#i love violence
ayo-edebiri · 17 days
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#He could still taste them
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coyote-roadkill · 4 months
reblog if you want resistance against capitalism and the state here and now instead of trying to form a revolution and hope that it works this time!
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mostmouse · 1 year
I am looking forward to the story you are creating.
I've been watching horror movies lately, but I just find it funny when the final boss is "Satan"(obey me).
So can I Requests a story? "When mc encountered a kidnapping incident by a cult in the human world, but heard that those people were going to sacrifice them to Satan."
If I were mc, I would only have: "Excuse me????"
Hope you don't mind, but I made it fucked up and violent :3 I looooove Satan! He's my favorite, I want him to go hog wild and murder a bunch of people.
How the Turn Tables (as always - cross posted to AO3)
(Satan x gn!reader, explicit (graphic violence), 5,000 words)
You're out minding your own business when some asshole cult members kidnap you. You find yourself in the center of a summoning circle, but unfortunately for the cult, they're summoning your beloved partner. And Satan is not happy about what he finds.
The harsh glare of the sun had you wincing as you walked along the sidewalk. After being in the Devildom for your yearly exchange program, then going back for a few more years after that, you had thoroughly become detestful of the sun. It was sort of funny, you had missed it so badly during your first stay, but now it was almost the bane of your existence.
Sighing heavily, you kept walking, you were off work for the day, and had plans to return to your demons in just a couple weeks. You were hard at work finding the perfect bits and bobs to hand make your welcoming gifts. It was incredibly draining and difficult, and you weren’t happy how each one wasn’t exactly perfect - but they were all made with love and unique to each demon. You knew they’d love them, imperfections and all, but it didn’t stop you from being a bit disappointed about it.
Humming in delight, you made it to the stretch of craft stores that were your destination. Looking at your D.D.D. you noted the time and prayed that you wouldn’t be long. Unfolding your reusable bags from the master reusable bag, you placed them in the cart and began your journey. Running up and down the aisles, you plucked goods and tossed them into your cart.
Finishing up at one store, you moved down the line in the outdoor mall before finally completing your mission. Sighing once you left the last store, you looked up at the setting sun. Frowning slightly, you made your way back to your car. Stuffing everything into the trunk, you rolled your shoulders, grabbing your D.D.D. and texting a picture of the sunset to Satan.
His response was nearly immediate and you smiled. ‘Looks almost as beautiful as you.’ Squealing at the cute text, you hopped into your car, setting up your music before going to turn the engine on. However, as it turned over, it refused to start up. Groaning loudly, you got back out, popping the hood and looking at the engine.
Not finding anything smoking or sparking. You narrowed your eyes, getting down on all fours and looking under the car itself. Shouting in frustration, you saw a large pool of fluids on the asphalt. Huffing angrily, you sat back on your knees, slapping your cheeks. Why would your lines burst at a mall while it was parked? Scowling at your bad luck, you placed your hands on your thighs, about to get up.
However, you soon found yourself laying on the hot ground, ears ringing and a sudden white hot pain in the back of your head. Dazed, your unblinking eyes tried to take in your surroundings before something covered your head and eyes. The material was rough and uncomfortable, multiple hands grabbing your body and hauling you up.
Grunting and whimpering through the pain, you tried to kick out, managing to strike a few of your attackers - or was it just one of them multiple times? You weren’t sure, still unable to hear and string along coherent thoughts. You sneered, anger welling up inside you and you leaned closer to the one carrying you.
Even with the bag or whatever it was over your head, you bit down hard on whatever you could. Hearing the person scream, dropping you instantly, you got to your feet in a crouch, pulling the bag off your head before a blinding pain resonated through your ribs. Falling to the ground convulsing, you tried to look at the people attacking you.
One shadowy figure stood out amongst the rest, a buzzing stun gun in their hand. Solemnly, they spoke out to you, the words distorted as you felt yourself starting to black out, “Don’t fight anymore. We don’t want to hurt you, but we will if we must.” Dragging your nails along the rough ground, you snarled at them, spitting from your prone position, before a swift kick put you out.
