#i like making little environmental storytelling things
nexus-nebulae · 2 months
it took. so many weeks but i Finally managed to collect all the major terrain things i wanted for my campsite in pocket camp and im Very happy i love my little garden corner
#i have a florist van as well#cause you have three things you can decorate in pocket camp#your campsite your cabin and your camper van#and the camper goes with you when your little character gets placed in other players worlds#and i decorated the first floor of my cabin to have a little treat serving area and then a flower bouquet ordering counter#and then the upper floor to have a bedroom and tons of crafting supplies and flowers scattered everywhere#like I'm making the bouquets in the upper section and then taking them downstairs to the cooler to be displayed and sold#i don't really Actually have flowers to sell especially because you can't actually sell flowers in the market box but that's fine#i like making little environmental storytelling things#and my campsite has even more flowers#an azalea hedge instead of fences and sakura trees and blossoms everywhere#and a little food selling area with like. a dango stand a bakery stand and a sakura themed counter#and a little table with food set out#and sitting areas like benches scattered all across the campsite (we need good public seating ofc)#and then the cabin has like. a bunch of games and instruments on the first floor like an activity area#and then as many food related things as i could fit on the second floor like a massive cafeteria that I'd let anyone in to eat#and then the top floor is my Proper Bedroom when I'm not zooming around in my florist van#with a bunch of cozy comfy things everywhere and also books and gems and shiny things#now all i need is actually nice looking wallpapers and floor patterns. sigh. i must wait another century#(seriously WHY are the wallpapers so damn expensive PLEASE make the reissues cheaper please 🥺)
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mosscrab · 11 months
i took a break from hollow knight but now that i'm back playing it again i've been moving along well and having so much fun. it makes you work for it but it really is rewarding when you get through an area.
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shirtshawaiian · 1 year
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love wins
#now ive decided theyve got a forbidden romance . but just this once they can enjoy a moment together. immortalized by picture#alright i guess i have lore with my bedroom now. ahem#right now: that pigman is my boyfriend pigman. and that gnome is his boyfriend#thats the giant gnome the biggest of his group. so they all look up to him for leadership#especially after the loss of a recent couple (i took them to my office)#(theyre having a wonderful time there currently i left my beanie behind on one. sorry ot him)#so this gnome this big guy new and fresh to the room is like. lost#but my pigmans got him. (i am fine with this of course)#in fact im the wingman . my pigman boyfriend and his boyfriend the gnome#unfortunately they are Separated as the gnome must live life upon my windowsill and the pigman in my bed..............................#maybe i'll take more pictures of them together they make me very happy#its not inherently any wars or anything its just... separated by distance. and the giant gnome feels as though his little gnome pals#might not like his relationship with the pigman#simply due to lack of gnome and plush relationships in my room#the only thing close to that is my furby and my sucklet who are on an on-and-off relationship immortalized by some instagram posts#there is lego mothman and lego steve's skeleton too i guess but theyre both legos. they wouldnt understand. also theyre in a bit of a rough#patch in their relationship since mothman crashed the car after hooking up with steve in a bar. you know what i mean?#maybe i should clean my room. add environmental storytelling. hmmm
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somerandomdudelmao · 8 months
Oooo composition?
Like how all F!Leo is put at a low angle (looking upward) so he appears taller and powerful, while P!Leo is put at a high angle (looking down) so he looks smaller. Especially while he’s fumbling over his words and being embarrassed.
Then NOT ONLY does F!Leo gets down to his level, the “camera” angle is also higher (looking down) so Leo appears smaller, and P!Leo is suddenly put in a low angle (looking up) so it looks like P!Leo is the hero or more powerful person.
Then after the air is thinned out, they are level. Looking at eachother in the same space. Neither higher than the other (other than height differences which lord it is a big one).
Oh my god, yes yesyes thank you. I'm glad to see how many people are picking up on the perspective thing.
But also, I want to add a little bit to this topic because there's also another environmental storytelling technique here. It's probably ..like...totally unnoticeable thing because my style is pretty messy, but anyway.
Those lines. The lines that visually separate the characters.
The first part of the dialog, Leo looking up at Leonardo. And the line (side of the building technically but eh) separating them.
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Then, the perspective changes. Leonardo goes down on his knee and is below Leo. And at the same time, he crosses that line, finding himself in the same visual space as the child version of himself. He makes a connection.
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Next part. Change of perspective again and...Leo is looking at Leonardo from below again yes, but now he begins to cross the line too.
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Until they both do, while the perspective evens out without understating or overstating either of them.
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pitchblackespresso · 2 months
I feel like I'm on r/OffMyChest, but there's something I've been meaning to say for some time
I dislike the Zonai
Their execution was lackluster (there's some interesting stuff, but the environmental storytelling is too sparse and inconsistent for any sort of coherent theory-crafting), but what I despise the most is how they're retroactively shoehorned into botw's worldbuilding
The Sheikah tech ? Heavily implied to be a derivative of the Much Superior Zonai tech
Hyrule Castle? Was built to honour Rauru's sacrifice
Calamity Ganon? Leaked gloom-turned-malice from dehydrated Ganondorf's seal
Temple of Time? The ~original~ was Zonai-made
Typhlo Ruins? Actually Hylian made, but to honour the great King Rauru (again)
Rauru himself is Zelda's ancestor (and implied source of her sealing powers, retconning the Triforce)
The Forgotten Temple? Also Zonai and used by King Rauru to hide the Secret Stones
Ancient Hero? Some kinda Zonai hybrid creature
This narrative of "everything was the Zonai/Rauru all along" is one I don't vibe with, because not only does it give inconsistent backstory to things that didn't need it, but they then left us with more questions than answers due to just how little we actually know about the Zonai.
