#i still see ppl reblogging the old one from time to time to this day and i eeughh awww … aw shucks
kaogens · 8 months
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old version here ^_^
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theexorcistiii · 1 year
Oh yeah does anyone know a good place to donate my old binders to since obviously I don’t need them anymore. Or any trans ppl that need binders n can’t afford them they’re both gc2b half tanks ones a tan large & the other is a white medium !
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ventismacchiato · 10 months
42 behind the lens — curtain call !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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It’s at the times between recording scenes where you really get a glimpse at your lover.
His sweat stained hair and tear stained cheeks from a rather intense scene never get old. You were feeling rather fond as he made his way over to you, falling into your director’s chair and heaving a heavy breath. The only one other than you allowed to sit in it.
For a mere moment, you both simply look at each other. You guys were on break so a few conversation topics come to mind, it wasn’t often you guys got to speak as lovers rather than coworkers during work. And while they’re all things you’d like to talk to Scaramouche about, you realize you don’t need to force conversation with him.
There’s a hue of weariness that shows in Scara’s eyes, but you can tell that he’s happy. He’s doing what he’s been striving to do for all his years at university, so of course he is.
You search his dark eyes for his thoughts, too. When your eyes meet Scara’s he let’s out a tired smile.
“I missed you,” he easily says. The words come out easier than they would’ve years ago.
Your heart skips a beat, even years later.
“How? We’ve been working together all day,” you say.
“Do I need a reason to miss the person I love?” Scara scoffs, looking away from you to study the script he brought with him.
It isn’t the first time Scaramouche had told you that he loves you, but it’s never stopped holding the same weight it did the first time he’d ever said it.
It’s a rare type of love. The kind that exists so rarely for people in this industry and that lead lives similar to your guys’.
His loves makes you feel alive everyday. And Scara should know it, you should tell him more often—even if it’s rather dramatic for midday on set for their most recent project. It’s something you’d bring up at night that you two could laugh about in bed. Even if it catches Scara off guard.
But Scaramouche’s love caught you off guard, too, and every second you got the privilege to spend with him was a gift.
And as you stare at him, fiddling with the sleeves of his costume and eyebrows scrunched as he mouths his lines, you couldn’t help but feel your heart grow heavy.
“I suppose you don’t,” you reply, a minute too late, but Scara still chuckles at your response as he tosses the script aside.
“What? You’re not going to say it back?” he teases, “And I thought I was the emotionally constipated one.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you mutter, hitting him on the shoulder, “I love you, too. I guess.”
“Archons, you’re worse than me.”
“No, you were much worse when we were younger!”
“It was hot and mysterious when I did it.”
“Uh huh, just go back to set I’m sick of you.”
“Weird way to say you agree but okay.”
୨⎯ THE END ⎯୧
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev
author’s notes — and that’s a wrap folks! hope the ending wasn’t awkward i just wanted it to be short and sweet. anyway, thank u to everyone who read and kept up with this fic, means a lot to me that this blew up as it was smth i wrote for myself. if ur rereading this or are a reader in the future ty to you too! i appreciate the silent readers, anons, and ppl who left me sm cute comments and reblogs. u guys made writing it more fun and easier to ignore the not so nice ppl. i cant reply to everyone but just know i do read every ask and comment i get! i do hope to see u guys in my notifs in the future even if i don’t write for genshin anymore, but if not then i’m glad you gave my writing a chance <3 have a great day/night byebye
synopsis — you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
taglist — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @ins4nebish @stxrgxzxr @lilacponds @uma-umie @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @erosdevil @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @courtneydefender @drunkwithfever @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @ainlaw @ovaliz @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko @moon-320 @orionicchaos @cartierfiles [1/3]
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fandom-hoarder · 5 months
Considering OP is yelling at ppl to leave them alone when questioned on specifics because a post that says “the grooming in spn fandom is insane” (specifically Wincest) was “not a callout” and only “a legitimate safety concern” about “a space is known for well you know”, they are not worth the time. They also reacted very rudely to an anon who only wanted to apologize for following them (thinking that OP was anti Wincest and trying to respect OP’s boundaries). Just not worth it.
[I held onto this in my drafts for a day, but I think I'm just gonna publish it after all. Even though v did a much better job of addressing the op directly, imo, I'm not interacting with the op. I'm also going to gather screenshots in a posterity post, but it will likely be unrebloggable.]
Hmm, I debated publishing this ask, because I'm really just. So tired. And annoyed. And it's not a great combination for tact. Nevertheless...
I haven't seen the yelling myself, just avoidance and redirection. Flippancy. But maybe it's happening in a space I can't see, or between people I've blocked, idk. If so, it sounds a lot like it IS January 2023 redux 🙃🙃🙃 -- I HAVE seen it now, and my suspicion still stands, though still not 100%.
People need to stop making such serious accusations when they refuse to back it up. Words fucking mean things. Saying a certain sector of the fandom--that ostensibly you're also a part of?--has a problem with grooming and is stupid...that was NOT worded in a way to help people stay safe. It was worded like a vague callout post to scare people. We've seen those before. 🙄
A post that was actually concerned about grooming in online spaces *in general* would list some things to be aware of, things to recognize, tips for getting out of a situation. But no, it's this vaguepost without anything specific, with the one question in the notes asking for an explanation or if it's sarcasm-- unanswered [eta: well maybe they responded and I can't see it, since I realized I had op blocked]-- and one reblog from a person who claims it wasn't about wincesties specifically, when it demonstrably WAS??
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So who is doing it, and where/how? I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to make public posts with names that devolve into personal beef and worse, but if someone is making the accusation that there's a grooming problem in the fandom they need to come with receipts or at the very least descriptions of the situation??
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This isn't cutesy. You know exactly what anon is talking about, as shown later. Reblogging the post unaltered gives at least the appearance of agreeing with it as written.
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This isn't to make light of! You reblogged it.
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This isn't helpful.
If there was no one specific, why reblog a post specifically about the wincest fandom having insaneeee grooming? It wasn't "just in general." It's not a joke, yet this reply looks entirely unserious.
I am too old to keep seeing this type of shit go through the fandom at regular intervals, especially when it's so often a false accusation based on interpersonal drama. The only purpose this serves is riling up the dash. It's exhausting, and waters down the gravity of the accusation by making it a phrase that cries wolf.