The shrouded figures looked up at the sunset before one member grabbed you cautiously. “Stop hesitating, they’re unconscious now.” The person grumbled, mentioning how you weren’t unconscious after a bat to the head. The leader ignored them, putting the stun gun back into his pocket. “I’d be surprised if after everything now, they woke up anytime soon. But let’s not chance it, we need to head back.”
Moving across the empty parking lot, the group of people gathered in a sleek black SUV. Placing you on the back bench seat, they tied you up, ignoring your joints as they popped. Shoving the bag back onto your head, they tied it at the neck - not too tight that you’d suffocate, but tight enough so you’d feel a strain if you fought back and needed to breathe deep.
Turning on the car, they all rode in silence as they made their way out of town and to a desolate area miles away. The car ride was quiet, none of them speaking. Every time you moved slightly, they all tensed up, waiting for you to awaken. “Something isn’t right about this one.” One member’s voice was hesitant, opening the car door and helping haul you out. The others nodded beneath their hoods, hands tentatively grabbing you and dragging you out, letting you fall to the ground.
Tensing as you groaned aloud, body moving slightly, the leader came up behind them, kicking you once more in the ribcage. “Do not be afraid of a mere mortal. We’re better than them, and they serve us one purpose. To be alive until our ritual ends.” The others, reassured by the show of control and violence, grabbed you and began to carry you inside.
Once they arrived in a large room, the others gathered there began to chat excitedly amongst themselves. Once the man carrying you dropped you to the ground unceremoniously, another member began to chastise him for the rough treatment, worried that the fall would hurt your head and kill you before they could begin their summoning. However, their words died in their throat as they saw a large blood stain on the front of the bag. “See what you did! It’s probably dead in there!”
The man who dropped you sneered, taking off the heavy cloak that surrounded his broad shoulders. Turning so the others could see the top of his back, they all balked as they saw a large bite mark, blood dried from where it ran down his spine. “The thing bit me. Don’t worry about it, something isn’t right with them…”
His words trailed off as he glared down at you, body unmoving except for the light rise and fall of your chest. Scowling, he moved away from you, putting a clear distance between the two of you. The other members of the cult began to place candles around the carefully drawn circle and pentagram. Soft whispers crossed the large room as they worked diligently.
The leader of the group grabbed a large, dusty tome. Moving to stand above everyone else, he watched as they put the finishing touches on the summoning circle, your unmoving body in the middle of it.
Once everyone had completed their task, they all moved to points of the pentagram and circle, drawing small blades and dripping blood onto the points as an offering. The man whose shoulder you had bitten tentatively made his way to the center, untying the rope and ripping the bag off your head.
With a shout, he stumbled back as he met your wrathful graze, body moving as you spit in his face. You tried to get up, but crumpled back down into a heap at the blinding pain in your sides. Crying out, you laid face down as you writhed. You heard the man behind you comfort his followers, his voice grating on you as you grit your teeth. “Worry not, my beloved siblings. This creature cannot harm us, I made sure of that. Let us begin.”
Fast breaths puffed from your mouth as you focused on nonverbal healing spells. However, you knew whatever they were doing would probably finish before you could. Groaning, you focused on your task at hand, hopefully they’d be chanting whatever nonsense around you for a while before they exacted a finishing blow. You tried to pull on your pact with Satan, but it seemed muddled in your dazed state.
Sneering, you felt your ribs put themselves back together, and your breathing alleviated. Working next on the pounding in your skull, you thought you recognized a few words they were saying. This was obviously a summoning circle, what were they doing? Flipping onto your side, you heard the leader’s voice crack as you made eye contact with him. He looked away from you, insteading turning his head up as if he were preaching to the heavens.
Slowly, the pain and fogginess left you, but your calling upon your demonic lover seemed even more foggy. You licked your teeth, thinking of why that might be before your eyes widened. You knew why the chanting sounded familiar - they were trying to summon Satan themselves!
You couldn’t stop your grin from curling across your face, your wounds healed as they finished their chanting. Giggling slightly, you soon began to cackle. The circle around you glowed an emerald green, alighting your body with color as you laughed loudly, scornfully. The members around you began to fidget, wringing their fingers as they looked fearfully to their leader.
