#i made her a pinterest and it was both the best and worse decision i ever took. for reasons
malcolmiswright · 1 month
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meet: certified mess, malcolm wright
pinterest inspo
name: malcolm franklyn wright birthday: may 31, 1996 zodiac: gemini alignment: chaotic neutral pertinent info: malcolm hasn't gone far from home. he works at a record and bookstore a couple towns over.
i'm too lazy to make a bulleted list so here's chaotic baby's bio:
Mama's boy. A title he'd never outgrow. Matching outfits as a baby, mama's pride and joy. Do no wrong. Dad doesn't care, doesn't pay attention. But mom DOES. She showers you with love, affection, gifts. Lets you play with her expensive decorations and doesn't scold you when you break them. Sometimes dad yells a little too loud at both of you, but that doesn't matter because mom is there. She'll protect her baby boy from anything except herself.
When Malcolm was in high school, he fell in love for the first time. His mother always said there would be no woman who ever loved him as much as his mother, but she never said anything about a man. Chris was one of the most beautiful humans that he'd ever seen. Malcolm was quick to make the boy his best friend. They spent so much time together it would have been suspicious to anyone who had paid any more notice. But what they didn't see was a young Malcolm, pining, and a young Chris who was oblivious and in love with a beautiful girl. Malcolm couldn't blame him, truly. He saw the appeal in Helena. Maybe in an alternate universe he could have loved her too. His mother would have never approved of her.
He just needed to know what it was like. The night he slept with Helena, he just wanted to feel what Chris was feeling. He was searching for some kind of understanding, maybe some strange sort of connection to Chris. This should have been the moment he realized his pining had surpassed love: he had become obsessed.
Malcolm's mother never caught on to his love for Chris, a boy was no threat to her relationship with her son. All she knew was that he had never brought a girl home, so all was well in the world. She hosted their hangouts with a smile, making them treats and drinks and going over the top for every single moment. When Chris went away, you'd think she'd have been a little more perceptive of what was going on with her son. Her baby. The boy she'd protect over anything. But she was blinded by god knows what, maybe just trying to avoid her son's hurt. Malcolm noticed. This was the turning point in his relationship with his mother. The woman he once relied on so deeply. The woman who had made him feel like the most important boy in the world. She'd brought him into it, coddled him, turned him into who he was. He was crushed by her avoidance of his heartbreak.
There was then a void he filled with pointless sex and weed. It only got worse after Chris disappeared. What he experienced that night alongside his classmates was life changing. Their decision making was life changing. The boy he loved had disappeared from the face of the earth, and instead of participating in searches and stories that would have been appropriate for a best friend, he himself essentially vanished. At least, mentally.
wanted connections:
ex (gender nonspecific)
childhood best friend (before chris)
smoking buddy
current friendship
ooc info:
you can call me b!
i am in EST timezone
i do work full time 7:30am-4:30pm every day m-f so my replies and availability will be outside those hours!
my discord name is available at request, you can contact me there for plotting or through messaging on here, i am okay with either!
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mallickshah · 3 years
A charming interruption.
July 1965 (A few weeks before the wedding) @ Mallick’s mother’s residence
The exclamation, the clamor, the noise, the screaming, the high shrieks, all from the room filled only with women, where Mallick had just barged in with a wide grin on his face with a purpose in mind. His arms wide open and the brightest expression a man could ever think of wearing, his purpose lost in the chaos and the anchoring of his wife to be in the middle of all this ruckus. 
None of these women were quite happy to see him, mostly, they were surprised, outraged--well, save maybe for one. The one standing in front of the mirror, holding the ample material of her dress. A gift from her in-laws, Mallick’s mother had been more than happy to get Saiyah the most gorgeous, yet simplest in its flow, wedding dress. Just as she deserved. Because that was what Saiyah was, reserved yet spontaneous, gorgeous but simple, not simple minded, but it was easy to have her content with what she had, even if it was not worth much to others. She did teach Mallick how to appreciate those little things--time spent looking at nature, rather than searching through it for the next best weapon to fight with. 
His mother however, was the first in the line of battle right now, rushing to him with her hands held out and pushing him right out from where he’d come from. Trying to at least.
“I know I raised you with better manners than to barge in a woman’s chambers unannounced!” 
Yes, mother was right, but-- “She is my woman.” 
Was it not apparent in the way, despite the touch of his mother against his chest not pushing anymore because it was vain, Mallick’s eyes had not left the sight of his wife to be from the moment he stepped in? Well, it was now, somehow Mallick also had the effect of making Saiyah look just as enamored, a little lost in the way he got a flush to rise high up, from ehr neck and reside pleasingly against her cheeks. That made her even more beautiful, if that was possible. Saiyah could do that though, she could become even more beautiful than Mallick had thought her to be since the first time he’d seen her. Even more than the last time he’d seen her, and he was certain she would be, days from now on their wedding day and even more, even better, years from now as the mother of his child. His wife, his partner, his mate for life. His soul had to be tied to this woman, no, his soul was tied to this woman.
So for all the shrieks, cries, outrages and all that these women had first felt of throwing at the feet of this infatuated man, it was evident now. It had to be. It was. That the only ones who should be outraged and feel out of place were all the others, not Mallick. His mother had a sigh, her hands dropping at her side, she wiped them against her sides before tilting her head and motioning for the other women to leave the lovers to themselves. Something about Mallick’s stance was making it more than blatantly clear, they had to evacuate. 
Give them the space they needed, the one they built where no one was allowed to intrude. 
“That wasn’t really nice, Mallick Sai.”  “Oh, both of my names? I’m in trouble.”
Had Mallick noticed the room was now empty? He’d never noticed it had even occupied by anyone else but Saiyah--he would say if he was asked such a stupid question. But he was in trouble, in deep trouble.
“Can we skip the wedding day, and get married right now?” That deep in trouble. 
Saiyah shook her head, her eyes narrowing as if giving him a warning, but they both knew it would not withstand. Nothing could when it came to the will of carrying with their desires, because Mallick was not the one with the biggest one. She might be softly assertive with hers, but she still had them. Simple desires that had Mallick the way he was, almost gliding towards her, like metal to magnet. 
He was kissing her before she could answer. The dress she was in would need to be retouched and his mother, and all those other women would have their complaints. But it was Saiyah who wound her arms up around his neck and let him haul her up in his arms. A man could only withstand so much without sweeping the object of his affection off and away. 
We could elope, he said when he pulled back, & she laughed a breathy Silly, no, I want to marry you with everyone you love and all those who love you, watching over us with blessings and adoration, for the good man that you are to me and the husband you will be.
So he had to kiss her again, with her looking down at him because her feet could no longer touch the ground. But she’d once said that she loved this the most, that Mallick could make her feel like she had the wings necessary to never have to touch earth again. The truth was, this wedding was because Saiyah wanted it. The dress, the traditions, everything that came with it, it was taken from her books, the ones she favored most, that spoke of union beyond Kadeu’s borders in a way that seemed out of way especially for Clubs. Mallick had once told her that she could find it here too without hesitation though. That to dream of it out of these lands was not necessary and he’d see to it that she would always have each and every one of them right here, because this was his land and by default it became hers to love too.
His duty was to keep it safe for her, hers was to keep loving it for the both of them. 
The dress eventually had to be discarded, for safety measures. Mallick could only anger the women of this house so much, that was one of the excuses he would give if asked. The other one? It would have earned him more eye roll than necessary but, again, Saiyah had been the whisperer. He would never fault her though, it was easy to tempt him, always had been, but with her, no strings were ever wrong. No tug was ever too sharp. 
Every single one of them fell right where they should, and every morning he would spend waking up by her side, he was certain would only solidify this enchantment.
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innocence - 38
  PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: angst, smut (18+), oral (male receiving), handjob, slight innocence kink 
A/N: not me still not fully recovered from the “you wanna see what i can do with leverage” moment. oof, still gets me heated up. anyway, this smut was mostly inspired by my pinterest board showing me this and this which i feel would be something y/n would wear for bucky. enjoy xx 
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She didn’t know she was running, but she was. She ran off that room before he could catch up to her but through the middle of her thoughts she could hear him yell out for her and run after her. Maybe it was an adrenaline rush, the thought of getting severely hurt or any other thing but she had managed to outrun him, running into the main corridor where everyone was awaiting for the judge to announce the results. As Mr. Hawthorn screaming her name registered in her brain, she rushed to Bucky, taking him by surprise. Out of instinct he wrapped his arms around her, looking down to see her hiding her face in his chest. 
As Bucky started to wonder why she had suddenly appeared and even why she had left in the first place, Mr. Hawthorne made his way down the hall yelling out her name made it all the much clearer. Bucky held her slightly behind his back, hand tightly holding hers as the man made his way to them. Bucky held out his metal arm in front of him, stopping Hawthorne from getting any closer to her. 
     - Give me that phone, Y/N. Now. - he wasn’t yelling, his tone was constant as he starred both Bucky and Y/N down. She moved her phone behind her back, typing while maintaining eye contact with the agency director. - I said ...
      - Back off, man. - Bucky tried to remain calm, he knew having a major fight or even yelling at the man in front of him wouldn’t put him in a good spot. However, he’d be caught dead if he allowed that man to even dare to touch his wife.
      - C’mon, Y/N. You wanna play with leverage? At least step away from your guard dog and confront me or are you already too comfortable with being a housewife? 
      - You wanna see what I can do with leverage? - Bucky pushed him slightly backwards but Y/N stopped him before he could do anything else, squeezing his hand and handing out the man in front of the two of them her phone. Before Bucky could even complain about getting her phone back, Mr. Hawthorne left the two of them in a fast pace. - What the fuck was that? What did he do? Why did you give him your phone? 
      - Trust me, okay? - she cupped his face, leaning her forehead against his when she wasn’t even sure if what she did was going to work. Her eyes darted slightly across the hall, seeing Chuck with the lawyer but quickly returned to Bucky. - I love you. 
      - What’s wrong, princess?  Hm? What did he do to you?
      - I love you too would’ve been nice, Buck. - she teased.
      - You know I love you too that’s not the point. You’re trying to distract me. Don’t shut me out. 
      - I am not shutting you out, Bucky. Nothing happened, it’s fine ... he’s just ... upset at me. 
      - Why is he upset at you? 
      - I ...
      - Mr. Barnes. - the lawyer approached the two of them, interrupting her just  as she was about to start her sentence. - The judge has called everyone in, let’s go. 
      - Has the jury made a decision? - Y/N’s grip on Bucky’s hand tightened and she was almost frozen on the spot as he started to walk to back to the court room, but she didn’t move. 
      - Hey, it’s just us, princess. Just us. - Bucky smiled at her, kissing the top of her head but she could barely register things.
She couldn’t hear anything as the two of them walked to the court room’s door where they were separated again with Sharon, Steve, Sam and Chuck accompanying her to the bench while Bucky took off with the lawyer. She sat down on the harsh, cold wood, her heart beating fast as she tried to read Chuck’s face yet she couldn’t. The jury and judge arrived, and suddenly everyone was on their feet, waiting for whatever decision the jury had taken; however, the jury looked confused, almost puzzled by the fact they were back into the court room. 
      - It has come to my attention that further evidence as been found. As such, bailiff, take the witness Mr. Hawthorne into custody where he will be charged for the harassment and stalking of Y/N Barnes as well as obscuring justice. In the matter of The People vs James Buchanan Barnes, this case is dismissed. Mr. Barnes, you are free to go. 
A few oh my gods erupted into the court room which went into complete frenzy as the bailiff took Mr. Hawthorne into custody who merely stared her down and shouted out in disbelief. She turned over to Chuck who took his phone off his pocket and played the exact same audio which she had played to Hawthorne just a few minutes ago.
     - I could kiss you. - she hugged her friend, a big smile on her face.
     - Please, don’t. I am still largely afraid of your husband, he would crush me like a soda can. Do you want me to die such a painful death? After I had to somehow understand your typo filled text with the worse recorded audio I have heard. Sincerely, Y/N, Bucky would’ve done a better job and he is what? As old as dinosaurs?
     - You’re the best. - she kissed her friends cheek before going over to Bucky who was being swarmed by both his friends that had come to congratulate him, his lawyer and some reporters.
She smiled at him, standing in the back of the crowd and catching his eye despite everyone surrounding him. Bucky couldn’t care less about those people surrounding him, congratulating him and even some complaining that he once again had avoided paying for his mistakes. All she cared was catching her eye in the middle of the crowd, as if a spotlight shone onto her. 
     - I hope you enjoy being being out of a job for 10 years. - Mrs. Olson said as she passed by to probably be with Hawthorne but Y/N didn’t say anything. 
She knew what was on the line but she would throw it away for Bucky. If it came between Bucky being free or her career, she would always pick the first option. However, it didn’t sting any less.  Yet, this was not about her, not today. Today was Bucky’s day. The day where he got rid of the problem that she had brought upon the two of them and while it was now gone, it still occupied a tiny spot of her mind which screamed at her about her own guilt in this whole situation. The flashes were bright and she kept being pulled to the back as more journalists and reporters tried to get some time with the former Winter Soldier but he avoided them, breaking through the crowd to be with the only person he actually wanted to celebrate this with. 
    - What did you do, princess? - he wrapped his arms around her, turning to exit the court room and leave all this experience behind. - And don’t say it wasn’t you, the lawyer told me it was you.
    - He could be lying. 
    - You could’ve gotten hurt. Why didn’t you tell me? 
    - It was just a guess ... I didn’t want to raise your hopes over a guess. I’m sorry. - she leaned her head against his covered arm. - It’s my fault this whole thing happened and I thought if I fixed it, I’d feel better.
    - It’s not your fault this happened. You could’ve gotten hurt, he could’ve hurt you and then what?
   - He was not going to hurt me. - she scratched her neck. She knew it was a lie, everyone is capable of everything in her business. - I had to do something for you. I am ... I am so tired of being weak. 
    - You’re not weak, what are you talking about?
    - Weren’t you in this trial? They talked about you as if you were some cold blooded murderer and me as if I were the weakest person ever. As if I wasn’t standing in that room and hearing to it. If I could defend myself, if I had put my foot down none of this would’ve happened. 
Bucky’s heart broke as he heard her talk, tears pooling in her eyes as what she had been feeling for the past weeks of meeting, court days and witness speeches seemed to finally explode, breaking free from the pressure she had been putting on it so it didn’t show, so she didn’t feel weak. He had never felt weak before, helpless maybe but never weak. Even as the Winter Soldier he could easily overpower his handlers if he wanted to, he could overpower new recruits and pretty much everyone who he was presented with. He’d never felt weak, he’d never know what it was like to feel weak and he had never even considered she felt weak because he just did not see her as weak. She was soft but not weak, she had strength in her softness, in her kindness. She’d done things he couldn’t see himself doing in his mid twenties. 
     - Hey ... - he flushed her close to him, drawing invisible circles on her back and kissing her temple. - Do you wanna get cheesy chips?
     - I need to go say goodbye ...
     - It’s fine. - he combed her hair away from her face to kiss her forehead. - I don’t want you to get caught up in a mess with photographers. 
     - I’m ridiculous. - she cuddled against his side as he led her out the back of the court where he had parked his car. - I should be comforting you, not the other way around.
     - You’re not ridiculous. This was as bad for me as it was for you. - he opened the car door for her. - Besides, I love comforting you. 
     - Really? Because from what I know, you were the one in danger of being in prison for at least 5 years. The only danger for me was trying to get naked during spousal visits. 
     - Aw, princess. You were willing to get naked in prison, for me?
     - You’re ridiculous, Barnes. 
     - So are you, Mrs. Barnes. - he smirked. - You are not weak and you are not ridiculous. Are we clear? 
     - Don’t use your sergeant voice on me.
Bucky chuckled, putting the key onto the engine and turning it on as the car started to roar up. She leaned her head against his shoulder, mindlessly listening to the song on the radio, probably one of Bucky’s favourites. On that moment, she didn’t care her career was on hold for the next 10 years because he was here and he was free like he deserved. As he pulled in front of the chippy shop nearby his flat, she perked her head up to kiss the corner of his mouth. 
    - Can we do takeaway? I wanna go home. - she cuddled against his shoulder once more. 
    - Sure, princess. Stay in the car and I’ll be right back, yeah?
    - Yeah. 
He left the car, loosening his tie as he entered the shop, leaving Y/N in the car. She rose her hand up, looking at the wedding band on her finger. It had barely registered in her that she was married, she of all people. She knew she wasn’t attention’s sweet centre and she knew she definitely did not deserve a guy like Bucky. God, in her wildest dreams she’d never thought she’d even end up with a man as caring and thoughtful as he is. It was almost surreal she’d even gotten married without having to fight her agency, at least too much. Her lips stretched in a smile as her husband came out of the shop, a toothy, childish grin on his lip as he waved the brown paper bag on his way to the car door.
He drove the two of them back to the flat and once they were inside, her shoes were thrown to one side as well as his tie and jacket and the couple made themselves comfortable on the couch. Y/N sat on Bucky’s lap, takeaway on her lap while he held his on his hand with the other searched for something to watch on TV, eventually landing on The Honeymooners.
    - I need to take you on a honeymoon. 
    - I don’t need a honeymoon. 
    - Bullshit. - he held her close by, hearing her giggle through the small digs onto the plastic container. - Where do you wanna go? C’mon, entertain me. 
    - Hm ... - she looked up, nose slightly scrunched. - Italy. 
    - I was stationed in Italy for a while. Nice place, great food. Where about?
    - There’s this movie called Letters to Juliet, it’s in Verona, and I always thought it looked so romantic. 
    - Okay, princess. Whenever you want, I’ll take you to Verona and we will have a nice month long honeymoon. 
    - Month long? 
    - Yeah. If we go any less, we won’t have time to do any sight seeing. 
    - Why is that?
    - Because I do intend to have sex with you in every part of the hotel we stay in. - he kissed the crook of her neck, taking the takeaway container away from her and placing it on the coffee table. - Maybe even try it in those tiny Italian balconies.
    - You just escaped five years of prison and you’re thinking of vouyerism already?
    - You shouldn’t look so pretty, then. - he hooked his finger under her chin and turned her face towards him, giving her a long drawn out kiss. His hand climbed up from her thigh up to her dress, pushing the sleeve down to expose her shoulder. His stubble rubbed against her soft kiss as he laid a kiss on the subtle skin of her shoulder.
   - Mhm, Buck ... - her hand pushed his shoulder back and he immediately pouted. - I have to shower. I smell like the dusty, mouldy court room and I’d like that smell off me. 
    - Mind if I join? - he pulled the sleeve off her other shoulder but she held her dress against her chest before it could fall down. - I can give you a massage.
   - If I allow you with me in the shower, there will be no showering. - she got off his lap, pushing her dress up. - I’ll be back. Try to keep the pouting to the minimum until I’m back. 
   - Just so you know, you’ll need another shower after you’re back. 
Y/N rolled her eyes, before padding into the bathroom, leaving Bucky on his own in the living room shuffling through various channels. The shower on the background was running until it was running for too long, Bucky turned his head around, looking at the door that led to the bathroom.
    - Princess, everything ok? - he prepared to get up and check on her but was. interrupted by her opening the door.
She stood against the door wedge with her typical shyness which made her so endearing to anyone who met her, yet, this time, it was something other than endearment that Bucky was feeling when looking at her. She was dressed in a white corset and knickers with a small floral print and small pink ruffles at the edge of her underwear. The corset was also adorned with a blue ribbon and small blue bow, everything covered in with one of her many short satin robes that she normally used over her pyjamas or over one of Bucky’s shirt which always looked like a dress on her. 
    - Were you wearing that ... - he cleared his throat, trying not to stare at her perky chest. - Were you wearing that today? 
    - No, I bought this one in case you won. - she closed the door of the bathroom behind her, padding barefoot over to the couch, standing in front of him, her robe slightly slipping of her shoulder. - Do you like it? 
    - Fucking hell, princess. - he leaned forward, hands wrapping around her waist to pull her close to him. 
    - It looks silly, doesn’t it? I don’t know, I just thought I’d wear something nice and do so ... - Bucky interrupted her rambling by kissing her, his hands pushing the robe fully off her and throwing it somewhere in the living room. His hands massaged her thighs and upper body until they were cupping her face, kissing her as if he hadn’t seen in her in ages. 
Her hands rest upon his shoulder, lips melded against his in a long, drawn out kiss. She whined as Bucky moved his lips from hers to her jaw and slightly under it, sucking the subtle and sensitive skin he found there. She allowed herself to get lost in the feeling of his slight stubble against her sensitive skin, drawing kisses and leaving hickeys with slightly rough lips. His hands scouted her corset for the square brackets, loosening the garment and pulling it over her head before leaning to kiss her again. She smiled against the kiss, breaking it to look at him which greatly annoyed Bucky, who tried to kiss her again. 
    - No... - she pushed him back against the couch as he tried to kiss her collarbones. Her hands toyed with the fabric of his shirt, fingers trailing up and down his chest. - Let me do something for you.
    - Princess ... - she ignored his pleas and attempts to pull her in and distribute more kisses all over her body.