I also wanna mention how much I dislike the Gacha machines that dispense the complete eyesore that are the Zonai devices. They're a fun enough gameplay concept (tho I don't personally like it), but it makes no sense how you get functioning hydrants or rockets out of gachapons. The Sheikah tech was given ample backstory, and clashed with Hyrule's otherwise rugged wilderness for thematic reasons. The Zonai tech is just kind of an ugly reminder that this is a videogame, and that you get these pre-made devices because the devs wanted to make a sandbox, regardless of whether it fits in this medieval high fantasy setting with serious undertones and environmental storytelling. And since they're branded as Zonai-made, they add to my discontent with the Zonai
I love this game, and it's done so much right (even tho some people might say otherwise), but I cannot bring myself to enjoy much of anything related to the Zonai, which, despite being barely in the game, play a huge role in the story, environment and worldbuilding
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animentality · 5 months
Wishing Gortash hadn’t massacred a room full of people couldn’t be me because the environmental storytelling of it is SO GOOD. You leave the great big coronation hall packed and lively, everyone cheering for their new archduke. You get back out into the city, track down Orin, get your hands on her netherstone. You return to the coronation hall, the room loads in, and wham. The entire hall strewn with blood and corpses. Dead silent. Cultists in full Banite regalia milling around openly, unconcerned. You realise that not a single one of those nobles left the hall after the coronation, after you did, because every single one is lying slaughtered where they were. And it is very very obvious that this is the work of the new archduke who you allied yourself with. For me, it was a moment of oh god, this guy is serious.
And like. You can find TONS and tons and tons of damning evidence for how horrible and corrupt and evil Gortash is all over the city, there is not a single corner of it untouched by him in some way. You have the families of an enslaved labour force imprisoned and tortured. You have that same enslaved labour force dressed up in shock collars! You have a scheme to distribute teddy bears stuffed with explosives, targeting refugee children, just for the sake of instilling more and more fear in the public. And you do get to understand pretty well that these things are all being done not by someone who just delights in violence and chaos the way Orin does, but as the utterly dispassionate, pragmatic ventures of a guy who genuinely does not see people as people (and rather as objects, tools, currency - shapes that might walk and talk but ultimately mean nothing).
But for me personally, even on top of ALL of that, no display of Gortash’s villainy made more of an impact than walking into that room as his ally.
Not because I give a shit about any of the actual nobles themselves, or think it’s technically worse than say giving explosive toys to refugee children, etc. But the slaughter of the patriars has such an impact for me because it’s not talked about. You can’t find a million clues about it or stop it from happening. Talk to any of the Banite guards and they simply tell you point blank what happened. It’s not abstract. It’s not preventable. It happens, and it’s a cold whack in the face for the unwitting player who may have earnestly allied with him. It’s the game saying “this is your ally, by the way, in case you weren’t aware. Even if you foiled his other little plots - found the undetonated teddy bears, freed the Gondians, etc - don’t think that was enough, because this is who he is.”
(And because we don’t SEE it happen, just the aftermath? You get to wonder. Did Gortash step out before this happened? Or did he stand back and watch? Did he find it messy, or did he smile as he watched his steel watchers rip people in half? Did it make him feel powerful? We can probably guess the answers to these questions.)
Anyway Gortash is SUCH a good character and I love him. And if Durge had all their faculties walking into that room and seeing all the murdered people would have brought a tear to their eye, they’d be so proud of him lol
OOOOOooooh absolutely brutally accurate description of Gortash, and YES.
That is the beauty of Gortash's evil. His pragmatism.
The way he tries to pretend he's different than you and Orin, but you can call him out, and say, you're just as bad as us.
And I would LOVE to know if he was there when he killed the patriars too.
He acts like he's so "above it all." Like he's not a Bhaalspawn, killing for pleasure...but sweetie, you are not any different just because you have a Steel Watcher crush a child rather than dissect one.
The people you try to save when you're at the Steel Watch Foundry? Those poor old people and children and families?
All of them are pretty fucking brutal. The Steel Watch are fucking awful. They're not benign robots. They are cruel and cold and emotionless, and they aren't there to protect, only subjugate.
And they're a lot like Gortash himself.
Frigid, with a black and white understanding of right and wrong, only it's flipped, and submitting to authority is the only "right" and any resistance is "wrong" and needs to be destroyed.
And just to go back to him believing he's so "above" the Chosens of Bhaal, or even everyone in general...even with Karlach, when she's enraged, and hurt, over being sold and enslaved, he says, well it was for your own good, my dear girl, let bygones be bygones - stop lying, Gort!
stop pretending you're so above everyone else, that you're this calm, logical man, whose endeavors are heroic, even noble.
They aren't.
You're getting back at a world that abandoned you.
Your entire life revolves around revenge, sadism, and wanton cruelty.
You are not saving anyone. You are dooming those who made you this way.
And that's why I like him.
He is just so...kickable. And evil.
And disgusting.
And I adore him.
He is built wrong, and I like it.
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epicspheal · 2 months
Alright so I've been seeing a lot of discussion surrounding Volo and his Togepi on Twitter and I wanted to put my thoughts on the situation. In the latest Pokemas event we see a part of the story where Volo's Togepi greets N and N hears her voice. N clearly tells us that Togepi states that Volo takes care of her. And it's mentioned earlier that it's clear Volo does love his Pokemon. Yet people have noted that in the lodge the subject of "Love for Pokemon" is in his "interesting" topic category (as compared to say, "Excitement Building" or "Super Exciting"). Therefore it's led people to believe he actually hates his Pokemon and that he's actively manipulating them. I don't think that's the case. See one thing Pokemon has done well since Gen 1 is environmental storytelling, often done through the teams. You can learn a lot about a character's personality through the Pokemon they choose and the move-sets. Volo is no different. Him having a Togepi (and later in PLA a Togekiss). This is important because Togepi as we know evolves via high friendship and GameFreak often gives Pokemon who evolve via Friendship to antagonistic characters when they want to show they're misguided over just flat out cruel. And it's not just Togepi/Togekiss...by the boss fight with Volo we see him have a Lucario and Roserade...both Pokemon who have stages that require a friendship evolution. Togekiss and Lucario are also notable for being Pokemon that can sense feelings and they stick by Volo even when he's ready to remake the entire world.