He sneered at you, opening his mouth to rebuke your actions before stopping short. The ground began to shake, cracking open as more green light poured into the now dark room. Your laughs didn’t die down, in fact, they became more crazed, more excited. Why were you laughing? About to scream at you, the leader fell silent, breath escaping him as he watched as inhuman claws scraped their way through the opening portal, curled black horns soon joining the view.
You quieted down, unsettling smile never wavering as your eyes took in the demonic form of your lover. He seemed more unhinged than usual, more hellish. His normally fanciful demon attire was instead bleached bones. The rib cage surrounding him, disjointed blackened tail whipping behind him. You couldn’t see his expression as he faced away from you, looking towards the leader of the cult.
The forest green flames encircled him, voice rough as he called up to the human in dark robes. “For what reason have you pathetic humans called me?” His rage was held in abeyance, his activities interrupted back in his room. He was trying to call you, instead getting your voicemail over and over while your pact was unresponsive. Angry wasn’t even the right word for how he was feeling. You knew how livid he got when he couldn’t contact you, and that fact - that usually you tried to stave off with voice calls and long distance date nights - had you bubbling in excitement.
“We summoned you here, great lord Satan to-” The leader’s eyes widened in fury as your voice cut him off, clearly irate about your continued usurpation of his authority and power.
“Because they wanted to sacrifice little ole me.” Your words were thick with smug pride. Giggling as your demon slowly turned to look at you. You watched gleefully as he took in your filthy clothes. A burn on the side of your shirt where they had used the stun gun on you. Blood covered one side of your face where they had bludgeoned you with a bat. Finally he met your gaze, your smile turning soft and eyes loving. “I’m okay, I healed myself up already. I tried to call on our pact, but as you can see… I’m a little tied up at the moment.”
Laughing at your own cheesy words, you watched as livid wrathful anger filled his eyes, expression twisting. With a careful lash of his disjointed tail, your bonds were freed. Keeping a painful groan to yourself, you quickly recited a healing spell, fixing your strained joints. Moving towards you, his burning clawed hands reached out hesitantly. Smiling up at him, you readily took his hands, letting him pull you into a nearly crushing hug.
Letting you go, he fretted over your body, wiping at the dried blood on your face. Holding his quaking hand to your cheek, you smiled sweetly. “Their leader hurt me the most, but all of them are guilty. Please, don’t hold back on my account.”
Everyone who wasn’t the two of you seemed to freeze in their places. You took pride in looking at all of them as they stood horrified between the displays of sweet affection between you both. You cackled as Satan shook in rage, “Sorry guys! You picked the wrong human… See, we’re sort of an item.” You grinned smugly, kissing Satan’s forehead. “Go wild, my love. I’ve never seen you really let loose before~”
Suddenly, he was gone from your sight, appearing behind the cult’s leader. The man’s panicked gaze met yours, his mouth opening but only a scream leaving his lungs. Satan’s tail wrapped around his throat as his hand pierced his chest, coming out the other side. The only sounds above the screams of agony and panic was of your thrilled laughter.
You flicked a hand around the room, sealing all the exits and windows. The cult members climbed over each other, pulling at the handles of the doors and screaming. Satan pulled his hand free from the leader’s chest, instead snarling and using his tail to jerk him backwards and around. His face was slack, the life long gone from his mangled body as your demon tore him limb from limb. Tossing the dismembered body into the crowd by the door, you delighted in the shrill screams.
You watched Satan adoringly, eyes never leaving him as he continued in his rage. Blood covered the bleached bones that wrapped around him, the eerie green flames surrounding him once more as his face twisted in wrath. You hummed as you felt the air shift behind you, turning calmly as one cult member’s split body passed you on either side, a knife clattering to the ground as it skittered past you.
Humming thoughtfully, you scuffed your shoe on the ground, “Ooh… Coming after me even after everything I said? That was stupid.” You peered around your love, looking at the others and smiling, the tone not quite right for the situation. “Does anyone else want to try? Please do, it’ll make this so much more fun - isn’t that what you wanted? To see Satan tear apart a human sacrifice? Now that it’s happening, you don’t seem too thrilled.”