Instead she climbed off his lap, standing on her knees in front of him, eyes looking up to him with a devious like innocence which was intoxicating to him. Her hands ran up his thighs, nails racking over the fabric of his trousers until they reached his belt. She bite her lip, unbuckling the accessory and tossing it aside before pushing his trousers down along with his underwear. She gripped his cock in her hand, her finger swiping the pre-cum off his tip before he started to move her hand slowly up and down.
    - Oh fuck ... - Bucky groaned, throwing his head back with his eyes shut. She smirked at this reaction, continuing to move her hand up and down in a painfully slow motion. 
Bucky groaned and moaned, head pressed against the headrest of the couch, eyes closed and lips opened. Her confidence grew at the sight of her completely blissed out husband and she stopped her motions. Before Bucky could whine about it, she kitten licked his tip before licking a broad stripe up his cock eliciting a low grumble from him. He looked down at his wife through half closed eyes, locking eye contact with her. Y/N gave him an innocent smile with innocent eyes before taking him in her mouth. Bucky breathed out, high gasp as his hand gripped onto the couch cushions. He moved his hips forward unconsciously, his cock hitting the back of her throat. She breathe through her nose as she bobbed her head up and down his cock slowly, cheeks hollowed out as she made it upon the spot. 
   - Fuck, princess. Fuck, you’re so good, fucking hell. - Bucky breath harshly as she picked up the pace, her movements almost matching up with his breathing tempo until she started to vigorously suck his tip, getting him almost shaking before returning to take him inside her mouth once more. - Fuck, stop. Stop. 
  - Did I do something wrong? - she pushed her hair behind her ears.
  - Come here. - Bucky helped her up and on top of his lap, pushing her underwear down her legs before he did so. She held herself up by holding onto his shoulders, staying slightly taller than him as he holstered her up. 
She looked down as he looked up, his eyes gazing onto hers as he lowered her down onto his hard cock, silencing her whimpers with a consuming kiss. Her skin seemed to flush hot and cold at the same time as he filled her to a halt. Bucky let her accommodate to his size, kissing down from her lips to her collarbones.
    - Fuck, you’re pretty. - he panted, moving to kiss her neck while his hands held her still. - So fucking pretty, princess.
    - Bucky, please ... move. - she hide her head in the space between his shoulder and neck, a hot flush settling in her cheeks. 
    - I’m not gonna ... fuck ... I’m not gonna move if you hide, princess. - he spoke through moans, voice strained due to the grip of her walls around him, pulsating. - Look at me, look at me when I’m fucking you. Let me see your pretty face. 
Y/N whined, moving to look at him as he flushed her chest against his. She probably looked a mess yet had no time to worry about that once he started to push her hips up and down on him, eventually leading her into riding him. Her hand slide from his shoulder to his chest as she bounced on top of him, the sound of skin slapping against each other along with the moans and groans of both of them as they chased their high. She felt her own walls pulsating with each thrust, her lower belly coiling up as she continued to move up and down his cock as if she were going to die if she stopped. She gasped and whined, continuing with her movements as the coil continued to tighten up and her movements sped up. 
   - That’s it, princess. Such a good girl. - he moaned against her ear, silencing some of her moans with messy, wet kisses. - You wanna cum on my cock, hm? I know you want to.
   - Buck ... - her gasp was high as her walls spasmed and her body tensed. The grip on his dick led him over the edge just a few seconds later and he pulled her completely flush against him, feeling him cum fill her up and leak onto both hers and his thighs. She hide her head on the crook of his neck, mewling while she regained her breathe. 
Bucky chuckled through his breathlessness before slipping out of her which caused her to let out a small whine before he laid her down on the couch, arms wrapped around her. 
   - Make that a 3 month long honeymoon. - he cuddled her against his chest. 
   - How much of that will be sex? - she looked up, completely blissed out.
   - You’ll get a week of sightseeing if you keep pulling this on me.  
   - Right. - she rolled her eyes. - I forget that you are old and cannot take this much excitement. 
   - Are you teasing me, Mrs. Barnes?
   - Maybe. - there it was, the little playful smirk he loved so much. 
   - Oh, princess ... - he lifted her up as he got up from the couch, walking towards their bedroom. - You’re gonna regret that. 
taglist: @disasterbi @lookiamtrying @buckysteveloki-me @americasass81 @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @lostinthebeans @mariahthelioness29 @oh-nohoney @peaches-roses-sins @theadorasabditory @sipsteacasually @saiyanprincessswanie @booktease21 @noiralei @learisa @everythingisoverratedbutgreat @uglipotata72829 @naturalthrone22 @husherstan @mandiiblanche @vicmc624 @itsallyscorner @chipilerendi @emzd34 @writerwrites @bluevxnus @that-girl-named-alex @captnrogers @nsfwsebbie @sarge-barnes-sir @niki-is-a-thing @cynic-spirit @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @buckyswillow​
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nashibirne · 3 years
Gimme Shelter - 5
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Here comes chapter 5. Expect a little romance and fluff! Our protagonists even start to flirt 😏 I hope you enjoy the next part of their story! If so, please let me know and leave a comment, like or reblog. Thanks 💜
You can find parts 1 - 4 and my other fics on my masterlist
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Kat Spencer)
Words: ~3.3k
Summary: Henry has to deal with a personal crisis and he finds shelter with his old rugby mate Sam and his sister Kat. She used to be Henry’s best friend a very long time ago. Will they be able to become friends again or maybe even more?
Chapter 5: A walk on the coast path, a flirt and a sweet encounter
Warnings: RPF, mention of mental health issues
Unbeta'ed. English isn't my first language. Mistakes ahead and they're all mine.
Disclaimer: I don’t know the real Henry Cavill or anyone who's related to him in any way, this is pure fiction and nothing more
Credits: Pics for the moodboard from Pinterest. Face claims: Kat = Jennifer Connelly
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Ready? Let's go.
Over the next few days Kat and Henry got closer and closer. They had long conversations almost every day that were so very helpful for both of them and they felt that the bond between them, this strong connection they had all these years ago and that had been cut off so abruptly, was rebuilding slowly. It was almost like back in the days. Kat and Henry against the rest of the world.
Kat helped Henry to sort out his thoughts, to make decisions and plans without taking responsibility away from him. She didn't make it easy for him by taking over control or telling him what to do. All she did was listen, sharing her view on things and giving him advice and she did it in a way that made it easy for Henry to see where he wanted to go with his life in the future. She didn't judge, she didn't criticize, she just gave him her opinion and support and that was all he was asking for. 
On day 8 after the treehouse talk Henry was brooding over a text he wanted to publish. A statement for his fans, the media, the public in general but it wasn't so easy to get the tone right and to explain enough to make his latest actions relatable without giving up too much of his privacy. He closed his laptop with a sigh and rubbed his tired eyes when it knocked on the door. 
"Come in." he said, hoping it was Kat and his wish came true.
"Hey." Kat greeted him with a bright smile and joined him at the kitchen table. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing." He shook his head. "I'm not very productive today."
"So maybe you need a distraction? What about a walk on the coast path? The weather is lovely and I'm really in need of some fresh air. Wanna join me?"
Kat flinched when Mr. Darcy jumped onto her lap out of the blue. "Heavens, Darce...you're gonna give me a heart attack one day." The cat ignored her fond scolding and curled up into a ball on her thighs, clearly demanding a bit of tender loving care that she gave him with an amused smile. "I haven't seen him downstairs in days."
"Cat got your tongue?" Kat stood up with a smirk and Henry was sure she was swaying her hips more than usual when she went to the door. "Come on, Cavill. Let's go." 
Henry chuckled. "Yeah, it seems he's moved in with us. He sleeps with Kal in my bed every night. I think he's in love." Kat grinned. "Well, I can't blame him. Who wouldn't fall in love with a smart, sexy hunk and his furry companion." She gave him a flirtatious wink and now Henry was the one feeling like having a heart attack.
This was new. She'd never flirted with him before. All their banter was of friendly nature, sarcastic and funny but not flirty. He wanted to give her a witty answer, make a sexy remark but his mind went blank. All he was able to think about was how badly he wanted to touch and kiss her and so he opened his mouth but not a single word came out.
Kat's heart was racing when they left the house and walked down the road that led to the coast path side by side. It was obvious that her cheeky remark had caught him off guard but she wasn't sure if he considered her move good or bad. It had taken all her courage to try and flirt with him and his reaction left her a little clueless. It was not like she didn't know how to flirt. She did and she loved a sexy flirtatious banter. She wasn't shy and she also was aware of the fact that she was attractive but when it came to Henry everything was different. She turned into an insecure teenager again, helplessly in love and completely confused.
Just don't make the same mistakes again. Her thoughts wandered back to the night she'd spend with Eli after the city festival. When she went home with him she wanted to have sex with him, she really did but it didn't work. Whenever she closed her eyes and kissed him she saw Henry and the way he had looked at her when they were dancing slowly. Elijah soon noticed that something was off and he connected the dots quickly. He was very sweet and instead of being pissed he made coffee and they sat down and talked. Kat told him about her and Henry, all about their past, about Poppy, the heartbreak, her feelings for him, just everything. When she was finished Eli gave her a grin. "Well, I've been dumped for worse guys than Henry Cavill. I mean, even I wouldn't say no to him and I'm straight as fuck."
Kat chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Thank you for your understanding. I just don't know how to deal with my feelings. I don't even understand the nature of these feelings."
"The nature? You're falling for him again. And judging by the way he looked at you and the death stares he was giving me all night, I'd say he feels the same way." Eli shrugged as if it was as clear as day. "And you should really grasp at that second chance."
Kat sighed. "I don't know. What if he hurts me again?"
"You're not sixteen anymore. I'm sure he's learned his lesson and so have you. Just don't fuck it up this time, Kat."
"Excuse me? I didn't fuck it up back then." She looked at him flabbergasted.
"Come on, you know what I mean. Just don't make the same mistakes again." Eli took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Yeah, he was a total ass and treated you badly. He lied to you. I get that. But you never gave him a hint that you have feelings for him. You took him for granted, Kat. You thought he'd always be there for you exclusively, that you are the only girl in his life and that you could afford to keep him in the dark about your feelings. You had this romantic idea in your head. You and him, the ball, the romance, a dance, a kiss, a confession but you never even considered that he liked you too but moved on because you'd friendzoned him. Truth is you didn't dare to tell him that you're in love with him and it backfired and hit you hard."
Kat started to chew on her lip. "Yeah. Maybe you're right." 
"And if I may add one thing. You're 38. You're beautiful and smart but you're still single. You said it yourself, none of the men you meet can live up to your expectations. You've never met 'the one'. What if Henry's been the one for you all along?"
And that was the question that was running around in her mind ever since Elijah had posed it. Was it possible? Was Henry the one for her?
"This way?" Henry's voice interrupted her thoughts. He pointed at a path that turned off to the left. "Yes." Kat smiled at him sheepishly and Henry gave her a funny look.  "Are you okay?" 
"Yeah, sure. I was just lost in thought. Sorry."
"Thinking about hot hunks, huh?" He smirked and it was ridiculously sexy. Kat's heart jumped with joy when she realized that he was flirting back.
"More about their cute companions." Kat laughed out loud with relief and joy. "Come on, Kal." She clapped her hands and started to run down the path, the American Akita following close behind, wagging his tale with excitement. She looked back over her shoulder with a grin. "What are you waiting for, Hen. Are you afraid you can't keep up with me?"
"Don't try me." Henry laughed and ran after her, chasing her down the path, playfully imitating a roaring bear. Kat was surprisingly fast and he indeed had problems keeping up with her. He wasn't a sprinter, his body wasn't really made for running though he did it for cardio regularly. So he had stamina but he wasn't very fast. Kat on the other hand was agile and quick and she took the rocky path effortlessly, it was a treat for the eyes. He knew she liked trail running and her smooth motions showed him that she did this often. When he finally caught up with her she flashed him a smile and slowed down. They came to a halt, both panting and laughing at the same time. "We better walk now. I'm too old for running away from a man as fit as you." Kat bent her upper body down and supported herself with her hands on her knees. Henry grinned. "You're way too fast for me. You ran like a bat out of hell."
They both burst out laughing again for no real reason and it felt so good to be childish and just a little silly. Henry was so comfortable, so much like himself, when he was with her it made him feel whole again. She was the antidepressant he really needed. 
"What about some climbing instead of running?" 
"Climbing? Jesus, Kat, are you trying to wear me out?"
"Well, it's not really climbing. The trail is just a little rockier and steeper than the regular one." Kat pointed at a path that was overgrown and led upwards to what seemed to be a cliff.
"What's up there? A make-out spot?" He asked, grinning cheekily.
"Dream on." Kat raised an eyebrow and her smile was sexy and amused at the same time. "Just an amazing view on the bay from the top of the cliff."
"It's closed off." Henry looked at the chain that blocked the trail with a frown.
"Yes...but we can take it anyway. That's not a problem."
"The sign says 'no trespassing', Kat."
She sighed. "I know but this is more for the tourists. There have been some minor accidents. Someone broke his leg or something. So they closed it off...insurance stuff and such...you know how it is. It's nothing,  I've been there many times."
Henry still wasn't convinced. "It can still be dangerous and what if we get caught?"
"Sorry." She mumbled avoiding his gaze. 
Kat laughed. "No risk, no fun. Come on now, Pop." She froze before she blushed furiously.
"Pop, huh?" Henry's lips turned up into a mocking grin. Pop had been her nickname for him at school. Whenever he'd tried to tell her what to do or to keep her from doing things he considered too dangerous or simply inappropriate she had teased him with this name to make clear that he sounded like her father. And so he became Pop just like she became Kitty.
"No worries, Kat. I like the sound of it. Actually I get called daddy a lot these days." Her eyes met his and he wiggled his eyebrows with a teasing smirk. Kat's confidence was back and she gave him a lopsided grin and a wink before she climbed over the chain. "Well, I guess I better behave then...daddy."
20 minutes later they were sitting side by side on top of the cliff, Kal lying at Henry's feet and Kat hadn't promised too much. The view was spectacular. "That's fantastic, Kat." 
"Yeah. It never ceases to amaze me, every time I come here, again and again."
They sat there in comfortable silence for a while, staring at the ocean. Kat's legs touched his and the physical closeness awoke the butterflies inside of him. He turned to her, admiring her pretty face. "Thanks for taking me here." She looked at him with a smile. "I knew you'd love it. I've been here many times thinking of you, wishing you were with me, like you're with me now." Her voice got weaker with every word and she bit her lip, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
Henry's heart started to race when he realized what her words meant. She had never stopped thinking about him just like he had never been able to forget her. He took her hand and pressed a soft kiss on her knuckles. She let it happen, she even closed her eyes. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than by your side, Kitty." He knew it was a bold move to call her that after her reaction the other day but she didn't seem to mind. "That's good to know, Pop."
She opened her eyes again and they shared a shy smile. Henry didn't let go of her hand, he even started to stroke it with his thumb tenderly. Kat's gaze fell on his lips and they both leaned in slowly. Their lips were just about to meet in a tender kiss when they heard suppressed giggles from behind. They turned around and saw two girls who were standing behind a rock, watching them. They were nine maybe ten years old and really cute. "Hey, you nosy little rascals. Are you observing us?" Henry scolded them playfully, laughing out loud and Kat couldn't help but join in. 
"What about your dog? Don't you go to work?" Nelly asked.
"We were observing your dog. It looks like a bear." The taller girl said with a confident smile. She had beautiful, thick, red hair and reminded Kat very much of Anne Shirley from 'Anne with an E'. "What's your name?" she asked. "I'm Nelly and this is my bestie Laura." The other girl giggled again and waved at them but she didn't say a word. "Would you want to pet my dog? His name is Kal." Henry gave them an encouraging smile and they nodded eagerly. "Come on, Kal. Meet Nelly and Laura." Kal got up and greeted the girls like the friendly dog he just was and they kneeled down to stroke his soft fur.
"I want a dog too, but my parents say no." Laura said and she pouted her lips. "I'm sure they have good reasons." Henry explained. "A dog requires a lot of time." "Yeah. That's what my parents say. They don't have time for a dog because they both have to work." She rolled her big brown eyes, never stopping to pet Kal who enjoyed the love he received.
"Your parents are very reasonable . You wouldn't want your dog to be sad, would you?" "No." She shook her head vehemently. "Of course not." "See, but dogs are sad when they have to be alone all day." She nodded and sighed. "Oh, okay."
"I'm lucky. I can take Kal with me when I work." Henry gave her a bright smile but she seemed sceptical. "Really? Must be a very strange job, when you can bring your dog."
"It is a strange job, you're right, Nelly, but I love it anyway." And for the first time in months, he felt it. He loved his job and he was a lucky man.
After the sweet encounter with Nelly and Laura the intimate moment was ruined and the sexual tension was gone but Kat and Henry were still in a good mood and they went back home chatting lightheartedly.
"You were great with the girls. Did you never think about having kids?" 
Henry gave Kat a surprised look.
"Of course I did. I'd love to have a bunch of children but I guess I'd need a woman first."
"I don't think there's a lack of women in your life." 
"No, of course not. There were many of them but never the one to start a family with."
Now it was Kat who was surprised. "You have never been in a serious relationship? Never made plans to settle down? I'm sorry if this a stupid question but I've always avoided reading about your private life in the media…"
"It's not stupid at all. What you can read about my private life is mostly bullshit anyway." Henry let out a snort. "But no, I've never been really serious with a woman. I was engaged once but that was a very stupid idea. I was young and foolish…"
"But why? I mean, you're perfect husband material."
"Yeah, for gold diggers and attention whores." He rolled his eyes. "I don't know, it's always the same. I meet a woman, I fall fast and hard and after a few weeks I wake up from this romantic vision I had of her and me and there's nothing left...I lose interest or she gets bored with me and that's it. It has always been like this. I'm just not able to find a woman that completes me." He shrugged. "What about you? Why are you still single?" 
Kat took a deep breath. "Pretty much the same actually. There have been a few men, short relationships, but it never lasted. All of them tried to turn me into something I'm not. A trophy wife, a housewife, a mistress…but none of them could make me feel at home with them."
"They must have been idiots. Why would anybody try to change you. You're great the way you are." Henry said, shaking his head in disbelief. "What about Jim?"
Kat smiled. "Jim was indeed different. We had a great time but after four years we grew apart. I was so young, 23, I wanted to travel, to see the world, he was 30 and wanted to settle down and start a family. That's why we broke up and it was the right thing to do. We're still friends and he has a great family now."
"Seems we were right when we were moping teenagers and said we're never going to find true and everlasting love. Do you remember? Kitty and Pop..the lonely heart club?"
"Of course. All these sad poems we wrote and you were so great at reciting them." Kat laughed softly at the memory. "God, we were so pathetic with our self-pity."
"Yeah, we were. But eventually you fell for Aaron."
"Love is a big word for what Poppy and I had in those 6 months we were together." Henry looked at his hands, his fingers were fumbling with the ring on his pinky. Guilt washed over him whenever he talked about Poppy in Kat's presence. "I guess I didn't even know what love is when I was with her. Maybe I still don't."
Kat cocked her head looking at him. Yes, after you broke my heart, was what she was thinking. "I did. He was my byronic hero. He saved me..." was what she was saying. "And you loved Poppy."
"You must have loved your girlfriends."
Henry shrugged. "I have but...I don't know…"
"You loved them and at the same time you knew they weren't the one. Something was always missing…."
Kat spoke out what he was thinking but couldn't express.
He looked at her, nodding his head. "Exactly."
"Yeah. Same here. Aren't we the lucky ones?" Kat gave him a sarcastic grin. "We should resurrect the lonely hearts club."
The way she tried to shrug off the topic all of the sudden showed him that it had gotten under her skin. Deep. He smirked and gave her a wink. "Count me in."
Kat looked at him with a frown. "Really? I was actually joking."
"Why not. Could be fun to take a stroll down memory lane."
"You're right. Let's do it. First meeting on Saturday night? At the woodhouse?" 
"Sounds like a plan. I better start searching the internet for some sad, dramatic poems."
"And I'm going to compile a playlist." 
"Deal." Henry offered Kat his hand for a handshake and she took it grinning like a Cheshire cat.
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bangtae-sohotddaeng · 4 years
we’ll be counting stars | k.th. | 1
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(^ gif cred: ON THE VOYAGE | pinterest)
pairing: idol!Taehyung x publisher!Reader
rating: nc-17 (for language and themes)
summary: You’d sworn off love and relationships forever. You were here to do your job - work with the biggest boyband of the world. Not forge friendships and...and whatever it was that you and Taehyung were building up with these sneaky glances. It was, to be very fair, your Chief Editor’s fault that you’d landed in this mess. Maybe you should quit your job? Maybe you should quit life -
Oh, he was staring again, and did he freaking lick his lips?
warnings: swearing (reader’s got a potty mouth) + this is set like 5 years in the future + reader has emotional issues, she's a relationship phobe + mentions of weed
genre: so much ANGST ugh + fluff + comedy + some crack
words: 2.1 k
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“Wait a second, really?” You blinked up at the Chief Editor, your boss, in wonder. “Heading this?” 
The chocolate skinned, tall woman smiled at you. “Yes, heading this. I’d been looking to hand you something from a really long time, to be honest. This is just the right fit."