This is GameFreak's signaling that Volo, despite him being a major backstabber, isn't 100% full of malice. That there's part of him that have good traits. But then why, you may ask, is "Love For Pokemon" so low for him on the lodge topics? Well it's likely because it's not a topic he's super passionate about. The lowest tier is "interesting"...and not "dislike/boring". Sure IRL, depending on tone "interesting" can be a polite way to say "I don't really care" but for Pokemas "interesting" topics just seem to be topics the character may either know only a little about or is intriguing but not something that would make them start talking a mile a minute. Volo having "Love for Pokemon" as an interesting topic likely points to the idea that he doesn't make that a huge part of his daily thought process as say Leaf who has it as her "Super Exciting Topic" (and indeed a lot of her Pokemas characterizations surrounds this as she is super passionate about it). Is it a noteworthy topic enough that's he's willing to talk about? Yes, but it's not something he's super passionate about compared to say myths and legendary Pokemon. It doesn't mean he's secretly manipulating his Pokemon and hates them. He has Pokemon that would be able to sense his true intentions if that was really the case. He has trust issues for sure (his lines about using others before they use you sound like he's been betrayed)...but that seems to be aimed moreso at humans (and Arceus) than his own team.
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quick and dirty game review: KILLER FREQUENCY
it's really good!! why?
it's all your favourite 80s/onwards slasher flicks rolled into one
the premise is ropey as hell but it's self-aware enough to know that and make it FUN
the references are gonna be really obvious to horror connoisseurs but tbh for me they were subtle enough that they weren't overpowering the experience; it's not just fanservice held together by gaffer tape and string
there's one (1) jumpscare right at the beginning, so be aware of that, but it didn't send me running for the hills and while i haven't finished the game yet, it's fair to say the rest of the game does not rely on cheap thrills and scares
that said, the fact that there's a crouch mechanic deeply worries me
but still: without giving too much away, you experience the game by manning the radio station and taking calls from people being pursued by a serial killer. there's no narration or visuals, the tension relies entirely on voice acting and sound design -- and i think they did a spectacular job with that
there were so many moments where i (and chat, i was streaming it) was on the edge of my seat
the puzzles are absolutely doable but still really satisfying when you work them out; and there's timers only on some dialogue choices, so you have enough time to work things out in steps -- also makes it easier/more fun to let chat help hehe
when you do fail, you don't feel railroaded or tricked, which is important, though once or twice a lack of information can be a little frustrating because you're just gonna have to go with your gut
the characters have really interesting backstories, i can't wait to find out more 👀
according to the devs, the dialogue and backstories were all written collaboratively across the team, and the game somewhat responds to how well you do in keeping people alive
there's also clues throughout the story so you can try and put it together as you go -- delighted to find out what's the biggest red herring
devs say all players will get a satisfying resolution re: the killer's identity, but players who do well get a more complete picture -- raising the incentive for multiple playthroughs
there's moments of instant karma that are just *chef's kiss*
the environmental storytelling at the radio station ohmygod
is something lgbt happening to Peggy 👀👀
the dialogue choices match up with the tone of what your character actually says, so it's easy to mould his personality a little bit (and the bits where they get creative with punctuation to help convey that tone are really funny)
i'm about halfway through and so far nothing seems overplayed; instead the game just fully commits to the bit without being obnoxious
mechanics are simple: play records, play ad tapes, take calls, and occasionally run through the station for clues
sadly, you can't photocopy your butt
BUT you can shoot hoops from your desk (with paper balls) and the game tracks how many you got
if you're a horror movie or game fan, if this sounds like you'd enjoy it, i can only recommend it! i'm not super good with horror or survival games, but i had an absolute blast with this. here's a couple of screenshots so you can see the aesthetic they're working with:
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it's got that cell-shaded telltale look -- easy on the eyes, colourful. and the carpets. my god
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fruitsofhell · 6 months
Yall, its time to ramble about visual/environmental storytelling cause this is silly article is driving me insane.
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I won't argue for if the game should have had more constant and involved cutscenes like Robobot or Star Allies, but what I will say is that this game is VERY rich in story through the world design. The Forgotten Land as opposed to say the Land of the Sky in TD or the entire galaxy of Star Allies is like, DROWNING in writing and narrative. It builds so much mystery and intrigue through the theming of every world and even individual levels, with exploring both how the people of the land originally lived and how it's being reclaimed by nature and the animals.
I think the closest things maybe is Robobot and Halcandra in RTDL, the former having great little designs that key you into WHAT Haltmann is doing and what makes it so toxic. Halcandra though is the ultimate grand-daddy, the contrast between it and the Lor, and Egg Engines and Dangerous Dinner is full of theming and clues about the nature and history of the planet. AND THAT IS STORY, THAT IS WRITING! Especially when compared to say Star Allies, where most of the levels of the levels are just ye average Kirby themed fluff with little to say about the Jamba or the state they've left the galaxy in. But when you play through the casino levels of Robobot, as well as delightful theming and level design, you see that Haltmann is erecting literally the most predatory entertainment centers imaginable. When you step off the sleek futuristic Lor into the scrapyards and wastes of Halcandra, you get fun intimidating final worlds, and a good grasp on *why* the people who made the Lor aren't around anymore, and may even start questioning why Magolor made such a great fuss of dragging you to this horrible place. Music is also deeply important to this storytelling. Each of the factories/towers erected in ever world of Robobot's theme is a remix usually of themes related to older mechanical levels, subtly clueing you into where Haltmann go their technology from. Outside the Lor rather than the comfortable motif of Green Greens is this almost comically suspicious and disoriented theme once you're stuck on Halcandra and returning to Magolor with more doubts about his words. The final level inside of the volcano house a theme that is teasing the twist to come, and the theme for fighting Landia before the big reveal is less triumphant, and more majestic and pensive. Possibly trying to evoke more hesitance than confidence, even if most people wouldn't catch on to that on a first run.
