for the list of questions!
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gribarrinseteyrdum · 7 years
4 for the meme
4) favorite Fe charcuter. Of playable characters, it’s a tie of Micaiah+Pelleas. In a game where characterization isn’t much, boy oh boy do Micaiah and Pelleas get it. (Skrimir & Elincia come close though)
Micaiah’s the main character of fe10 and most characters call in between two archetypes. Overly nice, compassionate Lord or total badass that’s ready to fuck shit up. While everyone prefers the badass side I personally don’t.
Micaiah is a compassionate Lord; she joins a band of freedom fighters in occupied Daein to help the people, then gets involved into the Daein liberation army and is promotes to general by Prince turned King Pelleas. However, she does have another side, Micaiah is of the camus archetype (aka, a good person but who’s on the wrong side of the war as they’re too loyal to their country to back down). If you ask anyone who’s played fe10, they will let you know how loyal Micaiah is to Daein.
Micaiah, is revealed to be branded, of mixed Laguz and Beorc heritage; as such Micaiah is an outcast by both and travels often to hide her slow aging process due to get Laguz blood. Traveling a lot, Micaiah never grows attached to any place until she manages to meet Sothe in Nevassa. However Micaiah abandons Sotheas she doesn’t want him to get an outcast like herself. Eventual Micaiah returns to Daein after Ike defeats Ashnard. Once Daein loses, the people face a lot of issues cause they lost a war they started and so solidarity begins to happen. Micaiah feeling loved and growing attached, begins to love Daein. (Despite it being a VERY VERY racist country which I wish they touched upon more) Because of these nice acts that Micaiah becomes extremely loyal to Daein. How loyal? Well after Part 1 is done, Micaiah is a high general of the Daein army (they never explicitly state how high but she’s always with King Pelleas and seems to have more authority than Tauroneo, one of Darin’s 4 Riders {ex but he still has weight in the army}) so she seems to be the highest commanding general in Daein, and also assists with the Daein Reconstruction effort. She even forgoes living in the castle to live in Nevassa to better aid the people (told you she’s a goody two shoes). However, due to magic paper that Pelleas accidently signed, Daein must now do whatever Begnion commands it to or every Daein citizen will slowly begin to die. Because of this, Micaiah helps Pelleas. However, before Micaiah even knew of this macguffin she was willing to do anything for Daein as she believes in Pelleas just as he believes in her. Now this is where Micaiah’s influence from the Camus archetype becomes obvious. She fights all she can so that Daein won’t lose and be ruined. The part that really makes me love her (although everyone hates her for it), is part 3. She uses underhanded tactics that no other lord would use. Let’s review them shall we?
Micaiah ambushes the retreating Laguz Alliance at night when there’s fog so that the Laguz can’t smell their weapons or see them. Micaiah uses a platoon as a sacrifice to stall Ike even knowing that Ike will win and they’ll die. Micaiah does this so she can ambush Empress Sanaki of Begnion (a lot of inter conflict in Begnion I love it). Micaiah uses boulders to roll on the enemy and when things get rough, Micaiah pours oil down on the enemy forces and plans to burn them; this causes Sanaki to unwillingly flee by pegasus but Micaiah forsaw this and was ready to shoot Sanaki down by wind magic and arrows (which pegasus are really weak too). Micaiah was willing to do so and was going to do so even though Ike came and stopped them. Her sibling/whatever relationship they have Sothe was going to be killed if they didn’t stop and yet Micaiah was willing to press on and Sothe was going to die but Ike took mercy on Sothe. Despite all her doubts in the war, which is obvious from the vet beginning as she states facts, such as Pelleas gave her this job and she is his general and how the Daein soldiers get a commission per Laguz kill, Micaiah still believes in Pelleas and presses on. It’s at this point where Micaiah learns of the magic macguffin (The Blood Pact) that Pelleas signed and it’s at this point where she reverts more to the goody two shoes lord type than the Camus archetype. Sadly, Ike takes more prevalence than her but let’s get a quick recap of part3end to part4.
Ike manages to push Micaiah to the end but is forced to retreat due to a Black Dragon. Ike and micaiah have one final battle but it’s stopped from the Fire Emblem awaking Yune and Ashera which cause almost everyone to turn to stone. With the Blood Pact no longer in effect, Micaiah (while under Yune/’s possession) teams up with Ike to stop Ashera. It’s at this point where everyone seems to just magically forgive Micaiah and hold no resentment towards her or Pelleas. Even SKRIMIR! the representative of the Beast Laguz for Laguz Alliance who is so hotblooded (but gets better) PRAISES! he praises her despite in the sane chapter he’s ready to kill Naesala. Micaiah gets shoved to the sideline as she’s possessed by Yune half the time and Ike taking screentime. Now onto Pelleas.