You grinned at her, hugging the contract file to your chest. In your thirteen months of employment at the publishing company, through the departmental transfer from HR to Editorial and then the promotion to the Associate Editor position, this was the best thing to happen to you, so far. You finally had a project you were gonna head. You would finally, finally get to handle things on your own—curate your own team, work on an individual project where you made all the decisions.
You breathed out, happily. “I’ll read this thoroughly and report back within an hour, boss. With my sign on it, in all likelihood.”
“I’m counting on it.” Your boss smiled at you.
You looked down at the file. You were going to work with a K-pop group on their auto-biography. You were gonna fly to fucking Korea, for six full months. This was huge. This was awesome. This was what you fucking needed, right now. Your best friend that you had been rooming with for a year was starting to get too comfortable. You were so not up for that kinda shit again.
You looked at the bottom of the front page. Athena had drawn up this contract. Your eyebrows arched. It was no secret that she was your boss’s favourite Acquisition Editor. Some even suspected they were having an affair, despite the gleaming diamond you could see—even right now—on the woman’s finger. 
This project had to mean a lot to your boss. And she’d picked you to head it.
“This sounds big, boss,” you mumbled, leafing through the hefty files. You were gonna need a couple hours, maybe, to go through this properly. “And looks big, too.”
“It is big, Y/N. In all the ways. This idea had been brewing in my head for a really long time. I had Athena make the proposal to this K-pop group’s management company, a few months back, and they said yes. She and I had been brainstorming how to approach this. Those guys are pretty tight about their privacy and, um, well. Fraternising policies. It’s all in there, you’ll see.” She pointed a finger at the file in your hands. “We were finally able to draw up the contract with the company’s CEO and Manager. And you were the only one I had in mind when we thought up of building a team and having someone head it so that we don’t have to leave.”
You gave a small, delighted giggle. “Thank you so much, boss. I won’t disappoint you.”
“I know you won’t.”
You got back to your desk and flipped to the first page of the file.
Your eyes bulged. You had been a busy—and irritable because of all the stupid shit that just constantly kept on happening in your personal life—woman during the past couple of years and really uninvested in anything and everything that had to do with entertainment. This past year had been especially rough ever since your move to the States. You freaking smoked pot when you needed to unwind, what could be worse than that.
But. But—before, when you were a normal, happy woman with a soul, BTS had been kind of a really humongous deal. Did that somehow change in the past couple of years? You strongly doubted it, recalling how huge they’d been growing worldwide, the last time you kept a check. Which you did like crazy.
You momentarily wondered if your boss would still have you as the first consideration if she knew about your crazy ARMY days…
You blinked, coming back from the mental journey, and turned the page. BigHit’s owner was still the same, obviously, but the group members now apparently had individual managers. You blinked, uncomfortable at the knowledge. Reading further, you found something that disturbed you even more.
All the BTS members were done with their Military Service, with Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon having returned from it just this year.
You swallowed, thickly. A lot had changed in the world outside of the one you’d been living in, too, apparently.
You read through the terms and conditions and your duties, thoroughly. Few points were pretty obvious and things you’d been expecting, but some of them made you frown.
You brought one such issue to your boss’s acknowledgement when you were done reading the entire booklet of a contract, nearly two hours later. You were ready to sign the thing, otherwise.
“And? What about it?” Your boss blinked at you, unfazed.
You sighed, and lifted your left hand up, pointing at your empty ring finger. “No ring, no fiance, boss. They want the team members to be at least engaged. I’m as single as it gets.”
She chuckled at that. “Tell me honestly, are you unprofessional enough to fraternise on your job? Such a high profile one, at that?”
You worried your bottom lip between your teeth. “I don’t think they’d care about what I think, boss, or that they’d even ask.”
Your boss gave an exasperated sigh. “Okay, let me put it in a different way.” You tilted your head to show your interest. “What’s your opinion on relationships, in general?”
You grimaced, unable to help your knee-jerk response. But then you shrugged, trying not to scowl while you said the words you’d started to believe in since the past couple of years. “Well, as I’d informed you through my quite less-than-professional letter at the time of my joining, boss, I think relationships are pointless. Humans keeping relationships beyond professionalism with each other is pointless, actually, because with a personal attachment comes a buckload of expectations, and then it’s just a rabbit hole down the middle of the earth. At the end of which, we burn.”
Your boss seemed to be suppressing laughter. Did the moral of your life amuse her? “You actually quoted the letter word by word, there, Y/N.”
You sighed. “That wasn’t something I’d thought through when I mailed it, boss. The voice input tool turned my rants into a letter. And my frustration over your concerns about fraternising in the office made me mail it.”
Your boss nodded. “Well, I talked to BigHit’s manager over the phone. The company’s not the group’s,” she added when you frowned in confusion at the singular term. “I explained to him about where you stood—taking references from this letter—and explained to him why I needed my most valuable Associate on the team.”
Your cheeks heated up, both due to the huge praise and embarrassment over the exposure of your letter. “Oh, um. Thank you. I guess?”
“Ugh, sign the damn piece of paper and start collecting the damn team, Y/N!”
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You’d resorted to staying back at the office till late hours just to avoid your roommate.
When you’d moved to the country, thirteen months back, and decided to share your decade old friend’s flat—feeling lucky as shit that he worked in the same city as you—you and him had been on the same page. You’d both been fed up with the concepts of relationships and entanglements, even the strictly-physical ones, and wanted to just burn away your youth on the grind and pot-smoking weekends.
But then, gradually, you noticed the shift in him. He was trying to get into your pants. It could not end well.
It wasn’t to say you weren’t attracted to him. You’d jump the gorgeous guy’s bones in a heartbeat, in an alternate universe. But in this one, you’d had a first hand experience of ruining multiple friendships, and you so did not wanna risk another.
That idiot didn’t get it, though.
Hence why you were brainstorming your project’s team at ten oclock of the night in your nearly empty office building.
“Any luck?” Your okay-ish colleague—the least clingy out of the lot—peered at your spreadsheet over your shoulder.
“Why the heck are you so against it, Sana?” you groaned into your palm, frustrated.
“Because I’m ARMY!” she said in an aghast tone.
“So? Dude, that’s nearly 70% of the earth’s population, at this point, I’m guessing.”
“Um, maybe, but. I don’t trust myself to be professional, Y/N,” she morosely mumbled, dropping into an empty chair on the table next to you.
You looked at her from above your glasses. “Why the heck not?”
She ducked her head, her honey blonde hair covering almost all of her face. But you still spotted the red that bloomed across her face. “Because I have a crush on Yoongi, the size of freaking America, Y/N!”
“What? What? That’s your reason?" You covered your mouth with a hand to hold back your laughter. "Lame fucking reason, Sana!” You glared at her when she nervously looked back at you. “Get your shit together, and pack your bags. And give me your husband’s number, I wanna tell him something.”
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You hadn’t imagined that picking out five people from a group of thirty would be this hard. You had spent an entire week literally running after these people to convince them. They were all married or engaged save for one, who had plans of proposing to his boyfriend a few months later, during Valentine’s before you convinced him to do it now so that he’d be able to join the team.
You’d come up with a total of four women and two men, including Sana, that were all fluent in Korean. That was kinda one of the biggest prerequisites, other than being in a committed relationship. You’d briefed the lot of them about what was to be done on this trip, who you were dealing with, and how long you’d be off for. They were all on board, now, and the only thing required was your boss’ approval.
And now you were all standing in the Chief Editor’s cabin, waiting for her to finish reviewing the team members’ profiles you’d collected and presented to her.
Your brain was nearly short circuited, at this point. If she said she wasn’t happy with any of your selections you were prepared to tell her to make the new selection herself, because there were only three more married people in this office, and none of them spoke Korean. There were only two more Korean speakers, but they were both female interns who’d be the worst nightmares to put on this project.
You looked at the six people standing next to you, all looking a varied degree of nervous.
But your boss looked impressed as she perused the file. She beamed at all of you, and then nodded. “Prepare for a six months’ stay, people, and prepare to do your best there. The only two real rules to remember are to keep it all a secret until the BigHit people are ready to disclose the news, and not fall in love.”
You all grunted in barely concealed annoyance at the last part, excluding Sana who bit her lip. You rolled your eyes. “It’d be a bigger concern for their partners than it would be to you, if that happens, boss. Don’t worry. We’re all a bunch of professionals, here.” You reassured your boss, shooting a glare at a fidgety Sana. 
“I have complete faith in y’all. Now, off you go. Brush up your Korean, spend time with your partners.” She looked at you. “Or just, you know, catch up on lost sleep. You fly to Seoul this Friday.”
Three days from now, oh God.
You all trickled out of your boss’ cabin with furrowed foreheads. You had the most workload out of them all, though, because in addition to preparing to spend six months in a foreign land, you also were to prepare a formal itinerary for said six months. You, of course, were clear on the details because they were mentioned in the contract, but writing them out for your team would definitely take a lot of time.
You briefly wondered if you should employ Sana’s help, before quickly deciding against it. It wouldn’t do you any good to do anything to sway your professional relationship by asking for personal favours.
“Hey, Y/N, all okay?” Simon, the guy that was proposing to his boyfriend early because of you, asked you when you dropped into your office chair with a huge thump.
You turned to scowl at him. “You guys have got to stop asking me that all the time! When have you ever gotten a good answer?”
Simon’s eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head. “My bad.”
You kept squinting at his retreating figure. Another member of your team met your eye, before quickly scrambling away.
You hummed in thought. Did they all think you were a bitch? Maybe you were.
Good. It’d do you some good in Korea.
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Tags: @tangledsparkles​
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juvinile · 3 years
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* HALEY  LU  RICHARDSON ,  CIS FEMALE  +  SHE / HER  |   you  know  EDEN  ROMANOV ,  right ?  they’re  TWENTY - THREE ,  and  they’ve  lived  in  irving  for ,  like ,  ON  AND  OFF  THEIR  WHOLE  LIFE ?  well ,  their  spotify  wrapped  says  they  listened  to  SAFE  PLACES  BY  CASSIDY  KING  like ,  a  million  times  this  year ,  which  makes  sense  ‘cause  they’ve  got  that  whole  LACING  YOUR  MARY  JANES  SO  TIGHTLY  THEY  LEAVE  MARKS ,  WIND  BLOWN  SILK  OVERSHIRTS ,  STRANDS  OF  FRESH  CUT  HAIR  LEFT  ABANDONED  IN  THE  SINK  TO  WILT  thing  going  on .  i  just  checked  and  their  birthday  is  SEPTEMBER  16TH ,  so  they’re  a  VIRGO ,  which  is  unsurprising ,  all  things  considered .
TW  INCLUDE  internalized homophobia tw, homophobia tw.
lacing your mary janes so tightly they leave marks, wind blown silk overshirts, strands of fresh cut hair left abandoned in the sink to wilt, light academia compulsions, using pressed petals with the thorns left sharp as bookmarks, falling apart inside the safety of your own room, putting yourself back together in a broken mirror, tight ponytails and tighter features, stretching yourself thin as elastic, bittersweet pomegranate, strawberry chapstick layered over clear lipgloss, reading the wrong script, world domination.
hermione granger (harry potter), cameron post (the miseducation of cameron post), the white rabbit (alice in wonderland), martha gellhorn (hemingway and gellhorn), dolores abernathy (westworld), nina sayers (black swan), emily dickinson (dickinson), caitlin park (the infinite noise), margaery tyrell (game of thrones) 
full name :  eden anastasia romanov
age / dob :  twenty threee / september 16th
gender :  cis female
pronouns :  she / her
faceclaim :  haley lu richardson
orientation :  homosexual / lesbian
residence :  port apartments
occupation :  intern in the mayor’s office
pinterest :  HERE !
eden anastasia romanov. born and raised in irving (though at times it felt like the romanovs lived in behind the walls of their own private castle, operated a few steps ahead of everyone else. eden ate it up), eden was one of the younger romanov’s. her father, vaughn romanov, was a senator who recently decided to run for town mayor and her mother, adelaide romanov, was a philanthropist.
she always always always looked up to her eldest sibling, cain. it seems this was a common thread for the romanov siblings see abel.  (played by james and bri blows a kiss)
very much born with a silver spoon so far up her rear, she was always her father’s precious angel. very much her father’s daughter. she knew cain was the one with all of the pressure but this only drove her to crave success more. she was determined to make her parents proud, even if the weight on her shoulders was completely self imposed. all her parents wanted from her career wise was to marry well and look pretty. more on this trauma later.
her and her siblings were expected to be more than involved in school and their community. she was a cheerleader and a gymnast, top of her class, president of the debate team, sang in the church choir. she was a perfect smiling face for her mother’s philanthropy events and stood next to her siblings at all of her father’s rallies. she played two instruments and spoke as many languages. she made it look easy.
there wasn’t very much time for eden to make friends. she only had a handful, girls she’d grown up with in the gymnastics gym, and she knew people that gravitated towards her really only had their eyes on her family’s money. (erm. maybe thats just ur weird trust issues eden but idk im not a therapist) because of this, she was exceptionally reliant on her siblings. they were the only ones who understood what it was like to be spread so thin you snapped.
(homophobia tw) she was the first of her family to spark controversy, though it never got out, when her mother caught her kissing a girl from her cheer squad in her car parked in front of their house. though her parents didn’t fully mind, this news would be bad for her father’s campaign so eden wasn’t given a say. the romanov’s would make it go away. she still had to appeal to the wealthy sons of her parent’s aristocratic friends. you couldn’t really do that with your tongue down a girl’s throat, now, could you e? 
her father bribed the girl’s mother to take her daughter off the cheer team. this was also the day eden decided she would be a politician. there was no question. she couldn’t feel helpless anymore. was it equal parts about besting her father for making her best friend go away? perhaps. eden wouldn’t admit that. she wouldn’t admit a lot of things.
deeply liberal. a stark contrast to the republican (centrist. but still.) values of her parents. a rift was drawn between her and her parents. she was no longer her father’s little girl. she wasn’t the romanov that could do no wrong. she was yet another family black sheep, who had a lot of making up to do if she wanted back in wealth’s good graces. she felt abandoned by her parents, an issue that she would grapple with for the rest of her life. (end of tw)
her grades dropped after this. she considered running away but in the end she graduated high school. she wasn’t valedictorian like she had always hoped, but salutatorian still looked good on college apps. eden was never known for giving up, but she wasn’t usually known for coming in second place either.
it was really hard for her when cain left to.. wherever it was they went off to. (she’s still afraid to ask) she was in college, pursuing a political science degree, and she suffered more than she would ever let on. she didn’t sleep much at all, the entire year. she accomplished very little, focused solely on keeping up the image she’d worked so hard to craft. if she could survive this she could survive anything.
screech (the sound of tires coming to a halt). cain came back. conveniently, eden made the decision to take a gap year and come back for a second senior year at university. it wasn’t related. she did this for herself. (she didn’t)
cain didn’t remember her when they came back. nothing hurt worse than this.
she’s going through a lot right now. she’ll b fine. 
don’t know where to fit this in but she owns a cat named lady d named after her role model princess diana. she’s mean and bites people a lot but eden thinks it’s endearing.
determined. type a. organized. studious. go getter. tenacious. shrill. hot tempered. prone to fantasy. escapist. withdrawn. tightly wound. deeply in need of catching a break. ankle biter energy. ruthless and bloodthirsty, can and will destroy anything that gets in her way? stuck in her head. strives so hard for perfection, low self esteem. unforgiving with mistakes. especially her own. thinks she doesn’t need anyone else. really really needs someone else. indulgent. likes luxury and doesn’t apologize for it, but isn’t loud about it either. princess locked in a tower waiting for her knight in shining armor energy. does this make sense.
other irving hs students her age that were also really hard workers in school. the people she competed with and also competed alongside. 
other members of the cheer team. first girl kiss anyone? first girl kiss? 
siobhan is her ex girlfriend from college that she broke up with because of all the internalized homophobia. does this spark any connections? lmk. 
a boy she’s dating to appease her parents. not sure if she’s doing it to get them off her backs or because she really wants to prove herself to them. probably both. 
hi hookups anyone? she might be pretending to date a guy but that doesn’t mean she’s a sadist. let’s have fun. 
ok who sells her weed. god knows she needs it. 
anyone who grew up going to her mother’s events. suffering through stuffy socializing together. eden was really good at it it was probably annoying. 
does anyone need a roommate in port? she’s really clean and keeps to herself but her cat does bite. warning. her cat does bite. 
anything else i can’t think of but. i’m sure there’s more.
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
❤️ F!reader is sweet to her boys Shouto & Hitoshi. They know about each other, but rarely talk unless it’s about her. She always has songs stuck in her head, whisper sings doin lil dances while sitting, both think is adorable but don’t say it. She gets really hurt saving them, losing blood, they’re tearing up “why would you do that, dummy?” She’s singin “fuck apologies I would say I’m sorry if I really meant it” ☺️ happy they safe, she sleeps for a week, Toshi puts blanket on Sho, she wakes up
A/N: This is the first time I got a request in such a form, so I hope I understood it right and could give you the story you had hoped for! Please enjoy! (๑꒪▿꒪)*
Tags: Todoroki x reader ✅  Shinsou x reader ✅  SFW ✅  fluff ✅  slight angst ✅
image/art source: Pinterest (if you know the original artist please let me know!!)
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The best sight one can wake up to - Todoroki and Shinsou x reader
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Todoroki, Shinsou, and you. 
Everybody from class 1-A and 1-C knew about the peculiar relationship the three of you shared.
On one hand, we had Todoroki, the young prince amongst the future heroes as well as Endeavor’s youngest son. 
The cold and distant facade he had put up, broke the moment he first saw you smiling bashfully at him after he had caught you dancing on the school’s rooftop.
Why are you just standing there? C’mere and dance with me!
He wasn’t used to such a cheerful voice welcoming and even inviting him to an activity you apparently enjoyed so much.
On the other hand, there was Shinsou, the ambitious young man who was ready to give it his all, in order to become a hero and show the world that even someone from a less popular class could be on the same level as them.
You were the first person to ever truly grasp what kind of impact his quirk actually had on his life, while others simply said that he was unsocial and hard to get along with. 
Is there a song you like? One that sets your mind at peace for example.
If there is, then I'd advise you to always sing it quietly to yourself...trust me, it helps.
What you had said was nothing but a simple comment with no real meaning behind it, but exactly that statement had changed his life.
And last but not least we had you, (Y/N), the girl that ran all the way from the support department to the future heroes’ classrooms to pick them up so that they could eat together during the lunch break.
Being a part of the class that had nothing but their inventions, there was no time for deeper friendships and everybody knew that...so how was it that you got along with the most unapproachable boys in your entire school?
It had still been a mystery to you, but you cherished those bonds nonetheless. 
In the beginning, you had a lot of difficulties to even get Todoroki and Shinsou to meet up with you at the same time, one didn't stop complaining about how he didn't want to talk to any of those ’pompous asses from class A’ while the other didn't even bother complaining at all - he sighed multiple times instead.
But after you had expressed the wish of wanting to spend as much time as possible with the most important people in your life, they simply couldn't refuse you anymore.
They didn't talk to each other more than necessary and if they chatted then it would've been mostly about you.
”Look at her...sketching something and singing some random songs, completely unaware of her own cuteness.”
The first person to speak up was the red- and white-haired boy and it threw the other young man off, but upon seeing the gentle expression on his face Shinsou knew that both of them shared the same amount affection for you.
“If you think that’s cute then you should see the small dances she does when she’s sitting and sketching something, they are absolutely priceless and a must-see.”
Todoroki didn’t expect to get any kind of reaction from the purple-haired boy, but he surprisingly did and that made him feel like they had become a tad closer.
They were so embarrassed to have shown the other such a weak side of their own, so any other cute characteristic of yours wasn't discussed out loud, and telling it straight to your face had never been an option anyway. 
A decision both of them soon regretted…
The teachers decided to send some pupils from each class on a mission to strengthen their teamwork as well as to prepare them for times during which they had to work with heroes they didn't personally know.
When you guys arrived on site, pro-heroes like Mt. Lady paired each and every one of you into groups of three. Fortunately, you were in a team with Todoroki and Shinsou which made you extremely happy. 
Everything was calm and just like any other street patrol, no villain or suspicious activity in sight.
Then suddenly a tall and vicious man ran straight into you. Had it not been for the two guys behind you, your cute butt might’ve collided with the dirty asphalt. 
You wanted to apologize, but the moment both of your eyes met he quickly backed away, taking a fighting stance.
”(Y/N)...get behind us.”
”Things are about the get ugly.”
It was confusing to you at first, but one look down at your UA uniform answered every possible question you might've had.
Nevertheless, you obliged and let both of them take care of the situation since they were the ones with the quirks.
A few minutes passed and the whole situation had escalated. Shinsou and Todoroki had tried to calm the man down and persuade him with words, but he was too agitated already and one just couldn’t get through to him.
As of right now, you were hiding behind a car watching the fight unfold. Not being able to help these two ate you up from the inside, but on the plus side, it also made you think of ways you could jump in and support them.
If there is one thing the students for 1-H should know, then it’s to never leave for a mission without their babies!!   
Hatsume’s words seemed quite peculiar and funny to you back then, but now...you were extremely grateful for the advice. Right before All Might told you guys to dispatch, you made sure to pack some of your inventions with you. One of it was a handy machine gun that you conveniently managed to design in such a way that it fits into any pocket and upon pressing a small button, the item would unfold its massive size. Unfortunately, it was still a prototype and you hadn’t tested it yet, so there were bound to be some malfunctions that could even end deadly.
