#i multiship therefore i am
citroncynique · 17 days
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LOOK AT ALL THESE MEURSAULT SHIPS!!! I dont have a witty caption I just think Meursault should be kissed by everyone on this godforsaken bus
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thomasew7 · 8 months
Hey guys gals and another gender pals (wtf?😿)
Anyways i am EAGER to upload more into this acc yet i have no idea what to draw, therefore.
I'll draw any request but I will not draw astf kid x anyone/ Ringo x anyone, nsfw ( no seggs😾).
You can ask for a cross over AND original ocs or just ocs as long as u send a photo of the characters. Im a multishiper so ill ships as welcome!, really im just bored so plz send/request. annnd thats pretty much it.
Plz im desperate💀🙏
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gl00my-samurai · 21 days
☆ Introduction ☆
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☆ This is a multiship blog. There are a few rules when it comes to this. ☆
You may NOT cause any exessive NSFW activity with Idia. Do not try to; Make out with him, Do unholy actions, or ask him innapropriate questions. Please be decent. This does not include; NSFW themed jokes, profanity, pet names and those alike. If you have questions regaurding this, please do not be afraid to ask.
Idia is eighteen, therefore underage characters or ocs may not date him
His relationships will not under any circumstances intertwine with eachother.
Im sorry to my polyamorus people, but absolutely no poly
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☆ Important notices ☆
Cussing will be in my blog. I am not your father. This will not be tagged.
Idia is 18
Posts will be in lower case. that is intentional.
Some posts may contain mentions of; Drugs, alcohol, abuse, trauma, etc. these will be labeled with a trigher warning.
ask questions. please. ask questions. im shit at starting things.
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Credits to @cafekitsune for the dividers
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dramatisperscnae · 2 months
SHIPPING INFO:// Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Oh hell. Let me see if I can remember all of them Stucky, Wnterhawk, Frosthawk [which I have accepted will never happen but I can dream dammit], Loki/Sigyn [HE LOVES HIS WIFE], Jaydick[any flavor; platonic or romantic], Dick/Babs, Dick/Roy, Remy/Rogue, Hyuroi, Hughes/Gracia[this man loves his wife okay], and the others either don't have an OTP because I haven't found one I like or they're OCs whose partner is another OC and therefore kinda pointless to list here XD
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I'll try anything once. I'm a sucker for soulmate AUs, I'm great with deep platonic bonds -points at both Jaydick and Stucky-, gimme the romance, gimme FWB, just...-grabby hands- ship ALL THE THINGS Haven't ever really dabbled in toxic or hateships, but I would not be opposed to this with the right pairing and partner, either.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
This depends entirely on the relative ages involved, since I have two muses on here that are both over 2000 years old and at that point worrying about age gaps is really kinda pointless. That being said, I will not ship anything beyond purely romantic with muses below the age of 18 as a general rule, and that only because I have two muses with minor-aged verses [Dick and Conrad].
Are you selective when shipping?
To an extent; I ship chemistry above all, so there's no guarantee that - as an example - my Bucky is gonna be solidly romantically attracted to any given portrayal of Steve, or that I the writer am gonna click with the writer of any given Steve out there. Chemistry does not just mean chemistry of the characters; if our styles clash or we don't really mesh well then shipping's probably not gonna happen.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW? 
I tend to be very lenient here, but in general once the bits below the belt start getting named and/or there is full nudity I start tagging. Unless my partner starts tagging and/or readmore-ing first, in which case I follow my partner's lead and do the same.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh lord. Okay. Arthur: Bruce ( @cxpedcrusxder ) Dick: Marcus ( @hacker-codeq ), Roy ( @thecreativeforge ), Clint ( @normaltothemax ), Jason ( @lazaruspitreborn , @messeduphood , potentially one or two others to be determined later) Kyle: None yet Loki: None yet Remy: Matt Murdock ( @defectivexfragmented ) Bucky: Clint ( @normaltothemax ) Corwin: None yet Clive: None yet Greyson: None yet Conrad: As my shameless self-insert I have a list I'd love to ship him with, but none have happened yet XD TJ: I used to ship him with Steve back in the day; currently none. Caspian: Michelle ( @misstisalir ); otherwise, none yet Hughes: None yet Judas: Gabriel ( @misstisalir ); otherwise, none yet Lucifer: also Gabriel XD [it's complicated] otherwise, none yet
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Yes. Like I said earlier, even the 'obvious' ships [like Stucky] might not actually work out between us. Consent is always key. Also, it's more fun to let things develop naturally, that's how the best ships happen!
How often do you like to ship?
So long as there's chemistry, all the damn time
Are you multiship?