I'm not even saying outright that the post is a LIE; just that it has seriously similar markers of past drama that was approximately 90% unaddressed purity culture biases about fiction, 9% interpersonal beef, and 1% actual concern for a human being who was an adult, but young. And it led to the utter gutting of fandom, loss of acquaintances, deletion of a glut of fic-- all due to smearing the reputation of a writer by using horrible UNTRUE AND INCENDIARY ACCUSATIONS.
So I'm sure many of you already understand why I take umbrage with these types of posts! Who knows if it's about fiction or something real? 🤷‍♀️
And since there's no further context to be found, the way it LOOKS on the dash is that someone is taking creeper!Dean too seriously. It could be about something else, but who knows.
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dq9 · 2 months
Hey I gotta ask.
How do you find all of this yuri on ice art?
You reblog/queue/save so much of it and yet I wonder how you keep finding new stuff. Do you just have a super deep scroll on a tag permanently open? Did you queue it all in one like 48 hour scroll? Some secret third option? I gotta know
a few options, theyre all at least partially true!!
there are a bunch of active yoi blogs!! harocat, jewishvitya, neutronice, cecebeanie, vityascielo, and blended-ice of course all come to mind, but theres plenty more i havent mentioned that i can get all sorts of yoi art from. i have a fairly consistent stream of art to queue/draft/reblog/etc which keeps me queue goin
a lot of (anime) blogs active around the 2016/2017 era of tumblr will have smth yoi related on it. this includes my own old blog for instance, but plenty of ppl have tags taht stretch back years with plenty of new stuff for me to explore. or even just stuff i havent seen in awhile
theres blogs from back in the day, for instance, that got permission to repost art from other sites like pixiv onto tumblr, like story-kat!! story-kat posted fairly consistently up until this past year, and they have SUPER extensive tags with plenty of stuff to look thru
when my drafts were in the 4k range, most of that was done in a few concentrated bursts. id find blogs w yoi tags, like story-kat or neutronice, and look thru people THEY reblogged from, look thru their tags, look thru Their reblogs, so on and so forth. sometimes if someone didnt have tags but they did reblog lots of stuff at that time, id go thru their archive to see if there was anything new or fun or exciting.
yoi was super popular when it came out!!! theres nearly endless art and writings and meta, and lots of it is still being made now!! i follow the tag as well, so i see meta posts from people such as thegirlwhorideslikeasamurai, neutronice regularly gets art commissioned for their fics, blended makes fantastic art with so much heart and love. theres a lot to sift through, and all of it is great
thsi is like a super detailed answer but like tldr: art-cheology at work god bless tumblrs tagging system
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rayasland · 2 months
I'm sorry but your post about Aging Up characters delegitimises hundreds upon thousands of fanfictions across all fandoms and is a ridiculous ask. You're basically asking all fans to only write about the adult characters in NSFW situations - even if the teen character is now an adult in the fic??? So we can't explore how the teen now struggles with life as an adult, including new adventures or settings, because its somehow problematic??? I can assure you authors aren't picturing kids when writing Aged Up fics, the point and the intent is to explore how they'd function in different/challenging situations, not if their homework needs to be in on time. I understand your intent- you're coming at this topic from a place of worry- but bullying fanfic writers is just going to silence all forms of fandom. We're cannibalising each other enough as it is, and your words are doing more harm than good
uve completely got it all wrong. ur saying u understand but ur sending this long ass paragraph and that says otherwise. im actually getting pissed.
how is bringing attention to smth thats been happening for a while now gonna be labelled as “bullying..?” a bit confusing. im not forcing no one to stop writing abt minors, if u wanna live ur life writing about kids despite knowing its pedophilic, do as u wish. like i said im 1. bringing to light how wrong it is 2. seeing how many ppl will agree. im not bullying anyone either so idk wtf ur on abt. all i can say abt that is that u must be real fucking sensitive if u think that was bullying bro. cannot wait to see how u react to real life bullying!
i cant even lie how u gon write a paragraph of pure yap😭😭
its okay to write kid characters experiencing real life things that could happen to literally anyone(non-sexual), i never said u couldnt. whats not okay and what i completely disagree on is blatantly writing porn about them. "i understand your intent!" mm sure, and i understand what you’re saying is that its okay to write them having sex?? bc it's something that they can "explore as an adult"? you’re okay with a child experiencing that? regardless of whether they're real or not??? honestly you’re js trying to justify ur weird ass behaviour and its as clear as day. also… tbh, why r u acting as if sexual activities are the only ways a minor aged up as an adult can explore or wtf that means??? pretty sure theres a million other ways so maybe get ur mind out of the gutter.
tf was the point of that message? that why you asked anonymously? bc YOU YOURSELF know posting that is pedophilic behavior disguised behind ur so called moral ambiguity by bringing in other shit that only justifies writing porn about A CHILD??
u wanna be dramatic about "bullying fanfic writers," "cannibalizing each other," and my words doing more harm than good? how about you get a fucking life you self righteous pedophile. like okay, sure fine we'll let it slide. and then we should let real-person fictional literature porn about a child slide. and then we should let porn videos and drawings of little kids slide. and then we should normalize minor + adult relationships so that everyone can have a chance regardless of their age because experiencing something is better because it makes both parties understand!
in all forms!! incest, pedophilic, power imbalances, rape from randoms on the street, in our schools, in the transports, out in public, in private, in our homes, when we're young! when we're old! when we don't know what's between anyone else's legs! they a boy? they a girl? they both? they none? even better! honestly if ur reading that kinda shit and r actually getting off to it, please seek help. and if u STILL after reading all this have no idea why its not okay, use google or read the comments and reblogs on the actual post and go talk nonsense at them bc im not going to be responding to whatever bs u have to say in response.