I have to at least help them somehow...no matter the cost!
You took all the courage you could muster and aimed right at the man’s massive frame.
“Shoto! Hitoshi! Move!!”
These two were lucky enough that your invention needed some time to heat up at first, giving them the opportunity to react and dodge the incoming rain of bullets.
“What were you thinking?!”
The voices that were screaming at you sounded so far away, yet they belonged to the two boys you loved so much. Right now they were crouching on each side of your body, holding it as gently as they could, in order to not make the injury - which was caused by your prototype of a weapon - worse than it already was. 
Your gun’s recoil had been stronger than you’d anticipated and with its very first shot, it had hit you right in your abdominal region, the repetitive motion tearing up your skin, leaving nothing behind but a big and bleeding wound that was the cause of your sudden blackout.
With that small bit of consciousness, you still managed to hold on to, you listened to the nagging that was coming from both sides. 
“How can you even bring a weapon to a mission you haven’t tested yet...let alone use it?!”
“We told you to stand back, so why...? Why would you do that, dummy?”
“What should I do if you had...died..? What should we do then, huh?!”
It was actually a very serious and sad moment to be in and that’s how you should’ve felt as well, but you didn’t. You smiled weakly and began singing in a low and raspy voice.
♪ “What you want from me...? I would say I'm sorry if I….really meant it…...fuck apologies I'm not perfect….I got pride...that's not what it is this time...so….” ♪ 
Before you could finish the song, the happiness that you were able to save them caused the last bit of power to leave your body and turn your vision blacker than the darkest night…
A week passed and you were still unconscious, worrying the two young men with each passing second, minute, hour during which their fear for you grew.
Recovery girl helped with her quirk as much as she could and even if she had healed your injury on the surface, the ‘waking-up’ part was entirely up to you.
They came up with a schedule and decided to take turns with visiting your hospital room, but one day when it was Shinsou’s turn he silently opened the door and the first thing he saw was the bicolored hair of a man he’d gotten to know more than he’d intended.  
Did he...stay here all night?
With slow and silent steps the purple-haired man took off his jacket and covered Shoto as gently as he could with it. 
Normally he wouldn’t have done that, but the time he’d spent with the both of you caused an unexpected change of heart. 
As careful as possible he positioned a chair on the other side of your bed, taking your small hand in his own bigger one, silently praying to the gods for you to soon wake up…
The nurse that was assigned to you was quite astonished when she heard about your case.
An inspiring scientist, trying to become the first person heroes turned to when they needed any supporting item, was ironically hospitalized by her own invention.
The bitter irony behind it was not only sad but fascinating at the same time, but what fascinated her the most was the scene that played out in front of her right now.
You had woken up from your long slumber and were now grinning from one ear to the other. 
Seeing that Shoto and Hitoshi had fallen asleep by your side was the best sight one could wake up to...
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notaburgler · 4 years
Grocery Shopping
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The grocery store. A place to gather the essentials, or if you were Soramitsu Tabe, a source of power. Normally, this was a solo job delegated to some subordinate. But Overhaul felt the need to go himself, the rest of his posse following behind. 
They gave him a list of what to get, but Overhaul and his short fuse snapped, ‘if you all want this so bad, just come with me!’ He was regretting that outburst already. 
It wasn’t that his men were unruly or loud; it was more so that Overhaul found solace in grocery shopping. It was a relaxing moment in time where he wasn’t the boss of the feared yakuza. He was just a simple civilian out getting the week’s food. 
With his own reusable basket over one arm and a quick adjustment of his gloves, he was off. He did his best to ignore the ramblings of the rest, but since he was the one with the credit card, it was only reasonable that they would be bothering him with questions of whether they could get something or not. 
He sighed. He did, in fact, ask for this. 
Rappa, the rebellious and hot-headed man he was, just tossed what he wanted in the cart Chrono had grabbed. Why ask? He needed it, even if it was the sugar-coated cereal Overhaul hated. 
But if he was trying to piss off the boss, he failed. Overhaul was actually happy he had just made the decision for himself. They were only down the first aisle and he was already getting irritated with the small group. Maybe offering to let them come along, even if it was out of anger, wasn’t the best call.  
Arms crossed and a scowl on his face, Shigaraki grumbled, “Why do I have to be here?”
The league of villains had needs, too. It wasn’t odd to consider that their fridge needed replenishing, and even with a moderate, but small budget, Kurogiri would manage to get what was needed.  
“Because Tomura Shigaraki, you are our leader and as our leader, you must make decisions for our little group.” Kurogiri stated, pushing the cart into the store. 
The rest followed the two. They loved this. Dabi intended to cause a scene. Toga wanted Lucky Charms and a body pillow so she could draw a picture of Deku on it to sleep with. Spinner was still searching for the perfect lotion to help with how hard his scales had gotten. Twice was trying to stick to a diet, but the other half of him felt eating instant noodles and cookies for dinner was perfectly acceptable. Mr. Compress had a new recipe he found on Pinterest he wanted to try. 
There was a fear that, since they were villains, they would be caught. But Kurogiri chose the store, and Costco couldn’t have been a better choice. It was huge and there were a lot of people swarming the isles. He insisted Shigaraki leave his hands at home and wear his hoodie. After a quick hissy fit, the hands remained behind and he tossed his hoodie up, ‘I’m not doing it because you told me to… I’m doing it because I want to.’ His stubbornness was endearing. 
“Chrono,” Shigaraki perked up at the overheard name and glanced through the aisles, “make sure Tabe doesn’t eat us out of house and home.” 
Overhaul. Shigaraki scowled at his voice. “Our funds are limited and we can’t use it all up here.” He continued on, Shigaraki following them as they walked down the aisle. “And make sure that Sakaki stays away from the liquor aisle,” Overhaul noted nodding. 
Shigaraki’s glare was joined by Dabi. Both glaring holes through the yakuza boss. “Tomura Shigaraki,” Kurogiri gained the attention of his leader again, “we need your input.”
Shigaraki, being the adult that he is, had a new plan, “Kurogiri, you do the shopping. I have something else I have to do.” He said with a devious smirk.
“Boss,” Mimic rode in the child’s seat of the cart going over the budget, “here is what we can afford. If we can spend less, that would be ideal.” He held out his calculator, “don’t forget, we have to get a few things for Eri.” 
Overhaul sighed, but he knew keeping the kid happy— or at least content— was important. A new doll house or a stuffed animal should suffice. Her daily food rations would come from what they gathered for all, but he did intend to get something a bit more fun for her as well. She was, after all, the reason he had gotten so far in his research. A nice gift would do the trick in maintaining her submission. 
Overhaul glanced at his list, then at the prices, then back at his list. It should be doable with the budget Mimic had placed, but it would be tight. He had to remember that toilet paper and laundry detergent weren’t cheap; and with the monstrosity that was that store, and the countless opportunities to go over budget, he’d have to keep a watchful eye on what they got. 
Overhaul scanned the men in front of him. “Get what you like, just don’t go too crazy.” 
Chrono pushed the cart, Mimic had hopped to the floor and grabbed the lower items so Overhaul didn’t have to bend over or touch anything. The reason Overhaul preferred to go alone was silence and space. The selections he made were precise. He’d always grab the item farthest to the back so the least amount of hands had touched it. Mimic knew this. He handed it to Chrono, who plopped it in the cart.
The trip was surprisingly relaxing. Overhaul would hate to admit that his subordinates were quite well-mannered in public, even if they all didn’t look the part. They were polite and kind. A few of them would gain a passing glance and a look of horror from the other patrons, but that was expected. So long as they minded their manners and didn’t cause a scene, they would be left to do their shopping in peace. 
With a half full cart, Overhaul stopped to examine their findings. Several extra bottles of wine gained Sakaki a glare. He quickly took a few out and returned them to the shelf. 
An overabundance of food was crammed to the side like a rat hoarding food for the winter. “Tabe…” Mimic sighed, “I said only get what is needed. If you plan to buy all of this, get your own cart and pay with your own money.”
Again, the men scattered with their designated items as Overhaul scanned the aisles. He placed a few things in his cart and moved on. Chrono stepped away and Mimic followed his boss talking about how many extras were tossed in that weren’t on the list.
Dabi chuckled watching them leave, “Now’s our chance,” he smirked.
Shigaraki slipped into the aisle and pulled the cart back, Dabi pushing another into its place, “This always drives me up the wall,” he laughed as he got back to his leader. 
Shigaraki went through their cart, checking it out and decaying anything he didn’t like. “Serves them right,” he huffed, placing all five fingers on a giant can of soup.
Rappa passed a free sample stand and stopped. He loved the store for this reason. Tabe would go nuts at these if it wasn’t for the looming threat of their boss scolding him— or worse. 
“Care to try a sample, good sir?” “Come on, you loser! What are you? Scared?” The sample vendor was an odd one.
“Have I seen you before?” 
“I don’t think so…” “Just try the food, you overgrown weasel!” 
Rappa, as confused as he was, gripped the small cup in his massive hands. His eyes never left the strange vendor. He felt like he must have seen him before. Taking away the comically large chef’s hat and the pink apron, he looked so… familiar.
With a wondering glance, Rappa scooped the yogurt sample onto the tiny spoon and shoveled the entire thing into his mouth. “Well that’s damn good!” he said, reaching for more.
“Please, take another.” “Save some for the rest of the people, fat ass!” 
Rappa left with a few more samples to share. He knew his comrades would enjoy them and there hadn’t been many other samples available that day. 
“Here.” He handed one to Tengai and another to Tetsuno. “Free samples,” he said, eating yet another.
Overhaul walked alongside Chronostasis as they gathered more items and put them in the cart. There seemed to be a bit more than Chrono remembered before they left.
Chrono hummed to himself, “Maybe Hojo put more in. He didn’t want to come here to begin with anyway.” He shrugged moving along having a harder time with the cart than before. 
It seemed that in the short time he had walked away, the back wheel to the cart had jammed up. He was using more strength to push the cart than before. And now the front wheel on the opposite side had a mind of its own too. If he did manage to get the cart moving, the front wheel would flip in the wrong direction and send the cart hurling into the aisle. He grit his teeth, bearing it with stoicism. Overhaul hated complainers.
It was a petty thing to be upset about, and his boss had no patience for the like. When they arrived, Chrono made well and sure that the cart he grabbed was perfect. He made an ordeal out of it holding the lot of them from even entering the store before he selected it. If Chrono had a major pet peeve: it was a faulty shopping cart. 
His pride, and dignity, prevented him from returning to the front of the store and getting a new one. He was a leader in this group after all; and after making a big deal out of which cart to grab, he couldn't turn around and claim his selection unworthy. No, Chrono would have to bite his tongue and press on, fighting the urge to admit defeat via a shopping cart.
“Everything alright?” Overhaul hummed. 
Chrono forced the words out as he powered through the stubborn cart’s resistance. “Yup. No problems here,” he said, breath strained.
He kicked the wheel hoping to knock it back into place so it would work properly again, but to no avail. It was as if this cart had been struck by his quirk. And now, Chronostasis would suffer for it. 
Shigaraki and Dabi chuckled at the sight. He hadn’t even noticed that their new cart was littered with junk food and frozen items. Dabi made sure that the frozen food was at the bottom and had been thoroughly thawed out before exchanging the carts. 
“Stupid yakuza.” Shigaraki snickered, sneaking away as they turned a corner, out of the other villains’ line of sight.
The two caught up to their own small group reassembling in the frozen food aisle. 
“Spinner…” Dabi pointed.
Shigaraki glanced at his reptilian ally and a wicked grin spread across his face. With a ‘borrowed’ can opener, Spinner opened some tuna.  
His eyes flicked to meet Shigaraki’s and he locked up in fear. Yet upon seeing that sickening smile, he proceeded with his plan knowing his leader approved.
With a short grunt, he tossed the can over the tall row of food. Shigaraki and Dabi, now hiding behind a stack of potato chips and pretzels, watched as the can landed just behind the group. The yakuza pressed on without noticing the splattered fish a few feet away from them. 
Shigaraki nodded to Spinner as he hastily opened another can and adjusted himself according to Dabi’s directions. 
A step to the left, then to the right. A small shuffle back to the left and he was in place. 
Overhaul glanced inside the freezer for his favorite meal and nodded to Mimic to grab a few. He graciously plucked the food from Mimics hand, paying close attention as to not touch him, and gently placed them in his basket.
“Boss,” Mimic scooted along the floor, “we come to Costco, the bulk capital of the food world, and you shop with a tiny basket?” 
As Overhaul began to answer, a can of tuna fell from above, landing between them, and splattering across the floor. 
Overhaul held back his urge to destroy everything in sight. This trip was turning into a nightmare. His men all stopped and stared, wondering what the boss would do. His arms held out in disgust and a rancid look on his face made them fearful of the outcome of this mess. 
Overhaul took a deep breath in and let it out slowly with closed eyes. He had a reputation to uphold and couldn't go killing random citizens because of this. If he was going to continue his experiments, he needed to keep a low profile; and murdering people in such a public and crowded place would not help him in the grand scheme of things.
“Well!” Mimic yelled, “get something for the boss to clean himself up!”
Kurogiri was enjoying the silence. On occasion, one of his comrades would pop by and toss something in the cart. They would leave as quickly as they came, off to grab another useless item. He would spend a moment looking it over and deciding if it was worth the money. Most of the stuff the League of Villains would throw at him was junk food and unhealthy. He had tried so hard to get them off of this instant noodles and chips diet, but Shigaraki was a tough cookie to crack. He was so stubborn and hard to convince that a healthy diet would help his work later. 
He tossed a few bags of chips back on the shelf and shook his head at the amount of soda and energy drinks piling up at the bottom of the cart. 
“You can have one or the other.” He said putting back the energy drinks and changing them out for coffee instead, “this will be much better for you anyway, Tomura Shigaraki.” 
Kurogiri really was the glue that held the League together. Without him, they would have already been caught by the heroes or starved. He took pride in his position, and made sure that at least once a week, a good hearty meal was on the menu. 
Overhaul cleaned up the best he could. His pure, unadulterated rage had calmed to a gentle frustration. Clorox wipes definitely helped. He could still smell the fish on his pants, but at least he got the majority of it up. Now he didn’t care about getting what was on the list; he just wanted to go home and take a properly scalding shower. 
The next aisle was his favorite though. A soft heat throbbed in his chest. His eyes sparkled with a ray of happiness. The once fuming aura of pure disgust was erased and replaced with a shimmering delight. He passed a wet floor sign and stepped around a large puddle of detergent on the floor and stopped to admire the beauty.
The soap aisle.
The bleach. The detergent. The smell of freshness. It made his heart, as black and emotionless as it was, flutter in his chest. This aisle was as dangerous to him as a liquor store was to Sakaki. If he didn’t have someone stopping him, he’d end up buying the entire aisle. Luckily, Tengai had come to his side seeing him alone. 
“Boss,” he piped up, catching Overhaul off guard. “Only get what you need.”
Overhaul hated being told what to do, especially by those he deemed expendable like Tengai. But he was right, they couldn’t afford to spend so much money on cleaning supplies. With a hopeless sigh, he placed the box of gloves in his basket and moved along to the detergent. 
“Got the coffee.” Rappa stated, rounding the corner. 
Tetsuno followed with the tea in hand. With all of this, they wouldn’t have to get more for quite some time. 
All three men suddenly stopped in their tracks as they moved along, Overhaul leaving them behind.
“Oh….” Tetsuno gripped his stomach.
“Oh man….” Rappa whined. 
Tengai remained silent, standing still. 
“What’s wrong with you three?” Overhaul looked back at them with raised brows. 
“Bathroom… now…” All three collectively turned and rushed as one toward the restrooms. 
Before they even managed to leave the aisle, they slipped on the puddle of detergent. All three tried so hard to use the others as a means to stay on both feet. They were sliding around, a moving pretzel of villains, before inevitably falling flat on their asses.
Overhaul ignored them, enjoying the sweet scent of the detergent. He took in a whiff of the fresh linen smell and smiled. Even through his mask, he could smell it; it was wonderful. But that scent was quickly destroyed by a truly awful smell. He glanced back at his men, all three of them looking ashamed and embarrassed. 
Rappa growled. “This is your fault.” He held Tengai by the shirt collar. 
“I don’t understand how this could possibly be my fault.” He rolled his eyes trying to hide that he too, had shit his pants.
“Who cares whose fault it is…. I need new pants now.” Tetsuno scanned the aisles until he saw the clothes.
He made a beeline for them hoping the smell wasn’t as bad as it felt.
Toga held back her laughter, clutching the wet floor sign to her chest in glee. All she wanted was to watch them fall. Watching the light leave their eyes as they voided their bowels was the delicious cherry on top she desperately needed. It was sweet, sweet payback for what they had done to poor Big Sis Magne.
Shigaraki had called a truce with them; but that didn’t mean messing with them was out of line with her leader’s orders. 
She chuckled, pinching her nose. “Nice job Twice. Laxatives in the yogurt samples… classic.”
Katsukame scanned the bulk dry foods section. They needed more rice and he was selected to get it. Normally, he would grab a large bag of it from another store, but being on a tight budget made him come here. 
He grimaced at the faint scent of feces and shook his head, “Damn kids.” He glared at a mother and baby.
The white rice was on sale too. This was a good thing. Any deal they could get would be a winner, and anything to get praise from the boss or Mimic was a good thing. 
He would never outwardly admit it, but he loved the praise he got for a job well done. He loved being the go-to guy. Getting the job done right the first time was his life’s motto. 
“Lucky me.” He said, hefting a 20-pound sack in his arms. 
He walked the store in a bit of awe— this was his first time in such a large establishment. The free samples, the huge variety, the giant TVs, even furniture! What didn’t this place have? 
He made note of a rice cooker he passed. The one at the hideout was getting beat up from its constant use. Once he got paid, he might come back and buy it for the group. They all had been working so hard lately and a nice treat like this would be appreciated.
Dabi followed Hojo around the store wondering what he would select. He’d scan a few items and pick them up to examine, but never bring them back with him. He seemed to be looking for something specific but couldn’t quite find what it was he was looking for in the vast array of gifts this store had to offer. 
He hummed, holding up a bundle of leeks. “This should do us well,” he said, placing them in his grocery bag and continuing on. 
He was looking for ingredients for a recipe. 
Dabi kept a close eye on him and his mission, each ingredient thoughtfully selected and put into his bag.
“Now for some sugar.” 
Dabi cackled lowly and slipped past him. Hojo’s attention was directed towards the commotion in the detergent aisle. He could only assume someone had told his boss he couldn’t buy it all. 
He shook his head, “Fools. Just let the man get what he wants.” He dropped the sugar in his bag and moved along.
“I don’t get it?” Shigaraki huffed at Dabi’s seemingly stupid move.
“His meal is gonna be great. But replacing salt with sugar is gonna make it even better.” 
Shigaraki grinned. This evil work was more fun than he had thought. 
Tormenting the Shie Hassaikai. This was a great stress relief that even he wouldn’t think would help. The undeniable desire to get even with the man that not only belittled him and destroyed his hideout, but also killed his comrade was fulfilling. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention.”
The loudspeaker cut off his next thought. That voice was familiar. “Toga…”
“The young man in the plague mask and green coat has had a horrible day. He’s in the detergent aisle. He loves getting tightly hugged and cuddled when he’s feeling down.” Shigaraki’s smile split his face. “If you see him, please, give him a big hug and tell him how important he is. Suicide is not an option and many people will miss him.”
“Thank you!” “Tell them he loves it when you touch his dick.”
“Shut up Twi-”
The crackle of the loudspeaker screeched before turning off. 
“Oh no…” Chrono left the cart in Nemoto and Mimic’s hands and dashed to his boss. 
With how busy the store was, there was already a small crowd surrounding him. This wasn’t good. If even one of them touched him he’d break out into hives and start disassembling each one of them. 
“Please, everyone.” Chrono announced making his way through the small gathering, “the boss is fine. There is no need to hug or touch him. We, his… friends, have made sure he won’t do anything drastic. Return to your shopping.” 
An old lady passed, “here’s a candy young man.” Her voice broke and sweet like a grandmother.
Her wrinkled smile flashed to the young boss. He wasn’t the least bit amused by her presence. He already felt his skin start to bubble just from the people looming around him so closely. 
“Clean up in the detergent section... and the clothing section…”
Twice snickered as he and Toga tiptoed off, seeing Sakaki stumble past them. They couldn't get caught yet. 
“Hey,” he reunited with Shigaraki and Dabi, “this is fun!” “Let’s make them cry!”
Dabi rolled his eyes. “Calm down. Where’s Spinner?”
“Right here.” The lizard man’s smile made them all giddy, “just had to take care of a…. rice situation.”
“Boss,” Hojo waved, “I got the rice like you asked.” He held up the bag by the cloth handle.
Half empty, rice trickled out of the hole in the bottom. Overhaul watched silently as it continued to drain out onto the floor in front of Hojo, a small pile of rice forming at his feet. 
Hojo kept his hand up, letting the last few grains fall before lifting his gaze to the boss. This was embarrassing. His one job, the only job he was given, was a complete and utter failure. 