But the cooler thing, is that while Robobot has this cool theming at key levels, and RtDL does at the end, this type of shit is pervasive ALL throughout Forgotten Land. Every world and nearly every level is a unique, well thought-out set piece! You get to see abandoned towns, cities, malls, stores, factories, resorts, and an amusement park, each which serves as more than just a fun location, but a clear picture of the world and the state its in. This intent is made clearer through the music and tone that goes out of its way to not highlight the destruction of these areas but their beauty, wonder, and mystery through the eyes of an clueless animals and our favorite pink alien. The abandoned Alivel Malls theme is a track as upbeat and peppy as what must've played over it's speakers in it's hayday, because the hustle and bustle breathed back into it by the animals and Kirby just exploring this mysterious complex is just as lively. The theme of the Everbay Coast is peaceful and sunny despite the Holine ruins because it's as part of the scenery to the animals and Kirby as the picturesque palms and sands. And Wondaria!!!!!!!!! OMG WONDARIA WHERE TO EVEN BEGIN WITH EVERY FUCKING LEVEL AND THEME IN WONDARIA!!! THIS IS WHY I CAN'T TAKE THAT CLAIM SERIOUSLY - y'know when I cried at Forgotten Land? In world 3. Not because of a cutscene or a line of dialogue, but just from the sheer emotion the setting evoked in me. The sweet, laid-back, starry-eyed wonder that it expressed from Kirby mixed with my own sense of nostalgia being aware of what that place was, and how beautiful it was to see it rediscovered and adored by Kirby and the animals of the Forgotten Land. It evokes such a strong feeling of bittersweetness, of existential dread comforted by the knowledge that the simple joys and memories we create places like amusement parks to share will continue on as long as there is life in the world. And unlike some of my musings about past games, this was explicitly intentional. What truly brought the tears to my eyes was remembering an interview where the devs were explaining how they were trying to keep the tone light and Kumazaki said specifically they wanted to evoke peace and beauty rather than loss.
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LIKE THIS IS WRITING! This is storytelling, this is intention. It's just subtle, but not at all unimportant, and it ties into the more overarching plot. It raises the question constantly of where the people went that is answered by Forgo, and expresses the dichotomy between the simple innocence of the animals compared to the ambitions of the people who abandoned them and that is now possessing their leader. It creates stakes for Elfilis and Forgo's intentions to destroy everything so beautiful and pure about the current world, but as it absolves the current world of guilt, it puts into perspective JUST HOW LONG Forgo must have been locked away that things changed so much. And as softly as the exploits of the original people are portrayed by the game, knowing their treatment of Eliflis and Forgo as a thing of entertainment and tool for innovation is sickening placed in contrast with it. Like back to Wondaria, the way it shows how much space travel must have pervaded the imagination and escapism of the people either before or after Forgo's arrival is insanely smart. And it gives me chills in the best way seeing Kirby run around images of cartoon aliens from a civilization who would never meet him. Of Kirby, Elfilin, and Bandana sticking their head into a cardboard cutout of an astronaut meeting an alien, with the text "wish you were here" above in a script they don't even understand. A SCRIPT THE WRITERS MADE FOR THIS GAME SO THAT THEY COULD ADD MESSAGES LIKE THAT INTO THE WORLD FOR KEEN PLAYERS TO NOTICE AND MAKE CONNECTIONS. Like it's insane. The dedication the Hal Labs has to stuff like this is maddening! It's so sweet and heartfelt and crafty, I'm so pissed off how little respect it gets because people don't understand visual storytelling!!!!! Saying Forgotten Land is light on story is preposterous, it might just be one of the most finely crafted stories the series has had to date, and is just a really solid piece of science fantasy writing in general honestly. It is packed with environmental storytelling that drives me Up The Fucking Wall, Man.
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locke-rinannis · 2 years
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I—okay. Listen. Do I run around a lot in this game? Yes. Do I spend an unnatural amount of time looking for RP locations that perfectly match a scene I'm looking for? Probably. But over the course of years, I've found some pretty cool spots. And I'm going to share them with you!
Maybe you'll find inspiration to start something new in these areas, or maybe it'll help scratch an itch for a scene you've been wanting to do. Who knows! Just take them!
Also, these are locations found outside of major cities and aetherytes. This list is for people who want to get out into the overworld and away from crowds! (I’ve also tried to find places that are free of hostile mobs, NPCs, and FATEs.
I’ll likely make more posts for other zones, but the three starter regions are accessible for characters of all levels, and a good place to start!
Locations under the cut!
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LONE CAMPSITE - Middle La Noscea - X25, Y23 A single, simple campfire surrounded by a few crates and barrels. I think an NPC appears here for one specific quest, but otherwise it's empty! It’s not near any civilization, although you can see Limsa on the other side of the map.
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HIDDEN PIRATE SHIP - Western La Noscea - X10, Y18 A really cool ship hidden deep in the La Noscean map, which only became available once they added flight to older areas. You can land on the ship and the walkways that surround it. It’s really a unique and outstanding spot!
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HOUSE @ OSCHON'S TORCH - Lower La Noscea - X23, Y39 You can't enter the lighthouse on the hill (unfortunately), but you can go into the small house in front. It has a nice garden in the yard, and the interior is fairly simple and NPC-free.
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WAREHOUSE @ RED ROOSTER STEAD - Lower La Noscea - X31, Y21 I don't know why SE made this, to be honest. I've never seen a quest lead here. Nothing spawns, it just exists. Which is great! I wish they did this more. Anyway, it's a warehouse at Red Rooster Stead. A door in a cliffside, full of supplies and a table with chairs, and nothing else.
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PAVILLION @ CANDLEKEEP QUAY  - Lower La Noscea - X19, Y38 Previously inaccessible due to a gate blocking you off the pier, you can now fly over to this spot! This location is beautiful, especially at sunset, but unfortunately nothing is interactable. Unless you’re fine with /groundsit, you can't even sit on the chairs. But still, a quiet and interesting spot to meet!