100% I have only ever considered limiting ships once and that was because the character involved had just been so built around his ship partner that playing him off anyone else was just weird. That is the exception to the rule here.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
-shrug?- Depends on what mood I'm in at the time and who happens to be loud and demanding XD
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Uh. -looks at current DC obsession- do I have to just pick one? Probably Jaydick, but in all its permutations. It scratches that delightful Stucky itch of 'can be just very deeply platonic but also so goddamn romantic under the right circumstances' and I kinda love it. But also I've a softspot for Batcat when they're written right.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Hop in my inbox and ask; it's a more reliable way to get in touch with me than messenger at first XD Chances are I already ship it to some degree, or will start shipping it if I haven't already thought of it and can see the potential -sideeyes his Aquabat ship with Fox as evidence >w>-
tagged by @defectivexfragmented tagging: You. With the face.
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theprice-cffreedcm · 4 months
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Name: Illy (she/they)
Age: 30+
Time Zone: PST
Erratic sleep schedule due to a sleep disorder so posting hours are all over the place.
More than twenty years of roleplaying experience, and almost as much experience in writing in general.
Most posts are done on mobile which may result in me missing weird autocorrects. My apologies!
I have no particular skills with graphic design so I prefer to write simply in text.
If no plot is pre-planned I will often try to guide towards something, though I always encourage open discussion if we hit on something and you have ideas!
Multiship, polyship, and kink friendly.
You can also find me @zemothethirteenth (Zemo, my main) & @ashadowinwhite (Yelena)
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I am incredibly uncomfortable writing with OCs most of the time due to bad experiences in the past.
If your formatting is very extravagant I may struggle to read it and therefore may simply choose not to interact - I'm sorry. I understand people preferring certain aesthetics but if the aesthetic interferes with my ability to read something easily, I may simply pass.
Because I prefer darker and more adult-themed content, I would highly prefer not to write with underaged characters and it's why I prefer to write with those who are 21+ - both Mun and Muse.
I have ZERO interest in writing with characters who are children - this includes both underaged, and characters who are children of Steve regardless of their age. I have no interest in playing a parental role to anyone in or out of character.
I apologize to Peggy Muns but I am incredibly uncomfortable writing with Peggy.
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While I don't mind threads being dropped, if I'm the only one who is ever starting them and you are continuing to drop them, I will assume you're not interested in writing with me and I may break the mutual to keep my timeline clean.
I will tend to do alerts every couple of weeks where if a thread hasn't been responded to in two or more weeks, I may archive it. I encourage you to reach out if you'd still like to continue it, but me checking in isn't meant to guilt anyone; if you want to drop the thread it's all good! I just want to make sure we're communicating that.
I do actually enjoy reading other peoples' threads, so it's very possible that I'll follow you just to read along with your threads; there's no pressure for a return follow or interactions, though if I'm following you then you're welcome to shoot me a message etc.
Because I read along with threads, I may choose not to follow back MuMus with many characters or characters from various other media; it can make my timeline really messy and may result in me losing threads I'm reading along with.
There are some characters I find easier to figure out a dynamic with than others due to in-canon connections; if I'm taking a little time to respond it's because I'm taking the time to think over a response or waiting for my head to be in the right space for it.
My comics knowledge is not up to date, but is also not nothing at all. I may need some updates on recent storylines, but I do have a general gist of 616 and am happy to be corrected on details or more updated info if we're doing a 616-MCU thing. Just note that I write MCU Cap exclusively - even HYDRA!Cap is based on headcanons more than the storyline (cuz phew I do not wanna think about that storyline thanks)
If it's taken me more than a week to respond, feel free to shoot me a message! I always do my best to draft things I can't respond to immediately, but sometimes I'm a dummy and queue them instead, or just miss them!
While I don't write other languages with any comfort or fluidity, I think roleplaying is a fantastic, fun way to learn English and I encourage those who may still be learning the language to interact if they like! I'm happy to be a mentor or just a play partner.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 1 year
A Few FYIs to All Current/Potential Ship Partners
Mostly posting these because I am a chronic over-thinker and worrywart about certain things, especially when it comes to shipping, so I figure I’d write some stuff out for my own peace of mind and possibly even my partners’ or mutuals’ who wish to ship but have been too shy to approach.
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I ship based primarily on chemistry, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to discussing the possibility of shipping. Hop into my DMs and I’m certainly happy to talk OOC about it and we can see what it would take for the ship to develop. Hell, even if there is chemistry, please come into my DMs and discuss making the ship official because like I said I’m a worrywart and frequently psyche myself out into thinking that I’ve misread the situation and the chemistry is one-sided.
I am multiship AF. Ikkaku is a social, flirtatious, vibrant woman so naturally she gets around. This ranges from one-night stands to friends with benefits to hateships to actual romantic relationships. However, each ship, unless we decide otherwise for plot/characterization reasons, is in its own separate universe. Ex. in a verse where Ikkaku is shipping with Nami, Ikkaku x Zoro isn’t a thing unless we decide it would make for interesting characterization or plot stuff.