He fell to his knees, “I’m so sorry boss!” He begged for forgiveness, “Please, let me try again!”
Overhaul was over this trip. He was frustrated and irritated— not to mention he still smelled like tuna. The store reeked of shit and half of his gang had somehow been hit with an illness. He’d have to correct that before getting into the same automobile as them. Maybe he’d just leave them behind and make them walk. A good brisk jog should do them well.
“We are leaving,” he sighed. “Gather the rest.”
Hojo took his orders seriously and rushed to get them together. Mimic and Chrono had made way to the checkout counter and waited as Overhaul grabbed a few more things he needed.  
He stopped for a moment and closed his eyes. This trip was bringing shame upon his group. A rice trail scattered along the floor showed exactly where Hojo had gone. An exceptionally large pile of rice sat in the lingerie section; what an embarrassment.
He still needed something for Eri. She hated the tea set he got last time. Refused to play with the doll house from the time before. She loathed the stuffed animals. Normally this task would be given to her caretaker, but an unfortunate ‘accident’ rendered him useless and disposed of immediately. 
Overhaul lifted a giant sucker up and examined it, “this should do.” He dropped it in his basket and headed to the checkout stand.
He passed Tetsuno, Rappa, and Tengai getting escorted to the back. For a moment he panicked, but seeing the clothing section a mess and covered in layers of runny shit made him turn a corner and go the longer way. Somehow, those three managed to get sick at the same time. It was disgusting. He had settled on it, those three would walk home. Either that, or they’d be sprayed with the hose outside before getting into the same vehicle as him. The thick stench of human excrement was filling the entire store.
“What an embarrassment…” he shook his head.
Once at the checkout line, he felt the calm return. It was almost over. 
Chrono and Mimic knew better than to place the groceries on the conveyor belt without him. He had a routine and a method and he wouldn’t allow anyone to mess it up. 
Frozen food first, then the fresh meats, a blockade of boxed or bagged items to keep the meats from touching anything, and the fresh veggies. Last was the cleaning supplies and his own basket of items. The checkout lady knew him from past visits and prepared to separate his basket from the rest. 
“Boss, I don’t think we wanted this…” Chrono held up a box of plus size tampons.  
“Or this…” Mimic showed the bulk extra strength deodorant.  
Chrono looked over all of it, “none of this is ours!” he stated furiously.  “Someone switched our god damn cart!” He gripped the handle to hold back his anger.  
Overhaul remained silent. He grabbed his basket and went to another line, “I’ll be in the car when you are done returning all of this to the proper place and getting what we need.”
It took forever, but with teamwork and cooperation, they all managed to get what they had come for and out of the store without any more incidents. Rappa, Tengai, and Tetsuno were given adult diapers to wear home after cleaning up in the employee locker room. 
The clothing section was closed off and was still getting cleaned as they checked out and left. “Finally!” Chrono groaned.
They quickly started to pack up the SUV. All they wanted was to get out of there as soon as possible.
The League of Villains excitedly packed the car. Shigaraki knew he could trust Kurogiri to get what was needed. He did throw a bit of a tantrum when Kurogiri didn’t buy the chips they all asked for, but they would get over it soon enough. 
“Compress,” Dabi got his attention. With a hum, Mr. Compress turned. “What exactly were you doing this entire time?”
The league rolled past Overhaul and his gang— windows down and sunglasses on. Dabi took it upon himself to blast some gangster rap to try to look cool. 
They smiled, waving at their rivals. Overhaul’s eyes widened as he finally caught on to why this particular trip was such a disaster. 
Mr. Compress smiled. He hung out the window as Twice slowed. With a snap of his fingers, their entire car practically exploded. Canoes, couches, TVs, bookshelves, refrigerators, all of them came bursting out of nowhere, effectively destroying the car and everything inside of it. His quirk had come in handy, dropping small marbles into their bags as they left.
Shigaraki, making eye contact with Overhaul, nodded and puckered his lips as he flashed the peace sign like the gangster he is. 
Twice sped away laughing. 
Shie Hassaikai would never forget: members of the League of Villains were petty and cruel.
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marnivanross · 4 years
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★ have you seen [ MARNI VANROSS ] since the storm? some say they look like [ zoey deutch ] but they’re [ 21 ]  & go by [ THE SKEPTIC ]. [ she’s ] lived in halloway for [ 12 years ] & they are originally from [ LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA]. before the town vanished they were studying [ astronomy ] and lived at [ UNI BLVD ]. most people knew the [ CISFEMALE ] as [ + INTELLIGENT ] but i’ve heard they can also be [ - COLD ]. for some reason, they feel [ uneasy ] about the town’s disappearance. ( pepper, twenty three, s he/her, est )
ABOUT THE MUN.  what is that? that freaky thing? yes, that’s right, it’s a naked mole rat.
hello all, my name is pepper and what you’re about to see is about to be peak mediocrity. i am usually pretty decent at intros but i really have spent most of today watching love island, and i just spent the past two hours watching pilot pete make horrible decisions, so my brain is officially mush. that said i am going to do my best to make this coherent. to start, a bit about me, i am a taurus. i like trash tv. i’m really craving chicken fingers. i have never met a plate of nachos i didn’t like, and if i could be anything other than a human person i’d be a cloud i think. alright onto the good stuff. 
BIO. *has my feelings surgically removed*
first of all here is her pinterest board (keep in mind marni was kind of the skully inspired muse in a scooby doo rp so that’s why stuff looks a bit spooky)
marni was brought into the world into a weird situation by anyone’s standards, but especially by hers. to start, both her parents were hippies. yes, weed smoking, chakra cleansing, organic grown kale that they got from the farmer’s market where the only store clerk walked around with her tits proudly out, hippies. but they weren’t just any hippies, they were rich hippies. and that somehow made it worse. 
clint ‘storm’ vanross and clementine vanross were the proud owners and entrepreneurs of a whole food organic grocery store (think whole foods or trader joe’s), and clemetine later went on to ride the success of their company to create her own website and brand (think goop basically. yes, marni’s mother has sold a candle that smells like her vagina, and yes marni is deeply ashamed of it). both businesses were wildly successful, and so clem and storm quickly went from living and travelling the world in their van to having about six mansions across the world. marni came into their life as their first child around the time they bought mansion two. she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but that spoon’s handle was made of moon quartz and the silver was organically sourced. 
from there on out marni was raised in a weird way. you’d think because hippies were all about free love, that marni would be raised with an abundance of it but that wasn’t exactly the case. her parents were all about giving marni her aunotomy fairly early in life, which sounds good, but really means that marni was simply treated as an adult from the moment she could walk by herself. and she was the adult really. after all, marni was the one who had to convince her parents to enroll her in school (they were determined to let the world be her teacher, and marni simply wasn’t having any of it), the one who had to fix her own meals when all that was left in their fridge was raw tofu, the one who had to clean up her mother’s vomit whenever she went a bit to hard on the moonshine. yes, marni had parents, but she also had forty-something year old children in boho chic attire.
and marni’s parents never understood it. after all, with the way they were they could never understand how their genetics combined to make such a serious girl. one who would look at the moon and not just admire it, but ask how it stayed up there in the first place. how far away was it? how could she get there? and when told to simply enjoy and love it for what it was, would instead march herself to the library and find out the answers herself. marni’s parents and her truly never saw eye to eye, and at a certain point marni stopped trying to. she wasn’t expecting her parents to follow suit, but follow suit they did. marni’s parents gave up on trying to understand her her around the time she was nine. that’s when she moved to halloway, or rather, that’s when they moved her to halloway. 
they said it was because of business. the fact was, marni’s parents had been marching her around the world, from state to state and country to country whenver they wanted to start up a new store or run down a new story. yes, sometimes they would leave her (alone, in an empty house, with only the occasional eccentric ‘aunt’ or ‘uncle’ to come by and make sure marni wasn’t dead) for a while for short business trips (the longest being about two weeks) but they always came back eventually. but this was different. her parents set her up in halloway with a nanny named paola, and then they left for the foreseeable future. her mother, to go down to africa to chase a story. her father, to go down to europe and expand the business. they both promised to be back within a month, and they were. but then they left again. and again. and again. 
but it was fine. marni and paola got along great. she learned very quickly how to forge her parents signature on school forms. she didn’t need them. she didn’t miss them. but she did desperately want them to want her, and it took marni a long time to realize they just didn’t. 
marni was the new girl for a while. she struggled a bit to make friends as the little girl who got more excited by science experiments than barbies. the one who was always the first to raise her hand in class, and the one with the famous parents. most of the kids didn’t know who the vanross’ were but the parents did. and having the occassion adult come up to marni and tell her how they just loved her mother’s zuchini bread recipe, or the all organic popcorn they sold at her father’s store was just... weird. and other kids found it weird too. marni struggled for a while, and was picked on quite a lot but what was she to do other than accept it? all that marni had in her arsenal were facts and scathing words, and mean kids didn’t usually tend to let those stop them. 
eventually marni grew up. she went to high school. skipped prom. remained fairly anonymous other than becoming president of the chemistry club, valedictorian and being known as the girl known for making friends with her teachers. she got accepted to harvard and yale for university, but not knowing if it was because of her own accomplishments (which were countless) or because of her parents, she refused them both and decided to stay in halloway. to go to university here. to try and make her own way. 
honestly in university marni’s life was similarly uneventful because for the most part she was the quiet type that went to class, went home, and back. she didn’t cause any stir unless you could hear the occasional scathing comment murmured under her breath, or you were a neighbour who marni was screaming at to keep it down. she didn’t even attend a single party unless coerced. she was nobody, and honestly that was how marni liked it. she had never been one for the spotlight. she genuinely preferred to be more behind the scenes, unless there was a need to rise to the occasion. 
and then all of this happened y’all. it really went to shit huh. marni is terrified honestly and she just wants to know what’s going on. a lot of people who barely know who she is have probably seen her speaking up and asking questions and getting almost frenzied in her attempt to find the truth because the mystery of all this is driving her insane. no she doesn’t miss her parents particularly, but she does miss what the world used to be and she wants to go back to that, desperately, but she also really just wants to know. like if marni understood what was happening here or even just played a part in future generations understanding, and she was literally still never able to get back... honestly she could still die pretty happy i’m ngl.
PERSONALITY. *eyes snap open at 3:52am* nobody likes me
blunt. painfully painfully blunt, god. if marni thinks you’re an idiot she will tell you to your face, she really does not care and that absolutely will get her into trouble one day
painfully curious! wants to know what’s happening with this whole situation, god desperately wants to know the truth and mechanics behind it. 
cold honestly?? like marni doesn’t know how to comfort people really, she was never really taught how. she isn’t very compassionate, she’s genuinely more on the logical side. will give you the most rational answer even if it does sound kinda of cruel
the voice of reason! the person in your friend group who is the designated driver. also the person in your friend group who would say ‘i told you so’
an overachiever. lives for academic acknowledgement, like those little gold stars on your papers in elementary school are what kept marni going man. huge ass nerd. huge ass bookwarm. 
super stubborn. refuses to even entertain the idea of anything magical happening here, and is honestly kind of judgmental of people who think that way because of her parents like marni has very little respect for any hippies i’m not gonna lie 
skeptical as hell but we been knew 
a know it all! think she’s right about everything !! she usually is but still !!
does not know what to do with emotion. has had a couple, and does not recommend it. would rather die than admit to a feeling. 
trust issues galore! does not trust literally anyone ever. if marni trusts you than you’re truly special
HEADCANNONS. it takes me 3-7 business days to process my feelings
has never learnt to ride a bike cause her parents never taught her rip
loves the smell of books
laughs at horror movies generally. the kind of person who is really hard to scare. 
was raised a vegan but loves eating meat. stress eats meat when she’s truly like anxious, and so is really bummed about the dwindling meat supply for more reasons than one. 
needs coffee to survive, so the rationing has got her going a bit crazy even though she knows it’s necessary. 
has never really gotten truly drunk. 
keeps a detailed journal about all of her thoughts about all of this and takes meticulous notes. 
is left handed. 
can shoot a gun and does have one on her person pretty much at all times. i headcannon that her nanny paola taught her to shoot, and marni isn’t strong at all but she’s a pretty good shot. it’s the only way she has to defend herself honestly. 
is redheaded/strawberry blonde zoey and redheaded/strawberry blonde zoey ONLY
bi as hell!
WANTED CONNECTIONS. baby’s first words are ‘i’m not here to make friends’
i really am too lazy to make a whole ass sexy list rn and i apologize sjsdjjdf but !!! best friends, friends, confidantes, someone who used to drag her to parties, someone who used to pick on her, someone who used to defend her, flings, exes (marni is a horrible gf and she probably DIPPED the moment she started to feel something so give it to me folks), crushes she used to have in high school or middle school or elementary school, people who had crushes on her in high school or middle school or elementary school, current crushes on either end, enemy (just someone she butts heads with man!), old academic rivals, partner in crime in trying to figure this shit out, someone who hates her man, sibling like relationship, a girl squad, someone who tries to get her to loosen up, someone who is really chill and okay with the current situation who marni just wants to strangle with her bare hands!!! and anything else your heart desires okay, thank you for listening to me ramble ilu already. 
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space-malex · 5 years
Isobel Evans
How I feel about this character
I love her and I have since day one. But my love for her has only grown over time. I feel like she’s someone who has spent her life so deeply afraid about people discovering the real her as an alien that she’s never given herself the opportunity to figure out the real her as Isobel. She carefully crafted a persona that was designed to keep people at a distance. That, combined with her entire previous 14 years now in question about what was her and what was Noah, I think has decimated all that she built and now she needs to begin again. I’m really looking forward to Isobel being able to explore who she truly is- without the influence of Noah or the motivation of hiding. Her speech in 5 really breaks it down succinctly. “Everything I do is a coverup. I don’t know how to feel about my husband, because I don’t know how he feels about me. Because he doesn’t know me, because I don’t know me, because everything I do is an act!” Maria pinpointed it in 4, only she doesn’t know or understand the reason for Isobel’s curated Pinterest page of a life. She doesn’t know it’s about self-preservation for Isobel. Isobel is as much a mystery to herself as she is to everyone else. And I can’t wait for her to unravel it in s2.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Maria and Kyle. I love both pairings for completely different reasons, but there’s chemistry in either one of them. Actually I kind of ship all of them together as an OT3.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Michael. It’s one of my favorite relationships on RNM. Also, I would love to see where things go with Rosa. I don’t think anything romantic could ever happen between them given everything that has happened prior to the events of the show. However, I could see Isobel taking up the mantle of a protector of Rosa and maybe an older sister figure and friend.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I’m not sure how unpopular it is, but I don’t like that Isobel gets so much blame for being ungrateful for Michael’s sacrifice for her (taking the blame for Rosa) when she didn’t even know what he did for her at that time and him deciding that and then he and Max hiding what happened completely took away her agency. Even after she found out, what was she supposed to say? Thank you for lying to me for a decade? She was never given a choice in the matter, nor was she even aware of the situation, so this idea that she’s not showing enough gratitude has never made sense to me. I understand Michael and Max trying to protect her and give her as much peace of mind as possible, but it’s kind of hard to be thankful for someone else making a decision about your life and lying about it. Kinda like how even tho Michael and Is were trying to do the right thing for all of them by sending Liz away, the idea that Max is going to be grateful for something that is just silly because it didn’t take away his hurt and it made things worse later on. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. And honestly, if they had told Isobel the truth to begin with, they could’ve figured out what was actually going on a lot sooner. I do realize that at that time Noah was still underground. But instead of just pretending like nothing ever happened and acting like everything was normal, they could’ve researched it like they did throughout the actual first season of the show when the blackouts started up again. I don’t harbor a lot of anger because I get that they were all kids trying to make the best of a terrible situation. I just don’t understand the attitude that Isobel isn’t grateful enough toward her brothers when I don’t see any reason that she should be.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
What I wish had happened, or rather had not- Does Isobel’s husband not being evil count? I wish they had found another way to write Noah off other than making him the villain. Because let’s be real, Noah was never going to be a core character. At least not as Isobel’s husband. This is a drama on the CW and you’re not going to have one married couple that just stays married the whole time. Not when you can play with relationships. But I still loved him as a character and wished they hadn’t made him evil. And maybe even kept him as a recurring character like Jenna even if he and Isobel split. What I wish would happen- maribel or Isobel being confirmed bisexual and having a girlfriend. I fully admit that’s at least 50% my selfish desire to watch Lily Cowles kiss girls. But also I just want a nice wlw ship on the show to join my mlm one. 😍
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cherrybracelets · 5 years
Rosie (A Joe Mazzello x Reader Fic)
(warnings - swearing / word count -2k )
summary : you and joe meet after your dog accidentally escapes her collar and runs away
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It was the first nice day New York had had in months. The sun was shining, the temperature was actually over 50, and not a flake of snow in sight. You stared gleefully out your apartment window, seeing the glare of the sun on the tall buildings surrounding you. You knew the weather would only stay this nice for a few days, so you had to take advantage of it while you could.
You walked towards a small closet next to your front door and grabbed your dogs collar and leash off the shelf. The noise of the bell made your dog, Rosie, jump up from her bed and run over to you, her tail wagging with excitement and her eyes wide.
“Are you excited for walk time Rosie? Let me just get your leash on and grab some treats for you, okay?” You kissed her head and grabbed a ziploc bag of treats from your kitchen junk drawer and stuffed them in your pocket. You walked back over to Rosie, who was pacing eagerly.
Once you two got downstairs and out the front door of your building, you looked down at the little fluffy girl and asked, “Alright, where are we going?”
The nice thing about Rosie was that she was very small and well-behaved. When you went on walks together, you usually just let her lead the way. She always had an idea of where she wanted to go. If you ever got lost, you just used your maps to get back home. Thank god for phones. But Rosie had taken you all over at this point, you could get home without any help.
She looked up at you and started pulling you to the right, and you smiled and followed her cheerily. You walked for about a block in a half when you saw a food vendor in front of you. Your stomach rumbled, and you made the decision to stop and get a snack before you got too much deeper into your walk.
You and Rosie trotted along the sidewalk until you reached the vendor. You looked down at Rosie and told her to sit, which she did without hesitation. She looked up at you, panting, almost a smile on her face.
You began to order your food when you felt her tug at her leash a bit. “Just a second girl, I need a snack. I’ll get you a treat out too.”
She didn’t stop pulling. You looked down at her and saw her intensely staring at a bird down the street. Rosie was a great dog, but something that always bothered her was birds. You adopted her when she was two from a shelter, so you didn’t know if she had something happen to her or she just hated the feathered creatures, but no matter what if she saw a bird she flipped out.
She was growling and barking, pulling tightly on her leash. You tried to pull back but that only made her pull tighter against you. You looked down at her saw her wide eyes focused intensely. You decided it was best to pick her up before her frustration got any worse, but before you could even begin to swoop down, she pulled so hard that the leash flew out of your grip. She began sprinting down the street.
“ROSIE!” You screamed at her, and began sprinting quickly behind her. The bird heard her barks and flew away, but Rosie continued to sprint, not understand where the bird went. You continued to run after her, your eyes only looking at the little fluffy white blob in front of you. And then - smack!
You ran into something, hard, and fell right to the ground on your ass. Rosie heard your yelp and instinctively turned around and came running back to you. You took a deep breath and looked around at the mess you made. Food and groceries everywhere. And a man, also on the ground, looking at you with wide and confused eyes.
“Oh my god- Oh my god I’m so sorry,” you muttered, shaking your head. You looked up at the guy, who had an uncomfortable smile pasted on his face.
“Uh, it’s fine. I should’ve seen you coming and backed away. My fault too.”
You pushed yourself off the ground and offered a hand to him, which he grabbed and brought himself up to your level. He was quite handsome, a little stubble and disheveled hair.
“It was my dog, she just slipped away from me...” You looked down at Rosie who was smiling up at you, already forgetting about what happened less than five minutes ago. “Fuck, I knocked your groceries everywhere. Let me buy you some more, it’s the least I can do.”
“Oh, wow, yeah,” he looked down at the ground to see the food everywhere, almost shocked. It seemed he hadn’t even noticed the destruction. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like I urgently need some more tomatoes or anything.” He laughed a bit and looked around, his eyes avoiding yours.
“I’m (Y/N),” you said, sticking out your hand and smiling. The least you could do was introduce yourself to the stranger you almost killed.
“Joe.” He grabbed your hand a shook it. His hazel eyes caught the sun and sparkled.
“This is a weird assortment of food that you bought here, Joe, can I ask what you’re doing?” Both of you looked at the ground to see the weird array of food and spices scattered along the sidewalk. Joe let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair.
“Well, I was supposed to have this girl over for dinner tonight. I don’t know why I offered. I can’t cook for shit. Got all these pinterest recipes together. But she cancelled, anyways. Third time in a row. Guess I should take a hint, huh?” He let out a small laugh, and another sigh.
“Well, if she doesn’t want to date you she shouldn’t keep making plans and cancelling. Just be straight with you... seems like she’s kind of the worst.” Both you and Joe laughed and he nodded slightly. “Listen, I’m a terrible cook too, but I could offer to take you out for dinner tonight? My treat? It’s the least I could do after almost killing you and destroying some perfectly good produce.”