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hyukalyptus · 7 months
i feel like younger fandom writers on tumblr are starting to feel like they have to be sort of ""influencers"" and respond to every single bit of feedback and get as many reblogs as possible but that's never been what tumblr has been about and it's sad because i've seen this idea people give themselves drive writers off the website in newer, younger fandoms. if i'm in your inbox, even if it's some big idea i'm putting down, you can just reply like a conversation. i'm not expecting a piece of writing, i really just want to tell someone and have them respond "OH MY GOD I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH" and maybe even "thats so hot and he'd do this too" but i feel like writers are putting a lot of pressure on themselves lately, or maybe it's just this fandom idk, to write a fic for every single idea that comes into their mailbox because they feel like "that's what writers do" or something and it's like??? you don't have to be a Public Figure here. it's just a fuckign social media website and the weirdest most fucked up one. i'm sure you get asks like "hey why didn't you write such and such" but like. you're just here to converse and share the things you make this isn't your fucking job so ignore that shit and do what feels comfortable to you. idk if this sounds harsh or not but really the point is just do whatever the fuck you want
idk if this is a rant specifically toward me or if it’s supposed to be a suggestion for others..but i feel like i have a pretty clear boundary and that is stated clearly in my guidelines. i do understand that this is something silly and meant to be fun and i treat it that way.
i’ve never felt pressured to do something i didn’t want to do. i know i posted a “i have a full time job and i go to school!” post yesterday but that’s because i have drawn that boundary and i do understand that this is a low priority and it’s for fun. if i don’t like an ask, i delete it! which i do so often tbh. i don’t rly advertise that bc i want ppl to feel like they can inbox me.
and again, i’m not sure if this is directed at me fully, but i have never said anything along the lines of “because that’s what writers do.” as i’ve said in my guidelines, i understand i am not here for you or any other reader. and i am fully comfortable deleting any ask and blocking whoever tf i want.
perhaps this in response to saying something like “this didn’t get a whole lotta notes :(“ or something? and if it’s that, that’s not meant to be taken too seriously! it’s more of a “omg why doesn’t anyone else wanna giggle about kai with me rn?” just like irl if i’m w a group of ppl and i’m sharing something i rly like and that i created and i get very little response i’ll be slightly :/ but i’m not taking it personally. i’m sorry if it came across as pressuring others to provide feedback.
perhaps this is in response to my poll i have up rn. i’m doing this because many readers have suggested us writers interact back with them. and they’ve requested that from multiple writers. which i see as a fair request to be completely honest. however, i don’t feel pressured into doing that. i want to show appreciation to my readers that leave feedback and idk maybe it’s because i’m autistic, maybe it’s because i’m old and don’t do social media well, but it can be very difficult for me to talk to people in any form (online or offline) so i wanted to know what form would be best received.
but at the end of the day- i definitely do not see myself as an “influencer”—that is actually my worst nightmare. i have never felt pressured to write a response to anything, i’ve never felt pressured to respond within a certain time frame, a certain length, or anything. i still haven’t posted half my kinktober shit! i’ve never prioritized this over work or school. i do write whatever the fuck i want or i wouldn’t write about “unpopular” things like kai smut (bc let’s face it, they’re always super unpopular), chubby!reader, or other kinks. and i make that clear in my guidelines!
and yep, i see this as something silly that i do as a hobby but that isn’t my place to dictate how other writers should feel about their blog. if they want to take it seriously bc they view as their art, that’s fine with me. if they wanna write for validation or for as many notes as possible, that’s fine w me because they’re doing whatever the fuck they want.
writers: i do encourage you to not feel pressured to write to things you don’t want to, but i don’t feel like many of you do that anyway. this is meant to be something fun and if you’re not having fun, don’t do it! but i’m still having fun with this so i’m gonna do it. and i’m sure y’all are having fun too. i ofc hope my moots stick around, but i would of course understand if you decided to never log back in again someday.
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grimespostarchive · 2 years
the grimespostarchive mission statement
“mission statement” lol it sounds so serious but i wanted to talk briefly abt why i made this blog and the goals with it now that it’s not just me posting into the void
seems obvious, but im a big fan of grimes and her music. even with the controversy/”dIsCoUrSe” that surrounds her i find her to be a fascinating cultural figure. i’m also interested in lost media - how media can get lost, how it gets found, etc. etc. and if you know grimes you know she has a very fickle social media presence (no stranger to tweeting then quickly deleting, probably so her words don’t get taken out of context). 
if you’re unaware, grimes purged most of her tumblr once in 2013 and again in 2018 for a few reasons - the main one being that she was tired of her random personal posts being taken and turned into headlines by music publications like pitchfork and such. understandable for her, but kinda the burning of the library of alexandria for fans because grimes’ tumblr is almost historical looking at the incremental rise to popularity she had. it was also very humanizing, to see this successful musician was just another nerd on tumblr posting about game of thrones and reblogging anime gifs. i see why it became such a liability when she got more mainstream.
so now some of her old posts are still accessible on her blog (@actuallygrimes) but it’s been reduced a signifcant amount, any post pre-2013 is *poof* gone. the things that stayed were: promo for her music, fanart she reblogged/reposted (w/ credit), sharing music/videos she enjoyed, and random reblogs of art and other stuff. it’s fun to look through but it’s much different from how it used to be. (as far as i know. i became a fan around 2019, i’m in no way an og lol).
but, when you delete something on tumblr it doesn’t exactly get wiped clean or become unrecoverable. with how tumblr works with reblogs, a deleted post that’s unavailable on op’s page can still be accessed on the active page of someone who reblogged it. (i panicked one time because i accidentally deleted a pretty popular post on my personal blog, but that post is still floating around in the ether getting likes and reblogs, i just don’t get notifications about it.) 
i got inspired to make this blog after seeing that the blog @/worldheritageposts has some of grimes old deleted posts logged on their page, the actual post and not just a screenshot. i thought it would be fun to try and find these old deleted posts in the wild and compile them into one place - cuz there’s loads of screenshots of her deleted posts, but there isn’t really one place to find all of it. i have massive respect for orgs like Internet Archive and others who try to preserve internet content (preservation is sooo important esp in the internet age) so i wanted to do something like that on a smaller scale. 
idk how popular this page is going to get (i just made it for myself, anyone who finds it and enjoys it is more than welcome to stay) but know that i probably will post some of her more controversial/unflattering deleted tweets relating to e*** m*** for preservation. with that, i DO NOT!!!! DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT want any discourse or fighting on this page. i want this blog to be an archive of grimes’ lost internet posts, nothing more than that. anyone who tries to hate on grimes or start fights gets blocked, please don’t bring that here. actually if there’s anything important to takeaway from this post it’s this.