I absolutely ship with duplicates! For example, I ship with two different Eustass Kids and am perfectly willing to ship with more, so don’t be afraid to approach if you want to ship. Each person’s interpretation of a character is different, and therefore each ship dynamic will have its own nuances and cool moments. Because of this I’ll be making a different ship tag for each version, because each one is special and deserves it. 
On the subject of duplicate shipping, I only ask two things:
Don’t assume that just because I'm shipping with one person’s version of a character, that your version is automatically shipping with Ikkaku, too. Like I said, each interpretation is unique and I generally ship based on chemistry.
I know I can’t ask people to completely avoid feelings of jealousy, but if you feel I’ve been showing favoritism towards one version of a ship over ours, please just come talk to me so we can instead work things out. 
I don’t do exclusives. If you want me to exclusively ship with you or your muse, I’m sorry, it’s not happening. Nothing against those who do exclusives, but it’s not for me and certainly not something Ikkaku would be happy with.
On the subject of Hawkins, I know I’ve written more than a few things for him and Ikkaku lately as an NPC ship, but I want to make sure that this is not how I would expect any current or future Hawkins RPers to interact with me. Now, if you decide you want to explore this version of the ship with me, I’m absolutely for it! But I also treat it the same way as I do duplicates - it’s its own separate verse and does not reflect on my interactions with Hawkins RPers. For non-Hawkins RPers, if you want to make this ship part of ours’ canon, I’m also all for it! Feel free to DM me to discuss!
I adore all my ships. I will gladly talk about them all day if prompted. The problem is, I frequently worry that I’m annoying people when I talk about my ships, especially unprompted. So, if you’re ever worried I’m cooling towards our ship, just poke me and I can almost guarantee you’ll be treated to dozens of headcanons and thoughts I’ve had about our ship.
For those who interact/are interested in interacting with Ikkaku’s grandfather, Tomasu, shipping is a no-go for him. Arashi is and always will be his only love. He doesn’t even do casual sex decades after her death. So if he’s ever involved in a ship meme, it’s 99% likely as a joke.
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suffcring · 5 months
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My blog is ______
Open to all
Moderately Selective
Highly selective
Only going to RP with mutuals
Mostly going to RP with mutuals
Affiliated with a group
Spoilers free
Spoilers tagged
Spoilers mostly tagged
I will RP with ______
Any fandom
Most fandoms
Only fandoms I know
Mostly fandoms I know
Only people in my fandom
OCs with no fandom ties
OCs who are related to/know my character in their backstory
Only one version of any particular character
People who have the same muse as me
People who do not have a rules page
Multimuse blogs
People in RP groups
Indie RPers
When RPing, I like to use _______
Shorter forms of text
Gif icons
Formatted text (I like to use the kind of formatting you might find in a novel -- italics, indents, etc but I have a hard time with underlines, some text big some little, etc)
Whatever my partner is using
My own style regardless of my partner’s reply
I will ship with _______
No one
Select ships
Others of my own muse (not as in selfcest, but in that I am a multi muse and therefore have other muses to offer up)
Crossovers with characters from different fandoms
Only one version of a particular character (I generally don't go past 2, maybe 3 if someone is very inactive)
One person in my main verse
Multiship, all ships independent of each other & main ship
One main/canon ship within my main verse
My blog WILL contain ______ in it’s content
Light fluff
Dark humor
I will follow ______ back
Only some people
Most people
Only people in my fandom
Every RP blog
Only people I actively wish to RP with
People who do not post a lot of OOC
People whose posts I am comfortable with on my dashboard
Only people who sent in my rules password
To RP with me, you should _______
Follow back
Read my rules
Answer an open
Message me OOC
Message me IC
Make a starter
Answer my starter
Send in a meme
Like a starter call
Plot with me
I practice reblog karma with memes
I expect reblog karma with memes (if you don't send one, reblog from the source)
I always read the rules/about before following/interacting
If you follow me, I would like my triggers tagged
I expect all smut to be tagged along with the adult filter on, but I do not use readmores as it's overly redundant at that point (the adult filter has been connected to shadowbanning blogs, so please do not click it on with our rps thanks)
I am multi-muse
I do not wish for my OOC posts to be reblogged
I do not wish for my threads to be reblogged by those not involved
I expect post length effort to be matched (largely this isn't an issue except for extreme examples)
I expect icons/gifs to be used in a reply if I have used them
I don’t expect post length to be matched, but I will try to match your own.