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HOUSE @ THE SILVER BAZAAR - Western Thanalan - X17, 30 All of the buildings in the Silver Bazaar are great! This one is fantastic. It's completely empty inside and outside (except for a couple ambient NPCs on the railing up top). There’s a table and chairs under the awning outside, too.
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DESERT RUINS - Southern Thanalan - X19, Y17 There are a lot of nice ruins in the Thanalans, but this one in particular has a lot of potential. The only mobs around are some passive fire sprites, and there's an unopened chest in the back amidst all the crates and jars. Environmental storytelling!
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TAVERN @ CAMP DRYBONE - Eastern Thanalan - X13, Y24 I know I said I would make this list outside of major aetheryte areas, but this is the one exception I'll make. Only because it has no business being this good. Every chair at every table is available! It's a wonder!! A very nice little tavern.
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HOUSE @ THE GOLDEN BAZAAR - Eastern Thanalan - X10, Y16 The Golden Bazaar, like the Silver Bazaar, is all very useful. But there's one house in particular that is better than the others. This interior is big and extravagant and empty: three things we don't get very often in overworld locales!
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CRESCENT COVE - Western Thanalan - X15, Y17 If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: I love Crescent Cove. Every building is accessible! And although there are NPCs around, it's a fairly large area to work with. I’ve both led and participated in a lot of great plot events here. I like it a lot!
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LILYSTONE - Central Shroud - X28, Y30 A simple tent with a campfire in front, located next to a river. There are some low level aggressive mobs (level 11), but no NPCs or FATEs. I believe there's an early level quest around here, but I almost never see anyone. A neat campsite!
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SWEETBLOOM PIER - East Shroud - X10, Y22 This location is found immediately after you take the boat from Gridania to East Shroud. Most people just run right past it and head through the gates, but if you turn around, there are two buildings here! One is a grocer of some kind, and the other is a storage room. There are a couple NPCs, but nothing too intrusive.
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SPRIGGAN DIG - Central Shroud - X11, Y16 (Underground) Sometimes, when you're setting a scene, all you want is a simple cave. Just one simple darn cave. This spot provides! There are 2-3 caves to choose from, although each one contains at least one hostile mob and a patrolling golem (level 43). We take what we can get.
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SPIRITHOLD - Central Shroud - X26, Y25 This spot is great for its spooky ambience or for a dungeon/prison location. There are six small, empty jail cells against the walls. Just some small level mobs (level 9) wandering around, too.
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That’s it! I have several more, but I trimmed them out due to them being either fairly common knowledge (ie, Buscarron’s Druthers, Hermit’s Hovel) or just too many mobs cluttering the field. However! If you’re interested in more, let me know somehow, and maybe I’ll make a Part 2!
Until then, I’ll very likely follow up with more zones. I like exploring quite a lot.
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rosenfey · 12 days
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⊱ tagged by @thanekrios to recommend some books! I've been back to reading since last winter and it brings me so much joy so I'd absolutely love to talk more about books! ☕🌸
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1. — the last book I read:
GRIEF IS THE THING WITH FEATHERS by Max Porter. I just love Max Porter's writing style. It's unlike anything I've ever read before. The way he manages to capture some of the deepest, most confusing human emotions in such a succinct way without making them sound too saccharine is incredible.
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2. — a book i recommend:
HOLLOW PLACES by Christopher Hadley. This is my favourite book of all time. I used to sleep with it next to my pillow so the cover is crooked and worn and i love it so much. It's a non-fiction exploration about the life of a medieval legend, how it shaped through the years and affected people around it. It's very much an essay on human memory and culture and our desire to tell stories, inadvertently leaving pieces of ourselves in the narrative as we go. It's beautiful, it's touching, it's incredibly entertaining to read, and it makes me feel so much love inside. As someone who studied folklore and religion in university it is deeply personal for me to visit all the castle ruins and other places people from the past lived in. It's a way to connect with them and to see that even though we are so incredibly different, we are also incredibly similar in some aspects. And this book captures that so well.
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3. — a book that i couldn’t put down:
LANNY by Max Porter. Another fave from Max Porter. It's about this sleepy village and the eldritch horror forest being that stalks it and a little boy that is very much very strange. It's also a social commentary and an essay on environmental mindfulness. And it's incredible. I finished it in two days.
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4. — a book i’ve read twice (or more):
WITCHES ABROAD by Terry Pratchett. This is where I come out as a Discworld fan. They were a huge part of my childhood and I remember especially loving the books about wizards and the witches. This one was definitely my fave and I did read it basically in one day when I read it for the first time. And I loved it so much I came back to it.
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5. — a book on my tbr:
There are literally so many (I have a hoarding problem). But the most recent ones are: The Land of Maybe by Tim Ecott and Master and Margarita.
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6. — a book i’ve put down:
The Witcher series... The writing style is really not for me and the plot (and the blatant sexism and male fantasy type of storytelling) lost me after the 5th book (sorry).
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7. — a book on my wishlist:
Again, so many. I literally have two excel spreadsheets for my wishlisted books and it's getting out of hand. But the one I am especially keen on getting is A Natural History of Fairies, a beautifully illustrated little guide on fairy folklore.
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8. — a favorite book from childhood:
REAPER MAN by Terry Pratchett. I used to be terrified of death when I was a kid. I still am but now I at least know he loves cats, has a horse called Binky, and supports labor workers.
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9. — a book you would give to a friend:
WEIRD MEDIEVAL GUYS by Olivia Swarthout. If you are my friend then you know that I am absolutely normal (read "insane") about marginalia art. And this book has some of the silliest ones available for your thine pleasure (I would not want to fuck with a rabbit that has a bomb. Or a cat with a massive club. Or the snail with those grabby hands. Like nu-uh. They would grab me. With their hands. Cuz. Ya know... we still friends right???)