most of all, i just want this to be fun! if you like grimes or lost media or both i hope you enjoy your stay. i’m still trying to figure out how sideblogs work actually (i’ve only had one personal blog since like 2015) but i want to follow some ppl back. also if you see me fuck up and accidentally post something to this blog that i meant to post to my personal, no u didn’t. have a good day yall stay grimey
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6ad6ro · 1 year
man do any of u guys remember tumblr user fuckyeah1990s? they were maybe the first “big” tumblr blog to reblog my stuff. which def helped me blow up early on (i used to be an upcoming game giffer n got featured etc n had a ton of momentum until i just stopped caring).
they seemed cool and would send me nice asks. and they def made my posts blow up (ugh i was so naive like visibility is so worthless). so i thought they were neat. but i was new to tumblr. i didn’t understand that they were taking other people’s posts and adding themselves as the source (you used to be able to edit posts). so if anyone clicked on the post it’d link to their blog where they sold stolen art as tshirts. they’d edit posts in other ways to make em look like they were theirs too, or just straight up steal content and reupload as their own. one of the notable times i’d noticed they stole a friend’s post, n so i mentioned it to my friend. and when the friend asked staff to remove the stolen post, fy1990s sent my friend all this really cringey anon hate. they were SO mad somebody dared to keep them from stealing. this kinda stuff had been happening all the time, but a lot of people in the retro circles on here didn’t realize what they were doing was on such a big scale. and they had soooooo many fans. mostly like 13yos who thought they were this cool 90s vibes teen just like them. which is actually what they presented as even tho they were clearly like in their 40s. nothin wrong with bein older and on tumblr, but this was back when tumblr was still kinda new and most of us were in our 20s at the oldest. and the issue was they were literally using a voice changer to try and sound way younger than they were and pretending to be like 17. it was SUPER creepy. and if you really looked into their blog, you’d start to notice they were def flirting with all these underage peeps. right before i finally unfollowed/blocked, i saw they were “making a movie” and all these young girls from their followers were getting involved and the movie looked like pure shit. it was clearly them just shooting random footage on their phone so they could creep on these girls. pretty sure this is the shit that finally caught up with them and got them deleted. or they finally deleted themselves because there was way too much evidence. who even knows but thank god they’re gone bc fuck that dude. to this day i still see old posts ppl are reblogging of dead blogs that have their source edited to link to fuckyeah1990s and it all comes back to me. like their residue still pollutes this website. what an absolute shithead.
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kiratheperson · 1 year
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I posted 24,119 times in 2022
That's 21,589 more posts than 2021!
8 posts created (0%)
24,111 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,185 of my posts in 2022
#goncharov - 549 posts
#unreality - 324 posts
#aesthetic - 250 posts
#save - 243 posts
#overgrown aesthetic - 43 posts
#dracula - 41 posts
#dracula daily - 38 posts
#<- prev tags - 18 posts
#this is beautiful - 16 posts
#me - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i could have gotten ‘total loser of a guy who will never amount to anything’ as a result and it would have been less devastating then this
My Top Posts in 2022:
changed my theme >:)
0 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
I think u may be stuck on the dashboard of 4 days ago but u should know that martin scorsese himself reacted to goncharov 😳
Yes I do know!!!! It’s amazing this is peak goncharov
The reason Im reblogging posts from 4 days ago is cuz I hit the post limit in like 4 hours on the first day of goncharov and then I filled up my queue with at least 400 goncharov posts. In addition to the normal posts. So now I have 500 posts in my queue. I regret nothing.
2 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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omg that’s adorable I love it
how has your day been btw?
2 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
hey feel free to answer this privately or just . ignore it + I'm not sure how to phrase this well but ... are u Asian ? (LMAO) I don't see a lot of queer Asian ppl in my specific tumblr circle so I'm always happy and surprised when I see other asian ppl on here . sorry if this is a weird question ✋🥲
Yeah I'm Chinese!!! Dw, I'm cool with this kinda question, you know since it's in good faith and all. And I get it cuz it's always awesome to see other queer Asians :D
2 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello, I'm once again asking you about your OCs because I'm curious! I hope that's okay? Who are Iphi and Jack? I love the first one's name. And if I remember right Jack is aro? That's neat, I haven't really seen a lot of aro characters before! /pos
Thank you for the ask!!! Sorry this is pretty late btw, I haven’t had time to answer it lol
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(That’s Iphi on the left, Jack on the right. First is a picrew, second isn’t my art but like. I haven’t drawn Jack yet so that’s kinda their ref for now)
But it is rant time!! Imma start with Iphi! Because I kinda need to explain her to give context for Jack’s lore. 
So Iphi is the god of sacrifice in this little fantasy world I made, Kunyang! She’s a pretty old god, a couple of thousand years old, but she’s still the second youngest one lol.
In Kunyang, gods are born when they sprout from the seeds of the god tree. The god tree is in the divine realm, which is a different realm entirely from the physical realm, but very rarely, a god seed can arrive in the physical realm.
Anyways, this seed fell into the hands of a very magically powerful person. They had magic potential that could honestly rival a god- and yeah, they believed they were destined for great things because of it. So, they were determined to be the person who caused the god seed to sprout.
So in Kunyang, there was once this library called the Archives, run by the god of knowledge himself, Ephius. This person went to Ephius, and they were told that the seed was for the god of sacrifice. Ephius told the person that to sprout a god seed, they’d need sacrifices from thousands of people. This person wanted to do it, all by themself.
And so, they sacrificed everything. Family, friends, fortune, and fame. All gone, in the hopes of making a legacy. The seed did not sprout, because it wasn’t enough. So this person decided that they would need to make a very big sacrifice, one big enough to make the seed sprout.
They decided to banish the Archives from the physical realm into the divine realm, sacrificing humanity’s access to the library of all knowledge. And that was indeed a big enough sacrifice to give birth to a new god!
And that’s how Iphi was created. But the thing is- that’s really not how you’re supposed to create a god. So she was kind of corrupted from birth. This corruption prevented her from having a lot of character traits that one might consider important to being human.