I am patient when waiting for replies and expect the same courtesy. (to a point)
stolen from @southern-belle-outcasts
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ricochetluv · 1 year
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𝐀    𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘    𝐈𝐍:   𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀   𝘃𝗶𝗴𝗼𝗿   and   𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜   𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧   𝙤𝙬𝙣   𝙬𝙖𝙮.   surviving   when   the   world   is   stacked   𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭   you,   and   greeting   𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆   with   a   shit-eating   𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒏.   cutting   out   a   slice   of   your   own   existence   in   an   𝒖𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈   𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅,   counting   cash,   drinks,   and   time   in   the   sheets,   and   most   importantly   -   fooling   everyone   around   you   as   𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲   as   breathing.   
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#𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑶𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑻𝑳𝑼𝑽               ♡               headcanon   based   𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐎   𝐊𝐎𝐒𝐊𝐈   of   mihoyo's   𝙃𝙊𝙉𝙆𝘼𝙄:   𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍   𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙇   franchise.   private   &&   selective   &&   mutuals   only   !   potentially   canon   divergent.   nsfw   heavily   present   !   those   under   18/personal   blogs   absolutely   do   not   interact.   penned   by   goose.   29.   she/they.   cst.   prompts   always   open   to   mutuals   ! also at @riftzenith
—     𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃.    —   𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒.    —   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒.    —   𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓.    —   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐎. 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆   𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇         —    @lianlong , @daohuai , @caelblazer , @forbelobog
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I. private / selective / mutuals only. i curate my only space here and therefore i reserve the right to follow and unfollow at my discretion. that being said - if i follow you it's usually because i'm interested in interacting. that also means this blog is multiverse / multiship / crossover / oc / au and duplicate friendly! i don't tend to do exclusives (except in rare circumstances) but i will do mains which will always be listed on my carrd.
II. the activity of this blog is sporadic - as i run a multitudes of others and my muse tends to wax and wane, as well as refusing to make myself write if i'm not feeling it. additionally, if for whatever reason i don't like something you've tagged me in within two days time - feel free to give me a poke about it. mutuals, feel free to send any prompts from ask memes i reblog at any time, though i ask you send no more than three at once otherwise i tend to get overwhelmed and just turn into a turtle.
III. i am a very word writer - usually 3-5 paragraphs in length, often times more. i don't expect my partners to match me in the slightest. i also format my posts - triple spaced, small font, colors, and icons when the mood strikes. i don't expect that to be matched either. quality over quantity is always appreciated!
IV. on the subject of shipping - i absolutely love it. i find it to be an excellent character development tool and a great way to familiarize yourself with your muse in ways you might not be able to otherwise. i am almost always usually down for shipping - as long as i have discussed things with the mun beforehand, and our muses have chemistry.
please note, however - that sampo is by nature - a massive flirt. him turning up the rizz is a core tenant of his character. if his flirtatiousness makes you uncomfortable as a mun - please let me know, though i make efforts to keep things tame.
if you are interested in shipping - feel free to slide into my dm's and we can give it a talky talk.
V. NSFW will be present on this blog. given the nature of the character written and the subject matter i like to explore - it may even be heavily prevalent. all NSFW will be tagged and placed under a read more. this includes but is not limited to: smut, violence, gore, psychological trauma, horror, drug usage, etc. additionally, i do my best to tag common triggers as well as read my mutuals rules for anything specific they may have, but if for some reason i miss something - please let me know! i promise it wasn't on purpose.
if you are under the age of 18, do not follow me. if your blog lists you as below 18, i will hard block. no exceptions.
VI. yes sampo's character is generally the funny man with a little bit of rogueish charm - which is primarily how i write him. i do however want to make note that this portrayal definitely contains more complexity than that. sampo is defined as morally grey at best, and while he is loyal to some person to a degree - it is likely he may use your muse for personal gain, though any sort of content will likely be discussed before hand. please note that mun =/= muse. i'm just a baby.
VII. this blog is definitely not spoiler free - though i make a point to tag fresh content. don't steal my graphics - all resources are listed on my carrd. don't be a dick. don't god mod. i'm old and tired and am not here for tumblr drama. be a decent human being please.
goose / 29 / she+they / i play on NA so feel free to hit me up for my UID! BY THE WAY I'M NO LONGER SAMPOLESS AS OF 5/5.
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Possible Fanfiction??
Throughout my entire life, I have always loved writing and for most of that time, I have been utterly obsessed with the Marauders. I want to write fanfiction, I have in the past but mostly for only myself and maybe a few other people. I want to write fanfiction... and I have an idea but I want to make sure it is something that people would read or that people find interesting.
First and foremost I want to do a multiship kind of thing and at the moment Jegulus has been swarming my mind so it will probably centralize that but that doesn't mean there won't be other prominent ships within my writing. I am also a huge Wolfstar shipper; as is everyone else. I also would like to include ships such as Mary and Lily, Barty and Evan, and Marlene and Dorcas (all of them are my favorites and if you don't like them I am sorry but I won't be able to delve into a story I am not 100% invested in) I know that these ships are basic but... basic is comforting to me.