Like Micaiah, Pelleas falls into an archetype. Pelleas is of the Nyna archetype; a Royal who is driven out of their country trying to reclaim their thing. Like Nyna’s , Pelleas has an ineptitude for royal affairs but unlike Nyna’s Pelleas hasn’t even known that he was a Royal and as such has no training​ or knowledge at all. See, Pelleas was an orphan as the Mad King Ashnard gave him away since Pelleas couldn’t transform into a dragon. Pelleas was found by Ashnard’s scientist/something/obviously evil guy, Izuka. And as such, Pelleas is reunited with his deranged, overbearing,and overcaring mother. Like Micaiah, Pelleas is very attached to Daein although it’s not explained why. Seeing as how is his destiny to rule Daein and help rebuild the country. Pelleas literally knows nothing but still tries his best (sorry Nino). However Pelleas isn’t a complete idiot, he knows Micaiah is who everyone looks up to and is jealous/admires her. Through Micaiah’s help, Pelleas manages to become a more inspiring leader and knows when to step up to inspire everyone. (I love Pelleas’ speech in Part 1 endgame as it’s a reflection of the speech Elincia gave in Path of Radiance and both are reflections of FE1 where Marth gives a speech to Altea after he frees them. But instead Pelleas/Elincia show conviction unlike Nyna who told Marth to send a representative for the speech, showing Nyna’s lack of thought as a beacon for the people but Pelleas/Elincia realize they have to be there for their people.) Sadly, Pelleas overelies on Micaiah and Izuka and Pelleas falls for Izuka’s trap of the Blood Pact and signs it.
Like all Nyna’s, Pelleas is reserved but it’s uplayed in a good way. He’s extremely meek and shy. So much so that any weapons/money he gives to Micaiah so she can give them to people as he’s afraid of people thinking he’s playing favorites. Pelleas is extremely nervous in his speech to and gains confidence when The Black Knight rallies behind him. (I wish we saw some internation between the two). Pelleas does this to inspire his people and also since everyone loves Micaiah and tries to emulate her a bit more. (NGL I WAS SO MAD when Pelleas wasn’t playable in P1-Endgame. It would’ve been so fitting) Pelleas becomes King and signs the blood pact and so aids Daein. Pelleas is too shy to reveal that he signed the blood pact as he’d rather people think he’s an awful person for choosing the wrong side than people knowing he was an awful King for falling for the blood pact. Showing meekness, Pelleas simply obeys the Begnion Senate but is encouraged by Micaiah to fight back and find a way to break the pact. Pelleas finds out that if he dies the pact is broken. Pelleas orders Micaiah to kill him and he is killed. But the pact is still intact. Pelleas dies for nothing… Unless you’re on a second playthrough in which case Pelleas lives but is suicidal. Pelleas only lives on for Micaiah’s sake and partially Darin’s as he believes he’s better off dead than dead. If Pelleas lives he realizes that he’s not Ashnard’s and Almedha’s son and isn’t the rightful ruler of Daein. Pelleas feels an even greater need to prove himself such as fighting when Micaiah and Ike join. Pelleas doesn’t really speak anymore but he has a lot of boss dialogue where he’s shown to be meek but has a backbone such as his outrage at Izuka and the Begnion senators. Pelleas eventually comes clean to Almedha and tells him that he’s not his son. Pelleas relinquishes the throne to Micaiah and serves at court.
Micaiah and Pelleas are so devoted to their country. I love Micaiah cause she’s extremely willing to stoop so low to save her country. Micaiah also comes off as hypocritical as she hates Ike yet kind of does the same. Micaiah’s a nice person who’s selflessness​ gets played up more than the other main characters yet she’s perfectly willing for people to see her as a monster as long as her country is safe. This is due to an over attachment since she was shown kindness and I love it. Pelleas is so shy and meek yet tries his hardest to do good for his country. Even realizing that he’s not what he’s thought he still tries his best. I honestly ship Micaiah x Pelleas. And their characters really play the opposing goals/personalities basic character writing that FE uses but not much. Especially not to this much effect. They just have issues cause Radiant Dawn’s writing issues especially with part 4 where Skrimir and Tibarn don’t even confront either and also give praise to both. But the writers really tried you can tell and I appreciate Micaiah and Pelleas especially so for it.
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