Iphi does not feel happiness, or satisfaction. No sorrow or regret. Nothing of that sort. But she is working towards a goal: and that is creating a legacy. Having an effect on the world. (Her only contributor to her creation imprinted heavily on her.)
And because of that, she is very active in all manners of sacrifice. Every day, she’s constantly getting people to make sacrifices to her, amassing followers in many different lands. This also increases her powers heavily.
The way her powers work, they’re kinda like payment based. She gets someone to sacrifice something for her, and she can create something else of equal value to that something. (The more important that something was to the person who sacrificed it, the more she can create and do.) Like, she could make a giant wall of fire, or acid rain, or bury a country in gold if she had enough magic. Which she absolutely does. But she mostly saves the magic potential she receives for later.
And also, Iphi doesn’t truly care about anything other than making a mark on the world. She doesn’t mind if people die or suffer because her sacrifices took something too important- if anything, she wants to do that, because it’s quite a way of making your mark on the world.
Oh, and I gotta add- she can’t do this all without a little help! And that’s where Jack comes in.
They’re also a couple thousand years old, but quite younger than Iphi. So they used to be a court jester. Mortal and everything. They should have had a life of a normal length, be just another person in the world, but then they fell in love with Iphi.
And yeah they’re aromantic! It’s not romantic love, it’s alterous love. But yeah they felt a deep emotional attraction, and they wanted to be in a relationship (not a romantic or platonic one though). Anyways, Iphi doesn’t feel the same way. She doesn’t love Jack. But she thought it was convenient to have someone in love with her, and to keep them around, so she offered Jack a sacrifice.
She’d give them eternity, and they would be her servant.
Jack honestly didn’t want to do that at first, but then they had a near-death experience, and agreed to her terms.
So Iphi took their physical body, and also their independence.
Because it would be inconvenient if her servant got bored or wanted to take back the sacrifice. So Jack quite literally cannot think unless she wills it. They’re barely conscious until Iphi needs them, and only then can they think again.
Jack isn’t even aware this happens. To them, it feels like they just woke up, or they just simply forgot what happened during that time
Iphi also messed with Jack’s mind a bit, to amplify their devotion. And yeah, Jack is completely, utterly devoted to her. They would die for her, they’d be tortured for her, they would kill for her too. Nothing is off the table. They’d do anything she says. And they truly love her.
Jack mostly stays in the divine realm, usually, until Iphi sends them to the physical realm to do something for her. That something is usually extorting people to get more sacrifices. Jack pretty much curses people, and then offers to remove that curse in exchange for a sacrifice. (That’s how Janessa got cursed, actually [have I talked about her?] but Jack forgot they cursed her lmao.)
Anywayssss there is some more lore, but this is pretty fucking long already lmao so Imma just end this here. Unless you’d like to hear more!!
3 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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biofuckingshock · 1 year
we could argue opinions all day, but it's a dick move for someone to tell u what u can and can't post. if someone doesn't like ur posts they should just leave. it's more important to have fun than to please everyone, plus there's no way to make EVERYONE happy. the fact that ur not hurting anyone is what's important. if ppl don't like fake lines on a screen kissing, they can go look at some other lines lol.
I mean, this all certainly true. And I'm also very glad of your reminder that you can't please everyone. I definitely needed that reminder.
But the thing is they weren't telling me what to post or not to post. (At least, not directly, though one could certainly make the argument that it was heavily implied via disgust and judgment.) It was just a message of their immediate emotional reaction (surprise and abhorrence) that I reblogged the Lutecest art.
Like I already have said, I personally do not care one way or the other about the pairing itself, about twin/incest pairings, or even other "odd", "troubling", "problematic" ships. (Mostly speaking in general here, children/underage paired with adults for example obviously not okay in my opinion.) My personal crisis came from the crossed wires of forgetting fiction and fantasy is for playing around and is very much not the real world, but applying my morals and ethics all the same as if it were.
But something I think is important to point out with your ask is that, yes, while someone dictating what you should and shouldn't do on your blog is not okay, someone only giving their opinion, even if it's different from yours is not necessarily the worst thing. One of the YouTubers I watch a lot once talked about appreciating coming into contact with different opinions because then he compare his own to them and see whether he actually agrees with them or if it only reaffirms his own opinions and beliefs. It makes him reexamine his thoughts and beliefs and if he should still hold onto them. And make him question any that he may not have even realized he held.
That's all the ask did. No, I'm not hurting anyone. But neither did their ask hurt me either. Just made me question where I stood with twin/incest ships and unconventional ships in general and the conflicts, the dissonance between different thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that I had.
I know you were only being supportive (and I greatly appreciate it! I very much sincerely do!!) and I know that I was being very vague about it (apologies aplenty for that, my mind was in a swirl of thoughts then and I was trying to process it all and didn't want to say much until i had) and that most of the time when people say they got a not-good message about unconventional ships it's usually a terrible thing like you said, but it's all good, truly!
Like I said in the response to the first ask itself, I will be tagging ship posts better in the future and even go back and edit old ship posts soon so they too are better tagged. That way people can still enjoy normal BFS content and choose not to see specific ships via Tumblr's filtering system.
In a way, it's a solution that makes everyone happy, huh? ;)
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edjectedly · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 17,248 times in 2022
That's 16,923 more posts than 2021!
651 posts created (4%)
16,597 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 939 of my posts in 2022
#ace rambles - 780 posts
#things i say - 355 posts
#riddle me this - 345 posts
#dnd day - 81 posts
#batman - 73 posts
#mango moonshine - 61 posts
#my boy delindae - 51 posts
#ace writes - 51 posts
#bruce wayne - 44 posts
#tim drake - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#he has a tumblr account and ppl are like 50/50 on he's a kinnie or he's actually like that
My Top Posts in 2022:
Introducing Talia al Ghul, and Bruce’s Love Life
I’m still nailing down ages, but I have determined everyones ages are much closer, and Damian is gonna be younger.
@goosesister thanks for inspiring this!!!
@blinkys I hope this answers your question 😂
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Alfred: I'm sorry sir, who did you spend the night with?
Bruce: …. TaliaAlGhul
Alfred: and why, pray tell, did you?