Anyway, to the actual fanfiction idea. I want to do a Bridgerton AU. I was playing around with how I would want to do this in my head and obviously I am not going to be revealing everything but... I think it could work really well. I love very detailed metaphorical writing and I really wanna bring on the sappy romantic angsty torture. I am thinking of dividing up the ships just as the Bridgerton books are where every season focus' on a new ship. I would like to initially focus on Jegulus in the beginning but there will be an introduction to each of the ships in the first season for sure.
Obviously, some things are going to need to change which would make it historically inaccurate. Not that Bridgerton is historically accurate but by any means. The changes that are going to have to be made is who is eligible to be the diamond of the season and I think I am going to change it to whoever the family elects for that season the one running through. Obviously, some of these decisions are based on age but as for gender if a mother needs a head of the house than her son will not be eligible to become a diamond. James is an only child and therefore will not be able to become a diamond as he is required to learn how to take care of the house. Effy and Monty will have no choice but to remain diamondless- As for the house of the Blacks, Sirius through Walburga's opinion is nowhere near diamond material and therefore the responsibility gets passed to Regulus. Sirius and James would have traditionally been within the same season but because of Sirius' parents' belief, Regulus will be the one searching for a true love match. I also think it's going to be super fun to mess around with the whole Lady Whistledown situation.
PLEASE, if you see this tell me if you would be interested. If anyone says that would read it I will start figuring out the details of the first season. I am literally so excited about this and would love nothing more than other people's support for it.
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journcys · 6 months
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𝐉𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐂𝐘𝐒: a HIGHLY SELECTIVE, PRIVATE & MUTUALS ONLY multimuse based on the characters from POKEMON. Featuring WALLACE WATERS & SIDNEY VALZEAN from POKEMON EMERALD / ORAS. 18+ only. MINORS DNI. Written by Cat. EST. sometime back in like 2020, remade February 2023. REMADE AGAIN NOVEMBER 2023. Medium-low activity. Multiverse & cross over friendly!
Just to clear a few things up! ( info & carrd under the cut )
While all my muses are MULTISHIP (each ship is their own verse), Marea is shipped with his late wife Suiji ( @uminohaha ) and Sidney is shipped with Noland ( @noitxll ) unless stated otherwise. These ships are canon to my portrayals and lore with these muns specifically—so think of them as a ‘default’ unless stated differently (in regards to asks, casual convos, ect ). I will not ship with duplicates of these muses ( Sidney won’t be shipped romantically with another Noland, for example).
I default to my lore in general for any of my muses. If this is an issue for you because of who you write (if the character it’s crucial in my lore which is on my character bios), feel free to talk to me and we can come to a middle ground! I’m very flexible on most things. The only things I will NOT change is Wallace be related to Kyogre and pretty much anything pertaining to my Kyogre’s lore.
When talking about Marea’s brothers, every time he mentions Rayquaza, he’s talking about @soraozon . He is not related to any other portrayal of Rayquaza.
On top of the above, Marea’s other brother is @crashingearth .
In my personal lore Marea is the only Kyogre. It never made sense for me for more then one to exist. However! I am very open to time shenanigans where he meets different Kyogre’s from different universes.
If Clair mentions Lance at ALL, or he’s mentioned in anything regarding her, it is referenced to @drgnbld as Lucas’ Lance is exclusive to my Clair.
@variiavi ‘s Professor Sycamore is the adoptive father of Ciela/Latias & Cielo/Latios. I won’t have this dynamic with other sycamores.
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𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃 ( Rules + Muse list )
I am usually mobile bound; therefore I CANNOT trim posts. I’m so sorry about this, I need to rely on my partners to trim.
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trickstercaptain · 9 months
indie captain jack sparrow, private, plot heavy, low activity, primarily trilogy & tpof based. est. 08/14. rebooted 02/20. written by lottie ( she / her ), gmt, 25+
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my worldbuilding & portrayal are heavily affiliated with : hangtherules / villainmade + thecodekeeper / shadowcovcn + reddhaed + greyjoytm
                          other links :   MEME TAG  ♢  META                              please read the rules below the cut before interacting!
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• This blog is very chilled, selective and low activity, meaning that I only write with mutuals for my own state of mind. I work and have a busy life outside of tumblr which takes priority, so I cannot write with everyone, plus I do practice mains and exclusives — although I am picky about this.
• A couple of notes about my portrayal of Jack: I draw on both movie & book canon, primarily the trilogy and Ann Crispin’s The Price of Freedom, the latter of which concerns Jack’s past, although I do borrow sparingly from other sources across extended canon. He is much more than the witty rogue with a fondness for rum that he is often dismissed as and I have been writing him long enough to develop him far beyond the scope of his canon; I therefore ask that you please respect this and my reasons for being picky when it comes to incorporating certain ‘canon’ established in Dead Men Tell No Tales in particular.