The man you had bitten stepped forwards, the whites of his eyes clearly visible as he panted heavily, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this! H-He was supposed to kill you! We were going to be granted power and eternal li-” His words ceased as Satan appeared in front of him, his hand covering his face, claws sinking into his skull before he crushed it easily in the palm of his hand. The man’s heavy body fell to the ground in a heap before Satan stepped on his back, crushing his torso.
Squealing in glee, you cheered Satan on from behind, his tight words passing by his sharp canines, eyes glowing in the low light. “Silence.” Of course, the words weren’t for you, he wanted you to bask in the clear displays of power, how he could protect you from these vermin. No, the words were for the insects before him, he didn’t want to hear anything they had to say. Least of all about how they imagined he would be tearing you apart - the most virtuous human and loving partner in the entire three realms.
Sneering, he growled, the inhuman sound tearing from his throat as he lunged, hands catching a couple of people as his tail lashed behind him blindly, curling forward and indiscriminately attacking more of the members. You sighed dreamily, watching Satan maim and murder the remaining cult members.
Humming, you moved over to the dias where the leader had been standing. Ignoring the blood and viscera, you perched yourself on the edge, leaning back and enjoying the finale of the show. The people all tried to run, getting a bit away before Satan’s long tail caught them, dragging them back by their ankles, wrists, and heads, just to be brutalized and maimed by his sharp claws.
Eyes alighting with joy, you watched as one smaller member tried to crawl away, getting on their hands and knees before trying to take off. Lifting your hand, you whispered a spell that had a wisp of fire catching them around their ankles, hauling them up into the air. Watching as they writhed upside down, hands pawing at their legs as they burned, and smiled at their screams.
Looking towards Satan, you called out in a cheerful voice, “Hey! You know that game with the pinata?” Standing amongst the writhing bodies of the not quite dead yet cult members, his eyes quickly met yours before following the green flames of your hands towards the last intact human.
A vicious smile passed over his lips, walking calmly towards the strung up person. Sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight, and in that moment, you felt suffocated with adoration and love for your demon of wrath. Covered in blood and wild eyes, he never looked so handsome to you, so ravishing. And he was all yours, this demon who was pact bonded to you, who had given himself to you. All yours.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, even as his tail coiled back behind him and the screams turned garbled and choked, before quieting all together. Letting go of the spell, the now severed legs of the previously last alive cult member fell to the floor wetly.
Leaning back on your hands again, you tugged the tome the leader had been reading from towards you as Satan made any finishing blows, checking that all the cult members were dead. Surveying the dark room, he made sure none had slipped away before finally coming up to you.
His grip was gentler than before, but still tight as he pulled you into a passionate kiss. Letting his tongue ravage your mouth, your hands softly cupped his cheeks. Breaking away, he inspected your body, patting and squeezing you. Laughing as he tickled you a bit, you pet his blood soaked blonde hair. “I’m okay thanks to you.”
Your warm eyes met his slitted pupils, his hands gripping your thighs tightly, “No, kitten. This happened because of me.” You scoffed, laughing at him before kissing his nose.
“No, this happened because these people targeted me at random. None of this is your fault,” You kissed his lips softly, “Do you understand?”
He sighed, kissing you back just as chaste. “Yes, my love. Thank you for letting me protect you and exterminating these filthy humans.” You laughed softly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thank you for putting on such a show! And please, don’t be so generous, these pathetic creatures weren’t even human. I mean, what kind of person does this to another person? Disgusting little things, I’ll tell you what.”
He smiled at your words, your tone joking and light. “You… really aren’t hurt?” His words were soft, but you read between the lines. ‘You aren’t afraid of me?’
Smiling, you caressed your hands over his body, tracing the bones that wrapped around his torso, petting the tail that had subtly wrapped around your waist. You scattered kisses all over his face before pulling his clawed hands into yours, kissing his knuckles and then his palms. “I’m not hurt in the slightest. I feel so safe and warm in your arms. Thank you, Satan. I love you so much, my little demon.”
Finally, you saw the worry melt from his face, his glamour coming back until he stood before you in his more subdued demonic state. You pet his horns, playing with his hair as he turned his attention to the book next to you.
Ooh-ing and aw-ing, he plucked it into his hands. Turning it around and gazing at every side of it, he flipped through the pages. “Hmm, I don’t think I have this one.” He smiled, snapping it shut and holding it under his arm, “Not only do I get to rescue a kitten in need, I also got a new book.”