“Well how can I say no to an offer like that?”
“Do you know Giancarlos up the street? They have good pasta. Which by the looks of it appears to be what you were trying to make?” You let out another giggle, and Joe rolled his eyes slightly.
“I love that place. They do have good pasta. They got the recipe from me, you know?”
“Oh really?”
Joe made eye contact with you for a second and smiled, before quickly looking away. You looked down at Rosie, who was now whining, ready to head home.
“Meet me there in like, two hours okay? Chasing Rosie was the most exercise I’ve done in months and I’ve gotta get myself together before a fancy dinner for a stranger,” you picked Rosie up and held her in your arms. She stared intently at Joe, cocking her head when he began to speak.
“Here’s my number, just text me when you want me to head over.” Joe handed you a slip of paper with a number scribbled on it, your hands slightly touching during the exchange.
“I’ll see you in a bit, Joe.” You began walking back home, looking back a few times to see Joe watching you leave. You smiled slightly to yourself, thinking about this handsome guy you may have just scored a date with, all because your dog decided to have beef with a bird.
‘I’m heading over to the restaurant now, meet me there :) - (Y/N)’
You stared intently at your phone, waiting for the little dots to pop up insuring that Joe was actually going to meet you. You made sure to look your best, too. The whole walk home you kept thinking to yourself how you literally just ran into one of the hottest men you’ve ever seen who actually agreed to go out to dinner with you? You had to make sure to take advantage of this.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, pushing your boobs up a little extra, brushing through your hair to make sure it looked perfect. You felt your phone buzz in your hand, seeing a message from Joe. You heart fluttered a bit. Fuck, you were crushing on this guy and it had only been like three hours.
‘Will leave now, can’t wait!’
You smiled down at the message and called yourself an Uber. You pet Rosie on the head and told her to be good. You excitedly walked downstairs, and out your front door. A smile hadn’t left your face since you got the text.
Your Uber pulled up, and you slid in the backseat. You made a bit of smalltalk, but you couldn’t really focus. Your head was stuck on Joe’s smile, the way the sunlight made golden flecks sparkle in his eyes, the curls in his hair. His laugh. Before you knew it you were outside the restaurant, your Uber driving telling you to enjoy your night. You smiled and thanked him.
You stood outside the restaurant for a few seconds, staring at the fancy lights and greenery of the Italian restaurant. You took a deep breath, preparing to walk in, when you heard a voice behind you.
“(Y/N)!” You whipped around and saw Joe getting out of a car, smiling brightly at you. The moonlight only enhanced his features.
“Hey, Joe!” He looked amazing tonight. He had changed into a nice maroon sweater and pair of black pants.
“Are you ready to go in? I’m excited for my free dinner!” He winked at you and laughed, and began walking towards the door. You followed silently, too in awe of him to really say anything. You needed to collect yourself before you spoke.
“Reservation for Mazzello,” Joe informed the man standing at the front. He nodded and picked up two menus, motioning the two of you to follow him.
“You made reservations?” You asked Joe.
“Of course. This night has to be fancy. I have high expectations of you. Plus I really don’t like to wait and this place is always booked.” Joe had a smug smile on his face, but you could tell he was just trying to be funny.
The two of you got seated at a nice, quaint table in the back by a window. It was quiet, a candle lit in the center. You began flipping through the menu, actively looking for a wine list. You would definitely need a little liquid courage to help you tonight.
“So I have to ask,” Joe interrupted. You shot your head up from the menu and looked intently at him. “Is this a regular thing for you? Violently attacking strangers and then asking them to fancy dinners?”
“Oh absolutely, I try and do it at least once a week. Rosie isn’t even a real dog. It’s all part of the scam.” You widened your eyes and nodded at Joe. He laughed quietly, and pursed his lips together.
“I do have to admit, though. You running into me wasn’t such a bad thing. You’re probably the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, and you’re pretty damn funny too.” Joe looked you directly in the eyes, and you felt yourself blushing a bit. A small smile formed on your face.
“Maybe it was Rosie’s will all along for us to meet. There wasn’t even a bird at all. She just knew you were down there, knew it was meant to be.”
“Damn, Rosie is one smart dog. Have you thought about entering her in a talent competition?”
“Of course, but I don’t think that would be fair to other dogs. She would clearly win.” You both laughed loudly, and people at the table a few down from yours began to stare. You just rolled your eyes at them and looked back to Joe.
“So I guess it was a good thing that girl cancelled on you tonight, huh?”
“Absolutely. I would rather be here with you anyways.”
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stillhvrny · 5 years
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´   ・   .   ✶   ⧼    phoebe   tonkin,   cis   female,   she   &   her   /   the   angel   of   small   death   and   the   codeine   scene   by   hozier   +   oversized   t-shirt   containing   the   entirety   of   the   'cool   girl'   monologue   over   a   lacy   black   thong,   sheer   black   tights   that   have   been   pulled   at   all   the   seams   with   the   shadow   of   ouroboros   inked   high   on   pallid   thigh,   chipped   nail   polish   and   fingers   covered   in   dirty   bandaids   and   stubbed   out   cigarettes   in   an   overflowing   ashtray   &   the   best   faked   orgasm   a   man   could   hope   for    ⧽   ━━   don’t   look   now,   but   that’s   MONICA   LAUREL   "NIKKI"   BARTON.   the   TWENTY   SIX  year   old   NEWBORN   VAMPIRE   has   been   here   in   seattle   for   no   time   at   all,   and   is   considered   a   member   of   VICTORIA'S   ARMY  /   MENACE   TO   SOCIETY.   they’ve   always   been   SELF   RELIANT   &   RELENTLESS,   but   i   guess   this   town   just   brings   out   the   worst   in people   ;   apparently,   they’ve   been   way   more   SARDONIC  &   REACTIVE   than   usual.   it   wouldn’t   surprise   me   if   they   knew   what   was   going   on.   redirect   to   her   stat   page   HERE   &   her   pinterest   board   HERE.
isn’t   all   that   rage   so   ugly?               and   isn’t   it   mine,   still?                        good   god,   isn’t it MINE?
SECTION ONE OF TWO: BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warnings: talk of alcoholism, drug abuse & dealing, death, murder, jail, physical assault / abuse and attempted rape
only daughter of bernard barton ( a barely functioning alcoholic ) ad jacqueline taylor ( a barely functioning addict of whatever she could get her hands on quickest ), MONICA LAUREL BARTON was born on the fifth of october, 1993, in forks, washington.
up until she was three years and two months old, monica lived with both her mother and her father in a rundown farmhouse that sat on the edge of town, inherited by bernie following his parents death, and that had certainly seen better days. it was never perfect - but in those first few years that flew by all too quickly, there was a sort of balance. it worked. bernie had his issues ; an abusive father and a negligent mother had brought a boy destined to seek answers at the bottom of a bottle into this world, and not even their death when he was in his early twenties could help curb the damage already done. jackie had HERS ; she ran away at sixteen from a homelife that left something to be desired. but they were trying their best to create a family, and they got props for their efforts. jackie had been clean for six months. bernie had been more on the wagon than he had been in twenty years. and then - like so many addicts before him, and so many more that would come after - he fell off of it again in a spectacular fashion, going on a weekend bender that didn’t come to an end until he stumbled in on a tuesday morning right before monica was meant to be dropped to preschool. he toppled into and knocked the rickety kitchen table and proclaimed, loudly, that the baby could have a day off to spend with her pops - and as jackie tried to hold her out of his each ( and the range of his alcohol soaked breath ), she had an epiphany. she couldn’t do this anymore. monica deserved better.
she had two bags packed with essentials just a handful of hours later, and after loading up their shared car, left with monica in tow - never stopping to look back or reconsider the decision that she was making. they settled in port angeles.
she’s four, five, six, and her memory of her dad is DIM, if not completely gone. she’s growing up, fast, and jackie can barely keep up - and sometimes, barely keep it together. a prescription pill here and there takes the edge off enough to get by, and she knows that it isn’t monica’s fault ; kids are difficult, and she just didn’t realize how HARD it would be, alone. monica is walking and talking and conversing, now, and she asks sometimes where her dad is and why he’s never come to anything important - she imagines, like every little kid in her situation would, all the things that he would do and all the things that she would show him, and yet when he turns up out of the blue in a wrinkled old suit, a court order in hand that says he now gets supervised visitation... she’s suddenly struck shy.
it takes a lot of those supervised visits for her to open up to him. he’s not exactly what she had imagined her dad would be like - he doesn’t always know how to respond and he never has any ideas for the games that they can play in their few hours together - but she makes do. she realizes he doesn’t know the rules of MONOPOLY or the life game, so she asks him to read to her instead, and over the next few years they get through a lot of books that way, together. it was nice.
she was eleven when her mom died. she came home from school early, and she didn’t get a reply when she shouted her greeting. she searched all of their tiny house, jackie nowhere to be found, and when she came to the bathroom door that wouldn’t budge, she knew she had to call someone. the first person to come to mind was her dad. she remembers sitting on the steps out front while he broke down the door that was locked from the inside. she remembers his shout, and then his cries, and then, a little while later, the ambulance sirens as they pulled up at the house - but it was too late. when she thinks back now, she understands the word ‘OVERDOSE’. at the time, it didn’t really click.
a lot of things had to be smoothed over, following that. she couldn’t just go home with her dad - no matter how much she cried and begged as the cops had led her to their car, kicking and screaming and biting, to wait for social services. over the months that followed, she was shuffled from foster home to foster home while bernie fought the courts. she wasn’t a prime adoptee, so he had that in his favor, but there was a lot of hesitancy in allowing him full custody when he hadn’t had that sort of access to her since she was three years old. it took them two years, in the end, to decide that he would be a suitable guardian.
they made a triumphant return to the now nearly uninhabitable barton farmhouse in forks, where she hadn’t lived in years, and as they pulled up in their little car, he had turned to her with a BRIGHT EYED smile and said they could fix it up, together. just like he and her mom had, years before. the caravan they moved into two months later when the roof finally collapsed was only supposed to be temporary. spoiler alert: it wasn’t.
in spite of that, they had a few months of perfect serenity. for a while, bernie really did hold it all together, and monica got to just be a KID. then he fell off the wagon again - like clockwork - and things changed. they always had a small amount of peace before a great amount of chaos, and over time, monica learnt to be the grown up in their relationship. she was old enough now to know that it wasn’t right, but young enough, and with just enough experience of how CRUEL the system could be, to know she didn’t want to go back to it. sure, it wasn’t great. but she was with her dad. that counted for something, right?
fast forward again. she was a bratty fifteen year old with a tongue sharp as a knife and a new name, now ; given to her by the first boy she let past her underwear - NIKKI. more out of school, now, than she was in it, she’s a party girl. at first, she drank at them to be a part of the in crowd that never did accept her, and then, she took someone up on the offer of something a little stronger that would ‘help her have a good time’, and THEN... well. it was only a short amount of time before she started taking a lotof something stronger when she realized it would help her get through sleepless nights and monotonous days when she was taking care of her father and making money in the last deadend job she had instead of going to school. she was far too young to be so exhausted, and taking on all these roles that she shouldn’t have had to, just to get through life, and they didn’t really have all that much money, so when a friend of another ex tells her about a job she could do INSTEAD of waitressing or delivering papers, she was all for it.
the first time she meets callum maarx, it’s in a denny’s parking lot. he’s more than ten years her senior, and she’s flattered by the attention that this overly charismatic man offers her. they shake hands and his touch lingers, and she’s honored, really, when he calls her PRETTY. touched when he says that he knows she’s a smart girl. she was. but not smart enough to say no to the man who would eventually ruin her life.
she assured herself with thoughts like ‘at least i’m not dealing’. it wasn’t so bad when she wasn’t the one working on a street corner and waiting for people to drop by. she was just moving gear place to place - delivering to port angeles, mostly, sometimes catching a bus to seattle depending on who was buying. she would skip school for days in a row to get the job done, and she never knew for sure where she was going or what she was doing until she got a text to say where she was needed, but she didn’t really want to know, either. something told her, even then, that the less she knew about what she was doing, the better. she was sixteen and three months old when she decided that she was dropping out of school to work with callum full time.
it didn’t really take long for her to realize he got paid a whole lot more than what she originally thought, based on her ‘wage’. she had been grateful, of course... at least at first. but she got greedy. she was trusted, by then, enough that she thought she could get away with skimming a little powder off the top in lieu of paying for her own growing habit - and she got a black eye for her efforts, and a tarnished reputation that would come back to bite, later.
she was a mule and an addict. she was trailer trash, too, something she had always been bullied for - but there were worse things, she realized. back then, though, she still had HOPE. she believed the best of people. when her high school invited her back for prom, nikki knew it was a mistake to go, but she had never been to a DANCE - and she really, truly, thought that it would all be OKAY. she goes in a dress that probably cost a lot when it was new but was a hand me down, and when she gets there, she flies under the radar - keeping to herself, and really attempting to ENJOY the night. she gets voted prom queen. she protests, but the crowd is impossible to push against, all the fellow students she had left behind making her head towards the stage where the head cheerleader, the SHOE IN, declares her WHITE TRASH QUEEN and shoves a scepter made of beer cans into her hands while her friends place a crown made of crushed up same atop the curls she had spent too long putting in place. she had always been quick to RAGE. always had trouble, keeping herself in line. her first instinct was to throw both back at the girls who had given them and exit for the nearest bathroom, to cry. her second, as discovered an hour later, when the would have been prom queen went looking for her boyfriend, was to bang the prom king in the backseat of his car. her third, ejected from the prom once and for all, was to head to CALLUM’S PLACE and ask for something STRONGER. something she had never TAKEN before. that night is the first night she tried coke. it’s not the last.
she turned nineteen. it felt like every weekend, she was bailing bernie out of the local jail. she was still running drugs and during the days when she WASN’T being a MULE she was working as a chef in a shitty two star restaurant that hadn’t seemed to care she had no qualifications to be working around food. she was working on her GED, and she was taking online courses because a part of her was hoping she could still make something of herself, but she was acutely aware, now, of the fact that she was living a life no one would have been proud of.
now she was of the legal age, her dad would disappear a lot with his friends for days - sometimes weeks at a time. he would BLOW through their savings quick as could be, and she resented him for it. the jobs she was doing for callum were more often, now, and when she came home, she hated being confronted with her dad and his “friends” ( she learned the airquotes around that word the first time one of them put his hand on her ass ) but she can’t leave the town. her reputation has been built, and she knows she could never really leave behind her own “friends” ( she’s always known the airquotes that are there, ever since that first time callum was suspicious of her - every so often he would get it in his head that she must have stolen from him, and she had broken ribs and fingers, bruised eyes and chipped teeth aplenty to show for what had happened each and every time ) - and something... something had to give. she was nearing her twentieth birthday, and she was tempting fate. she really should have known that, but it was hard to think of a life she had gotten so embroiled in as even being that much of a danger to her, anymore. that was her mistake.
here is the truth: a guy from seattle, a loyal customer of nearly eight years, had finally hit the bottom of what had seemed like an endless supply of money to waste. he had 2,000 of a 3,000 bill - meaning he was 1,000 short. nikki didn’t realize. it wasn’t her job to count all the money she was being given - she just had to get it from a to b.
here’s the truth that callum convinced himself of as he drove to her farmhouse at 3:40 am that same night, FURIOUS: she had obviously been given the full amount by his loyal customer, and she’d taken a grand and hoped he wouldn’t notice.
her dad was out, drinking somewhere in town, or maybe already safe in a jail cell for the night. she didn’t know. a part of her didn’t care, either. she was asleep on the couch when he pulled up outside. when the furious banging had started on the door she had assumed that it was her dad, after forgetting his keys again. him, or the cops, hauling his ass home.
sleepily, she had gotten up and went to open the front door - but as soon as the lock was undone, it was pushed VIOLENTLY into her, and she couldn’t regain her balance in the time that it took for callum to launch himself at her. they fell, him on top, his weight CRUSHING. he had always had a temper. a BAD ONE, like HER. she hadn’t always known - had once thought him CHARMING - but all the injuries she had ever been given at his hands, all the times she had found herself in a&e over the years since she had started working for him, they could all attest to the truth. this was different, though. this was MURDEROUS, a kind of rage that she had NEVER seen before, and it was obvious that before they got to the finale, he had thought of one OTHER way that he could make back the money he thought she had stolen.
nikki wasn’t much of a fighter. she had never been formally trained, sloppily using her fists to solve her problems, but never really knowing how to land her shots PROPERLY. but she was a SURVIVOR. that had shown itself clearly enough throughout the years. she had survived the system for the two years she was in it. she had survived her dad, and her life, and she had pulled together SOMETHING out of nothing for herself. even SHITTY, her life was her own. she struggled beneath him and he hit her, over and over, but between it, he was finding a way to begin tearing at her clothes - making his way THROUGH them - and gods, she wasn’t going to let this happen. she REFUSED. there was an old iron doorstop in the front hall, that had been in the house since her grandparents had owned it. things were happening FAST, he was already at her underwear, she could barely move, but she stretched her arm as much as she could, grimacing through the pain, and she REACHED, and REACHED, and strained her fingers as far as they could go -
she was a SURVIVOR. she wasn’t going to die. she wasn’t going to let him get what he wanted, either. she doesn’t remember actually hitting him with it. she doesn’t remember how she KEPT hitting him with it, tears streaming down her face, until he fell away from her and she was able to move away. he wasn’t moving. a half an hour later, she was sat on the front steps of her house, just like she had when she was eleven. WAITING. except this time, she was drenched in blood and tears and waiting on the cops that she had called, not her dad, and the person that was dead inside wasn’t her mum, but CALLUM.
she didn’t expect a fair trial. no one could blame her that, could they? she had put the book in their hands, and she expected for them to lob it at her, full force - the trailer trash daughter of an alcoholic, who got too caught up in a dangerous world. she was the perfect young offender. shockingly, the evidence spoke in her favor. in the end, she was sentenced fairly quickly, but it was ruled justifiable homicide. she felt numb, in the stand. as they read her sentence - four years max, two with good behaviour - she realized she should have been crying. someone had given her a break. she should have felt good about that, but... really, she just felt empty.
two years passed quickly. nikki kept to herself. she tried to keep herself out of trouble. for the most part, she succeeded - well enough that, soon enough, she was being pushed out the side door clutching what she’d been signed in with, blinking in early morning light and wondering what the hell she was going to do with her life now. her twenty second birthday was only a few months away, and her dad was nowhere to be found when she returned to forks ; dipped out of town before she had even been sentenced. the farmhouse was chilly and unwelcoming, and people didn’t WANT to employ someone like her. she took the first job she could - back in that shitty restaurant, waitressing for the most part and trying to work out what to do with the rest of her life, on the side.
she meets the young upstart when she spills soup on him. the towns youngest detective probably didn’t realize how BAD a restaurant it was when he decided to bring his tinder date there for a meal, and nikki’s sure she only made it worse by ruining his knit jumper and scalding his back. she feels pretty bad about it, too, though she also refuses to take responsibility ; someone left a bag out, and she tripped over the strap. he leaves without compensation but with a grumpy apology. she doesn’t understand why he bothers to come back, but a week later - there he is. and he’s not looking on tinder, anymore. he waits until her shift is done and then offers to buy her dinner. they go somewhere not too far away, and they share a bottle of wine over a considerably better quality meal.
that first night, when they stumble through the door of his apartment and just manage to get it shut behind them, she’s quick to tell him that it’s just SEX. she repeats that sentiment every time after, though she does stick to her guns in REFUSING to put a label on what they become. it’s been so... long, since nikki felt a connection with somebody. she doesn’t even want to acknowledge that she feels one with him - but he makes it so easy. he is newer than she is to town, and at first she thinks that he just... never heard about her, or her family, or what happened. when she finally tells him herself - an act of self sabotage, the belief being that he would surely run in the opposite direction - she finds that, of course he knew all along. he just didn’t care.
they see other people, and that works for a while - but eventually, jealousy wins out. nikki is not the best at monogamy, and he can’t say he’s ever really tried ; but after nearly two years of being what they are, it’s time to face facts. they’re in love, and there isn’t much they can do about it.
it defies understanding - but they work. the convict and the police detective. unlikely pair, for sure, but she makes him smile and he brings peace to who she’s become. they argue, sometimes pettily, but at the end of the day they can usually admit fault or move on - and she’s never wanted to be worthy of someone so GOOD, ever, in her life. callum left a stain on her, she thinks. something that she’ll spend a lifetime trying to erase - it was so hard to trust someone, after, but she trusts him. she LOVES him.
the last time they spoke was an argument. something stupid. she made sure to slam the door of his apartment - hers, too, in all but deed - and spent the night back at the farmhouse, a place that she only visits when necessary, by now. he calls. she ignores. the next day, she gets ready and drives to seattle to get him a gift for his upcoming birthday - figuring that they’d make up later in the night, like always, and things would be FINE. it gets dark earlier than she’s expecting, and she kind of misplaces her car. the city is unfamiliar, and she thinks that she’s taking a shortcut when she heads down one side street.