Bruce: she seemed nice
Alfred: mhm mhm, and this has nothing to do with you wanting to anger Ra’s al Ghul for insulting your parenting skills?
Bruce: like he’s one to talk… that’s just a bonus
Alfred: well, you are ever the picture of perfect judgement. I am positive this will never come back to bite you.
Bruce: :( be nice to me please
Talia, 8 years later: hello my beloved, how is that creature you adopted? 
Bruce:  which one?
Talia: … What
Bruce:  Dick says I have a problem with orphans
Talia: well, this one isn’t an orphan *gestures to an eight year old Damian*
Bruce: … Dick’s going to be so disappointed in me :(
Dick, 9 years old: is she gonna be my stepmom?
Bruce: no- what- why- she’sjustafriendDick
Dick: that’s not what Alfred says~
Bruce: look, she’s leaving, we won’t work out. it’s fine
Dick: so I’m not getting a baby brother? also why is your face so red?
Bruce: you’renotgettingababybrothergotoyourroom
1,848 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
Now, what exactly happened when Dick first came to live with Bruce in this AU?
Disclaimer: Canon is stupid and I don't respect it
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Dick: did you take me in cause you’re lonely?
Bruce: ….no
Dick: it’s not polite to lie
Bruce: I don’t think I can let a child fight crime
Dick: *looks like he’s going to cry*
Bruce: okaynodon’tdothatyoucanfightalittlecrime
Dick: you’re the best! *leaves to make a costume*
Bruce: …. Alfred he said I’m the best
Bruce: don’t play with that, I’m taking it away from you
Dick: I’ll tell Alfred on you *clutches onto Bruce’s cape*
Bruce: … what
Dick: I’ll do it
Dick: ALFR-
Bruce: *puts his hand over Dick’s mouth* fine fine fine
Dick: Bruce I had a nightmare
Bruce: that’s… not good
Dick: *frowns*
Bruce: do you want to go…. ride in the Batmobile?
Dick: yes!
Dick: Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce where’s Alfred
See the full post
2,238 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
New Dynamics, Go!
Disclaimer: This is an AU, I don’t respect canon and I am not going to pretend to :)
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I have decided that this is actually Battinson and that if he had raised Dick, Dick would definitely have more of a sibling relationship with him.
Batman: so…. you’re brothers now…. ifyouneedanythingaskDick
Batman: *sprints out of the room*
Tim: isn’t Dick back in Blüdhaven?
Jason: yup
Tim: does he do this often?
Jason: yup
Tim: so…. wanna see how I hacked into the Batcomputer?
Jason: of course
Dick: Bruce. you. can’t. just. leave. them. alone. they’re little!
Batman: but I left you by yourself
Dick: I regularly fell off chandeliers! I shouldn’t have been left alone!
Batman: I thought you were happy….
Dick: oh my- I was happy, but kids need supervision. it’s impor-
Jason at the same time as Tim: Tim sat the Batcave on fire!
Tim at the same time as Jason: Jason sat the Batcave on fire!
Dick: it’s made out of rocks?????
Batman: my kids are so talented
4,980 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
If Jason Todd Was Introduced This Way, This is How I am Bringing in Tim
This is now a full AU, whoops
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Tim: *bangs on Dick's door in Blüdhaven*
Dick: I swear to fuck if it's another solicitor I'm- *opens door*
Tim: hello
Dick: wha- it’s like 10 o’clock where are your parents? you're like eight, why are you out here??
Tim: first off I’m 12 and I'm not a child. can I come in?
Dick: sure, this might as well happen
Dick: so you're here because you figured out our identities when you were nine, have been following us since before then, and then hacked the Batcomputer only to find Jason looking up ways to get to Ethiopia?
Tim: yeah, pretty much.
Dick: fu-frick
Tim: I have been running around Gotham alone at night since I was eight, you can say fuck
Dick: *gasps*
~Bonus, at the Batcave~
*Bruce and Jason are working on the Batmobile, Bruce’s way of apologizing for being an ass*
Bruce: *head snaps up*
Jason: everything good old man?
Bruce: I need to get adoption papers ready
AO3 Link Is Now Active!
5,566 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How Jason Todd Should Have Been Introduced to the BatFam
First Next>>
Batman, frantically putting in numbers and calling someone.
Batman: pickuppickuppickup
Dick Grayson, who just got got in bed after a long patrol, groaning.
Dick: Hello? Bruce, what's going on?
Bruce: Dick I need you to come home right now
Dick: what's going on, is everything okay?
Bruce: yes, I just need you to come home
Dick: .... B I can't just come home I have work at the gym tomorrow and-
Jason, in the background: Holy fuck is that a dinosaur?!
Dick: was that a fucking child???
Bruce: ...
Dick: ...
Bruce: ...
Dick: ....
Bruce: yes
Dick, rushing out of bed, knowing good and well Alfred is on vacation and there is no way B can be alone with a new child: what happened?
Bruce: hestolethetiresofftheBatmobile
Dick: ... That doesn't mean you can kidnap him!!
Bruce: I couldn't leave him. He was hungry. We got burgers.
Dick: oh my god, okay, I'm on my way, have you called Alfred?
Bruce: ...no
Dick, rushing down the stairs to his car: Bruce I swear to God you have to tell Alfred
Bruce: what if he's mad at me
Dick: holy child abduction Batman, you have to tell Alfred before he gets back. I'm not dealing with that.
Bruce: ...okay
Dick: okay, I'll be there in an hour, don't let the kid die before I get there. How's he doing?
Bruce: .... I don't see him anymore
Dick: you don't- Bruce!