His grin was precious and you laughed delightedly. “And I got to see you get a little bit crazy and a little bit stupid.” As he opened his mouth to retort, you kissed him, “It’s just some lyrics to some song, I don’t think you’re stupid or crazy, my alley cat.” He smiled once more, soft eyes watching you. “Okay, well, do you mind coming home with me? I also need to get my car towed.”
He lit up, “Yes, please. I’d love to join you.” Kissing each other again, you held his hands in yours, whispering a teleportation spell and in a crack of light, you appeared next to your car. Satan caught you as you wobbled slightly, “I shall take us home next, you’ve been through enough tonight, is that alright?”
You smiled, nodding gratefully. “Could you get the bags? They’re in the trunk.” Pulling open the door, you grabbed your keys and closed the hood, satisfied no one had stolen your car or your battery. Once Satan appeared once more by your side, you nodded at him and he wordlessly teleported the both of you to your home in the human realm.
Stretching as you appeared in your living room, you motioned for Satan to put the bags down before hugging him and leaning all your weight on him. Shouting aloud in delight, you felt Satan pull you up into his arms, kissing your forehead.
“We need to get washed up. Mind if we bathe together, kitten?” His shining eyes met yours, and you smiled lovingly.
“Please.” Kissing you softly, he made his way to the bathroom. Sitting you on the seat of the toilet, he turned on the water, letting it heat up. Turning back towards you, he stripped his clothes off, basking in your admiring gaze.
“Your turn, my love.” You smiled as he pulled you up, stripping you down and kissing the newly exposed skin. Grabbing your butt, you laughed as his scattered kisses all over your face.
“Satan! You’re bad!” Your tone didn’t match your words, delighting in his touch as you nuzzled his chest as he kissed your hair in turn. He was relieved you didn’t seem too upset by everything that happened, though he worried you’d crash soon and become overwhelmed. He hoped, that when that happened, you wouldn’t hate him for exposing you to such violence.
As he helped you into the shower, he admonished himself for not sending you away to his room, keeping you safe from all the violence that had ensued. Sure, you had helped and laughed and encouraged him, but surely you weren’t in the right state of mind.
You watched as Satan thought himself into a dark spiral, smiling sadly. He was gracious enough to put you in the water first, the pooled water at the bottom of the tub turning a rusty red color. You reached out, holding his cheeks and forcing him to look at you. “Hey. I’m not upset about tonight. I’m not scared of you. I don’t hate you. And I’m not sorry for what happened. Those people were horrible, they were fully prepared to kill another person for their own selfish gain and summon an actual demon to do their bidding. That’s so insanely fucked up! Who does that?”
That got a small laugh from him, the smile not quite meeting his eyes. That had you pouting, moving closer and grabbing his ass as you wrapped your arms around him, bodies touching and pressed together. “Look at me. I mean it. Don’t beat yourself up over this, do you understand me?”
A blush covered his cheeks, body relaxing as he nodded to himself, slapping his face a little before opening his eyes to look at you. “I understand, my love. After all, you love all of me, right? Even my anger?”
He felt the tension leave his body as you nodded, a delightful smile on your lips. “That’s right! I love every piece of you, there’s not a part of you that isn’t beloved by me.” The two of you laughed softly, kissing and holding each other close.
Sighing and stepping back, you passed him the body wash, “Please will you rub me up? I’ve had such~ a long night.” Your pleading words and big eyes bewitched him, though you didn’t need to. He would always be wrapped around your finger.
“Of course, I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, especially looking like this.” He played along, the back and forth quieting his discordant heart.
You grinned, teeth shining as you looked up at him before turning around, a smug grin on your washed face. “You should see the other guys, they’re pretty fucked up. See, I summoned this super powerful, and ridiculously hot, demon and he literally tore them asunder.”
Laughing loudly at your words, he smirked, leaning over your shoulder, “Remind me to never piss you off, I’d hate to be on the receiving end of your wrath.” The two of you giggled as he kissed your cheek.
Light banter surrounded the two of you as it came to your turn out of the water and scrubbed Satan down, every movement of your hands filled with love. You kissed across his freshly washed body, smiling at the soft moans and blushes that covered him. You weren’t even doing anything particularly naughty, yet the intimate actions still rejuvenated his soul.