• I have also been around the block when it comes to Jack; I have been writing him for more than nine years now, and in that time I have replied to many, many generic, non-plotted starters where muses approach Jack in a tavern to ask to join his crew/ask him for help etc. These kind of spontaneous threads just do not spark joy or excite Jack's muse any longer and therefore I cannot guarantee that you will receive a prompt response ( or a response at all ) if you throw one my way. So what I am saying effectively is that I am primarily plotting based here — the more you plot with me, even if it's just initially to establish a jumping off point, the more likely Jack's flighty af muse will stick and we can write all of the wonderful things together!
• I do not care to see call out posts or any other kind of drama. I will unfollow and potentially block if I see it on my dash: I am here to write, not to engage in tumblr politics.
• I am multiship and Jack is bisexual, however I tend to be picky about shipping — ic and ooc chemistry is key, and just because Jack is a promiscuous muse, do not assume that means that he will jump into bed or emotionally invest with absolutely anyone. Likewise, just because Jack is a certified flirt, do not take that to mean I am forcing a ship on you or your muse. He flirts with everyone.
• Usual Tumblr etiquette applies. Please don’t godmod, don’t rush me on replies as I am very slow, please make sure meme replies are transferred over to a new post etc etc.
• NSFW may appear from time to time, as well as certain dark topics considering that Jack is a pirate and there are potentially triggering events within his canon, such as child abuse. I do not have any triggers myself, but I will certainly try to tag anything particularly sensitive that may appear on this blog. As for smut, I write it pretty infrequently but only with partners I’m close to on an out of character level.
• If we are mutuals, I absolutely want to write with you! Hitting up my IMs for plotting is likely the easiest way to get something going with me, but sending a meme or liking a starter/interaction call absolutely works too!
• I’m Lottie, she/hers, 25+, GMT timezone. I’ve been writing on tumblr since 2014 and I can also be found on my other blogs if not here:        MULTI + SCOOPS KIDS + EL HOPPER
• I do not have any association with Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean, or Johnny Depp. Any ignorant and uneducated hate towards my faceclaim will gain an instant unfollow from me and, out of respect to him as a human being, as well as for my own personal comfort, I will not write or interact with any blog who uses Amber Heard as a faceclaim.
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majorbaby · 1 year
What is your favorite and least favorite MASH ship?
Which MASH ships do you think are underrated? Overrated?
What’s a MASH ship that doesn’t seem to exist yet, but needs to?
It is very unlike me to have an OTP in any fandom but it’s Trapper/Hawkeye for this one with a massive disclaimer that this does not stop me from shipping them both with a long list of other characters (good luck finding a character you won’t find me shipping either of them with in some way). Also, I know it seems like I’m joking but I am genuinely very into BJ/Trapper, it’s my second favourite and is gaining ground fast hahaha. 
As much as I am not a huge OTP guy, I also don’t have too many NoTPs.
I operate like this: there are ships that I feel neutral about and other ships that I love, regardless of how they are written. It is also my favourite thing when I think I am not into a ship and then someone writes it in a way that sucks me in completely - shout out to hawnk side of mashblr. Unless there is something inherent about a ship that activates a squick of mine (which therefore makes me unable to engage at all) then i welcome any strong, preferably E-rated challenge to any of my ship biases. 
Aaaand tmi maybe but sometimes I’m just too horny to care whether or not I think a ship is plausible or not -  Hawkeye/Peg/BJ is probably the closest thing to a non-squicky NoTP of mine, but consider also that I am but a simple man who loves threesomes, so Punnihawk can look real tasty to me depending on the circumstances. Also, my dear mutual @bornforastorm wrote a G-rated pre-Peg/BJ/Hawkeye/Trapper and I was super into it, which is to say - I can be almost always be convinced.
Imo, overrated ships in this fandom include Hawkeye/anyone but Hawkeye/BJ and Hawkeye/Trapper in particular. But these are overrated for predictable reasons, they're the main characters and the white guy slash ship economy is always booming - that's just par for the course.
Underrated is any ship where Hawkeye isn’t involved. Hawkeye, BJ and Trapper are all overrepresented in fanwork when you compare their screen time to Margaret’s. So, hopefully without sounding judgemental, I would say that if there were one ship I wish were more prolific it would be Margaret/anyone. Klinger/Soon Lee is another one I’m very interested in. 
A ship that doesn’t exist but that needs to: oh my god Oliver/anyone PLEASE would someone like to start an Oliver Jones writing circle. In addition to that, in order of how desperately I want these to exist: Kellye/anyone, Margie/anyone, Ginger/anyone, Bigelow/anyone. I know these are all vague but I take multishipping very seriously - if I listed every single ship that is somewhere on my draft roster then we would be here all night esp on account of how many poly ships are bouncing around the inside of my head. And this is more of a general thing but I want more variety in how even popular ships operate: more queerplatonic relationships, more asexual characters, more aromantic characters, more poly ships. 