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10. — a book of poetry or lyrics you own:
KYTICE by Karel Erben. Okay this is me being Slavic but also not generally into poetry much (as in I don't collect poetry books) but. I adore Kytice. It's a collection of ballads that center around monsters from slavic mythology (eat it witcher I mean I am sorry I just don't like the witcher please don't leave me come back I swear I am more than just a hater listen to me baby give me a chance) and they range from brutally sad to tragic to super gruesome and gory (okay most of them are pretty gory. but in a poetic way). Anyway I am not sure if they were translated to English yet but there is a movie and hopefully that one has subtitles (if not I am gonna learn how to make subtitles because I need people to see it).
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11. — a non-fiction book you own:
DON'T TELL MY HORSE by Zora Neale Hurston. Because we need to mention more classical works by people of color. This is basically an anthropological view on the Haitian + Jamaican voodoo beliefs and it's so incredibly intricate and interesting to read I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the subject or just wants to broaden their range of classical literature.
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12. — what are you currently reading:
Alice in Wonderland. I got the prettiest edition for my birthday so I am revisiting my childhood. :3
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13. — what are you planning on reading next:
The Land of Maybe by Tim Ecott. It's a book about the slow life and nature of the Faroe Islands which is where I am staying at currently!
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⊱ tagging (I am not sure who exactly reads from my mutuals so I will be using my regular tag list, feel free to ignore <3):
@lutebard﹒@nokstella﹒@pavus﹒@gothimp﹒and you ♡ — (un)like this post to be added / removed.
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xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx · 1 month
I got bored and remembered I can make cc so uh
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There it is, I guess. The soup in all its glory.
I will say, though, I think it looks a lot better when I draw it. And I think I know why.
I'm sure a lot of it is just me being shitty at making cc (this is like the second thing I've successfully made) but I think the biggest factor is that there's no real environmental storytelling behind it.
I mean, look at Ripp. That isn't the face of someone who's going crazy and being taken over by forces he can't begin to comprehend. That's a silly little guy! A jovial young fellow who looks like he lost a fight with a bucket of paint. The fact that it completely eats his eyelashes is kinda freaky but there's nothing really... happening to him, I guess? It just looks like you could scrub it off in the shower and he'd be fine.
When I draw him getting pink souped, though, it's rough. He looks genuinely unwell. As it turns out, the creepiest part of pink soup isn't the pink itself (though it is a bit weird to see something so unnatural take over someone's body), it's everything outside of it.
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His skin is pale, he looks dazed and scared and sick and, above all else, exhausted. This doesn't look like a shitty face paint job, it looks like something that's slowly killing him. The pink soup on its own isn't that hard to look at, but seeing him with dark, unfocused eyes and messy hair and distress visible on his face is fucked up. You can tell that something is draining him, something that doesn't seem easy to fight off, something that only seems to be getting worse. He's scared. His friends are scared. Nobody knows what's going on, and nobody knows how to fix it.
And the fact that he looks so sick almost makes the pink soup scarier on its own. There's this giant, inorganic thing completely taking over a good chunk of this kid's body, and he looks like he's about to collapse from it. If he was still happy and vibrant under all of that, it wouldn't be so bad, but... fuck, what is that stuff? What is it going to do to him?
That's what I have to keep in mind. The concept of pink soup being some kind of weird rash thing is kinda spooky in a fear-of-the-unknown Lovecraftian bullshit sense, but the scariest part of it isn't how it looks. It's what it's doing to the people underneath it.
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sushisocks · 6 months
bro it makes me so mad how ppl say sean didn’t need a break after getting recused by the bounty hunters becuz he got a party but whats ur opinions on it???
Obviously, I think way too much about Sean, and read very much into a lot of smaller things when it comes to him. I imagine the people who say Sean didn't need a break after his rescue would think I read too much into his character, and I may perhaps even be hit with a 'its not that deep bro', but that has never really stopped me, lol.
And I will wholeheartedly disagree with those who say he did not need a break. I think believing that, taking this aspect at face value, is disregarding one of the game's strongest points; environmental storytelling. A lot of what we learn about the gang members in this game, is through just hanging out at camp. Not only do you get to be privy to scenes and interactions that tell us about the interpersonal dynamics, but the characters also have daily routines and habits that tell you things about them!
And see, in Horseshoe, sometimes Sean walks funny at camp even without having had anything to drink ahead of time. You could read this as a bug but I personally think there's a more obvious reason behind it. He's quick to sit down or lean against things, during his shifts on watch AND otherwise. Other people here on tumblr have pointed out how he barely eats, or clearly struggles to.
Now consider what Sean actually TELLS us, in his rescue mission. He had his teeth pulled, his feet burned. And I don't know about you, but that sure does sound like things that would leave a mark - not necessarily a visible one, but one that would affect behavior, because pain does.
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I was on painkillers for days after. I also had one done at a time, so that I could use the opposite side of my mouth to chew my food while one side healed, and I still struggled to eat.
Do you think Sean was shown the same courtesy?
He has a front tooth missing - in what world is eating comfortable? Do you think he has the strength, then, to be up on his feet all the time? Feet which, most likely, are still healing from being burned??? Like, what is the logic in taking Sean being fine at face value, here?? Do we actually believe Dutch is a good and competent leader, now?!?
And like, I'll say it, Sean 100% played down what he'd been through. I could go on at length about my thoughts about the reasons why, as pertaining to the role he performs in the gang, excitement and relief and adrenaline about being free again, not wanting to appear weak, etc etc. But I also do think, then, that it's almost a little bit silly to not extend him the same courtesy as we do many of the other characters of this game, and consider what this experience might actually have been like for him.
Sean, Arthur, and Javier were all kidnapped and tortured. All three of them. And they all had it real fucking bad. Can we, like, let ourselves sit with that for a moment? And acknowledge that Sean had it just as bad as the other two??
He was also stuck in that situation for the longest!!! At least two fucking weeks, minimum, while Javier and Arthur's experiences were for -- two to four days?