See the full post
11,137 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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manchesterau · 3 months
Hey so I know you lost interest in the 1d/larry fandom and were lucky enough to have another interest to jump right into, but any advice for someone who is pretty miserable in that fandom but can't seem to sever the ties completely yet? It's just been years of my life you know? And it feels like such a waste to just up and leave. Idk, also I know this is a me issue but I don't really vibe with the people that Harry and Louis turned out to be. At least publicly. I'm a big ball of sad and would love some guidance if you're up for it.
hello anon! let me just say i completely understand the way you feel, 1d has been apart of my life since 2012 and the fandom is something that i always thought i would be apart of.
im sorry that you’re feeling sad about moving on, but i still say that no matter what 1d will always be apart of your life! 1d will always be apart of my life, especially because of the different friends it's brought me when i really needed a community to fit in when i was younger. all my friends i met through 1d i still consider my friends, i still talk to them! you don't have to leave them behind even if you don't share the same interest anymore! and the music is still there! i will ALWAYS love their music and i will always listen to it.
also you don't have to see it as a waste to just leave because it hasn't been a waste! in my head i think that it served it's purpose up to this point of my life and that it's just time for me to move on to things that really make me happy now. also you dont have to deleted your blog/erase all my 1d stuff from your life it can still be there! i still get notifications on here that ppl are reblogging my 1d gifs and it brings me joy to see it!
i know ive said this a few times but it took my 4 years of feeling miserable in this fandom for me to finally leave so it hasn't been an all around quick process either! i was still making content, i was quick to gif whenever one of them did something. i was still making gifs of them towards the end of the year! i did get really lucky that dan and phil started uploading around the time i was thinking about leaving so i did have something to jump into right away, and it's completely okay if you don't! and again i just want to say it's not been a waste!!!! it's just you growing up and moving on and that's okay!
to your last point...the biggest reason why i decided to leave is their complete silence on the genocide happening in palestine, and i realized speaking up was more important to me than anything and the fact that they haven't and don't seem to care even though louis has the anarchy symbol tattooed on him (lol) and harry seems to only attach himself to causes either after he's been pushed (blm) or things that are deemed safe politics (gun control in america) and yet still won't say anything about palestine when he has zionst allegations (which i know are old)...i don't know, all i can hope is that they've educated themselves but im just not putting all my eggs in their basket anymore. i don't know who these men are and im just fine watching them do whatever from the sidelines.
ive stopped feeling disappointing and upset at what they do because i realized i don't want them to be the be all and end all to my happiness on any given day
i hope that this was at least somewhat coherent enough and dont be afraid to message me or send another anon!!! i hope your journey of leaving 1d behind goes smoothly for you!!! also do some little things like stop following their update accounts and turn off notifications for them on twitter/ig! i stopped following their update accounts on here and on twitter + i still follow them all but i havent had their notifications on in about 3 years!
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sansaorgana · 5 months
so, I was never interested in the hunger games when the movies first released (and I'm not a big book reader, so i didn't know it was a book first). But mainly because it was advertised to me as a love triangle teen romance.
and I'm so mad that that's how it was advertised. because, because of you reblogging so many gif sets and ppl talking about the prequel movie, I actually sat down to watch them and they're so good? It's so much more than a frivolous teen love triangle. Like, the love story isn't the main plot of the story at all and it was still so heavily marketed as such where I live. Like, there was even "Team Peeta vs. Team Gale" stuff.
anyways, you're one of the reasons i gave it a chance, and i really enjoyed the movies, so thank you!
hi, sweetheart! this message made me blush a little, I feel like an influencer now 😅
I was a huge fan of The Hunger Games when I was about 14. I've read the books and went to the cinema to see the first and second movie but with time I grew out of it (and other YA stuff) and I haven't even watched last two movies until now. I had to rewatch the first movie for my master thesis and I decided to watch them all this time. I'm also planning to watch the prequel soon 🐍🦅
I get what you mean when you talk about the love triangle. The thing I hate the most about YA is the amount of love. And yes, The Hunger Games are more than romance but still the amount of it is annoying to me, especially now when I'm older. Like, Katniss is a teenager trying to survive under a regime, she's fighting for her life, she is forced to murder other children and she's taking care of her family. I really feel like the trope of her being in a love triangle is not needed there at all... Especially that she is portrayed as a type of girl who suually doesn't get lots of attention from the boys but of course she suddenly has to choose between two. 🙄 I also don't ship her with Peeta for lots of reasons and I do like Gale which is an unpopular opinion but it's not like I think she should be with him either; not after everything that has happened at least. I'm not asexual or aromantic but I do believe love is overrated and I am sick of romantic relationships being literally everywhere. Sometimes when I watch older war movies, I am surprised how none of the subplots are romantic, meanwhile nowadays almost everything has to have some romance and it's bleeeeh if you ask me 😅
However, the books and movies are more than this love triangle anyway but a huge part of social media and the fandom shallowed the plot to the "team Gale" vs "team Peeta" and it's sad tbh.
Long story short; I am not a fan of YA anymore, I am way too old to relate to it but The Hunger Games are really good for the books and movies of that genre. I wish the discourse in the fandom was focusing less on the romance between Katniss and Peeta and focus more on the depths of some characters like President Snow, President Coin, Plutarch or Gale himself who has a very interesting trope but it's being overlooked because of the hatred that a huge part of the fandom holds for him.