You might’ve been looking for a bullet-pointed list from me when you asked, but for me it’s just not that cut and dry. I could, for example, write an essay on a ship like Hawkeye/Margaret which in theory I don’t really care for, but that I think has a lot of potential to go in an interesting direction if written in a particular way. Conversely, I love Hawkeye/BJ but I’m not interested in how it is portrayed most of the time. 
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zemothethirteenth · 11 months
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Name: Illy (she/they)
Age: 30+
Time Zone: PST
Erratic sleep schedule due to a sleep disorder so posting hours are all over the place.
More than twenty years of roleplaying experience, and almost as much experience in writing in general.
Most posts are done on mobile which may result in me missing weird autocorrects. My apologies!
I have no particular skills with graphic design so I prefer to write simply in text.
If no plot is pre-planned I will often try to guide towards something, though I always encourage open discussion if we hit on something and you have ideas!
Multiship, polyship, and kink friendly.
My non-rp account: Illicien
My WinterBaron Ao3: Illicien
You can also find me @ashadowinwhite (Yelena) & @theprice-cffreedcm (Steve Rogers)
I am incredibly uncomfortable writing with OCs most of the time due to bad experiences in the past.
If your formatting is very extravagant I may struggle to read it and therefore may simply choose not to interact - I'm sorry. I understand people preferring certain aesthetics but if the aesthetic interferes with my ability to read something easily, I may simply pass.
Because I prefer darker and more adult-themed content, I would highly prefer not to write with underaged characters and it's why I prefer to write with those who are 21+.
I have ZERO interest in writing with characters who are children - this includes both underaged, and characters who are children of Zemo regardless of their age. I have no interest in playing a parental role to anyone in or out of character.
While I don't mind threads being dropped, if I'm the only one who is ever starting them and you are continuing to drop them, I will assume you're not interested in writing with me and I may break the mutual to keep my timeline clean.
I will tend to do alerts every couple of weeks where if a thread hasn't been responded to in two or more weeks, I may archive it. I encourage you to reach out if you'd still like to continue it, but me checking in isn't meant to guilt anyone; if you want to drop the thread it's all good! I just want to make sure we're communicating that.
I do actually enjoy reading other peoples' threads, so it's very possible that I'll follow you just to read along with your threads; there's no pressure for a return follow or interactions, though if I'm following you then you're welcome to shoot me a message etc.
There are some characters I find easier to figure out a dynamic with than others due to in-canon connections; if I'm taking a little time to respond it's because I'm taking the time to think over a response or waiting for my head to be in the right space for it.
If it's taken me more than a week to respond, feel free to shoot me a message! I always do my best to draft things I can't respond to immediately, but sometimes I'm a dummy and queue them instead, or just miss them!
While I don't write other languages with any comfort or fluidity, I think roleplaying is a fantastic, fun way to learn English and I encourage those who may still be learning the language to interact if they like! I'm happy to be a mentor or just a play partner, whatever you'd like that way. 💜
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thegreen-raccoon · 2 years
(Looking for a friend)
I am searching for two dedicated and long term shipping partners (FxF), to fill pre-established roles with two specific faceclaims, in order to maintain continuity, within my plots. You can play either their canon characters or create original ones, with the faceclaims listed below.
-Katrina Law (Agent Jessica Knight, Nyssa Al-Ghul, etc)
-Caity Lotz (Sara Lance, etc)
Since my characters are mostly dominant, although occasionally they can be switches, I am looking for writers who are comfortable with writing them in submissive roles, ship wise.
As part of their storylines, they have families and connections, therefore they will be receiving plenty of activity and interactions, as well as attention from their shipping partner, this includes but not limited to: fangirling, picture edits, fanfictions, etc.
I am looking for someone who is literate, active, can write both banter and para/multi para. I prefer someone who can communicate ooc and enjoys discussing the ship and planning fun future plots.
Since I write smut (with very little boundaries) and darker themes, the admin must be at least 18+. I also only single ship, that means that the character must have a seperate account, just like mine do. Please spare me the hate, I have nothing against multiship, it’s just a personal preference.
If you are interested, please hit like or comment and I will contact you. Just please make sure you actually read the full post before doing so.
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journcys-archived · 1 year
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𝐉𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐂𝐘𝐒: a HIGHLY SELECTIVE, PRIVATE & MUTUALS ONLY multimuse based on the characters from POKEMON. Featuring WALLACE WATERS from POKEMON EMERALD. 18+ only. MINORS DNI. Written by Cat. EST. sometime back in like 2020, remade February 2023. Medium-low activity. Multiverse & cross over friendly! FOLLOWS FROM @catsdisco .
