#i wanna leave reblogs on but cant have my party members see them quite yet
druidsanddreams · 2 years
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[Image description: A full body digital drawing of my OC Fitz (they/he/it), set against a green and gold brick patterned background. Fitz is a young, thin, dark orange Eladrin with a short yellow mullet with shaved sides, one of the sides covered with a green ink swirling design tattoo, and heterochromic green and yellow eyes. It also has a scarification style tattoo of a star pattern covering its entire left (viewer's right) forearm. It is wearing a long sage green hooded jacket, a black crop turtleneck with a triangle cutout at the chest, brown pants, and green ballet style shoes with fabric that wraps around and goes up its shin. They also have several piercings including a nose piercing, a bridge piercing, an eyebrow piercing, a belly button piercing, an upper lobe piercing and a tunnel gage, as well as several other piece of gold jewelry. Their right (viewer's left) had is covered in gold jewelry that gives the appearance that they have sharpened claws, but their left hand is bare, showing that they do actually have claws. They are hanging from a royal blue aerial silk with their legs wrapped up in the silk. They are looking off to the left with a smirk on their face. End description.]
Redesigned Fitz! There is no guarantee that I won't redesign them again in a few month, but I do really like this! I think their clothes are often a confusing mix of very skintight/wrapped clothes and flowy, baggy clothes. Like they'll mix a bodycon tube top with harem pants sorta shit. Anyway, here is my dragon-y boi! The claws thing may or may not stick, I just had an idea about them not being able to control how their ki (which is derived from a relationship with some sort of dragon) affects their body. So the claws might be temporary, who knows? I certainly won't for at least two years lol
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