By the way, I am a bit scared of watching the prequel because President Snow is my favourite character and I am scared to see him being portrayed by another actor but also I don't like the story (from the trailers at least)... Once again they gave him some *heartbreaking romance* story that was supposed to turn him cruel or whatever and in my opinion this is making his character shallow instead of giving him depth. Like, can we already stop making everything about romantic love? 🙄
I am sorry for the very long reply and I am glad that you enjoyed the movies. It also makes me happy that I was the person who introduced you to this fandom. Sometimes blogging on Tumblr feels like I am posting to the void and like no one even cares but such messages always make my day 🌞
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rockunderthewater · 10 months
idk i feel like i can see you holding the phone with a half eye open and the other closed and seeing my asks -_- well! you're smiling now ) just like an angel )) you're so pretty )
https://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/track/1mea3bSkSGXuIRvnydlB5b?si=d1b5c95b63f846cf i love coldplay , the first song i listen to was paradise the next one was your sky full of stars, then i listened to every single song of them, i dont know if you know "green day" , i like them https://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/track/40joWJ6JO6LhlCsgKGBNNF?si=34840e4b8d3f4dbb please! be happy, dont let anything make you sad or feel bad, we both know that you're amazing, and your heart is so kind and u never hurt anyone and im sure you will never do, so dont let anyone or anything to make you feel bad, oh! yes, i took a look on all your blog, and i think you posting or rebloging what is on your mind or reflects your personality and i love your blog, so!! i love your mind and your personality ) i believe in you, and im so proud of you )) , you should be proud and believe in yourself too, sometimes you feel like you doing nothing or useless, its completely wrong, believe me, just by you breathing, just to know you are there, thats make some ppl so glad and happy, idk how far i am from you, and we never met, just by knowing that you felt good last day that make me feel so happy, i was feeling bad you changed my mood by your kindness, you deserve happiness and to be loved, yes i talk too much lol -.- and just be yourself you're amazing, you dont need to do any effort to steal others hearts ps. dont say i dont know you and how i can be sure of everything i said, believe me, i have a gift from God, i know ppl from a small talk, and i already saw your blog and i knew and felt many things, oh that was really long ask, idk i felt like im talking to u face to face, have a nice day principessa enjoy your time ) OOXXxO eat well ;)
dont forget, send me the songs again, be well)
Okay... I actually cried reading this ( still crying) deep down I feel like I needed these words and never admitted the need of it, I truly don't know what to say, your words held me body and soul, I'm floating, feel like swimming in the clouds (I love clouds ☁️) I don't how to describe how I'm feeling right now but yes I am smiling and reading this message over and over and over and forever maybe I'll even print it and keep it with me realistically!! I wish I can do the same you did to me woth those gentle words, I'm sorry I'm bad at it maybe the worse person in describing her feelings, I have only my prayers, I'm praying for a peaceful life for you to live happy without any struggle, we don't need to know each other to give love and appreciation, humans are simple sooo simple yet the society trying to convince us the opposite. Humans need one beautiful word to feel alive again, it's about "oh I have to know to give you this love" no... Just spread positive energy whatever you to everyone, maybe you'll be the reason to save someone! So yes I do believe in being loved by a total stranger and remember them forever!!!
Oh my goodness you saw my whole blog and still appreciate me?!!! I'm flattered tbh.. here in my blog, like you said, I share everything I feel without being afraid, it's a safe place I don't give a second thought about the things I post, i just simply share! I happy you loved it 😔🍒🤍🤍🤍🤍 it means a lot to me, I appreciate your existence wellah 🤍🤍🤍 you are such a good person I can't believe I'm talking to you...
About the GREAT music you send meee I love Coldplay too and also my first song was paradise ahh such an iconic song truly, it never get old!! Andd OF COURSE I KNOW GREEN DAY I love theemmm aaaa
I love this song from Green Day!
Idk if you know or like the smashing pumpkins but I adore them so here you go
This one is currently my favorite like whatever I listen to it I start crying... Idk it's Just a beautiful one with beautiful lyrics and of course Neil's voice is just... Unbelievable.
I hope you like my taste in music. Have a wonderful morning dear 🤍🤍🤍
0 notes
kaoarika · 10 months
I have this slight idea that I came across that particular "benevolent hellsite" blog months ago. Maybe no that one, but a previous one or a similar one. Or something... and I remember that maybe one of them claimed they were "not really affiliated to Tumblr Staff or smth".
Of course, I only find about this time later after the fact. Past actions were still done, so I did answer the survey(s).
It was not a survey that would take 10 minutes... but I am sure it took me over 20 because the comment boxes were too small (in some instances) and since English is not my first language, imagine trying to respond the things as much as you want, lol. I think I could have pointed my issues more clearly on a Feedback form with more patience than these, so, welp.
Both surveys are identical to a degree, ngl, and I should've suspected a thing about them being fishy, given the similarities between them (I think it's valid to have two versions of a similar-content survey) or the fact how the questions (again, in some instances) are too vague to respond something (at least those were "optional") on them.
I don't think I should be worried (for myself) considering the only "personal info" I gave may have been my age and gender and the country I am from... basically, I think, it's "too general data" (the email thing I was like, "lmao, no, don't contact me back, don't wanna" and didn't give it). Dunno what the people behind this blog want to do with this, especially with how many ppl may have responded it (Are my survey responses anonymous?), but... I dunno.
(Looking at that blog, they say "hey, follow us and see a screenshot of the results of these surveys"... but they have never posted them, so :'D. They also claim they are doing "studies", so I'm partially convinced this is some kind of social experiment study through Tumblr's userbase - so, not exactly a scam... but it's not like Tumblr is unknown to weird "social experiments" before).
And... the thing is... look, I'm not expert if these surveys look "professional" or not. I think they are passable to a degree? and I suppose, the people behind at least have been on the site for a while for the way the questions were written. Again, to a degree.
Looking at the original (the previous one) blog, it looks like the person behind the blog "genuinely"? wanted to guide new users to navigate through Tumblr... but MAYBE it was a mistake later claiming they are "affiliated" to Staff? I dunno. I would've taken that with a grain of salt? I dunno what to think.
Mistakes were made. First, I don't blame the original user who reblogged the post and put those links on it... it's understandable because we are all stuck in uncertain times and we are angry (to various degrees) and we are very, very exhausted about it. However, I am feeling bad about sharing the post, responding the surveys... and I'm feeling a little worried about the whole survey data thing, tbh (despite, again, the email thing was optional at best... SurveyMonkey says that MAYBE OP could have recollected IP addresses, but I am not sure about that...? ._.
One thing I would say is that, despite that Tumblr seems to not be listening on some obvious things that could be fixed if focused on those (the mobile app, to put an example)... they are transparent in the changes implemented to the site. It does seem they are listening about the new UI they have been testing? So... there's that, too. They have never been this transparent in the ye olde days of pre-2020. The only problem I do see is that most of the things going on are not exactly a Staff or Support or engineering thing and it's most on the executive chair of the CEO or the owners of the site that still wanna see it as more profitable (their "manifesto" for things to come post) despite... *gestures vaguely* you know, Tumblr's infamy online and other social media (Twitter and Reddit) falling for stupid decisions because pettiness and/or profit from their owners.
(If it looks like I'm defending Tumblr... no, I don't. I'm a very tired user that has been on this hellsite for 14 years and has seen and been through any single change that it went through since. I do appreciate the little transparency they give, though...)
I always suggest this, but... if you REALLY, REALLY want them to listen, Feedback is probably the most secure and direct option.
You look for Help -> Contact Support -> Category: Feedback and then write all you want to (as polite as possible, obviously) as long as it isn't over 5000 characters, :'). They seem to listen. Something.
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