The difference is of course that Arthur and Javier both had their experiences shown on screen, and they both got to rest afterwards.
Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent, back to the party thing.
Ultimately, Sean is given a party because the gang needs a party. They are still recovering after Blackwater and Colter; they are in dire need of levity and fun, which is given through something to celebrate. They need a distraction. These are the things which Sean performs and gives the gang; the party isn't even really for him; it's for what he represents, and what his return represents. The party isn't what he needs, and he sure as hell was not well enough to just jump back into action.
What he needs, what he should have had, is a break after the shit he went through. He wasn't given permission for that though, not from their leader and not socially from anyone else, and furthermore he didn't really give himself permission for it. You have to do his rescue mission before pouring forth oil, because the second Sean is back, he's looking for jobs, and he wants in on the train robbery.
He's working, immediately.
(The fact that people actually believe him lazy just because he doesn't do as much as Arthur, the gang's workhorse, after returning from being held and tortured by bounty hunters, is insane to me. Yall are gonna believe Arthur about that?? According to him, all the guys in camp save Charles are lazy!)
Idk, what I find the strangest about takes like these is like... Most of the other characters are worthy of discussion, analysis, and discourse. But - not even the game, but characters in the game, who show themselves to have their own faults and prejudices as well - tell us Sean is lazy and easy-going and fun and that's all he is, and we believe it? Where did the critical thinking go??
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bisexualamy · 8 months
I see people talk about fanfiction and novels being different mediums a lot, and while I don’t necessarily disagree, I don’t feel like I understand either. In your opinion, what makes them different mediums from each other? What decides that two things are separate mediums like in general? It’s totally cool if you don’t wanna answer this btw, I know it’s kind of a lot
No worries I think that's an interesting question! With any categories, the boundaries on this are going to be fuzzy, but the reason I believe they're different mediums is that fundamentally, on a metatextual level, the languages are different. What do I mean by this? Let's use film as an example, a medium that I'd argue is very obviously a different medium than novels, even if we may not be able to articulate all the reasons why.
What are some attributes of film that differentiate it from novels (another storytelling medium) or paintings (another visual medium)? Films and novels are both storytelling mediums, but films have visual and auditory components. They also mainly consist of storytelling through visual cues and dialogue. Exposition is given visually or in media res by characters speaking. In a novel, your omniscient narrator giving you a few paragraphs of background on your main characters is common, and so expected it probably flies over the reader's head. In a film, a narrator doing the exact same thing for all the main characters often comes off clumsy. It takes you out of the story in a film, where it doesn't in a novel.
Film is also a time-based medium. A film unfolds over time, and you cannot experience the entire film in one moment or glance. That's not true of a painting (at least traditionally). With a painting, you can view the whole painting in one look. Now, you can sit with a painting, pick out details, analyze the craft or ponder it for a long time and watch as new aspects jump out at you. Fundamentally, however, if you wanted to view a whole painting in one look, you can, and it would still make sense. You cannot do that with a film. On the other hand, a painting is typically not an auditory experience. To do so would be an experimental use of the form. In modern film-making, the exact opposite is true. Music, dialogue, and environmental sound, all of these things are essential to how a film tells a story. To not use them would be considered experimental or odd.
These are three different mediums with three different "languages" in how they interact with their audience. They may share parts of their languages, like I said above, but they don't speak the same language. What works well for one medium can come off clumsy or strange in another.
I believe fanfic and novels have sufficiently different languages that they should be considered different mediums. Both of them are short or long form written mediums telling some sort of story. But fanfic's relationship to its source material is such an inherent trait that novels do not have. The relationship doesn't have to be positive (it's often, in fact, argumentative or strained or dismissive), but the relationship exists. Even in AU fanfiction. Even in fics full of OCs.
In canon compliant and even canon divergent fics, this relationship is more obvious. These fics are both conversations with the source material as much as they are stories. They're playing in the author's sandbox, or they're wrecking their sandcastle and building something else. They're saying "I like/dislike what you did with this specific story, and I'm going to show you that by rewriting or expanding it." They take large aspects of the author's story whole cloth: the characters, the setting, the magic system, the tech, etc.
These fanfics often have little exposition at the top because they presume a familiarity with the characters, the world, or both. This alone makes them really different from novels. Creatively and seamlessly integrating exposition, immersing your audience in a new world and convincing them to stay, is a really important aspect of a novel that these fics don't have to contend with. This alone fundamentally changes how you'd structure a story.
For AU fics, both fics in AU settings and AU fics full of OCs, the above still applies. These fics are still a conversation with the source material. Something about the source material compelled an author to flip it and remix it and change it around. That conversation might be "in the source material, these characters suffered, and I don't want them to suffer any longer" or it could be "I felt the story had a vacancy that this OC fills" or it could be "if these characters had the time/awareness/ability to grow closer, they would've fallen in love." These are all direct commentaries on the original work.
An exercise that I believe illustrates this point the best is to try and adapt an AU fanfic to an original work. Try to file the serial numbers off. I've done this with some of my fic, and it just doesn't work. You don't realize how much you presume the audience knows until you have to cater to an audience who knows nothing of the source material. That hilarious joke you wrote? Turns out it's only funny because it's a nod to this character's original characterization. This awesome climatic plot point that ties the whole story together? Turns out in relies on a specific bit of lore, a quirk of the magic system, or an aspect of the character's past history or personality. Now that this is a novel, you have to back-fill all of that exposition. And you can try to do that, but watch how your story gets clunky and bloated. You will have to start viciously killing your darlings, as you realize that your favorite scene is beautiful in a fic, but sounds awkward and out of place in a novel. Soon, you're basically just rewriting the whole thing to fit a different medium.
Many fanfic writers are extremely talented. And much of that talent, that wit, that perfect line that you can't get out of your head, is integrally informed by your knowledge of the source material. The irony falls flat without having read the source books. The relationships suddenly feel shallow when you don't have seasons of backstory to deepen them. You do not realize how much of fanfic writing consists of this back and forth until you go looking for it.