nikki isn’t sure why she was the one. why those three guys chose to attack HER, out of everyone in the city that night. at first, she thinks it’s a mugging, and she almost wants to laugh ; if they want money from her, they’re not going to find much. but that’s not what they have in mind, and she realizes this as one of them pushes her against a brick wall with all his strength and the others begin.. tearing at her. she’s vicious in defense of herself, her mind filled with the memory of CALLUM, though this time, she doesn’t have a doorstop to grab for. this time, she mightn’t...-
she doesn’t see where he comes from, but all of a sudden, there is a boy, and he shouldn’t be ENOUGH, except he is, and the men hurting her, trying to do more...- they’re not a match to him. nikki’s knees buckle, and she falls to the floor. when he’s finished, he turns red eyes on her - reaching out a hand, after a moment passes, and offering it to her. she doesn’t realize what TAKING it means.
the pain of transition is NOTHING to the thirst when she awakes. riley turns her himself ; seeing something savage, there, something USEFUL. she just wants to go back to the home she’s grown used to, but...- but she realizes, quickly, it isn’t possible.
it’s always the spouse, right? nikki has no idea that her disappearance has caused something horrible to happen, back home, and that her LONG TERM ( ex ) partner is now under investigation for murder. nikki lived like a slob on the best of days, so the apartment seemed to be the sight of something - and the fact he freely admitted to a fight didn’t help. she really is... the amy elliot dunne of equinox.
nikki had been sober for six months and counting when she was turned, and frankly - this is the EXACT sort of thing that would have resulted in a relapse, except... you know. she can no longer get high.
she’s a rly sexual person, and a lot of that rly leads back to her... really not being aware that there’s other ways in which to display that sort of care, for people. it’s always been all or nothing, and nikki only really started to learn that it didn’t have to be in the past few years.
when it came to an argument, nikki was always the child who jumped straight to violence, and never to calm words. she used her FISTS to solve her problems - she pulled hair, she used her teeth, she would do what she had to. again i say, no formal training ; but she has always been a survivor. 
she’s all... leather jackets and short skirts / shorts. all of the pairs of tights she owns ( sheer black or fishnets ) are pulled at the seams and have gaping holes in them, and most of her t-shirts and crop tops say something terrible on them ( ranging from ‘make a girl cum for once’ to ‘jesus wouldn’t do coke in the bathroom’ to the cool girl monologue ). she’s never rly lost her sense of #style
nikki has a bunch of tattoos, including but not limited to: a black and white sunflower on her right forearm, ouroboros on her left thigh, ‘i know my rights’ on her side, a cross on her left knee, ‘eat me’ on her pelvis and a rose between her tits. she also has septum and belly button and six piercings in each ear, though she had been in the process of allowing most of those to close up to really begin embracing her new ‘wearing hoop earrings large enough they might just graze her shoulder’ aesthetic
so many. since she ( kinda )grew up in forks, the small town world is your oyster ! 
she could def have some distant relatives ( give me .. cousins ), and i wld love her dad and herself to be classed as the black sheep of the family tbh
i feel like i have so many chars w this specific connect but... foster fams she lived with during the two yrs she was bouncing around a bit ! 
literally any kind of small town connect u can think of. coworkers, friends, enemies, people who wld buy off her, ppl who knew the guy she killed
the guy she slept with at prom - he was voted prom king, dating the girl who crowned nikki ‘white trash queen’,,, kinda lowkey got used, but it wld be a fun one
hell. also that chick
ppl she was in jail with lmao
flings ! ex especially, but i wld really be down wth one ( 1 ) purely physical vampire heightened emotions fling
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cainov · 5 years
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nonbinary — ever hear people say CAIN ROMANOV looks a lot like BILL SKARSGARD? I think HE/THEY is about 24, so it doesn’t really work. The ANTIQUE BOOKSHOP OWNER has lived in Livingstone for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS. They can be RIGHTEOUS, but they can also be EVASIVE. I think CAIN might be A SHEEP. ( snot goblin. 20. EST. she/they. ) 
hi hello ... decided 2 bring in my son ... my soft boy ... my light ... some of u may know him from watershed but ! here he is again ! forced upon u all. please love him as i’m very fragile. ** i’ve changed parts of his bio so !! if u think u knew all the deetz ,,, but please be warned that it’s PRETTY HEAVY STUFF !!
pleathe LIKE this to PLOT and i promise i will not abandon u all like the other times usfdg
a e s t h e t i c s
dangling limbs from tree branches, yellowed book pages, opened bottles of vintage wine, oversized sweaters and deep under eyes, bleached denim, worn leather gloves, cat hair against black cloth, fields of wheat, broken windows, descending staircases, tight-lipped smiles during public appearances, golden skies, light spilling from windows, stumbling over one’s own words, wire-framed beds, linens, wool scarves, making the wrong decisions; running, from others and yourself.
general information !!
full name: cain alexei romanov
nickname(s): cock and ball torture, N/A
b.o.d. - feb 19th, fuckin pisces
label(s): the fallen, the phoenix, the crestfallen, etc. etc.
height: 6′4″ jfc
hometown: livingstone, VT babey !!
sexuality: bi…? bi. yes. bi.
biography !!
the eldest to vermont senator vaughn romanov and philanthropist adelaide romanov - they were born into a life of privilege in a very prominent family. they’re the eldest of five. 
with this background in mind - cain was taught to be the perfect citizen, the golden child, the all american ( willfully ignoring the fact that his father came from russian immigrants ) son. they were obedient, always staying within line.
several expectations for them included joining clubs at school such as model UN, debate, DECA, etc., sports (soccer, track, basketball, lacrosse - all throughout the years), student government (class president for at least one year), and maintaining a GPA status valedictorian-worthy.
was made to volunteer on the weekends at homeless shelters and food banks - to show the community how much of a gem he was, a darling - a perfect member of society.
his eagerness to impress pleased his parents and thus, he never had a problem with them. life was good for them. they attended church on sundays, sometimes wednesdays, did everything as a family. dinners and christmas photoshoots and new years eve parties, easter egg hunts and family reunions.
lived northside, not on the beach but close enough to it - a big fancy, seven bedroom, eight bath, two fireplaces and an expansive dining room - no pool, but a sturdy treehouse made by scratch.
his ~model citizen~ persona was just that - a persona, a charade. in the community and his family, cain was a hardworking citizen who upheld standards to follow. to classmates - from elementary school all the way to college - cain was the worst.
they were arrogant, harrowing, an outright bully who tore down others when he felt like it, often unprovoked - they were the senator’s son, and  a rich one at that - rules never applied to him because of his father and their family’s presence in the community. tattlers faced more consequences than cain ever did.
was the sort of person who’d genuinely look down at somebody if they had less than him. a narcissistic dickhead who cared about two or three people, tops, outside of his family. he was never physically violent, nor did he raise his voice - but that was what’s made it worse. cain spewed his classist bullshit with ease.
his best friends since childhood have been brooks hunter and michael green - a very troublesome trio based on their mutual love for power highs.
only redeeming quality back then was probably their protectiveness over his siblings - wasn’t the best person, but family was family.
went into political science + business to please their father, mainly - everything they’d been taught growing up was essentially to build them into a perfect little presidential candidate.
probably joined a frat though didn’t participate in parties too often - known for keeping his composition even when others resorted to violence, because he never liked to leave a bad press image. this attitude was the same when it came to parties and other ... taboo subjects,
sometime during college, two important things happened.
the first one was that he became a middleman / broker / whatever you’d like to call it. wasn’t producing product, but wasn’t dealing it. was the middleman, the connection between producers and dealers. it was for fun - never for profit. very hush-hush.
the second is that he met earl and may meyers. they were fellow volunteers at a thanksgiving food drive, and the older couple were immediately drawn to cain  - and him to them, essentially. to this day he can’t tell you what about them had been so appealing. just, the air around them was something else entirely. some would probably call it unhinged, some would call it comforting. they were kind folks, very down to earth, very religious and warmhearted. they liked his name being cain a whole lot; told him that he reminded him of their late son.
it was the beginning of his senior year in college for cain - a few years after he’d gotten started in the drug business - the couple volunteered more and more at the same places that cain would, the same times, almost as if they were learning his schedule. in retrospect, it was odd, but cain had never thought to suspect the elderly of anything ... deceiving. kept talking to them and it became a genuine friendship.
a few months into it, the couple started talking about the sin of wealth - god choosing only a select few when he cleanses the earth - only the worthiest souls - eventually they’d gotten into the rhythm of claiming cain was special. they could see he would be selected - see it in his aura, in their dreams - god personally speaking to to them, etc. etc.
it was ... oddly appealing to cain - like, maybe i am being constrained by capitalism and disappointing god - even though it had felt nearly ridiculous - it seeped into his mind.
this was essentially the result of emotional manipulation over a period of time - cain unsuspecting, unwilling to believe that he could be manipulated - always so sure in himself.
earl and may told him that they were going to leave livingstone - that there were so many more who had the same ideals as them, that it was time to join them - that it was time to prepare. cain held off from it, at first - having just graduated.
he had so much in livingstone - loyal companions and a close-knit family, a blooming side-business and a long-term girlfriend and an engagement ring burning in his pocket. he was still the same boy - cruel without cause. but he’d found himself surrounded by others, anyway.
within a month of newfound freedom - cain had a change of heart. the third most important event in his life had happened.
it was an average day - june, hot enough that sweat stuck to your skin, but not hot enough that you weren’t glad for it. a family bbq the entire day - relatives from all around - cain had been cleaning up with his mother when, out of nowhere, she had broken down in sobs.
essentially - after a long ... discussion, cain learned that they were not his father’s son.
in a fit of petty anger towards the beginning of their marriage, adelaide had cheated on vaughn. the result was cain.
it was the sort of news that breaks a person. his entire life - he idolized his parents, done everything they’d ever expect of him - let them mold him into whatever they pleased. to find out that his mother - a woman who, he had previously believed, could never tell a lie in her life - was a liar, and that his father - the man he looked up to most as a child - didn’t share the same blood as him.
cain unraveled. that week. several altercations, both sober and drunk - landing in county jail overnight - only to disappear without notice on june 21st, 2018.
it was treated as a missing persons’ case, the first week or so - until it had been determined that cain left on his own accord, then it was dropped much to the dismay of his family.
only earl and may knew where cain went - because they had left together, cain’s last minute decision. cain’s mistake. the fourth most important thing to happen to him.
only hours away from livingstone - on the border between new york and vermont and not nearly far away as cain would had liked - was the cult’s location. they wore white linens and cotton - never mixed, and technology had been abandoned. prayers and daily chores.
it felt ... natural, at first - for the first three months - it was grand, in the beginning, peaceful, mind-clearing. they treated him differently - as if he were something special, as if his birth was a gift - a sign from the heavens above. cain come to undo his past’s damage. a leader, perhaps. the longer he stayed - the more apparent it became that he wasn’t who they had long waited for.
once they began slipping up - the members became displeased with him and punishments occurred - sometimes once a week, sometimes multiple. the memories are suppressed, for the most part - but they can’t forget the hands. pulling, and tugging, and gripping, and begging - asking him to repent, please, repent - head held underwater, counting seconds until his vision goes out - pulled out gasping and sobbing. it repeats in their mind - each day blurring into one another.
once he started reacting violently - they found ways to subdue him.
heroin intake - little by little, everyday - enough to leave him in a high he wouldn’t remember - enough to burn a hole through his memory.
with memories becoming dimmer each day - cain managed to sneak paper and pencil into his ~living arrangement~ and he wrote everyday - wrote as much as he could remember about livingstone, about his family, about his life before. sometimes he couldn’t remember what he’d written previously.
when these were found - it had been the final straw. they had dragged him, kicking and screaming and mind-numbingly high into place - a twisted reenactment / retelling of the mark of cain and a brand of the mark burnt permanently into his skin right above his heart - forehead not an option due to difficulties fully subduing cain (he bit them).
left to die in the middle of woods afterwards, with nothing but his writing and the clothes on his back - cain shouldn’t had had the strength to go on - but they did. they didn’t know what day it was - really, what year it was - but cain got up and cain ran. and cain, obviously, survived.
it was pure luck that cain had run into a truck driver who wasn’t doubling as a murderer - one who took him to the hospital - who essentially, gave cain another chance to live. cain was found on june 21st, 2019.
immediately reunited by his family - everything went very fast. he couldn’t recognize his youngest sibling, but couldn’t remember why he’d left in the first place. couldn’t remember the name of his girlfriend, but the color of her hair and the way she smelled.
put into therapy and recovery for their addiction - vaughn romanov makes his announcement that he’s running for the 2020 election the day after cain is found and brought home. they’re not expected to be alright within a few weeks of therapy - but cain feels restrained, in a way - confined to the role he’d always had to play. expected to up, and continue with life as if he hadn’t endured an extremely traumatizing year.
is essentially forced to stay in livingstone for the time being - but cain has taken a few things into his own hands. they’ll go to therapy, work on their recovery - but, having no further interest in what he’d gotten a degree in - has decidedly bought himself an antique bookshop off of the owner looking to retire, and has taken shelter in the apartment above it.
with their four cats, of course. his parents agreed - purely to give him the space to recover whilst keeping him close to them. if only he hadn’t found recovery to be most helpful in the form of pills - his old business now turned into a way for him to get what he believes will make him better.
personality !!
to clarify - cain is no longer the douchebag they once were. kind of .. learned to be a better person with his entire experience - mostly a lot of self-blaming that boils down to karma and deserving what happened to him.
he’d always been a pretty ... quiet, person - even with the massive ego - but now, cain’s ... quieter. kinder, if not a little sarcastic. distant and not much for parties - that never changed - but it’s more of a ... restrictive, distance, than one of comfort.
smokes weed but rarely drinks - as if it’d make a difference with the pills addiction he’s using to battle his heroin one. 
like mentioned - they’ve got four cats. that’s their personality. had two of ‘em before he’d disappeared, and just got the other two probably ... yesterday, tbh. they’re named frank (big chungus when yelled - white and gray), brock (orange. fluffy. stoic. devours food.), shoelace (black-furred and missing an eye), and crunchwrap supreme (crunch for short, calico with bent ears).
probably has photos of their cats in his wallet.
parents help pay for the cost of owning the bookshop - though cain’s expected to fully take on the financial responsibility when he’s ‘well again’.
their memory is fucked. forgets a lot of things - short term, long term, it’s a struggle. managed to keep the notes they used to take back at the cult - so it helps, but not always. forgets dates, faces, names, events. he wakes up sometimes and doesn’t know where they are. 
they don’t sleep a lot, regardless - night terrors came with his trauma, and in an attempt to avoid ‘em, they don’t really ... sleep. only a few hours each night because it gets so bad.
cain suffers from severe touch aversion. skin-to-skin contact of any sort is enough to send them into an intense panic attack. they wear leather gloves more often than not, in an attempt to combat it without hindering them too much. not the biggest fan of body contact in general, even with clothes - but it won’t send him into a panic like bare skin will. makes it obvious from the get-go that he doesn’t like physical contact if somebody gets too close.
also dealing with ptsd and attends therapy every week - therapist recommended he kept writing after looking at his notes - so he does, keeps an entire journal where they write and like ... sketch a little, because it helps them cope. means more to them than it would seem.
they’re pretty blunt. won’t go out of their way to announce that they joined a cult, hence the disappearance - but won’t lie about their disappearance if the topic comes to it. cain doesn’t like delusions, doesn’t like secrets - doesn’t like unnecessary attention, either. 
being said uh ... cain sort of hates the new division ? anything that resembles a cult, he instantly hates. hates the watershed app too.
being in town keeps cain anxious, because they’re aware they’ve wronged a good amount of people - but it’s hard to remember who, and what, and when, and why - and it’s just. an entire ordeal of figuring out how to ... redeem himself to multiple people.
screwed over a lot of people when they left ! from their plugs / customers to their ex-girlfriend who they are, undeniably, still in love with - you can’t forget that feeling - to his friends.
isn’t ... aware that michael is in prison. isn’t aware that kieran is dead. hasn’t been told yet.
is high often ! says it’s just weed but ... it’s not !
hates cars and swimming and crowds - hates feeling trapped and will avoid it when possible. doesn’t want to be seen as unsociable, but it’s difficult.
climbs trees when overwhelmed and needs a space to think - has a tall tree right outside of the window of his apartment, on the side opposite of the street if that makes sense ?? can be found there often. like - won’t leave a conversation to go climbin’ but. y’know.
feels the need to redeem themself to ... everybody, really. wants to avoid conflict and wants to be a better person - they’re trying really hard but not everybody believes them.
really .. wouldn’t be surprised if people from livingstone were suspicious of cain, for whatever reason - they don’t have the best track record anymore !
 they’ve got a stutter that developed as a result of the trauma - their voice is damaged from screaming a lot. working on being less self-conscious about it, thinks there’s more important things to worry about. in general cain looks ... gaunt, too thin, generally unhealthy.
they can still definitely hold a conversation, and like i said they’re pretty…lowkey. soft, sort of. generally a quiet person and while they’re not the most social, they won’t be a direct asshole or anything. likes people! just…has low energy.
goes by he/they, doesn’t really care which one as he alternates pretty frequently.
very happy with being the owner of a bookshop - especially antique. feels more genuine than political science or whatever.
got really into the investigation of the cult he was part of - they got uncovered and arrested due to cain’s escape but there’s still branches out there - you could call him obsessed. willing to stick his nose where he shouldn’t, even though he really ... really shouldn’t.
wanted connections !!
so first and foremost - people who he’s grown up with his entire life. people he’s just. wronged. people who idolized him - people who envied him, who despised him, etc. etc.
would love ! a good amount of antagonistic connections because it fits the bill.
exes he’s dumped, old hookups, ex-friends, people he got into an argument with / fought before he disappeared last year.
ex-gf would be gr8 ! thanks ! will be holding american-idol-esque auditions.
any prominent families in livingstone that his family would know. family friends - family rivals. his siblings.
people he’s trying to redeem himself to - trying to prove his worth, that he’s better now. y’know.
old clients that he left in the dust !
people from his frat - people he used to go to the occasional party with.
people angry at cain, still. just. so mad. pissed completely.
some good ol’ reconnecting / reconciliation plots ! i’m a slut for slowburn friendships. enemies to friends.
people he used 2 bully.
wholesome shit, angst shit. i said slowburns but i love them. friends to enemies. enemies to bigger enemies. anything.
no. hookups. please. only previous encounters. nothing in the present. for obvious reasons.
except MAYBE sexual tension but the kind that hurts. maybe a fun, casual sexting thing. they’ve got needs too.
people who just hate his dad b/c politicians suck !
i imagine a lot of conversations between him n other people start out ... aggressive, because they’re mad at him. :/
people who are soft for them ?? people who are hard on him ?? make his life difficult but also uwu him.
i’ll rly take anything !! just like this so i can slither in !!