TEST MUSES: TUCKER ( EMERALD / ORAS ), IRIDA ( LEGENDS ARCEUS ), PETREL ( HGSS ), ROXANNE ( EMERALD / ORAS ), AARON ( DPP ) and JIRACHI. These are REQUEST ONLY!! I will be selective with interactions.
Just to clear a few things up!
While all my muses are MULTISHIP (each ship is their own verse), Marea is shipped with his late wife Suiji ( @uminohaha ) and Sidney is shipped with Noland ( @skillswapping ) unless stated otherwise. These ships are canon to my portrayals and lore with these muns specifically—so think of them as a ‘default’ unless stated differently (in regards to asks, casual convos, ect ). I will not ship with duplicates of these muses ( Sidney won’t be shipped romantically with another Noland, for example).
I default to my lore in general for any of my muses. If this is an issue for you because of who you write (if the character it’s crucial in my lore which is on my character bios), feel free to talk to me and we can come to a middle ground! I’m very flexible on most things. The only things I will NOT change is Wallace be related to Kyogre and pretty much anything pertaining to my Kyogre’s lore.
When talking about Marea’s brothers, every time he mentions Rayquaza, he’s talking about @soraozon . He is not related to any other portrayal of Rayquaza.
On top of the above, Marea’s other brother is @crashingearth .
In my personal lore Marea is the only Kyogre. It never made sense for me for more then one to exist. However! I am very open to time shenanigans where he meets different Kyogre’s from different universes.
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𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃 ( Rules + Muse list )
I am usually mobile bound; therefore I CANNOT trim posts. I’m so sorry about this, I need to rely on my partners to trim.
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angelfate · 2 years
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indie  jun  &  asuka  kazama  from  the  tekken  series, ft.  unknown  as  a  side  muse.  as  fought  by  wikia || low activity. slightly canon divergent & headcanon based jun, HEAVILY canon divergent & headcanon based asuka.
READ  ABOUT  HERE  ||  RULES  UNDER  READ  MORE follows back from @demonsfate​
I’ll only interact if we follow each other. However, non-mutuals can still like posts, reblog posts, & send me asks if they desire to. I just only want to write threads with mutuals because it’s less stressful.
I’m also likely to unfollow if any of the content on your blog makes me uncomfortable. If I unfollow, I really appreciate it if you don’t ask me why unless you suspect that it was an accidental unfollow, as Tumblr can be wonky.
This is a SIDE BLOG to @demonsfate​ - so, I can only follow back from it. And I mean - it’s another Kazama, so - win win, I feel.
As for DUPLICATES? I don’t mind following other dupes seeing this is a duo blog - we can be asuka interacting with Jun, or Jun interacting with Asuka. or maybe they’re AUs interacting with themselves! I’m game!
If muse is not specified, I WILL pick a muse for the message, UNLESS I can obviously tell who it’s meant to be (if your muse had already established a relationship with Jun, Asuka, or Unknown)
This blog is also very accepting of OCs and crossovers.
Jun tries to follow canon, but she’s also very mysterious - and has only been in ONE main line game as a playable character, so I add my own depictions to her. Asuka, meanwhile - is VERY canon divergent. I strongly headcanon Asuka is important to the plot. She helped Jin overcome his demon - and this blog IS associated with @demonsfate​ (as that’s my other and main blog, for Jin) Therefore, Jin DIDN’T start the war or had anything to do with it, that was all on Devil Jin’s part. (Who is a separate person / personality from Jin) Asuka helped Jin overcome his demon with her powers.
NSFW + Triggering content
Posts may contain triggering themes - I will tag all the best I can, and I will accept custom tags if people request it.
As for smut threads? It’s possible - however, all will be tagged as “spicy.” Whether or not they’re put under a readmore depends on if my partner puts them under one. 
Godmodding is a no and metagaming is also a no.
This blog is multiship! Pre-established ships are fine as long as we plot them out or they’re somebody the character already knows (Jun and Kaz, for example)
Anything but threads are rebloggable! Because typically my partners don’t like threads to be reblogged. Whether you’re a mutual or not, feel free to reblog my ooc posts, my shitposts, memes, my art. (highly encouraged!) I don’t mind at all!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Also, if you sent in a meme or anything in the inbox, you’re very free to turn it into a thread.
I’m not Asuka, Unknown, nor Jun, their thoughts and actions are not reflective of the mun.
All graphics used on this blog are made by me unless stated otherwise.
Hi hi hi! I am the mun, you can call me by Wikia or anything, I am 25 years old. If you made it down here, I just wanna say that there’s no password to send and thank you for reading and respecting my rules! I hope to write with you soon. ❤︎
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