Sighing, he held you close as the water poured over the both of you, nuzzling your neck. You stood there for a moment before he reached behind him and turned the water off. “Alrighty, let’s get to bed, okay?” You nodded against him but he made no move to get out or let you go.
Laughing, you tried to pull away, only for his arms to tighten. You could feel him smiling against your shoulder, body moving with silent laughter. “Satan! We’re gonna get cold!” You whined in his grip, trying to wiggle free. “Help! I’m being held captive by a big bad demon!”
Laugher resonated against you as he pulled his head up to rest his forehead against yours. He smiled softly, eyes warm and content as he stared lovingly at you. “Don’t worry, I’d be more than happy to help.”
You tried to push him away, grin on your face,”I don’t think you would actually, I think you’d hold me hostage forever.”
His grin curled tighter around his face, devious gaze on you, “Would that be such a bad thing?”
Squealing as he pulled you tight against him once more, you rubbed his back, “Nope, not at all, my naughty little alley cat.”
Smiling at the pet name, he finally let you go, grabbing a towel for each of you, “Don’t tempt me, I’d keep you a secret from my own brothers.”
Stepping out of the shower and into the bathroom, you stretched high, the fatigue of the night catching up with you. “As long as you graced me with your devoted attention, I don’t think I’d mind so much.”
The two of you smiled at each other, tossing the towels up to dry before you took his hand and led him to your bedroom. Turning down the bed, you slid in and made grabby hands at your demon. “I’m super tired now actually, you’re right. Let’s get some sleep.”
He basked in your praise at the fact he was right, letting it puff up his ego a bit. Sliding in next to you, his hands stroked your thighs a bit before hauling one up over his hips. Kissing you softly, he moved so the two of you were pressed close together.
“Do you mind if we’re even closer tonight?” His words were husky against your lips, and you smiled.
“Be gentle, okay?” Humming softly, he pressed his lips against yours, a breathy ‘always’ whispered against you. Moving your leg up a bit higher, he pulled you to be slightly atop him. Readjusting your hips, he pressed the tip of his nearly hard cock to your tight rim and pushed in slowly.
Sighing at the feeling, both of you kissed softly, basking in the feeling as he rocked up into you, pressing deeper and deeper inside slowly. Once he was fully inside, you moaned lasciviously, kissing his neck softly. “Mmmm~ perfect…”
He smiled at your sleepy tone, nuzzling your hair and sighing as you nipped him. “Go to sleep, I promise I’ll watch over you. I love you.”
Your voice was already fading, sleep overtaking you now that the adrenaline had left your body completely, “Love you too.”
As you fell asleep, Satan watched you, cock snug inside you as you were wrapped tightly in his arms. His tail curled around you, slipping easily through the sheets to keep you forcibly next to him, not that you’d try to get away anyways. Using his free hand that wasn’t tucked beneath you, he summoned the book from downstairs to hover over him, his eyes perfectly adjusted to the complete darkness.
Listening to you breathing against him, basking in how you felt wrapped around him, he contentedly read the summoning book. Turning and kissing the top of your head, he relaxed in the blankets. It would be a while before he could fully calm down, but he knew it would come sooner rather than later with the two of you wrapped up so tightly together.
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certified-silly-guy · 3 months
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hydrachea · 6 months
FNAF was so fun.
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stardustsea · 7 months
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batter up
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boy-yaoi · 11 months
born to “all billionaires deserve to be impaled on a stick” forced to “yeah i kinda dislike elon musk a bit”
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Sincerely, zombie @guatemala-official
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openedskull · 6 days
YES.................... ARSON <3
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2pyssst · 5 months
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iamjackedwards · 5 months
everyone on the bench hyping him up.. even monty you love to see it
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goldenpot8o · 1 year
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allgremlinart · 11 months
give me a character and I’ll tell you if I can easily kill them or not. post
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hotgirlcoded · 3 months
that was so exhilarating happy leap day everyone
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towelclips · 7 months
Trick or treat! :]
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You get an RPG
now go, do a crime
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pacdevil · 10 months
thinking about....... violence <2222222222222
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