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rylie-barton · 5 years
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⌜   CIS FEMALE, SHE / HER   |   the hearse by matt maeson, gryffindor, infp   ⌟    ⏤   meet RYLIE NATALIA BARTON ; a TWENTY TWO year old who kind of resembles WILLA HOLLAND, don’t you think? she originally hailed from NEW YORK CITY where she lived with her parents, CLINT BARTON & NATASHA ROMANOFF (   MARVEL   ), but word is that she’s been making strides to rejoin shield and finish her law degree this past year. she’s always been pretty AUDACIOUS & COMPASSIONATE, but has gotten way more CODEPENDENT & PRIDEFUL since she woke up. maybe her ability of WEAPON PROFICIENCY and power of INNATE COMBAT can help in taking down the dome. you can check out her stat page HERE& her pinterest board HERE.
i was a woman who thought only of dead things                                        ( all the time ). i couldn’t HELP it.
part one of two : the backstory.    (   trigger warnings for talk of death, drug / alcohol abuse.
born on july 21st, 1996, to clint barton & barbara morse. the youngest of three children, lewis and callum were five and nine respectively at the time of her birth. 
her mother and brothers died in a house fire when she was just three months old ; the files concerning the accident are blacked out and encrypted, and the story given to rylie amounts to ‘your mother went missing in action.’ 
understandably, she’s always wanted to know more ; unfortunately, she’s never had the means in which to find anything out.
raised by clint. really loved, but vaguely overprotected. ‘aunt nat’ was in her life from minute one, essentially, a shoulder for clint to lean on and a motherly presence that rylie found she craved. in time, they got married. it never felt anything but natural.
she was raised alongside the rest of the next gen ; troy banner, dan rogers, calder thorson & phoebe stark. they were and remain the closest thing to siblings that rylie has ever had, and as the youngest, she got to annoy them endlessly and still be assured that whatever may have happened down the line, they would always have her back.
as a little girl, rylie’s dreams amounted to little more than being the prima balllerina of her company. if she couldn’t be that, she would have settled for being an award winning pianist. she was a remarkably ordinary little girl, the only thing completely out of the norm about her being the fact that her father had her trained from the time she could walk to use a weapon, and her stepmother had her taught well how to fight. 
her time in school was... tough, to put it mildly. she was homeschooled at certain points, and moved around a lot for others. kids could be cruel, and rylie’s self esteem was never destined to be that good. 
rylie’s lift changing can be pinpointed as the moment that shield enlisted her, along with the rest of the next gen. she was just a LITTLE KID - playing dress up in between recitals, saving the world before she’d ever really even lived in it. they were kids trained for war. how could any of them have ever been well adjusted?
she dropped out of ballet. she stopped attending her piano lessons. the only thing that mattered was working with her team. how stupid she feels, now, to have been so caught up in trying to be an adult that she forgot to have a childhood.
her friends meant EVERYTHING to her. 
she started attending the same school as phoebe because the other girl made a strong case to clint for rylie, so she wouldn’t have to go through another year of torment. she didn’t just LOVE her. she wanted to be her. to compare to the beautiful and intelligent and utterly flawless phoebe stark was something that she always knew would be impossible, but tried to do, anyway.
troy was her BIG BROTHER. he still is. when she was scared of storms, he would stay awake and hold her through the night to help her through. they teased one another mercilessly, but at the end of the day, they always knew just how much they loved one another - it was all in good spirit, and at points, it was what both of them needed. 
daniel, the voice of reason - not just for rylie, but for everyone. she always looked up to him, both as a leader and as a friend. he made good calls. he tried to do right by everyone. it wasn’t easy to do - and looking back, rylie hates how it all rested on his shoulders when he was just a KID - but he did it anyway.
and calder...- she’s always loved him, even when it was difficult. back then, it wasn’t. he was always a stoic, but how much he loved them all was evident. he was her training partner and best friend, always present, even when he didn’t know what to say, or do. 
the five of them were like some kind of mismatched breakfast club, but no one in the world understood what it was like to grow up with heroes for parents as well as they did.
and then PHOEBE died. rylie was sixteen years old. the rest of them weren’t much older. loki attacked avengers tower while their parents were away on a mission, and she tried to protect calder ; it wasn’t anybody’s fault except loki’s that she fell that day, but they all shouldered the guilt regardless. rylie never was the same. 
in the months after, rylie tried to numb the pain, the responsibility. she couldn’t sleep, so she took pills that were meant to help. when they didn’t, she took more. the subsequent overdose was swept under the carpet, the choice to send her to wda alongside the rest of the guys their way of trying to bring some life back to her, after. it was phoebe’s dream they were living, after all. maybe being there with them would help.
believe it or not : it DIDN’T. walt disney academy was living under the threat of the darkness at the time, and rylie was one of many students who fell victim. while on a mission with shield in late 2014, she was shot ; it was a horrible event that weakened rylie more than just in her resolve, and months later, the darkness took hold. under its influence, she hurt people that she didn’t know, and she hurt one’s that she did, too. her freedom was temporary, she and many other students were taken over once more, and troy saved the day by drawing out the good ; but enough had been enough. 
rylie turned to alcohol. the rest was history. she drank to sleep. she drank to get herself through the day. she drank when she was happy, when she was achingly sad, when she was just trying to feel something. she would go on weekend benders that bled into the weeknights when the littlest inconvenience happened, and drunk, she made some truly horrible decisions with some truly terrible people. she kept hurting the people she loved. she kept ruining her relationships. it became a cycle, wash and repeat.
whatever she might have had with emmett wicks, a rock she leant on during the early darkness saga, was gone as quick as it came. rylie got too involved too quick with alexander kaligaris, with disastrous results. we know how unhealthy that particular relationship turned out. 
shield suspended her from active duty in early 2017. she was over the legal limit to drive and still thought she could go on a mission for them, and she could have gotten her whole team killed. she didn’t, but it didn’t matter. they were right to do what they did, but rylie took it personally ; she lashed out. she made bad choices. she had lost the ONLY thing she really had left. her father wanted to pull her from school to try and help, and she point blank refused. it caused a rift between them, for understandable reasons. without her dad, without her family, without many of her friends - rylie just got worse. 
in the summer of ‘17, the school suffered from an earthquake during prom. rylie took a hard fall, and the resulting head trauma damaged her eardrum. it wasn’t her father coming back to support her during the subsequent operation to try and fix it that gave rylie a wake up call. it was her pregnancy, discovered a few weeks later ; rylie always loved, and alex always left. one mistake from the two of them caused a bigger one that spooked her. rylie made the choice to have an abortion. she took control of her own life, for once, instead of allowing it spin even more out of control - and she started attending alcoholics anonymous, almost immediately after. 
part two of two : what u missed on glee.
rylie has been sober for 21 months and counting. it’s as hard for me to believe it as it is for you all, i’m sure ; but she’s been doing BETTER. she’s been back training, brushing up on some old skills that she let get rusty. she’s healthy, too, the sallow look to her skin that everyone got accustomed to long gone. to say it was easy for her, or that she didn’t have moments of doubts, would be... totally incorrect. she’s just been fighting through.
she was one more bad month away from flunking out of her law degree, the last time y’all saw her ; but she’s picked up in the past year, really knuckling down to try and catch up, for one, and do better, for another. she’s still worried that she’s going to have to do an extra year, to finish, but she’s dedicated to doing so if she’s GOTTA. 
her relationship with her father? fixed. clint has always put rylie above all else, and never would have even required the apologies she gave, really. likewise with the relationship she has with natasha. both of them forgive her for her weakness, though it’s unlikely that rylie ever will. we love on ( 1 ) girl with a guilt complex.
the one thing that ISN’T fixed is her hearing, at least not 100%. she has a loss of fifty nine db in her right ear, and that’s probably never going to change. it makes her and her father even more alike, though i’m sure clint would have rathered the similarities not be so much. 
as of right now, she’s prepping for a hearing with the board of directors at shield on whether she should be reinstated as an active agent. she’s passed all of the physicals, and she’s been in therapy for about as long as she’s been sober, working through her issues. she’s still got miles to go, but they’re certainly optimistic. rylie moved past feeling hard done by a long time ago, and now she just... wants to be a part of the agency, again, in a way where she can actually be of help. 
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hollowedrpg · 5 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, RITA! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Alastor Moody. I’m so happy to have an Alastor again, both selfishly (hello war council) and for the progression of the plot here at Hollowed Souls. Alastor is a key player in what’s to come, and I think you’re a great fit to help move the plot forward. I especially liked how you showed despite his tough exterior (and interior, let’s be honest) there are still parts of Alastor that can be soft on the very rare occasion. Here’s hoping we get to see both sides of him on the dash very soon.
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
Name: Rita
Age: 22
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Timezone: GMT
Activity: 6/7 –  I’d generally be able to post something every two or three days. This week is going to be a little more complicated, though, because I’m attending a conference and will be a little short on time. That’s also why the app isn’t too long :(
Are you applying for more than one character?: Nope!
How do you feel about your character dying?: I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all, but I’d only like it to happen once I’d played a character arc that justified it.
Anything else?: Nope!
ic details.
Full name: Alastor Cadmus Moody
Alastor – [“Alastor” is Ancient Greek for “he who does not forget”, thus “avenger”, “persecutor”, “tormenter”, “one who suffers from divine vengeance”.]
Cadmus – [“The name Cadmus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning “one who excels”.]
Moody – His first and heaviest burden. The Moody family is as proud of its legacy in the Auror department as most ancient magical bloodlines are of their purity. They can trace their origin back to the legendary ‘Alasdair, the just’, a Scottish wizard who punished those responsible for infecting a muggle village with a plague. They also don’t prize longevity. At eleven, he had been somewhat surprised by the amount of living relatives his housemates claimed to have. Aside from his parents, Alastor’s ‘family’ was the grandfather killed in the line of duty. His righteous death had earned him a portrait from which he could bark and disapprove of them all. ‘Family’ was made up of the stories of his dead aunt, an accomplished auror torn apart by a dark wizard at twenty-three. It was patched with the cautionary tale of an uncle they claimed had been poisoned, but who his mother finally admitted to have drunk himself to death. Alastor never saw the disgraced man’s daughters when he was growing up. Yet, one of them, Alex, became an Auror shortly after he did. He attended her funeral. A few months later, he refused to attend his father’s.
Date of birth: March 3rd, 1948 – Ravenclaw Aries
[These Ravenclaws will have lightning-fast mental reflexes. Aries is an intellectual sign, but it is also an impatient sign; Ravenclaws who were born under this sign are likely to tolerate no dull wits or stupidity, whether they see this lack of mental competence in themselves (in which case they will berate themselves for not understanding, or give up quickly in frustration without really trying to overcome their difficulty in learning) or in others (in which case they will lash out at the offender with acidic comments and haughty, cutting looks). These Ravenclaws will want to be at the head of the class, dominating other students in their chosen intellectual field, and may be almost as competitive as Slytherins. However, the true aim of every Ravenclaw is knowledge, knowledge, and more knowledge. While a Slytherin might see losing a magical duel or being bested by another student in a DADA class as humiliating, the Ravenclaw will probably just take delight in competition for its own sake, and see defeat as a learning experience.]
Former Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw – “Patchwork kid”, the hat had quipped, “the brain of a Ravenclaw, the guts of a Gryffindor, and the cold, cold blood of a Slytherin”. The decision ultimately came down to preference. At eleven, he had settled for small rebellions. His parents couldn’t punish him at Hogwarts, so he refused to be yet another Gryffindor in the Moody family tree. He’d say that it came down to choosing between bookworms and snobs, but the truth is that Moody was oddly suited for Ravenclaw, surrounded by unconventional people who tended to leave each other to their own devices. He may have been harsh to the other kids most of the time, returning to 13 Knocturn alley to complain about the boy in his dorm who believed he was an oracle and the girl in his Charms class who was obsessed with Rowena Ravenclaw, but he would also hex anyone who preyed on them.
Sexuality: Bisexual – His attraction to women has always been there, but he was quite young when it became clear to him that there was far more than ‘brotherhood’ to his bonds with some of the other hungry boys, and being with men has always felt natural. It doesn’t really matter, as his sexuality is something he tends to confine to his own head. He’s practically celibate.
Gender/pronouns: Cis male, he/him
Face claim change: None.
How do you interpret this character’s personality? how will you play them? include two weaknesses & two strengths.
+intelligent, stoic, unrelenting
-tyrannical, obsessive, disturbed
Men who swallow blood for too long starve without it. Alastor may look a decade older than his thirty-four years, but the red eyes and feral posture haven’t changed since he was thirteen. He was a smartkid even then. Not just the kind forged by the sort of upbringing that demands cleverness – the quick, book-devouring kind, with that same odd and ravenous curiosity that might have made a more comfortable man an eccentric. But there were no such luxuries for a Moody or a child of 13 Knockturn Alley. Yes, there is a secret kindness in him. Stale bread passed from hand to hand, a rough palm on a wet shoulder, an unexpected tenderness towards the cat that sleeps in his sink. But don’t mistake it for softness. Alastor will care for a sick stray, but he’ll also put it out of its misery if it comes to it. Life is suffering. Everything that can go wrong will. The ends sometimes justify the means. He lives with those truths so that others don’t have to, and they give him a purpose. He is both certain of his own brokenness and smugly convinced that he alone knows best. It’s true that he allows himself few reprieves from the role he’s crafted for himself: the bloodhound, the hand of justice – but there is a reason for it. After all, who is he underneath it? A morose drunk, muttering shit under his breath. A terrified child screaming himself awake in an empty house.
How has the war affected this character, emotionally and otherwise?
The war has heightened everything sharp about Moody. He’s become even more obsessive, more reserved, less tolerant. The weirdness, deadpan humor and encyclopedic knowledge of obscure and bizarre subjects that define Alastor, the person, are becoming increasingly sunken under Moody, the auror. Alcohol has also become essential to drown the messiness in his head: the aggression and the paranoia, the noises that keep him awake at night. It’s not self-medication anymore. It’s sustenance. Physically, he’s sporting a couple more scars. Rosier left one under his eye– a few more milliseconds of reaction would have cost him his nose. But it was Wilkes who left him with his most painful wound. A dead, rotting patch of flesh on his leg. The healers kept the curse from spreading, but they couldn’t close it. It gives off an unpleasant, acrid scent and makes walking slightly painful.
Where does this character currently stand? with those who wish to hide in godric’s hollow until the war ends, with those who wish to rebuild the order and continue fighting the war, or on neither side? why?
He won’t hold back the harsh truth: stopping now would be worse than not having fought at all. Voldemort needs to be eliminated and even that might not be the end of it. Yes, there has been slaughter on both sides. Yes, the death eaters are weak. But to let them scurry back to their holes would make them stronger than ever before. They’d all have five, maybe ten years of rotten peace, shaking hands with the murderers of their friends and hugging their warm pillows at night. All the while the purebloods would be regrouping behind closed doors, biding their time until they could rise again. Only this time there would be no Order to stop them, weakened as they would be by the previous war and their own peacetime complacency. He will not indulge the childish fantasy according to which stopping the fight will return them all to a world before the war. They can’t restore their dead friends to their usual seat at the pub by lounging around Godric’s Hollow. The Order can only honor their sacrifice by making sure that the death eaters are completely destroyed. Fighting will mean a few more deaths, yes, but Alastor knows that not fighting is annihilation.
How have the setbacks the Order has faced affected Alastor?
If anything, the losses the Order has faced have only made Alastor more ruthless, more certain that pureblood supremacy needs to be pulled out at the root. There’s no hope for compromise after what happened in Godric’s Hollow. He can’t even begin to imagine how some of the Order members entertain the possibility of hiding there indefinitely: every second Alastor spends in the village is torture, surrounded by mementoes of the crimes, constantly anticipating another bloodshed. The only upside is that it keeps him focused. It reminds him that they must cut the limb and cauterize the wound.
What does he think the Order should do next?
Killing or capturing Voldemort is an absolute priority. Ending the war will require much more than destroying its symbol, but there is simply no hope of rebuilding the wizarding world while the main architect of its destruction endures.
001: Between his black market days and the research he conducted on his own time, Alastor has been handling dark magic for far too long. Though the healers assure him that he is fine, he’s sure that it has taken a toll on him. Wilkes’s curse should have either killed him or healed – there’s something bizarre about the way it settled into his body, as if the black magic and the rotten flesh had always belonged there. He’s still strong, but skinnier than he used to be, his features sharper. He feels colder. There’s always a bad taste in his mouth. And his nightmares grow more vivid by the day.
002: Most nights he eats like the hungry boy he once was. He spends the day on coffee and firewhisky, making use of the alertness only an empty stomach can bring. Then he dines on sausages, canned fish and cheese, boiled, rubbery eggs, cold bowls of soup and stew. Everything tastes nice when you’re starving.
003: Alastor cares for Kingsley. He will also never trust him. On one hand, the things he admires the most about the other man are also those that irk and alarm him. Kingsley is cautious, empathetic, far better suited to peace than Moody will ever be. But something about his upbringing leads him to associate those qualities with cowardice and privilege. Even when their goals aligned and they relied on each other, the doubt about his fellow Auror remained. Kingsley is a better man than he is. And yet, Moody knows that he has inherited the violence and catastrophe that run down his family tree – has Shacklebolt truly avoided the poison in his own? He hopes so. But expecting the worst has always been his policy.
004: At 17, he ran away from home for good. He only saw his parents a few times after that. Neither of them ever acknowledged the beatings and cruelty as anything more than ‘toughening him up’ and Alastor genuinely felt like he had little to say to them. He once visited to inform them that he was becoming an Auror, and the warmth and praise with which his father received the news both satisfied and disgusted him. He was terrified by the hold his parents still had on him, and swore never to visit again. He kept the promise even when a colleague told him the old man was in St.Mungus on account of a curse from his old auror days, which was turning his insides to liquid. “If he wants me to visit”, he told him, “he can ask me himself”. He never did, which secretly relieved Alastor. He didn’t go to the funeral either. As for his mother, he hasn’t heard anything since the war began, but something tells him she’ll outlive both him and all the good people he knows.
005: Cats like him. They slip in through open windows, lay on his lap after he’s drank himself unconscious and eat his food.
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soothsayerrrr · 5 years
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have you been re-introduced to cassia parkinson? last we heard, the pureblood was most familiar with timeline one. I don’t recall if they were always a ravenclaw, but I’ve heard the seventh year is still quick-witted, independent, charismatic, and preternatural, self-destructive, mischievous, so that’s familiar. at least she remembers their way around the castle.
hi i’m bailey and welcome to my intro. aka, a dumb modified version of my app. sis literally doesn’t have stats or anything but like here’s her pinterest board again. warning this is kinda messy, just like everything else in my life.
born may 27th, 1960.
sun and moon signs are both gemini. ( a kind of continuous high-voltage runs through you restlessly affecting both your mental and emotional natures. no one can slow you down. you are smart and brilliant, and are always trying to take more than one project at a time to completion. any nervousness means you are not investing your resources wisely. more often than not, you can convince people to do things your way. )
ascendant sign is capricorn. ( you will accept responsibilities as it is in your nature to take challenges; the riskier, the better. hardship and frustration teach the lessons of bending the will to serve a higher purpose. )
midheaven sign is scorpio. ( motivated and not afraid to go after what you want, however you may go too far and exhaust yourself. you need to learn how to deal with personal limits and assist with difficult decisions. )
wand: silver lime, augurey tail feather, swishy, 10 inches. patronus: unable to cast; would be a fox. ( the fox is charismatic and by nature, a trickster. they’re great talkers, making even the worst suggestions sound like the best ideas ever. convincing people to do what they want and make them think it was their idea in the first place is a talent. foxes also have a knack for observing the people around them; this comes in handy for future reference if they need something. )
boggart: acromantula. amortentia: the smell of a beach after a thunderstorm, coffee, a new deck of tarot cards, and butterbeer. familiar: a male toad named mopsus, named after the ancient greek seer.
ever since it became more public knowledge she’s a seer, she’s had a few of her fellow students come to her asking for advice. because she quickly realized that either people claimed to not believe in it, or they found it silly, she would usually tell her ‘customers’ that horrible things would happen if they didn’t do a certain task. be it something for her personally, or in general to make them look foolish. cassia knows she shouldn’t, but it’s too fun to stop --- especially when most of them don’t realize that isn’t quite how seers work.
you’ll always see this bitch with a deck of tarots ready to duel and probably having a bunch of crystals stuffed in the pockets of her robe.
and as for clubs, she’s in slug club and astronomy club!
so ok: all her life, cassia wanted to be the perfect pureblood daughter her family wanted. but unfortunately for her, there was always something off. whether she was too mischievous and energetic, or being silent and staring vacantly, nothing quite fit into the pre-set mold of their society.
things slowly began to change once she began hogwarts. her otherworldly charm only seemed to be nourished, finding odd companionship with some wandering ghosts of the school. but while she had a spark that lured any crowd, overall she preferred to stay close to those who she grew up with. other peers that espoused pureblood ideals, just as she was taught. maybe she wasn’t future stepford wife material, but she’d be damned if she didn’t try.
 however things really changed once she had her first, actual prophecy. it happened in the middle of class — either potions or transfiguration, cassia couldn’t tell you — during her fifth year. aka shit got real!!!! Too Real!!!! right now though, she’s definitely made the obvious progress/transition into accepting her abilities, but her family??? lol yea, not so much.
her mother especially is like, “well NOW we might not find a suitable husband for you!!!!!! who would want This????” and her father’s like GLARING at her from the opposite end of the dinner table when she’s home for holidays and she just kinda wants to scream because LOOK. cassia knows, knows, how they feel about people they see as “different” to them. SHE KNOWS, SHE WAS RAISED AS SUCH. it’s the whole purist mentality yet somehow worse because it’s HER, and they don’t seem to understand that she’s still the same??? just with some... bonuses ( or not, because being a seer isn’t all fun and games and is actually terrifying and mentally/physically exhausting and taxing. but that’s beyond the point. )
however her brothers --- her twin, and one three years older --- seem... well, if she’s honest she hasn’t been able to get a good enough read on her older brother, but she hardly sees him anyway so she doesn’t care THAT much lmao. her twin brother however? god cassia and him were so close growing up, despite how effortlessly he blended in with their society meanwhile she was kinda like... too much or not enough?? so. his opinion definitely matters to her and while she doesn’t know where he OFFICIALLY stands, she’s kinda at the point where, with like many other aspects, does not want to know.
AS FOR OTHER TIMELINES.... oof!!!!! learning about the other timelines somehow made her feel worse about her seer abilities/gotta love a hopeless feeling sinking in and there’s Nothing you can do about it. as just mentioned she doesn’t really LIKE knowing some things and other versions of herself is no different because she can barely keep her shit together in THIS one? like??? her with an actual WAR??????
timeline two cassia stuck with the pureblood/death eater side. she was already so “different” from her family, and it’s sickeningly obvious where the parkinson’s stand, so of course she’s going to justify the awfulness with the fact it’s how they were raised...smh ;/
timeline three cassia would be pretty standard, overall neutral but clearly swaying to the death eaters as an ally, because again she’s not going to abandon everyone she’s known/her family/etc. while she might be self-destructive, cassia definitely shows signs of knowing when to have that seemingly dormant self-preservation.
okay so you know how she doesn’t like knowing certain stuff and all that jazz, and her scorpio midheaven “you need to learn how assist with difficult decisions” shtick? yeah big grief because it’s such a process and she ain’t making ANY. like... growing up in the type of environment she did --- quiet passive aggression and toxicity --- it’s always been easier to bite your tongue. after getting used to the bitterness, it seems to have somethings better left unsaid. no need to cause a scene because it’s more trouble than what it’s worth even though this disgust is eating you up inside? maybe she’ll overcome this one day. maybe.
anddddddd this is kinda all i got rn.
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