And here's the thing: if your fanfic has a totally AU setting and it consists of completely original characters, I'd argue that's just a novel posted to AO3. If all you need to do is change the names to make it work, that's a novel. This is why Clueless is inspired by Jane Austen's Emma and not an AU fanfic of it. If you've never read Emma, if you went into Clueless not knowing that Emma was the inspiration for it, you'd perfectly understand the movie.
In fanfic, the source material is always present. It can be obviously present with canon compliant fic. It can be antagonistically present with canon divergent or AU fic. And it is still present, floating in the background, with totally AU fic. Ultimately, the changes a fanfic author makes to the source material are, themselves, as integral to the fanfic as the words on the page. It is a dialogue with the source material: what it did well, what it could've done better, what this author believes is the essence of the story, or the world pushed to its limit, that even though we're in space or in a coffee shop or 1920s New York, we're still, on some level talking about the source material.
This is an aspect of fanfic I love that novels do not have. Novels have a lot of other great stuff! I love novels! But while novels are often engaged in a dialogue with their present society or their predecessors in a genre, that conversation is much more nebulous than it is with fanfic. You can read Slaughterhouse-Five or Gravity's Rainbow, and while knowing their contexts helps you understand them on a deeper level, that is unnecessary to their enjoyment. They are fundamentally more standalone works than fanfic will ever be.
This is ultimately why I think comparing fanfic and novels is comparing apples to oranges. They're different mediums. They use different languages. They require different skills and they fill different artistic niches. You might as well be comparing a film to a painting just because they're both visual art.
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islib · 9 months
I finally finished Phil's VOD and oh gods the birdhouse
It's fucking brilliant environmental storytelling, both in-universe by the Federation and in meta by the admins.
Like, you come up to it and it's spruce and kinda reminiscent of O!Phil's house, so you get to say 'yeah Tallulah would build this, it's like Wilbur's and Phil's style combined'
but the windows are dark, but in a way you can excuse by 'there are no torches inside' - especially if you're looking through shaders which make shadows deeper and light brighter
and you walk in and it's filled with birds and pets in cages - because both the kids love their pets and have tons of them in the bunker
and there's bushes and flowers, because that's how the bunker's decorated
and it's clearly built for flying, there are places to perch on and things you can't easily reach if you can't launch yourself in the air or glide a little, following the 'hatching/fledging' idea planted by the book Phil got
but you have to turn the corner to actually notice what is wrong (because the Federation needs Phil to walk fully inside so they can trap him)
I wish I could watch it back for more detail because I had more thoughts *while* I was watching, but it hurts way too much, I think I'll have to wait until Phil's freed...
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Lawspeaker (Cleric Archetype)
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(art by Larian718 on DeviantArt)
In nations where lawful deities are favored, It only makes sense that their system of law and judgement would go hand in hand with the divine, and such was the case in the nation of Yamasa, which once acted as the breadbasket nation to Lirgen and beyond.
That is, until the death of Aroden and the Eye of Abendego opened, the permanent hurricane laying both nations to ruin. Many perished, and the survivors either adapted or fled. The former degenerated into lawlessness and monstrous cruelty, but the latter took many of their traditions with them to the Matanji orcs, who welcomed them with open arms.
One such tradition is the lawspeaker, clerics of the gods of law that specialize in using divine power to provide fair and honest judgement on all sorts of matters.
Though Yamasa is long gone, the tradition has stayed alive, and spread beyond their faiths and culture to others.
Even outside of the Lost Omens setting, however, the idea of a cleric that is especially well-prepared to act as a judge or barrister isn’t far-fetched at all, and we’ll soon see exactly what they bring to the table!
These priests must naturally value the rule of law, and only gain one domain, which must be Law or one of it’s subdomains.
In exchange for the other domain, they gain the ability to sacrifice some of the energy used for channeling in order to cast various useful spells for mediating disputes and passing judgement, from sensing lies to preventing falsehood in their presence to bridging language barriers to seeing through and removing magical deceptions, and even leveling the playing field by suppressing all magic.
A simple archetype, but one that proves very useful for defeating deception and making good judgement calls with good info, and all it really costs is a single domain to get it, so you can still build these clerics pretty much however you wish beyond the domain choice. I recommend a few feats spent on extra channel so you have plenty of energy to both channel normally and use one of the many spells in that arsenal.
A question I didn’t address at the start of this entry is why these divinely-backed judges would go adventuring, but remember again that this archetype hails from a region of the Mwangi Expanse, which is the Lost Omens very own fantasy Africa. And much like Africa, the region is known for it’s vast stretches of Serengeti, rainforests, and other forms of wilderness that mean trekking across wild terrain to get anywhere. What’s more, many smaller villages may lack the size to have a system of local law beyond the elder’s word. This is where wandering judges join wandering storytellers in their circuit of visiting these villages to offer their services and resolve complicated disputes and criminal cases. Even outside of such an environment, the circuit judge is something seen in many cultures, so if said judge is also spends time directly righting wrongs as an adventurer, it only makes sense to do so.
The technomagical corporation of Hexcraft long ago used their wealth and political power to erode not just the environmental laws that inhibited their factories in the city of Collandyr, but also weakened the power of the local government, making them the de facto rulers of the city. However, due to an ancient bylaw wandering judges still hold greater authority, which is why Hexcraft has a vested interest in keeping them away from the city.
The party is captured by ogres while escorting a wandering lawspeaker. Things seem hopeless until the judge gets the ogres talking and it becomes clear that there is a schism in the tribe which quick words and a little support from the party might be able to solve, and give them a fighting chance at escaping too.
Many have heard tales of the zana, a species of warrior fey that use their might to right wrongs, but few have ever met one. One exception to this is Judge Otoko, who has befriended many on his journeys. Tracking down the wandering lawgiver could be the perfect way to arrange an audience of such a being and petition them for aid.
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